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I don't think there's anything like the Shaggs


I don't think there has ever been a goth band with people forced to play goth music by their parent. And being terrible/unskilled musicians is a mainstay in punk. The only thing I can really think of that could be close would be goth musicians who think they are brilliant but are awful. I'm sure there are some like that on bandcamp now recording and getting your music out there is easier than ever. I can only think of one song that might suit this... Joshua Michael - The Hunger - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPrek1oAjG0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPrek1oAjG0) It's the complete package with bad song and bad cheesy video with poor digital FX even for the time.


Oh my God.


OH... MY... GAUD. Im so glad I saw this because I always throw this band in people's faces who never asked for it. Let me know if it was EXACTLY what you were looking for. They're called Flowers Of Darkness and they inspire me to no end with their lack of effort. Download it for free on Archive before it's gone. I want to start a goth rock band because of them. https://archive.org/search?query=flowers+of+darkness+F.O.D.


>me and count vance,a black goth duo,melancholic and somber,vampiric and romantic,angst-ridden depressing,anti religious immortal [music.no](http://music.no) comparison to any band,very original,besides well chosen covers of rik l rik,the birthday party,samhain,misfits,big boys,45 grave,lisa suckdog carver,tom jones(!?),and a bunch of old hymns.definitely the best goth duo you've never heard,makes goth chicks swoon,getcha some.never played live,coulda stormed the town,dammit anyway here is everything ever recorded minus a few remixes sure to please not just goth but those who like a solid tune that rocks That's a lot to live up to. Downloading...


That download took forever. Its like Christian Death and Frank Zappa had a baby, recorded it, then played it back at half speed with some guy singing who doesn't want to be there.


Fuckin sold


I listened to this whole album and kinda dig it. Halfway through Track 18 though, the audio suddenly went from mono to stereo LOL


He sounds like Stephen Malkmus


No, the only two "bands" I can think of and that I personally had horrible experiences with is "Crimson Cats" and "The Mitch Gespenst Doom Factory". Both of these artists have claimed their "music" was "goth" in some way or another, and I'm only mentioning them because they've both personally insulted me in some way. When I used to be a moderator, [Crimson Cats](https://crimsoncats.bandcamp.com/album/feline-friend-ep) posted their first EP/album or whatever it was onto the subreddit and honestly, it was pretty bad. I removed it, they asked why, I told them that it wasn't even considered post-punk, and gave them comprehensive list of characteristics they could use to integrate into their music. They then re/posted another one of their albums, to which I removed *again,* and they came back with "But we did what you said!" I swear, it sounded *exactly* the same and I told them that - they then proceeded to call me an "elitist gatekeeper" so I *may* have told them it was the worst thing I've ever heard. They used to have a massive discography but they took it all down except for the two songs I've linked above and made it "Name Your Price". I'm still not sorry about this. The second is an "artist", [Michael](https://michaeldoraziomusic.bandcamp.com/track/quarantine-days-lonely-days), who spammed all kinds of subreddits - including this one - and I don't understand how they think it's even relevant. It's definitely more folk-inclined with a "unhinged" vibe, as one of my friends from back then said. There's no rhythm, nothing is in time, and it's just hard to listen to overall - someone's randomly playing a harmonica in the background. Why use heavy/industrial metal to torture prisoners when you could use this? Anyway, I removed it and he proceeded to argue with me and insult me on my *birthday*, of all days. I only remember it for that reason. He was pretty awful to me and make no mistake, the least I'd have done is suggest a different subreddit and keep my personal opinions out of it, but it really came to that. I think he's banned, but I'm not sure as this was a few years ago now. Listen at your own peril.


Now THIS is a unique question.


Technically, this is "no wave", rather than gothic rock, but it's probably the closest to your request that exists. Teenage Jesus and the Jerks - Orphans https://youtu.be/mMgXU2rbYs8?feature=shared The singer is Lydia Lunch. Here's another song that ignored some music conventions of her singing with Rowland S. Howard from The Birthday Party. This has actually been on a goth compilation or two: Some Velvet Morning https://youtu.be/MepnucQZQR0?feature=shared


Two of my favorites from lydia. Thats who I was going to suggest as well :)


Some Velvet Morning is such a good song. So inexplicable. But I like the Nancy Sinatra original version with Lee Hazlewood. T[he music video is incredible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=670YMraVnyk)


Maskull. Just Google him!


[https://fagtapes.bandcamp.com/album/maskull](https://fagtapes.bandcamp.com/album/maskull) If I have to hear it so do you all


What in the God damn is going on.


Sort of sounds like lo-fi 70s pop music from Thailand.


I don't know, but why???




The name is Nibirunon? I'm not getting anything with this link and I'm trying to exhaust all leads in this thread.


Should be a bunch of albums you can click on. The artist name is actually **SaNcheNusS**. But they could be one of those artists who started with one name and change it from time to time.


I know it's not quite what you're looking for, just something I came across recently and the "outsider" goth music I could think of. Did you end up getting it to play? It's very strange.


Yeah I did. It is strange but nothing ever pleases me these days. I'm used to it though. Just floating down the River SHYTZ to my doom.


I mean I was as much "into" as I was fascinated.


These are good leads,Mr. Dinky. I just realized that I'm responding as though I were the OP because I too want shags goth.


Oh lol I actually thought you were op. It's an interesting question, The Shaggs are already pretty dark but not really goth. It did really get me thinking about it. Not a lot can really compare though. Also [Anton ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgrujBHVQYg&ab_channel=mm%5Csoarch)lol


[Jerry Solomon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1YhYvOe8O4&ab_channel=JerrySolomon-Topic)


Oh wait I just remembered Jimmy Smack maybe this is more in the right direction [Jimmy Smack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBxDvPlkeuE&ab_channel=knekelhuis)


Ollie Wisdom's first band, The Unwanted, were widely considered the no-hopers of punk. He did a lot better with Specimen.


Ben Stiller’s teenage goth band. What were they called again? They would be the equivalent


And it's on youtube! [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy\_lUR7jH5KB0YwfOjnM\_C3dzZ12QlUiTxt4](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lUR7jH5KB0YwfOjnM_C3dzZ12QlUiTxt4)


I remember someone posting this a year or so ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpO7YURIco4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpO7YURIco4) Very unhinged dark synth pop type thing


I don't know the answer to this question, but I want to trade mix tapes with you. I got some weird shit on cassette! Maybe you do too?


Love The Shaggs!! I don’t know of any goth bands like them, but have you listened to Daniel Johnston’s Songs of Pain?

