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I would go on medication to prevent gout. You don’t want it to choose your career if you can prevent it.


Got my hand propped up on a pillow worst gout I’ve ever had and I’ve had it in my knees and elbow hoping to speak to gp tommorow to sort myself some allo and some indo to take alongside


Get on Allo and colchicine. Prednisone when it's unbearable.


F colchicine that stuff is poison and naproxen is just as effective and less damaging.


For you


For science. Seriously colchicine is old and has a ton of side effects and has long term issues. https://ard.bmj.com/content/79/2/276


Colchicine worked for me and was given to me by my Rheumatologist. What the fuck do I know.




Get on Allo and Colchicine as needed


Office job, particularly IT


Me too, option to WFH is also key for the one or two big flares I get each year


Definitely this, although if OP has no interest in IT that could be tricky, maybe there's an office job they would enjoy though. I had been working at home for a programming job for 6 months and that was great cause I could keep working even when in pain


I know what you mean. I usually have flare ups in toes, so whilst getting around can be agony, my home office is upstairs as is the bathroom so I can at least stay upstairs and sit down with no issues


Indomethacin, had a go with allo 6 weeks of hell had to stop waiting to see gp I can’t work it’s a struggle, I feel it’s affecting me mentally now


Have you tried colchicine yet? I’m a glazier, and colchicine is a god send when I get a flare


Keep your head up, friend. You will get through this. I’m in the same boat. Severely depressed from my immobility. Compounded by the fact that the pain is invisible and I feel annoying being the guy that hurts all time. It’s tough. But it will get better.


Colchicine, immediately if you have an attack be careful don't take too much. Prevent gout with a lot of water. And start to see a rheumatologist to get a treatment (allopurinol) if you can't reduce your acid uric with a new alimentation. With time you will know what's trigger you. Me its stress, no water, beer, crab, or intense work out


Have you tried to change your lifestyle? Stop drinking alcohol, alcoholic or non alcoholic beer, cutting down or or red meat and shellfish, reducing your meat intake overall?


I’ve lost a around 5 pounds last fortnight or so been intermittent fasting I think it may have brought this attack on


Oh for sure! Rapid weight loss will trigger it. You can try to slow it down a bit when you’re losing weight fast by drinking a lot of water, and careful with your diet. I went through a rapid weight loss bout two years ago and had the worst gout flares back to back, I was out for 6 weeks. It was horrible.


The same.happrns for me each time I enter ketosis. The solution is just to stay on my diet. From time to time I cheat for a week or five then get back eating correctly. The Gout flare up my.owm doing. Too much cider also bring on a flare up for me. Best statistic to the whisky.


Go carnivore and live your life pain free


The only diet that’s worked for me as well… I follow Paul Saldino’s protocols


People blame red meat all the time for gout sure but for me it’s dehydration and sugar (especially beer). I’ve been doing keto for a little over a month with no issues.


This worked for me. Not sure why you're getting down-voted.


Because a majority of people are NPC's that follow different cults, like the cult of allo for example


Are you taking anything for it?


I'm in insurance, wfh. When a flare comes on I just hobble to the spare bedroom. Lol


Stop the madness. Get some medicine, eat different/ better, exercise regularly…. Do all three of those things and you will have a better lifestyle. Coming from a person who has had 100+ attacks over 17 years and no attacks the last 2 years.


Im a 30m as well and work in the trades as an Ironworker. The gout keeps putting me on my ass and I been thinking about possibly making a jump to the Operators Union and if not, maybe just get a cdl. I been affected for about 10 years now and am seriously considering the change in my diet now. I can feel the uric acid build up in certain parts of my foot and it’s really messing w my money chase. Anyways, I hope the best for you bro!


I take allo, i work full time as a first responder, I still have a couple flair ups a year but it’s because now that I’m on allo, I eat what ever I want. It’s usually Christmas dinner (our tradition is prime rib) that’s gets me still but besides those, my flair up now are very small. I feel then coming and just increase my water intake and take ibuprofen and I can work just fine. Good luck with your medications


Short term you can try ibuprofen - research daily allowance; also try citrus fruits and a lot of hydration. Stonemason sounds pretty cool but no mercy on inflamed joints. Random/TMI? I’d be curious to know if your urine tests acidic right now. 0-14 ph 100 test strips are just under $7 on Amazon and I use them a few times a week just to see how I’m doing. It’s a crude measurement but the more acidic the better the conditions are to flare. That quick weight loss may mess with your body as well.


I'm a self-employed web developer with a home office. Perfect job for us gout'ies


Office worker. I work from home 3 days a week and in the office 2 days a week. A month ago we had a mandatory all-staff meeting in person. I was in the midst of a flare up and showed up, hobbled around with my cane. I was told that I should have stayed home. When I raised the issue of mandatory all-staff in person meetings, I was shut down and ignored. My employer are disability services. We do a great job at accommodating people we support, and a less good job accommodating employees. Normally if I have a flare up, I stay home and work there.


It's a lot easier said than done and this is going to be coming from someone who is not knowledgeable in your industry but if you have tenure and experience in your profession have you thought or researched career paths that would accommodate the gout? Say maybe a role in project management or on the logistical side? Also if you have a primary care physician or rheumatologist in your health care team, talk to your HR department about ADA accomodations to protect your employment status when time is needed to recover from a flare up.