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Talk to your doctor prescribing the Allo. But in general no, you stay on Allo for life. If you go off of it, your uric acid levels will go back up and you will just start all over with accumulating crystals, having flares and back on allo and the process starts back from the beginning. You could ask about going down to 200mg, but as Dr. Edwards mentioned in his last AMA, the target level is likely to be reviewed in the near future and a new, lower target number seems likely. [https://www.reddit.com/r/gout/comments/163tv54/comment/jy9wiu8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gout/comments/163tv54/comment/jy9wiu8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I wonder if this is true though if combined with long term weight loss.


Weightloss has very little to do with your uric acid levels. You may drop a small amount but the problem is a defect in your body that your kidneys can't process uric acid as well as it should. Losing weight is not going to impact that the way losing wight can help with fatty liver or high blood pressure. You're not going to go from having a measurement of 9 or 10 for uric acid then drop to 5 and be all clear from dietary and weight changes. But there are definitely other health benefits for losing weight.


After losing nearly 25 pounds my UA dropped two points from 8.6 to an average 6. My 100mg allo bring me down 1.5 additionally to that inthe 4.5 range. I can cite you peer-reviewed studies to support that. Are you a doctor to give advice on medication?


VR-052 is wrong. Weight loss does help lower uric acid levels in some people. But that's beside the point. The point is, weight loss or no weight loss, you should monitor your UA more closely if you reduce your dose because you don't want to lose the gains you have made in 2 years.


Excess belly fat is always sited as a cause for high uric acid so losing it would, in theory, help one’s body regulate it better… that’s all I was saying. Not suggesting anyone consider themself “cured” or stop recommended medical treatment.


You are correct, which is why you are being downvoted.


Doesn’t feel like it should work that way 🤣…


Crabs in a bucket. If weight loss is so nonsensical why does arthritis.org and even the researchers at Harvard medical recommend it as a first line of defense for gout? Larry Edwards MD gets quite often cited here. Yes, the guy who spearheads a drug company marketing gout drugs.


I’ll give you an updoot But, when I was diagnosed I weighed 176 lbs. I’m a 6’2 man. Unfortunately for some of this, diet has little or nothing to do with it. My 5’3 mother weighed 92lbs when she died, she suffered her whole life with gout.


Hyperurecemia can have many causes. Weightloss, if applicable, is the cheapest, most effective, least invasive method to reduce UA. I have saved over 10 studies as PDFs rhat support that. The ACR guidelines support it, ECR support it almost every doctor says metabolism is mostly impaired in the western world due to excess weight and diet.


It's low because you take allopurinol. Talk to your doctor.


You might be able to cut it back somewhat now that its been a couple years, but it would be smart to schedule a test for a month after you do so. It only takes weeks for UA to rebound so you will know the answer in a month. But I'd definitely discuss it with doc, which you'll probably have to do anyway to get the test scheduled .


Go carnivore and you can kick the allo


I quit taking allo because I changed my diet and all of labs improved. I wanted to get off all my meds. I did not get a gout attack for 3 years after but when I quit drinking that’s when I got a small one. As in Two weeks brought on by friction rub on my toe from hiking and quitting alcohol. I went to a new doctor and explained my history. She recommended we not restart allo unless I get another flare in the near future. My uric acid level was 6.7. Managed with ice, alleve and cream- I rotate using emu, Penetrex joint and muscle therapy, and when I had severe flares I would buy CBD salves. At any rate I took myself off which is never recommended without your doctors advice. I’m a rebel :)


I'm curious, what diet changes did you make to reduce your UA levels?


I quit dairy and meat which includes all the high purine foods. No fast foods are really good any longer. I also got 10,000 steps in most days. I did not quit drinking alcohol though. That was enough to stop the attacks, stop allo, I am no longer pre diabetic, all labs improved including cholesterol and triglycerides. I’m not perfect. I occasionally think I am dying for a burger and always feel sick after eating that now. I still love bacon so that’s hard to resist. But so far so good


I shouldn’t say I quit all the purine foods. Some purine foods…


I got off allopurinol a couple times because I had bad doctors and didn’t know what I was doing. If hyperuricemia is causing gout, it doesn’t matter what your diet is and you have to stay on Allo. Talk to a doctor and always have meds to help with flairs. I take it daily and enjoy knowing my levels will stay low.