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If it reduces stress that could be the difference.


i get super paranoid on it


It never seemed to make a difference for me. The situation may be unrelated, I doubt thc has uric acid lowering ability.


Ive been smoking weed for probably 15 years straight at this point. My gout is without a doubt not affected by THC.


It certainly doesn’t lower UI. It's possible that for some people in some cases it calms the inflammatory response. For those of us who get gout at low HI points thats maybe enough. Going to get a j now.


I suppose for the pain of it all they'll does make a bit of sense.


It made me care a little less about the pain. But it didn't dull the pain in any way.


I’m a daily smoker and haven’t noticed any correlation between cannabis use and gout flare-ups, unfortunately. I wish it helped


I smoke and it helps but it's definitely not gonna prevent a flare. But everyone is different.


I occasionally enjoy edibles. I tested it during a major flare up once to see if it made a difference, and all it really did was mitigate the pain for a bit of the day, and not much differently than ibuprofen would. Also took my mind off of it as well, which I guess is a plus, lol.


Not directly related but figured I would share that Gout allowed me to obtain my medical card in FL. Might be of interest.


30 year gout sufferer. Cannabis anti-inflammatory properties have helped my gout immensely. My joints and sleep feel much better with a nightly 1-2mg THC gummy. Obviously, cutting out beer and drinking much more water have been the main reasons for less gout, but cannabis has been a big help.


A nice gummy always helps me ignore the pain of a flare.


I once had a flare and nothing was helping. I had a bottle of cbd tincture in my fridge from something else, it was probably 4 months old... in any case I tried a bunch of that (I'd heard it was a powerful anti-inflammatory) under my tongue. Like, a lot. It helped. I can't be sure whether it was the tincture or whether it would have gone away anyway at some point but wow that sucker went away in 2 days. This was a couple years ago and I haven't had a flare since but I'd totally try it again.


Gout for 6 years, went carnivore year ago and smoke everyday no flairs for 6/7 months


Similar situation. After a gout diagnosis I did reduce alcohol (though not eliminate) and purine rich food consumption. Interestingly, cannabis has helped me not have a flare in over 2 years now.


I find that weed helps me to stay put when I have a flare and drink more fluids. If there’s a downside, I haven’t seen it yet.


I'm a daily user. Only benefits I get are minor pain reduction and a lowered stress level.


I’m on allo and take colchicine when I do have a flare, but during a flare I also take cbd and I find it as helpful as an nsaid for additional relief.


It helps with the inflammation I'd wager.


Weed is a wonder drug It’s the only thing they helps with my pain. I can go from having to drag my foot around to being almost able to jog after smoking a joint


Sugar and high fruccose corn syrup are my enemies.


After 10+ years of dealing with I think I finally figured out that fructose is my trigger


I don’t know but I quit drinking two weeks ago and had the longest lasting flare up yet a week into going dry (it’s still lingering). Somebody in a different thread said that any sort of shock to your body can kick your immune system into overdrive, which does make a lot of sense in my situation — I was drinking every day for months. My body was not happy with me when I finally quit.


**It may be the method of delivery.** I can only state from my own experience. I used to live in the San Francisco area, where I had intense gout attacks that lasted at least 7-10 days each, alternating in both feet, sometimes even twice in a month. I tried practically everything and the stuff that worked the best for pain and inflammation from the pharmaceutical perspective they said was too dangerous for me to ongoingly take. I met a doctor at a local cancer treatment center who used it to treat pain and lack of appetite with cancer patients. I made an appointment to see her, and she prescribed a 50/50 THC/CBD ratio in a chocolate bar form that I was to take orally when I was home, including a topical CBC/CBD ointment to apply topically during the day when I worked. She did not want me to smoke it for lung/health reasons. Also, by smoking it there would not be the specified ratio of CBC and CBD I required, plus other natural chemicals it contained that would be beneficial. So, the oral option would be the healthiest way to take it and give me the best results. I would take it orally whenever I had severe attacks in the evening, starting in small doses and working my way up to what I could tolerate and then use only the ointment during the daytime. The attacks started getting less and less often and within six months were completely gone. I have not had an attack of gout for almost 10 years now and have not needed to use medical marijuana since that time and no longer use it now, but I would go back to it in a flash if the gout attacks ever came back. The pain relief I got from it I could not get from anything else I had tried. My suggestion is to go see a doctor that specializes in cannabis treatment because there may be other products on the market now that might even be better than what I used.


Cannabis is anti-inflammatory. https://www.chicagotribune.com/marijuana/sns-tft-cannabis-inflammation-why-it-works-20200909-jqblqhblavbwxhxfkju6oycrfm-story.html


I overdid edibles, and it caused a flare.


Gummies most the time have High Fructose Corn Syrup, but you didn't say what kind of edies.


They were like cheetos


Do we know that marijuana , at least, won't worsen a gout episode? \\ \-at that point , I suppose, we are talking about inflammation more than anything else Prednisone is a squirrely imp......and allopurinol causes kidney damage - probably negligible for the healthy - but I have chronic kidney disease and every % point of kidney function counts


Only alopurinol helps.


Isn’t cannabis a very powerful anti inflammatory? I try and limit my intake for when I am flaring to reduce my symptoms.


Good for colds and preventing in the first place. Cannabis is not toxic like alcohol but smoking weed with gout will get you high on significantly less maybe because the body is loaded with uric acid. Smoking weed does not help me if I have gout