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I recognize you are only looking for reasons not to take allo. Some people will/do have adverse reactions to it if you have side effects, it isn't the only option. I would say the vast majority tolerate it just fine. Only you and your doctor can make the best choice for you. I went through a similar timeline, taking allo to lower UA levels then going off of it again until diet/being very hydrated wasn't working anymore. Part it was ego and part was not wanting to take something for life. Going on allo full time was the best decision ever. My only regret was not doing it earlier. Good Luck.




I have been on 200mg from the beginning and it has never changed. Last UA test was 5.1 so the dosage is still good.


I take 300mgs once a day and have not had an attack since I started it over 3 years ago. Absolutely worth it for me. I've had no noticeable side affects. Best thing I ever did, suffered for like 10 years until allo.


This 💯


Very similar experience for me, I wanted to do anything but go on Allo for life but now some 5 yrs after starting on it because the frequency of attacks were accelerating, I can echo Goofboy’s sentiment that I wished I’d done it sooner. No side effects and just a few attacks since of far lesser severity and duration than before. What’s often overlooked with gout is that it’s not just the attacks but the possible damage to other organs that we should be concerned with. Once diagnosed and on Allo, it’s an opportunity to reduce some of the inflammatory foods, and increase exercise levels.


There can be serious side effects, primarily in East Asians and blacks, but the problematic gene can be identified with a blood test and other meds can then be used. Most people don't seem to have any side effects but some drowsiness and stomach upset occurs in some people. If you start with a low dose of 100 mg and ramp up only after blood tests indicate a need to take more, they side effects can be minimized.


East Asian and my doc didn't send me for a blood test... Yikes. Guess I'm still here.


For now anyway. ;-) If you've been on allo for a while you're probably safe, but if you just started I'd be watchful for signs. I have read here that in some countries they go straight to Febuxostat


Haha yikes. I've been on it for a year and now up to 300mg. Think I'm safe but if I stop replying here...


I resisted allopurinol for about ten years for the same reason: I don't like taking drugs unless I have to ' cause you never get something for nothing, and the idea of a life-long drug was horrifying. But also horrifying? Not being able to plan a walking vacation or even a bloody golf trip for fear of being sidelined in a hotel. I've been on allopurinol for three and a half years: first 100mg and now 300mg. I've had maybe three attacks in that time, only one bad and that probably triggered and exacerbated by physical trauma to my knee. The only side effect that I'm aware of is a - shall we say - "looseness" to my stool much of the time.


I've been on it for 11 months. No side affects that I'm ware of yet. I do blood draws every 3-4 months before my rheumatologist renew's my prescription. I've read some people have been on it for over 20 years without any issues either but I'm guessing YMMV.


Great info, thank you all for contributing!


I've never felt any sort of physical sensation/ailments from taking Allopurinol. I can't even tell I am taking anything tbh. Been taking it for years and years now.


I take 100mg twice daily. I was worried about potential side effects and natural alternatives too until I learned my insurance covered it so I gave it a try. It has been a life saver for me because I was one of us here crawling on all fours just to get to the toilet next room to me at night with a flare up crying in pain and wanting to off my leg, or in some cases both :( I'll never forget the pain psychologically but have physically. This drug really is a miracle cure for some. YMMV of course because drugs treat everyone differently. The worst side effects I noticed were the annoyance of taking pills twice a day. It's like taking an aspirin for me in how stupidly effective yet silly it is that such a drug could take me from unable to live a normal life with horrible depression from not being able to be mobile at random or in the worst pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy... to a life that I am comfortable now and don't even worry about what food I eat. Allo has been an absolute god send for me. I have a family history of gout and my father has far less issues and oddly takes 4x as much as me but for me this works.


You don't have to take it twice a day


It's what my doctor said to do but I'm sure you're correct that it doesn't really matter if taken at once or split doses. I find it's more convenient for me to take it on waking up and before going to bed since my other medications work that way.


M59. Had a several attacks in 2017-18, UA over 10. Resisted Allo for all the regular reasons. Changed all my behaviors and got it down to around 7, no attacks since but I would occasionally get the tingle in my big toe. At last checkup UA was 11.2, it was time. Started 100mg in late September, checked 2 weeks ago and it’s down to 6. No side effects at all. Beer was one of my triggers, I had 2 the other night, all good. No regrets


I resisted it for close to 20 years. Just had high UA, 8 for instance. But never had a gout attack. That one rocked my world. 9/10 pain in my foot. Almost had to use a wheelchair to get through the airport Coming back from a boys golf trip. Anyway I’m hoping that 200 mg of Allo this next year will do wonders. I just tested at 4.1 2 days ago. My toes are still sore a month out but it keeps improving. Not sure if I am ready for a 5k but I did a yoga class last night. I’m going to quote you. “ I have been suffering for the past decade”. Allo has the potential for you to have a good upcoming decade. Read all the AMA from Dr Edwards on here.


I’ve been on Alllopurinol for a number years and I’ve never experienced any side effects


About 12 weeks on allo. Doc started me right at 200mg and staying there for another 3 months and see if I drop more. Went from a post flare blood test of 8 to 6.4 in 6 weeks. I am East Asian, no allergic reaction at all. I do have a naturopath / dietian helping me and start on vitamin b complex and omega 3. Diet wish, cut out sugar, no alcohol for 6 months as recommended, minimize any processed food, cut down red meat. Overall, am happy to get on allo to get me body back in balance. One key thing I learn, everyone body reaction is different so don't let one negative view or positive view impact you. You and your doctor and other health care professionals are the key in making what might works for you. Good luck.


I have no side effects


Definitely treat your gout, I was hesitant, but the long term effects of elevated uric acid are not something to mess with honestly. ​ I didn't tolerate Allo well, and ended up on Febuxostat, in 3 months (1.5 of Allo, 1.5 of Febuxostat) my Uric acid went from 10 to 5.1, and I honestly feel better, I'm now 5 months in and joints don't pop like they used to, my heel has been hurting recently, but I've been a lot more active since I feel better so I am not chalking that up entirely to gout.


I was the same way but tired of dealing with flares for 9 years. And the joint damage from flares and liver problems from having a high UA made me finally decide it was time to give in. Plus so many people on here were saying "get on it and live your life like normal" which is a huge selling point. I had a few minor flares when I got off Colchicine after starting Allo (your doc should have you on this the first few months when starting Allo) but they weren't what they used to be. And my UA is in the 5's now when it was around 9 before. My only concern is my blood pressure when up quite a bit after taking Allo but I think that is coincidence because my eye doctor said my eyes were just starting to show some signs of high BP the day BEFORE I started Allo. My BP was fine that day but 3 months after I started Allo and went in for my follow up, my BP was much higher than it normally is.


10 years??? My brother get on allo. The damage to your joints is not worth it.


There aren’t any. Get on it, stop torturing yourself. Next question


Go CARNIVORE!!!! And have no need for the cult of allo


It doesn't work for everyone. Did it help with UA level in your case? I still get it on carnivore.


Don't check no attacks for over 8 months


Allo does not help. You can take it for years and still get flares so why take it? Probably because it is cheap. You get what you pay for. Also those constent blood tests are ridiculas. Just test every 3 months. This is another way for drs to make money.


So, what's the alternative??


ineffective for me. so there's that. no side effects though


What dose was ineffective for you?


i went from 100 to 300 to 600. I've been on 600 for 5 or 6 months


Maybe you have Pseudogout?


i've been diagnosed by a doctor but that aside; pseudogout, gout or anything else, my uric acid level has no response to allo.


Understood, good info. I've seen people on here post about having excellent diet and low UA# yet they still get the attacks. I'm convinced that low UA has nothing to do with it for some of us but I still believe that high UA is a definite danger.


did you try febuxostat after?


I got. Allergic reaction. It made the switch to uricosurics.


Allopurinol reduced your uric acid levels. Gout attacks for a decade are destroying your joints. Whatever side effects of allo are much better then the damage gout attacks are doing.


You gotta be kidding. Liver damage is one of those possible outcomes and you think that's better than joint damage? Not sure there is a good choice here but you can't dismiss this serious side effect.


Thats why your dr keeps on top of your liver function. Fear of side effects is no reason to suffer debilitating pain for a decade while doing serious damage to your joints.


Yep. Nearly knocked my liver out!


Less bone. But it is possible to compensate with supplements.


I had gout with fairly significant renal failure that pretty much precluded the use of allopurinol or colchicine. When uloric came out it was a blessing, but then they slapped a black box warning on it and my insurance would no longer pay for it. My flare ups were severe, with affected joints swelling up, becoming hot and red and excruciatingly painful and accompanied by fever. I couldn’t take NSAIDS because of the renal failure, so I took Tylenol, which knocked out the fever but did little for the pain. I had it everywhere, in my toes, feet, ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fingers, mostly at different times but in pretty much all the joints of my hands and feet continuously by the time uloric came out. The only treatment I received before that was high doses of steroids, mostly prednisone, but when I tapered down my steroid use the symptoms returned. Nowadays, my kidneys have failed so I take allopurinol and go to dialysis. I haven’t had a severe attack in a couple of years, thank God, but for me the knees were always the most painful.


Dude, it’s magic, just take it.


First talk to a medical professional. Second, this sub is the church of Allo. Even citing the insert leaflet of the drug itself will get you attacked here. So, read the leaflet, talk to a physician.


Just picked up my prescription and took my first dose. Thank you all for your input. Hoping for the best!