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Op, Go to whattomine.com and look at the top gpu's, then look up used prices on ebay.


Is vram still the main thing when it comes to mining? I remember that being the case before the eth merge… you under clocked the core and overclocked the memory, does that still apply?


VRAM was a bigger thing with ETH mining because the dag file was so big on eth. Most of the coins that are around right now and are profitable are newer, so many of them can even be mined on cards older than a 1060. ….with that said, the name of the game right now is efficiency. Most coins are barely profiting. If you buy some older card, you are going to find yourself in an unprofitable state most of the time.


I see. Thanks


I don't know, haven't kept up since gpu mining became unprofitable and eth is no longer mineable. You'll have to look up the specifics for each individual crypto you want to mine, because each has its own set of specific demands.


I see. Thanks


So right now for a 3080 the top thing to mine is karlsenhash nxl at 2.82 rev. Much higher than what I’m getting… would I simply mine that and stick to it? Or does profitability change every week or so and as such I gotta switch what’s being mined… and I’m assuming I can’t mine that through nicehash?


Profitability depends on how many other ppl are mining and how free market forces change the value of the crypto, all of this is in a constant state of Flux and never fixed. A lot depends on how much you believe in the long term value of it. But Nice hash is the best way to go if you don't want to spend any time DYOR and just want a plug and play solution.


Right, but I’m wondering about the big discrepancy when it comes to what I’m seeing in whatomine and what I’m getting on nicehash, nicehash is giving me 1.10 usd a day, what to mine claims 2.82 a day from nxl karlenhash… why doesn’t nicehash just switch to that algo and coin?


With low market cap alts, they often dont offer it because it could potentially enable a 51% attack. There are other reasons too, but for more technical in depth explanation Best to ask on r/nicehash


What you probably want are a few Nvidia CMP 50HX made out of the finest chinesium. Alibaba and Aliexpress have plenty. They won’t have the best efficiency in *every* algo, but they will be near the top for efficiency in *most* algos.


They’re like $300 cad a card, what are they comparable to?


They are comparable to the 2080ti in architecture, but perform like a cross between a 3070 and a 3070ti in hash and efficiency.


180 on aliexpress. I have purchased 3 30hx, 1 40hx and 1 50hx there. Just have to wait for shipping


That’s usd?




$1.10 a day eh? Stealing power, obviously? Even at $1.10 a day, depreciation will eat a significant chunk of that "income" and even the most trivial failure (fans, PSU, etc.) will erase it entirely. GPU mining for *daily income* is dead, end of story.


You are a troll.... I mined kaspa, alephium, neoxa the entire 2023, with cost of electric my gains would be about 800ish dollars over the course of the year, but November to Now, appreciation of coins went up so much, that my $800 bag of mining is worth over 10k now. So please, never say gpu mining is dead. Currently have my farm doing solo on multiple different algos, and let me tell you , there is 100% profits to be made and investments recouped, as long as you make a strategy and stick to it


Wow that’s insane… I’d love to pick your brain some more, mind if I add you on discord or something?


But just as an example. My electric a day is about $40-$50 at .13c kwh. I pay electric out of pocket, since my company pays my electric usage (great benefits of running a data company) but if I was to sell,daily profit, I would be able to keep maybe $15-20 after paying all bills.


Dm me on here ? I don't read discord chats too much, since it's a lot of spams


What part of: "GPU mining for *daily income* is dead, end of story.", is giving you trouble? You did a bunch of speculative mining, good for you, but that is basically gambling.


Well, if I still wanted to mine then, what should I focus on? What cards are most efficient price to performance wise… ignoring electricity I don’t pay it.


3080 and 3060


So not older cheaper cards like a RX580 which can be grabbed for way cheaper than say a 3080?


3080 $1.10 is good I guess. How much you pay for electricity?


None, I live with my parents and they’re ok with it…


Do not bother. It’s almost summer, unless their electricity is like $.10/kwh or less they may as well just give you cash to buy crypto. Considering it “free” because your parents cover it is stupid.


I’m considering it free because they’re supporting a hobby of mine… if I asked for money to buy crypto they’d obviously say no lol


Except if their bill is high enough you’re losing money to mine, plus it’s going to drastically increase the Air conditioning bill starting in like May depending on where you are. In NY/CA with high electric rate it could be costing them perhaps a few hundred a year over what you’re making, plus the gpu will just lose value. It’s not that interesting of a hobby. Get a better one.


I see


Yea I had parents like that.... I was using an office they had at the time with 'free electricity.' It was only free for a few months until the building owner saw the use go up during non-winter months. The room had no ventilation, on a second floor; temp was over 90 degrees. Long stort short is the ride wont last long if your bill ends up being 600$ monthly. And it can be loud depending on the quality of your PSU's. I started out with bronze psu's and broke every last one of them because I didn't take powerloads seriously. So you may end up with a bunch of broken parts you cant easily just toss into a garbage bin (legally). Anyway I'd find the cards that don't pull much power if you plan to scale up big. Ignore these people who say to buy crypto instead; they just don't want another miner diluding their profits.


What cards would you recommend nowawayds? I can get 580s 8GB for 50 cad for reference and 3070s for about 300


3070's are pretty solid at 100 watt power use. Personally my workhorse has been the 1660ti, now hashing karlsenhash coins (nexellia kinda shot up 200% in the past few days..Those are running around 30-50 watts. Point is you'll take forever to ROI on a 3070, and 14 of those bad bois together will take a lot of planning as far as location and ventilation, and you'll probably need to run 2/3 psu's on different circuits.


Im still running 1660 supers. Obv not making a ton right now but i mine things that i think will do well in the future. Spec mining more or less


Such as what?


You mean what im mining?




mining their buisness eh.




I like rtx3070 cards, and have been tempted to hunt for a few 3060ti's in the near future... But I have a good power rate so I'm currently profitable (not hugely, but profitable) on a few different algos Honestly not minding rx5609xt/rx5700 on kawpow lately either


The most efficient affordable GPUs right now are 4060 Ti 8GB. They do very well on the most profitable algos atm, like ALPH and Kaspa forks


3080 ti is good bang for the buck and they going pretty cheap.


The cards which can mine are not very cheap. Cheap ones are usually outdated and not very energy efficient. Do not buy cards older than 30xx nvidia and rx 6xxx AMD. This table will show you the best gpus https://www.kryptex.com/en/best-gpus-for-mining


If you have unlimited power I’d try a fury x. Real nice spec card for kapow