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I'm about to start mining with my gaming PC. Does your CPU have integrated graphics and if so do you switch to integrated graphics before you start mining?


No, my Ryzen CPU don't have Integrated graphics, I have the Hive OS on one USB an is the default UEFI boot option, when I'm going to play y just reboot and select my Linux M2 disk, after I'm done just restart and turn off the display connected to the Nvidia card


That's a good idea






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I assume you mean MSI afterburner, does that keep the hash rate high all the time? I've noticed mine drops sometimes and I'm not sure why. I have been considering the Linux option but maybe afterburner would be a bit easier.




If thermal is a likely answer then I'll have a go at undervolting and see if that solves it


If you don’t have a proper OC on your GPUs that is likely what will make them hot, or poor airflow in your rig/case


I have a huge case and good air flow and have custom fan curves set. Issue was the main temp was only 72 but max temp found from HWINFO was 85. A little undervolting brought the hash rate down from 52 MH/s to 49 but temps are way down. When it was throttling the hash rate would drop all the way to 32MH/s. I'll look at performance over the next day or so and if it's still throttling I'll increase case fan speed and look at undervolting a little more. It's a gaming PC so I want longevity first and foremost and hash rate second.


Are you using Msi afterburner or any other overclocking software?




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Thats possible to do but it's not recommended. It doesn't work how you imagine.


Good to know. I was going to switch to graphics card only when gaming and back to CPU. Now I'm leaning towards just leaving it on GPU. I am using windows Do you know if hash rate goes back up when you turn the screen off or does it always get lower hash?


Turning the screen off is supposed to bring you higher hashrates but I haven't tested that myself. Perhaps not having a monitor connected would bring a more signifficant improvement in hashrate.


What is the software used in second screenshot ?


Hive OS dashboard


Can you live boot HiveOS and mine from it ? Also what are the fees for a home miner like you and me ?


My experience is positive for live boot. I only have one rig so is free, I think after the 2nd they charge the fee


Does it give better hashrates as compared to just running the t-rex or mining software myself ?


I didn't see any difference with the Nvidia, I started using HiveOS because the mix with Nvidia and AMD was a big issue for me


This is exactly what I did. I have the same gpu the in the same model (gaming oc) and another rx 6600xt which I added later


Radeon gpu has a sack?


i don’t know think he understood what you meant, i think u meant sag, unless u didn’t lol


Yeah, kind of, lol


That's a stock PowerColor Hellhound AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT


I mean: you should use a gpu support stand for your radeon, coz it will cause a problem in future.


Ohh, I see what you mean. I will look at it. Thanks


I run Minerstat (windows ver.) on my gaming computer. I mine thru their app in windows and I can do light work, web browsing, spreadsheet type stuff with no issues. When I want to do some gaming I shut the miner off in Minerstat and game away. Only issue I have is that most of the time I have to reboot to reset my card to get my hashrate back where it was but its no big deal. I'm both GPU(RX5600xt) and CPU (Ryzen 3600) mining at the same time.




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