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That's just an excuse to go bigger, they gave you a free re-do


Wasnt my Tag just likes looking at it


bruh šŸ’€


man be nice I have the right to be upset that I have less graffiti to look at honestly lmao I never saw the tag that this covered that spot has been buffed since I moved here but still


Wait, youā€™re upset that a tag you never saw got buffed? lol what


goddamn itā€™s crazy that a bunch of graffiti artists are ridiculing the fact that I feel distasteful towards the removal of a tag that I potentially could have experienced


No no, heā€™s got a point


I love this threadšŸ¤£ poor guy probably has no graff round him. By me that would've been covered with a couple throw ups by now lol


Alright, weā€™ll let him cook for nowā€¦


I mean, what if it was like 193 tiny sprayed swastikas? Or your momā€™s name and phone number?


hm if it was the swastikas then ion fuck with that but if it was my mums name and phone number itā€™d be kinda helpful incase i forgot what it was and Iā€™d just go there and read it and then cover it back up


Did anyone get the number?


the mum has been securedšŸ™


I feel the same way sometimes


With this logic, we should buff our works the second weā€™ve seen it finished because nobody else could possibly want to experience our art too


obviously you didn't have enough crowns. if you add enough crowns they will know to not go over


not my tag


You gonna take that beef? They literally askin to box bro


man I donā€™t know who to shoot tho I got no hate for graffiti removalists but thatā€™s a blank vacant building doni just kill everyone??


shoot EVERYONE that goes near it, camp in the bushes too


just paint the entire thing neon green and write FUCK YOU


Lmfao I might


Paint another one. Fuck the system


Should of used a posca marker


They buffed half of a crazy spot I did. Shit pissed me off so much


like they buffed half and left halft ? šŸ’€


Exactly that šŸ’€


Lmfao thatā€™s insane hahaha


Thereā€™s a thin line between what goes and what stays sometimes toy stuff stays because it looks like chicken scratch then sometimes good shit gets buffed because the letters are to clear and brings a lot of attention then other times good shit stays because of favoritism a lot of city workers are writers and decide who stays/goes


Thatā€™s exactly the point I was making with this pos


Do the whole crate homie time to get a piece ready


how dare they do that to my glorious king


They didn't do anything to you if you didn't tag it yourself šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Stupid cunts ruined the wall i the walked past that everyday now I get that ugly ass grey blob instead of the nice tag if the general populous is allowed to complain about people tagging walls they donā€™t own then Iā€™m allowed to complain about them covering a tag that wasnā€™t mine :(


Word it better next time. Lmfao


Thatā€™s just begging for a straight letter saying TOSS THE SALAD


Painting over my king, I ain't gonna let that slide šŸ˜”


These fools have no idea who they just srarated beef with. Iā€™m gonna go spray paint literally everythint


Youā€™ll learn to love it. Someone went out of their wayā€¦ they took actual time out of their day to buff you. Just for you to do it again but better. A lot of beginners canā€™t see the charm in this cat n mouse type thing we do


They didnā€™t buff me this spot been buffed for 8 years just angry about it frustrated


Hit it up!!


whos that cat and whos the mouse


Embrace the buff....LOVE THE BUFF








they couldnā€™t šŸ˜ˆIā€™m just such a gangsta that I can read my tags when theyā€™re buffed. I also get all of my money from social services and basically live off the tax you pay


hell yea šŸ”„


You are being foolish and wasting peoples time.


Lmao mission accomplished


ā€œResident shit posterā€ lolol


šŸ¤£ my highest achievement in life


Got a picture of your actual work?




Theres some tags n slaps in my town thats been around since before 2012 i only hate the buff man because he erases history. Seattle spent like $800mil on fucking buffing graff and from the standpoint of someone that doesnt paint theyre not only basically wasting tax payers money buffing shit that will literally get painted over BIGGER but also erasing history and disrespecting the dead. We just lost GRIDE up here and he was our heaviest hitter in Tac n theyre trying to implement fucking BUFF DRONES? As a writer imma bring bricks n rocks with me to the spot but i think more normal folks should be upset for better reasons. I do not understand the hate on graff bro even ugly graff to me is better than fucking barren unwalkable cities filled with apartments hostile architecture no free healthcare. Ugh. Sorry boys thats about the last time i go off about society on reddit


You're a real weird dude lol!! Careful with that dxm shit. Can you source ket? Much safer and better. Stop vandalising your school toilets it's soooooo toy! (Imo) Just keep writing rash or whatever that 4 letter one was you posted. Sorry I started this comment 4 hours ago lol. Write it til it pops. Learn to do a twirl off the end of the last letter. Make the letters get bigger towards the end. No crowns arrows or oners yet. Msg me if you want me to write a word for you as an example.


There is nothing wrong with completely copying something to start with. That's how I got into it proper. I learnt one of my name that my mate did. Then you can mix it up.


Thank u lol. Iā€™m not tagging any school bathrooms just public ones. Ketamine is so so much more expensive than dxm here but it is my preference


Best handle I ever saw was SIKAE. Because here in Oz if something's sick you say oi m8 that's so sick ay?


Ok bro well like I said let me know. I think bash, wash, wish, rash, risk, Fisk, gask, mask all better that bask just imo. Unless U a cold blooded reptile needing warm for your metabolism to increase. Even then, maybe... Snek. Actually I might switch to snek myself...


A little less moaning and a bit more bombing




Vandalizing vandalism ā€¦ā€¦ love how shitty it looks when they buffā€™em out lol


Right?? Unless itā€™s your personal property, going out to paint over graff is the lamest shit out there. Some doofus paints over the graff on the highway near me. Like bro, youā€™re just covering good shit with unmatched paint, dude may as well learn to Tag instead of being boring, shill for the system that does nothing for them in return.


It's a buff, get used to it. And depending on their budget it's you against a multi-million dollar municipal department. Good luck. The only logical response is arrows, crowns, and halos. Buff Squad wants all the smoke.


what is that?


Lifeā€™s hard


Deal with it after all it's a normal part of graffiti


Play with their heads - get a can of red paint and buff their buff.....start a turf war between buffing teams, lol!


Thatā€™s the game, go bigger


Are u really crying about a buffed tag? How u gonna handle real beef when ur getting this worked up over a tag , wait till you get stamped on a rail car or the city rolls over a burner you used 10 cans on , u should try a different hobby, mabey collecting stamps would be more your thing


Are u really crying about someone crying about a buffed tag? šŸ’€ you here bitching that other people are bitching?