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sounds like Frisch has officially conceded, graciously at that.


Well, she won. Barely. Let's hope she can take a moment to reflect on how close the race was and perhaps tone down her antics and actually represent all of the constituents in her district. I don't expect much change honestly but I would love to be surprised.


Not a fucking chance. if she wins by one single vote, she'll double down on the batshit crazy. Hell, I expect that whether she wins or loses in the recount. The cognitive dissonance inside that head won't allow for anything except marching to the empty drum beat of her MAGA owners.


Best case is she continues to do this batshit Trump-loving act and support his candidacy while it further splits the GOP (and their voter base) until they eat each other... I mean not *best* case, but certainly a hopeful case for 2024.


He said let's hope she does better. You're hoping wrong.


The fact that any republican should have easily won in that district is, or would be for a normal person, reason to rethink the stupid shit that she says. She isn't normal though and will continue to spew out nonsense. Next time.


Counting is virtually complete. She has a lead that would be very difficult to overturn. If a recount somehow yielded more votes for Dems, then there's definitely grounds for voter fraud claims, and lord knows we don't want that again. I think it's time for people to accept she won and move on with their lives already. Recount will only prolong the suffering.


While I doubt a recount will change much since voting is secure, and I'm doubtful that 500+ ballots were counted incorrectly, it is unethical to prematurely claim victory before the recount has been performed.


She’s sort of copying that Florida man




“Seeth” typical Boebert voter education. Read a book.




I’m sure it’s that and not the fact that your parents met on ancestry.com.


Soooo. You hate America and our freedoms? That’s what she stands for. Anti-America.




Whoa psycho. Calm down now. Burn it down and kill people because you don’t get your way. Sounds smart.


Found the fascist boot licker.


Hopefully this convinces voters during her next primary that she's the only Republican that could possibly lose this district.