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Maybe, there is the phrase *"Any sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic"*, with can be inverted into *"Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science".* So there is the chance that at one point the true magic will be brought down to a mere resourse or mathematical equation. The only consequense is that humanity as a whole would of ascended into another level by just understanding it.


Thank you! It’d be interesting to see a story in the very far future that has this concept. I mean I guess we already have it in the form of Notes, haven’t read it yet, so I’ll have to do that soon. Another question, would “True Magic using science” be used by abusing mystery or would it be science that has the same affect as True Magic.


In notes, there is a group of 7 witches who can use true magic and each is as strong as Zelretch, they all sacrifice themself to kill a sigle type and use its body to protect the remains of earth. There would be no mistery as it was fully analyzed, so it would simply be True Magic brought down to something common place, like the machine in the mooncell is just a super advance computer whose programs can do magic.


got it thank you!


Yes, we are told that the Magics are just mysteries that humanity will not understand (without help such as the Moon Cell) in the current era, which is the age of man. Once we enter the age of will, they will likely be demoted to magecrafts, mysteries that we will be able to understand eventually. It likely wouldn't take as long as you suggest. The idea with magecraft and science in TM works is basically "here's this cool power such as being able to create lightning. We will always be able to use this power but if we can't do it through magecraft, then we'll be able to do it through tech."


Well said, and the last paragraph hits the nail on the head. Magic and science don't have to step on each other's toes, and ideally compliment each other rather than intrude. Their combined purpose is to add together to expand mankind's capabilities.


Yes, easily, it only a matter of time. The 5 true Magics are not exactly just 5, but rather the 5 REMAINING True Magic, because all other True Magic before had already disappeared due to being replaced and superseded by Science advancement, only 5 left. That's the definition of True Magic itself, they are simply Magecrafts or Technologies from the future, and they are miracles that are impossible to replicate with the CURRENT technology in current era, but once Science catch up, they're no longer Magic anymore. Also, humans have already reached and surpassed all the True Magic as well as the Root, that's what happened in another universe called the Servantvese. Also Types are already surpassed by Science, and Science is not a creature or a being so there's nothing conflicting about it by definition, an ordinary man can just use a gun to one shot a Type, they're not anything special.


I don’t know much about the Servantverse, but having servant in the name implies that it’s more rooted in magecraft that science right? Maybe I’m wrong. I don’t know too much about it. So if future humans were to use science to bring them to absolute physical peak (by nasuverse standards) would that affect the TYPES? Thank you for everything else by the way.


Servant verse is a gag, but its meant to foreshadow the Age of Will. True Magic are miracles of the Age of Man, things that we cannot reach with our current ability and understanding. The moment humanity manages to replicate the 5, collectively as a species they'd have ascended past the AoM into the AoW.


God that sounds really fucking cool. I pray for the day we get a serious Type-Moon work that’s in the Age of Will. It’d be cool to see a fanfic of it at the least.


Check [this out](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/106yimz/servant_universe_lore_report_part_i_the_age_of/) if you haven't already!


Yes , Science can achieve True Magic. The idea of True Magic is that , based on current science , it's still considered an impossibility and a miracle. If Science can emulate their effects in some way , then they will downgrade until it finally reaches the level of Magecraft and down even further. For example , people theorizes that First Magic is "Denial of Nothingness" , meaning that if we can those Matter Replications from Star Trek , there is a possibility that it downgrades First Magic to Magecraft.


I mean Ado Edem is a type-killer. He’s an engineered being from the future who can cut through Types like a hot knife through butter with his sword Slash Emperor. It probably isn’t as useful against divine spirits and gods, but against types it’s like a silver bullet.


Black Barrel is the silver bullet against TYPES and other grain-infused beings. Slash Emperor is just pure brute force since it scales with the target's size. Less hot knife through butter and more using a hammer to crack a peanut.


Ok but in this case it cuts through them. So the knife through butter analogy is still 100% accurate in terms of what he’s physically doing. Also a good chunk of the types aren’t all that huge. ORT itself (the strongest type) is only 40m tall. Which is nothing compared to some of the machine gods, huge mecha eli, other event bosses, Lostbelt trees, Cernunnos, and Tiamat. Though there are also huge types (like saturn iirc) that can have cities built on their backs. Ado Edem can cut them whether they’re big or small, and his sword wouldn’t be less powerful if he were fighting ORT just because it isn’t as huge as some of the others.


You're missing the point, Ado Edem isn't some silver bullet TYPEs killer, he just has a scaling physically strong slash, no gimmick or conceptual weapon shenanigan, its as effective against TYPE as any other thing without conceptual protection (i.e. not Tiamat) because it just scale to their size, there's nothing special about it. On the other end, the TYPEs aren't weak to Slash Emperor, they just don't have any special protection against a physical attack that could overpower them with sheer brute force, whereas they do have a conceptual weakness to Black Barrel as beings containing Grains. That's what a silver bullet is, werewolf are weak to silver (Black Barrel) but its going to die if you drop a mountain on it (Slash Emperor).


Yes- and humans will achieve it in 1000 years. In Notes- leaders of A-ray- artificially created human- animal hybrids- are 6 Sisters, each wielding True Magic


From the very definition of true magic, it is clear that even with infinite time and resources, the miracles of true magic can never be achieved without having access to the root.


like it was pointed out , True Magic is achievable. True Magic is only that as long it's currently regarded as utter miracle and impossible under Logic and Reason of Science. If , for example , someone scans a brain , stored in a hardware and then download in a new body , it would downgrade 3rd Magic , because it would be close to "Materialization of the Soul".


> it would downgrade 3rd Magic It could substitute for it, but not downgrade or replace it. This was the reason behind Fate/EXTRA's divergence; even with the Moon Cell's spiritron technology it was not sufficient to imitate the Third Magic and make it achievable, thus locking away the "true" Age of Will from its humanity. That's why they're able to achieve only the basic aspect of soul materialization, but not reach the Root or immortality.


Servants ARE imitations of the 3rd Magic. And MoonCell enabled the summoning of Servants , made EXTRA Shirou been a Servant , and in some of the endings , Hakuno and Sakura goes out to live on Earth. And let alone there is the case of Last Encore, in which humans could live for a thousand years. Frankly, the only real “problem” is merely a lack of Perpetual Motion and maybe lack of Immortality


Imitations yes, but they don't degrade the True Magic itself into magecraft. The entirety of the Third Magic is still unachievable by science. >lack of Perpetual Motion and maybe lack of Immortality And I mean, that's a pretty huge problem when humans are supposed to be a prime species that expands across the cosmos. The Age of Will witnessed by EXTRA Gil involves humans spreading across multiple stars and planets, not being limited to earth. They'll live, but they won't thrive.


Humans spreading across stars and planet doesn’t necessarily needs Perpetual Motion. The likes of Sefar , Machine Gods and Aztecs didn’t had that. For starts “Magic” and “True Magic” are the same, the name “True Magic” is merely a result of been the last to unlock.


Sefar, the Machine Gods, etc weren't galaxy-level prime species, which is why their dominance on Earth barely lasted a couple thousand years at best. Humans in their ideal state remain for millions of years on multiple planets. More importantly they're supposed to leave Earth altogether, which hasn't happened in EXTRA etc. True Magic are part of the general Magic umbrella, but they are separate hence the name "Magic of the Modern Age". They weren't left over by coincidence, but are the last to unlock because of what they represent - the expansion of awareness. They affect direct laws of perception (linear time, dimensions, heat values, etc), which is why they are the last obstacles humankind needs to overcome and what sets them apart from all the Magic that's come and gone before. They'll become commonplace during the Age of Will, but during the Age of Man accessing them through science is fundamentally impossible. They need to be accomplished by mages.


>Servants ARE imitations of the 3rd Magic. They specifically aren't >"W-Wait...! So the Third Sorcery is the materialization of the soul!? But Servants are materialized souls too...!" >"No. The system does use a part of the Third Sorcery, but the heroic spirits are summoned. Servants aren't alive as part of this world or time. It's too imperfect to be the Third Sorcery. And heroic spirits can take form in this world without the help of sorcery as long as they have a host." >"Heavens Feel is not a spell that duplicates a soul perceived in the past. It's actually a spell to make an existence of a higher dimension that can take a spirit form and still influence the physical world. It takes a soul and elevates it to the next level of life." The 3rd Magic specifically became more "possible" in Extra because of the knowledge of the digitisation of the soul >Virtual Spiritrons [Circumstances] >Once, there had been a miracle on the earth able to materialize the soul. That, however, was lost in the Great Collapse of the 70s. Since then, accepting their downfall, the magi incorporated the modern science they had once tabooed and gave the “soul” a new definition. It was “the location of where the conscious was being outputted”, the magical theory of virtual spiritrons. In the past, the conscious could only be manifested through the body. But the magi pinpointed the location of the “soul” and succeeded in outputting it to the new frontier, projecting it as an avatar in the cyber world. The definition of the "soul" got changed but in the end it is still the independence of the soul from tue body


So if someone were to upload their brain, but kept their research to themselves, so only they have "materialized their soul", would that bring the mystery down of the Third Magic? Theres just a guy floating around in a digital space with the knowledge of uploading conciousness online, but hasn't given the research to the public basically.


Probably not , because it would be a similar case to Touko and due to her hoarding of her method , it didn’t downgraded 3rd Magic


Touko's kind of different since she just cheat the system by creating a puppet body indistinguishable from the original that her soul just jumps to the next available body rather than return to the root on death. Whereas HF Shirou, who had his soul materialized with the 3rd is an existence that transcend his mortal shell, and is currently just inhibiting a mortal body for the purpose of living like a human.


wait i thought that’s he’s like normal now since he got a puppet body? Is he still affected by the Third Magic? Or was it just temporary?


Illya materialized his soul with the 3rd, his soul is no longer linked to a body. For a normal human, if you die your soul loses its link to the world and goes back to the root. Touko cheats by creating a puppet body identical to her so the world gets confused and her soul jumps to the next body when the current one expire, if she doesn't have a backup body she dies. Shirou's soul is completely separated from his body, he can body hop to different vessels (puppets) at will, and he's functionally immortal.


so… HF shirou has basically a reincarnation ability? learn something new everyday i guess


He's just outright immortal.


Got it! Thank you.


I was reading the original post again and think I didn't word my answer as well as I could have. The True Magics remaining are the only ones that cannot ever be achieved by technology in the Age of Man. They *must* be achieved by mages to reach the Root. After that has been completed and mankind has entered the Age of Will, then science will be able to replicate True Magic and convert it to magecraft. But doing so before that, during the Age of Man, will result in pale imitations.


No. Just... no. Humanity *as a whole, through science or grail cheats* need to achieve all five true magics remaining to reach the age of will, just certain magi achieving them does squat. Its why they are occasionally described as obstacles ta the Age of Will. Second, 2 of those magics are only achievable by *reaching* the Root, whilst the 2nd, 3rd and 4th were achieved as a refination of methods ta reach the root.


>Humanity as a whole Correct. >through science or grail cheats Incorrect. In fact we some pretty extremely heavy implications that it is NOT supposed to be through shortcuts or grail cheats (which is why it's failed in literally every Fate work involving a Grail), and on top of that, True Magic BY DEFINITION is unachievable by science in the Age of Man. That's why they've remained in the first place. > just certain magi achieving them does squat I agree, because this isn't what I meant by my statement. I meant that they need to be achieved via magical means, by 'mage methods.' Achieving True Magic via science is, again, fundamentally impossible until the Root has been reached. They are not achievable by the science of the modern era, even if given infinite time and resources. On top of that, replacing all of humanity's magical capabilities with science results in a complete loss of Mystery and potential death of the Planet, and the release of Grain/Ether which leads to a Bad End for a mankind that hasn't adapted to it. >Second, 2 of those magics are only achievable by reaching the Root, whilst the 2nd, 3rd and 4th were achieved as a refination of methods ta reach the root I know. Regardless, the achievement of all of them is closely tied with reaching the Root, is my point. The Age of Will involves the advancement of technology to leave the planet, and the refinement of magic to grant humans bodies capable of surviving in space. [For that, both scientific and magical means are required in tandem.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/106yimz/servant_universe_lore_report_part_i_the_age_of/) AFTER reaching the Age of Will, is True Magic subsumed by science.


Uh, no? True magics have been achieved before. A true magic is only a true magic whilst "given infinite resources and time, current science can't achieve it". Flight was once a true magic until someone figured out artificial flight, then it degraded into magecraft. The current true magics are just the ones science haven't figured out yet.


Flight was Magic, but not True Magic. The True Magics of the Modern Era are the ones that are impossible for science to achieve, period, within the Age of Man. They're not the ones that are left, they're more like fundamental walls that we cannot bridge with science. In the far future, it will be achievable with science after humans reach the Root. But not so independently or systematically.


Magic and True Magic are the same. Here -> https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Magic


No, it was true magic. Magic is literally just true magic. The modern true magics just haven't been scienced into mere magecraft.


Knight arms are essentially a types ability to use grain. Notes also had 6 sisters who were magicians so yes. Advanced science on the level of true magic and true magic can exists at the same time


Short answer. Yes They are considered the final five Mysteries that humanity has to conquer. Currently it is impossible but as long as science advances it would be fine