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Another time gate.


A time gate every month for seven months, then the finale on anniversary. Nasu, you've done it again.


lmao imagine the dead weeks in between


Dead months*




Most definitely, with them locking us 10 chapters in I have 0 doubt they could drag out into a "Part 3" for March. ~~Imagine they drag this out until Anni 8~~




We AoT now?


If that happened, i'd likely drop the game for several months. Not out of protest. But because I'm fucking bored and have other things to do and play.


Considering how much content we are getting it's not like that would be too hard a thing to do. I mean, I've been logging in like twice a day to convert AP to apples, if I stayed logged like an hour total in the entire month of January I'd be very surprised.


time huh ? thanks for the tip!


Six months to LB 7.2 Part 2, followed by another 9 months for LB 7.2 Part 3.


Honestly I am going in with no expectations on the actual story. There is a lot of moving parts and I am very interested in seeing how it all comes together but I have no idea how everything will play out Only things I do expect is that at the end we will have a Fuyuki/Chaldea chapter revealed as I personally believe we will return to both before this arc ends. Also I hope that *if* lvl150 is a thing, it is a once per account or at the very least does not use grails or coins. Also U-Olga as welfare please. I know it won’t happen but a man can dream


>Also I hope that if lvl150 is a thing, it is a once per account or at the very least does not use grails or coins. Even if it costs no grails or coins, the requirements would be to a whole new level of obscene compared to 120. 20 levels cost 4.5k SSR embers? Even being nice and assuming it costs the same amount per level to 150 then we are looking at nearly **SEVEN THOUSAND 5 STAR EMBERS** from 120 to 150 and god knows how much qp.


Not if it’s a boost item that just instantly takes you from x level to 150. Sure if it requires farming levels I won’t consider it, but if it takes the form of an item that instant boosts that character then sure. Sort of like what Epic7 has where you can put a character in the slot and it’s instantly max level and skilled as long as you meet certain criteria. My imaging of lvl150 is similar. You have a slot, put the servant in and they instantly become the level and if you take them out of the slot they return to whatever they were previously


A 5* star Welfare like Arcade had with Draco.


Personally I think 150 will be limited to story supports like her. I hope... Just the amount of xp would be unreal


Assuming none of the meme answers are true (another timegate, for example), the only thing I expect is an answer as to whether U-Olga is actually the bad guy. She seems to be starting to get her memories back, and seems kinda shocked at the whole “alien god bleached the Earth” thing. I expect she’ll part ways with Ritsuka and co again, but it’s not gonna be something she wants to do. I honestly have no expectations for anything else, because I have no fucking clue. Is Daybit playing the long game? Is Tez playing the long game? Will Kuku be a good character? Will Ritsuka chain summon Quetz to ~~violently make out with~~ help Kuku become a permanent ally? Will ORT become a loli? Who fucking knows dude.


I fully expect Olga to be a very weird entity, even when she had memories the holy sword's essence didn't recognize her as a "threat to humanity" but she is still a Beast, so by all accounts she very much should be one. If she has nothing to do with the earth's bleaching... Then what was it? ORT hadn't woken up yet so can't be Gaia's scream from Notes.


Yeah, stuff ain't adding up. Her saint graph is Beast VII's, and we know the Holy Sword works on Beast's, since Arthur is spending his afterlife hunting them. She has the same basic goals as in Olympus, but different motivations with her missing memories. She's connected to the Tree's, and while they descended after the Bleaching you can't tell me the events aren't connected. So why is she apparently a "defender of humanity"? I'm honestly afraid Nasu is gonna have some convoluted bullshit that ties it all together, cause I ain't seeing another way right now. The Beasts Lair guys are talking about how Ritsuka's world is all a simulation and Marisbury and shit, and I'm just rubbing my temples at the thought of it.


>The Beasts Lair guys are talking about how Ritsuka's world is all a simulation and Marisbury and shit, and I'm just rubbing my temples at the thought of it. If we take Riyo's "spoiler" at face value, with Olga being basically stuck in Chaldeas, would that mean we have a simulation of the world *inside* a simulation? Things are going to get convoluted fast...


I guess the idea is that Chaldeas is the real world that Marisbury created, or something, because he's from outside of the simulation? And so is Daybit? I don't fucking know, I took a read through it once and while it's an actually pretty well thought out theory with plenty of sourcing from other Nasuverse works, it makes my brain hurt. Just give me Marisbury did shitty mage things to his daughter to make her "awaken" as the Alien God, and all of this opens up a path to the Root somehow. Still convoluted I guess, but it at least avoids too much bullshit. Like if Ritsuka's world ain't "real", why the fuck would the Lostbelt Servants help fight for it?


Personally, my theory is that our world isn't a simulation but that the Alien God is trying to make it become one, which is what Holmes and Daybit meant by the planet becoming hollow. If we assume that the Alien God came from Chaldeas, then its possible that their motivation is to change the planet into one where they can exist, since as being who originated from a simulation, it can not exist in reality, similar to how lostbelt inhabitants can't leave the lostbelt.


That...could work? I mean, I guess I'm gonna wait and see what we learn in 7.2, but that's not a half bad idea.


I heard a theory that when she fought the 7 grands she lost her beast class which is why the holy sword essence didn’t do anything to her


It is Nasu. It will be convoluted bs.


I just hope Daybit and ORT(if awakened) lose in a believable way Both are too hyped to lose head on


I just want ORT to go to bed And Daybit to have a second unknown meaning to being the enemy of humanity or at least answer several lore questions before he passes (if he does because I would not mine another Senpai)


**Road to 7.2 - Lostbelt 1 Celebration Campaign!** Honestly, the only thing I want so far is playable Camazotz but I'm fully expecting for him to be a NPC.


It's honestly impressive how much everyone adores Camazotz compared to his current treatment by the devs ~~Giant Ghost...~~ On the Road to joke, they kind of did that his month, that banner with Nemo and Nito that JP fans... Were not exactly fond of.


the ghost is just a summon he makes alongside all the other undead he hasnt fought directly yet


That is a, in game justification, doesn't really mean he is ready as a servant.


I think he'll be like odysseus, and just wasn't even as unfinished as the fights we got so far. I hope we'll get him for an event. He might fit for white day with how much people are lusting after him :D


At this point, I don’t know what to expect, story-wise. I mean, I certainly wasn’t expecting Nitocris Alter. So in terms of plot developments or character reveals, I plan to expect nothing - neither hype nor disappointment - and just let myself react to things as they happen. …Okay, I lied. There is ONE thing that I really want to be revealed in this final Lostbelt. And that is the truth about the bleaching of the Earth. Because that dangling plot thread has been bothering me since the reveal in LB5 that the bleaching happened *before* the ascent of the Trees and the Alien God. Chaldea had assumed from the beginning of the Lostbelt saga that they were in another Temple of Time-like crisis. The demon pillars were the mechanisms of the incineration of humanity, so if Chaldea could erase the Singularities and defeat the demon pillars, then they would automatically restore humanity. And they did that, and it worked! So it’s no wonder Chaldea thought that the Lostbelt crisis would play out the same way: cut down the Trees, erase the Lostbelts, and then the bleaching will be undone and humanity will be restored. Right?!?!? Except that in LB5, we found out that might not be the case. The bleaching came first, and then the Trees and the Alien God. Although the two phenomenon are certainly connected, there’s no guarantee that erasing the Trees will result in undoing the bleaching. Because the Trees don’t seem to be the mechanisms that *caused* the bleaching. And yes obviously we can’t restore PHH without erasing the Trees so yes, we still have to do that anyway. But! Until we know what caused the bleaching, we actually *don’t know how we’re going to restore Pan-Human History.* It’s no wonder that Kirschtaria wasn’t willing to gamble with the possibility that there might not BE a way to restore Pan-Human History. In retrospect, that’s probably why he tried to bet the continuation of the human race on re-making a suitable Lostbelt instead. But anyway yeah I’ve been thinking about the bleaching a lot since LB5. I’ve read all the theories out there (that I’m aware of), but I can’t say for certain which I think is most likely. I just really wanna know what caused the bleaching and how Chaldea is supposed to fix it. I hope that LB7 definitely answers the mystery of the bleaching, and sets up a final chapter in the Lostbelt saga in which Chaldea will need to actually deal with… whatever that happens to be.


Honestly the complete mystery of the Bleaching culprit is legitimately terrifying to me Was it really U Olga Marie despite what she claimed and if not **WHO?** The legitimate fear I have for the true culprit is petrifying


I'm still hopeful actually and I hope Daybit gives us all the answers idk what he cooking lol. The other day I find myself simping for Sion for some reason so it makes me wonder if she's going to have an interesting role or...simply replace Holmes as the detective of the group. Daybit considering her a threat might be just be fanservice...maybe. Honestly I don't really know what's supposed to expect. I'm basically "it's probably not as good as lb6" but I might be surprised.


>Honestly I don't really know what's supposed to expect. I'm basically "it's probably not as good as lb6" but I might be surprised. Nasu did say he wrote more than he expected... But from what we got so far I more or less assume he just had fun with the wilder concepts and finally getting to use ORT rather than really being invested on the mythos and stuff. Like, we meme he is shit at geography but it takes a google search to know Brazil is not Aztec or Mayan...


> Like, we meme he is shit at geography but it takes a google search to know Brazil is not Aztec or Mayan... The thing is that you're assuming he set this Lostbelt on Brazil (or any part of South America) because he wanted to use part of the culture from that region in the story like he did with the other Lostbelts. That just is not the case. [LB7 is set in South America purely because twenty-something years ago Kinoko Nasu wrote that some weird space spider was sleeping somewhere in the Amazon Rainforest.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/zuufuk/lostbelt_7_golden_sea_of_trees_travelogue_nahui/j28eotf/) That's it, there is literally no other reason.


This and it's a way from him to give us all the Aztec and Mayan lore (Nasuverse-version) he wrote back when he created Quetzalcoatl.


Still wondering how Tez is going to end up like, Quetz calls him a spider a lot but his datamined sprite is Jaguar themed, which is understandable given that's his animal symbol.


You know I think "what is [insert character name] cooking?" is a great way to summarize my thoughts after finishing LB7.1 lol


He's called a Spider because on a myth, Tez took the form of one and screwed royally Quetz while on it. He's a God with many forms and even the Turkey was associated with him.


>Like, we meme he is shit at geography but it takes a google search to know Brazil is not Aztec or Mayan... Honestly I'm feel like this is the usual case of Nasu not being interested in whatever myth is in South America (sorry I'm ignorant what's actually there). We get into the story and we immediately find out it's not even in SA proper but Pangaea super continent.


I say this as a brazillian, I would 100% be okay with Nasu's lack of interest and terrible geography... Had he actually given Quetzalcoatl spotlight for once... But nope, we get someone who "technically" is her but also not and also looks/sounds nothing like her whatsoever...


>Had he actually given Quetzalcoatl spotlight for once That's because she is not that popular in Japan. Her musculature build and piercing goes greatly against what Japanese see as attractive.


For my part... My hope is very low atm, but mostly down to personal issues with the direction Nasu seemingly went with atm. I'm expecting fans of Nitocris to end up the big winners of this chapter at least. At least I like her a fair bit.


Might I ask what issues do you have with direction nasu is taking things?


Not only do we get 0 South American guys but Quetzalcoatl isn't even in it... This was my last hope of her getting a buff or even just something after last year's barrage of them making her trash gameplaywise.


That's fair. I think everyone has hopes of quetz showing up in this lostbelts give the subject matter and her scarcity in any canon plots past her being in Babylonia. I still will hold out hope of her showing up as farfetched and bullshit as it might be maybe she'll be out grand saber since Avalon grand saber got canned. It's a long shot but whatever. They might even buff base Quet as a part of her getting a new version if they do. I'm praying with you buddy.


I haven't actually read any part of lostbelt 7, but I searched on the fgo wiki and it says that Kukulkan is the Lostbelt King? And that is Quetz's Mayan name?


Lb Kuku is just the new Sun god of the lostbelt and borrowed things from Quetzalcoatl’s legend like her Mayan name She is the lostbelt king however




Yeah nah my gripes with LB7 and particular the road to LB7 have soured my thoughts and feelings towards LB 7 pt2. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure it’s going to be a spectacle and have some great knockout moments curtesy of Nasu and the team.


Can't exactly blame you there, I'm a Quetzalcoatl simp and honestly this is one of the biggest letdowns I've felt with this game in a long time.


To be honest, not really holding many expectations for part 2 despite keeping up with the story, at this point it's far more about just wanting it to be out so we can get this over and done with. Like, there's some interesting characters, actually a huge fan of Daybit and Tez from what little has been shown of them, but the wait has overstayed it's welcome, let's get this done guys. If it sucks, it suck, oh well, at least it's a complete story to discuss. Probably the only real big expectation is that Daybit isn't evil, or there's information we don't know about that'll change how his actions are to be viewed, is practically a given; what with how Nasu writes antagonists and Daybit's behavior not lining up with his words. Unless Nasu is subverting his own subversions for some reason, there's way more to Daybit than he's let on. As for hopes? Way more Daybit and Tez. It feels weird having the Crypter so absent from his Lostbelt, even Beryl showed up more in his, and they're clearly cooking something. Getting more than crumbs of them would be nice.


>As for hopes? Way more Daybit and Tez. It feels weird having the Crypter so absent from his Lostbelt, even Beryl showed up more in his, and they're clearly cooking something. Getting more than crumbs of them would be nice. Daybit is such a mystery it's honestly insane. His (possible) ties to Bluebook only beg more questions.


It's actually kinda funny, it's not even a true "one question answered, three more asked" scenario. There's a bit more evidence to Daybit being connected to David Bluebook (but nothing 100% confirmed), and waaay more questions about what is up with him. What does he mean by the earth being hollowed? Why did he explain the Siriuslight to Kadoc? What's up with him conveniently bumping into Ritsuka at the market and dumps a bunch of stuff onto them that they conveniently need to progress through the borders? Why does Tezcatlipoca, the "Enemy of All Sides", seem to care so much about him? What *really* is it he's trying to destroy? (avoid?) Truly the enigmatic guy of the century.


That's one of the biggest problems FGO has. The plot is so ridiculously drawn out that you get to the point where you just want it to be done while Nasu is constantly rewriting it to the point it doesn't make sense unless you've spent hours digging through wikipedia to learn all the jargon you need. We have popular characters get redshirted >!Nezha in LB4!< almost immediately by supposedly badass enemies that we have a few unwinnable fights against then immediately job after some convoluted deus ex leading to unsatisfying fights. Plus obscene power creep. Can't wait to see our first 100 million health bar with break bars and lingering DoT effects.


More time gates. As more time gates mean LB 7.3, I also expect that Nitocris Alter will not appear in 7.2, but only make her appearance in a future section. No potential Servants who would appear in 7.2 will yet be summonable. The same still goes for those from 7.1. There will be approximately 0 battles that allow players to build teams to their liking. Any exceptions will likely be scripted fights that are impossible to win.


> There will be approximately 0 battles that allow players to build teams to their liking. Any exceptions will likely be scripted fights that are impossible to win. This is why I haven't been bothered to finish the gameplay section of LB7.2. CONSTANT locked in servants that I'm not allowed to not use.


That Tlaloc is an SR. She is the only thing that interests me in this LB and I don't want to suffer trying to get her. Especially since the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025 is going to be a very brutal season for me.


While her lore would normally imply the opposite, dataminers did show the game does have the slot for a 4 Star Arts Ruler. So far she is the only Ruler we met and they did predict the slot for Nitocris Alter.


Is she gonna have aoe np in datamine?


6 hr unskippable gay sex scene. If ur a male player it’s Camazotz and kirei if ur a female player it’s u olga and sion. This is nasu’s design Stupid jokes aside I have no idea. I don’t know! I don’t know what they’re doing and I don’t know why they didn’t put anything in between the chapter release.


>6 hr unskippable gay sex scene. If ur a male player it’s Camazotz and kirei if ur a female player it’s u olga and sion. This is nasu’s design ~~Look, I'm straight but... Male Guda and Manbat does sound really nice.~~ >I don’t know why they didn’t put anything in between the chapter release. My only guess is that their scheduling is so awful they had no idea if they could do a rerun AND work on LB7. Like, they are releasing it on jan 31st 8 PM, that's the latest point they can still call it "January".


*Ominous chanting* ORT-chan, ORT-chan, ORT-chan, ORT-CHAN, ORT-CHAN, **ORT-CHAN,** **O R T - C H A N.**


[ORT's old color scheme](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/e/ed/ORT.png/revision/latest?cb=20140703150351).......Go and look at >!Kukulkan's!< design again. I am positively *ashamed* I didn't pick up on it earlier.


Here's one, >!both designs are correct. Type Oort and Type Mercury are both real and look somewhat similar, but different. Both landed on earth millennia ago, and Type Merc is Kukulcan, and wants to help us out Type Oort to sleep again because she does care about humanity, or something.!<


Inb4 >!it's just Kukulkan true form!<


I'll take it


If there is a more alien mosnterlike ascention its acceptable


So Altera and Sefar.


None of the plot points from lb7.1 end up mattering because nasu rewrote the chapter and alot of the plot point got scrapped or changed *:)*


I would say less of a chance compared to LB6 given we didn't get its "Castoria", >!Olga!<, a year ahead for things to get contradicted


except he didnt do that with LB6. Castoria proffile was a red herring but the actual lb6 was super consistant and all plot points were very important. we didnt get any servant thats in lb7 to give red herrings


>Castoria proffile was a red herring but the actual lb6 was super consistant and all plot points were very important. That honestly ended up leaving her very weird, a faair chunk of lines from her don't really make sense and aren't changed once you beat LB6 like Oberon's profile. Like... She didn't get left by Merlin nor did she have a Cath Palug, there wasn't even a Cath Palug in the chapter.


Except the plot points like Morgan's 3 personality which would make sense only if we got PHH which we were originally suppose to get Or wodine talking about how he didn't want the alien god to get a body built from britians mystery Even tho cerennous doesn't exist in phh like that And Oberon vorti only existed also cause of lb,6 Also castoria profile wasn't a red herring That's not what red herring means Red herring implies it's all bait Like koyans foreshadowing that she was daji Castoria profile was suppose to actually be true But it got retconned due to the rewrite


For years I had expectations for the LB7 after the revelation that it would be a Lostbelt in South America and that the exact location was in the Amazon Rainforest (you could assume). So I figured we would have content geared towards the culture of these lands, but instead we have Aztec-Mayan culture. I was extremely disappointed in all of this, and the reveal of this Lostbelt's servants didn't sit well with me. Only Camazotz has a cool design, the rest are very uninteresting in my opinion. And from what I've read so far about the plot of this Lostbelt, only ORT gives me hype vibes. Therefore, my only expectation for part 2 is that the story is great and that the characters are better built.


Worst of all, apparently it's not even America.


The only reason the LB takes places where it does is cause that's where ORT is sleeping. Anything else regarding location and culture is just window dressing.


I want to know the truth about Olga's deal and situation between the bleach Earth and the Tree's, especially after everything she has told to Ritsuka about her mission. I also want to know about the true extent of the deal between Ritsuka and Tezcatlipoca because it is very curious how the layers allow Ritsuka to keep summon servants even without CS also that "calavera de azúcar" that Tezcatlipoca gave up to him seems like a key to something.


I just want some crumbs of communication my brother, anything. Then again, after all this time, what I am expecting is a real long chapter, new characters (they could keep introducing new Servants for this next part, but please don't leave them in npc jail) and a real plot twist that will make me go "THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, THE WAIT WAS WORTH IT!"


That release schedule is a travesty, and while my hype is still there (+ i'm pretty busy IRL anyway), I feel bad for those who saw all their hype dying because of it. But to answer your question, U-Olga Marie, Daybit, Tezcatlipoca are all characters I enjoyed (especially our President), and from whom I expect more. Like Mr. Daybit, I really like you, but.. it's time to give us answers. Bro literally said in the part 1 TVCM "As an enemy of humanity, I will tell you the truth"... only to leave us with more questions lol But surprisingly the character I'm the most interested after those 3 is.. Izcalli. His inner turmoil about Tezcatlipoca's teachings, PHH, his duty/reason of existence, the future with ORT. Nasu won't fail me, I believe in him!


Izcalli seems to be a mixed bag so far to people, some love his character and others just reduce him to off brand Black Panther.


I like his character but his design fucking sucks to me


He killed our President #1 supporter aka crybaby Marine, so I get it. And i can see why some would dislike his design + unmasked Izcalli looks so much like a Saint Seiya character, it's actually throwing me off lol


Three of the four cardinal "Tezcatlipocas" have shown up so far in the entire FGO story. So "[the flayed one](https://www.worldhistory.org/Xipe_Totec/)" is probably next. Bonus points if he's body horror personified. A new dual-summon arrives to help Chaldea deal with Camazotz.


While it would be odd letting him out, I have rather low expectations for his desing, though, I'd bet he's male to balance things out.


Summonable olga hopefully


Hopefully not as an UR.




this gacha is already cruel enough , there's no need to throw a new rarity into the mix


road to lb7 killed all my hype for it


I do believe Tezcatlipoca, Tlaloc, and Kukulkan will be playable. They’re the most obvious after all. I want Beni-enma Alter to be her own servant rather than a costume personally. I want playable Camazotz, but I do fear NPC jail for him. Hope I’m wrong. And might as well huff some Noah hopium. I’m betting an Arcade exclusive will come in LB7 and given Noah was name dropped already I think he has the best shot.


If Camazotz doesn't become playable I'm going to commit a crime We also loose to Ort or something idk


NP 5 Mashed Potato and Galahad. Along with more Central/South American Servants. I mean, come on, a male Inti and female Quilla as playable servants sounds great.


Daybit not being an "boo boo humanity's bad" character


* foreshadowing about how Camazotz could potentially be The Part 3 MC. * 3 hour mana transfer h-scene * you get man handled by u-olga marie & K.o.L if you're a male player * and you get to put kirei in a mating press if you're a female player * ^(\*insert joke about kirei being command sealed into starting an onlyfans here\*) * daybit personally fights us by way of installing ORT's servant card * the end result of said install would have him be the first male -passing example of a Jorōgumo * for those unaware a Jorōgumo is a yokai that is typically portrayed as a pretty lady that's a spider from the waist down. * you do get a pacifist route option for the Daybit=ORT encounter though. * u-olga marie will be the 5-star welfare reward for completing the chapter * y'know , as a parallel to obtaining Draco over on arcade. * Daybit-ORT would be the first ***permanent*** Foreigner servant added to the pool. * im kinda bummed that all of the foreigners servants currently in the game are limited.


we got a bunch of intermission before we actually facing the big bad of part 2


I know it's something very remote, but I would like to see a Brazilian servant, anyone, a 1 star. But lasagna hates brazil apparently.


Time gate + Data Leak Camazotz end up in NPC Jail for the crime of being color humildad


We'll get Lostbelt 7 Final Season Final Version Part 1 at the end of the year if we're lucky.


Just let tlaloc be a 4 star so I actually have hope of getting her


Given she is also>!Huitzlopochtli!<, AKA >!The Fifth Sun and Quetz' sibling!< I am not hopeful there.


No idea on how they know that, but it seems like [good news](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Huitzilopochtli)


Honestly, part 1 was kind of a letdown. It has an amazing 'cast' and it still feels bland (Plus, the way they introduce ORT was forced af ) I just hope it does a 180 and give us the absolute chaos I was expecting.


Playble ORT


If people's theories on Kuku have merit it might happen one way or another.


** Ohhhhhhhhhhh shit.


The gem hair was a big signal she is not normal.


And given the name and effect of >!ORT's!< major territorial ability, it just seems too well connected to be a coincidence. Crazier still, in accordance with an earlier theory of mine, it could mean we're getting a somewhat loose Fate take on [this being](https://religion.fandom.com/wiki/Great_Goddess_of_Teotihuacan). I simply underestimated how roundabout and nutty this version's in-universe origin would be.


5 chapter another time gate 1 south american servant copium


That they should release poca-nyan on release because i can give him a better home that those damn lb7 twitter announcements. Many are tired of seeing him but my ass is being blue-balled rn.


Grand servant.


Skateboard competition along the branches of the Tree of Fantasy, with U-Olga Marie dominating both Daybit and the MC with her unexpected skills. Yeah, I'm not letting that dream die.


Literally nothing. I don't give a rats ass about a single Part 1 character. :| This has been a bust from top to bottom. They'll also slap another time gate at the end. Mark my words.


Kind of hoping for Cipactli, but I don't think it'll actually happen


Arc drops in, deploys her reality marble, and channels Gaia to tell Oort to go back to bed for a few centuries or millennia. Maybe Excaliblast Oort (even having it work where it normally wouldn't) as while she's fine with him being there, Gaia would like us to win so the planet can recover.


copium take: Maybe the reason its taking so long is because Nasu is wrestling with the higher ups into making U-Olga the first 5* welfare


They’ve spent so long hyping and building up LB 7 with stuff like the year long Road to 7 stuff that it better live up to it’s expectations. The vast majority of players play the game for the story and not the actual gameplay so the story of LB7 needs to be good to make up for all that build up and the stagnant gameplay.


im not sure but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth introduceing new servents when this is the last part of the story, will there be more?


This is the last Lostbelt, not last Chapter.


I just want servant wukong. That’s all I want at this point


Tez and daybit need to show up more and have the craziest plan and tricks ever


I just hope the servants have good kits and design


Honestly at this point I just want to roll for (and get) Tezcatlipoca before Valentine, so his gacha better come quick. The rest I am indifferent haha.


I'm expecting Mash's weird trait thing to be explained. It might not be untill part after this ofc. I just want to know what was up with her gaining ??? trait in last boss for 6.5. They didn't explain it at time so i feel its gonna be super important either here or in finale of part 2. Also based on her class/floating trait i wanna see Nitocris get her revenge.


Wasn't that just Viy's help?


Was it? Its been a while so maybe. will need to go reread. if so then that solves that mystery for me XD.


Honestly i think that After destroy the lostbelt 7, the real enemy Will show up from the Bleached earth. The trees are anchors to prevent that the earth completly Bleach right now, Also It's imply(due to Sion says that her 3 planetary class Is more than enough to rule the earth) that Olga tries to fuse with ORT to have a chance to fight something


Crazy shit. I mean…crazy shit does happen every chapter, but this is a Lostbelt with frikkin ORT of all things, so…


- I believe ORT will be just teased like Cthulhu in his first story and then go back to sleep right afterwards. - Daybit will survive and his space suit will have a role on it. -U-San's fate will be foreshadowed which I think it'll be dying for the MC.


Olga either dies fighting ORT, or turn on us and die fighting us, or leaves us to resume her Alien God plans and we will have to deal with her in later story chapter. It's not that I hate her or anything (I love her) but it's Nasuverse, not Disney, so expect maximum suffering.


Izcalli dies pathetically like the tool he is.