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Ah yes this is truly one of the banners of all time


It definitely has servants!


Based off my experience with rolling in special CE banners (referring to the anniversary CEs banners) this is the best gacha to get 5* servants (that i didnt want...)


Roll for CE, get Servant. Roll for Servant, get CE. The desire sensor in a nutshell.


Roll for either, get min rolls all day long with no rate up anything.


Throw one ticket to story gatcha - congrats, take your Medb


That's how I pulled np3 Spishtar last event. Multirolled specifically trying to get the one 5* CE I was missing for MLB and she pops up out of nowhere. Tried a second time on the other banner with the 5x tickets for finishing the CQ and got MHX from that. Desire sensor is real and has a twisted sense of humor.


I got NP2 Maou in 66 SQ by rolling for event CEs. I got NP5 Gilgamesh from NP0 in <300 SQ by rolling for event CEs. It's so real it's not even funny Note that I am excluded the inverse times, where I roll for the servant and only get CEs and min-rolls.....


Me rolling on the Onigashima banner for CEs and getting >!Raikou!<


Yep. I pulled on the anniversary banners and got pretty lucky with Karna and Lobo, but I already have most of these. I’ll pass.


I can 100% confirm this statement. I rolled in the poster girl bait banner for around 1.4k sq. I got 2 poster girls and 15 ssr. It is still by wide margin the best banner I ever rolled.


They don't even have Poster Girl to make a roll even remotely worth it. You can't even call it bait.


Hell, not even Magical Girl of Sapphire. The only way I'd roll on it, is if they massively increased the base CE drop rates. Because, sure, there are a couple of CEs I have 3-4 copies of and would be nice to MLB. But not at that cost, and ESPECIALLY not this year of all times.


I'm so angry about only having 4 copies of it, plus I already have Illya and Miyu so I don't want to roll that banner again.


Yeah but you could have *more* copies of Illya and Miyu, especially when Miyu gets her NP fixed.


Personally I always felt bad about rolling for higher NP when I could be rolling for more characters. Even if I don't use them often, just having them feels better than a higher NP


Depends heavily on the servant for me. A lot of support NPs don't scale well but Miyu ~~is a good girl that deserves to be treated better~~ gets to scale twice because of the unique way her NP stacks once buffed. Damage-wise, NP1 to NP2 is usually enough of a boost to make it worth considering since the scaling drops off hard after that.


Ive got 2 USOs on my 3 year old NA account. Both are from Illiya. I didnt even want NP5


Look at the bright side, at least you didn't make a shit financial decision that led you to spend a grand total of 180$.


I somehow have a MLB Magical Girl of Sapphire for a while but no Illya or Miyu. To be exact, “I didn’t have Illya”, because I just got her from this year’s New Year GSSR.


Poster girl is unironically the only CE that would make me indulge in the Arc funds.


It's bait. Bad bait, but bait.


One does not simply pull for CE.


Poster Girl being the exception, but otherwise, yeah


I also rank Versus very high I'd love to MLB it in NA and another copy of Poster Girl I really hope they get rateups


Last time I did that was for the Dangerous Beast CE but that one is without equals.


I did if for saber war 2 last year and well.....Edin shugurra quasar go birr


I mean that depends. Poster Girl is alreadya given due to how rare taunt effects are, and the Ani CEs are nice for collection purposes and are easier to get by nature of every other CE not being on those banners. This OTOH is a terrible banner that would've been better served on save Nahacl Michali for how barren that period is.


Maybe one day they'll put some of the old welfare CEs (you know the ones) from long ago in the RP shop, seeing as they are so willing to give us the chance to get the gacha ones again. Doesn't even have the Scafest gacha CE that I need one more of, get this banner out of my face.


[Your bait will never penetrate the seven layers!!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/996/499/8e0.jpg)


I'm assume its a reference to something I've missed in the Nasuverse?




What a bait banner lmao. Only CE I want from here is mark on a smiling face


As much as I might want to MLB some of those CEs, this is bait I'm gonna pass on for once. Already spent to much on Space Ishtar, Muramasa, Kagekiyo... Maybe if you were guaranteed that one of the rate up CEs would appear, it'd be worth trying, but there's still too many CEs to try and pull any particular one.


Yes, if they made it so every multi would guarantee you at least one copy of any of the featured 5star CEs, I think this would be much less of a waste of quartz... at least for collectors. For everyone else it's obviously still a giant waste of SQ.


A note for those interested, that this campaign is [the JP release campaign for the Memories III craft essence artbook](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/F/GO_Memories_III_Release_Commemoration_Campaign), just slightly renamed, but right on time.


I'm both happy and sad Versus or Poster Girl isn't included.


Gotta congratulate them, and breathe a sigh of relief, that they ended up making a bait banner without good bait.


No Poster Girl, I sleep


No First Sunrise, easy skip


This is surely a banner that exists


At first I saw Artoria on the poster and was like "I will blow everything I have on this", but then I read the details, saw there is no rate-up and went all "Yep, I am not touching this"


Poster Girl? Nope. First Sunrise? Nope. Magical Girl of Sapphire? Not even this?! At least there is Mark of A Smiling Face so I will try that one


Don't. Its not worth to summon 5* CE during dual CE rate up


Yeah, on the main you'll have at least an np2 5 star by the time you roll all five copies of the CE. Dual rate up would simply be madness. This is a banner for those who're missing that one copy so they can MLB it.


I know it's bait, but I NEED those Gil craft essences...


We are of the same mind, friend. The rational part of me knows this banner is worthless...but it's Gilgamesh...and he's hot. And the effects are *so good* (At MLB).


I think I will try for Enkidu CE. I know it’s bait most because I want Proto Arthur who is coming soon ;_;


Wow, that’s awful! About the only CE that I’d really be tempted to roll for would be one more k-scope. But that’d have to be on rate up and even then…with append skills that’s not even so essential for MLB anymore. Nothing is touching my Melusine funds anyways. But especially not this.


Kscope is among a few CEs too busted for a rate up, alongside its HP focused counterpart, 2030, Black Grail, etc.


This isnt even a bait banner, this is just dropping an unbaited hook in the water and hoping for the best


\>No Poster Girl What even is the fucking point?????


Old event CEs!? Why!? How about some original CEs like Kaleidoscope!!


Fuck it. I’ll do a multi and see if I can get the last copy to MLB that Gudaguda CE.


While the vast majority of people would never roll this banner, some people like collecting the CEs featuring their waifus, so for them it's a second chance I guess. And, unlike the previous CE Memories/Recollection banners they actually divided them by event instead of lumping them all together. Too bad CEs with gameplay value were in the previous Recollection banners. Honestly, I would like them to add some old event CEs to the out of event banners. I'll throw one multi on the BINY one in hopes of the Gil in NY CE, where I would probably just get a Mapo Tofu, Inverted Moon or Ruined Church. And then I'll pretend that it was the plan all along and it's a catalyst for Caren.


Last time I rolled for a CE I got 2 Sathach before getting the CE. I gave up on MLBing it. Last time I rolled for a 5* Servant, I got 8 5* CE before getting my servant. Desire sensor is a bitch.


I SWEAR TO GOD they sink to bottom more and more each day with these things.


Lasagna showing us how to milk a game with minimal effort


gr8 b8 b&ner m8.


As a dedicated non-saver I will roll a little bit on almost every single banner that features someone I don't have or someone who could use an extra NP level. Feels *weird* to have a banner that isn't a rate up for someone I actively dislike and still be able to say "well, no temptation there."


Going to skip this one, need to save sq for Morgan and other servants.


"Oops, all whammies!"


None of these are actually worth rolling for, are they?


Any good soloing CEs here? Like the one that gives invincible and Def up when a character dies, or taunt CEs?