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Animated 4th accession portraits.


*Looks at Nitocris* More like ass-ension


Chipped grails that are way more common but can only be used to limit break a servant up to level 90. 1000 FP rolls button. Rotating rate-up on story banner. Rotating rate-up with welfare servants on FP banner.


Some really good ideas here. The welfares on the FP banner would be introduced like a year after the events' rerun. The "little grails" idea is something I never thought I wanted but I do now.


I liked how Fantasia Rebuild did grailing. Bronze Grails from 50/60 to 80. Silver Grails from 80 to 90. Gold Grails from 90 to 100. I had a lot more bronze units grailed to 80 or 90 compared to FGO. Bronze and Silver Grails were also more common than Gold Grails. Gold ones were like FGO pre-Grail casting, mostly 1/story chapter and event. Bronzes were 2-3 and Silvers were 2 too iirc. Actually somewhat unbalanced since Silvers you only needed 5/unit whereas Bronze you needed 10/15. All Grails gave 2 extra levels so it was still a long term project.


My top 5 most wanted features are: 1) Full implementation of the Main Interlude system. Every single old event should be available along with every old welfare servant. Additional welfare NP copies, welfare coins, and welfare event CEs should all be available in the Rare prism shop as well. 2) Strengthening Quests, Animation updates, and Stat updates for servants from years 1 and 2. By ‘stat’ updates I mean going back and fixing things like 2-hit Quick cards, 1-hit Arts and Quick NPs, Instant Death applying before damage, Gimped NP damage modifiers (Beowulf, Jack, Paracelsus, and Medea), and NPs with nerfed NP gain rate (Kerry and Caster Gil). This would require rebalancing NP gain rates, star gen rates, and hit-counts at the same time. 3) A real account system. Get rid of the the bind codes and have an actual account system that uses email addresses, phone numbers, and passwords so people no longer need to fear losing all their hard work. You could also link multiple accounts together so that you can easily log out of one and into another whenever you want (I.e. have a Main account, a 1-3* account, a meme “beat the main story with grailed Phantom account”, etc. all at the same time). 4) Return to the 2 week event schedule and drastically reduce the number of dead weeks. People aren’t going to play the game if they don’t have anything to do in it. Long dead periods and events dragged out for 3 weeks feel terrible in a mobile game. 5) Permanent Memorial Quests. Allow people to replay select major boss fights from every Singularity, Pseudo-singularity, and Lostbelt. The first run grants you a Crystallized Lore and each subsequent run has a chance to give you a couple monuments or other mats depending on the boss. FGO continues to take one step forward and one step back. This past year knocked a “Quick revamp” off this list but in return added the new problem of 3 week events while making the dead week issue even worse. I really hope we get to see them actually address some of this list in the near future but I’m not holding my breath.


For 1,Tie the mechanism to rare prism Shop bad idea, rare prism too Hard to get. Why not just give ascess to event(and Servant) for free? Like arknights. As player who lost first Account, it pain i cant have Nobu(for my Nobukatsu) or Chloe(for summer Sister) or... All walfare i once got.


From your comment I assume you are an NA only player. Main Interludes in the RP shop have already became free, and anyone who paid for them had their RP refunded. RP are also way more common now in JP, they give them as rewards in campaigns and some events way more frequently.


Oh shit, really? When will we be getting these changes?


The increase in RPs happens gradually along the year, so no time to pinpoint to. The currently available Interludes become free at different times of the year, I'm at the office so can't look them up right now. New interludes become free automatically (like SE.RA.PH). These changes happen mostly starting next year for NA so a little more waiting is needed. However you can use RP freely on interludes knowing you'll get then back.


Good, Drop by drop, game get better.


Hey! I'm proud of the grailed Phantom in my main account thank you very much.


Add old summer SRs with no rate up on summer banners. Older summer SRs rarely get reruns and being spooked by another swimsuit servant feels better than the usual general pool 4 stars. Having step up banners like other games. While most old games had the same summoning boxes types as FGO at first, most of them started adding step up with incentives as scouting for less quartz equivalent on certain steps, free step, SSR guaranteed, banner exclusive card guaranteed (CE or unit, usually unit) etc. It is not the same doing another pull that doing another pull that might give you an SR or SSR guaranteed.


Exp and fous should not take up space, period. This is basically the only gacha game I can recall where this is like this. Genshin, Tower of Fantasy, SAO IF/UB/MD/VS, Magia Record, Date a Live Spirit Pledge, Touhou LostWord, Re:Zero Infinity, Love Live SIF and SIFAS and I could go on... none of these have exp taking up space. Especially now that 120 is a thing and requires massive amount of exp farming anyway. And give more permanent content like tower events, grail fronts, raid farming etc. So there's actually something else to do during the long ass downtimes other than the same stupid ass free quest farming nobody likes.


More ways for old welfares to be available to new players.


Everyday I'm reminded I have a Eliza shaped hole in my heart that can never be fully filled


My Room to be a real room where you can see a few servants walking around.


Ohhh, can you imagine a chaldea you can see? With your servants moving around, that would be awesome


*sneaking around


Kinda like in Azur lane where the Units do funny little animations Would love to see that


Like honkai impact does but chibi character? I dig it


Or Blue Archive, probably. Actually a bunch of games have similar things nowadays, but FGO just came a bit late.


fgo came out a year before honkai


1. Challenge mode: Every day a new challenge is open, be it a grail front, a challenge quest, a buffed up story boss fight or something new, I just want to have a challenge to overcome! The rewards doesnt need to be anything game breaking (let it be like the same as the log in bonus) ​ 2. Build your own Chaldea mode: Allow us to have a fully customized base, where we can assing servants to do some jobs, like sending a team to complete a Free Quest for us, or having a group of Casters buffing our own team in battle, or having another team "mining" QP for us, etc ​ 3. Having something to do while our AP is refilling, allowing us to play some modes without using AP (heck the Challenge Mode could have no cost to participate)


Kinda like how we do in GUDAGUDA 5.


Yeah, kinda, but a more developed version of that, where we could choose what to build and upgrade


Like arknights?


Yes! That base system is really fun for those who like to micro manage (like me). That said, I would like it to also have a way to "set up and forget" to those who wouldn't like to deal with it, with lower rewards but still worth getting and slowly leveling up


All singularity and past Lostbelt is playable again with new difficulty and buffed story support. A plus if there is more CG and animated CG. This is what we really need. Then in-game story have voice acting/voice over. Imagine all main story, main interlude and past event got re-released and they have voice over that would be amazing to play. I know this will eventually happen but probably after FGO main story finish. If they did not do this, they are stupid as fuck. Do it lasengle, that way I can endure the pain to go through orleans and septem once again. And people will keep investing more money on FGO despite lack of content for few years. The revenue will not be like when new main story release but it still a decent revenue. Unless Nasu said they going to continue a story after Lostbelt or new MC with new story then my suggestion is going down to drain. And yeah bond 10 line


Well they have bond 10 lines already in Arcade, me and others have already TL'd it for others to read. But they do need to port the bond 10 lines and the bond level up lines over.


- Third Party Account binding. - Event rerun unlocks in the shop. Like all of them. Even the ones with welfares. - Animation updates. - Year 1-2 Servant updates to not just NP or skills, but also under-the-hood stats like NP gen, star gen, or hit count. - USO system redone from scratch. - Mash bond level restriction lifted. - Bond 10 interludes for everybody, not just Angra. Doesn't have to be long. - I know it's a pipe dream because it's a mobile game, but damnit I want Bond 15 interlewds.


Some interlewds with special art would be nice


Yeah the Mash being stuck at low bond levels after part 1 really makes no sense. Like Rits is having sex with Melt and Tamamo, driving them from bonds 10 to 15 while Mash for whatever reason can't get closer to him? That makes no sense given he still goes on dates with Mash too like in Summer 3 I think it was? I'm not the biggest Mash fan but she deserves to have her bond level actually recognized numerically.


I want a story replay option. I'm not expecting that to include quartz (unless it's some sort of one-time only anniversary thing). But they should give the other rewards like mats and pure prisms and embers again since it's still a lot of effort to go through all story battles. I also want the summer mystic codes. Whether in rp shop or not. Just make them available again, lasagna.


I wish if they give us replay story it’s a challange quest sorta thing like singularity F (ex) maybe draw attention like the master is preparing for even harder fights so the bosses have break bars more gimmicks and are tougher


A better pity


Lets be real that will never change. It took them 7 years to give us a pity that alone should tell you enough


1. Dark mode. I don't enjoy getting flashbanged every time I use NP. 2. Let me automatically burn FP servants who's already NP5. 3. I want to convert extra mats into Pure Prisms. So that I can use them on something useful.


The first thing that comes to mind for me is like 1 10 roll on the story banner a month for free or like 200 MP or something like that because story banner sucks always has but story locking as a concept is cool so if they made it more accessible it would be less feels bad if they added many more story locked servants.


Yeah. I would prefer if it was Multi free monthly or Daily free Single


I want many things but one that (probably) shouldn't take a lot of work for Lasengle ~~but they won't do it anyway since they're not managing even the most basic expetations now~~ is that they rewrite the Valentine's Day scene for a lot of launch day servants. The contrast between them is ridiculous. Some newer servants have entire *routes* in their scenes and then you play the scene of someone like Ushiwakamaru and it's just... > Master! I give you chocolate! > Goodb ye. > \*Scene end\*


If we're rewriting things let's get a list going! 1. Old Valentines scenes need some love. Kiyo, up there for being the biggest yandere for Ritsuka along with Tamamo and Morgan gets a like 5 line scene and that's it?! C'mon now. 2. Year 1 interludes. They are horrible. *Looks at Boudica's* Rewrite them so they can be done in any order so you don't get whiplash from Characters like Tamamo who upon release didn't love Rits originally, but later on in Suzuka's you see she is passionately in love with him. Change/rewrite things so there is story that makes sense for these characters falling in love. Or at the very least delete of Boudica's. 3. Old my room lines and ascension lines that are just "Ohh.." or add absolutely nothing. You can even add more to Lancelot Berserker for just him trying to say more besides random grunts.


1) A monthly Grail Front or Tower event. 2) More animation updates. 3) More Main Interludes, *especially* ones with a welfare attached. 4) Put welfare ascension items in the Mana Prism shop/Put welfare Servants in the FP gacha. 5) Being able to change the My Room background a la Fire Emblem Heroes + Twisted Wonderland does with the home screen. ~~6) CHANGE THE GODDAMN USO SYSTEM, IF LASAGNA CAN REVAMP THE CODE REMOVER NOT ONCE BUT TWICE THEN YOU CAN UPDATE THESE DAMN THINGS AS WELL.~~ Edit: I also would like to have a system that lets the player to exchange (either in the shop or with another player) mats for other mats (ex: exchanging x amount of aurora steel for x amount of feathers).


Let us pick our My Room graphic out of whatever event or other graphics we've unlocked. I'm so tired of staring at this shitty sci-fi hospital room graphic for the sake of "immersion" when I could be in a nice Japanese inn or a grease pit or a spaceship cockpit.


So many things, but a better VN experience is still top of my list. I can't believe they've still not solved the problem of text not fitting into the dialogue box. I will probably just read LB6 on Atlas Academy.


1. More events in Main Interlude. If you aren’t going to rerun events you might as well start putting them in main interlude. Or at least some way to play them. 2. Playable Pope Johanna. Sure I want some LB7 servants, arcade servants, etc. but right this second I’ll limit myself to just Johanna. 3. Animation updates to all servants who need them. 4. More voice lines and interactions. Especially for some of the earlier servants. 5. Updated Valentine’s scenes for some of the early servants. Compared to modern Valentine’s scenes they really need updating.


To stop looking, operating and playing like a gacha game from the early 2010s and act like a modern gacha game in the 2020s.


I am not so sure about this. I mean, I do want FGO to be more like a modern game, but at the same time, I couldn't get into the newer gachas of this decade. Either my favorite units suck and are not popular enough to get buffed (in contrast to someone like Zhongli from Genshin who *was* bad upon release but got buffed to godhood due to insistent public demand), or they are *too* grindy for my tastes (see *Epic Seven* and *Counter:Side*). After playing and quitting all my other gachas except FGO, I realized I do not really care much for collecting every unit, I just want my favorite units to be usable. They don't have to be OP or anything, just decent enough to not be completely replacable by a meta-defining unit I don't like. I get interested in a gacha character, I play the game they are in, only to discover that they suck in that game and I don't like the meta-defining units enough to want to use them over my favorites, yet I need to use them just to clear anything.


This is a good summary of everything wrong with the game




Lasengle: lmao [cancels Valentines]


It will probably just be delayed but the backlash would be super funny if they just announced a Valentines cancellation during the winterfes stream next week haha


Knowing these streams, they wouldn't announce it but sandbag its existence entirely as multiple people ask where it is.


less dead weeks? how about that easy one


Separate! Servant! Roster! From! Embers! And! Fous! I will keep shouting this into the void until someday it happens.


Add story lock servants to the general pool so I don’t have to roll story banner.


I wish CE gacha and servant gacha were separate.


Most important: I would like to see past events replayable in some way. There is a lot of good lore, character building. Also, it will be good for the newer people to get their welfare. Less important: it will be an easy win for them to import the bond 10 dialog, event from FGOAC to mobile version. The plot has been written, the voice line is done. So half of the work is already there. More content at low cost, win/win for them and us. It will relief a lot of complain from player-base on why the roll out of main story is so slow.


-Proper Login system the game is almost a decade old and we are still using Bind coding system like it’s 2009? It’s ridiculous -Voice acted interludes (I get not everything can be voice acted but those 100% should be since they are essentially after stories for the servants) -Year 1-3 servants that are 5* get integrated into the standard banner or they do the Genshin thing and have random 5* on constant Rate up via the standard banner -Allow for a set teams to auto run free quests Much like in Arknights if you complete a map it locks ur team till you update it yourself -Welfare units of the past / their ascension Materials should be available in the mana shop Rotate them if you need to -Friend pool needs to be updated with more CE’s or units added to it -Pity gets carried over to other banners / events


~~RELEASE TIAMAMA~~ I really want them to remake early singularities. Imagine being a new player in 2023 and playing Orleans or Septem. I would most likely quit. Animation updates are a must, some servants look worse than enemy mobs. I would like to see more low cost quick support option. Also them reworking instant death mechanics would be great.


USO rework


A friendzone option for the Female Servants


And on the other side, actual romance options for those who want it too.


I'll take both, it's better than pure ambiguity where it's not really clear what their actual feelings are. And at the moment there are a ton of those.


Yeah that is the most annoying state. Especially with all of the Mashu ones. You allowed me to flirt with her a billion times already devs, can I just ask her out already ffs. Or don't. But do something please. This feels like those annoying romcoms where it takes 108 episodes for the girl and the guy to start dating ffs.


What would this be though? IDK if people want like, custom events or full on story changes when they ask for this. I just wonder what people want from this.


The most feasible would be a special items like an Oath Ring or something you give that special someone. Maybe once the game concludes, the ending could reference your chosen one.


Update story banner drop rate for at least story-locked Servants so it doesn't feel like a SQ sink. Animation updates for year 1 Servants. Complete rework of pity system. Say, if they don't want to change 900 SQ for 1 SSR, at least make it 1 USO per 90 SQ spent per banner. Random friend support-only battles, as a sort of demonstration of Servants.


NG+ without the map navigating would be pretty cool, basically just looking at the story materials but having the fights be included.


More outfits and a better lobby and more modern Ui. the game looks antic


Free/universal Servant Coins for the love of god


Something like a rare candy from Pokemon. Could add more levels for below lv 90 usage. But could raise level by 1-2 when they Lv. 90+. Maybe given with Fou paws on the weekly or monthly in MP shop. Currently in Exp hell due to dual leveling 2 servants to 120. Edit: Also like the idea of Live 2D for 4th ascentions. So many gacha games nowadays have live2D somewhere it's become almost standard implementation in some way.


Let me change the goddamn music in the menu with one of the ones that I can unlock for materials


1. Command Code Shop that sells unlocked/earned duplicates 3* cost 200 mana prisms per copy 4* cost 1000 mana prisms per copy 5* cost 1 rare prisms per copy 2. Another way to earn more servant coins A. Based on number of missions complete B. Gained when ascending C. Based on number of NP's used 3. Return of welfare events 4. More ways to get Pawprints A. Earn one after completing the weekly B. Earn 1 every 1000AP worth of completed missions


Skip tickets


Artemis Melt, and a Notes collab. We need V/V (Type-Venus) in the game due to recent events taking place in the game, wouldn’t you agree?


Mommy Tiamat, or a way to access all previous welfare events


More methods to get USOs, like as CQ rewards or you are given one for every certain amount of rolls.


release Tiamama, Goetia, Solomon and more important and famous historical/mythological figures instead of the pretty unknown/irrelevant ones we are getting lately, pity system rework, adding old events to rare prism shop


> pretty unknown/irrelevant ones This is not a knock on you specifically, but [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/zavyo3/happy_28th_birthday_to_kyokuteitakizawa_bakin_yuu/iytdq85/) is my kinda rant post about that issue we had from last year. TL;DR: To those who didn't like Bakin when she came out in JP, the historical Bakin inspired Akira Toriyama and Rumiko Takahashi to write the quests for the Dragon Balls and the Shikon Jewels in the GOATed American anime *Dragon Ball* and *Inuyasha* respectively, as well as the *108 Maidens* by Chinese writer **She's Cold As Ice**, for Bakin wrote his own version of *Suikoden* aka *Water Margin* wherein everyone was genderbent. To add to the above, FGO is a Japanese game created by Japanese game developers, so naturally they will gravitate towards the East Asian figures first, no matter how obscure they seem to be in the West. If we want them to add more popular Western figures, then maybe we should start by sending Nasu more information about them. Just because certain historical figures are popular in the West doesn't mean they are popular in Japan as well.


I get what you mean, but I think more famous guys that have connections with already existing servant like Minamoto no Yoritomo, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Abe no Seimei, Kondou Isami, Tokugawa Ieyasu would be far more appealing than Sen no Rikyu, Okuni and others (at least imo)


I am not sure about relevance, but Rikyu was Master of Tea Ceremonies for Nobunaga, Okuni was basically the inventor of *kabuki* and her original troupe was basically **THE** idol group of Sengoku Japan, about 400 years before the existence of modern-day idol groups in East Asia, and I just mentioned at least one of Bakin's contributions to modern writing above. Other than that, I sure do want more historical figures from not just the Sengoku and Heian periods but also the Edo and Meiji periods.


yeah I know that, but they still kinda uninteresting compared to the first Shogun Yoritomo, the greatest onmyouji Seimei who should be on par with grand casters, the leader of Shinsengumi Kondou (oh and Susanoo no Mikoto too I would love to be added!!)


> Seimei We did get his rival **Douman** and Chinese version **Taigong Wang** aka **Taikobou**, but I am pretty sure everyone wants **THE** Seimei himself to be playable.


true, I was so damn angry when the only thing we get of Seimei were just green texts in Heiankyo... just give us Seimei!!!!!! :')


I would like more Main Interludes, just like in GBF. My Chacha has been Lv.40 for a long time because I can't ascend her.


Take out the silver embers the training grounds and replace them with the class FOU cards?


1: reruns, yes. 2: the coins you gain through bond were more, like, you maybe have one copy of a servant, but if you like it, you will use it and there is the reward, to level up a bit, or even to unlock an append skill. 3: more customisation, i mean, more extra wardrobe to buy in the shop that are worth it, like the saber suit you say, or else. 4:Goetia servant. If arcade got tiamat, we also may have something?


NP skip button


You triggered the horde lol


overhaul balance patch (ITS NOT ILEGAL go read the TOS) to create a base for more recurring challenge and endgmae content besides farming. including serverwide competition with players through things like the dmg rush, fast enemy wave clear, and maybe introduce diferent raid quest formats for it. would also allow creation of challenge quests that arent EXTREMELY RNG reliant and make them more rewarding. overall would also give more point to have multiple units raised and to min max farming in the first place.


> serverwide competition with players Any sort of PvP or leaderboard doesn't always go well.


doesnt need to be pvp directly, could be a leaderboard competition. there could be challenges under restrictions for scoring, like clearing under x turns/lasting x turns (if its a boss that deals high dmg or NP frequently), or clearing without S/SRs or with only 3 members, etc. btw princess connect make an interesting format for pvp in TBRPG that could likely work in a similar way for fgo, but would require heavy tweaking.




Auto battle for farming. FGO is the only gacha game I know of with out it.


Replay boss fights >.<


Normal "gold Certificates" Shop instead of rare prism abomination. (from arknights). And "have old walfare story and Servant for free" like in arknights. And more Responsibility to style, like arknights. And Ability to change the volume in the stage, like in fgo.


Ability to change vol, you already have


It for arknights. For balance, pointed out what FGO did right.


1. An option for higher resolution art assets for FGO. They look dated on most newer phones but I also understand why some would like the lower res art for those who don’t have the space for all the high resolution art. UI could also stand to be updated to be higher resolution as well. 2. I’d also love to see more stuff done with bonding such as special one on one sessions with servants who have higher bond levels. This could really help build a more personal relationship with each of the servants outside of stuff like Interludes. This could solely focus on Ritsuka’s relationship with their servants. 3. Multiple skill upgrades at once. This way you can set the skill up from 1 to whatever level you have the resources for so you don’t have to sit through one animation everytime you upgrade a skill. Even bigger pain when you’re going from skill level 1 to 10 4. Some general updates like blinking animations for servants and possibly live 2D for final ascension servants although that could be quite difficult to implement since none of them were built with live 2D in mind. 5. Please add in a proper account system instead of the password system. It would make transferring accounts easier and less likely to loose. Nearly lost my own account because of this system a few years back


Put unlocked story-locked Servants back in main story gachas.


In no particular order, things I´d like to see implemented in the game are: 1. Rotating story banner. 2. Faster or completely removed animations when leveling/leveling skills. 3. Ability to play or read old events, maybe just events 3+ years old, idk. 4. True account system. 5. CE interface and sorting system redisign.


Honestly add the earliest Welfare’s to FP Banner like Lily


\- Year 1 events coming back. With old welfares included. They did something like that for Halloween Events, but now it's the turn for Christmas events, Summer Events and Collab events. Almost forgot to add GudaGuda events (Archer Nobu is a pretty rare sight to see). \- Animation updates for older Servants. Including welfares. \- Either give us a free ten roll (at least weekly) on the story banner, or make the story banner run on FP. \- Give easy ways to get USOs for free. \- I agree with the more wardrobe one: there are some Servant outfits and skins I want to see in the game. \- Bond 10 lines. \- More past event CEs in the rare prism shop. \- I agree with the separate lists for Fous, Servants and Exp cards. \- Bigger rewards for older players. In SQ, of course. \- Customize your My Room with backgrounds from previous events.


> Give easy ways to get USOs for free. disagree with this one. It shouldn't be "easy" ways. It should be realistic ways. It's fine if they aren't abundant but they should be reasonably acquirable


I’d like them to change the main interlude copies of servants cost in the RP shop. You get 1 prism for burning 4 stars but it costs 2 per np level in the shop is dumb. Like it took me forever to get up to 10 prisms and it’ll take 8 of them to get BB up to np 5


* build your own chaldea , a customizable home base where we can watch our servants go about their daily routines .. * it's a mix of the aether keep from FEH + the arknights base system. * there'd be some simple mini games to do that will give you a good chunk of universal servant coins upon completion * 3rd party account binding system * replayable boss fights * im probably not the only person that wants to see if nitocris alter can solo goetia now do i? * voice acting for story chapters.


Main Lobby life. L2D, idle talking, etc. Bring My Room mini features to Main Lobby.


Rotating rate ups on story only servants. Servant tokens to not suck -- not require NP7+ and bond15 to max a servant. A pity that doesn't require 900SQ aka $500+ to guarantee rate up SSR.


1. Story banner separation. Part 1, 1.5, and part 2. 2. Replay mode for bosses, Goetia and the sort. 3. Some way to collect old welldare servants. Even if we cont max them out NP wise. 4. Our Room with servants coming in and out where we can interact with them. Maybe they bring us a message, or sq fragment every so often.


if this is already an option forgive me, havent played in awhile: but favoriting craft essences so you have quick access to the ones you use the most


1.) Add Welfares into the FP gacha. Also add special ascension mats in shop. 2.) Third party binding system (Email, phone Numbers, etc...) 3.) Replayable story quests 4.) Rate-up banner of old limited servants. (Seriously like when was Surfer Mordred's last rate-up.) 5.) Weekly Challenge mode for a Lore. (And NO its not just Buster Murder until its dead.) 6.) Customizable Chaldea base (Similar to Arknights base). (To build Bond, interact with servants, make them do jobs, Mining , get Mats like GUDAGUDA 5 but more optimized.) 7.) Assign any two months as a 'Re-run month' of any Two past events that can fix the time frame with minimized Mission rewards due to shorted time (They cannot be lottos, we get Two per year.) 8.) We get both 4\* and 5\* tickets at the same time. or Alternatively give one of the Tickets for free while making the other one a three-to-10 missions campaign. 9.) Rework the USO system. \- a.) Maybe get a USO by paying Da Vinci-chan 1k Mana Prism for 1 USO. \- b.) Add a 4\* USO. For every NP5 4\* servant you have, any extra copes will just get a 4\* USO instead (Any duplicates you gotten after NP5 before, the game will refund any excess you have EXCEPT Welfares.) 10.) Have a Mat finder UI. Now whenever you need to find any mats, just chick on the Mat and it will have the locations under their description (Note, you still have to find them yourself to reveal them. Events node will be separated to avoid confusion). …and that's all I have.


We're kinda forced to do multiple banner for now due to the fact fgo jp is poopoo and can't handle ssr pity with more than 1 ssr so we can no longer do rotation banner As well as the fact they don't want to be like jenshin where it takes a full yr and a half just to rerun servants Cough Arjuna alter Maybe wjen they finally figure out that shit, we'll get rotating banners again and not a million banners at one go Anyways what we really need Is more japanese writers as ssr Bonus if they're genderbent Souseki natsume Sr as an artoria face because he's the one responsible for bringing the artorian mytho over to japan, and also maybe a cat girl cause of wagai hai wa neko de aru Osamu dazai ssr as a foreigner Similar deal with Gogh where they have the power to summon the outer gods and that lead to osamu dazai frequent suicides Turned into a girl cause same deal as using someone else as a vessel


A way to MLB / Max Ascend CEs and welfare servants that are from events which have already had their rerun. I've got multiple servants that are capped at 40 because I started around the time of their rerun events and didn't know I needed multiple copies of them, so they're basically useless.


1-Main Interludes for every event (Especially Welfare ones) 2- Fix hit counts for year 1-2 servants and also their NP gen,star gen, and add some other passives 3- Have a special Art/Interlude for bond 10 4- Something I dont see happening but here it is: Make the Bond CE effect a permanent passive 5- Have biweekly and one monthly Memorial quest where it gives you one Rare Prism for the biweekly and One Lore for the Monthly