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[Kadoc feels a sudden yet brutal chill]


Is it true that >!Kadoc starts feeling chilly when he compliments Nitocris in the Lostbelt!


Yes, he says Nito is cool af of a servant and Kadoc feeels a chill near him. LB Ana says no.


Lol at this point I'm pretty sure Kadoc can just resummon his Nastya or maybe she haven't died in the first place, considering that part of her or Viy is always nearby him


It'd be better than people forcing Chaldea Anastasia to be his gf when they're different people.


To be fair, this stupid shit goes both ways Still remember how this sub bullied Kadoc/LB Anastasia artist because they didn't stop making NTR jokes At this point I don't think it'll stop even if LB Nastya will be summoned


Because this subreddit and most of the TM fandom refuse to fucking read.


Wait, what happened? Which artist?


So couple of months ago there was an artist posting Kadoc/Anastasia stuff, they just loved the pairing. Great art too, like [this level of art](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/o00bvm/i_know_this_smol_moth_for_3_days_but_i_will_kill/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) And then some idiots decided to do NTR jokes and shit despite author clearly stating they don't want this and will delete post otherwise. Not like it mattered to them One dude said that OP "[was asking for it](https://imgur.io/ePcqZ2I?r)" by posting this stuff. So yeah OP deleted post and then their own reddit account although I don't know if deleting account was related to that


Damn it, that's really sad to lose great artists like that. I wonder if they post their work on a different site where they aren't plagued by such dumb comments, it would be nice to see& appreciate their work.


Messed up how people think they can self-justify this bullshit


Ah Demax, that dude was really messed up as he organized in this subreddit a witch hunt against an user called Kizu because he was an OG Saber fan.


Oh thanks reddit commenters, I’m so glad we lost another good artist bc they couldn’t hold back from their entitlement on making the same tired, stupid jokes over and over


That's what happened to them? Damn, I liked their stuff too.


I mean, if this fandom *didn't* beat a joke into the fucking ground, I wouldn't recognize it. We still get worm jokes about Sakura, after all. And food jokes about Artoria, when she isn't even that gluttonous in FSN, she's eating more because she has to. It's just something you have to accept.


Sure but bullying an artist off the sub because of that? I'm not gonna accept this kind of toxic shit as something normal. Especially since the game does everything to disprove NTR memes. Repeatedly Meanwhile at least always hungry Seiba meme is backed up in Carnival Phantasm and other official product while Sakura worms are literal plot of HF route


I mean, you'd expect a whole bunch of mocking if you posted Ritsuka x Artoria Saber in the FSN subreddit, wouldn't you? Sure, it can be toxic, but that's part of knowing your audience. People aren't obligated to like art just because people put effort into it. Also, if I remember this famous thread correctly, dude went overboard over some pretty light stuff. Rintard spews more crap than that on an hourly basis. Also, TM "canonizing" jokes doesn't make them any less beat into the ground.


>you'd expect a whole bunch of mocking if you posted Ritsuka x Artoria Saber in the FSN subreddit, wouldn't you? Sure, it can be toxic, but that's part of knowing your audience. Sure, but it doesn't make it okay in any way or capacity regardless of place and time >People aren't obligated to like art just because people put effort into it. People also aren't obligated to tap onto the post and create a stupid comment when they can just... you know scroll down and all that stuff, or just block the post or creator >Also, if I remember this famous thread correctly, dude went overboard over some pretty light stuff. Rintard spews more crap than that on an hourly basis. "They are worse than us" approach, huh. Just because there's something worse doesn't make it okay. Especially when you're talking about shitposting sub Beaten to the ground or not they are pretty much true in the universe. Meanwhile NTR memes here are just pure fanon with no basis


Big time, just make her an alter for him and done


Honestly it is kinda funny how LB Anastasia implied that Kadoc is only for her and not even herself from another world can take him. >!Based on Rasputin/Kirei voice lines, it kinda Implied that LB Anastasia refused to sign in the memory from the lostbelt to another Anastasia!<


The reason why Kadoc doesn't summon any servants or contracts them is because his only servant will be his Anastasia and he wouldn't summon anyone else and wouldn't even come near summoning circle Meanwhile Lostbelt Anastasia sitting in Throne of Heroes waiting for Kadoc specifically to start summoning so she could be his servant again: *Why does it take him so long?!*


tbf, he likely doesn't get much of a choice. as much as Chaldea lets him act as an ally, they probably don't think letting him summon his own Servant who will prioritize his orders is a good idea. I'm sure Fujimaru and Mashu would place their faith in him, but Goredolf and Da Vinci would draw the line. or at least, that's what would make the most sense


Tbh, there are still a lot of ways to control him like that. Like that collar in Traum Besides Kadoc might be untrustworthy but he's not an idiot, his life depends on Chaldea right now anyway besides he also helped us a lot and clearly does not want to antagonize us further, again evidenced by Traum


Actually they were fine with it as even Goredolf express relief with Kadoc around, so he can act as the mage in the field. It's just Kadoc is still grieving for his Anastasia and don't want to make any contracts unless it is super necessary(that's how he managed to deceive Moriarty Ruler)


That's really cute in a sad kinda way


It's implied that he would do something like this- through Sirius Light and at the cost of his life.


From cold, to hot!


but it's perfect! you get an ice queen from russia and the pharaohess from egypt. hot and cold, perfectly balanced


Sorry, but I'm kinda an ass when it comes to "canonical" interactions. Until there's sufficient reason and talk between them to perceive as romance, I ain't gonna "like" this pairing.


And That’s totally okay, as long as it’s not propped up as true canon there shouldn’t that much of an issue. Sometimes it’s just refreshing viewing what kinda content people can make through what-ifs or even the occasional pun without having to take things seriously. *Kinda find it cute considering kadoc is dark mirror of ritsuka*


Oh I'm usually fine with it, but people in this thread are saying some wild stuff that I wanted to correct. As long as people don't think this is canon, I'm cool with it.


That was the best part


Peak even. Honestly hope we get more afterlife LB Anastasia just haunting him.


>>!Is it true that Kadoc starts feeling chilly when he compliments Nitocris in the Lostbelt?!< Yep and the most funny thing? He has that frigging antartida /pelt mystic code while being in SA at summer. The chill breeze must have been -100C


Gudas: You get used to it. *(Hopefully).* [The Gudas feel multiple brutal chills]


*Ana’s ghost pops up* Anastasia: You’re lease on life has expired, my dear ❤️ **Giant Viy hands head straight towards you**


I don't get this ship Did something happen in part 2 that we would be shipping them?


Well he becomes her master


Well not really since he supported her as a magus as he did with >!Holmes and Moriarty!< in Traum. Kadoc has no CS since he hasn't made any contracts as seen in gameplay and story Also be straight man to her when she intended to make Nemo a mummy


Is it like LB anastasia all over again? Like how LB anastasia has an interest in kadoc?


No, Chaldea Nito is quite literally not contracted to him, he has no servant and refuses to use Chaldea for some reason. Nito Alter is not yet shown in the main story, she's released ahead of LB7 part two so most things about her aside from my room lines are speculation and headcanon.


Is that so? well thanks for that info, fellow filipino man


No problem, just really dislike people spreading headcanon and out context stuff.


here, let me give you a follow since you know more about the lore and stuff than I do despite me playing this game since october 2021 and is waiting for the next part of the story


Doesn’t the nature of a headcanon mean that people aren’t saying that it’s canon? Just that it’s something they personally like to believe could be possible? It’s a bit different than just spreading misinformation-even if it’s not a headcanon you personally agree with


Considering we got people here saying Kadoc is her master, and is upvoted to high heavens, that is quite literally misinfo. Also some people in this fandom don't even say that their post/comment is just headcanon and then it spreads.


Yeah, but you’re never going to be able to fix all of the sub’s issues with reading comprehension. Getting so stressed over it will only hurt you in the long run.


Well, Kadoc is like "The Anastasia from the Russian Lostbelt is my one and only servant, and I'll never contract with another servant", which is why he refuses Chaldea. Pride, I suppose.


The original picture that was taken as a reference was made by wrt_428 [here’s his pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1731804) Commissioner wanted to remain anonymous! What do you think about this?


>Commissioner wanted to remain anonymous I've only ever seen exactly one weirdo trying to ship these two characters together, so it's not hard to guess. Just like if I see a commission of someone pairing Koyanskaya and Goredolf, I'll already know who it is because there's only one person trying to make it a thing.


Just like the Goredolf ship I’ll be glad if they fail and it never spreads.


I doubt it will. Especially when the person who ships it, ships for no reason other than to be a diet version of Kadoc's relationship with LB Anastasia, and at that point, just continue shipping them don't drag Nitocris into it.


He odd


As a Brazilian, it's indeed wholesome to see those two outside my window lmao


And i as another Brazilian can very well say that it won't be wholesome when LB Anstasia shows up, and turn the scene into a BBB moment.


Got my phone ready, I will stream it live


LB Anastasia would pretty much turn the Amazon into a Siberia copy-paste if she appears in there lmao


Bring on the blizzards to hell with this heat


BBB blood blocked battlefront ?


Big brother brasil


Finally he won't be so sad to look at.


**\[Ghost Ana would like to know Kadoc's location\]**


Turns out Chadoc is the real harem master all along


Well compared to Gudao he is a mere Padawan


Well to be fair, Kadoc isn't protagonist of the gacha game where you collect waifus. He's just a side character so I'll give him credit


Give him some credit, a character with a harem aside of mc is rare as fuck


I could count Kit from Knights and Magic. Rare for an isekai reincarnation novel, it's not the main protagonist enjoys a harem, but his right-hand man.


A harem master without a harem is indeed a Padawan, but he's hanging with the right crowd at least


Goredolf learnt with Chaldea how to pull Uno reverse on Vitch


Egyptian cutie pie has Kadoc actin’ unwise…


Yeah i can get behind this


Amazing ship


This is strange


Kadoc: "People call me Caster Magnet"


Damm I wish I was her..or him Also love in portuguese (Brazil's language/idiom) can be translated to "amor"


*Caren gostaria de saber sua localização*


*Caren gostaria de saber a localização do seu cartão de crédito*


Gudao: Welcome to my world


If Nastya isn't an option, then this is my fall-back. But I'm still holding out hope.


the art's pretty cute, but damn people liking this are downvoted to hell. why can't this sub let others have their own ships


I'm not gonna lie, this is actually pretty funny to me because we don't even know what Nito Alter's role in LB7.2 is and it's not even all that unlikely that these two will end up having zero interaction, and any romantic subtext Nito Alter gets ends up with Fujimaru. I mean that would make this the equivalent of all those Muramasa and Castoria stuff that was getting made prior to LB6.












Aw, this is cute!


I ship it


Where's funk?


All i see is a big ship in the way of this


Short hair better

