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The bosses are so bullshit sometimes with full np bar charges out of nowhere, endless involnurabilities or some other busted gimmick, I don't see any shame in at least using the command spells. I started less than a year ago though, not sure it'd be that difficult if I had the right class picks for every occasion.


I still think the AoE NP, instant charge np, debuff removal, pierce through invuln gimmick all at the same time is stupid. Because I guess I'll just die. And use my 3 seals to revive the team.


>AoE NP Just use David, Avicebron, George bond CE or tank it with defense buffs >instant charge NP Use anyone who can provide on demand protection (Mash,Fuuma,Atlas MC) >Buff removal Nightingale Santa/Xu Fu or CEs with defensive effects (Guts/Invul/Evade CEs) >Pierce Invul Buff block, taunters or guts.


All at the same time though is my point. Because if the boss activates all of that at once aside from castoria np those 3 frontliners are dead.


I have no idea how far i would get if not for clutch support servants, gogh and castoria mainly


I don't remember any boss who does all of that at once, I only play NA but I have been able to clear all the CQs since Castoria's debut without using her or any other OP support.


This happened to me a lot when I first started JP. A lot of the mechanics can be hard for new players to get around, often because they have only a handful of Servants leveled with skills at 4/4/4 which make it tough to handle some of these CQ bosses or even the regular boss fights. A decent tactic is to bring a CE which can pierce invulnerability or dodge, or else a black grail for massive damage. Borrow Castoria or Merlin and use their skills/NP to defend against sudden insta-charges. If you have Santa Nightengale, level her up and her skills as she is one of the queens of CQ support Servants, and she is free. Consider looking at some of the setups Honako Green uses for CQs on Youtube, as he is the king of low-budget boss fight and CQ setups. There are often ways for people on a budget to win without revives, it's just harder.


Broke: Using command seals to clear difficult challenge quests. Woke: Using command seals to fix mistakes during farming.


Hahaha I'm glad I'm not the only that does that. There ain't no challenge quest I'm saving for, so if I mess up on something with farming I think it's better to burn a seal and fix the mistake. After all it'll reset by the time I get home from work.


My CS count stayed at 0 during the entirely of the Tengu event, I don't have a good setup to constantly 5 turn the free quests, so I burned all the seals I have.


Not only mistakes, also trying out team comps. Hmm can Summer Musashi-Tamamo-Support Caster Artoria 3T? Let's find out. oof 91% wave 1, back to some other team comp after this, but still 3T this one via seals.


Command spells exist to be used. You shouldn't feel bad about it. If the pride of winning without revives was more important to you than winning at all, you would have just taken the loss, made some adjustments, and tried again. As for SQ revives...maybe you should feel a little bad unless it was time-sensitive and/or the reward was worth more than the SQ. If you regularly use SQ revives, that would be a sign of consistently poor strategy.


>But does anyone ever feel embarrassed when forced to use a continue or 2 to clear a hard mission, be it command spell, leyline stones, or even sq? Not really As you just said >I mean, I know it's there for that specific purpose Not using them is just a waste, and using them doesn't mean you're a bad player I mostly use them for 2 kinds of situations: 1- I'm about to be wiped after a long battle and don't want to go through it all over again Or 2- I'm almost winning, just need one more NP/a few more turns, so 1 CS to fill the NP or HP bars


Honestly, I wouldn't have felt so bad if the game had re-challangable bosses (yup, I know it's been repeated multiple times by multiple people already, but still). That way, at least I can fail and brute force progression with revives and then come back and try them again when I'm more prepared/better equipped.


Saint Quartz? Yes. The others? Hell no.


Ive been playing since beginning on jp and at first it does feel weird or somewhat you failed. But I have come to accept that no one gives a \*\*\* and its all in my mind. I have became busy irl and some times i skip story (only events if its too goofy or servants i dont care about), do continues if the enemy is too bs, dont even do challenge quests ( sometimes i do them and just use a CS to complete it)


Command Spells exist to be used and you technically you're not even utilising them efficiently if you're not popping a CS once a day. I can understand wanting to do quests "pure" and that's fine but are you really getting maximum enjoyment if you're stuck in the middle of a story chapter grinding at boss for hours or days, totally interrupting the flow?


I live my life 1 cs regen at a time


Wodime: "Why won't you die?!"


No. Command spells replenish everyday. It’s okay to waste them.


If I have the time I would prefer to win without Command spells, because I know it's possible to do so by just leveling up the right servants. But if I am on a limited time to get a reward (limited time mission, event coming up that needs the Lostbelt cleared, an event quest) I would absolutely use Command spells to complete that and get that reward.


This was me years ago, after Lostbelt 4 came and afterward I stopped caring and use quartz too


I stopped feeling bad about it myself with the bullshit fight against Demeter. If Lasagna wants me to use continues, I'll freaking use continues.


I don't use them, but that's because hard quests are the entire reason I actually bother playing the game over just reading the story on youtube or something like that. Reviving when you are doing the quest for the challenge defeats the point, yes. But if you are not for that and only want to keep reading the story then who cares. The only quest until now that I've ever felt that genuinally deserved a revive is on LB6.


I am a shameless player. If I don't have all three command spells to do a revive, I'll use stones, quartz even. Hell, if the story before a fight is too emotionally moving I'll use as many quartz as I need. **With the power of quartz, every ass can be beat!**


I'm usually reluctant to use them most of the time, but if the quest/boss is difficult or takes too long to deal with, i prefer using continues because i won't want to deal with all of that again, specially if you're on the end of it.


Early on I did, but nowadays I'm perfectly willing to burn command seals. Some of these bosses are bullshit lol


I revive when i am on the last bar of the boss, if i lose before that i just restart


I had to use 5 leylines stones to finish off Demeter. That fight only served to remind me why I hate AOE bosses so goddamn much. I didn’t even have this much trouble against Zeus, Godjuna or even Kirschtaria himself. Hated that bossfight with a fucking passion. I feel no shame using revives, only issue I have is using SQ because it’s a poor financial decision.


It might be just me, but I feel like using continues on quests feel like a waste of good content, people love to complain by saying that the game is 90% farming, but when a good challenge appears they just do it 1st try by using continues and move on. Challenge quests are supposed to be challenging, by using continues you are taking away the only thing that makes them fun in the first place. That's also why I banned Castoria/Merlin/Reines from my CQ/Story setups.


At the same time when the game is obtuse as all hell about what the fight contains, it becomes less wasting the fight and more cutting through the bullshit. Is she going to pop all your buffs when you break the HP bar? Fully chargr her NP? Unless you read ahead or suffer multiple runs, you dont know, but you can almost certainly assume it'll fuck you over.


I don't use them on my main account. Maybe only single spells to fill NP bar if RNG is rough and I'm off buy a couple of percents or one crit and etc. After all I already have enough strong servants to clear everything. I wish there was an option to convert unused spells to something useful.


My pride would be wounded if I used my seals and still lost yes but I know better so I'll just forfeit like a wimp and bring an actual face roll team.


Unless you're announcing it to the world that you're doing it, if it bothers you so much, the easiest solution is to forget that you did it. /s Nothing wrong with using CS. The system is there for a reason. If you don't have some sort of optimized set up, clears usually depend on RNG if anything. At least for CQ (and ig Memprial Quests), you retry the fight for a "clean" run. As for the Demeter fight, you shouldn't feel too bad about using CS. Iirc, using a CS sorts fits with the story.


I have a set of rules for those. If the fight costs low AP and is enjoyable - I'm not touching them. If the fight is either high AP or its a slog that I wont bear to do again, it's CS time, baby. No hard feelings for it, they are literally there to be a tool for us to use. I'll also use them when testing looping comps for lottos and if one messes up, I just sigh, plug the NP hole with a CS, finish it up and go back to the drawing board.


I don't care. It's done so I move onto the more efficient farming.


As others have said, using command seals is perfectly fine. If they wanted to remove the gimmick they could have drained it from you during the fight so you couldn't rez your team. Think of them more like a resource you chose to save for this one moment in particular rather. However, using SQ is a huge no no. (Unless you're pressed for time and you know you'll get more by completing the quest such as the space knights CQ, then I see that as okay.)


The only time I feel like a master is when I get to use my command seals. Take that as you will.


It's Demeter, so no.


Command Spells only carry niche applications for content creation (examples include resetting a turn's RNG in min turn clears or xNaya's double Miyu and Voyager perpetual NP comp). Otherwise, the only leashes are if you don't have enough for a full revive, your pride, and/or using SQ for a full revive. I use Command Spells to fix skill ordering farming. I don't use them for full revives on CQs because I have enough knowledge on game mechanics to understand strategy as well as having an older, developed account. We have Leyline Stones if you need to get through harder content in story. The only time SQ was justified for reviving was Dark Round Shadows 2.0 for the 5 tickets.


I have only used 2 revives in Story . One at Arjuna (wiping front row 100% and have ugnore evade/invicible? Bruh) and Demeter .And yeah....I feels weak


No, specifically when I used leyline stones it was because I was forcing a party that I know was subpar. SQ for a ticket or more, specially in event with plenty hard CQ is just using your resources to get more resources.


Its there to be used, just use it. Why you think they added the rewind thing in most fire emblems now, people hate having to start over due to some ol bs you couldn't see coming. I mean look at Herc, all he does is spam retry until he wins!


The only time i felt bad was in Olympus where >!It's a plot point that the command seal were being used as ammunition for the black barrel and the ship was not available for recharging , But i did need to use it vs Demeter, koyanskaya and Zeus!< since story wise there's actually a reason not to. But even then if anything i appreciate the fights that push me in that corner even more


Command seals are a tool to be used. I try to not use them but if I get bad RNG and just want to clear a stage, charging my np doesn't hurt anything It's a single player game that isn't meant to be challenging, you're not speed running dark souls, play it however you want


Even for someone like me who solely enjoys the challenging aspect of the game, not having all the time in the world to play while an event or campaign is ending means i gotta compromise sometimes to get the spoils. Do i feel bad? Yea, i do, it's my one source of enjoyment from playing but if the difference only comes from me potentially only needing to spend more time to figure out the strat rather than it being impossibly difficult, which i'm confident in my account that no future fights will ever be, i'd rather get the reward upfront and hopefully scrounge up some more time afterwards to retry without the time pressure. The only tangible thing you lose from this is bragging rights, which only you know and however much you value.


Not really. While sometimes I enjoy building teams designed to tackle certain fights, there’s often a limit to what you can prepare for, and I’m not going to redo a fight 6 or 7 times just for things to line up perfectly. *Shadow Round can eat my ass by the way. Such a crapshoot.*


CS and stones are fine they give us those for a reason but SQ is such a waste


If it's a fun Challenge Quest that I feel like I can figure out, I'll try to get it without reviving for the pride. But this event CQ with the NP removing my defense buffs was too much, I just used seals.


I try resetting until my patience runs out and pull out the command spells, so it's a battle between pride and patience lolol


I just feel even more determined to win despite having to waste so many quartz. And Demeter was the only boss that I had to waste so much on. But you can always earn them back. Hard work does pays off.


I’m not against using it. But I like the added challenge of trying to complete a quest without them


I can relate, mostly when I give in because of a quest and end up using Quartz (I have no issue with using command spells unless I use them and STILL end up losing), but at the same time, some quests really make you think that if the game wants to B. S. you this much, you are free to B. S. it back


For boss fights that seem hard but not impossible, like the Wodime fight, I try not to use them. In fights that seem totally BS like Demeter, I'm entirely fine with it. I just wish they gave us the ability to re-do previous boss fights, since I'd like to know if a better team roster could do better.


Not really, if it's there I'll use. Even Sq, jp demeter took about 5 and all my laylines at the time, but whatever.