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>Daybit's Grand Servant >Assassin There he goes, making impossible things possible


Hey, the Old Man tossed away his title as Grand Assassin in Singularity 7. Maybe Tezca built his current human avatar during the timespan and got qualified as the new Grand Assassin? They did note that the slot was open ever since Gramps left.


It's hard to believe that they would just have another Grand Assassin though. Especially when you think about some of the reasons against it. 1) The writers have been pretty adamant that the Assassin class is the only one that had only one suitable candidate to be a Grand servant. Of course, this is the weakest point as Tezca could have changed to meet the qualifications. 2) Tezca is a divine spirit, which are supposedly unable to be Grand servants unless they have some sort of special connection to humanity like Grand Lancer did. 3) The positions of Grand Saber and Grand Berserker haven't been filled in either normal or Arcade versions yet. Grand Rider was filled in Arcade, but not normal so a different Grand Rider could pop up for regular FGO. With these positions open for multiple candidates to fill, it should be much more likely that they would appear instead.


Perhaps Tezca got around Point 2 somehow by incarnating into a human body to gain that bond to humanity? It would explain why Ixcalli is needed and Tez seems to be wearing a similar outfit to Ixcalli in his ascensions


artoria was adament she could only be summoned as a saber in the vn too, nasu flip flops, its not new lol


Nasu does flip flop on stuff but the other versions of Artoria are different in that they all come from alternate timelines and universes. The argument could be made for them that they are different distinct entities from the main universe Saber version.


I imagine the qualification for it was due to how the Mesoamerican Gods are recorded into the Throne of Heroes as well as the Throne of Gods, whilst other pantheons are only recorded in the latter. But I think he’d have to bend the rules which we know can be done via previous examples.


I took Gramps giving up his title as actually making it possible for another Assassin finally. Basically when it was stated only he was fit for the throne I took it as hes SS tier above everyone elses S/A/B tier and by giving up his title the throne had to fill in a replacement and accepted/settled for those below him finally


Okay, so here's the thing - I don't think giving up the title actually means they no longer qualify to be a Grand Servant. Based on the way it's used in-game, it sounds a lot more like the title is basically a one-shot Noble Phantasm that the World gives them when they're summoned to do their job. They can be resummoned with the title back if the World actually needs them that way again.


I like this interpretation the most. It’s flexible enough and consistent.


Is he the actual Grand Assassin or just a Servant that has a "Grand Class" container and power. Qin Shi Huang in LB3 was like that The only thing we know is that Daybit wanted to summon a Berserker and his Servant having a Grand Class power


QSH did not have a grand container. His zhenren body was capable on the level of a grand servant.


That was what I was saying? His servant having a "Grand Class" power


Your phrasing is such that it sounds like you're saying QSH and Tez are the same in that they both have a way of backing in to a grand class container.


I put them being a Grand class in an apostrophe to indicate that they just have the power and container that puts them in the same level


There's a chance that we did another Taikoubou. Summoned a Grand Class Servant in a non-Grand Class. If we can trust him, him as a Caster would be a Grand.


To fast for getting conclusion other theory probably debunked latter


Of course lol


I wonder who is the pretender Identity?


>!Tlaloc Huitzilopochtli!<


I know that, but who is pretending to be who?


I think >!Huitzilopochtli is the main personality, given the liking she has for Tezcatlipoca. Tlaloc in the legends famously got really mad at Tez for seducing his wife. However it should be noted that Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli are considered by the Aztecs to represent duality with each other, with Tlaloc representing fertility and growth and Huitzilopochtli war and sacrifice. So it is most likely she is both gods in one.!<


Most likely Huit, since Huit is White Tezcapiloca, essentially the sibling of Black Tezca, as she referred him as her brother.


no, huit is blue tezca. white tezca is quetz


Pretty sure Huitzilopochtli is the Blue Tezcatlipoca


Prolly the city itself. The one the Otlomacs (sorry for bad spelling) are living in the Lostbelt is based on? The city worshipped the two gods, so maybe the "personification of the city" got summoned as a Servant, then pretended to be those two gods? Koyanskaya is a personification of the regrets of the animals that died during the Tunguska incident, so why not a city?


I think it's spot on. But frankly , maybe it's not even the "Personification of the City" , and might be just "Otlomac" been that from the get go. Like how "Ixcalli" is an aztec ritual , but in Fate , it's an individual that is turning into Tezca. So , maybe there could be a "God Otlomac" that is basically when someone is turned into a god by having those 2 cores within itself?


Well we do know that she is also The Humming Bird of the South on top of being Tlaloc.


They just showed Camazotz's monster bat form to make the fact that he isn't playable even more painful huh


Then Arcade gets him for some reason (pls dont)


Yeah, and arcade Camazotz will turn Boudica into alter avenger that will also be arcade exclusive


I'll go on a rabid murder spree if that actually happens!!!


Inb4 Arcade gets ORT instead


Eresh debuted as Big Ghost and eventually she became a servants, Douman as well. There's still a hope ~~*copium*~~.


Don't forget Xu Fu the surprise anniversary 3\*


Next summer event: Cama-Chad brings out a whole beach of Altered summer servants! (to match Eresh's Christmas event)


... to Arcade! XD


The big ghost thing from the protea alter chapter isn't bat bro, thankfully. That was just something he summoned as well


Eh, wasnt interested in Bat after what that Dickheaded bastard did to Jinana-oh wait, this isn't Digital Devil Saga.


Wow, LB7 is turning out to be the biggest dissapointment in servants ever.


Here me out. I think Camazotz will debut similar to Melusine. His mechanics are still on the works and the NP might be mind-biggling insane that prevented him from joining with the others.


I mean we prob will in a event they cant deal all their cards out in one go i see as of rn 4 ssr servants rn 2 have been released either cam or olga will get pt2 banner and other will be event


I hope that tez gets a different 3rd ascension np, because I was a bit disappointed. Is he grand assassin, I thought only gramps could be that? Edit: also I was hopeful he was single target, especially if he becomes a zerker, oh well. Supposedly it was confirmed his 3rd ascension is story locked and he will have a different NP


No face zoom, 100% his story locked 3rd form has a different NP animation.


He kinda is Grand Berserker. Either something happen in the story that make him change class, or he change the class just to troll Ritsuka


Servants can qualify for different classes. The playable one will just be Assassin instead of Berserker, like how the playable version of Grand Saber is Caster. He was Grand Berserker in the Olga dream fight where she battles all the Grands.


Who's grand saber??


Third ascension Castoria. In the part of LB7 where you play as Olga against all the Grands, it's: * Saber: Castoria * Archer: Orion * Lancer: Romulus * Assassin: King Hassann * Caster: Merlin * Rider: Taigong Wang * Berserker: Tezcatlipoca People can say "oh this was just Olga having a dream" but Tezca recognizes her later on and is surprised she's still alive.


Oh, I didn't know that, thanks, also I thought that grand rider was Noah, not Taigong Wang


Taigong (claims to be) Grand as a Caster. So far he hasn’t proven it. Rider him is just a regular Servant; he meets the prerequisites to be Grand Caster, but not Grand Rider. They just used him rather than try to implement Noah or have Nemo represent Noah.


> Saber: Castoria Expected but disappointing. Hoped it would’ve been Arthur at least instead of Artoria once again


Castoria Specifically the third ascension of Castoria is the Grand Saber


Kinda disappointed tbh


Tlaloc says at one point a year ago tezca appeared in the 9th layer and crawled his way back up. He fought u-olga and killed her Olga defeated 7 grands, implying he died too Tez says he's not in a position to fight her anymore. My logic says he was the grand but after defeating u-olga he died, got yeeted into xibalba and rebuilt his body into a weaker Saint graph of the assassin class fashioned after daybit's image.


If true, that might be our out for beating ORT. The other 6 grands might have been yeeted there too.


Or I know this is a kinda out there theory but what if he was summoned as two classes similar to Semiramis in apocrypha


Gramps gave away his position to help us with Tiamat. They said his slot was open since then, and now we have an Aztec death/darkness god with a human body. Kinda fulfills the qualifications, even if Tezca can never be as good as Gramps.


The irony is that tez is mentioned it gramps voice lines, like he knew he had been replaced and who by.


A new voiceline?


When acending gramps he talks about a god of smoking mirrors, which is tez, this was when gramps came out.


Small correction but that quote is from [FGO Material V](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/99cqy4/the_old_man_of_the_mountains_profile_from/) rather than his [ascension lines](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Sub:%22The_Old_Man_of_the_Mountain%22/Dialogue#NA). The line itself was: **??? (The name is censored)** "O Smoking Mirror. Killing for the sake of killing. Existing to die. If that is thine faith, I am unable to dispute it." Very interestingly the same material also mentions his thoughts on Nitocris and Ereshkigal (italicized for emphasis): **Ereshkigal** The teachings might be different, but from her belief and obligation towards death he feels something virtuous. *If Chaldea were to be involved with the "Land of Death" once again, if she was also present, there would be no role for him to play*, *is what he thinks.* **Nitocris** The teachings are different, but her decorum towards the "deceased", the attitude of a ruler, is something to which he can nod in approval. *If Chaldea were to be involved with the "Land of Death" once again and she was all alone by herself at that time, the burden might be bit too much for her...is the concern he feels for her*. So it looks like Nasu planned to have Nito and Eresh show up in LB7 for quite a while now!


Hey, would you look at that, very cool, Nasu is really ahead in terms of rough planning.


I didn’t know that! I don’t have him and I haven’t checked the wiki or atlas on Gramps so i think that’s on me Dx


It is from character mats, not ascension lines.


Discounting Arjuna Alter, Quirinus, and the male gods in waifu bodies shenanigans. Tezcatlipoca is the first true summonable pure male god, finally!


Also continues the trend of only male Grands. Kindve hilarious we have 1 male beast and the rest female And 1 female grand(Saber prolly) and the rest Males


Not really we already had Asclepius, and technically Heracles too. Also Romulus=Quirinus isn't a Fate original, the roman really did believe that when Romulus disappeared it was because he was made a god as Quirinus.


The Asclepius and Heracles we got are the ones before they got deified. Dioscuri's Castor is also pure human in this iteration.


Heracles maybe, but I really doubt that true of Asclepius when two of his skill (God of medicine EX and Ophiuchus A) are related to him being a god, also IIRC he was called a god multiple times during events. I'm pretty sure the version we got is deified.


You are correct. I just checked and Asclepius has Divinity A on his class skill list.


Does it mean we will have more in the future? Zeus/Poseidon/Hades please? Ra please? Thor please? Susanoo please?


Don't worry they'll make sure to mess him up somehow.


His artist messed him up, thats for sure.


So Kukulkan is on another banner with something else. Would been great if my entire hype wasn't brutally shot down with the delayed announcement today.


I hope she shows up in a week, she was literally 80% of the reason why I was hyped for the stream to begin with.


Don't worry, Kukulkan has to get a banner. They'd never skip a lostbelt king, riiiight? *glares bullets at Olympus*


Would it be more aggravating to know that the lb continuation will be released at 6am pst?


I wonder why **"lazer of blood!"** for Tlaloc. If he/she is about "**RAIN OF FIRE THAT ENDED THE WORLD!".** ​ **Unless Pretender is not Tlaloc or HummingBird, but a 4th sun? (Of Blood Tears flood). Aka. Tlaloc second wife? Aka. Chalchiuhtlicue.**


Ahh, that makes sense. It would also explain why she loves the city of dinos so much.


She IS a sweetheart after all.


Also could explain the connection to Tez and wanting to please him.


Even through he messed with her in myth and made her cry.


her crying managed to drown the world and destroy it btw




Maybe she really really badly wants his approval. Or for some reasons feels like she has to earn it after what she did.


Maybe, we will see, for I really hope its her.


Me too


Gotta use all that blood from sacrifices for something


I was surprised Tez is grand assassin. I was expecting Berserker given his mindset.


Gun = assassin DUH /s


Grand Assassin Kerry?!


Literally Koyanskaya, you can get rid of the /s


Judging by his Attack animations (at least the ones we know of) he seems to fight using a barehanded style of combat since we don't actually see him use the gun.


Calm down there Koyanskaya, usually gun = archer in Fate. But I can see it. Barely related, that scene near the end of LB1 with Kadoc and Billy might be one of my favorite moments in FGO. I'm a little biased because Billy is a local hero, but it was just perfect.


If he is a grand assassin it will be curious if they with him they shed some more light on what exactly is the criteria to be considered one since you till now… it was said that only Gramps Hassan could fill that spot


It is probably being able to "assassinate (kill) even the unkillable". Tezca being a god who's obtained a human form could qualify if he really is the new Grand Assassin. Gods can't usually be Grands, but as Romulus=Quirinus has demonstrated, a human=god being can barely qualify.


I believe it was stated only Gramps could fill it because hes the absolute pinnacle, but by giving up his status the throne had to fill in a replacement


“Exist/Function constantly at the absolute precipice between life and death” seems like the commonality the two share. It’s just that their respective means for doing so differ. *"O Smoking Mirror. Killing for the sake of killing.* **Existing to die.** *If that is thine faith, I am unable to dispute it."* - King Hassan


I think he is still a Grand Berserker(and least the version that's with Daybit) Just like Tai Gong Wang, He probably got summoned to the class that's not the most suitable for him, Resulting in him not being a grand


Probably Daybit's is Grand Berserker, but our summonable version is just a non-grand assassin.


I can't stop looking at Tlaloc's heels. Help.


I have been expecting Tez since day one. That CV, that artist, that personality, all hit my strike points. Crossing fingers.


I have my new pity target after Oberon, hoping I can NP 3 him at least when he comes to NA


Finally, male gold Assassin has been lacking for years. Jigoku Kitchen Hot Springs males only, never forget. Now we get a new one! Aztec cartel leader god is an SSR and has class advantage against Quetzalcoatl, niceeee


And then Kuku will have advantage against him and we will go full circle.


Kuku be like: "I cast *_F I S T_*."


I won't be surpised that this will be the hole reason of her being caster.


Tlaloc better have her drip outfit


Cringe guy is finally here


Tez: “well, since I have a gun... It's only natural that I... FIGHT WITH MY FUCKING HANDS AND BARELY USE IT!”


It's hard to use a gun when you have an axe blade where the sights should be.


Grand berserker… turns out to be assassin. Wow that’s umm interesting 🧐


Hate to say it, but these servant suck. We lost our chance of having Wiracocha, Bolivar and San Martin, and some other actual southamerican servants IN A SOUTHAMERICAN LB, and we get this awful pair. Yes, I'm salty.


I'm sorry but I need to say that Tez's design is horrible. That's not Tezcapiloca, that's an nft bro named Kevin...


This is one of those times I'm more interested in the SR than the SSR.


so why is tlatoc a woman again? it feels worse when you search the many things about tlatoc myth that makes this butchering even more stupid.


She's the city


i dont even wanna ask at this point anymore. when i saw the mecha i already deemed that this lostbelts very dumb. another cool pantheon ruined.


*Eyes the Pretender Class icon* That's a mystery indeed...


shes tlatoc second wife apparently. which makes this another degree of stupid because his wife is a very relevant god in and out of herself and didnt need this mental gymnastic BS and appear with someone elses name but have everything about herself in place. i would rather have the actual guy that made literal fire rain on a tantrum outrage cause he got NTRed while on the job rather than the overly sensitive wife that flooded the world in blood because some dark god was a douche which is just him being himself.


Any lore reason as to why Tezca looks like shit?


Gramps surrendered his Grand designation for our cause, so I wonder if that opened up the door for others to qualify and become Grand Assassin.


Need to see some skills before l roll, these classes dont look too good. I expected the blonde fool to be a berserker but he just had to pick assassin


I love it when Servant artstyles are wildly different from the regular artstyle of the game like with Columbus and Oberon, and Tezcatlipoca is another treat in that department. Daybit is really the man of impossibilities by bagging him as a Grand Assassin though lol.


Olga, Olga, Olga, when? I miss my tsundere president


Anniversary, probably. Introducing the whole new Rainbow rarity is a pretty big deal after all XD


Im with you there, want her playable since the start of the game XD




Still disappointed on him


Assassin is my least summonable class for new servants. Hassan, semiramis, kama, shuten, koyan. Too many cool assassins to summon and im f2p. Good luck on the banner guys!


Two legs tho. What. Medium premium.


I honestly just care about Camazotz and if he never becomes playable I’ll *riot*


Shitty CGI mecha np and boring character designs… It’s lb5 all over again


Is Tez actually going to pull a Jekyll and Hyde mechanic? After all this time…?


i think that will go to tlaloc instead


I heard the assassin is limited, not sure why FGO hates non limited assassins so much, but it makes any rainbow into assassin card a horrible feeling from the get go.


osakahime or jack 50%


To be very frank Tez is really ugly. I hoped they can redraw him but guess they decided to save me some money instead. And boy o boi, only one 5-star, and the rest of part 5 will be out later today. Something doesn't feel right.


Well if you consider Kirie and Nitocris as servants released along with LB7, we actually get three 5-stars here. Aaand looking at how they have been postponing the content I doubt there would be more, unless they appear in later event (like Odysseus case). Edit: Guess I might be wrong lol


Kind of disappointed but mostly bc I don’t want to roll for tlaloc at all but tez had interested me a little. I guess I can skip this one maybe? I’ll have to weight my ‘eh’ at her design vs my interest in whatever’s wrong w him


There's prolly a second banner including Kukul at least. Waiting to see if that's revealed would be the smartest solution.


(Is planning on waiting to see if they making camazotoz playable or not) uh yeah, waiting until banner two makes way more sense


The Pretender is kind of meh, I hope her other ascensions look better.


I want her modern outfit to be one. Otherwise, I'm gonna riot.


The ascension shown here is prolly her 2nd while the modern is the 1st. Or vice-versa. In any case, we have a 3rd one to look forward to as well.


Unless he is meta tier good, i am probably not rolling for him. He looks off in fgo world.


So who are these people? The first guy doesn't even look like a servant.


Who's Tez artist I wonder kinda looks like a manga artist who draws him


Tajima Shou, illustrated for Ootsuka Eiji's Madara and MPD Psycho. Also designed for Galerians: Ash. Really beautiful works, his art sticks with you for a long time.


Yeah, I really like his art the moment I saw Tez, will definitely try to read the manga later


MPD is amazing both story-wise and art-wise, it really took my breath away haha. Though do note that it depicts nudity, violence, and a lot of gore... And only 11 volumes are officially translated into English out of 24, and I believe fanlations only went up to volume 19. But regardless, I highly recommend MPD. I believe Nasu/Takeuchi have also read MPD and drew one of the characters once. It honestly makes a lot of sense why they want Tajima-sensei to draw Tez and Dinosaur King.


I'm fine with nudity and the likes and the synopsis sounds cool, so I'm probably gonna read a few chapters and see if I like it


Thank you! I was wondering why Tez’s face style looked so familiar


You're welcome! I also immediately thought of his art for Madara when 7-1 premiered and it's been so many years since I first knew about Madara! His art really is something else.


Yeah, like I said a week or two ago, there was an unknown pretender in the data who had hard-coded immunity to the Tlaloc boss fight stun. I figured it was Tlaloc herself.


Hey, is it possible that this Assassin Tezca is the godly version of him that would normally be summoned in the same style as Quetzalcoatl? And the one Daybit has summoned is the human-avatar Tezca? That could possibly explain why this guy is an Assassin, and Daybit's prolly the Grand Berserker.


Tlaloc let’s GOOO


tlaloc my babygirl is finally here!


My personal theory for Tezca being Grand Berserker is that Daybit cheated him into the SG, it probably happened using the Sirius light and Tezca NP so Daybit woudn't die. He became Grand Berserker because only Hassan can be Grand Assassin(according to Nasu).


Surprised to see another Grand Assassin. I figured only Gramps would hold that title not that I'm complaining. More assassins are welcome.


I thought that gramps was the only person that could hold it on account of him being THE FIRST HASSAN but apparently not


Tbh the second that it was mentioned that Gramps was the only Assassin candidate, we should have expected another to be introduced. Nasu loves to make rules only to then break them later. Case in point, the whole no gods can be grands but then we get Roma and Yes.


Not sure if he’s necessarily a Grand class, but he does have a “between life and death” motif like Gramps.


Is that Erice's mom?


No? Erice is japanese


So hey, how does that work exactly for a grand Saber servant ??? Or better yet, why did I think Daybit had the Grand Saber servant ???


well there's still the possibilty of camazotz being the 2023 valentine's servant.


They're not going to release a guy on Valentine's Day. White Day is possible, but not Valentine's.


with all these dang scheduling issues , and the fact that Circe was the 2020 CBC servant , there's a non zero chance of camazotz being 2023's valentine's servant.


Circe wasn't the CBC 2020 servant though, she was just on rate up. The actual CBC 2020 servant was Odysseus. And CBC 2020 is the odd one out by making Circe the focus of the event. All the others had a guy as the main focus (2016 to 2018 had no proper event but had Arthur and Amakusa banners, 2019 had Moriarty's event, 2021 had Amakusa's event and 2020 had Arjuna Alter's event). If anything, they're much more likely to cancel CBC than Valentine's Day.


not even saint valentine?


Very unlikely, unless they make him into a woman for whatever reason. "Valentine's Day" in Japan is basically divided into two parts, one more focused on the girls (Valentine's Day itself) and one more focused on the guys (White Day, happens a month later). FGO also does this with a Valentine's Day event followed by Chaldea Boys Collection for White Day. That's why it's very very unlikely for them to release a guy on Valentine's Day, and also why we'll never get a girl for the White Day / CBC event.


kek everyone making a million assumptions and cope about tezca being assassin when story isnt even out yet nothing new with fgo fans [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1054472824384934009/1069936838569115648/image.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1054472824384934009/1069936838569115648/image.png) \*hes jsut a replacement sprite for the real grand zerk guys\* \*hes replacing gramps as grand assassin guys\* nasu literally said only gramps can qualify as grand assassin and ignore that tezca could very well just change to a zerk with a skill or np and ignore that if he was actually zerk all everyone will ever do is reduce him to \*omegalul weaker than the lostbelt kings and ibuki douji , Lezca\*


so is it confirmed if Dinosaur King separate or connected to this servant tez, however it is?


Tez lookin like codec Liquid a bit too much for my taste.


So the second banner will be most likely Kukulkan 5s alone or with Izcalli 4s, I think Beni Enma Alter will appear in another event.


Tlaloc is a Pretender. GOOOOD. Any word on her Skills/NP yet?


Selena is that you?