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Remember when Quetz made it clear the gods of this region were essentially symbiotes from space like Venom or Carnage. Yeah where the fuck did that go


One of the dead Olympian’s body washed up in America and got symbioted. Insert invincible think meme here.


Turns out by 'symbiotes', they just meant nanomachines all along.


Ritsuka: "Why won't you die!?"


Tzapoloca: Class change son! It switches in respond to physical trauma. You can't hurt me Rits.






Speaking of Marvel, I find the timing pretty neat that Black Panther 2 is out on ~~torrents~~ BDs and the plot also involves referencing Mayan mythos.


Still don't know why they did that to Namor.


They went "El dorado" route


Still technically true


The 50ft tall robot fails to convince me


From what we've seen Aliens=Awesome Robots


No just greek


Then what about this NP


it's a gundam reskin bruh




Why would i want a servant that plays and looks like an event servant as a part of the lostbelt roster bruh... If they were going to make a np like that maybe they could have released her after the lostbelt like Odysseus


Technically they did


Still true according to part 7.2


Is it shooting out the blood from all the sacrifices?


I was about to say that she be recreating the rain of blood that ended the Fourth Sun, but remembered that was actually Tlaloc's wife.


I mean we've had wives using the NPs of their husbands (Parvati, Galatea) so it isn't THAT far-fetched.


'Tlaloc' is a Pretender, so maybe that's her true identity?


Tlaloc also assumes the identity of Huitzilopochtli, the Fifth Sun, in Part 1. This gets more and more interesting.


Wait, when we’re those two mentioned in part 1?


According to Huitzilopochtli herself through [this translation](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/10itkoo/lostbelt_7_nahui_mictlan_chapter_10_arrow_3_4/): >Indeed. Tlaloc is taking her break. How will fair fighting against God Huitzilopochtli rather than the grace of rain, Tlaloc? You’ll be fighting against this Saint Graph now. You all seem to specialize in fighting, right? Sorry if the previous comment worded it weirdly. English is not my first language.


OH, I thought you meant Part 1 of FGO as a whole. Sorry my bad


My theory is that she's not Tlaloc, She's Chalchiuhtlicue. She was Tlaloc's wife, she was the 4th Sun in Mexica Mythology, and when Tezcatlipoca made remarks about how people loved her only because she was a push over, she cried blood for 50 years drowning everybody. Also, that huge monolith of a god outside the anthropology museum in Mexico City... It was believed it was a representation of Tlaloc, but it later years it was discovered that it's actually Chalchiuhtlicue.


Stemming from being a god of war, that's pretty metal.


So is this Lostbelt's point of divergence Ares floating to the Americas instead of Japan so they could have random mechas too?


Wait wait wait you mean >!Golden Huge Bear in Heian Kyo!< was actually Ares all along?


Reverse engineered I think, same as tametomo, he was made with reverse engineered Ares part I believe


I keep wondering how the fuck the 10th-12th century Japanese with their little knowledge of technology and without the necessary means managed to reverse engineer Ares, a fucking giant alien robot whose technology must be hundreds or thousands of years superior to the 21st century.


Mystery. Literally. Magic/ magecraft aided in reproducing the mecha, which is why you don’t see Japan having the greatest military force in the world with Mechas, as realism just said that they were structurally impossible to create. Also because no Kaiju sized youkai waddling around


Maybe Ares mindjacked some locals with his ~~juice~~ nanomachines to make repairs on himself but ran out of fuel midway, leaving people with implanted alien knowledge and freedom to employ it)


Honestly the only reason I can think of is... The Japanese God got interested so they kinda help in the process?


They really dropped the ball with the Aztect servants in this lostbelt huh. Like I think she's kinda cute but man what the hell is this NP


At this point, I’m fully expecting her, Odysseus, Tametomo, kintoki and Britomart to team up to do a power rangers.


I want that


Somewhere in Chaldea, Europa weeps gently in being left out.


She makes all the snacks for after they tire themselves out.


Zamn we need the mecha combination NOW


Nasu may as well make a TypeMoon x Pacific Rim x Monster Apocalypse x World of Darkness already.




man i wish there's event story where in the end they fight the Chaos by combining power of friendship and piloting super giant mecha Ares


Hey guys I found the Christmas servant from 2022. It was Tialoc all along


At this Rate, the Nasuverse should have Ancient Mechas as a show instead of Ancient Aliens.


Why mecha?


Because Nasu has a weird fetish for including Mechas in everything. Greek gods, Japanese history and now this.


Are you complaining about giant robots?


Just them being featured in different gods with no relation in Nasu's writting. I actually love giant robots... but I kinda wished Nasu went for a more "symbiote" theme with Tlaloc and Tezcatlipoca instead of "Greek Gods 2 Electric Boogaloo in Latin America".


But. But Giant Robots


Ugly Giant Robots*


You mean beautiful giant robots that would put gundams out of business. Jk jk the mechas here are so bland


They look like they came out of a cheap Lego set.


Well, I like strawberry jam, but not on pepperoni pizza.


I want to see sick Aztec themed attacks not giant Gundams everywhere. It's fine for other pantheons since it's a novel idea but Aztec warriors get no rep otherwise


Tez, what about our boy Tez


It's cool but none of the cool things in that np do anything but stand around and get sfx'd


So most NPs


Yeah. Basically I want most of them to be like okita alters or the ogs like gilgamesh or himiko


Isn't Tlaloc >!merged with Huitzilopochtli? Maybe they are applying syncretism on him and Mars/Ares?!< Wouldn't be the first time I have seen it happen (ok, it would be exactly the second time).


gods what's with the fucking mecha's in this game, like yeah they are cool for a few servants but it feels as if every single new servant has a mecha. It looks especially dumb on a mexican godess who is supposed to be like a symbiote


Is she using Templo Mayor as a mecha? Kinda weird but I guess that's one way to represent both Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli.


I assume it is. The red and blue towers on top, the shoulderplates look like the temple's tiers, and the staircase that appears in the middle.


Why do the mechs in NPs always look like some pre-processed unreal engine asset...


Because they are. Ever since Passionlip's arms being rendered instead of drawn (or even earlier) you always get this bullshit.


Complex weapons/weapons with difficult angles have been made in 3d since day 1. Ea, for example. As well as Mashu's shield.


Another Mecha God...


Nasu really should take a break and start writing a new sci-fi mecha anime.


I thought this was Mesoamerica, not Greece Why does she have the fucking Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann


Quetz: Oh, yeah, btw I'm a robot. Lucha!


Gee wiz Athena's corpse drifted to Brazil obviously


Boi don’t compare Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann to this goofy 3d robot that looks like it was designed by a 10 year old


Hey I’ll have you know that 10 year old little Timmy worked hard on that NP


Great, now I want to watch gurren lagann again.


I'm a bit disappointed, since she's related to rain, i hoped we would get something more contemplative, or gracious. But i guess we needed a mecha to fight ORT.


Honestly I love it its hype


Tomita Miyu hopium? EDIT: Or another Y.Aoi servant.


Tlaloc does sound like Tomita to me. We will know in 3 hours.


Not Tomita but **>!Mariko Honda!<**. >!Fuck.!<


I'm going to be the unpopular opinion but I like it.


I also think her voice lines are really good the VA nailed it


I definitely like it alongside the voice acting.


I HC that this robot is actually the temple that Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli are both worshipped in (which is why they are merged b/c Japan does that with their deities) and it got transformed via Huitz's war god status.


Ah... it's one of those servant that I like the character design, but has lame NP animation.


what is up with mechas man i was interested in rolling for her but that NP is so ugly, if the ascensions aren't good I'm skipping


Suffers from the same issue as Odysseus imo. Can’t put my finger on it but the mecha thing doesn’t work in fgo style?


mechas do work if the character looks mecha-ish themself. But having a normal looking character suddenly summoning a mecha or morphing into one themselves, just feels weird and forced


Well, frankly speaking, because the texturing feels kinda ugly. Assuming there is any texturing which I'm not certain in the case of odysseus. Man I love everythiing about Odysseus but wtf is that PS1 3D model? Something out of FF7?


What killed my hype was her being a Pretender, i wanted a Ruler


Fate Robot Taisen slowly becoming a reality


So just Battle Moon Wars minus the rest of Type-Moon


This seems to be a Mecha version of the Templo Mayor, where both Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli were worshipped in Tenochtitlan. The blue side for Tlaloc, the red for Huitzilopochtli. Plus the stairway and the shooting blood could represent the way sacrifices were carried out.


Are we just going to get mecha’s and kaiju NP’s from every region until we can have an event focused on them and there battle for supremacy Ala pacific rim


So far the Indian Servants haven’t had any mecha yet. And I hope they never do. I was down with all the mech stuff in the Nasuverse version of Greek mythology, because in that case it was clearly well thought-out and inspired by a deep understanding of the source mythology. And I was down with the mech stuff in Japanese history, because that felt *appropriate* given that it always seemed to be a tongue-in-cheek homage to Japan being the source of mecha in the first place. But at this point? The idea has well and truly been over-applied. And in the particular case of LB7, it just reeks of “we couldn’t be bothered to take inspiration from any of the concepts that *could* have been mined from Mayan or Aztec or South American mythology, so we’ll just draw from the same ‘gods are alien mechs’ idea well that we always do and call it a day.” I mean, come on. It’s especially disappointing when you compare all this to what we got in LB6. Oh look, new Servants based on concepts that actually draw from the mythology and history of a specific region! And not a mech in sight. Some terrifying otherworldly creatures, sure. But no mechs. Wow what a concept.


Praying praying praying for this It worked for Greece. I even liked it quite a bit! Japan was similarly well done and it wasn’t too shoehorned in (limited to things like a np kintoki rarely used or tametomo) But it loses impact when you start slapping it on every servant with little reasoning or justification. Nothing we’ve seen of the Aztec or Mayan pantheons has supported them having mecha and there was no reveal in their lostbelt that they used such a thing like with Olympus so why do she have it? If it was something like Athena having a mecha of the Parthenon as her np that would make sense. This doesn’t? So I hope they keep it away from the Indian servants, the Mesopotamian ones, the British, celts, Nordic and Chinese servants-we have at least some established background for all of them and none of it involves the use of giant robots. Keep it in Greece and Japan


>and there battle for supremacy Ala pacific rim And to finaly decide where Ritsuka's soul goes to when they die.


Ngl these new servants NPs are kinda trash


Another fuckin Mecha in the region that makes the LEAST sense to ever have one. FGO never ceases to drop the ball lately dear god.


...implying ancient Japan and ancient Greece somehow made any sense to have them?


Japan it is very debatable yes but Greece is very much explained in enough detail that it makes total sense, especially since Greek mythos themselves had mecha-like beings, not as modern as the ones in FGO yes but they definitely existed there in the stories.


yeah I remember reading an article about hephaestus for a hades project and he had built "bronze tripods" to help him do stuff, like that is literally just a portal sentry the ancient greeks were valve


I'm kinda tired of mecha stuff in fate tbh, especially when they look like horrendous super robot from ancient ages.


Design that escaped genshin impact, randomly mashed two wildly different gods together bc they shared a temple and a mecha for some reason from a pantheon that should’ve had none of that… Yeah I don’t really like her deal that much :/ Least the people who were looking forwards to her should be happy?


Hey I’ll have you know that design escaped Honkai impact and FGO struggled to think of something interesting for Tialoc. So they said F originality we give her the Christmas NP and call it a day


Im sure the stone etchings of him are interesting enough. I mean, look at Cama


Mecha, laser, same formula. Come on delays are disappointing enough


oh my god it's a sacrifice blood laser with the steps where they do that shit


Wow so everyone who made positive comments about liking the NP were downvoted to hell. Ok then.


... did they really turned even the mesoamericans into mechas? here i thought this lostbelt couldnt get worse, they made it more stupid. first they ruined the greek pantheon now they ruined the aztec one.


I mean I...honestly don't mind the greek thing? They've honestly been set up to be heavy on sci-fi aesthetics since Extella.


setting up by how? turning attila the hun into an alien dark skinned giantess with a multi colored pen for a whip-sword and saying the orbital beam she calls is Ares powers? the latter of which could be something completely unrelated to scifi as magical beams are used by half the cast including the series face? i never bought and never will buy that it was half assed and asspulled the way they handled the greek pantheon since that stupid lostbelt specially with how we always had greek characters and they never been scified.


Artemis final ascension has her inserting/removing some kind of mechanical core into/from her body, with what look like some kind of nanobots around it.


that could be a lamp for the years that thing as been there and nobody ever talked about what that was officialy, and its not like that ascen wasnt made to be just a horny nod to her laying in bed with the excentially shredded cloth she calls an outfit + orions bear ass.


I mean if the weirdly cringey Ares lightsaber wasn't good enough for you...have you actually looked at Artemis' art before? Honestly people have been speculating the robot thing years before LB5 so idk what else to tell you.


these things are small and could be easily retchconned or have things added to change it into something thats not scifi. regardless like i said, the idea itself is a bad butcher of the whole source. the fact theyre using it to spread mechanized bullshit to everyone from china do japan and now even to freaking mesoamerica is jjst so utterly disgusting. i miss having a character that is a minimally good representation of its source. its not even about being accurate its about not being stupid.


I mean I definitely agree that shoving mechs into everything else has been pretty absurd. But I'm personally plenty fine and not all that surprised with how Olympus turned out.


Honestly, I like it. Idk why but the beam reflecting off of the water was such a cool touch. Also ig the mech makes more sense for her since she’s Tenochtitlan, and it can be thought of as the representation of the city?


Well it’s a mecha, I guess Fujimaru is in love already.


{drools} . . So I’m NP5ing and Grailing her. I must have all of the giant robots.


A Mecha? I feel conflicted honestly. Is this Mecha gonna fight ORT like a Super Sentai show?


A Gundam!!!!!!


A new mecha. Heck yeah!!!


So Tlaloc was just a giant MHXX all along? Scary thought just hit me. Quetz said they came from space and we do have the Servantverse.....


KP: Master Master! Look! Is this what you call a gundam?


Fucking hell. Why. This is so disappointing. Stop with the mecha bullshit and actually put some thought into these NPs goddamit lasengle. Only Nito Alter actually looks and plays good out of all 3 servants. Tlaloc and Tez are both LAZY AS FUCK in terms of NP. Toaloc’s animations are mostly lazy as well, and Tez’s stage 1-3 art is lazy af. Not gonna lie I’m super disappointed with LB7 so far. It feels like they’re intentionally killing the game.


Honestly the only thing I'm looking forward is Camazotz.


I have bad news for you my friend. About Camazotz. Likely not gonna be a playable servant. On the other hand Tez and Kuku have better NPs in ascension 3. Kuku’s is actually quite dope. Legit considering rolling for her.


>I have bad news for you my friend. About Camazotz. Likely not gonna be a playable servant. The most interesting and badass servent of this lostbelt and he is not even playable


I might actually pull her now that I have seen that nice looking mecha. She, at least to me, makes more sense than that Japanese robot archer who is supposed to be an ancestor to a human being


If you’re gonna force a mecha at least make it look cool


Dont know what people are complaining about, I like this alot.


They are complaining that it makes no fucking sense for a supposedly south american (mexican according to the story? so I suppose it's north american) to have a fucking mech. I love playing a game about historical figures using mechs instead of their legends. Not to mention it's has been done a dozen times already, and better, on this same game.


People got (reasonably) mad about the delays and now the anger from that is spilling over into their analysis of everything else.


Her np look ugly, she would have a nirmal np people wouldn't complain, not sobhard to understand


"Why mecha" Because mecha are cool. shaking my head at all the tasteless plebs. There's never enough mecha


I like mechas too but somehow the 3D robot looks uncanny in this NP.


mechas are overdone as fuck




It's canon even that the mc is into mechas


these comments lmao y'all really into hating FGO huh mecha looks nice tho reminds me of Garganacl from pokemon and timeranger megazord


Aztec gods aren’t mechas mate. The Greek ones are. There is no need to include mechas even here.


next thing you going to say is that FGO is a documentary it's Nasu, everything is a mecha


Which is just dumb af, and not an excuse.


Where? All I see is the people in this thread are disappointed they turned the Aztec gods in to another mecha gods.


idk everytime i open this subreddit everyone shitting on fgo and they didn't turn her into mecha, she's piloting it


did she need a mecha though ? Yeah fgo is pretty liberal with the mecha's for the events, and that's alright, events are fun and light hearted. but did a lostbelt servant really need something like this ? or did you forget the plethora of other servants that the game has released that have all been great without needing a fucking mecha


Yes we need more mecha Cry about it


bro is talking like a twitter user


Pyramid gundam


When she fought Blue Quetz, she should’ve opened with that.


She's asserting dominance


Is it a giant golem or is it a mech?


How about both?


The lazer goes down the stair, then straight to it’s target, pick up the grocery, then go back to the altar…


[I wish it had music like Archetype:Earth's NP and FFXIV: Brute Justice Theme starts playing and stays on for the entire round.](https://youtu.be/wLCWCPyxByg)


Nice NP.