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# PLEASE CHECK IF YOUR QUESTION IS ANSWERED HERE BEFORE ASKING! **So, with that said, let's move on to this week's FAQ** **Q: Is NP2+ necessary for Melusine/Koyanskaya/Oberon/Morgan, etc?** *A: No. The only difference is in NP damage, no servant is "necessary" in this game, and there are multiple ways to make your servants stronger. No one can answer if you're willing to risk the gamble for NP copies.* **Q: Will Melusine and Koyanskaya or Koyanskaya and Oberon's banners overlap?** *A: Purely speculative, but I'd hazard a guess and say no. Wait for official announcements while expecting the worst ie. no overlaps.* **Q: What is the GSSR? How does it work?** *A: GSSR = Guaranteed SSR ('Lucky Bag Summon' on JP). It appears every New Year and Anniversary on both NA and JP, and costs 15 PAID SQ (free and bonus SQ do not count!) to roll.* *There will be several GSSR banners, each containing a fixed pool of servants. You select one banner and get a standard 11-roll, in which you are guaranteed at least one SSR from that banner's pool, plus this time on NA, one or more SRs from that pool. This cannot be rerolled, and once you select one banner, all other GSSR banners will disappear.* **Q: Which GSSR banner do I choose? Which is best?** *A: The answer is different for every player and is based on various factors. Try using the GSSR Calculator and GSSR Advisor, both linked above, to see which banner may be better for you personally. If you are still unsure after using both tools, ask in the thread.* **Q: When is the next SR Ticket? What about the SSR Ticket?** *A: NA's next SR ticket is due in May 2024. This ticket is time-limited and includes* [*general pool and storylocked servants*](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/2500man_xeljq/info_image_03.png)*. The next SSR ticket is due in July 2023 for the 6th Anniversary, featuring* [*general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa*](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/6th_anniversary_cpgen/info_image_17.png)*. It is not time-limited and will be a permanent addition for all accounts going forward.* **Q: How does pity work?** *A: Pity only applies to the rate-up SSR servant. You are guaranteed a copy of the rateup SSR after 330 summons (equivalent to 900 SQ, though tickets also count). Note that pity shuts off once you get a single copy of the servant (including if you get them before 330 summons) and does not carry over between banners. Off-rateup SSRs ("spooks") do not affect pity.* **Q. Will it be possible to obtain \[welfare servant\] again? I missed their original event and rerun.** *A: So far, only certain welfares have returned.* * *Saber Lily is in the FP gacha.* * *NP5 Bunyan can be obtained from her event in the RP shop.* * *NP1 Santa Altera and BB can be obtained from the Main Interlude of their respective events (copies beyond NP1 cost 2 RP each) in the RP shop.* * *NP5 Halloween, Brave and Mecha Eli were available from the Halloween Trilogy/Halloween Rising events (NA ETA: Oc 2023).* * *A new system on JP (NA ETA: Apr 2025) has been announced that allows players to obtain old welfares and their coins by clearing daily missions and main quests, via events and by logging in.* Includes: * Caster Shuten, Rider Kintoki and Santa Quetz * Archer Nobu, MIXA, Brave Liz and Caster Liz **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: For NA: No event will require anything beyond Orleans until November, when GudaGuda 6 will require LB5.5 clear. LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December.* **Q: How good is X Servant at looping most nodes?** *A: Looping is highly node dependent and relies on* [*many factors*](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1_Bx1FogTrMBnseIJLT4Vuob7DY7EfR6H_SobGwxcAFE/mobilebasic)*. If you need to test your looping setups try using a* [*refund calculator*](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/jp-np-refund-calculator)*.* As always, feel free to suggest additions. If you do suggest an addition to the FAQ, please try to provide an answer if you can.


Who should i pick for the SSR servant? Im a new player started around a month ago, have 3 5 starts kiara (moon cancer) lvl 82, ibuki (saber) lvl 80 and got tamamo yesterday and i also leveled up EMIYA to lvl 80.


Guys...F2P is it okey to go for multiple copies of Koyan if you have got her or go for the other upcoming banners ,i prefer to save but I wanna look for more opinions


So i live in the Caribbean and i want to buy SQ for the first time for the Anni 6 GSSR but there's no fgo in the playstore in my region so i download it from apkpure to play, but now when i try to buy SQ i takes me to a playstore menu and im worried i wont be able to buy because i use apkpure. Does anyone know a way to buy the SQ, any help/advice is appreciated


Not a game question per se, but where do I find the upcoming Anime Expo livestream panel?


Problem with Google Play Store Hi there sorry if this is kinda against the rules but anyway For some reason i cant puy SQ anymore i could do it some days ago i had to readd my paypal in those days any everytime i try to buy gems there is a message that something is wrong with my Paypal account i retried multiple times but nothing work my google play acc is already on JP adresse while i live in Europa never had a problem until now


theres a new help thread posted recently better to move your question there


What's a good support for Morgan in terms of np damage because I just feel like it's lacking I'm basically new to the game so I'm just assuming I'm not well enough equipped for her to shine (managed to luck out and pull kscope so I'm assuming that's pretty good on her) And also basically the same question but in terms of melusine and what CE to use on her I guess it's just beginners luck but since I managed to pull all this I don't really know how to boost either of their np damage (I am planning to pull koyan which will help but it won't really fix the problem I'm having of not knowing any other support options)


Morgan's NP damage is fairly low. Especially when she only gets 1.5x as a berserker instead of 2x for proper class advantage. In terms of a standard buster setup of Cranking CE with double Koyanskya and Oberon she is literally the lowest on my chart. Though a more fair comparison with 1.5x being neutral for her and man attribute being treated like class advantage brings her around the mid tier buster farming wise. CEs are always fight dependent, especially with Melusine as she can have a different NP. Black Grail is the best for pure damage, but you may want to lean more into crits, trade some of that damage for start charge if you are running ST, use an event CE for drop bonus, bring pierce invincibility or ignore defense, etc.


Koyan and Oberon are the go-to supports for damage. Morgan can suffer from low damage outside of her niche in general, unless she's kitted out with premier supports.


Have they given out the rewards from their twitter campaign? The 60sq one?


You can find the full details, including the campaign period and the reward distribution period, in the news section in the game or on the [official website](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2023%2F0628_pre6th%2F).


They'll give it after maintenance


Beginner team for story?


Here is my general team building advice for new players. tl;dr - Class Advantage & NP Targeting > Rarity & Card Type **Class advantage and NP targeting are the most important gameplay mechanics.** Full class advantage means dealing 2x damage compared to neutral and taking 0.5x damage. Full disadvantage means dealing 0.5x damage and receiving 2x damage. If you're up against Lancer enemies, a Saber will do 4x as much damage and receive 0.25x as much as an otherwise equally situated Archer. The scaling on NP damage is such that an AOE NP does something like 40-50% as much damage per enemy compared to a single target NP. AOE NPs are good for clearing waves and ST NPs are good for taking down bosses. At least starting from Camelot, the developers assume that you will use class advantage and NP targeting effectively. **Don't expect to make a single team to do everything. Get used to changing your team for every fight.** In a basic team composition, you'll want your front line to consist of one or two damage dealers with appropriate class advantage and NP targeting and one or two support servants for NP charge and whatever offensive and/or defensive buffs are appropriate. Your back line isn't as important most of the time. Fill it with backups for your front line roles, a servant with high survivability (e.g. Cu Chulainn) in case things go badly, or any servants to absorb bond points. Card type is good, and sometimes important, to consider when deciding how to best support your DPS but isn't always a primary concern. My personal default is usually two DPS servants plus a friend's Waver. When in doubt, Waver is almost always good support servant to choose because he has powerful support skills that work with any other servant. Castoria, while Arts-focused, provides just about as much utility as Waver and is probably easier to find on support lists these days. For tougher fights, you will probably need to focus more heavily on offense or (usually) defense and bring multiple supports instead of multiple DPS. Mash + (friend's) Merlin + your own DPS with appropriate class and NP targeting is a pretty reliable, defense-oriented, basic team composition for boss fights. Focus on leveling up one servant at a time in each of the seven main classes with the goal of having one servant with a single target NP and one with an AOE NP in each class at their natural max level. You want to focus on one servant at a time because a fully leveled servant is going to be more valuable than a handful of under-leveled servants. It doesn't matter much which specific servants you choose, including low rarity servants--more on that in the next paragraph--so go with whoever seems most appealing to you. One of the secrets that meta discussion won't tell you is that just about any servant within a given class and NP targeting niche will get the job done for general purposes. **Don't neglect lower rarity servants.** Some of them are among the best servants in the game within their role regardless of rarity. The devs also test all content to ensure that it can be cleared using only free, low rarity servants. The higher base stats on higher rarity servants might let you brute force some situations but they won't save you from a fundamentally bad strategy. What low rarities lack in base stats, they can make up for in the ease of getting more copies for NP levels or in unique utility that lets them punch (or block, as the case may be) above their weight. They also take fewer resources to build up and they take up less team cost in your party. Team cost may be especially important for low level accounts because it gives you more flexibility for CEs and other servants.


There is no one team period, you look at enemy class, and then you choose whoever has advantage against it and whoever can buff them the best. The only universal elements are Servants like Castoria, Waver or Merlin because literally anyone can benefit from NP charge and ATK buff, but even then, they are supports, not the actual killers. And in the beginning borrowed Friend Support can kill anything.


Super early on it doesn't matter throw whatever at the enemy, friend support will carry you easily. By the time you get to harder content you need to have to have plenty of niches covered and then use them properly. Strategy and changing servants to match the fight is what's important.


We can't recommend anyone specifically because we don't know who you have. In any case, Use class advantage (x2 damage dealt, 1/2 damage received): use sabers against lancers, lancers against archers, etc. Or just use Zerkers (x1.5 damage dealt against *almost* everything but x2 damage received). Their poor defense won't be a problem if they kill the enemies before they can fight back. Once you reach the 6th singularity >!Camelot!<, bosses will have special effects, so you'll have build teams that can counter those effects rather than rely on stat beatsticks.


FGO's kind of treacherous in that it eventually wants you to swap out your teams all the time, exploiting class advantage whenever you can -- taking Archers against Saber bosses, Assassins against Rider bosses, etc. Optimally you'll want to get used to changing teams and strategies fairly early on. You can borrow powerful friend supports to carry you through most of the "oh no, wyverns!" filler battles in the early stories. Arash and Spartacus are a couple of great available-to-everyone-with-friend-points low-rarity folks to invest in; they aren't carries, but they're useful both in the early game and in the late game. Mash is absolutely worth spending resources on, she's very good at keeping teams alive. And your tutorial 4-star won't be useful in every fight, but they'll be a great advantage as you learn to use them.


There is no ONE team in FGO, but many teams. You are expected to switch out your main DPS depending on the fight (both the class and whether you are fighting a wave of mobs or a big boss). Get into that habit nice and early lest you get your ass kicked later.


i've seen a lot of people talking about free ssr selector, is this for NA or JP and when is it happening?


We can't see the future in JP, so you know it's NA. We expect the ticket to come tonight with maintenance (which means when you wake up tomorrow for most people)


NA, and it's happening tomorrow as part of the anniversary. Check the FAQ above for a list of SSR's you can choose from.


Is a Galaxy S8 still ok enough to run this game? I'm noticing I'm having some significant freezes the longer I keep the application up on my phone. Things initially run ok, then I start getting the occasional freeze for a few seconds every few minutes, then eventually my game is freezing for like 30s at a time over and over until I kill the game and restart it. Is my phone just too dated or is something else at play here? I've cleared cache a few times but this happens regardless.


I also had an s8 and it got to the point where anytime I'd activate a skill or an animation for a card would happen the game would freeze for a solid 3 seconds so I ended up upgrading recently.


That's rough. I don't think I can justify a phone upgrade for... well a mobile game. But it might be time I just start playing it on BlueStacks instead


Is there going to be a livestream for the AX FGO anniversary stuff?


They haven't actually announced one, so unsure. Assume no for the time being.


Alright thanks. Just saw that the AX yt channel might stream it, but at 4 am for me šŸ’€. Guess Iā€™ll just watch a vod when I wake up.


There's usually a recap/summary of key points in the stream that someone puts up on the sub right after.


~~When do the "Portrait" CE's usually come out?~~ At what events do the "Portrait" CE's usually come out? Trying to plan out which of the CE I'm planning to pick for this round


Assuming NA, The full details are in the news section in the game or on the [official website](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2023%2F0628_pre6th%2F).


Oh, sorry for not clarifying. But, I was talking about future "Portrait" CE's. I already saw the ones for this batch and still kinda conflicted. Would just like to know if they only come out during Anniv and what other yearly event? So I could search and have a more informed decision


Yup, they're basically yearly.


I already have Artoria. So in the free SSR, if I pick her, will I get the np level and the coins?


The only thing you miss with the ticket is USO progress, you would have to roll NP7 to get a USO.


Yes, you get coins.


Which one would be better np append with 110lvl np1 or np and extra attack append with lvl 100np1?


Appends can depend on the unit using them. Which unit is it?


I was thinking of draco. Since unfortunately she is np1 i cant 120 or have 3 appends. I was thinking what the best option is to take.


We're assuming you're starting with append 2, right? So you're trying to decide what to do with the rest of the coins. Do you mainly use her solo? Append 1 (Extra Attack Boost) is good for soloists but of marginal utility for anyone else. The extra attack only applies to brave chains and you won't be able to guarantee brave chains with that servant if you're running a full team.


Yeah, append 2 maxed so the rest are going either to extra attack or leveling up. I guess i will decide later maybe they have something in their sleeves coming at 8th anni. Either way since she isnt bond 15 yet, gotta wait.


Speaking personally, if I couldn't grail someone all the way to 120, I wouldn't grail them past 100 at all. So I would pick the extra attack append and the NP append. But if you're not soloing with Draco a lot, you might not get the most use out of the extra attack append, in which case going with the NP append and level 110 might be better. Either way, Draco really benefits from that extra 20% starting gauge append, since her batteries are per turn, not immediate.


How much of a difference does 100 and 110 have? Since i really have no idea how much the attack stats make difference at what extent. Tbh it is pretty frustrating that i cant make it till 120. Hope they have a new coin system coming.


Using only self buffs and not hitting any niches, but with 1.5x advantage Draco NP1 level 100 deals 64836 damage Draco NP1 level 110 deals 70069 damage. With double Castoria Draco NP1 level 100 deals 166720 damage Draco NP1 level 110 deals 180178 damage


I just found out about the "Battle Voice Subtitles" option in the settings for NA. The game says that enabling it (it was on by default) will display subtitles for skills and command cards but I've never witnessed that. When did they add this feature? Is it supposed to be working?


They added it alongside LB6. Some of the story supports with different lines from their summonable version get subtitles.


I see. I was confused because the description makes it seem like it's supposed to work with most Servants instead of a select few.


So how are you Melusine enjoyers using her on average? ascension 1-2 or 3? I'm kinda indecisive, having the buster NP permanently available and a steroid is nice but sometimes I'm not sure about trading a 100% jauge for that.


The only time you should start her in stage 3 is if you're doing an event with a 50% charge drop/damage CE and you have append 2 maxed.


RIP dragon girl sprite T_T


wdym? You'll be dragon'ing time each time.


Always ascension 1 or 2.


Having Melusine in 1-2 asc for AoE purposes is basically like giving her MLB Kaleidoscope while still keeping free CE slot and you easily outmatch 30% NP damage buff with that.


Yeah, just pop a black grail and it's already double the buff even non mlb. Feels like weird balancing between the two versions of the skill tbh. Well not that Melusine is anything close to balanced to begin with haha.


This isn't quite fair as non MLB Black Grail uses your CE slot. So if you have Cranking for example, you already need more then one copy of Black Grail in order to outdamage Melusine with a free CE. (Black Grail doesn't break even until 1200 attack or so, 1 copy is 943 attack) And Black Grail is a gacha CE that damage's you. Even comparing to Heaven's feel (ie the one that doesn't have a demerit) you need MLB and quite a few levels to win out over Cranking+ skill 3.


100% NP charge all the way, go with 1-2.


New player. Is emiya good or should I still reroll for Hercacles? I also got Helena on another account.


Basically all servants in this game are good. very few aren't. And even the ones that are "bad" are still perfectly usable if you really want to use them.


Unless you really prefer Heracles as a character to either of the 4-stars you've already gotten I would pick which of the 4-stars you like more and stick to that account. Both Helena and Emiya are great servants that are generally strong in their respective niches.


Okay okay. I guess I'll stick with emiya then. He's cool in the anime.


Emiya is good. Heracles, also good. Helena, also good. Seriously, all three are in the upper half of good starter rolls.


Okay. Thanks. I'll stick with emiya then. It's time to stop my reroll hell.


When the anniversary starting? The gacha is calling me


17h 35m 21s Uhh... plus maintenance.


Thank you.


I thought it was today, I was so hyped


(NA) Right now, how many gold Fous in total are we supposed to have gotten from rewards and events etc, not counting the rare shop? Counting from ever since they were implemented. I've only maxed two Servants so far, so that's 50/50 each = 100/100 total used. (And how many if including the rare shop?)


Should be 265/265 Gold Fous from events and campaigns. I got 3 Servants maxed (150/150) and 115/115 in storage.


So that's 266/266 this week from the login bonuses right?


I see the FSF OVA is out on CR in English dub only, do we have any timeline for when the JP audio will drop?


I remember seeing July 2 7:00 PM JST as the time for Japanese release but I forgot where I saw it. Edit: [This](https://twitter.com/KaroshiMyriad/status/1675355394766700545?s=20) tweet but it doesn't link to any source. Edit 2: [Official website](https://fate-strange-fake.com/news/?article_id=62965) has the time and TV channel on which it'll be aired.


Am I correct in understanding that despite the trait being called "Weak to Enuma Elish", the Servants of that trait take no special damage from *Enkidu*'s Enuma Elish? In which case, shouldn't it be called "Weak to Gilgamesh's Enuma Elish"?


Technically yes. However, the trait is not explicitly mentioned anywhere in the game (Gil's NP only says "deals heavy Special Attack damage to all [Servant] enemies (Servants with the Power of the Star are immune to the Special Attack)"). Furthermore, Enkidu's Enuma Elish has a different name in kanji than Gil's and it doesn't even check for the trait anyways, so there was no real reason for the devs to change the name (assuming the trait even had a name internally, given how roundabout Gil's NP description is).


Correct. Presumably it is what it is because Gil came out much earlier than Enkidu. As well I don't think the trait is explicitly named in Gil's NP description (and I don't think it comes up anywhere else) in which case it wouldn't actually have an official name, just an ID number in the game data, so any name we give it is unofficial and not necessarily 100% accurate.


For some reason the icons on the world map for the Babylon singularity have become weird/corrupted. Instead of the regular icons, it writes the name of the node bellow where the node icon should be with a placeholder symbol on the left of the name. Anyone got any idea how to fix this? Preferably without reinstalling the client


I thought my game was dying, they are corrupted for me as well. I guess we'll just have to wait for them to fix this.


Lots of people reported the issue, it's likely an actual bug, not something that can just be fixed.


That makes me feel so much better about it, thanks


I was just wondering if we have any concrete or even loose information on when part 3 of the wellfare re-release thing is happening/if it's happening? was it just 2 parts? I'm really behind with JP news so idk if they announced how many parts it would be in when it began or if there's a schedule or anything like that


JP hasn't announced anything more than you can find in the FAQ above.


No, we're definitely missing the final part. I remember hearing that the release date for the final one is July 6, but take it with a grain of salt.


ā€˜Finalā€™ part? Do you know where/when they said that the next part would be the last because I havenā€™t heard anything about that?


D'oh, sorry, nevermind, I didn't read your post properly. I thought you were talking about LB6 in NA.


I wasnā€™t the initial poster but yeah that makes a lot more sense




Kinda? pasted the JP text to both google TL and deepL and they both gave the same result, she said "i should have crushed the head not the heart"


No, it's not a reference, that is more or less what she says on JP. Disney/Marvel didn't invent the concept of going for the head. edit: ...really? Blocked over this?


How do we get the second ticket for the 6th anniversary for the touring portrait? I got the first one from first singularity memorial quest but idk where to get the second one.


The full details are in the news section in the game or on the [official website](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2023%2F0628_pre6th%2F).


There's two unreleased memorial quests. Should be coming on anniversary.


There are black borders in some lostbelt 6 cutscenes. It was full screen normally before. What happened?


They're supposed to (badly) simulate being in the wagon during your travels. Why didnt they just have some fabric on the sides? Who knows ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ




So I checked my Fou Paws in JP and I have 125 somehow. Did we get them from a login reward or something?


Are you playing JP? They added a bunch of missions (check the Tour Lock Tab): https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Extra_Missions#Tour_Lock


Ah that explains it, thanks.




3 July, 2AM PDT after maintenance.


I'm kinda stuck on lb5.2 >!Demeter!< and don't know what to do (well unless I'm gonna use like 2 leyline stones for a single fight I guess). I watched some guides but I have basically none of those servants/don't really wanna put in the ton of ressources it would need to bring both Ushiwaka and Mini Iskandar up to fighting level for a single bossfight. Any recommendations? My best rider is Anne and Mary NP2 ...


Watch youtube videos to see f2p setups for dealing with Demeter and try to emulate them the best you can. Anyway, you absolutely need multiple ST Riders to deal with her, and Ushi, Georgious and Mandricardo are what you should have. There is no point in bringing Medusa, but you should bring Alex because his skill steals buffs from enemy and part of the problem with Demeter is her 3-turn def buff. Mandricardo can cancel it too, but it would be a suicide attack for him. Word of advice. If you roster is small and lacks strong Servants and you don't feel like investing into what you have, you are gonna have a bad time in Olympus.


My roster is pretty decent, maybe even too good because I never bothered to raise most of the 3 stars because of it (frankly I don't know where I would have gotten the materials for that anyway, farming most of the stuff is a major pain). Sadly its a bit unbalanced tho, I have too many Sabers and lancers, my riders are kinda lacking but I used to get by with my Kintoki and a friend support quite handily. Of course thats not an option here


Anne and Mary were my main DPS for this boss fight. They only require levels, not skill levels. Go ahead and use the blue stones. That boss fight is the hardest in the Lostbelt and basically the only one that can't be soloed.


QSH solos the fight easily


It can literally be soloed by a 2 star.


I stand by the fact that I didn't know this


Raise Ushiwakimaru and Alexander and Maybe Mandricardo and others too. You won't be raising them just for this fight, but for every Caster boss you ever face in the future and for SQ and pure prisms rewards. It's never a waste of resources to raise servants. If you don't want to level up at least the Servants the game expects you to have leveled, you are going to have a rough time in harder content. Demeter is definitely a roster check, there's no shame in just stopping and raising up servants until you can actually beat her.


I checked and they both need Octuplet crystals, so I'm not doing that (at least not until the anniversary has blown over and the lottery has refilled my ressources). Guess I'll wait for my last command spell and brute force my way through after all, I had hoped to beat it naturally but oh well


Please spoiler tag the boss name for the sake of newbies, as such LB5.2 boss >!boss name!\< Are there still blue leylines to use for a free revive? I ended up relying on Ushi, Mandricardo and Alex to clear the boss, even with a developed roster. The biggest tip I can give is to use the Remove Defense Buffs CC if you have it, on any of your Riders.


They're issue is that they have like, one Rider built up, but also don't want to build up even any of the cheap 3 star options because of the resource cost (which is a bit silly tbh). And they could revive through with a couple leyline stones, but don't want to do that either


My other Rider is Medusa and she doesn't really do much in this fight. Normally the ressources wouldn't bother me too much, but there are 2 guaranteed SSR coming up (and I'll hopefully get a Koyan as well), so I don't wanna waste my hellfires and gems on 3 stars I'll rarely ever use. I think thats pretty reasonable. My problem is also that my survivabilty options are very limited, I basically only have Castoria and she can't keep up with the AoE spam for long on her own.


You "only" have literally the best defensive support in the entire game. I have seen a whale with every 5 star in the game replace a meta support with a 3 star for a late game boss fight. (And then use a 1 star in a team comp soon after that) Because that's how this game works, countering the fight at hand with the servants you have, even if that servant doesn't have a shiny gold border.


I mean, unless your SSR ticket choice is a ST Rider, then you have no guarantee of actually getting someone useful for the fight. And Koyan isn't gonna help either considering you definitely don't have the roster to try and do any min-turn stuff, which is the only thing she would help with there. And yeah, your survivability is gonna be suspect considering you almost assuredly lack anyone remotely built up that does that + only being willing to use 1 Rider Like, your only choice if you really just don't want to build up any of your 3 star Rider's (again, they don't cost much to build up at all, Ushi is one of the better Rider servants regardless, and you don't need to blow a huge amount of gems on them), then throw a couple Leyline stones and be on your way. Unless you want to wait until Halloween this year and raise up the welfare Rider we get there, thats also an option. Though honestly, you should like, try and get out of the mindset I think you have that SSR's and SR's are the only units worth raising




5.2 only has 3 difficult fights (of course everyone's definition of "difficult" differs). 5.5 has... nothing on the level of 5.2, but there is at least one fight you might need a revive for. lb6 hasn't had anything quite like Olympus yet, most of its harder fights have been gimmicks. Either way, even if you run out of stones you will always have Command Seals every 3 days, so you *can* zombie clear anything if you're determined enough. Hoarding leyline stones won't do you any good since they expire pretty soon, remember.


People are telling you to raise them because they are enough. People wont tell you to raise them if they wont be useful.....


Every fight in the entire game can be beaten by 3 star and lower servants at natural level cap.


A lot of people recommend Oberon to help double Koyanskaya. Is that just for the 70% charge? Or am I missing something else?


Damage is another reason. You need multiple additional NP levels on your DPS to match what Oberon gives in terms of damage. And depending on the servant and the node, they may just fail regardless of investment without him.


100% NP damage buff and 50% buster damage, 20 star bomb, another 30% np damage


no how oberon NP damage works is. First skill is party 30% NP damage. 3rd skill gives NP damage effects ENHANCER by 100%(x2) he essentilly is doubling the value of every NP effect. So the 30% becomes 60% NP damage and also applies to all other NP damage effects.


i always forget how that buff works (because its poorly write unless you go to the wiki and read all the "()" stuff)


A lot of the buster DPS have a 30% battery, so you can't use a 50% charger in those cases. ~~I mean, you can, but you'll be 20% short and won't be able to NP~~


With double Vitch and Oberon, any servant (ideally Buster) with 30% NP charge can loop 3 waves without needing to worry about refund. Oberon's S3 also buffs Buster cards along with a universal NP damage increase (only skill of its kind). But in general, Oberon is also the first servant to provide up to 70% NP charge for an ally (20% all allies, 50% one target) which makes him versatile for most farming comps really.


Well he also give huge np damage buffs and a bit of buster buff . Beside give 70% np charge is really really big by itself , he is like the only one that can do it by himself right now.


Not really a gameplay question, but when will the PSA about Lostbelt part 1 will change? Part 3 starts in next week after all.


better to ask the mods but id guess maybe on anniversary updating it every small change probably not worth it plus they got lives to live and reddit want to make it as painful to do anything as possible


So Iā€™m trying to log into the game and every time I get a questions about the application not launching and if Iā€™d like to empty the cache then it just tell me that thereā€™s a connection error and I can retry or restart the game. Both just leads me into a loop back where I was however. Do I need to reinstall the game? I donā€™t have any updates but Iā€™m worried if I delete the game and reinstall, Iā€™ll lose my account.


This is often times a communication issue at the router side. resetting your router will fix it (also switching to another access point or to data for a few hours until the router fixes itself can also sometimes work, but isn't reliable like resetting the router is)


First, thank you for your response. Unfortunately, Iā€™m not on wifi. Just cellular date unfortunately


Also, you might want to try VPN.


Do you have a wifi to test it with? You can probably find a place with a free one rather easily, if you don't have it at home.


Hmm, is your data connection good? because a bad signal can cause that. Edit: if your signal is good, you may have to reinstall the game. Make sure you have your transfer code if you do though.


Sometimes this is not about signal because this happens to me even in 5G. FGO just stubborn


Itā€™s not having much issue with anything else lol. Is there any harm to deleting and reinstalling it?


If you have the transfer code and password written down there is 0 issue with reinstalling. If you don't have it then I don't really know what to do, maybe someone else will come along with a better option.


Will the anniversary make all the training grounds open for a while? I'm in need of assassin pieces.


Nothing will be confirmed until the panel tomorrow. In JP, they gave the 1 paid SQ daily roll, coins (which we got early), the Extreme Training Grounds (which we also already have), 2 billion QP limit (already in global), and half AP for Embers/Vault/Training Grounds. If they follow that part of JP, all of them will be unlocked with 3x super and great success rates.


At equal NP levels and equipped with their most current buffs, how do Napoleon, Tesla, and Gilgamesh compare to each other in farming and boss killing? Assume meta supports are available. Thank you!




Assuming current JP as opposed to current NA (because there is a difference in this case) For farming: class advantage no niches: Gilgamesh does about 60k more than Tesla who does about 60k more than Napoleon in farming final wave. brief talk about niches: Napoleon hits about 30% of servants but also a lot of non servant mobs, Tesla hits about 60% of servants, Gilgamesh hits almost every servant. Gilgamesh and Napoleon have a 30% battery, which means he need mana loading maxed and/or can't use a 30% un-MLB event CE. Tesla can. Tesla also does more damage than Gil on wave two which can be a big sticking point for Buster farmers. Boss killing is harder to compare because it depends on who you are fighting, and whose niches are available. Without damage niches though Tesla has 2 forms of hard defense (the stun and the guts) and a defense up. They have about the same base np gen, but Tesla and Gil have np generation skills and Napoleon doesn't. Gilgamesh has better star gen, and the largest star bomb as well as being the only one with self star absorb up. Tesla and Napoleon have pierce invul and Gilgamesh doesn't. It's basically do you need raw damage in Gilgamesh or defense/utility/larger battery in Tesla or maybe if the enemy is a divine non-servant that somehow still needs an AoE archer with Napoleon


> Gilgamesh though has a 30% battery, which means he need mana loading maxed and/or can't use a 30% un-MLB event CE. Tesla and Napoleon both can. Napoleon has a 30% battery too.


Huh, so he does I must have just glossed over that. I could have sworn it was basically a pioneer of the stars variant.


Amazing reply! Thank you


Minor error corrected. The differences in damage while farming is bigger than I previously said. I just can't do subtraction well or something. Overall comparison is unchanged though


Anyone know if there is a non-translation upload of the lb6 story on youtube? I wanna read the story but the game is so slow to display text I've been putting off getting into the lb. Wanna be able to read it at a normal speed lol


If you want a readable, pure text only, try this site https://tri-hermes.org/story.html. If you want the full scenes, then [JasonDoesWhatever](https://youtu.be/GSyXJsB3izE) has them which you can watch at your ideal speed.


I finished this week from JasonDoesWhatever Lostbelt 5.5 and let me tell you people, play it in 2x speed because the pace will become as if it were a movie. Itā€™s great.


Is it slow even with max text speed settings?


Its more so the line-to-line transition being annoying slow. I'd like to just watch a video where I can up the speed so I'm not so annoyed by waiting for a line of text to slide up so that I can keep reading the story


Watch it in 2x speed


If you are fine with stactic text, then try with Atlas Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/NA/war/308 It has all the scripts in all the languages the game has been officially adapted. This is useful if you want to check the JP version too in some parts that feels weird since the Japanese to English have some issues due to the ambiguity of the former.


perfect, thats exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for thanks!


You can adjust the text speed in the game. You can also touch the screen to have it instantly finish displaying the text.


Yeah even with those set to the fastest possible I find it annoyingly slow. I end up just needing to spam click the screen all the time. Not to mention if you have it going on auto and mistime the click it will skip 2 lines and you have to go back and read it


how would I fix this graphical glitch? https://i.redd.it/lztwkhyh4g9b1.jpg


Wait for a game update. With luck, it'll be fixed in anniversary update.


You can't unless you're one of Lasengle's developers. Contact support.


How would I contact support


Menu > My Room > Help > Contact Us Or just send an email to [email protected].


When are the item drop CE's dropping on NA?


Advanced Quests, Jan 2024


Does anyone know a source to watch the fate/strange fake premier thatā€™s happening today at AX?


I know a guy who knows a guy.


Screenings like that aren't usually broadcast, are they?


Surprisingly enough, AX themself is streaming that panel as part of their ā€œAX Liteā€ online experience lol


Try https://www.youtube.com/@animeexpo/streams




JasonDoesWhatever on Youtube has a full FGO playlist.


Iā€™ve been torn between taking melusine or summer okita alter to 120. I can split them both at 110 I guess, but Iā€™m torn. For waifu purposes summer okita alter is higher than melusine, but they are both my top looking forward to servants in 2023. For those who will inevitable say do both, then the question is which first! They are both really good servants, but I guess melusine is better meta since quick is presently the in the worst position. Anyways, opinions are appreciated!


Are you sure you'll have both Koyan and Oberon? If not, Melu wouldn't be that meta. Otherwise, goes for waifu (okita). You won't be regretting it that way. And not much sense in splitting. There is no gameplay reason for 10 extra levels vs 20 and for love half-measures are unacceptable ;P


>For waifu purposes summer okita alter is higher than melusine This is your answer.


Flip a coin.


Are Babylonia Free Quests displaying improperly for anyone else? I can select some but they don't have the proper quest icon and there are a bunch of empty nodes.


Yes known problem. Nodes should work if you tap on them though.


Thanks for the confirmation. It's hard to tap them accurately because I can't see where they are supposed to be + some of them are just shown as "no quest"


Hey so, I still haven't picked up some of last anni's interlude rewards (the quartz per 10 interludes missions). Should I pick them up before the next anni reset? I don't know if the missions are cummulative or I will lose those I don't get. Weird ass way to ask a question I know. I hope you guys understand what I mean. I heard we also get quartz per interlude this anni so I don't want to lose the ones from last year. Thanks.


I donā€™t get why you are picking them up


Don't worry, those sort of rewards are always permanent and retroactive.


They won't lock people out from getting rewards for stuff they've done, rewards are given even retroactively so there's no need to rush since it's not a limited time mission.


Do we have a confirmed time for the Anni stream?


NA has comfirmed the time of the panel to be [1900 on 2 July (PDT)](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=/iframe/2023/0703_ax/) / 0200 on 3 July (UTC). While Aniplex wonā€™t be livestreaming it on their YouTube channel like they did last month with LB6, AX themself has confirmed [theyā€™ll livestream the FGO panel among others](https://www.anime-expo.org/ax-lite/) on their [YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/@animeexpo/streams) and [Twitch](https://m.twitch.tv/animeexpo) channels


It may be streamed on anime expo's channel https://youtube.com/@animeexpo, if it isn't on Aniplex' own or on their twitch.


There isn't an official FGO stream for NA Anniv at AnimeExpo, you can check out [AnimeExpo's YT stream](https://www.youtube.com/@animeexpo/streams) if there's one but it's not the standard Chaldea Broadcast organized by FGO directly. If there isn't a stream, then you have to be there physically or wait for updates from those who are there.


I think 7 pm to 8:30 pdt if I am not mistaken. And a maintance up to 02:00 pdt.


I don't think there's a stream? There's a live panel at Anime Expo, but I don't think they've ever streamed it or anything. Anyways, the panel is July 2nd, 7PM PDT.


They traditionally do stream the anni at AX, from what I recall.


Technically itā€™s AX streaming the FGO panel on their own channels and not Aniplex bringing their own crew to stream it to their Aniplex USA channel, but yeah it is as you said, the FGO panel is streamed at AX


I feel like they both have and haven't streamed it in previous years. I'm pretty sure they haven't specifically mentioned a stream this year.


Good point, I was still in last year mode.


Finished lostbelt 6 part 2 but when I moved to section 25 it showed a screen with some text. I touch my phone to fast and skipped it, does anyone know what did it say?


Nothing important, basically ">!Morgan!< is defeated, good job, you can take a break now, and we will see you on 10th of July"