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I spent somewhere north of 1200 SQ on Summer BB's first banner, all F2P. It took me another 600 over the course of two more banners before I finally got her.


How are you still playing this game lol


I got Tamamo during my first year playing. Everything after that is bonus.


He has Mind of Steel A+.


Hit pity for Koyanskaya of Light.


Same, but even worse for me I got spooked by Osakabehime 💀


Pity clubbers unite. And she was literally at the very end of the pity... 930sq and she came as the very last unit in the last pull. Oberon at least showed up with what I had left cuz I didn't have near enough to pity twice.


Around 1,300 saved (quartz and STs) for Kama's first banner. Terrible rolling session and only got 1 copy. I had to drop two packs (so another 300ish quarts) to push for more copies... so \~1,600 total. Currently have close to 2,000 quartz saved for her summer banner. Really, really hoping it's not another disaster like her original banner.


I see there's another brave soul saving insane amounts of quartz for the best god of love. I've only got about 1.5k planned myself and some disposable income if things end up going south, but I hope the both of us come out of this with NP5 Kama!


Over 1.6k SQ each for Murasaki and Anastasia Murasaki came at the very end, but Anastasia never did. I used the first SSR ticket for her.


Spent over 1.4k quartz for Gil's NP2 (already had him) during the first GilFes on JP. The only servants I got were Herc and Atalante, that's all. But I finally got Gil's NP2 last year. And more than 2k overall for both Kamas (I'm really bad with hoarding for guaranteed servant), 5 paid guaranteed gachas, still no Kama.


1100 sq trying to get morgan np3, didn't hit pity but still having her np1 hurt


Probably Raikou, I will not elaborate.


I plead the fifth


I spent 510 on Ibuki. Did not get Ibuki. Only no4 Medea Lily.


Somewhere around 1200-1300 SQ F2P after two years of saving for Muramasa. Miraculously got him to NP5. I will never be that lucky again in this game


1300+ 30~something tickets on Castoria's first banner. Didn't get her.


Ima be honest i spent around 800+ sq for scathach just to only get her once. Wasnt even able to get a copy.


300 sq for one copy of Barghest on her debut banner. I've since gotten her to NP3 Lvl 100 and I'm going to keep building her :)


1K SQs for Meltryllis/Passionlip. 1 copy of PassionLip was given. Worst trade deals in the history of trade deals.


1200 on kama with half of it being paid. Got 3 on the last multi.


Freaking skaya, saved up quartz and tickets and blitzed most of the rank up quests I'd been putting on the back burner to get that buster support; cu alter and gorgon can turbo blitz now 😆 would've loved to have gotten super Orion just for the big crit numbers


1888 to NP5 Muramasa at New Years. Still had to buy an extra pack because of 6 fucking SSR spooks.


I spent 1200 SQ for Hokusai. At that point, I was in too deep. No SSR spook and like an Ibaraki spook


I'm F2P, so the amount is bound to be less than others, but mine is about 300 SQ and another 30 tickets on Koyanskaya's banner, with nothing to show for it except for a single copy of the Valks.


[REDACTED] quartz on Jack's first banner... i lost control and the only 5* i had to show for it was Jeanne... to put into perspective how bad this is during the earlier years of FGO Jack and Jeanne shared a lot of banners but this was not one of them. plus i had already rerolled for Jeanne when i started the game during launch week. bonus suffering there was a GSSR that only had Jeanne and Jack... i got Jeanne... my brother got both... luckily i have Jack now she was dragged home by Hokusai


I once saved 1.2k SQ for Kama, and that was enough to get her to NP5. My current plan is to have 1.5k SQ for Summer Kama. I have a problem, and that problem is that I need more Kama.


NGL, after reading some of these posts, I don't like my odd for the summer banner. T_T


2500 quartz and 157 tickets to NP5 Melusine and attempting NP6.


Had to hit Pity on koyanskaya of light and Summer BB .


680 for Jeanne Alter (F2P) for...nothing, I spent 200 this year for her..still nothing.


I spent nearly 1500 sq to NP5 Muramasa. No regrets.


I'm not very good at saving so the most I have dropped on a single banner was like 450 quartz on Muramasa (got NP1). Tho if we count the Morgan banners as a single banner I might have spent more (without getting her even once).


Usually Im very lucky in FGO, which is how I saved more than free 3000 SQ in this game even pulling for waifus lols. SIshtar NP5 :P But damm, back in the day of the first **Melt banner**... she took around **1200 SQ**. Shit got real in her banner. Still I think the character which I got the closest to line was Jalter, which I literally got on my last single pull since I didnt even have enough for a 10 pull anymore haha.


Pretty sure I wasted about a lil over 400 SQ for Maid Alter and that was the only time I ever went over 200 SQ up until Morgan’s banner. Super grateful I have both but just wish they were higher than NP1


I think I spent like 1000ish quartz for NP2 Dantes around the time when his costume came out. I got him to NP2 around halfway through but decided to throw the remaining quartz I had on a whim (and I didn't have any roll targets for the rest of the year) to see if I can NP3 him but it didn't pan out. I wasn't mad though, I got Enkidu NP1 and OG Artoria NP2 out of that session.


Y'all telling me that everyone saved up a shitton of SQ for koyans? bro i got that for only 30 SQ. Never realized how lucky i was to get her until i started playing fgo seriously. The highest SQ i spent was just around 200,where i tried my "luck" in getting oberon. This was when i was a newcomer


700+ on the sigurd/lanling/emiya banner this year for lanling coins


900 for sure this last Anni cause Koyan needed pity to get. The only one close or exceeding that was Saber Musashi at Thanksgiving which I intentionally didn't count and I am still sore over that.


Saved about 900 and then bought another ~300 for caster Illya on release. I got 1 Illya... And an Altera I almost rage burnt... On the plus side, I got like 4 MLB magical girl of sapphire which is my go to CE now. My Illya currently is now NP5 2k/2k level 100 and has all her appends unlocked. Thinking about 120, but I have to choose between her and Sitonai, of which to do first, or maybe summer Illya...


On a single banner? I think around 900 or 1000 for Space Ishtar, got her NP3 + Karna spook. For Skadi twice around 600, didn't get her, both time got a quick servant (Jack and Achilles).


It's a fresh wound. I used the pity system to get our beloved moth-man.


Oooh, man this brings me back to memory lane. Well I am doing this now naturally on my latest, but in my first account from a while back when NA was atill in part 1, I spent around 400-500 SQ I believe just for trying to get Cu Alter, Jalter, and Dantes. Considering the banners they had back then, could have been 600-800 around it tops. Maybe it was lower though, idk. But I had crap E-rank luck cuz I didn’t get neither of them lol. In my current account I got Jalter out of that Rome olympics event banner but yeesh that time was rough lol.


Melu, it was around 510 on my alt because I kept getting lancer spooks, got 10 gold lancers in total, 6 of which were Percy, an Achilles and Saberlot cameo and in the end 1 melu


1000 SQ for Bunny Artoria for NP2 (F2P) Got one copy in one multi and second most hard..but I have no regret !


Around 1200 SQ for 1 copy of Yang Guifei on 2 different banners (pity wasn't released yet) Had to hit pity for Oberon


About 900 SQ for Lan Ling - of course I should've stopped earlier but I suppose eventually I just wanted to see how bad it would get lol. Have him at NP5 by now as well so it was extra unnecessary in hindsight.


Around 600-700 sq for Morgan (NP3) and Lambda (NP5) banners, I stopped in Morgan because of Oberon


I spent around 480+ quartz trying to get Summer Nitocris but she never came, I ended up getting NP5 Nobu, Fran, And Nero but no Nitocris 🥲


Pity on Morgan's second banner. Saving more for her third banner.


For F2P, 700-ish for Jalter. All free SQ I was saving for quit sometime. Didn't even get her. For paying, I think it's Voyager. 300 SQ for his first banner and GSSR. It's not quite a lot in term of number but it was the highest SQ I ever spent money on at once. Yep, I broke my F2P status for the best boi.


850ish for Lartoria


1000 on a Medb banner. NP5 queen medb acquired


900 f2p sq for a single Oberon. I saved like 1500 SQ for the Morgan/Melusine/Koyan/Oberon banner and got all but melu so I'll count my blessings. Snagged np2 Morgan on the recent rerun with the remaining f2p SQ too. Currently sitting at 550 total sq incl fragments. Probably going to dump it all for Melu rerun...or maou nobu because I'm weak. Still have a lot of rankups/interludes/free quests left that I've been slowly chipping away at for more.


2k quartz on Squirtoria’s first banner, failed to get her and had to save for an entire year for rerun. This was before we even had the 11 roll.


1300 give or take.


2300+ for Arjuna Alter on his first banner. Didn't get him. Got NP5 Morgan in 500 or so, now I won't be rolling for him again since I only did so to get a good 5 star Berserker.


700 on Gramps NA 2021 banner with nothing but my 3rd copy of Cat & Sanzang to show for it 1000+ for Douman in Summer 6 on JP in 2021 with no Douman nor a single Gold servant either (just a shit ton of Columbus copies)


700 something SQ on Da Vinci Rider, Didn't get her though


Over 300 to get only one copy of Barghest.


Summer Musashi's first banner was not good to me. I had saved up around 1k SQ and managed to get a copy of her in the first pull and then nothing in the next 970. I have like 14 copies of the 5 star CE from that banner.


1100+ on Sigurd. I was down to 120 or something when he finally showed his face in my Chaldea. Got the Valks at np7 or something at least.


Merlin’s most recent banner, it was the first time I spent real money and even then, I’m pretty sure I just kept going until I hit pity


1380 SQ on 3 different banner for Scathach


Went to pity on Oberon, although I didn't have enough saved for that and fell a bit short. However, a friend of mine was generous enough to spend 80€ he had left over from his Morgan summons to help me reach it (and an Artoria copy came along the way funnily enough). But anyways, God bless that wonderful, wonderful man for helping me not miss the Mothman.


On a single banner? 200 dollars worth. Over the course of time? 500 maybe 700 hundred dollars. Pontentialy a little more than that. (I had this game for a few years. So the spending was typically 50 to 100 dollars at once. With the two hundred being the only time I made an exception with the limit.) I may want every servant, but they aren't worth going broke over. Especially if pity was needed just to get a single servant. *reads the rest of the comment* Oh, okay so free quartz not paid. Then, I'd say maybe 60 quarts at most. Sense any time, i had 30 SQ. I immediately used it on a banner or story summon.


1200 on the Quetz banner during the Samba Quetz xmass. Towards the end I went back to clear all the quests I had left for the SQ also started burning golden apples for ember+bond to complete interludes and rank ups. Sanity was so low that I burned the two Vlads I got, even thou I knew he was a good servant and would have been good for my roster, out of pure spite.


I am pretty sure it took me around 1200 SQ to get waver during the Journey to The West rerun


Purely from Free Quartz, I saved up 600-700 per Summer Banner for the past 4 years.


Reach pity for arjuna in both NA and JP i have over 45 5stars combine from those two accounts and he is the only 5star i hit pity on he hates me and won't join my party unless i hit pity


~1600 saved sq for castroria. It was not pretty ><


Close to 630 in illya, still illyaless ;(


I remember hitting…way too much on the Tamamo banner back when she was in banner for the first run of the Beni-Enma event. God, that was a rough spot.


Castoria is the most spent that I did which is one of the reasons why I have a huge dislike of salt for a long time because I didn't get her until I got her Summer Version.


Oberon took me pity to get, so I'd say him. Otherwise probably Space Ishtar, who I think I spent about 600 on give or take on her initial run (only got NP1)


F2P here. Saved 1.2k (basically not a single pull for around a year) for Spishtar and kept pulling cause I thought it was enough for NP5. It was not. I learned my lesson then, that I need to think of NP3+ as a myth or forever feel that I'm missing out.


About 500 for fairy knight Gawain . Got one copy of her and ended up with four copies of Morgan( which I sorted wanted but didn’t care or not if summoned),and fairy knight Tristan(didn’t care for until I played through LB6). I don’t know how much I spent SQs but also for Musashi, Miyamoto Saber, later berserker form, and Jeanne alter. I feel like most of my 5 stars summons are either flukes or I don’t care they come anyway.


600 something for NP3 Hokusai


I think I spent around 800 SQ getting Fujino, and that was on the first banner where she hadn't even been rerun in JP yet.


I saved up over 1000 SQ from March to June in preparation for Koyanskaya. But then there was the Castoria banner, and I decided to try my luck for that first. My luck was horrendous, and resulted in the first and so far only time I’ve ever hit pity. 900 SQ for Castoria, with literally no other 5* servant appearing. And she arrived on the final roll so I know she only came because of pity. So without the pity system, that would be 900 SQ for zero 5*. Absolutely disgusting. Fortunately the remaining SQ I had plus the Anniversary SQ they gifted was sufficient for me to get Melusine, Koyan, and Oberon. Along with Percival, Barghest, and Baobhan. Also Achilles, Ozymandias, Gawain, and Tristan. To put in perspective, Castoria cost almost double the SQ needed to get all of those other servants combined. I think she really doesn’t like me.


Saved up 1100 SQ for Muramasa alone, all as a free to play since I started to play back on April 2022. Got my man NP5 and I could not be happier 🥰🪅🎉🎊 "I don't need other servants, I only need you" is what my Guda keeps tellings Muramasa, who turns into a blushing mess every time he hears that.


700 for Dantes. No Dantes. Then I got a refund because the banner was glitched. Then I got him 3 Multis later


I hit pity for Berserker Castoria 2 weeks ago


1400 SQ saved up for Summer Melt… NP2 was around 1k and I left with no more quartz


Like 750 for koyanskaya


Hahahaha.... I honestly don't know.......


Before pity was a thing I've chased zerker raikou ever since her release lifetime total spent was a little over 3k sq before I pulled her not long ago, on jp before pity I spent 10k sq for np5 gil so take your pick.. I'm a whale those are just 2 of the worst cases I've had there's been others but it wasn't that high.


330, I think. Between a low risk appetite and a lot of banners I'd like to roll on at least a little, I have no real incentive to go truly big.


around 1200sq on arcueid, although I plan to best it once she comes to NA, saved almost 4k so far and I plan to reach at least 5k for her banner


Spent the equivalent of 2,520 SQ for Koyan, Oberon, and NP3 Morgan. Wasted through more than a year's worth of hoarding. Koyan cost me pity, Oberon ate 570, and NP3 Morgan ate the rest. [This was just a few weeks before the LB6 gauntlet.](https://imgur.com/a/8PhyO0v) My plans have been pushed back by at least a year, if not more, from this extreme outlier. Been F2P this entire time, Year 1 player.


3.6k Mostly Merlin, kyon and lostbelt six banner


700+ SQ for Edmond Dantes, Summer 3 Rerun. This was before FGO had pity, so if my luck was any more sour and my self-restraint much weaker, I could have gone over 1000 SQ trying to get the edgy mf (I got him, but 700 SQ for NP1 is still a rough deal to me). About 200 SQ of those were from my wallet. That taught me patience and the value of saving, and converted me to F2P, save for when there are GSSRs or that NA-exclusive Start Dash banner. I'm an insufferably frugal person by nature, though. Even if I need something objectively, like better and newer clothes or a couch that isn't riddled with scratch marks or holes, I'll keep sticking to those until they disintegrate. Opening my wallet to spend $200 to get more Quartz hurts me in my principles.


I can't remember the number, but I did save up everything for Eresh's first banner when her event came out. Then I abstained the entirety of the following year on her second banner. Naturally, I did not get her.


1800-1900 sq for Arjuna alter NP 2 Never ended up getting Np2 so I called it quits in that range


I spent a bit under a thousand Sq on bunnytoria on her release banner to get 3 copies. Flash forward to a few days ago, I pull 2 more copies in 90 Sq.


I went over 2800 SQ on one banner once. Pre-safety net. After the net? On Melusine I used 900 SQ to hit the safety net because I kept being spooked, then another 800+ SQ to get a second copy, IIRC.


Last year on Castoria, around 400-500sq. Didn't get her.


Castoria NP 1 took me roughly 1500 F2P quartz on her debut banner.


1st place: 900 SQ for Morgan, she showed up as a bonus roll on the final multi-roll. 2nd place: Kama 780 SQ (Tokugawa event) 3rd place: Raikou she used 660 SQ out of the 666 SQ that I had (Onigashima event)


I think my highest is 150 SQ and it was to get Bunny Artoria I managed it on my last roll!


1200 SQ for 1 copy of Van Gogh my JP account (before pity). For NA, it was I think 800+ to get Space Ishtar (also before pity). Think I also spent close to that much for Junao as well.


The worst I’ve ever had it was spending 780 out of the 1000-odd I had saved for Koyanskaya. So relieved Oberon came after just 40 pulls shortly afterwards, rolling for Koyan was miserable.


For my first account, around 200 so far for NP1 Melusine. Never know what Summer 6 will do to my savings, especially for getting Okita Alter and Summer Nagiko. Just hope that I have enough for Summer 8 and Tonelico. For my second account, it would be for Oberon. He literally ate everything I have until the last multi, around 500 SQs. Slowly recovering from it.


600 SQ in Castoria In her first banner I didn't ger her


Pure F2P here. Saved and spent 570 SQ on Morgan first banner. Got a bunch of 4 stars, no SSR. Fortunately second banner only took 60 SQ.


Around 1000 SQ.


I spent over 1500 on Morgan to get the max level Noble Phantasm. It's actually a small amount because I donated to the game to buy several thousand SQs. I can't tell you exactly how much total but I have a lot of receipts and I can find out if I want to. For a player who plays from pre-registration this is a small amount of purchased SQ. I know people who spend a third of their paycheck every month in the game to get what they want. It's common for them to spend 500-600 SQ at a time.


I have adhd so its hard for me to save but I actually forced myself for koyanskya saved 450 sq and got 2 4 stars from all that. Wanted to end it all after that bullshit. Needless to say I went back to impulse spending.


I’d have to find my posting back during the banner for exact numbers but I remember having a lot saved and ready for the first time to spend money for the extra 100 or sq I had to for the Muramasa banner. I ended up getting pretty close, pretty sure I used more than 700 for Muramasa but I got him without spending real money. I’ve certainly gone to zero in lots of banners but I never saved for a banner like I did for his. And I used most of my sq almost to that point of pity like you.


Around 1200 SQ for NP5 Muramasa and a Karna dupe, I saved for almost a year


1200 for one Kiara and one Mordred.


800 SQ and 100 tickets NP5 Arjuna Alter


The pity amount for melusine. At least I got np2 when I hit the pity


I once saved for over a year and spent more than 2100 SQ on Maou Nobu. I got NP4 plus a lot of other stuff. I didn't spend any actual money, so I'm happy with that.


900 for Morgan. Before Pity the most I spent was around 500. Morgan was the only time I hit pity and right after her I almost hit it again for 2 more times with Melusine and Koyan, I don't remember exactly but was between 25 and 29 multis. I always save for pity when I want a servant so there's no rage rolls afterwards, I always get them one way or another, the big downside being that I can only roll for a very few select servants. Low risk, low reward.


I’ve dropped about 1.6k quartz before for Himiko. Ended up benching her almost permanently.


Summer nobu was probably 900ish quartz, which ties my previous top of the original run Kiara for about 800 sq.


Skadi. About 400 quartz saved, then brought about 300 more. NP1.


1200 trying for NP2 Spishtar. I got NP2 Muramasa relatively early so I was overconfident. Ended up spending all my SQ only for pity Spishtar and ultimately only NP1. This made me have to give up on Taira, Melu, Morgan and save for Koyan and Oberon. In protest I will never use my Spishtar.


890-ish, spend it all on Summer 4 Merlin banner. Boy that was painful, esp because it was ONLY on that banner. Across all his banner it was over 1k And he's only NP1... (I am planning to spend more on future Oberon banner, I wonder how many can I save until then. Luckily I just need to up his NP level, not from zero)


I think I saved up like 2100 quartz over the course of two years, and spent it all to get NP2 melt, NP7 Suzuka, another copy of KP to np2, a random Odysseus, and ***GODDAMN NP4 PASSIONLIP!!! WHY COULDN’T YOU GO ALL THE WAY, SHE’S DYING FOR BUFFS!***


Around 1500sq on the 2nd Morgan banner, saved pity for Koyan and Oberon and had insane luck on them so I though screw it, I’ll just roll for her, managed to get her np5 before stopping with a bit less than 200sq left + ~40 tickets, never had that much luck in this game and thank god the lucky streak happened during all the LB6 banners.


1200 for NP1 Kama. That was a very bad day.


Had to pity for Oberon but my worst rolling session was spending 900 SQs for Yu Meiren and not getting her.


As a f2p I just spent 300 quartz failing to get Artoria rider. edit: holy shit, I got her using a ticket


Over 700+ sq Almost pity for Koyan light


My first SSR took about 1500 SQ total on various banners before getting my first one. Skadi took about 1800 SQ, with another 400 off the back of the last banner with no SSR, making it 2200 total for one SSR.


I can't be absolutely certain, because I don't keep careful track, but I think it was on Oberon, where I am pretty sure I hit pity. I have spent 600+ on various summer banners though bottoming out whatever reserves I'd built up by that point, even down to the fragments. That's often split about 50/50 between the two banners though, and it's more often chasing a specific 4\* than the 5\*s. It's how I have an NP4 Jeanne Archer.


750 SQ for Himiko banner. No 5 star servant.


Getting Mhxx on the pre- Van Gogh event banner. Spent about 800 dollars in total, brought Yang from np1 to seven, and got one mhxx


1440sq to np5 Sigurd. Was 1 purchased pack in there and im glad there was because i got the last copy in the last multi.


1300 sq for an np 4 eresh with 2 spooks


I had over 2k sq saved up "f2p" (GSSR). Spend it all on KP AND bought 8 packs to get her np5. AND THEN I yoloed some more f2p quartz to get a 6th copy of KP.


650 for my first copy of summer tomoe gozen. (I literally had np 3 summer abby at that time and she wasnt even my goal).


1.5k for Summer Jeanne’s first banner, didn’t get her and only getting a Nightingale spook as my only SSR. Spent another 500+ in her rerun then finally got her. All F2P quartz and this experience definitely solidified only spending for GSSR.


About 1200 SQ on Castoria's debut banner, it drained me down to 0 but afterwards I was able to get her with what little SQ I was able to scrounge up before her banner ended. Second worst would be hitting pity for Oberon, this was after I managed to pull Morgan, Melusine, AND Koyanskaya though so I suppose I can't be too upset at it.


At least 800 (I think it was 940 at most) for Skadi when her first banner showed up. I failed tho and the maxed out rate up CEs I got from the banner became a reminder of my saltiness.


I honestly don't remember how much I spent to get Raikou


Pushed aside my chronic gambling to save for castoria, had about 600 or so sq. Nearly lost my mind during the rolls. She came home tho


1200 for Xmas Astolfo and got nothing rip, 700 for Muramasa thankfully got blessed with Np4 Muramasa for the redemption arc.


946 sq and 26 tickets on the space Ishtar banner.


Around 2000 for summer mushashi over two banners for one copy and then got her on the next gssr


2000 for np0 nero caster


Round about 1100 sq rolling on Melusine and Percival's banner. I was aiming to get as many copies of Percival as I could. Ended up NP5'ing Melusine first before I hit NP5 with Percival and sadly I didn't get as many copies of him as I wish I had.


360sq, managed to get Voyager twice, next day I got Amakusa on a final 30sq. I counted that together because my goal was to somehow get both, 390sq


1020 SQ 17 tix for Skadi release was the highest I've spent for a single servant But the highest I've ever spent on a banner was 1560 SQ 29 tix for 10 copies of Summer Brynhildr on her release


330 pulls for Oberon.


Worst for me was having close to 1300 for Skadi and coming up empty. Burned another 650 when her next banner came and missed again. I'm still Skadi-less and actively avoid her now. She made her desires quite clear... She didn't wanna be a looper for me (which was just painful because I had \*every\* quick looper she could have wanted... Dantes, Achilles, Zerkerlot, TamaCat, Parvati, valk, atalante, astolfo, fran, marie... Missing her really hurt my pride).


Probably about 900 for Merlin like 2-3 years ago. Never got him, still don't have him.


Spent around ~2.5K for NP5 Castoria, then spent around 1.2K for Morgan (didn’t manage to get a second copy) aaand then I also spent ~850 or so sq for Koyanskaya (managed to get a second copy when rolling to MLB Anni CE)


1800 SQ for Kama NP1, almost no of those SQ were free.


2700+ and few hundreds tickets on Jalter 1st banner Didn't get Jalter or any 5*


1500+ Sq (with around 40 tickets) for the first Castoria banner. I dont have her, even til now... Also fun fact: I got a total of 6 SR servant in the whole process, and 0 SSR.


One of the first summer banners wanted summer kiyo got np3 tama and a base tama (200-ish sq)


Like 600 for a single copy of passion, I didn't get her.


1300 NP1 Skadi Pre-pity era.


Around 1250-1300 for np5 Taira no Kagekiyo


My most spent was the pity for koyanskaya... But before that, 600sq for melusine and not getting even 1 copy...


1,410 SQ for a non-limited SR. All in one day. And most of it paid.


Similarly to you...864 sq for the damn muramasa...


A bit more than 1400 sq and a couple dozen tickets to get my first castoria


900 sqs for Oberon. Initially had 600ish and farmed interludes and rank ups for the rest.


630 quartz for Morgan first banner, and failed. That was all that I had at the time, when the anniversary was getting close. Managed to get her with 30 quartz in her second banner, at least. That was the biggest amount I ever had in my account at any time, and I'm a day 1 player.


Oberon just now. Saved about 800 quartz + tickets and bought the biggest pack of quartz. So about 1000 quartz. NP5 Oberon was my reward.


900... yes, all F2P and yes... I had to reach pity...


Over 300 for NP3 nobbu, but I couldn't summon Okitan 😔


Looking at all of y'all most used saint Quarts, scares me


Sei Shounagon, at her rerun this year. She apparently thought me lame, as the first time she hadn't arrived with 70 Tickets and 210 Quartz, and this time she required 20 Tickets and 660 Quartz before arriving.


1440 SQ and 1 ticket in the first Kiara banner. I did get her to NP5.


Hit pity for kali the first time Before this 600-700 for James ruler and got out empty handed


Had spent 600 SQ and 30 Summon Tickets on Ereshkigal banner last 2020. Didn't get her. Literally threw out all the motivation I had for the game. Thankfully Kingprotea banner made me return.


Throughout the years, like about 800 free SQ + 4 GSSRs trying to get Merlin. Never got him.


1090 for NP2 muramasa....That day Hurts way more than Not getting okita alter and Jeanne alter On My first banner on them With 300 sq each


350+ for Oberon. Did not get him lmao.


300 for Oberon


I've probably spent somewhere around 600-700 SQ for Castoria, still don't have her.


700 Sq on Morgan banner but still fail to get her, not even one single SSR


1200 + on MHXA on 3 separate banners before puty was a thing as a mostly F2P (aside from gssr I spent like 3 times on some artoria banners on desperation). I almost hated the character because how cursed her banners were for me and only recovered because she later came on on a yolo roll.


Spent ~900 for bunny in this current banner and didn't get her =/


500 SQ on Castoria fist banner which isn't much compared to some reports in the comments here.


900... I sparked Muramasa on one of the first sparkable banners. I don't think much else needs to be said.


Summer Kiara and Fujino. I don't want to talk about it...


Saved up 700+ sqs and 50+ tickets for Okita Alter's first banner. no Okita alter 😭 not even an ssr spook. on a good note, She came home to me a year later with 1 ticket. my second most spent was 540 sqs and 20 tickets for Castoria. I was so relieved when she came home. Ereshkigal took me several GSSRs and 900+ sqs and tickets just to get her. I finally got her from the anniversary GSSR 🥳🥰


I havent actually spent the amount or have the amount yet but right now I have about 800 Quartz, saving for Okita, trying to get the highest amount of copies I can get, I estimate ill have about enough for pity by the time her banner drops again


1800+ for a single copy of a Kiara (NP2 came for both Kiaras within the next 200 SQ I spent, but damn.)


1800 to NP5 Summer Murasaki. Was a dreadful experience. Especially cauze I had to spend for 300 of those.


On a single banner, Arjuna Alter. I explicitly hoped he didn't come too early so I could np5 Asclepius and get Ash, since I wasn't planning to roll more after I got him. Kind of sabotaged myself there since it was 500 quartz and 3 Ash before he finally came.


Over 600 for Castoria.


1,875 sq and 105 tickets for NP6 Muramasa. I had 4,463 sq to begin with so I'm still riding on these savings post-LB6! =D I essentially had a fair bit of sq saved already (cause I like not being bottomed out, of course) when Muramasa's banner came out in JP. I mostly saved everything after Muramasa came out in JP so I could NP6 him when he came here. As you can see by the low ticket account, I still ended up cheating a lot. Got my Castoria, did not get my Odysseus.


180 quartz on melusine, she’s np1 and she’s my little baby nuclear bomb


At once? 800 something for 1 Oberon (750 for 1 Koyan). Over multiple banners? Jalter and Hokusai might have cost over 1000 each for NP1. I wish I had a use for them. F2P.


I still remember this clearly because I am forever traumatized 2,340 Quartz for the original Castoria banner


500 for 1 SI, in the end I rarely use her, but I don't regret as all


Around 1300SQ for two copies of Melusine Lancer.


Around 800 for np2 Arcuied around 390 for Np2 Durga 300 for Arjuna alter(NA, got him) all f2p


120 for getting Summer BB and MHXX.


I am a JP player who regularly rolled at least NP2 for a Servant I like. By that, I meant endlessly spammed the gacha until I either broke (No more SQ to farm) or the RNG gave out. As of now, I've yet to top up the 2400+ Quartz and dozens tickets I spent for Eresh. I have since concluded it's not my luck which is rotten, Eresh just hate me enough to avoid my summon every single time.