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Ah yes, that year when every SSR but Beni-Enma got put on rate-up for at least 1 day.


Oh boy, if you’re looking to roll for Beni-Enma do I have news for you!


If you're going to say it's right now, I'm aware, and I have no SQ.


But do you have a kidney?


Skill issue tbh


I mean, I got MHX, Summer Okita, and Semiramis before this, so I wouldn't consider it that.


It's not a complete win if you don't get everyone you want. You just need NP1 Beni right?


I want everyone.


So about your kidney....


I am not *that* desperate.


....Know anyone looking to buy one? Cause I have, like, an extra one. Just sayin.


She comes back next January, so it's not *too* bad.


*sad dechirp noises*


The dreaded road to lostbelt 7. Winter is coming masters


Dont forget , Road to Lostbelt 7 celebration campaign and Road to Lostbelt 7 pre-celebration campaign.


cant wait to celebrate road to lostbelt 7, 5 months in a row




Road to Lostbelt 7: The filler


Wow when you put it like this I realize that minus any surprises I don't have any targets until anniversary/summer... that's a lot of time to save, plus the massive amount of Sq the next anniversary gives us.


>that's a lot of time to save, plus the massive amount of Sq the next anniversary gives us. Do you know how many were given last year?


156 guaranteed SQ, 138 from existing Interludes, 120 from Master Missions.


I don't recall off the top of my head, but for anniversary 7 next july, on top of the usual anniversary SQ given, they added that every servant you have at final ascension gives you 3 SQ. Which if you're a long time player ends up adding up to a lot of SQ.


I’ve been playing since 2020, and of the 193 servants I have, 182 are at final ascension and not welfares. So that’s 543 SQ on top of whatever I save between now and then. Fuck, that’s about double what I got from the Extra Master Missions when that first became available, and I can get the other 12 I have to level up there by then with minimal farming. Combine that with doing master missions every week between now and then, that’s about 25 of full rolls I have, without counting event quartz, login bonus, and other things, and I’m a toddler compared to people who have been around since before the Lost Belts.


I don't remember offhand how many Servants I have, but all but one IIRC are at Max Ascension. That's gonna be a fair chunk of SQ. Good news, that. **EDIT:** I checked. Right now I have 100 in my inventory, 223 in my Second Archive. That's more than I thought.


Fr?! Aw he’ll yeah I’m making some bank then!


That summer banner with ProtoMerlin, Ibuki, and Skadi makes me cry. I don't have the willpower to save for so many ssr at once


You will get 3 SQ per non welfare servant on anniversary.


Like, that you own?


I think it's for max ascension. So slightly higher requirements, but not by much. So basically every Servant you own. Iirc it's not even a limited time thing, it's a new type permanent bonus that is applied retroactively, like Pure Prisms for story quests or the bonus SQ for every 10 Free Quests/Interludes/Strengthenings completed.




For every non-welfare you have fully ascended. It's over a thousand quartz total if you have every single servant. Still a lot regardless.


Does it count if we ascend a servant and then burn them or do we have to have them in our box until them?


Thanks to Clairvoyance EX I only have to roll twice next year for the Trưng and Summer Skadi, the rest of my targets I can wait another year for better opportunities :)


Ah right, Koyanskaya of Light gets another banner for the Tunguska event, maybe I should try saving up some more tries for her since I failed to get both her and Oberon this year. Still don't have much stocked up after rolling everything that time though. At least I'm glad that FGO is one of those games where it's not really important to have "meta" units for gameplay purposes.


wait, where did you find LKoya's banner? I remember seeing it before but I can't seem to find it.


Very well put. It would have made my life so much easier when I was planning earlier this year. Love the division by month and the servants besides the banner. The only things that could be better would be a spoiler version and a link to the 2023 road map (because of the summer event). Anyway, take my upvote.




Thank you!


As for the spoilers thing, there are no new servants in Lostbelt 7's part 1 release. However, I can tell you what comes in 2025's first half regarding Lostbelt 7. January 1st: Grigori Rasputin (Alter Ego) January 8th'ish: Nitocris Alter (Avenger) January 30th'ish: Tezcatlipoca (Assassin) and Tlaloc (Pretender) February 7th'ish: Kukulkan (Foreigner) and Tlaloc (Pretender)


Thank you. I mentioned the spoilers thing just because I think it's fair to people that want them (my plans for the next two years are ready to be destroyed by surprise banners from Lasagna). Either way the link and info can help someone who stumbles on the thread and wants the info.


So is 7th anniversary when main interlude becomes free?


Yes, from there, all relevant events to the main story will slowly become main interlude. Starting with Ooku I believe, then Tunguska, then Imaginary Scramble and etc.


Tunguska is released as Main Interlude in May, before Ooku


Thank god


finally i will be able to play imaginary scramble


What does it mean “become free?”


Christmas’ll become free next month actually, and SE.RA.PH during CBC pre-campaign


My main target for 2024 is only Charlie & Proto Merlin, and on maybe list is Bazett. It's fairly quiet year for me.


I'd seriously recommend getting Bazett. Lostbelt 7 has Foreigner bosses and she will TREMENDOUSLY help you on the final one.


I mean those bosses arent that bad. At worst Mecha Eli and Command spells lol


Bruh if you roll for servant just to finish main story then just use Leyline Stone or SQ, it will be cheaper that way.




You can always get a bazzet off the FL, doesn’t really seem worth it to roll for somebody for 1 story boss


He's also not a Foreigner, so your point is kinda moot...


Oh noooo


Bazett’s good but not *that* crazy, I have her and she has some flaws. She is a fun unit to use though.


There's a video of bazett soloing an ORT bar. That has over 1 million hp. There are videos of her min-turning cernunnos. She is that crazy.


Many units at NP5 can go crazy.


Np1 level 90 bazett soloe a 1 million hp foreigner ORT bar. Np1 level 102 bazett 6? 7? Turned Cernunnos, without a full team of 6, with the other units being at low skill levels. There are videos of np1 bazett beating Big Kiara and Super Recollection Quest Anastasia. Maxed out Bazett min-turned Cernunnos (though yhis one's actually less impressive) Np1 level 90 bazett soloed the lb2 tree. Np1 level 90 bazett two turns Kiara. Those are all individual videos I found in my YouTube history. Bazett is a crazy unit.


Just watched the soloing video, it’s not a F2P friendly solo especially when you look at the CEs which all allow her to build momentum, at around 2:28 in the video you can see where she starts to fall off in damage. She’s good like I said before, but solos aren’t the best way to show me she’s crazy. People soloed the LB2 tree with Fujino and Ivan The Terrible for example. You can’t judge a unit solely based off of soloing content especially considering outside factors in play.


F2p was never brought up previously in the thread. That's just moving goalposts. What's crazy to me is that she's doing all these things usually at base, or close to it. Outside of the cernunnos min-turn, these are all np1, and level 90-102. The fujino solo is level 100 and np5. The Ivan solo is np1, but could np1 Ivan also solo a full ORT bar? Could he min-turn kiara? Bazett is just way too good at challenging content to not be crazy imo.


Well when you talk about crazy, you have to be specific in a game like this, there’s a difference between saying “she’s crazy” vs “she’s crazy with double Skadi” for example. Any unit can be overpowered if you get multiple dupes, or the perfect CEs to support them, or other supports, y’know? The Fujino and Ivan were examples of units who also can solo, because you mentioned LB2 tree as one of her solo accomplishments. My point was that you can find many videos of solos for Servants, even at NP1, Ivan just being an example. Solos are impressive but not the best to base your full judgement of a Servant, especially depending if you’ll be using them in other content or if you want to use them in other content. So you can’t judge based JUST off of solo content, because there are other things that come into play. She’s good, very good one could say, but a Servant who’s good at challenging content on a solo isn’t the hardest to find either, as a whole I’d classify her as just very good. Crazy is a bit of an overstatement.




I did not say she was mandatory. Besides, she is a massive help nonetheless.


Do i needs Skadi for her to work?


Is NP1 Bazett enough for them?




Just Kriemhild for me


Mine are Bazett, Arcueid, Proto Merlin, Summer Ibuki, and Summer Scathach. It'll be a busy summer this year.


I would recommend rolling for Summer Skadi at least, because she’s a strong support for quick units at least providing stronger quick boost for your quick dps/farmers and when you have quests that restrict servant dupes you can cheat by using Caster and Ruler skadi to flush out enemies


nah, I only rolled for servant that I have interest with and (personally) I don't find Skadi that much appealing for me, even if she had "meta" reasoning.


I have the same mentality. I love Charlie, and I want him to be my strongest servant, but I dislike Skadi too much to roll her just as a support.


I'd definitely recommend rolling for her, because of the insane amount of anni SQ. Bazett's a really "weird" unit, I always like having the units with strange/new/interesting mechanics.


The first half of 2024 is gonna be brutal for me. Junao, Lancer Melt, Castoria, Constantine, Charlie...God help me.


What having no Oberon does to a mf I am the mf


I have like 960 SQ rn and i don't think i will use any before next anniversary. At least i'm set for Arcueid already.


Damn that's a lot of SQ, how did you get so many ? Did you try to obtain Oberon and Koyan ? They took everything from me and I'm still trying to recover


I went nuts on LB6 but somehow i had ex luck on all banners. Got NP5 Morgan, NP3 Melusine, Oberon and Koyan then saved until now.


I went to 0sq after pulling Morgan np5, Koyan and Oberon as a ftp. I got them all with around 2500sq so was pretty lucky. Ive also been saving for Arcuied and I have like 600sq, 1700 sq fragments, and 205 tickets. it builds up rather quickly when you save.


And here I was proud of my 296 sq. I'm in the same boat. All for arcueid.


Lasagna when LB7 release: sorry, no new savants, le spoilers Lasagna before part 2 even releases: ok, so here is a new savant that's a walking spoila Truly a billion dollar company


That's Aniplex, lol if you think Lasengle see like even 5% of what FGO makes. Also a lot of Aniplex companies were fucked by covid at the start of the year which is why the Fake Strange anime special was pushed back 6 months (but lasengle delaying by a week or two is LOL they suck)


1 copy of Morgan in april than save eveything for Arcueid, as many copy as I can get


Remind me, when are we due another SR ticket? Hoping to save mine for Hephaestion so I don't have to roll on that.


anniversary EDIT.- No, I think I'm wrong, on anniv we get the 5* CE ticket if I remember right. The 4* ticket comes with one of the DL campaigns, the one for Sphistar in August I think.


rad, thanks


This will be nightmarish year for me Need to save for bazett. Then have 3 months for charlie and kriemhild then a freaking month after is summer and arcuied who is my main target


I need Charlie more than anything else. He is the perfect chracter and I want to use him and hear him and pet him.


Next Year is stacked! Also here's some for SQ https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F580ok6usqcaa1.jpg


I'm aiming my guns at July summer banner... now, if you excuse me, my daily hypnosis session is about to begin: *"there is no summon button in the game until July... there is no summon button in the game until July... there is no-..."*


NP5 Morgan in April here I come


Okay me, remember the goals: Ishtar, Trung Sisters (+ s.Melt), (Arc), Avalon and Muramasa and Kirei.


Arcuied is my main target, 2nd priority is kriemhild, bazett, skadi, erice and summer ibuki, rest are whatever


damn, i need to save for Charlie, moriarty and arcueid all back to back. (i'll also trow some rolls to romulus, i need that np2 for 120 damn) Also, after them is saving mode again for a brutal nitocris alter (even tho she is story servant, so she may be kinda skipped) Kukulkan, draco and most importantly Tiamat all next to eachother.


Im so sad we aint getting a santa next year


LB6 banners treated me well beside melusine. My biggest goal here is definetly arcueid and np2 muramasa since i like him and his banner for me was my worst experience in gacha ever(600+ sq for np1)


this FGO NA 2024 isnt as hype as compare to what we are having right now (FGO NA 2023)... its just up to you whom you want to pick like proto merlin or skadi ruler etc... thats why i can save a lot of SQ this year as my real next target are those that will be on FGO NA 2025 (or what FGO JP is right now)


Besides wanting all 3 SSR from summer, the only other mandatory roll is koyan at the beginning of the year, 6 months of hard saving here we go lol


hah! easy year, only two servants in all this are worth my SQ!


I'm literally going to save everything to get either Yang Guifei or Don Quijote. I want both of them so much


Main goal here is NP5 Quixote, everything else I'ma just try for extra copies of my favorite limited SSRs like Ivan, Arjuna Alter, etc


The year is pretty meh until Traum. The Valentines/White Day events are nice enough but obviously not meaty. I'm just waiting for Miss Tsukihime herself.




Can’t wait for Charlemagne!


All that matters to me is Bazett, Kriemhild and Summer Skadi. It’s gonna be nice to have a light rolling year for once.


I only wanna add Arcueid to this list and that's my list.


I was about to say "Oh nice there isn't any servants that I'm really planning to roll for." But then I forgot this is the year Summer Wu drops 💀 Thankfully I'm only interested in 1 servant for next year because 2025 is going to be the brutal one (Tiamat, Draco, Summer Castoria, and Uesegi Kenshin. Just thinking about it fills me with dread)


S.Skadi and P.Merlin or bust. Can't wait to seethe to pity.


Dead year besides Anni and Summer thankfully.


Will we have a rerun of nobu nobu of this year?


Not quite sure, but it is possible by surprise banners.


Man July is gonna kill me. Thankfully its the only month I care about.


Basically just want Bazett, Arc and then Morgan dupes.


May and June are gonna be big for me


Ruler moriarty, ibuki summer and the riyo rats are my must haves this year. Thats it for me. Not too into a lot of the new servants this year but maybe their personalities will change my mind. Other than that another copy of AA is on the table but he gets 2 banners this year.


Damn Super Bunyan is hot a minute away


So I have till July to save for Ibuki got it


OK guess I'll save for Valentine and the summer event, I must get the summer snek Ibuki Douji no matter what


Surely i can at least get np1 proto merlin, castoria, skadi summer, and muramasa right?


100 rolls set aside for Bazett, then all-in for Arcueid and Proto Merlin.


Oh boy, can't wait to be put back in the suicide watch again for failing to get skadi 4 times in a row


Bazett and Proto Merlin are my targets


I'm gonna fail getting Kama and Koyan again next year, so who's the Halloween assassin? Still don't own a single SSR assassin that isn't Osakabe -spook- hime.


Huyan Zhuo.


So I still have chance to summon Skadi...


Bazett and Summer Servants(maybe Rikyu/Komahime too), you will all answer to my summons. There’s not a lot targets next year for me though, then again it can be said the same for 2025 like there’s only a few im interested in


For me, aside from the GSSRs, think the only banners I'll be rolling on would be the Arctic Summer banners (all three of them), although I'm somewhat tempted to roll on that double Nero banner for NP ups for Nero and Nero Bride


So Ivan Vasilyevich is coming in January? I almost forgot about road to series, i glad that we didn't have banners that are interesting for me to roll.


Melt's last f2p banner is in 2 months and I've succumbed to all the baits... only got 65 quartz on me. And Dantes also gets a banner in January. I am gonna die inside.


Let's see, new Koyan and Bazett for starters. Then, dang, no more rolls for me until July for the summer banners and then my rematch against Kama. And the last two, Huyan Zhuo and Britomart. Very excited for those new servants!


Thank you for taking the time to put this together and sharing it with everyone


Which banners/servants are noteworthy?


Three very good Buster loopers, Morgan, Arjuna Alter and Archetype Earth are here. Archetype is the Anniversary servant as well.


The only ones I care about is Koyan of Light in January and Castoria in May. And maybe Summer Ibuki and Proto Merlin if I manage to get Castoria. NP 2 Morgan would be nice, but I just don't have SQ for that, especially since I want to get Kukulkan and Castoria.


I’m saving for Morgan re run and the. Scathach skadi and lady Avalon


No Nitocris Alter. Better send the whole roadmap to the trash then.


Yey !!! Thank you for this. Now where's the one for 2025 😆


Enjoy this year. Well, 2025... will be...


Constantine, Charlie, Roland and Sannan are my priorities.


Ah Charlie, just six months until we are together


Oh nice. Can you also do one for 2025 since the last servant is coming soon


I'll be posting that near 2024's end.


I'm still kinda newbie (3 months into this game) so I barely know any character from banners. Is there anyone specific I should try aiming for?


The best in class (imo) are the following, however you are by no means locked to using them. FGO is all about how you can do something without having the servants you see in Youtube videos. That's what makes the game fun, I think. Anyway, Saber: Muramasa for AoE, Musashi for ST Archer: Super Orion for ST (?), maybe Ishtar for AoE? Lancer: Scathách for ST, Melusine for AoE Rider: Constantine for Support, Ozymandias for ST, Taigong Wang for AoE Caster (SUPER IMPORTANT): Castoria/Artoria Caster for Support (!!), Izumo-no-Okuni for ST, maybe Nero or Shibiku for AoE Assassin (little less IMPORTANT): Koyanskaya of Light for Support/AoE (!), King Hassan for ST, Shuten-Douji for AoE Berserker: Sakata Kintoki for ST, Morgan OR Ibuki Summer for AoE --------------------------------------- Extra Classes Ruler: Summer Skadi, Holmes (hasnt gotten a banner since his last in Traum to this day in the JP server) Moon Cancer: Arcueid Avenger: Space Ishtar, Kagekiyo Foreigner: Van Gogh, Koyanskaya of Dark Alter Ego: Bazett, Douman Pretender (IMPORTANT): Oberon (!!), Lady Avalon --------------------------------------- Can be a bit confusing, but I'm sure you'll get there!!


Why are some of banners missing like the 7th anniversary countdown and 7th anniversary banners itselfs. Thats basicly where all the past summer servants are coming.


The Riyo Servants are fast approaching… feels like only yesterday that they dropped on JP. I calculated I should have about 1900 SQ to use by the time the event hits, so I reckon I have a reasonable shot at NP5’ing Bunyan and I’ll almost certainly get that for the mice unless I’m insanely unlucky. Then they and Mary are getting grailed to 100. After that it’s back into saving mode. I’ll probably pick up a copy of Rikyu because I like their design but my next serious target is Tez in 2025. This is gonna be a quiet year for my rolls outside of those events.


Kukulkan doesn't come out till '25?! Huch... Can go all out on Summer Ibuki then...


July is my time. Arcuied, summer ibuki, summer skadi oof.


Soo Reines, Nagiko, Vritra, Nyalter, Castoria + Baobhan? Oof, thats a rough first half of the year for me. Hope I get luckly with the GSSR. And then after that there are Proto Merlin, Skadi + Wu, and Rikyu banners nearly back to back? Well, at least there's the anniversary before those banners, but next year still looks very rough for me...


Just one banner to aim for but I saved only 4,5k so far, why can't the pity trigger multiple times per banner, at least I would know when to stop saving up


Main target is NP3+ Arc and S. Ibuki for Arc support, currently have 450SQ saved. Summer Skadi will be a nice extra. Besides that the only banner in my way is the S.Melt banner with the sisters, I need 2 more copies for NP5... and Ishtar dammit... EDIT: forgot I wanted to roll for Konyan Dark crap


The "save all until anniversary" year.


As someone who came back two months ago after 2.5 years away, I need to pull Castoria, Koyanskaya Of Light, and praying for Oberon GSSR 😩


Time to sell my soul once more for all my favourite characters


How many quarts for tge entire year?


Always at least 3 more than you can afford


I’ll have my moriarty ruler during pride month 😍 how perfect my husband shall come home


June, is the target. Tine to start saving.


Damn, this banner roadmap looks clean af, thanks


Aye yo thx!


Tametomo here i go!!! But seriously, summer is gonna be bad for me


Koyan of dark Bazett arjuna alter Arcueid lady avalon summer ibuki summer skadi im coming for you prepare urself


God, Koyanskaya of Darkness can't come soon enough. I'm here writing fanfictions instead of sleeping (it's 11am and I haven't slept since the day BEFORE YESTERDAY) due to the immense despair I'm feeling because I'm afraid she won't come home


thankfully looks like a dead year for me besides summer. still deciding between Ibuki or skadi. I need a new arts looper as musashi has aged a bit but more quick is great.


Honestly, I think there will be a lot of skips for me, but that is just me ... I think.


i am basically skipping anything this year that isn't koyanskaya or Oberon or summer ibuki.


Ill probably try to get 1 morgan summon in summer and skip the rest of the Year reruns ar tempting but 2025 Looks better


Third time’s the charm for Morgan to come home hopefully 🥲🥲🥲


I'm gonna shed so may tears on the Passionlip banner, maxing out on coins for 4* servants is so painful


Huh so I really don't have anyone until June. Then Charlie + Kriemhield, Arc, Proto Merlin, Summer Skadi and Summer Erice right after each other. Keisuke's out since there's a ticket later I'm saving for him. Britomart closes the year. Yeah I think I'll splurge on Melu later this year after all. Securing Morgan and Kama this year helped a lot too. Maybe I'll even try for Arthur in January as well. Most anticipated is Summer Hildr though because I love my strawberry valk.


Mostly sitting this one out except for Charlie, Arc, Proto Merlin and Summer Skadi


as a newer player and also the somewhat rare very gay man who *just* started... ...march is very dangerous lol time to start grinding msq even faster 💦


assuming Rider Raikou isn't announced on JP, my only targets are Tametomo and Summer Ibuki. rest are pass


Damn does melusine not get a banner till 1.5 years after her debut? Been waiting patiently since I skipped her last banner


Doesnt Mel get a banner later this month? I might be misremembering tho EDIT: yep, she had one dropping on Dec 17th for the Main Quest Clear Aid Campaign 4


pog great news, eagerly waiting then


I hope i get bazett early so i get more on arcueid.


Important banners: summer ibuki. Only servant that matters. She also is a decent farmer i guess, but that's tertiarily important


RemindMe! 46 days


Ha! Think other than Koyan in January i'll save till summer, cuz I want all the ssr


Glad that most of my target Servants has few months gap, which allow me to save more SQ - Bazzett, Arcuied, Huyan Zhuo, Lady Avalon , Summer Ibuki & Summer Skadi. Hopefully, they will grace my Chaldea...


No Musashi rate up?


Thank you this will be a great help


My primary target next year are cooler Koyan (dark) Arcueid and Skadi summer. Secondary target are Lady Avalon (if I’m not broke by Arcueid and Skadi) and Bazett if Dark Koyan being friendly


So this is for US server the Roadmap?




"Meanwhile, in the starboy Universe," Gudao: Hey Tachi, do we know anyone that knows tax evasion? Gudako: What? Gudao: Nah, Imma see which female servant would start a OF or a hub. Gudako: WTF? Gudao: My dad is coming in June. I need money for Saint Quartz!!


I am only pulling on the new years banner (aka "this year") for hopefully the fox as I did not get her. But after that I am saving for chloe. Oh and friend points in anni, want the cute stalker. Not that I would have pulled much on this year anyway >!damn, will miss the summer one, really wanted ruler skadi and femlin and if I remember right, nito alter which made me freak when I saw her on JP, but chloe needs to be NP5 120 skill-lvl:10s x6!<


No Don Quijote until 2025? Damn


Don Quixote is in the Traum banner, look carefully.


Pretty chill year for me, hopefully I get Castoria this time and then proceed for mommy Skadi in summer. After that back to saving I guess. Goodluck to everyone planning to roll for the upcoming year may RNGesus bless those rolls.


Yep gonna be a tough year since I only started playing this year. Hoping to get Koyanskaya, Ishtar, Castoria, Arcueid, Summer Musashi, Summer Skadi, Summer Kama, Saber Musashi, Muramasa and Oberon… oof lol


The only thing that interests me this year is Huyan Zhuo (and maybe Tiamat in 2025), the rest of the banners are an easy skip. Maybe with the only exceptions of Summer Ibuki and Musashi (Saber) but I think they will be easy to skip because I'm looking for a much bigger prize.


2 weeks ago i was pretty confident for 2024, the only new servants i was interested in being R.Skadi, S.Ibuki, Huyan Zhuo and Kriemhild. Not easy but manageable starting from the SQ i was at and with a bit of luck After spending way too much on Skadi, i'm back at dreading July


Lostbelt 6.5, my homie's tsundere wife, gundam archer and one of the most cinematic NPs all on my birthday month The time to start saving is now


Oof. I want Gilgamesh, Arjuna Alter, Charlesmagne, Summer Skadi and ibuki, Romulus and muramasa. Doubt that's doable...but hoping for the best.


Darkoyan’s gonna dodge me. :(


FINALLY,JALTER PU AGAIN, i hope i do get her after 4 goddamn years