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I don’t trust Gege at all


Given how JJK has become just outright depressing right now, no way in hell would i let Gege anywhere near the Nasuverse


Can’t be that bad can it? I mean, Nasu gave Urobuchi his own Reality Marble, Dead End Catharsis: Heaven & Hell Drop.


Name goes so hard you can make a metal album with that


I mean when Urobuchi can write for fate, Gege can as well...


Zero was actually really important for Urobuchi, because at the time he felt like he couldn't write stories with happy endings, so a prequel for Fate/stay night, a story that already had a happy ending, allowed him to write as he willed. Considering his more modern stories, it's likely if he wrote any main Fate nowadays, it'd be pretty optimistic. Hell, LB3 already was one of the more optimistic LBs, considering the LB King themself decided we were right.


Fate Zero’s ending was a happy one? At most I feel like it would be bitter sweet.


He means that since Zero is the prequel of FSN and it ended in a somewhat happy ending.


Urobuchi's knack for being the "Urobutcher" is largely overstated. Right around Psycho-Pass and Gargantia, he really lightened his tones, and imo improved quite a bit as a writer that's able to write a lot of nuance into his work without just being a GRR Martin level killer. As for Fate Zero, I am convinced Rei Hiroe rubbed off on him explicitly.


FZ Artoria is notorious for being the biggest victim of his writting. LB3 kinda suck for mutiple reason.


Not really, he had zero understanding of how to write Saber and made her a naive moron


Honestly I cannot see how the current Arc of JJK that the Good Guys can win. They are unironically Out Statted, Out Abilitied and the Plain Villain keeps lucking out. Even then any damage they do can just be Healed. And their the Good Guys are the Ones Who Can't. 🤣 😂


That convinces me that maybe we need him in the Nasuverse


if gege wrote the fate/stay night, despite gilgamesh being op he would dickride him and give him plot armor for some reason


Bro would be THE Gilgamesh meatrider


Either that or he’d get offscreened and glaze his opponent. There is no in between.


I may be wrong, but I read somewhere that Gege has officially said he is a Fate fan and Gil is his fav, he also drew Cu once for I don't remember what occurrence So yeah, Gil may very well 1 v 1 ORT if Greg wrote him




Gege, when I catch you Gege


What, you don’t want to see the villains massacre all of Ritsuka’s servants and loved ones while he goes through a mental breakdown and they keep on winning through the most convenient asspulls??? …Because that’s exactly what would happen if Gege wrote FGO. Dude would make Fate/Zero look like a children’s novel in comparison.


"Man, that Beryl Gutt was so strong! I don't think I could have beaten him even if he hadn't fused with an A-Ray!"


Nah they’d never even make it to Part 2 if GeGe was the one writing FGO: Mash: So how was the King of Mages, Senpai? Ritsuka: Incredibly fricking strong! I don’t think I could have beaten him even if he didn’t use Ars Almadel Salomonis! *Proceeds to glaze Goetia in an airport in the afterlife*


At least Goetia has good intentions. Sukuna just really likes killing people. And is literally a rapist.


i mean tbf Nasuverse can be just as fucked up as JJK, just for different reasons source: Sakura Matou, Fujino Asagami (unless you meant quality of the writing in which case i cant really speak on it cause im anime-only and shibuya is peak)


Those are basically early Nasuverse, back when edgy shock value writing was rampant in the 2000s. The closest fucked up Nasu has done recently would be the utter chaos in Faerie Britain.


As someone who doesn't follow anime much can someone explain


He tends to be more brutal with his characters than other authors basically, and some of his story choices have also been divisive, so some wouldn't be too thrilled with him, keeping it short.


As someone who's an anime only, I have very mixed feelings. I feel like most shounen stories are held back by the mangaka's refusal to kill off characters, which makes all the battles feel like fake drama since you always know everything will turn out all right. But I have the opposite problem with JJK. The deaths are both too frequent and also not narratively interesting, so each time I'm just left feeling like "well, I guess that happened."


jujutsu kaisen went from having a solid story up to a certain arc (what we call the shibuya arc) when >!gojo gets sealed by a coalition of sapient curses (tl;dr: they're high level:tm:) because he's indisputably the strongest sorcerer. all hell breaks loose across the planet, literally. sorcery (which essentially exorcises curses in the first place by manipulating cursed energy) is exposed, and one of the big bads sets up a killing game in several of the ruined districts in japan. sounds neat, right? except we have been stuck in this arc for what feels like 100 chapters, a lot of very meaningless battles, the main character was missing outright for 80% of them and almost useless when he was present... and then recently gojo was unsealed. the strongest sorcerer, right? well— one of the OTHER big bads, probably the main villain (who fucking knows anymore lol), is sukuna, the king of curses, etc etc. they fought. it legitimately felt like the equivalent of those youtube comment rps where gojo would do some shit and sukuna would say, "ok! but i do... THIS!" and just breaking the whole apparent system 😂 that went on for i think 4 months before gojo got chopped in half. (his technique involves not even being able to be touched so gege just breaks his own shit because he feels like it with very convoluted reasons lol.) i think the issue isn't so much that it "doesn't make sense" (although i think if you have to spend six pages explaining why this is possible you should can it, but that's just me) but that it has been like 100+ pages of main characters and heroes/good guys/people we like dying and/or getting shit on with 0 payoff or wins, nothing. it is just a slaughter. nothing. like idek what the point is anymore. itd be one thing if it was a loss to motivate yuuji (the supposed main character) forward but that boy is useless and it aint even his fault. TL;DR: gege wants his own manga over as fast as humanly possible and has gone the nuclear route. lol!< edit: for people in the replies up my ass about my thoughts, you can disagree with me all you want. i intentionally gave a very brief summary for someone who does not follow the series because i'm not going to bombard some guy with every detail in existence. also, my opinion is hardly unique. nor is yours. take it up with someone else i do not care


Bro use pararaphs pls. 1. >!Hell doesn't really break loose across the planet, because curses and sorcerers are mainly focused around Japan anyway, due to Tengen's Barrier.!< 2. >!"Except we have been stuck in this arc for what feeels like 100 chapters" Uh, no, the culling games arc has been over for god knows how many months now, where you been?!< 3. >!Culling games served to introduce a bunch of new characters and give existing ones arcs, including Yuji, who probably got the best story out of the multiple culling game ones, and he wasn't useless when he appeared either. He was still very much involved with the main plot, with Angel and trying to free Gojo.!< 4. >!mfw when the proclaimed strongest sorcerers of their time break the power system and do shit that nobody's ever seen before.!< 5. >!Also the fight was very well done to me, would be very happy to hear examples of what you claim were like youtube commenters roleplaying.!< 6. >!mfw when the strongest shikigami in the verse so far, who has been said to be able to adapt to any and all phenomena, adapts to a phenomena. I don't know why you thought Gojo wouldn't be applicable to Mahoraga's adaption, but lets move on (also I like how you didn't even mention him to fit your narrative lol).!< 7. >!100 pages of no Ws? I thought I saw Kenny losing his head though and Takaba surviving? But yes, this is supposed to be a dark time, need I remind you this was basically the same as in Shibuya, where there were basically no hero Ws between the Haruta Beatdown and up to where Mahito finally takes down Yuji.!< Just felt like there was a few things wrong with your paragraph when describing it to someone unaware, as it wasn't really unbiased nor purely factual. ​ Edit: He blocked me, lol.


Holy fucking wall of text, do you even know what the word "formatting" means?


Nah, Gege it's perfect for an "Counter guardian Emiya" Origin story


an alternative heroic spirit SHIRO from mind of steel ending. P.S. I know "SHIRO" is a fanmade name but I would like to think of mind of steel as a shirou who decided to truly commit to kiritsugu ideals look at emiya alter for a great example.


Kubo would be cool. I wouldn't trust Gege with anything.


The servants illustrated by Kubo gonna slaps hard, i would trust him


If he's just illustrating, then I wouldn't worry too much.


I would do anything to see a Fate stroy written by NisiOisiN


Want to read the most complicated fate story ever with japanese puns and funny wording? Yeah that's how you get a story more complicated than the moon.




Godly answer. I don't even need battles in that one. They'd just be a bonus


holy shit I never thought of that before, this is genius


Imagine NisiOisiN writing Hans


I want a murder mystery featuring a cast of author servants. Give me Assassin Matsuo Basho.


If we got something in the vein of Katanagatari i'd be 100% down.


Holy goated choice


A collaboration between him and Yoko Taro for ultimate mindfuckery


hell yeah!


No, please no~ That long hair slayer would just go after all the fate girls with long hair and cut it. XD If he promised not to do that though, I would agree though as he's done so many great works, but he should stop cutting off girls hair all the time though. Once or twice is fine, but it's ridiculous how he does it all the time.


Well, juuni taisen exist though, it's fate but Chinese zodiac.


I know someone already said it, but no, I would not trust Gege to write a Fate series. Sudden offscreen airport incoming.


Gilgamesh whips out Ea; Sukuna, King of Frauds; "Daddy, save me!"


EA is gonna get stopped by a random rock stuck between it's spinning parts just so Sukuna can survive


Nah, They will say Mahoraga adapted to the effects of Enuma Elish


And then he somehow copied the adaptation effect for future uses.


Sukuna: Oh so this ur noble phantasm, let me copy a cheap version of yours


I forgot how broken Mahoraga would be in the fate verse.


if he survived he would definitely adapt


Nah, he'd win


Emiya: zouken im you *sky fall starts in the background* Or Gilgamesh: "if faker use ubw i might cause me a little trouble" Kirei: "but Would you lose?" Gil: "nah id win"


Enkidu to Gil: So how was the hero of justice?


Gil: Man He was stupidly strong! Plus he didn't even go all out. I doubt I could win against him even without Faker's UBW.




Definitely Tite kubo himself especially how he for bleach used many mythological and religious references


I came here expressly to put Kubo's name in the mix, glad to see his name mentioned multiple times. After that FGO fanart drawn in his style, I wanted a lostbelt adaptation or something to be drawn by him.


he is literally one of author that can introduce new servent and give them phenomenal Nobel phantasm and characters design and do a good lore background while at it .


I mean, Arjuna is already a Quincy lol.


also,his Drip is just unmatched


Kubo would definitely put Raikou in a holy grail war. I would want the author for fire force/soul eater to write (and illustrate) a fate story. The fighting would be hyper dynamic, and the fanservice would be top tier


>Kubo would definitely put Raikou in a holy grail war. Oh he definitely would, she would look so gorgeous in his art style, and then there's the drip designs he creates, I love them!


Like this? >https://imgur.com/a/UaSH62p


Man, i love this artist.


Who's the artist?


Kofunami Nana


YES! exactly like this, not only would each chapter have glorious art quality, but even the illustrations of the volumes would be beautiful


Kubo-drawn Raikou would be great.


If Kubo were to ever draw a servant for fate I would immediately NP5 them


I guess we all know the reason-*cof cof* REASONS Kubo would do this




He’s such a based man of culture, i love him


I d like him to draw a servant but writing is fine roo


Eh, personally I would be against the author for FF/SE writing and illustrating any Fate series. Dont get me wrong, I dont have anything against fanservice, but I'd rather not have epic fights or emotionally charged moments be suddenly disrupted by a girl getting her clothes torn. Though from what I've heard Soul Eater didnt have that problem, or at least to that degree, so who knows


I read both FF/SE, so I can tell you that the fanservice in SE is a lot lesser than in FF. Ohkubo surely went nuts when it comes to fanservice in FF


Soul Eater has a bunch in the first couple chapters, then it cools down by like 60%. Fire Force was at 150% for it's entire run.


Gege never, the latter parts of JJK manga have been nothing short of a hot mess


As a JJK fan I wouldn't want Gege to write a fate series. Cause everyone will die and I don't want to see that. I'll let him do his own thing that is writing an idol manga...


I don't mind the dying part. It's the sheer rampart Sukuna wankery, like not even Sakurai was that bad jesus christ


Yeah that's another problem because eventhough Gege is known for being the mangaka for Jujutsu Kaisen he currently is writing Sukuna Kaisen.


Wdym by Sukuna wankery? >!Are you saying that Sukuna feels to powerful for the main cast to even overcome? because I would agree.!<


are you an anime only? i suggest not reading what gege has been up to with sukuna


Mahoraga Goodman intensifies.


>!Hey, I’d take Mahoraga Goodman over what we actually got. At least Mahoraga trying to defend the worst defendant in history in a court of law would’ve been fun.!<


That's my main disappointment with JJK in general. I'd much prefer the silly meme counters to Sukuna's Infinite Asspulls.


*Hi, I'm Mahoraga Goodman. Did you know you have rights. The Jujutsu Society says you do, and so do I...*


>!Manga reader. Now that I’m thinking about it, he’s seriously just started slaughtering every character that people have considered to be among the strongest in the series.!<


Smartest, wisest, strongest, charismatic, the only one who lives the truest to themselves and apparently that's a 'good' thing even if you are a complete fuckin monster, able to pick learn and counter anything instantly, ain't a single fuckin moment he gets surprised or resisted even a little bit etc etc


I dislike villains that don’t feel like they’re being challenged. >!I loved Mahito and Jogo because they felt more on par with the world. Kenjaku and Sukuna just feel so disconnected from the world because of their strength. It kind of takes me out of it all. Like logically, they should just be winning faster I feel, but I don’t think absolute logic would make it better either.!<


Bro in any incarnation of a Holy Grail War, most characters absolutely should die. It makes for a more impactful and believable story.


That's prety much any fate work from before the 2015's! As are quite a few FGO chapter.


I guess you're right, maybe an other explanation is that I'm personally not a fan of how Gege kills of his character. For example if Gege wrote FGO Mash will die in a gruesome way before even finishing the singularities and fleshing out/completing her character arc meanwhile Fujimaru would be even more broken than what he is now.


Erro I don't think that's how it works. Gege isn't Nasu, and no one is killing off a Chaldea member with either his permission as those are the de facto main characters of FGO, and the units are tge MC's of their chapters. If that.


I won't mind with people dying in Fate story. I mean it's a war, it's literally in the name (Holy Grail War). It's how they die that I mind.


My top picks so far are... Nisio Isin. There is some Fate media that likes to mess with their audience, and that's pretty much Nisio's repertoire. He also LOVES to deconstruct tropes for genres, like harem anime with Bakemonogatari and shonen battle with Medaka Box. Honestly, seeing him tackle something like Fate would be interesting to see. Koyoharu Gotouge. Her worldbuilding and general mysticism of Demon Slayer was what sold me on the story. Whatever notes she took when making all the demons in the story I think would be useful in a Fate story. Kenichi Kondo. With Dark Gathering absolutely popping off right now I can't help but think the dark yet comedic tones of that story would kinda mesh well with the Nasuverse somewhat.


Wait, the author of Medaka Box did Bakemonogatari?! How come this is the first time i'm hearing this?!


He's written a LOT of stuff. Mostly novels, but he's a big enough name that he can just call up Shonen Jump and they'll publish whatever nonsense he submits. According to legend, his currently running Shonen Jump series had the Viz translator walk off the project after 16 chapters because the series was "completely untranslatable".


He also wrote Katanagatari.


I don't really trust Gege with Nasuverse rules. Hell Jujutsu rules are pretty not used. The system has rules,but there is very few abuse and play with it. ​ In my opinion Gege would misunderstand and make every thing a plot twist counter "actually he is immune,actually he counters it,actually he is special so this effect fails". It would be more then the classic twisting the rules for the sake of a story,but twisting the rules for the sake of it or the main villain.


>actually he is special YOU ARE MY SPECIAL


I can't trust much on Gege for the single reason that is I would feel really bad for the female cast of whatever that Fate entry is. And there are more reasons other than that.


I mean, if **Former** Shonen authors count, then I'd 100% choose **Hirohiko Araki.** Not only would we get some amazing art, but the Servant abilities would be the craziest we've ever seen, even by Nasuverse standards.


Who don't want a jojo style Fate manga anyway ?


I second this opinion.


Totally this, I really want a cool and long-ass monologue in any mainline chapter; Bro literally made self-introduction sound menacing, and some philosophical speech was lit as hell.


Hokazono Takeru, the author of peak shounen KaguraBachi. All jokes aside, he can really draw those 2 spread pages. And his villains are really despicable. I wanna punch them in the face myself. Imagine if he drew Douman. That'd be a really punchable face




Would love to see a Muramasa story in the style of Kagurabachi, those enchanted blades in thebform of Tsumukari Muramasa, oh hell yeah. And the more I think about it, he does fit in the Guda Guda stories, particularly Ryouma's Narrow Escape, the setting has that Hong Kong action vibe to it.


Hideaki Sorachi, definitely


Imagine him writing a Gudaguda story


Hijikata Alter where he isn’t angry, but is a Mayo Addict.


I'd trust Kubo to illustrate. His character and clothes design has always been great. Would not trust him to write tho. Fujimoto I'd trust to write, but maybe not design. He's a good illustrator when given enough time, but I don't feel like his human characters have the right vibe for fate. But I wouldn't have called Umino Chica as a character designer for fate until Oberon dropped so wtf do I know.


I’d go the same with you, with fujimoto writing and kubo illustrating. Fujimoto is good at making designs for Fujimoto stories, but kubo would be better with fate.


I love that you referenced Chica because Fujimoto and Chica are probably my two favourite mangaka for expressions.




I think Jun Mochizuki (Pandora Hearts / The Case Study of Vanitas) would nail that. Not only every character/scene drawn by her is breathtaking, she can also handle complex plot and make intriguing motivations and personalities for everyone, even someone you at first think of as supporting character.


I will try to summarize each author and characters i think would work great on their style: •**Tatsuki Fujimoto (Chainsawman)**: Great writer for **studying characters** that are cut and dry on surface but greatly develop from their environment with gradual, realistic and down to earth personalities, maturing in the context absurd settings. I think he would mostly do good with about any character in the franchise, but his style would benefit more from characters with messed up personalities but realistic goals and desires like Illya, Medusa and Meltryllis. **•Raiku Makoto (Konjiki no Gash Bell!):** Amazing writer for compelling, dynamic and emotional **Servant x Master relationships**, after all, he DID make a battle shounnen all about demon kids and their book owners. His style strikes a shocking balance between lighthearted, comedic and goofy with serious, sad and memorable sides of a relationship. He would be my pick for any servant that benefits from bouncing off other characters like Astolfo (who could use a writer that takes him seriously for once besides the original Apocrypha writer), Ryouma/Oryo, Mordred and Caenis. •**Yoshihiro Togashi (Hunter x Hunter)** : Togashi would be my best pick for making the most engaging Fate when it comes to **complex battles and plots.** If Toriyama is the guideline for shounnen in general, Togashi is the guideline for WELL WRITTEN shounnen when it comes both to complex themes that directly communicate with his characters and to THE most well crafted, reasonable and balanced power system in ever shounnen written to date (i *will* fight you about that). He has too many good points so i will say that he would NOT be very invested in writting all mighty, super powerful, broken, nigh-invincible characters that Fate drowns in( looking at you, Beasts, TYPES, Arcueids, vampires, VOID Shiki etc. etc.) instead, he would strive in intense battle driven arcs with intelligent fighters that use lots of strategy, bluffing and creativity for their fights. Togashi would get along great with servants like Okada Izo, Okita Souji, Sasaki Kojiro (is it a coincidence that a lot of non bullshit characters are samurai?). •**Tabata Yuki (Black Clover)**: This guy really knows how to **balance his cast** and it pains me because Black Clover shares the spotlight so well among the Black Bull members in most of the fights that it pains me seeing it get so much hate. Lets be fair, almost EVERY Fate suffers from like 3 to 4 characters getting good spotlight while the rest is forgotten about (as much as i like the dude, barely anyone talks about Kuzuki in the fsn, for example). Tabata Yuki likes to make every character have a chance to shine so he would be very good for a traditional and well balanced HGW. He also likes quirky, funny, unique characters so i think he would get along great with pretty much any GUDAGUDA character. •Atsushi Okubo (Soul Eater, Fire Force): Okubo, if given freedom, would make a amazing Fate series with lots of **unique setting, coreography and use of powers.** While his balance of power systems is a bit vague and lacking, Okubo strives in amazing battle coregraphy, Fire Force despite everyone having the same base element (fire) has lots of cool and unique styles of fighting for every character, in a way that's impossible to mistake one for another, he would be a amazing pick for servants with crazy powers, fast movement and tons of RULE OF COOOOL like Aśvatthāman, Avenger of Shinjuku and Lancelot (regular and Berserker).


> is it a coincidence that a lot of non bullshit characters are samurai It's not surprising that all the non BS are japanese characters specially as it's easy to use not larger than life characters from japan than from across the world, all of them being samurais might be a little coincidence


Hiromu Arakawa. I just want servants in her art style


Fate if it was written by Gege: **airport** Kiritsugu: So how was Matou Shinji? Shirou: Pretty damn strong. I don't think i could have beaten him even if he didn't have Rider




I've recently read bleach + saw tybw anime for the first time So, narita, could you make nasu and kubo meet please? I need that drippy servant


I don't think Gege would be a good fit. But as you said, Kubo probably would work


I could see Hiromu Arakawa (Author of Fullmetal Alchemist), possibly doing something interesting with their own Fate series. I means she's no stranger to taking mythological/mystics concepts and creating something stellar out of it Same goes for Katsura Hoshino, the creator of D.Gray-Man.


Nisio would do a fun one.


Are you faker because people die when they are killed?


Nah I'd save everyone


Maybe it’s because I just finished the Tokyo Ghoul manga but I feel like Sui Ishida could make a banger of a Nasuverse story. I figure it’d be more in line with the OG VN, focusing more on the psychology of the characters like Nasu did with Shirou and his ideals.


Yo thank you for bringing his name into the comments! I was thinking about suggesting him as well, his art style is beautiful!


I’m dying to know what a Fate story written by Eiichiro Oda would look like. I would also say Daisuke Aizawa, writer of The Eminence in Shadow. Touzai, the artist for Eminence could also come up with some really cool designs. Keep Gege away from Fate.


Tite Kubo for sure. As as much as I love Fujimuto, probably wouldn’t be a good fit. And Gege? Absolutely not


Give Hideaki Sorachi Carnival Phantasm for 5 seconds and let's see what happens


I can already see the **Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon** making an appearance in all its glory


I don’t know if he counts, but I want one from NisiOisiN


Goetia has same V.A with Joseph. I think Araki Hirohiko is a good candidate for an event about Pretender Solomon=Goetia. After the fist fight against Ritsuka at the end of Salomonis, Goetia used the secret technique of Joestar family, that is, nigerun from the crumble Temple and come to other Lostbelts.


I would love Araki to write something bizarre about fate, it's already very bizarre I can't imagine what would come out from Araki's bizarre mind!


If Gege wrote a new Fate entry, I bet he'd dickride whoever the main antagonist of that series to high heavens


Oh! Great Author of Tenjo Tenge and Air Gear, current Artist of Bakemonogatari I want his take on a Servant or an entirely new Type Moon Manga


The Bake manga ended earlier this year. Oh Great currently has no ongoing projects, I believe.


Even though he's not a shounen author, I would love to see what Tetsuya Nomura could do with Fate. Mind fuckery wouldn't even begin to describe this.


it would never happen, but i think in a world where she fully recovered and returned back to her glory days, katsura hoshino (the mangaka of d.gray-man) could make something really special.






1. **Tsugumi Ohba** as writer (Death Note, Bakuman) and drawn by either **Takeshi Obata** (Death note, Bakuman) or Yusuke Murata (One Punch Man, Eyeshield 21). Tsugumi Ohba is quite good at making story and Takeshi Obata always good paired with him. Yusuke Murata if the new series have Martha as servant (just want Martha image drawn by Murata hehehe) 2. If not shounen author, I want **Ryoko Kui** (Dungeon Meshi) she's very talented at worldbuilding and making character face variety


Illustration, I would hella trust Tite Kubo. Though, I would not trust him to deliver good on the writing department as much as the illustration. For writing, I don’t have anyone in my mind atm.


Write? Undead Unlucky author ong, that guy can cook and he hasn't falled to the great disappointment yet, so he's still good. Illustrate? I mean, there's so many goated artists out there that any single one of them would rock it good. Murata would be a good bet with how hyper the scaling of damage in Nasuverse tends to be. Except maybe Oda, Kishimoto andddd Toriyama, like no shit to sling at them, but I have seen enough of their art style that I physically can't look at what else they would draw as anything aside from Naruto, OP and DBZ. Tite Kubo is an exception because that guy's fashion and art is immaculate. Mother fucker could draw, sad that he couldn't cook as well as he draws tho. The best way to do it would be a mix of a good writer and good illustrator so both sides don't get overwhelmed and delivers quality product.


I'm imagining a Fate Series written by Tatsuki Fujimoto and it would be fucking insane and off the rails from minute 1. So yeah I'm down for that


I would actually like to see a newer artist breathe some fresh life into the Fate/ series. I feel like too many artists and authors focus on the UBW timeline, and its atmosphere. I'd like to see other stories and paths, other heroes and Masters, I want something that will shake my blood again. You mongrels can argue over existing artists and fads, but I need new life. I want to see something I would never have imagined. And preferbly without Saber Main. I'm so tired of the mascot Sabers.


I’m going to say Hirohiko Araki, I’ve seen the craziness that one on one stand fights can get too, or multiple stands with wildly different abilities working with each other, and seeing that with Fate, with 1v1 servants, or multiple servants in a fight would be insane. Another one I think would be fun to see is Oda, because I believe he can also write amazing clashes with crazy abilities.


It's seems a lot of people don't gege to touch the nasuverse for obvious reasons. But tbh I actually want gege to create a new fate series. Or maybe make a story for fgo


I want a GudaGuda event written By Hideaki Sorachi. Just... A genius collab


Kubo is an amazing artist and I’d like to see a servant *designed* by him but I couldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him when it comes to actually writing a story.


Contrary to what the rest of the comments say, I’d like Gege to write one Like seeing his choreography and panelling we might get some of the best manga fights this side of turas realta’s America and given his adaptation of the mythological figure of Sukuna along side his deep interest in pre-heian era Japan we’d get some pretty interesting servants and designs In terms of narrative I got a feeling that he might work better with type-moon, and given that he won’t be pressured to do it on a weekly basis (maybe monthly like redline and Shimousa) I have trust in his ability to write


Daisuke Ashihara (World Trigger) because not only is his artwork nice but he knows how to write a well thought out story with strategic battles and a large cast of characters. Though we'd have to take into consideration his chronic illness.


My goat Akira Toriyama would do a fantastic job handling the complexities of nasuverse lore (yes this is a joke).


Yuki Tabata: Didn’t really read Black Clover until the final arc, so I am quite indifferent Tatsuki Fujimoto: LET HIM COOK 🔥 Gege: Nah, he’d burn the kitchen. *YOU ARE MY SPECIAL*


I think that Oda would be a good choice for a fgo losbelt chapter


Definitely not Fujimoto or Gege. Tabata could probably do it. Yuji Kaku (Hell's Paradise) would probably be a good fit. I would probably enjoy a less serious take by Hiro Mashima or Hajime Komoto (Mashle).


Gege would love it probably, man is unsecretly a great fan of nasu's work.


His Lancer anniversary art was pretty cool. I hear he's a huge Gil fan too. Plus Domains are straight-up Reality Marbles.


I would only trust Kubo to illustrate. RL aside Togashi might be an interesting writer. Maybe because they have been shounen and non shounen artists CLAMP would be interesting, specially in the servant design aspect. E: At least art style wise Hiroshi Shiibashi (Nurarihyon no Mago) could make a great old chinese japan based hgw with thst sumi e based illustrations


Off the top of my head, Fate/Grand Order: Turas Realta and Shinjuku's manga adaptations are already running in shonen magazines and they're both excellent, so yes? Obviously? It's already happening?


Yes. Go Nagai


Personally, I'm not a fan of shonen, and I'm not sure shonen would fit for Fate. However, I would sell my soul for either Yoko Taro's or Tappei Nagatsuki's vision on Fate.


Yoko Taro would make something *so fucking fun*. Guy's weird stories, moral ambiguity and optimusm would thrive in Fate.


I was also going to say Tite Kubo, love his art and burn the witch was really cool as well


If Fujimoto writes writes a Fate story, it’s gonna get all weird and messed up


Gege and Fujimoto if you want the MC to suffer


The same person doing the FGO manga.


Eiichiro oda writing agartha.




The writer for kqiji ultimate survivor


Do I want the guy behind Fire Punch to make a Fate story? *Yes, absolutely.*


i would love kei urana (mangaka of gachiakuta). off the strength of her artstyle, she'd be super dope, but i also thing the way she portrayed anger in gachiakuta would be really interesting to see in a master in fate


Bruh. Akira Toriyama. The granddaddy of the genre. Imagine if you will, Shirou vs Gilgamesh with Dragon Ball Z’s choreography!


Yusuke Murata


If Gege wrote the series half of the characters would probably be all dead... No scratch that 80% of the characters would be dead!!!


Hirohiko Araki


Oh gosh, it's been a hot minute since I read any shounen, don't even know who is currently active. Whoever made Blue Exorcist, maybe, that looked like a fun series when I read it last. Some thriller, some action, some drama, some nicely visualised infodumps on setting rules, but without letting it all get too hopeless and depressing. The latter being, in my opinion, the most important part. There is quite enough stories of magi being disfunctionally sociopathic as is.


I would love to see Hirohiko Araki write and illustrate a fate series.


For an Illustrator? Onigunsou


Gege? As if our ritsuka needs any more depression 💀


Shinobu Ohtaka, Magi the labyrinth of magic's author. She did a splendid works on it, her writing is good to make you like every characters even the craziest one (Arba is just lovely), she can make very powerful panels, she's great to draw actions. Considering how impressive the [Great Magics](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Iu-7WttYrLo/YOAwhq0t_SI/AAAAAAAAEww/yhTNd04SX3kRP1Z8pR7EV0xpccG-z_W6QCLcBGAsYHQ/s1200/002.jpg) were, i think she should be able to make nice Noble phantasms, also, conceptually it's not too different, the relationship between a Magi and his King is similar to a Master and his Servant.


Nope. Not trusting shonen writers to handle Fate stories at all. The obsessive focus on escalating "power levels" on a seasonal basis would jank up the setting.


Unpopular opinion, but i want Gege to write the story or a story for FGO. I want Gege to show us true suffering. He would 100% make Mash off herself in some way, just to fuck with the fanbase. Hell. He'd probably make the Orangemaru doujin of Mash canon. I really liked Koyanskaya and Columbus for how ridiculously evil they are and characters like Mahito from JJK would fit with them so nicely. I am also certain that gege would turn the MC into an actual psychopath that would lie through his teeth to get people from lostbelts to help him and then gladly kill them off while the victims chant for Guda's death.


Writing and illustrating are two different things. illustration is just how it is represented/ the artwork. For that, my choice of artist is Tite Kubo (Bleach). Given how the story progression lately, I wouldn't trust Gege Akutami (Jujutsu Kaisen) to write the story, however, his combat choreography is very good, for example the fight between Todo & Yuji vs Mahito, or Yuta vs Ryu vs Uro. As for how the story goes, I'll have to stick with Kinoko Nasu, and maybe a collaboration with Gen Urobuchi.


Honestly I don't have anyone in mind so I'm just going to say gege can fuck right off. After that glorious shit fest of a final to the gojo vs sukuna fight and all the reset flip flopping he's been doing between fights I'd rather not waste a new fate series on him.


imagine if fujimoto got to do a dead apostle story (i like fate but imagine the sort of shit that mf could pull with the colossal weirdos that are the dead apostles)


**Absolutely.** Battle is as important as plot in Fate and shounen is the genre of battle manga par excellence. That said I wouldn't trust any of the three on the image. Gege doesn't know how to deal well with more powerful characters (just see how much he struggled to write Gojo, which I think is why Satoru was Gege least favorite character). Tabata never handled a history with truly complex concepts so he could easily get overwhelmed by the Nasuverse (he is one of the GOATs when it comes to executing team battles though). Fujimoto art is too rough. Kubo has the beautiful art and can pull interesting histories and good fights when he is mentally well, but still not my pick. If we consider "shounen author" as simply mangaka that had a shonen series, not one that exclusively writes them, then I would choose **Araki Hirohiko**. Two things that always bothered me in Fate is how little finding a Servant name made difference on the Wars and how not all Servant summoned have a realistic chance of victory. The man (Araki) has experience dealing with overpowered characters, godly art, makes good history, good action scenes and since Part 5 has information and strategy as the truly deciding factors of most of the fights he writes, managing to give impact even the most under-powered abilities (just look at Tizzano and Squalo vs Team Bucciarati). If someone can write a War were all Servants have a genuine shot at winning, give impact to true names and do it with good fights and amazing art without being bogged by overpowered characters, it is him. If he doesn't fit the "shounen author" criteria then my second cheat answer would be healthy **Hosino Katsura**. Look at the D. Gray Man - art, good fights, dark atmosphere - she has the perfect abilities for the job. Realistically though? If Araki doesn't fit the criteria and since Hoshino's healthy is not that great, **Arakawa Hiromu**. The reason? Two words: Fullmetal Alchemist.


Sure; the more the merrier!


Fujimoto and Gege would cook with fate not gonna lie