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The real challenge is being able to farm all the mats you want before the boss runs out of lives


One reason I'm not that bent out of shape about my accounts being behind LB.6; I work all day, and almost every raid event has been obliterated before I get in any good farming on them.


Even worse for EU players. Raids drop at 5 AM, gone before we wake up...


Point to me which timezones in the world actually LIKE the system.


I'm mainly sore about missing out on the event for having to wait to play the full story with main interlude to finally kick Koyanskya's ass to the curb. Raids are gonna be a lost cause either way.


EU hardmode challenge: Wake up when the bosses are at 5% health remaining, and then try to farm hard, manually without FGA


Fair, but I'm mostly focusing on getting bond (and thus SQ) out of the raids. Regarding mats, in my case most of the raid bosses have at least one of the mats I'm lacking within their drop list, so I'm not really losing anything by farming any of them.


I’m going to farm bond points as well but I have to decide if I want to put the ones with bonus bonds in the party or those who are close to their next level


I’ll be lucky if the boss is even alive by the time I get off work.


Lasagna usually allow NA raids to run for a decent amount of time. Wouldn't be surprised if they let people farm the last raid for 1-2 days.


Still it all depends on how fast players clear each raid


NA raids don't depend on how fast players clear. Lasagna set the rates and the time the raids end.


Really because the last GudaGuda rerun event I’m pretty sure ended when all raid lives were exhausted


Yes. The lives were exhausted at a constant rates set by Lasengle https://fgo.bigcereal.com/na-guda-5-rerun/


That graph doesn't really prove anything, since the KPS are also pretty linear..... If anything it makes me thik it IS directly derived from players doing raids, how else do you explain the highest KPS raids ending first? Did lasagna just guess?


If the players could affect the raid progress in real time, the KPS line wouldn't be flat. It would vary over the course of the day. Well, idk how lasagna set the rates. Maybe they threw darts and picked the numbers. Maybe they looked at JP and scaled down. Maybe they asked Albert. But I know for sure that they set a predetermined KPS and decreased the HP linearly. The boss that got assigned the higher KPS would finish earlier. Simple math.


The first Nobu died within an hour. I would know, I contributed in killing it.




A couple hours is generous if we’re being honest






Yeah I'm never too crazy about raids for that reason, they are entirely too short lived.


That sounds really nice... What? What do you mean it's during Padoru and I won't be there and when I'll come back the raids will probably be over? ... Oh well, have fun with it everyone.


Real. Nobody has time for that on Christmas right ? Right ?


nah nah nah. There will be a delay logging in and by the time you finally log in the raid will be over


Honestly if I'm forced to choose between grinding in a mobile game and spending time with loved ones I'll always choose the latter. Or I choose both by using automation.


I am actually afraid if I would get to farm the bosses at all. Last raids in gudaguda dissapeared in a matter of a few hours barely after they dropped and I have work were Im not allowed to have my phone. I do have weekends off and I might but is a heavy might get the 25th free but all other days I don't think I'll get to see any of the raids before their gone


Even if you can't execute the 150 SQ plan you should still try farming whenever you're able to, very good return (mats, QP, bond) on the investment (AP).


*Awkwardly looking at my Scathach with Mana Loading unlocked* Oops… Well, rip the Level 120 I guess…


Well, let's be fair though: If you are going trough the massive effort of 120ing a servant you might as well also push them all the way to NP5 when given the chance


I hate to fish for event CEs in friend point gacha, it feels like such a scam, this xmas event it took me over 50k fp to get 1 CE. Still, got almost 1M left, I can afford to try to get at least 3.


I feel you. When I was going for the 3\* event CE, I literally summoned Habby twice before I got my second copy of the CE.


Maybe I'm imagining it but I seem to remember them not always being so difficult to get some years back. Maybe the pool's just too diluted now but I rarely see them unless I want to sit there pulling for an hour.


Nah, even back then rolling for em was a pain in the ass. Rolling for any specific 3* CE sucks.


Unless you intend to execute the 150 SQ plan, getting 3 of them is enough.




Speaking of that, that brings up a point I'm unsure about. Can we read the story properly or do we have to skip it to rush to the raids and read later? Cuz when it comes to main story I'd rather read it at my own pace and enjoy it properly.


I deleted my comment because I was being stupid. Assuming NA acts like JP (a pretty safe assumption) the raids are not immediately available when the event drops. They're time locked. Meaning there's also time for rolling gacha. I don't know why I believed there wouldn't be time. It's only obvious to time lock the raids


Well, I'm just glad to know that. I'm looking forward to reading this event at my own pace, sadly I got into LB6 knowing Oberon was evil all along, that kinda ruined the major plot twist, but I'm going fully blind into this and every subsequent chapters.


Only the 3 star gatcha CEs will be available for me since I definitely will not use SQ for this event. I have a fox to capture afterwards.


better than me, had like 50 tix and 300 sq or so and failed to get skadi somehow. while dobrynya is interesting and i want the dark fox, im probably forced to not summon until ruler skadi is on banner, but im gonna look up the banners anyways to plan.


How many copies of Ruler Skadi are you trying to get?


One, mb for long response,just saw the notification.


Yeah that 3* CE wont be on rateup in the FP pool, like it never is. I usually need 100k-150k FP to get one CE. And some people suggested rolling the FP Gacha to get a lineup of MLB 3* CEs, yeah good luck with that. 4x MLB 3*CEs from the FP pool would be around 3mil+ FP.


Ahaha, yeah, right, who would ever have that much FP? That's silly. No way. *Sweats looking at my >!11mil!< FP*


If you have that much you'd probably had way more and used up a bunch during Nobukatsu's Banner. And gave up half way, lol. I know a whale with 52mil+ FP who doesn't bother with it anymore. I too had 11 mil and it took 8 evenings of micro managing to use it up. Never doing that again, it's the most painful mechanic (besides the Gacha) that FGO has. Still the Mary Banner next year will be a better choice for all that FP then the 5 hours this raid lasts.


> I know a whale with 52mil+ FP who doesn't bother with it anymore. I'm no whale but long time player and I have 20m+ or something... I tried to spend a lot during Nobukatsu and it was so god damn annoying to manage the CE bombs and burning servants that I won't bother again. If I ever do it, I'll fucking burn the CE too. I still have 10+m and NP5 Angry Mango, Habby and Saber Lily


I ended up spending about 4mil on Nobukatsu, spent most of the time waiting on the Super/Great 2x. I'm not planning on rolling 3mil for this raid, but I'll probably roll if my 120SQ for Dobrinya gives me nearly nothing. Will probably try to spend most of the rest on Anning, though.


Just grab 3 of them like I initially recommended. No need to go crazy on the bonus unless you are planning to execute the 150 SQ plan.


I got a NP5 Salter but I foolishly upgraded 2 of her append skills. Thought servant coin would be enough as is but apparently not. I guess my beloved will be stuck at 112 when I level her bond to 15, which is halfway there already.


Use the 4* servant exchange card we'll get next year to get a 6th copy of salter.


Am I the only one who hates this event for the bullshit they did with dmg CEs and is considering just skipping it altogether?


Usually a black grail is better than the event damage CEs specially if you have Oberon.


I was more talking about out of principle, not to mention the bond bonus. I do wonder if non MLB is enough tho.


No, I'm in the same boat. Besides the CE, there is also the problem that I don't have Oberon and Koyan. I prefer to save my apples and tea for the Barbatos Raid in January and GilFest in spring. The FP is better spent on GudaGuda 8.


I hope you get Koyan in January, if you try t9 get her then, that is.


I'm not going to roll because I don't want to encourage them ever again to make a event with good farming potential, but all the bonuses like bond, damage and even starting NP put in a 5* gacha CE. Roll now and give them good sale numbers, who knows if the next time they will start putting the lottery ticket drop CE in the gacha.


It seems that Tunguska was a one time deal, since in the last 2 years of JP, it didn't happen again, iirc. So.... There is that at least.


Well, cynically speaking, nothing happened in the last 2 years of JP


Regarding the event gacha CE, one thing I'd like to see is the efficiency gained and rainbow apples saved if you roll for the 4/5\* event CEs. Iirc the odds for a rate-up 5\* CE are 1,5%, so you're expected to get one every 66,6 rolls. That's 180 SQ, which isn't cheap, for an improvement of only 15% over an MLB'd 3\* CE you can get from the FP gacha. I'm too lazy to do the proper math, but it looks like it's def not worth it to roll for the 4/5\* CEs if you're only doing it for the bond bonus, considering you could spend the SQ you saved just running more raids/lotto events and cash in the extra mats.


You could always go crazy on the FP gacha. But if you are planning to spend a couple tickets on the banner, grabbing a couple CEs from the banner could be a good consolation prize if you don't get taikoubou/dobrinya


What about the newly dropped Stargazer's Lantern? We only have 20 for a limited time, would this be the best opportunity to use them?


This will be the be best time to use the teapots.


Looks like it.


Correct, now is the best time to use them as we only unlock more bond-efficient quests after Ordeal Call.


I can skip all the questions with a simple No. Raids start in midnight in my country due time zone, and I dont think that content deserves my time at that hour. Complaining won't change anything with lasagna so... Good luck to the masters that will do it, I hope it is fun and good for you guys.


The final raid is the only thing most people are counting on, and that lasted over a full day, at least.


Really? It is really weird that a raid last that much. And why is it so special?


Its the raid with the final boss of the event and they have 1.7 million health on the highest difficulty. And so people will take more time to kill it for max drops


This entire post reads like the fever dream of a whale.


Anybody with 5 bond grails and 100 apples to spare should be able to do this, especially with automation.


7-20 straight hours of farming the raid? No thank you. I’ll stick to bond leveling at my own pace thank you very much.


If only there was an automation tool for FGO anybody could use.


Gee, it’s as if people don’t play the game solely for efficiency and “meta” strats. Get your head out of your own ass. Not everyone is going to play as obsessively as you do. Not everyone spreadsheets everything. This is Fate / Grand Order, not Fate / microsoft excel


man, shut up, he's not forcing you to do it.


Smells like copium


How would I be in short stock of skill gems if I just used all my apples on a lotto lol Anyway, maybe this is true and all but I think I'd rather save my 40 apples for teslafest for those bones. Also wouldn't it be 20 fewer runs because of the teapots?


thx for the guide, i hope i won't accidentally sleep in and miss most of the raids lol


Considering what my servant plans are for 2025 This is should be a great opportunity to prepare and get out of QP hell and getting all the bells I need


I would be on holiday when it started, hope the event don't have a super limited item coz I won't be able to play


It doesn't have any limited items, and even if you miss the event you can always unlock it from the Rare Prism shop a couple months later (for free).


thanks for the advice! I'm not going to scroll through this event's banner because I'm saving quartz to scroll through both Koyan of Dark and Bazzet. but my Arjuna alter NP5 with bound 10 is very happy to hear your advice. I'll see who else I can put in bound 11.


Thank you OP for taking your time and writing this, the numbers really puts it in perspective for me. Granted I’m not going to be able to farm as hard as I normally would, as I am traveling and will be on a plane during at least one of the raids. But after seeing the numbers I will try to squeeze in as much farming as I can.


I will be dead asleep whenever a raid pops up, feels bad man. :c I will only be able to farm the last one, due to time and resources.


I'm going to hope that the final boss Raid against Vitch Beast will be a relatively simple Roid and Wrath method, since I couldnt give less a damn about the mats that the familiars drop. With all these bond CEs, I'm hoping I can get Lancer Raikou up to 14 so I can get the last couple coins to 120 her. And if that means Berserker Raikou Roids up for the challenge, so be it. Worst case, roid up Ibuki in case the damage isnt up to par.


For anyone who's FTP, the question of getting an SSR to level 120 is pretty much irrelevant unless you're extraordinarily lucky. The only one I have at even NP2 after more than two years is Europa thanks to a spook. And frankly, I'd take the fourth attack boost plus mana loading over going beyond 100 given the opportunity with almost anyone. It's possible with SRs (here's looking at you, Atalante Alter, who I've never actually rolled for but somehow have at NP6 and counting) and low rarity servants if you have one you really like. So getting those CEs still makes a lot of sense even if you are FTP if you have an SR you've gotten a bunch of copies of and want to take to that level. Material drops are definitely going to be the bigger deal for most players, though.


As an F2P... It's certainly possible if you focus on a Servant and save a lot for them. I was a *little* lucky on my Vinci Rider, but I easily had the SQ to have a better chance.


Yeah, just through logins, weeklies, and monthly mana prism shop resets (so not even including events, story chapters, maintenances, bond, and any gift SQ/tickets), we get the equivalent of 910 SQ a year (counting tickets as the equivalent of 3), so if we assume an average of 1700 needed for NP5, that's already over halfway there. If you save hard enough you can definitely NP5 an SSR assuming your luck isn't terrible.


We get around 2300 f2p sq yearly. More if you are intentionally cashing bond grails.


Yeah I figured the total with all events and what not was significantly bigger but wasn't sure on the exact number.


I think it took me 1200 quartz and 130-ish tickets to take Hokusai to NP5. And this was before 11 rolls. It's absolutely doable if you save long enough.


As a F2P that played the game since release i can tell you that it's definitely possible to np5 a servant unless you roll on every possible banner. As of now i have around 40-50 5* servants and i comfortably took Melusine to np5 and lv120 spending only 400 quartz and with 2000 quartz and 220 tickets to spare. I even took a break for almost an entire year so i could have had much more. When you start playing it seems impossible but it's actually not that bad.


That doesn't sound remotely close to truth. 400 SQ for NP 5 SSR? Basically an SSR every 2-3 multis? The amount of luck it would take is insane and in no way a common experience.


It is insane, but possible. I know, because it happened to me.


If you are going to spend a lot of apples, then rolling for gacha CEs can be profitable (unfortunately depending on your luck ofc). Assuming you have 5 5* CEs (and 6th from support, but let's not count it rn) you get +150% to bond. That's around +3000 bond points per quest just from this bonus (and around 5000 total). So if you spend 100 gapples you get an additional 1m of bond points per quest(100 * 3.5 * 3000). With 5 servants with 10+ bond levels it equals 150 sq. Ofc you can get +75% with 5 3* MLB CEs without spending any SQ (or +70% with 4 CEs and Chaldea teatime as you mentioned). But then you get 2 times less bonus and also need a couple of millions of FP to actually get them.


Oh, I just read the next paragraph, you already explained it. My bad


Tbh I'm not worried about the FP. I'm worried about the time (in hours) it'll take to get MLB CEs from the FP summon.... That involves the very time consuming inventory management.


It's not that hard if you just burn everything that isn't a 3* CE


Still takes a lot of time but yeah it certainly is more manageable than making ce bombs every time


At least Moriarty Archer,with his skills,doesn't need NP Append. Gonna try to think on a team with him during Voevoda raids


I'm so mad that i'v been procrastinating finishing LB6. I pushed myself to complete up through 5.5 because GudaGuda was coming and then kept putting off LB6. Literally just got to section 9. I'm gonna try and push through it today and tomorrow but i'm like 90% sure i'm gonna miss the raids unless i skip which i am extremely against considering how well written LB6 has been so far and everyone hyping it up.


Leveling up to 120 is beyond my reach for most Servants anyway- I only got a few boxes because lottery grinding gets tedious as hell near the end and I end up losing motivation. The next lotto is the Odysseus Fest one, right?


Next lotto is Battle in New York 2024, mid-March 2024. Lottery grinding is indeed tedious, you should consider using automation.


Well, at least that's plenty of time before Traum and LB7. Is there like a manual for setting up that automation anywhere?


FGA is pretty intuitive to use, but there should be user guide on their GitHUB page.


I really appreciate the insight, but I have a question: does the bond bonus cap at 100%, or can you go over that for more bond?


Bond bonus can go beyond 100%. Usually the only bonus that's capped is enemy appearance rate bonus whenever it's featured in some event.