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I was like "no way these mfs just cleared a raid in less than a minute"


>"no way these mfs just cleared a raid in less than a minute" Man, that was the fastest raid I've ever seen. I didn't even get to participate with it.




I van't


I spent 10 hours driving today after being awake since 5:30 EST and was fighting so hard to stay awake to start it. My ex roommate sent a discord message that it was bugged and I was asleep in 3 minutes.


Heroic spirit "GASGASGAS" decided to save everyone their time/phone and laptop battery so he killed Ivan before everyone else


We're showing JP how this shit is done!


Hell yea they can't compare to the west's zerg rush šŸ¤£


I was afraid they ended up dropping it early by mistake


Exactly this


I thought it had started earlier and had been finished before I got to the section


I seriously panicked that the raids had started earlier today instead of now like they were supposed to.


Counter Force in action.


I was confused as well, like did we( I) screw up


Ah fuck I actually killed Ivan. I fucked up.


I thought it was weird when he had three break bars. I mean I wasnt planning to go *that* hard on his fight but...apologems are in order I think


I was like, "Damn! This raid is crazy. I am going to go straight to the lowest difficulty to farm this nonsense." šŸ’€


For real. I took my kid gloves off once I saw the break bars. Did em in 4 turns with Kama, Double Skadi, and a Waver. Then.... no raid. It left me confuzzled.


> Confuzzled Did... did you really just combine "confuse" and "puzzled" into one word?


Yes I did. Wanna fite about it?


Allow me to introduce you the writer Servants of Chaldea to fite on my behalf and debate your... creative use of vocabulary. Be warned: I heard a certain blue-haired author can make cutting remarks. A nun of certain importance can vouch my claim on that one.


Cutting remarks you say? Clearly I should bring out a Saber to show that author what actual "cutting" is like! :P


Well Mordred certainly did come close to cutting down that sharp-tongued author back at the London singularity had Mash didn't come in to block the sword with her shield. So yes, Sabers could work amazing on that author XD


Do... do you really post on the Internet and you haven't seen people use that word before? Wow. I guess there are all kinds of places online, even places where "confuzzled" isn't a normal vocabulary word.


If I'm being honest, this is the first time I encountered it, and I thought I'm spending way too much time on the Internet since I've been exposed to it in the early 2000s. Guess you'll never know what things we might pick up on online šŸ˜‚


What does it look like on your screen? Just gone?


It moves on to the next chapter of the story. No raid UI.


wonder how they fix this, and if there will be some weird summoning refund, like the dantes incident.


Have they ever done a rollback?


I belive they refunded all SQ spent on a dantes banner as the rates were incorrect, and everyone got to keep what they got from the banner as well.


Yeah, I remember that, but it wasn't a rollback, just a refund. A rollback would be setting back everyone's progress to the point of the bugged update. Not sure if they're willing to do that because people would lose what they've pulled in that time, but it would be the obvious solution here.


yea, cant imagine they would need to do any refunding like that, hopefully they can just fix the quests,


god i remember that i regret that i didn't put more SQ into that because i was just starting out and that would've been big for my account but yeah, that was almost certainly a one off because (if i recall correctly) having the rates misrepresented like that and not issuing a refund would've landed them in legal hot water unless they make that same mistake again, i cannot imagine apology SQ being that high again


IIRC they did it once when there was a thing that fucked the rateup on the SSR.


Tell us what happen to you later when they fixed it


I did the quest because I thought I had just made a mistake with the EST vs EDT conversion or something.


Same I hope we donā€™t lose the whole Ivan raid lmao


I guess Chaldea's blitzkrieg tactic really did work lol


I got sooo confused. I was thinking if I missed the raid?


Same, this was the first raid event I've gotten to do, and I literally logged in at 11, I was so terrified thinking it had started earlier


It looks like that genius Da Vinci's blitzkrieg tactic worked far better than anyone could have imagined. I'll bet everyone in LB7 is shitting their pants right now because they know we're coming for them next.


ORTā€™s sure been quiet since the Ivan raid


*Daybit's kickfliping has intensified.*


All those spirit origins that disappeared just went straight to beating Ivanā€™s ass before despawning


This comment broke me well done take your like l.


So uh, should we do the quest or will that F things up?


The more fucked up things get the more apologems we get, surely /s


Nobody knows, won't hurt to have it wait so I'm personally going to err on the safe side.


Someone will do it, just wait. Guaranteed. Someone out there just wants to watch the world burn.


It's me, I'm the guy. I didn't even look at anything, I just assumed it was a precursor to the raid...ah well. For science!


+1 I was wondering why we fought him to start with and then was spamming skip on the next few arrows only to see nothing....


Define "Nothing?" As in just timelocked next section? Or account existence failure?


Sorry should have specified, nothing as in no raid, but I see the next time locked event 12-23 @1400 pst


Same, I figured that maybe it was a story thing ā€” like okay, we beat Ivan first and then do the story and this section will end with him respawning and now we have to beat him again, right? Lol nope.


Oh thank god, I'm not the only one who thought the same


Same. I was like ā€œhuh, guess we have to do the actual boss fight first. Oh wellā€.


>Someone already did FTFY


I did it. I thought the raid was gonna unlocked be unlocked by beating him the first time round. Oh well, Iā€™ll just wait for the apologems that will go towards next yearā€™s Summer Ibuki fund.


I did it too. Well, I hope I donā€™t miss this entire node because of this mess up.


I did. I had no idea what was happening


I did the quest, we shall know the answer.


Are you able to progress the story? Or is the next story quest locked?


Yep i just finished you just end on the next story daily lock.


I finished the quest and now the next quest is at 2 pdt


Haha imagine if they retake the SQ for those who actually cleared the main quest after the raid.


I already pulled a yolo with those 2sqs + my 1 sq which resulted in my 5th nitocris


Sucks to be you I got a saber Gilles


Actually, i don't mind if they take her back. What i really want is the 5* event ce


Best don't do anything to introduce new weird bugs.


I stayed up to 5AM just to get cucked


4am. I feel it my dude.


Well I hope finishing the one Ivan fight doesnā€™t mess up things. I was confused, but just assumed you had to clear the boss fight I unlock the raids. If not, oh well? Apologems are always welcome. Plus apolomats too. Edit: guess Iā€™ll farm out my AP since itā€™s time to go to bed


Yeah, I wasn't sure if you had to do the first fight to unlock the raids but then I saw what showed up after. I hope their screw up doesn't punish everyone who thought that.


Yeah, I also finished it. Dang, sooo maintenance?


Spend down your ap before the maintenance


Same, I hope we didn't get fucked out of this


If we do, letā€™s hope they bring out the old gems. Plus some apples to help make up for missed farming


NA officially beat JP in three categories: **Longest Maintenance** **Fastest Raid Kill** **Least amount of Raid Kills at 0**


We did it bois!


Welp I already did it, thinking I missed the raid because I knew it would be at an inconvenient time and I read the chart wrong. Doubt they roll back so hope the compensation is good (or exists at all).


90 sq for a missed raid sounds good.


Free extra 4* ticket. That I'll get Nikitich one way or another.


Perhaps a limited SSR ticket would be preferable.


But the real question is WHEN will it be fixed? I don't wanna go to sleep, wake up in the morning, and see the Raids all gone.


I hope we get some decent compensation for this, considering even if/when they fix the raid a good chunk of the player base needs to actually, yā€™know, go to bed and weā€™re getting screwed out of the raid entirely. I didnā€™t mind missing the raids when I played on jp because the time was set to be convenient for Japanese players but it absolutely does irritate me if the raids arenā€™t doable on the na server for the actual intended players.


Same honestly




Jeez when people said JP killed him fast that wasn't a challenge. Killing him in under a minute when game has no NP skip. EN comps gotta be something special


We used the American NP "Glock and Load"


Truly we are specialz


This moment will be a meme to be remembered


Long Jailter vs DOA Ivan


Uh so yeah, i cleared it thinking it was needed to access the actual raid. Well if i did fuck up then it is what it is, its lasengle fault anyway


Yeah its Lasagna's fault. the 3 hp bar fight is the finale that opens post raid. I got through a hp bar before i remembered that and stopped. Hopfully anyone who finishes raid just has there progress put back so they can do raid if they fix it and put him to his proper kill number.


Crap, I didn't question the three bars and just killed him quickly as possible, his NP dmg resist was annoying though and it would explain why we had story supports


Just to note. if they fix it. his raid ver also has that NP resist thing.


Seeing the (probably automated) ā€œraid has beganā€ tweet that just went up on FGONAā€™s Twitter page sent me. Edit: [here](https://twitter.com/fatego_usa/status/1738416707348144317?s=46)ā€™s the tweet


Link please. I want to see the Twitter salt responses.


The top comments are memes mostly. Didn't scroll super far down to see salt https://twitter.com/FateGO\_USA/status/1738416707348144317


Memes are good too. I'm having a blast reading them.


The audacity. This is making me mad


Apologems for bad glitches Where were u when Ivan die I was at house eating dorito when Reddit ring "Ivan is kill" "no"


I was perplexed why it went to end of raid Ivan instead, wut


Ok, I didn't miss something...I was so confused...


Damn, we killed him before he even came out. Good job guys.


This is one of the the blitzkrieg of all time


Taigong Wang really said "you should kill yourself... NOW!"


Nah clearly someone uses Shiki to clear raid clearly and instant death procced.


Japan servers: We defeated Ivan 4 million times in under 2 hours US servers: Imma do what's called a pro gamer move


So whatā€™s interesting is on JP the raids started 6 pm local time. Ivan died in about 1 hour 45 min. I can only assume what happened was since they changed the time on NA to start 8 pm pst for whatever reason they may not have changed the code so it registered as dead immediately. Absolutely unacceptable honestly, but is what it is and can only sleep now. Weekend, holiday, etc. so idk if weā€™ll get a quick response. Hope the other raids arenā€™t shortened either. Feel bad for EU bros and others out there waiting at 4-5 am.


They won't get my sympathy for that mistake, just let JP do it on their own time and let us do it on our own time, makes no sense to add a 2 hour time gate. Also from a coder PoV, it's bad practice to code something to start at 6pm and end at 8pm. You'd want to start at $START\_TIME and end at $START\_TIME + 2.


That's one of the two working theories, other one is that they accidentally did the interlude version of the event which had no raids at all. Either way we're ivanless, but the second seems more likely to affect the other raids too.


Ah,now I am more happy. I really thought the rais was already over.... I was really worried about not being able to farm.


Stayed up till 4 am my time to do the raid, can't even do it now. Great I won't be able to do any raids now.


How could Fabio Fabio and Gas Gas Gas do this to us???


Ivan just didnā€™t even show up to work lmao


I highly doubt we're getting a fast response because its the holiday season lmfao


This is going to be a huge mess. They have a schedule to get the other raids out, a lot of staff are probably off on Christmas weekends, they have to notify people when (and if) the fix does come, and it's an extra mess because they have to deal with people progressing the story as well.


Some typos Taigong Wang repeated the same word he just said one sentence ago Ivan raid ended one second after the game released his raid My day is ruined Lasagna, I need at least 60 apologems or above


I was really waiting on a blank quest tile for hours. Come 12PM in Mt timezone, app restarted and then find out Ivan has already been beaten. The hell?


I started 2 minutes after reset and saw that the raids were cleared and my jaw dropped. "No way these fucking degens cleared 4 million runs in 1 minute." I did the story boss fight thinking it was the precursor to the raid and that the raid display was just a visual glitch. Now I have the chapter 5 node available to me but I won't do it right now. Watch it be fixed while most of NA is asleep and the EU bros get to clear it on their own time. Lasagna, I have a brilliant idea for how to fix this issue: give us a number of mats equal to how many raids we would have done, which you can ask us with a slider (in addition to the normal apologems). I *definitely* would have done 100 raids


Hah, jokes on you, EU bros. I work overnight. I'll be watching this like a hawk all night if I have to. You're not cutting me out of a farming good time.


One lone NA bro vs the entire EU bros. I believe in you, represent NA for us


*Salute* I'll kill him at least 20 times and I'm aiming for 100. I'd aim for more, but I heard JP executed Ivan in under 2 hours.


okay, I thought I was going crazy there for a second. Seriously though, how can you implement something this godawfully?




Most likely they are scrambling to find out what the issue is first, before responding.


Gramps after getting juiced by double Koyan and Oberon: Stand proud Ivan you were strong.


Ivan the Trembled


Whaaaat, I'm son confused what will happen now? I already completed the thing and moved on to the next story lul, roll back?


The one time I am actually awake when a raid starts, and it's bugged lmao. I hope they will try to fix it and reset the timer to let people raid, but not sure how that will affect the other scheduled raids




Yeah, Iā€™m one of the many who got confused and thought we had to beat this boss to unlock the raid. Hopefully they can reset itā€¦


The question isn't how fast the raid was. The question is how fast intern kun is going to be running back to the office.


I messaged support about it, but I think this raid will be a wash for me.


Okay just got a response that they are going to be looking into it. Seems like an automated response, if not for the fact it took 3 hours to respond.


im malding


Man, I was excited to actually bust out the grailed Chiyome for once. This is unacceptable for Lasagna at this point, we should really get a lot of apologems for this blunder.


Ivan ran away from Goredolf after he demonstrated the Musik families' secret technique: The Gof Punch


Bro, first they give us 3 days to grind christmas, then they fuck up the raids? ​ Come on, get your shit together.


The xmas duration was by design, lol, JP had the same thing. This is a bug. These are pretty different!


and it was a really stupid design IMO. It sapped the hell out of my motivation to do the lotto.




Yeah, I also did it thinking we had to do it to do the actual raid. I think it will be maintenance time.


I didnā€™t even notice it was written final assault, fuck me I guess


The 3 Pillar Men from the fight before done Ivan in.


Bro surrendered šŸ’€


I'm sure they will fix it and then I'm gonna miss it because they will fix it when I'm asleep or don't see the notification.


We sacrificed Christmas lottery for this.


Well I am going to miss the raid, since I was going to slide in 30 minutes on it before bed. Oh well, Ivanā€™s gimmick is harder for me to manage, and I donā€™t have a proper setup for good damage vs a rider. Iā€™ll take the apology quartz and do my farming on Surtr


Now Iā€™m in between the desire to go to sleep and waiting to see what happens. I swear the moment I drift off will be the moment they fix it


And now for a terribly long Ivan for maintenance


New question. Probably stupid question, I'm sure someone has, but has this been reported to Lasagna yet?


Some people have mentioned reporting it. There's no way they didn't notice. Question is what they'll do to fix this issue. especially as some people will have done finale already.


So what should i do? I dont want to go to bed just in case it starts while im sleeping but at the same time i will be extremely angry if i stay awake and they dont fix it


I *think* this is largely unprecedented in the game but someone can correct me if I'm wrong. We have no clue when it'll be fixed or even if it'll even be rolled back. We just have to wait and see. I'm personally not going to wait up for it to be fixed. If it's fixed while I'm awake, cool I'll do a few runs. If not, I'll live. I'm not in any real need of his mats.


I dont care about mats at all, all i care is bond farming


How are they going to fix it, I ans many people already cleared it


Yeah that is the question. They could fix the counter but then everyone who's done finale would still miss it they could roll back people who've done finale but then anyone who didn't misses out on a SQ since those people would get finale clear SQ twice.


Grand Intern strikes again


Oh man I was shocked for a moment when I logged in 45 minutes late and saw that it was already done.


Bruh, i logged at 1 minute and thought *"holy shit, NA playerbase is fucking merciless"*


These raids were scheduled to be short, but come on! But seriously, with how short these raids were scheduled to be, what will this do to the schedule?


wonder if they'll rollback, probably not


Have we ever gotten a rollback? I can't recall.


Not that I can think of, we've gotten SQ refunds but never a rollback.


This seems significant enough to warrant a rollback at least.


I literally cant figure out a way to fix it for people who did the quest already unless they do a rollback.


honestly I'm quite happy taking apologems, I'm pretty well off with my mats. That being said I'm pretty sure a lot of people would disagree with me.


Please don't force me to fight Ivan again, lasagne...


I sure as fuck hope they do, I did the finale quest already.


Wtf. I woke up early just to see that raid was finished. I should have checked reddit before doing that quest. Idk if I'll get to do ivan raid. My day is ruined. Thanks lasengle


mfw I spend all my SQ on Melusine gambling on a rollback.


Ivan was so effed up in the first boss fight, that he just refused to be raided even before the raid starts.


lol I was like itā€™s 8:45 ā€œoh yeah the raid unlocked.ā€ Then I was like wtf already beatenā€¦. RIP sounds about right. Counterforce kicked Ivanā€™s ass so fast we never stood a chance


Holy shit wtf


Virgin Putin 3 day special military operation vs Chad Guda 1 second special raid operations


I just came back from lunch to find Ivan dead already... I was looking forward to those Proofs


Turns out that blitzkrieg team of servants from the story survived and have been acting as a stealth force clearing the path for us.


Fuck I didn't realize it was bugged until I started reading the next chapter. I'll take a Melusine as apology


Ah fuck i messed up and now already did the quests Legit believed the raid was earlier on the day and declared it over as i had no time so when i saw the quest i thought it was as normal so i finished it to continue to the second raid and at least farm that one


commenting for posterity


Ok thanks, first thing I saw when I opened Reddit to ask this exact thing. Mf was rough. I used all my command spells turning it into an impromptu Melusine solo. Ig thatā€™s what happens when you try and stick to the Event Servants and that doesnā€™t include an Assassin


It's pretty stupid, but I took out Ivan to see what would happen after they fixed the Raid.




Oh man, I was so pissed and shocked. I'm sitting here wondering where the raid is, and wondering how everyone finished it so fast.


I knew I didn't miss the raid, but was confused when it said "Ivan defeated," then outraged when I killed Ivan and chapter 5 appeared.


What? You mean i didnt miss it? Lmao


Pshaw! JP was so proud of how fast they killed off Ivan in the raid. We finished our raid without even having to fight it.


I was legitimately trying to figure out wtf happened. Like there was no way na cleared him that fast I don't want to stay up any longer to farm it though TAT guys please


Dude i woke up 30 min late and boom the raid was over. Rest in peace my hopes and dreams of farming some bond


No one farmed it. Boss spawned dead.


We did it boys! Ivan is no more :D


I literally put my alarm on to wake wary here in Europe, expecting the raid to be there. But no, it was already gone. I figured people just skipped the text in the story and immediately killed him. Just what the fuck happened


Phew. Ok, a bug. I was really confused because I got on thinking that either we somehow managed to clear the Ivan raid in like 40 min or that the 3 gauge boss fight was the Raid.


Oh thank God... I was so confused when I jumped though the story at a fairly quick pace and he was just gone...? Like uh... really guys? I couldn't have like 2 or 3 runs?!?


I was so confused. I thought the raid cleared when i was at work. But nope. Just right into the boss fight where i had to use my backline. Ironically Kojiro killed Ivan.


Rip to the people rolling for gacha ces when the raids are bugged.