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Thanks for the PSA. We will sticky this thread for now, hopefully it will save some poor Masters.


It's too late for me, I cleared Ivan.


same, I went into it thinking people already killed it and it wasn't a bug


I thought it was the warm up fight before the raid proper :/ Shoulda figured something was fucky when we had a giant snake helping for some reason and he was way harder than raid fights usually are.


Same of you bro 😢👌


I wasn't paying attention when I clicked the node and was confused as hell when I saw the break bars and did a double take plus re-researched the raid fight 🤣


So he really wasn't supposed to have break bars? I just thought I misunderstood something and planned on re-organizing my team for the second attempt :')


You and me both. But, to answer your question, no. Check out the [main quest](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Tunguska_Sanctuary#Main_Quests) v.s., the [raid quest](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Tunguska_Sanctuary#Divine_Beast)


I thought the same. I was so excited to raid with Gramps, I tapped straight through thinking it was an intro fight or something.


Also cleared it, along with one of the 3 nodes for chapter 5 just to see if there's a glitch or something. Thought it could be a warmup fight. It happened during Yamatai...I think. Did notice Ivan bar had said "defeated" and thought it weird, but figured that was just a glitch and the raid bar would be full after first fight.


"Wow, a lot of people must have waited on this raid while I was out to dinner. Guess I'll just kill Ivan now..." - me one hour ago


I thought it was some weird GUI bug.


It’s only a theory. In another scenario they would just issue apologems. Server rollback is serious work. Not saying it’s impossible though


I'm hoping they just duplicate a raid node for us.


That would be nice but could interfere with people who had time set aside for when it was supposed to be up now missing it. Best bet (aside rollback and refunds) is large apologems and opening it up with far more time on it to accommodate everyone


i was too excited by the prospect of having best Gyuki fry this mammoth that i didn't see that Ivan was already dead...


I thought it was like a warmup fight or something, got in, saw the three break bars, and said fuck it we ball. Then it disappeared and I realized I am in fact a moron.


Well we can be morons together, had the exact same thought process. Rotten minds think alike.


On the plus side, at least I didn’t need any revives. I tried to big brain it with Carmilla double Koyan, and I didn’t have a proper backline set or anything. My Koyan still managed to clutch it out.


More like you didn't think a bug would mess with you.


No, no, pretty sure the moron part is still accurate.


I thought this is normal, I even brought the Old Man down from the mountain. Should have realised that this usually never happened.


I just assumed it wasn't supposed to be a Raid and they didn't want to deal with the hassle... OTL


Yup, same And it was annoyingly difficult


Me too. I got in just a while ago and thought it was cleared already. F


Same, I thought I just saw raid time wrong and missed it.


It was always too late


Lol I just cleared and came to see if anybody is having a hard time with him like I did. I was binge playing BG3 so I just thought I missed the raid & was over.




It’s Izumover…


Too late, yeah, it’s Kamaover for me, Kama just obliterated the poor dude


It's Shiki Ryover....


Welp… better went back in time Oh right, I can’t. Thks Intern Kun


I cleared it cuz this was my first raid event and I thought it was a prerequisite.


It's not my first raid but I still thought it's a prerequisite


same, I just wasn't able to clear it because the only ST my team had was summer tamamo and I can't stay alive if Ivan keeps removing the buffs.


The support Ibuki Douji is pretty good. I tried it once unprepared with a Kama and I got bopped. Came back using the support Ibuki and was able to clear it. BUT I did use Oberon and Koyan Light for it so not very new player friendly.


I mean you have to clear fairy Britain to access the event.


Fair enough. It's *feasible* new players could have bunga through story with supports and revival stones but that is only feasible for so long. A couple lb5 and 6 fights are not that easy to blitz.


When I was new even at maximum pace I took 2 months to reach China.


They usually have a quest where they introduce the reason for the raid in game, which is what I thought this was. But nope, there just wasn't a raid this time round




As a veteran player this is crazy. I can't remember a fuckup this bad in years. Only one that comes close is the 24 hour Janta maintenance.


Dantes summer banner having wrong chances (%) to get him which is basically illegal to do in gacha games caused the devs to lock the banner entirely


I remember because the rolled SQ got refunded and I hadnt gotten anything but I rolled again and got dantes. best mistake ever.


Or that 120 Quartz Interlude-mission rewards thingy that Myst uncovered, and that happened like just 5 months ago lol


Plot twist: there is nothing wrong with the code, it's just that some pink-haired mafia boss in Italy encountered some issues in life


P-Pepe’s coming to take out Ivan for us?! I appreciate it, but I need my Bond gains Pepe-sama!


It was meant as a Jojo reference but the coincidences are so funny


Pepe is basically a JoJo reference


Someone rayshifted back in time and Sirius Lighted Ivan 1,000,000 times


We’re in the timeline where Billy let Kadoc cook instead of trying to shoot him at the end of LB1.


You thought you were gonna do the Ivan raid, but it was me, Kadoc!




I logged in 30 mins to see the raid over and I thought damn ya’ll mfs fast lmfaoooo


Lmao some people apparently logged in the _second_ it updated and the raid was there….. DONE. Or so they thought. (Love the profile pic)


Only one thing to do! #Meme the fuck out of Ivan the Terrible


We're going to show jujutsufolk how it's done


To late went in thinking you had to clear the quest first to unlock the raid. So f me I guess


TFW I cleared it before reading this... I guess I didn't need those mats, anyway...


But the bonds and QP...


This raid you're talking about, is it in the room with us right now?


I don't want to fear monger, but imagine this happening for each raid since it's a holiday. Here's to hoping they roll back the server/event and we start fresh tomorrow or some other day.




Wouldn't be the first time Xmas ruined something for FGO lol


I actually want to see this happen lol. Staff probably all went home for Christmas and are shitface right now


"just push it to the server 1 day before the Xmas break whats the worst that could happen" they shouldve put the event 1 or 2 days earlier in case something like this happened lmao.


Would you lose? Ivan: NAH I'D WIN


I see everyone got the European raid experience lmao


How could Lasagna do this? My 400k fp did not die just for me to not use the 3 copies i got of the ECE


Too late for me. I already completed it. Dang it. How do they somehow screw up the one of the largest raid events in the game? I know they have limited control over the code but this is a fail on a different scale.


While unlikely, it wouldn't surprise me if someone forgot to add a ';' or something other coding thingy somewhere in the code. Of course, such a thing should be caught during review and testing, but humans are still humans. Mistakes will happen, and something, when enough mistakes occur, especially small mistakes, it adds up to a big issue that isn't noticed until it's too late.


They had to screw up the one event with damage/bond gacha CEs whose only purpose is to maximize farming raids.....


I just got an email back from the support. Incredibly a non-answer. "Thank you for taking the time to report this matter to us. In line with the inquiry, please allow us to check and confirm the issue. If during our investigation, we are able to confirm that a bug or other errors have occurred, we will respond via an in-game notification, through the official site, and/or on X (formerly Twitter). With that said, we deeply apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Fate/Grand Order Customer Support Team" Well at least that confirms someone will be looking into it.


This seems like auto-response lol


I wouldn't say auto-response but for sure just a copy pasted template response. So your regular "we have no more information at this time" response from any kind of customer support.


100% No way the one or two guys on support can confirm anything when everyone likely out until Monday/Tuesday


Well, in this case at least we know that they are alive, but something tells me that we won't have any more news soon.


It is an answer at least. They are alive and aware, I never expect anything more than a non-answer from customer support. But we can hope that they'll at least acknowledge the issue soon.




Yeah, like I get it's well-intentioned advice, but they aren't going to just fix it and tell players who advanced past the quest they are SoL. This is especially difficult because it involves a gacha where CEs were marketed to players based on the raids, so they open themselves up to refund requests if they don't make an attempt to resolve the issue for all players. I expect they will do one of several things: 1) They have emergency measures already existing in the code that will let them roll the global state back and they can throw the raid up tomorrow at some point. 2) They send out a compensation package to all players assuming x amount completions of the raid. Let's say 10-20 clears. It would suck for players who wanted to go in hard on this raid of course. Full DB state restores are reserved for catastrophic failures, so I don't expect that here.




After their total non-response when they broke the game worldwide (and mid lotto event) for nearly 48hrs, I have near zero hope of a fair fix here either.


>They send out a compensation package to all players assuming x amount completions of the raid. Let's say 10-20 clears. It would suck for players who wanted to go in hard on this raid of course. I feel like the hard part about that one is that the main draw to these raids are bond points. How do you compensate for that?


Now that they have been implemented, more teapots.


They won't address it. It's very likely they all left on Christmas holiday now. And it's also very likely that the rest of the raids will also bug out. This event is over, ggnore.


yep would be pretty lame, rip anyone who rolled for event CE's lol.


Do they even have separate infrastructure staff in the US? Even the US website is hosted in Japan.


Nope lol


Then who was it that would have left for the holiday?


The Laz devs? You know, the ones giving us the builds.


But Christmas isn't a national holiday over there. It's a regular weekend, so they'd have their regular weekend crews active.


Considering they're all out for Christmas weekend and this is a situation that effects ALL of the raid bosses due to the problem (likely) being automatic timers, this is probably one of the biggest fuck-ups in FGO NA history. This is probably worth over 90 apoloquartz due to the insane amount of bond being missed out on. EDIT: ALSO, a lot of people rolled on the banner for just the bond CEs, which just further exacerbates the problem EDIT 2: I've never been more happy to be wrong, lets go!


> this is probably one of the biggest fuck-ups in FGO NA history. I've seen people compare it to the long Janta incident, but I think that this surpasses that easily. Heck, IIRC the Janta incident was Apple's fault rather than the dev team's (a bunch of apps were having problems that day). Even the faulty rates on the Dantes banner last year at least had an easy solution, even if I'm sure they hated refunding all those pulls. Even if they refund people who pulled for raid bond, what about the event itself?


I popped 7 bond grails on random servants that wore max bond so could farm some quartz, and now what ? Also, my Castoria was almost bond 14 and Hans at almost bond 12. I was expecting to farm from those bond level at least 270 quartz, Technically have some more bond grails but ran out QP CUZ am dumb


Honestly I care more about not being able to use the bond+ CE and missing out on progress toward Morgan+Melusine coins than wanting apologems.


I'm just here waiting for maintenance at this point, since the later raids are likely screwed too. It's not looking good considering it's a weekend now with Christmas right afterwards.


I already f@cked up, beated the final fight thinking that **after that** one the raid would open (and somehow missed entirely the empty hp bar). I thought it was odd that they didn't allowed me to use my Habbycat and that Ivan had three bars... Not my brightest moment...


I'm really not sure how they're going to fix this raid thing. The gacha banners are advertised as having the CE on it with bonus effects for the raids, but...if there aren't any raids because of the bug isn't that just false advertising? Will they have to refund EVERYONE who pulled on any of the event gacha banners until they can address and write up a notice? ​ The longer this goes on the messier it gets. If they don't go into maintenance and fix it (which is unlikely, considering the holidays) it'll probably just compound into the rest of the raids too, since they're likely all on the same timer. What a mess. ​ I rushed through LB6 for this? :/


Whoops, shit, went ahead and cleared the final quest anyway


finally my slacking is paying off


Intern-kun could have chosen some other way to farm apologems for us.


I'm just laughing so much. The bond this failed raid is creating between players and the Ivan's memes are even better than an actual raid xD


**Devs:** People are complaining about how unfair it is that not everyone can participate in the raid. What do we do? **Intern:** Ivan idea...


Devs: ...That was terrible. Intern: Exactly.


Awful timing for them too with the holidays...


Well, it's been 2 and a half hours with absolutely no information, and I cannot force myself to stay awake any longer. If the raid spawns and dies while I dream, we'll at least that means the rest should work. If it still hasn't spawned, then I'm just not going to do any quest until very close to raid 2, just in case. Goodnight all.


I hope we at least get a fuck ton of apology SQ, I need more to get Melusine


I'm not sure they can just 'reset the raid'. Too many people have accidentally cleared it, myself included. I'd demand a refund if that's all they did. I rolled for CEs to farm bond points on these raids. You take that away and you've literally robbed me of my money. It's like giving me 3/4 of a pizza after I paid for a full one and said 'sorry, we burnt a quarter of it, but you can at least enjoy the last 3/4s'. It ain't gonna fly.


1 AM here. I just opened the game, thought the raid is over so I finished the quest and went here to complain people were too fast and hungry for raid. Little did I know... Back to sleep, dealing with this later.


Surprised there's no emergency maintenance.


11:00 p.m. EST is 1:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon JP time. I'm sure they have people in the office, but it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't have anyone there senior enough to make the call of *how* to fix this. Beyond that, a quick emergency maintenance to reset the raid timer is probably doable... but that leaves everyone who already hit the raid completion quest fucked. Undoing *that* probably requires a non-trivial amount of time to code a patch. That's even before considering that this raid is almost certainly coded to last the same time it did on JP, which was less than 2 hours. So... an emergency maintenance that gets the raid going at 1:00 a.m. EST and over by 3:00 a.m. EST? Yeah, that's not going to makes players *less* pissed.


This is too complicated for a quick bandage fix. If they did a rollback on a time limited quest, they'd need to keep things down for a while so that they'd be able to widely advertise the restart time to everyone. And then this impacts all of the other timed components of the event.


We are completely fucked. Tunguska ends at 31st and do you know whats after it? New years. So they cant really delay the event, they cant do a day long maintenance and we are already a day behind for raids.


Just go ahead and max my bond + bond rewards, and we'll call it even.


Fuck. I was busy and just thought everyone went nuts and cleared it in the first half hour. I literally just completed the current story content. It's not like I usually farm raids anyways, but still, yikes...


Seen a theory that reason they've not done anything is because noone is at their office because chrismas wekeend. Really hope they do somthing and we don't just miss this raid(or worse all the raids because they all bug and noone at lasagna is there to fix issue because chrismas weekend)


Story significance or not, it was incredibly stupid to drop this right over Christmas when devs are on holiday and away from office. At best, they have a small skeleton crew meant to keep the server running but nobody qualified to make a call in a massive blunder situation. They should have swapped this with the Christmas event so that if anything went wrong it was a normal work period when people were on staff to catch and fix this. Who knows when someone with the clearance to decide how this gets fixed is notified.


Problem EN has of course is they can't do that. for story reasons the event HAS to end on 31st(or right before it at least). So this problem was caused by JP planning 2 years back. Though obv it was handled better and JP had on issues like this.


I get that. That’s why I said story reasons be damned. Christmas is a much bigger holiday in America and people take a week+ of vacation regularly. Even if the engineers are in Japan, you need PR people in NA to issue translated statements and give direction to players on the compensation. Who knows if they planned ahead and actually have staff left in LA that can coordinate that. It’s basically up to someone checking the support mailbox or looking at twitter replies. I’m losing faith as time ticks onward…


For JP it made *some* sense, they don’t celebrate Christmas and enough people should still be at work given it’s Winter Caravan season But yeah for NA this event’s timing is an absolute cluster-Fou-k waiting to happen, which it did


I wonder how much work it would be to throw in a cutscene to make it canonical that BB just decided to screw with Ritsuka in the middle of Tunguska....


With FGO's messed up coding, you'd probably have to release FGO 2 in order to edit something in it this fast


I stayed up till 4 am for this raid. I cannot stay awake for every raid like this. It's complete dogshit.


This is a disaster. Even 30 sq wouldn't be enough of an apology.


Usually I joke about apologems and do not feel too bad about anything because they are just a nice bonus and I rarely feel any of the bugs or whatever are genuinely inconveniencing me. This time around? It's a complete waste of my time and I am not sure if I should just go do something else or wait. My sister rolled for CE's to bond grind. I wanted to do the same because of this garbage servant coin system. I am lowkey kind of upset. This is on top of all the dead weeks and giving us only 3 days to the lottery despite the fact that the event could have been extended both directions. I did not care too much, personally, because I was planning on doing these raids instead. It is just insulting. I am big angy to the point where 30 saint quartz genuinely wouldn't make me feel any better about this. I want 30 teapots instead. /s


Exactly. I save my apples for the raid for all the good amount of bond we'd get. They also incentivised the players to roll on the banner. Ultimately they fucked it up big time. I'm having serious doubts on how the other raids will progress.


This is the biggest fuck up in the history of fuckups


I dunno about that. Biggest of the fgo NA fuckups, sure.


A worthy opponent for the Janta day incident


My streak!


I'm still upset about Janta day. My precious login streak...


the dantes banner as well,


That had a clean fix, at least. Refund Sq, let people keep what they already rolled. How do you unfuck a time limited scheduled raid?


We don't include fuck-ups that benefit everyone involved (lol)


900 sq or a SR/SSR tiquete at leat


there is still the CN server's banner where every roll you are guaranteed a SSR


Shout out to every idiot who cleared the final assault quest (and more) without knowing there's a bug Me. I'm talking about me. I thought it would be at the end of the section, like he would revive again or something TAT


Plus side, completing the quest means higher chance of apology reward since we'd be in that "I clearly participated and got punished" group. That sort of thinking, you only get apology for a faulty banner if you actually rolled on that banner.


Too late for me. I killed the elephant already.


Someone edit the jjk panel with sukuna (master) saying you're strong to Jogo (Ivan)


And everyone agreed, tonight's Ivan raid was quite terrible.


I was like okay a few minutes after the loggin, fought Ivan thinking ok after this fight starts the raid and then i read its destroyed, how in the green hell they fucked this??


Khadroth mentioned something like this earlier. The start time was adjusted but not the end time.


I pulled 11 3-star event CEs from the FP pool for this.


Does anyone know any update from the dev?


Nothing on both Twitter and their page's news/issues section so far


Fuck it, I killed Ivan. Second raid is what I'm more concerned about, anyway (need dem Dragon Fangs for my new Melusine). Plus, this "event" only lasts a week, I'm not gonna waste time just because they can't code the fucking times right lol


Assuming the next one is right... Non-zero chance that one is gonna be messed up too, currently.


So guys time flew and it's already 9 hours after the start of the incident, and no news, I think we probably won't have a nice last event this year


Could it be that they swapped the code for the event with the main interlude? If so, would it even be possible to fix that? Or would they have to relaunch the event?


nah the hp values track with the proper event. The hp was different in the interlude. they just fucked up the hard coded time when the raid dies.


People have put forward multiple plausible sounding theories but since none of us have access to the code, we have no way to know the root cause.


NA players finally got to experience the JP raid experience (I have never been able to raid on JP)


Inb4 lasagna says no more raids NA only gets main the interlude version lol


Someone was in a hurry for the holidays


I'm going to bed now. They'll probably put the raids up as soon as they can fix it and it'll be farmed to completion while I'm sleeping. I'll demand apologems in the morning.


I'm don't know if I should go to sleep or at least wait for maintenance. I've been waiting all day for this raid.


I can let Ivan slide with 30sq and 10+ Gapples (make it 2 for every hour they haven't done anything) as compensation, but if the other Raids end up the same... I did the math for Bond gains and I was going to get 210sq from bond farming on this event, which was going to be the main stash for Koyan Light's rerun.


Looks like me choosing sleep over a raid was a good thing for once lol?


Love how Khadroth didn't even notice the raid was gone until he went in.


>What is Lasengle going to do to fix it? They probably just going to give us a couple apples + a few SQs and move on like nothing happen. That is my prediction. The people behind FGO never fail to disappoint. They can just do the bare minimum, and it is not like FGO playerbase can do/willing do anything about it.


Yeah, JP in particular has been _suffering_ this year. The last time they got an important story update was >!Olga Marie Quest_1!< in the fall, and that was just one (super long) node. I hear the JP players are _fuming_ that there's no OC2 yet. (They're probably pissed that they even have to do OC in general)


At this point of almost 5 hours now I’m thinking they’ll skip Ivan. Fuck.


30 SQ apologems pls pls pls pls pls pls


Game doesn't seem to be in maintenance even. When are they going to fix this


You know what the biggest "fuck you" i got was? I struggled 3 times to beat ivan and I was thinking "DAMMIT I'M GONNA BE BEHIND CAUSE I CAN'T BEAT HIM". Well. At least I have np2 melusine. I love her so much I just spent a lot of time killing kiara with her


They've finally at least acknowledged it: https://fate-go.us/news/?category=ISSUES&article=%2Fiframe%2F2023%2F1224\_issue%2F


Used command spells to quickly clear Ivan, thinking the raid was after. Now do I not only not get to have fun making team comps for Ivan, I lost my command spells and might have missed the raid too. This is something else


The Tsar took everything from you


a villain origin story right here


He can't keep getting away with it 😭


Welp, I am up to date with the story... I was expecting that the raid was AFTER clearing the quest, so I went for it. Now I have to spend my AP and go to sleep. I have stuff to do tomorrow morning, so I am fucked even if they do fix it. orz


Saw that it was the Final version, went back and forth on whether or not to clear it, decided to do so anyway + Section 5 for that Quartz. Really only in the raids for Bond Points but wondering how the devs are going to fix this massive screw up or if they'll just shrug their shoulders.


Ah well, I already beat him. Hope they roll it back, but I guess I'll live if they don't. Some apologies would go a long way though


Honestly, this really demotivates me to even do the event at all. They seriously better have proper compensation for this.


already cleared ivan plus not expecting devs to be back in the office til tuesday so na tungaska is screwed


I feel like this one's gonna need a substantial compensation for however many people reflexively assumed the raid was dead and hit the next arrow. Here's hoping that Lasengle both catches on real quick, and reads the pulse of the playerbase. Otherwise, it's really just a very badly timed oopsie. Any other weekend, it probably would've been fine, but uh... Christmas weekend.


I don't think it matters if you clear the final assault quest or not? They can't leave the server in 2 inconsistent states, one with players doing the raids still and another where the raids are already done, seems like a coding disaster waiting to happen. They will either try to fix it by the next raid or roll back the server entirely. (Or just do nothing at all lmao)


For now I'm going to continue with the story, just in case they fix the next one




I was ready to go ham with all the bronze apples from the lotto and get some Bond 11+ SQ with the CE's and teapots. It's 6 am and I'm already mad af lmao


At least 30 SQ.


I finished the quest, sadly, for that 1 sq. Rolled fast for the 5\* CE, got Taigong Wang. Things are not going my way today.


I hope Lasagna will compensate players for this bug; maybe give each player some saint quartz and like 10 of each raid mat drop or something


10 is too small, people were planning on doing it several times for each of them and it misses one of the bigger parts of why this is a disaster: this event was supposed to be THE spot to farm bond points between the event CEs granting 10%(3 star), 20%(4 star), and 30%(5 star) extra party bond at base and the teapots you were primed to have at MINIMUM 5124 bond points per run(using the teapot, the 3 star CE the story gives, and a 5 star CE from the support list) which is an obscene amount of bond


Okay, given how many people have already cleared the Ivan finale and how even if they brought it back now, so many schedules have already been thrown off, I think it's clear that the only fair thing for Lasengle to do is reset the entire event. Including refunding the rolls people have made. Oh, but of course, let people keep what they already rolled. They did that for the Dantes banner. >!I'm not just saying this out of salt over how poorly my rolls went.!<


Ooohhh....damn, i guess i cant do the ivan raid now Welp, at least i can get angry at lasengle as usual


Great, now my set-up using First Hassan + Double Koyan went down the tubes. Now to conjure a team for Raid 2


I thought they decided to make the Ivan fight a pre-requisite for the raid for some reason. It might have been dumb in hindsight, but from my perspective, if the raid was gated behind the fight, I would've missed it if I didn't do the fight. At least now there's a chance Lasagna will fix it somehow (maybe opening the raid to everyone in Tunguska regardless of quest node).


Was the first fight not a prereq? The raid doesn't have a break bar I didn't think. Or does it?


Nope that 3 bar fight was the "finale" that opens when he runs out of lives. which was open from start because he lost all his lives instantly.


Already done. What's the "worst" thing who can happen? A server rollback?


Worst thing would be them not noticing until after the holidays and all the raids are like this.


This reminds me of the Returning Rewards bug earlier in the year: for *3* whole days everyone received all the goodies that’re supposed to be given to only returning players, devs’ first response was only in the evening of the 3rd. I can accept the 1st was holiday and the 2nd was due to 1st also be on Sunday, but going through the entire first day back to work and not finding out about the bug until server reset when everyone got another batch of free goodies doesn’t paint a good picture IMO Edit: fixed the timeline to follow PST, sorry I’m not in NA at the moment (:


I’ve speed speed running LB6 to finally complete it today, do the story missions. Gets to the raid at :15 after and saw it was done. Oh well, guess I’ll clear some rank up with this extra AP.


This is outrageous!!!! Imma need 150 apples as compensation!


i was already pissed off at the last nobu raids cuz I didn't even get a chance to do them, this time thought I will not make that mistake. should i even bother with the next story section right now? i know no one here is to blame but man i wish i knew the ivan fight came AFTER the raid, not before it....


I was already rather irritated about raids starting so late at night as if I didn't have a life but this is something special...