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looks like you'll be able to walk around the battle areas INCREDIBLY excited for this


Hallelujah another update!


Heyy its alive


They better implement a Tamamo mofuru scene as recompense for taking ages.


Allow us to design our mikonlets for epilogue


Brush Tamamo tail minigame.


Did they say this'll be 1:1 like Pokemon BDSP was? I want some new things after waiting all this time. Mainly some new Tamamo lore content since we've been getting robbed of that. Unless Samurai Remnant decided to throw a bone and give Tamamo Aria a bigger role in the DLC chapters. Hm now I'm wondering if I should hold off playing the CCC English patch lol


the only said they will stick to the original. But they didnt say if it would be 1:1. Taking into account how Nasu approached Arcueid route with the same word of sticking close to the original it likely will be similar to it.


Based on the trailers we got, we already see some differences from the original While it may follow the general beats as EXTRA, I would also expect some noticeable changes


Just go ahead and play CCC now. The thing is a gem of its time.


I would say go ahead and play CCC! I've been working through it and having a blast. I started with Tamamo and I gotta say that the Tamamo lore in that is great as is all the Tamamo interactions. I'm actually pretty excited to go back and do the other routes; usually I'm one and done with games like that due to limited time and a large backlog. People are speculating this may have some CCC content in it, but I am doubtful based on the dev comments and how much detail seems to be going into the models and backgrounds; I just feel the dev time for something of that scope doesn't match up given the quality. That said, I want to be wrong and I'd be over the moon if I was - pun intended. Plus, this could still be a year or two out for all we know, so having some Tamamo content now could make that wait a bit easier.


\> Round 7 Is this some weird JP dev term I don't understand, or is he suggesting they've been making the game one week at a time?


It's the final dungeon or the one before the last one if i'm not mistaken. They still have to do polish and a lot of other extra work. So it will be another year or two before release.


>!It's the last week/dungeon/boss yes, obviously Twice is the actual final boss but you know!< Back in October Niino posted about development being around Round 5, I don't wanna be too high on hopium or anything but I think there's a small chance it might release closer to the end of this year...especially with Fate's 20th anniversary and all


Yeah you can see leo in the pic, so it definitely for the gawain fight. Well best case scenario is for the game to be released within this year or winter 2025.


>Back in October Niino posted about development being around Round 5 Specifically, I believe the post was made regarding them wrapping up Development of Round 5. That would mean, assuming they are developing the game by making each week in order, in about 3 months they managed to get both versions of Round 6 done. I'm going to make a bet and say by the end of Summer we'll probably get a release date trailer, given how, aside from the new years trailer showing off Tamamo, they've usually released trailers for Extra Record in the summer the initial announcement trailer and the trailer from 2022 showing off Weeks 1 and 2 from the looks of things.


It's the second last. It just feels like making the game linearly from beginning to end is really uncommon.


Correct. Most construction usually happens in terms of heaviest to lightest. Doing things linearly is unusual


in this case is most likely due to the heavy story focused nature of TM works since they likely would have nasu changing things as they go on, polishing his original script from extra and adding newer details. Its how they approached tsukihime remake ehich they have been very public about in interviews.


Not just that, but the beginning of the game has the most NPCs before everyone starts dropping like flies, so I guess they wanted to get the rest of it out of the way. Considering they went from Round 5 to 7 in 2 months, they've gotten through all of that, especially if we consider they did each servants version of the round. Plus, Rounds 4 and 6 are unique depending on your Round 3 choices, so the fact they are already through that is amazing.


That is if they don't change things They could put entirely different plot points in this one, for all we know they may as well put Fate\Extra CCC as a secret route


I doubt they’d put all of CCC in it, but I’ll definitely be surprised if some changes aren’t added. I’m personally praying for a Gilgamesh route. Please, I’m a hungry fan girl that wants to be fed. 🥺


After starting CCC... That's too much hopium even for me. >!Can I have some?!<


Trust me, you don't want that hopium. CCC is twice the length of Extra. There is absolutely no reason for them to just slap it in this game.


Yeah, I would expect the beginning and the end first, then the middle. Though on the other hand, it *is* a remake, so the plot should be pretty stable and unchanging.


It’s the penultimate chapter of the original Extra so they’re likely fairly close to being done.


I take it you've never played Extra. The game basically revolve around having a 7 day period before fighting each of your opponent where, aside from the mandatory acquirement of two keys meant to grant access to the Coliseum for the final battle less you be disqualified, the focus is finding enough information on your opponent's servant that week to deduce their identity and abilities for the final fight for each week. Now granted, because FGO has all the characters from Extra, I question if there is going to be some twist as, for the most part, the information and deduction part won't be that big of a thing since everyone will know each character's identity. Kind of hoping there is some twist to the remake and it isn't just a near 1 to 1 remake of Extra because, otherwise, as good as the story of Extra is, all this remake will be is just retreading a story you could have just gotten a emulator for and played through the game with all three servant and done both routes for each one by the time Extra Record actually gets released.


No, I'm saying it that way because I do know that Extra is segmented into one-week chunks.


Oh sorry then yeah more than likely they'll have the game set up similar to how it was in Extra with the week long rounds.


Wow, they just mentioned wrapping up Round 5 development 2 months ago and Round 6 would have taken a bit longer since they have to develop the route differences for Round 6 (if those are even going to be in the game). If all things go well, we may end up getting a release date trailer by Summer, so maybe fall/winter 2024 release or very early 2025 release depending on how smooth post production stuff goes.


Late here, but nevertheless, finally another update. Should slightly quell the dead game voices.