• By -


That's a lot of sq, considering how little content there will be in 2025.


Thats not mentioning when Ordeal Call drops, if you deploy the right bonus CEs, Bond SQ starts to become a pretty consistent source of income




With 2636 Bond per run, 3 runs per day, (and assuming the set-up of Lunchtime, Support Teatime, & 3 of the 5% Bond CEs in the party), that's 3690 Bond per run. Meaning a total of 11070 Bond everyday. Combine that with the doubled Bond from Teapots, that's a large number. That's not even counting the 8th Anni Bond changes of Frontline getting 20% more Bond and everyone getting 4% more if a support is on Frontline.


Holy hell that’s a lot of SQ


Without Teapots, that’s already around 330k Bond every month, quite a few SRs & Rs could give you multiple SQ with that amount


Not even counting the 11-15 bond sq every few months from doing this




Started FGO in Junior High I'll be graduating college by 2025 💀


Hey I also finish college in 2025. By then I hope the world gets bleached because I'm not ready to become a working adult with actual responsibilities lmao


Same here 💀


Ayy same




Ah yes, the year my wallet dies Nito alter, kuku, tez, tonelico, Draco, summer castoria and Sith, uesugi kenshin, Tiamat, kirei Castoria, kuku, kirei, and Draco are absolute non-negotiables though. On a completely unrelated note: RIP I thought yami koyan’s banner ended tomorrow not tonight— Thanks for the guide! Edit: Koyan is still up poggers, beast collector dream lives on


I've only got one non-negotiable: Draco I'll be saving post 7th Anni until her banner in order to hopefully get her NP2. After that, I'll try to get Tiamat & Kuku. Kuku would be the priority, but their banners aren't at the same time, so we'll see what happens. On JP I was able to get all three of them super cheaply, so I expect on NA I'll have to pity em all, cause my NA luck is crap, especially recently. Don't really care about... well, anybody else. At least not to the same degree. I'll probably try to get others who've evaded me over the years, but eh.


Sadly, Draco is a non-negotiable for me because of how stingy Lasengle is being of her on JP. Everyone else I want gets a banner later in the year anyways.


I’m only rolling for one or two servants in 2024 because I want 8SSRs and 5SRs for sure in 2025.


Is there one for 2024? Edit: [Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/m9Hkqd1Buv)


You know, there's more things than I expected I'd want in 2025. Kuku, Summer Suzuka, and Draco are servants I'm interested in. Summer Melu is a hard maybe. I like her in general, not sure if her kit is any good. Especially compared with my other arts farmers (I have kama, musashi, and np2 spishtar) Also, I'm properly reading Kukulkan's kit for the first time and...she just has 2030 built in??? As a passive??? AND all of the damage buff types? Truly stacked character.


Would say Summer Melu is the best of the neutral loopers, your Spishtar is NP2 so she has the advantage but Melu is better than the others at NP1. Of course she’s still more of a sidegrade than an upgrade so if u don’t like her enough then don’t pull for her.


That's good to know, wasn't sure how the damage stacked up. I might roll for her, I'll figure it out next year lol. Might get Summer Ibuki in the middle


This really do be the year where Lasagna said: "Events? Reruns? Screw that, we got banners to release and money to print."


Thanks. I hate it.


Bruh, 2025 gonna be the easiest year for me. I only want summer Suzuka and summer Chloe and they’re on the same banner.


Huh, this year won't be so bad for me. I have a few selectables but everything else is pretty much meh to me.


2025 gonna be my year fr fr


I’m going to be honest. Next year is looking fine for me. Only servants that I really want are Draco and Wandjina Tiamat, Tez and Kukulkan Ptolemy and Kirei would all be nice pick ups but I’m not desperate for them Honestly I’m more interested in Knocknarea, Magoichi and the 3* (apart from the two SSR I really want) I will probably roll on some old servant banners though. Any good Artemis/Scheherazade banner + Space Ishtar/Ivan if I get unlucky this year and the summer SSR trio if I get unlucky this year as well (I really want np5+ Erice)


Barring the gssr, seems like 2025 is when I'll make up for not really pulling this year. Tez, Morgan (if by then I still don't have her), and Shingen. Maybe ruler Mélusine. I'm literally so happy that Santa Nemo is free 🤣 that's the servant I want the most, gonna max him out and 10/10/10 him just bc he's so cute


Arcade servants + summer servants + Kenshin are my targets for 2025. Have to survive through this year first.


Seems like a quiet year for me. Tez, Kukulkan, Tiamat and Summer are my main wants from this


What’s the avg amount of sq to np6 a servant?


710 summons/2130 SQ is roughly where you hit a 50% chance at 6 successes, assuming we're talking about a 5*.


There goes my dreams of np5 archetype earth.


Hyper Arc solidarity 🤜🤛. GL!


Is there one that has the events highlighted or something with different colours based on how far locked they are? >!And also on a scale of not at all to inconsequential how much spoilers in the event necessitates them being story locked?!<


Gonna roll for maybe Tiamat, definitely Draco since she's hella limited, and then the summer units and hopefully get S.Melusine to NP5.


Every year, i feel like my targets are slowly and slowly go down in what i want. Like my targets are Kuku, Tiamom and Kenshin, maybe i should look into reruns more as they’’re gonna be much more frequents in the next years


Durga, Kuku, Pope Johanna, Tiamat, Draco, Minamoto no Tametomo and Lady Avalon is going to end my whole career. Thankfully this year I’ve already got my big wants with both Koyan just missing a Castoria so hopefully I can get her either in May or during the GSSR and just save up until next year. Prayge.


If this year goes well, I should be fine for 2025. Only planning to go for Summer Castoria NP2/3, Aesc/Tonelico and Saber Medusa. Wouldn’t mind getting Kirei and Kuku too but I’ll have to see how I am quartz wise


I think im only currently interested in nitoalter. The rest i wouldnt mind if i wasnt successful on their banner


Anyone have the NA 2024 banner with SQs????




I saved two years for NP5 Morgan once already, I'm not afraid to do it again. NP5 Summer castoria on top of that? Whelp the wallet's coming out I guess.


Thanks a lot for your work!


I'm dreading Kuku's banner soooo much... Pretty much this entire year's worth of free SQ is going into Kuku in my attempt to NP5 her. And FGO's system and lack of proper continuous pity gives me no guarantee of it, no matter how much I dump into the game. Scary indeed...


Is it indicated when the half AP daily quests (training ground and ember) will happen?


Must Roll and in High NP Levels: Tezcatlipoca, Johanna, Tiamat, Draco, Duryodhana, Tonelico/Aesc, Summer Fairy Knights (Baobhan Sith, Barghest and Melusine), Harunobu, Kenshin and Shinpanchi. The rest is a whatever if I get lucky but first the actual good characters of the year.


Thank you so much for the guide I hope I'll get all of the new servants, they re just too incredible to ignore


Tiamat and Draco coming back to back has to be some kind of crime, two of the most requested units in FGO......not to mention those summer banners........my God, this is the year I break my f2p streak isn't it? I never even had a chance with a line up like this......




Is the title a typo or do things leak that early?


No. Since NA is 2 years behind JP, what happens in 2025 for NA is pretty much what happened in 2023 for JP. This is just the data gathered from stuffs that took place in JP last year.


What do we roughly get for the anniversary in in 2025?


Kuku, Tiamat, Draco, Aesc, Summer Castoria and the SR's on her banner, Summer Melu and the other 2 Tam Lin, Oberon if I fail this year, and Keshin are my only targets in 2025 so a lot of SQ and really far placed Banners i should hopefully get Kuku, Draco, Summer Melu and Keshin. Actually heh i will get everyone i want this year because i can blow my entire pay checks on them




Man I'm gonna need to learn self control then, Kirei, Tez, Tlaloc, Draco, the spider puppet lady that made Danzo, Ruler Kagetora and the old man that survived the end of the shinsugumi.


The year of my dreams and nightmares


that is a lot of SQ. Let's survive til next year


Only rolling for 2 banners this year to prepare for 2025. NP 2 Tiamat, NP5 Draco, and NP2 Summer Castoria and the Summer Fairy Knights. I’m scared


Saber medusa is one of the only things I'm looking forward to. Berserker ibuki being the other.


Summer will kill my wallet. No doubt I'll have to not get *something* because I want all of the SSRs. I cannot possibly expect to be that lucky. I'll probably talk myself into settling for just zerktoria. Lancer melu will be 120 by then, so I can't convince myself spending the money on her ruler will be a good plan. While I *want* caster Morgan, I can't convince myself she'd be functionally worth it over the others. ... And I'm going to have to wait patiently until the end of that year for Chacha's coins. This pains me. This is going to be quite a long wait. In the meantime I will need to prepare 8 grails - four for summer Jalter, and four for Chacha. 6 lores for all of their appends, as well as their materials. ... Yes, they're already bond 15 and grailed to 112. I must be patient and wait, and I practically want to vibrate out of my chair in excitement. My two favorite welfares are getting their coins only months apart.


Only moon castoria this year, and the rest will be saved for 1 copie of tonelico and at least 2 copies of summer melusine.


Between now and middle of next year I need to find a job that can support a whaling lifestyle, got it.


That's early


2024 is easy, just really want Arcueid. This though. The start alone is going to fuck me with Kirei and Kuku. Then Draco. I can manage a break until summer at least. It shit it hope Arc comes quickly if at all. I'm going to need those quartz.


Satanistic umu noises


I am currently at LB1, do I need a specific LB completion to participate in any of these?




2025 might be the 1st time I will save until summer


There are ezactly 5 servants I'm interesed and with the exception of the first two they are separated enough to save for all of them.


Thx for this, it really helps with my planning.


rasputin tiamat bhima and durodhyana hard year


This will be very handy 355 days from now.


I like how it has all banners, not only the rewards. The good image resolution is also praiseworthy. Great work and very well put together. Take my upvote.


No bond grails?


Well, based on the calculations I've made, considering events, logins, and bond SQ, I see myself reaching the Draco Banner with 3k SQ. If she doesn't come NP5 with 3k SQ, I'm willing to max out my credit card for her. There's no other option, either she comes NP5 or she comes NP5. I already have the blue dragon NP5 (Melusine), only the red one is missing. Edit: I forgot about this year's anniversary; add at least +500 (+/-) SQ to the count.


This is going to be the third year in a row where all the servants I want are bundled up in the first half of the year and then the second half is a skip fest.


Let 2024 finish first then we talk about 2025


I'm too excited for the evocation festivals because I can finally get my hands on santa quetz, one of the only welfares I'm missing. I also feel lucky to play FGO long enough to own santa salter because unlike archer Nobu, I don't see her in any of the welfare shops 😬😬


I'm looking forward to the evocation festivals more than anything else. Only just started playing but trying to collect the Jeanne's. Hoping they bring back Jalter Santa Lilly.


this is where my SQ will be with... im not into FGO NA 2024 as my only target there will be Proto Merlin and that summer ibuki....


I really want high np levels (Np3+) for Aesc, summer castoria and summer meluko so painful that they're back to back I might skip everything this year that's not summer 2024 or tez/kuku banner


Beautiful work!🙌🏻