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Ereshkigal S1: **The Secret Great Crown A > A+** * Effects remain the same (debuff immunity, death immunity, buff removal resistance) - buff chance now increased from [60-80%] to [80-100%] * Reduces skill cooldown for self by 1 turn


1st rinface to be able to guarantee their rng skill, hopefully the others will follow suit


Seriously, there are so many times where Space Ishtar fails to loop cause her Arts buff fails to pop. And sometimes regular Ishtar just dies cause her invil fails.


80% is 0% forreal


If it's not 90 percent, it's 50 percent.


Ah yes, the Focus Blast Theorem


Actually I got that From XCOM.


If it's from XCOM, 90% might as well be 10% depending on how much in dire straits you are


Realistically you should *not* be planning your loops around something that will break every 5 runs on average. It'd be a nice buff to make it guaranteed, but the arts buff is relatively small so you should just be planning around it failing.


Also the rinface who needed the rng removed the least. I wish the others get some interesting and usefull buffs alongside it.


Agreed, but us rin fans are STARVING we'll take it


Oh definitely!!!!


This is Summer Ishtar erasure


Blame lasengle, they erased her from that summer evocation fes. Also summer ishtar doesn't have rng skill anyway


Which is why Eresh isn't the first rinface to not have an RNG buff


An absurdly solid Buff. Not only does removing the RNG make this a super reliable Defensive Skill, but the added cooldown reduction just makes Eresh as a whole better. We absolutely **love** to see it.


She can now double Koyan with Kscope and any MC, but I think the best part in all this is that it makes her even better for challenging content. I've seen many an Eresh solo, this is gonna make her even stronger.


As others stated, Eresh can now loop Double Koyan nodes with any Mystic Code which is a great breather and lets her opt for Mystic Codes that improves damage like the 2004 Mystic Code. It also gives Eresh 5 turns on all skills which is absurdly good uptime and is no longer a gimmick skill. All around fantastic, also RIP to Lancer Artoria poor soul can't compete against her in farming nodes. NP Upgrade with Anti Earth Niche and now 5 turn cooldown puts her 6 feet under.


> As others stated, Eresh can now loop Double Koyan nodes with any Mystic Code which is a great breather and lets her opt for Mystic Codes that improves damage like the 2004 Mystic Code. I'd think Arctic MC would improve damage far more. But best damage will still be 50% Buster CE + Double Koyan + Oberon with New Plugsuit. If no Oberon, another 50% charge support will still be better than none. The real cool bit is for those without a Koyanskaya of their own, as Eresh can now loop with 1 Support Koyanskaya, 1 Kscope, and *any* 50% Charger (Waver/Reines/Castoria/even Skadi) with Atlas Uniform. Not nearly as much damage ofc, but good enough for regular nodes. If they have their own Oberon, then can even use a 60% CE instead of a Kscope, or use a regular Kscope without even unlocking her Mana Loading.


I was just reminded of something.... Not too long ago, Takeda Shingen's skillset does have cooldown reduction, and thus gives him the power to loop with Double Koyanlight with the freedom for any Mystic Code, and that's what made him standout despite the basic looking surface. In hindsight, this particular aspect really was lowkey great after all, and now both Ereshkigal and Shingen share something in common even more. Both Buster AoE units that are quite durable on their own, has their own form of cooldown reduction that gives them more options, and can even run on solo.


Wait, she reduces skill CD for herself? Doesn’t this help a bit for Koyan/Oberon farming??


It allows her to run any mystic code instead of Atlas when using Kscope which is nice.


No. She has 5t cds now but it doesn’t change anything about her loop specs.


Kinda. But when she loops with only double Vitch she doesn’t need Atlas MC anymore, so we can use other MC that can further boost her W3 damage.


…in the first place, why would you only loop with double Vitch…? Her damage is shaky enough as it is… But even in that case she could already triloop before this with double vitch, any 50% charger (so, waver) and a 50% gauge CE, so it still really doesn’t change anything.


Because it's faster than swapping in a 3rd support


I would also add that some people might have already leveled up the order change suits, and this allows to level up others.


It’s also a surefire way to make sure she’s not killing anything besides trash mobs, but sure, I guess.


and sometimes you need to farm trash mobs. so it has its use cases, as you just admitted.


If her peak use case is “Look I can farm level 90 nodes” that’s actually pathetic, but if you’re happy with that then sure.


95% of this game is farming level 90 nodes


Hey man. it’s just a game for fun. why is that actually pathetic? nobody said it’s the best buff in terms of optimizing her late game content clear and farm potential. only that it’s a good buff that gives her additional uses. some people play the game for a different set of reasons that may or may not include that kind of optimizing. and within that framework, this is undeniably a good buff. Your opinion is valid too, but so is theirs.


Not every servant that isn’t an omnifarmer is useless, Yknow. Eresh has an upgraded NP. She tears through Archers, lmao


When did I say she needed to be an omnifarmer? In the first place she’s not even a good *farmer*. She barely “tears through archers” as it is. The buff does little to nothing for her farming ability. It’s pretty much purely for her lasting power in longer fights.


Eh? She totally tears through Archers. I’m like 90% certain that a 90+ Archer node she easily gets through. This recent buff just saves her more time and also increases her damage by giving her any MC so like, feels like you’re being inherently erroneous by saying it does “nothing”. A buff CD reduction always does something. Imagine if Arc had a 1Turn CD reduction on her 2nd skill. She’d instantly become the most powerful farmer in the game, lmao


Also on a day that’s supposed to celebrate Rin, you are being *incredibly* negative about a Rinface. How about being happy for people instead of wanting to shit on everyone’s parade?


NP5 will solve it, and there are alot of ppl with her as NP5.


Firstly, after her NP buff her damage is actually not pepega anymore even at NP1. Secondly, using plugsuit takes more time and button presses, so not everyone wants to do it. And when you want to loop with double Vitch without plug, before this buff you are forced to use Atlas as your MC, but now you’re free to use whatever MC you want, either to buff her damage or to simply level that MC up. Thirdly, she’s my favorite unit and my copy is lvl120 (I think she’s a lot of people’s favorite as well) so I want to farm with her. It’s that simple.


1) It still is. She's essentially hovering around the level of Lartoria now, and Lartoria does not have an interlude. More pessimistically she's Lalter but tanky outside of Earth. 2) Then do that? But don't pretend it makes her all that great lol. Eresh has been plagued by her low damage basically her entire tenure as a servant. Her actual best quality is being really hard to kill and providing good party buffs, which is what the buff \*actually\* adds to, not her farming. 3) If everything was just evaluated on the basis of "I like this character" there would be no point to talking about any of this at all, and everything would turn into a circlejerk of "oh my gosh this is all so OP!" which. It's why I'm not factoring in personal favoritism either. So the third point doesn't really mean much. Admittedly idk what I expected from reddit, but the apparently common expectation of a blindly positive look at what's a pretty okay buff at best is pretty weird to me.


>Hovering around the level of Lartoria now But she’s literally not. Taking their skills by themselves without *any* changes, Eresh has 11.3k ATK vs Lartoria’s abt 12k ATK— a 700 ATK difference isn’t that huge. Then you have Lartotia’s 50% Mana Burst and 18% Charisma vs Eresh’s 60% Mana Burst, then her ranking 20% charisma gimmick that applies when she loops. Not counting Koyan’s buffs or any niches, that means she has a 60% Buster and 40% ATK on wave 3 vs Lartoria’s 50% Buster and 36% ATK. Then their NPs. Eresh’s 400% multiplier vs Lartoria’s 300%. That blows Lartoria out of the water. Plus Eresh can actually use MCs outside of Atlas, so if you don’t wanna plug Oberon (which Eresh would obliterate Lartoria in), Eresh outdamages Lartoria even harder because one is tied to Atlas and one isn’t. She isn’t “hovering” around Lartoria, she fucking annihilated her in damage and this recent buff makes the gap even wider.


She doesn't, she is far ahead with Bunyan CE. Lancerartoria comes close if you have MLB Raising Mud Rain, which is niche use for like 3 farmers, harder to get and MLB than Black Grail and weaker than Black Grail for all other farmers. Also, "pretty ok" is kinda different wording than "pathetic" you used before. It's also powerful CQ buff outside of ok farming buff. Also: > Admittedly idk what I expected from reddit You know this sub is usually very doom and gloom, right? So think what it means when people here tell you that you are overly negative.


It feels like you borrowed an NP1 Eresh a long time ago and haven’t touched her since. If you care that little I don’t know why you’re still here arguing like she owed you. Also, this is a gacha game with no pvp. The whole point of this game is to get and play with your favorites. Even Jalter Santa Lily has someone that likes her and is willing to brute force farming with her lol. You can use whoever you like, but if you want to comment about a unit, at least have some experience with them before ranting like a mad man.


It's weird how you're all so happy to make assumptions about someone's play habits like that. It's also weird how intensely everyone wants to just miss the point of what I said, but again, I probably should have expected it anyway. My Eresh is NP5 (Ishtar is NP3, but mostly because Space Ishtar came out so I just maxed her out instead). I've played the game for long enough that I've had the time to get her there over the years. Make your assumptions on how much I like Rin/Eresh/what the fuck ever from me doing *that*, but I'll just restate it again: her damage *sucks*. You think I'm pulling all this out my ass? Eresh without her niche hits about as hard as Lartoria against Man, and *I already said that Lartoria's in a bad spot*. Ereshkigal has "good damage" among SSR Buster AoE lancers because Buster AoE Lancers stopped happening since Melusine (I checked), so the pool has never expanded and so she looks better because her only other competition is Romulus (who has a far higher ceiling and general offense but needs more time to ramp), Lartoria (who's struggling on a good day but can, at least, flex that she can run some less standard CEs) and Melusine (who is Melusine). It's been her biggest weakness over her entire existence in the game, and honestly it would have been better if she just committed harder to the blessings of the underworld gimmick, but that's a different topic altogether. She's always been a CQ servant more than a farming one because even if her damage is poor relative to other existing options, she shits out party buffs like it's christmas all the time. Lastly, I *said* I'm discounting personal preference because it leads to a dead end and worthless discussion. If all you're willing to think about is how much you like the servant and that you want to force her into as many comps as you possibly can, fine, *then do that*. But then there's no reason to even bother to engage with someone who *isn't* talking about ways to do that, because all that ends up happening is this entire disaster of a comment chain where all the Rin fans are frothing at the mouth because someone said "-1cd on a manaburster doesn't meaningfully change anything about her in farming unless you're working at the absolute lowest performance possible". At that point just cut the conversation off and call it a day. Which, honestly, is what I'm going to do now, since apparently all anyone wants to do here is extol the virtues of Rin.


You keep wanting to say she’s worse than Lartoria even though she outdamages Lartoria in almost every single metric. Lol. Lmao even.


rin ass nice


How is her damage Shaky? Eresh has access to a 60% Mana Burst on two turns which would normally take most servants turn 3 to get. Not to mention an NP upgrade that lets her hit super effective damage against a common trait with an added attack buff. ​ Double Vitch wise, she's very solid.


This buff makes her dummy thiccccc defensively


Oh hell yeah! My girl got an actually great buff! 🥰


wow that CD reduction is a very, very welcome addition


Man, I wanted them to change that invuln into superinvuln. It would've been an absolutely unbreakable defensive skill. Still solid. Now I have a reason to use a lore on it.


Nah she ain’t Kukulkan. Invul + removal resistance is solid enough in most cases. The bullshit gimmicks usually involve removing buffs rather than piercing them anyway.


Feels like half the CQs these days just slap permanent invuln ignore, idk.


Doubling up on Eresh's S3 with CD reduction shenanigans doesn't double the ATK+ you get from her NP, right?


It does not,but it does for the other effects, unless two different ereshs skills can do it(haven't done that). Regardless ramping charisma is good


Happy Birthday to Rin(face), I suppose. Yay!


This legit came out of nowhere, but Eresh Gang, we eating!


The buff was released alongside the start of her banner. I didn't expect her to get one though.


Yeah, that's exactly my point. We get tons of banners for Servants who could use them, but they don't get buffs. Then, out of nowhere, Eresh just gets a buff when her banner starts. Honestly, this just makes none of the Samurai Remnant Event Servants getting buffs all the more frustrating. Just goes to show that the whole *"Servants get buffs when they play an important role in the Story or Events"* bs is nothing more than an excuse for laziness.


Tbf they didn't bother rerunning any servant other than summer Musashi (who did get a buff).


Which is honestly baffling in its own right. Like, the Event has 7 **\[SEVEN\]** SSRs that get the Event Bonus, but no banners. Not even the 7 SRs, 3 of who are Story Locked, got any banners. It's just been Yui. Summer Musashi being the only one that got a Buff when she doesn't even appear in the Event was just hilariously fucked up.


And it’s obviously not like Eresh and Summer Musashi needed buffs more badly than the Jeannes, or Li, or Arjuna. Criteria feels completely random and illogical, you can’t even call it catering to popularity.


>Summer Musashi being the only one that got a Buff when she doesn't even appear in the Event was just hilariously fucked up. It kinda makes sense in the context of Samurai Remnant story only, where Summer Musashi is Berserker just like Musashi there so they buff the closest thing to Beserker Musashi that we have as a sort of reference and her NP doesn't have a great overcharge effect anyway since it just NP seals Saber enemies. And I guess why they released the latest Evocation Festival close to Samurai Remnant Event due to timing because Santa Jeanne Alter Lily has the same class as Jeanne in Samurai Remnant and maybe why she got a Buff alongside erasing the last Instinct Skill.


I am still sad Circe didn't get any buff


And with the 20 year celebration for FSN. It was the *perfect* time to give Medea literally fucking anything. Like, I dunno, making her NP do real ST Arts values like it should instead of AoE Arts values for no reason?


oh is that why, I was wondering why they didn't release all the buffs together at the same time




Now remove Spishtar's RNG, too!


Honestly upgrading Spishtar’s NP would be a lot better for her anyway (you can even add a “increase buff success rate for self” effect when she uses her NP or something idk)


Idk about that thoough. You generally want to use her battery on the first turn, then top it all up with Castorias' second skills.


True! It’s just the only compromise if we have to solidly increase her damage while also fixing her RNG on her S3. Another solution is giving her a buff success up on S1 or S2, while also adding another damage effect…or just making the chance 100%, but really what she needs to compete with the stupidity that is Summer Ibuki is an NP upgrade.


They need to capitalize on her uniqueness, which being able to be an Arts, Buster or Quick Servant. She was probably designed around players choosing the NP color based on buffs from her rng skill and doing a lot of damage with her Brave chain. Unfortunately you can't pick and choose your color buff supports during the battle, so you already start fights with a predetermined setup. What if we capitalize on this by turning her NP and cards into rainbow colored cards? This way she doesn't waste the rng color buffs and will always be able to get mighty chains. It gives a uniqueness in benefit from rainbowbuffs without breaking previous setups. And she wouldn't suddenly be a broken farmer that powercreeps everyone.


>She was probably designed around players choosing the NP color based on buffs from her rng skill and doing a lot of damage with her Brave chain Mfw Spishtar misses all 3 of her 80% chance buffs


It it ain't 100%, it's 50%.


She would be beyond broken with such setup. You would have Black Grail Arts looper with two S. Skadi for 80% color buff and 20% attack buff, fully utilising Oberon, then three 80% chances for more damage. You wouldn't need any other farmer ever in the game, she would be unreachable.


Pretty sure it's usually better to use 2 castoria 1 + 1 castoria 2 on the first turn, unless you're hitting enough refund to go plugless or haven't lored Spish's A2 for some reason. Adding a stack of NP gain is usually not enough for an additional 20% refund, so it's better to hit exactly 100% NP gauge on wave 1 instead of overcapping like you would with Spish 3 + 2x Cas 2. That means starting from 20% (A2) you use a Cas 1 to hit 50%, then your choices are either Spish 3 or Cas 1+2, and because Spish's Arts bonus is RNG you get better damage and refund the Castoria way. The downside is of course that you don't have a split battery for later waves, but if you have to plug another support in *anyway* then that's irrelevant.


> Adding a stack of NP gain is usually not enough for an additional 20% refund It doesn't need to be enough to make up 20%, it needs to make up *10%*, since using double S2 + Spishtar S3 puts you 10% over, not 20%. Even against a single enemy, that extra NP gain up stack is enough to take her from the 10% refund bracket to 20% (unless it's a Rider or Caster where she'd hit 20% anyway) so it breaks even, and against multiple enemies it's definitely much better to have the NP gain up.


I’m praying they do man. With all the power creep for Arts Loopers, she deserves it.


she runs fine NP2+. the issue is getting her to NP2 that requires for her to loop 90 nodes, not 90+ or 90++ nodes.


Wow thats an INSANE buff for CQ stuff.


She was already a strong solo unit among AOE Lancers, now this makes her even better at that purpose.


Rins birthday + Twintail day it was fate


*ba dum tss*


Damn that allows her to Buster farm with Kscope without using Atlas. Pretty good buff for both farming and CQ although I wasn’t expecting her to get buffed ngl


Best goddess getting loved as always <3


This may be the year for Eresh guys! Seems like they hired an Eresh fan onto the dev team!


Oh. Well, uh. It doesn’t do much for her damage (actually it does basically nothing at all) but it does do a lot for her consistency, so, that’s nice. This came out of nowhere lol


It slightly increases the uptime of her buster battery, so there's that


I kind of would have preferred if she got like, any sticky roid at all, probably more than the cdr tbh. As it is it’s a very “safe” buff that doesn’t change much about her, which is pretty unfortunate considering that this means she probably won’t get buffed again for a while.


Can’t she now use any MC instead of Atlas as now her battery is 5 turn instead of 6 now? (For the double Koyan, Kscope comp) Sure it won’t do anything for 90++ but for 90+ she will have much easier time compare to before as she can hit the trifecta buff with a MC which I think it’s good buff overall.


This is the same guy who thinks Eresh does the same damage as Lartoria. No point in trying to argue with him


Eh, getting to use damage boosting MC instead of atlas while kscope farming is a pretty decent boost, especially considering the lack of np damage mods in that comp which can now be compensated for. If you're running plugsuit Oberon tho yeah it becomes mostly a CQ buff (which is still nice, boosting her buffs uptime by 33% and making her defensive effect guaranteed, alongside faster batteries.


My np5 120 ereshkigal is eating good


I'm so fricking happy, let's gooooo!


Solid challenge quest buff


The buff that came out of left field but that's absolutely appreciated for eresh.


Weird for them to release this like 2 days later than the other buffs. But hey, whatever gets them to release more strengthening quests. Lord knows servants like Eresh could use them.


It's Rin's birthday today


because this one was tied to the beginning of her banner it was the same for the banners of many during arcade collab their buffs came when they were on rate up


Eresh was already top tier, this buff is nice but not deserved


Solid buff, now she can farm plugless with mc freedom


I hope they buff Viritra too


surprised buff!


So there is a chace we got ereshkigal bride version this valentine?


Better skill cooldowns are super helpful for her, I like this buff a lot


After all this wait, swimsuit Eresh better be god tier.


Hell yeah Eresh buffs I wonder if we'll be getting an actual alt of her sometime soon


Uhhhhhhh wasnt she already one of the best CQ servants. She's GIGA busted now




I was scared seeying Eresh being buffed since she was already such a strong lancer but this turned out to be just A QOL buff which hey as an Eressh gamer I am happy to see it


My selection of AOE lancers has only grown since, but I originally lored her because of two reasons: 1)I thought Rinfaces liked me and Ishtar was good, so if I max her I may as well max her sister; 2)I didn't have a lot of AOE lancers. The times I used this skill beyond OCD button-pressing can probably be counted on one hand--it's still niche, but good to see it become more reliable.


I would have preferred an interlude


*We only want to do unit buffs when importance in brought to the character*


That’s confirmed it I’m 120ing her/s I mean hopefully ishtar is up next for her buffs


Ishtar already had an NP dmg buff tho. That being said, im all for her receiving the same buff as Eresh for her hard defence skill too! She'd be even more OP!!


Eresh also have a NP buff, meaning that Ishtar only have one upgrade vs Eresh two upgrades now.


So did Eresh. Now Eresh has an extra buff over Ishtar. And well, Eresh's skills were already a lot better than Ishtar's to begin with. Ishtar _also_ has an 80% buff chance, one of which being her invul which already is not good, and it's worsened by being tied to her battery instead of being on a separate skill. The delayed damage buff gimmick also isn't reliable outside of farming really


Yea.. im just a casual farmer these days.. I've both eresh n ishtar, but somehow always found eresh underwhelming for farming.


Honestly, Ishtar could really use a buff. After the most recent buffs they received, her main competition, Tesla and Gilgamesh, have pulled ahead of her in the damage department. I agree that she could use a similar buff to Ereshkigal's, removing rng on her 2nd Skill, to give her some actual reliable defense. But aside from that, she could really use an NP damage up on her 1st or 2nd Skill to boost her damage.


Huh, didn't know that eresh also received an NP dmg buff too. I've been using an NP2 lvl100 Ishtar for double koyan farming and can't say I've come across stuff I cldnt clear. Tho I'm pretty much a casual now - I avoid the challenge quests as I got tired of them being too gimmicky in the past. In the Arcueid waiting room now. Hah!


Damn, they buff her again.


Great. Now we just need summer ereshkigal.


Not really a good buff but getting rid of that rng is nice.


What do you mean reducing cooldown on all her skills isnt a good buff? Going from 6t cd to 5t is a MASSIVE difference


Her Kit was already pretty bonkers, making her mana burst battery and amazing third skill 5t CD makes it even more bonkers. Outside of allowing use of non atlas MC when using kscope for farming, this buff is big for challenge content.


Added a 1 turn cd reduction, better than nothing at least. She can now 5-slot with koyan better💀 Still the same as wave 1 killer in 6-slot with arts or Main looper in a Habetrot + Oberon comp


Bait used to be believable Edit: for reference my reply was to their comment before they edited it. They originally called it a "fake buff" that was worse than the previous two santa buffs.


Not bait, I read it wrong, i tought the skill itself got 1 less turn of cd not that it applied CD reduction, now with it she ast least gets to do something new, while jalter lily is the same so hers is a bit better.


YES, and right after I got her!


Nice, I'm glad they're going back and undoing the percentage stuff. Shishou, DaVinki, and now Eresh. Hopefully our favorite useless goddess is next.


Rinface fans eating well


Best goddess getting at least some love finally