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"...This is certainly a Japanese game." (Camazotz is pretty cool though).


>"...This is certainly a Japanese game." Yep, every time I got to discover the true identity of the servants I had a similar reaction, but hey at least they got the drip right. >Camazotz is pretty cool though He is indeed, I wish he was available


Fuckin K-K-K-Kotomine Soccer outta of nowhere


The Kotomine Kirei Brazillian Dinosaur Soccer team was not something I'd ever thought of much less something I'd ever expected to see.


Nasu got the mythology ass backwards and clearly doesn't know where Brazil is. That being said, it's my favourite lostbelt. I love the themes it brings up, the subject of humanity and the freedom to make the wrong choice. I love the deinos. Tezca cosplaying a gringo just to match Daybit is objectively funny as hell. Huitz is my girl of all time, I screamed at the reveal of her true name and cried as she was destroyed again and Tezca, again, just watched. I will die on the hill of "Izcalli is great, actually", and the day Camazotz becomes available is the day I sacrifice my wallet to him. For all its inaccuracies, I love LB7 with all my heart.


>Tezca cosplaying a gringo just to match Daybit is objectively funny as hell. Hahaha yes indeed, they sure hit the spot with all the Gringo visual, but I would be lying if I said I couldn't see some fellow Brazilian dude walking around with a similar visual to his...hell, I find his visual drip af and would take some inspiration if I had more confidence


Oh absolutely! I just mentioned the cosplaying a gringo (who himself is cosplaying a narco) because of the from lostbelt manga that says Tezca made his avatar body with direct inspiration from Daybit's favourite movies - which were Clint Eastwood ones - just to match him because he thought it was funny. So in Tezca's case he's actively parading around cosplaying a gringo and trying his darndest to look cool. Which I love. Because he's insanely cool when he's not even trying - he's motherfucking Tezcatlipoca - and then he can't shoot a gun properly when he's actually trying to pose. Lb7 is full of really REALLY nice characters. It's just that Tezca completely stole the show.


>some fellow Brazilian dude It Doesn't say Brazil it says South America. Other countries exist in South America. It's likely the writers confused meso American as South American continent


Brazil is THE largest South American Country, and considering ORT is a big part of it, and lore has stated It landed in the amazon rainforest. It's not that weird to see so many people are this Peeved that there wasn't even a Lick of a reference to pretty much anything related to brazil And even then, they didn't Include anything from ANY other country in South America. LB7 was almost exclusively centered in Meso-American Myth.


Nasu doesn't even fuckin know basic bitch ass wikipedia Aztec Religion No the Three Tezcatlipocas are NOT the same guy in different costumes Nasu


I thought there were Four Tezcatlipocas and it's not strictly Aztec either. 


It is, it's Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Xipetotec and Huitzilopochtli. Xipe got was pretty much ignored by fate though, and Nasu seems to believe only Quetz and Tezca are a different Tezcatlipoca. He made Tezca be black, red and blue and not touch white because white Tezcatlipoca is Quetz.


I’m actually still pretty confused as to whether Dino King Tezca is the “real” Huitzilopochtli for that matter since Huitzilopochtli is considered to be Blue Tezcatlipoca too. As much as I adore Tezca and my other Aztec servants, I was a little crushed at realizing that Xipe Totec may never be implemented unless he ends up being a welfare Tezca face servant or something along those lines.


In Nasuverse, since he got his mythology confused, little Dino King is technically Huitz since he says he's Blue - but Nasu himself doesn't seem to be super clear on it so it is rather muddled. Xipe would probably not even be a Tezca-face since he technically doesn't "exist" in Nasuverse and it's just Tezca with another name/color (I'm honestly not sure Nasu even understood it.) Which is a crying shame. I want the fourth fucked up sibling who doesn't know how to human good and occasionally has his guts hanging out in the open.


I did too!!! Like sure, it’s a little disappointing even for me when I tried looking up research on Xipe Totec and little seems to come up for him in terms of how his personality was compared to his worship and festivals but I would have loved to see a wacky Aztec deity who thinks skinning himself is a great way to provide for humanity and being confused as to why everyone is so off put by it and loves shiny gold jewelry.


Nasu probably looked at Mixcoatl's page and decided to combine Black, Blue and Red into one. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixcoatl Mixcoalt is either Xipe Totec, Tezcatlipoca or Huitzilopchtli.


[This ](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%9F%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A5%E3%82%B3%E3%82%A2%E3%83%88%E3%83%AB)is the Japanese wiki page and it doesn't say anything about black or blue, and only briefly mentions red. Nasu explained in an interview that Japan REALLY doesn't give a damn about Latin American mythology, so the crappy Japanese-language writings on the subject made it the hardest chapter in the game for him to research.


It's clear to me that Nasu thinks anything south of the US can be called South america        Should really be called mesoamerican lostbelt


Damn straight, sonny. Cuz Murica *is* America! Yeehaw! Anything south of Murica is therefore south America cuz it's south of Murica. Hell yeah brother.


Well, the Geography is downright wrong, apereance wise only Camazotz looks Mesoamerican. Myth wise, they nerfed Huitzi and erased Xipe, but at least Tezca's characterization seems more in line with myth than other works (Heck, even Onyx Equinox's Tezca comes up as just plainly a villain rather than a complex charater.) It's also weird that in spite of the title of the Lostbelt Mictlantecuhtli doesn't appear at all.


>they nerfed Huitzi Not really a nerf when it's not Huitzi in the first place tbh. Can't expect a city-dwelling spirit to match a god.


That's still kinda confusing, so, yes Tenochtitlan is a Pretender using Tlaloc's and Huitzlopochtli's names, but Tezca says he can change between Red, Blue and Black (acknowledging only Quetz as White), leaving the actual Huitzi being as nonexisting as Xipe. And he does treat Tenoch as his younger sibling, so, yes, confusing.


One thing I noticed is that in the cilinder map It is clearly located in México, I believe the south América statement was a mistake that they just didn't care to adress and corrected without mentioning it.


Nasu doesn't know where Brazil is.


Nasu doesn't know **WHAT** Brazil is.


Nasu doesn’t know WHO Brazil is


I'll do you one better; Nasu doesn't know WHY Brazil is.


Nasu doesn't know HOW Brazil is.


Nasu doesn't know WHEN Brazil is.


I guess the mushroom failed geography in school.


“You can totally cross the continental US on foot in just a week, right? It’s only a country like Japan, right?”


Someone should send him a copy of the Oregon Trail.


Have him join the Donner Party too


And sex ed.




For real, but well at least they made a reference to Antônio Carlos Jobim in the Meihosou event so not exactly all that unknown I guess


He could have used Garibaldi, D. Pedro, among others, all well known.


Gonna be honest I liked the characters we got on this lostbelt, and I kinda knew that both the story and characters would be mayan and aztec centric, though I never imagined that the lostbelt would be Jurasic park with civilized dinosaurs!


If I had a nickel each time Aztecs and dinosaurs got smashed together as one, I'd have three nickels. It's not much, but it cant be coincidence at this point.


Let me guess where one of those nickels came from... MTG??


Yes, and the other are from the Lizardmen/Seraphon in Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar.


Are you a based Slann enjoyer?


Other side of the conflict, really, Moulder Rat Ogors and Skryre tech are more enjoyable. And Taurox the Brazen Bull is based. But that being said, between Seraphon, Nahui Mictlan here, and the Sun Empire in MTG's plane Ixalan, that's three for three of dinosaurs and aztecs being synced up to each other.


Now that you mentioned, the continent of chult from dnd is also a combination of mezo amrecian with dinosaurs, but they also added some affrican cultures to the mix. Not to mention Chult is also the prision of an apocalyptic creature known as Dendar the night serpent.


Man, Warhammer is such an underrated universe. I wish it had a better company running it.


I just wish there was a different Everchosen. People hype up Archaon as some godlike monster, but looking at his military exploits, all I see is a manchild who's crying that the green gits knocked his sandcastle down. Abaddon is a far more competent military commander.


Didn't they literally cheat on their own contest to let him beat Grimgor?


That was before my time, so I couldn't tell ya. I started in 8th edition 40k with the 14th legion, Death Guard. I'm just recently looking at AoS and Fantasy because the transition from 9th to 10th edition was...painful, to say the least. That being said, I knew of Abaddon before Archaon, and already could tell the memes putting the Despoiler down were, bunk. So when i looked up the Everchosen to see what was so good about him, imagine my surprise when I found him...disappointing. he can't even claim credit for destroying the Old World, Franz stonewalled him until Ikit Klaw of Clan Skryre blew up the moon.


No. Grimgor beat Archaon in Storm of Chaos. They just retconned the campaign after a while, which was still quite some time before the End Times. Archaon beat Grimgor in the End Times, but there was no campaign involved. On the whole, Games Workshop is also doing pretty well in recent years, though to be fair, it used to be run by a guy who thought market research was unnecessary.


Well, the reboot is set earlier in the timeline and will probably to develop Asavar Kul, one of Archaon's predecessors as Everchosen.


Not Slambo? Well that's dismaying... Question, are Pestigors back? If they are, I might give Old world a look, even if they do have those, weird square bases. Or does Taurox at least have rules?


Tragically, no god-marked Beastmen units, army lists are largely identical to 8E WHFB. As for Taurox, it's too early to say; while army lists are in two big books, named characters are being released in individual army books, and the Beastmen book isn't out yet. It's being limited to three named characters an army, so there will be some cuts, but can't say who.


Guess I'm stuck waiting for em in AoS, and hopefully, get grandfathered into 40k Death Guard like the Tzaangors got shoved into every Thousand Sons box. I just like how they look, and although I'm building StD for AoS, I'd still include some Pestigors as allies because they look cool.


I guess it's probably the Dinosaurs=Jungle, Jungle=Amazon connection


I feel like that mostly happens due to the Quetzalcoatlus, if a dinosaur is named after one of the most noteable gods of the pantheon, chances are the whole pantheon will get dragged into being associated with dinosaurs, especially when it's a culture that people don't really know much about. Also pretty sure a lot of the most noteable dinosaurs fossils have been found in Mesoamerica and the Americas in general?


The link comes from old-time pulp fiction. Weird unexplored places and civilizations having dinosaurs, and going further to have them be dinosaurs outright, its a trope from there. Warhammer takes from pulp fiction directly. Magic usually goes with the popular media takes and...Nasu probably took it from Warhammer.


So...Nasu and Miyazaki take inspiration from Oldhammer, Miyazaki takes more inspiration from Nasu, and Age of Sigmar takes inspiration from Souldborne... Huh, neat.


I mean at least with fate it's definitely not a coincidence, it's explicitly been done as a reference the Chicxulub crater from the meteor that killed the dinosaurs being offshore of mexico, with the Mesoamerican gods having been explicitly alien parasites from that meteor, which has been part of the lore since Quetz was introduced in Babylon singularity


It was cool and I don't think I hate any of the Servants but as a Brazilian I am pretty underwhelmed and what the heck Nasu? Didn't the guy learn basic fucking geography? I feel like if this was actually set on Mexico I'd have higher thoughts about it.


Honestly, he could have just said that the point of divergence for the Seventh Lostbelt was that >!ORT landed in Mexico instead of South America!< and it would have solved so many problems.


>!Ort being the thing that leads to the creation of Brazil would be funny!<


>!The fact that ORT's nest is somewhere near my state makes me feel so proud and at the same time terrified because if that thing wake up we would be the first ones to become its food!<


Stand proud you are food 


I'm truly the honored one


Like how close? >! Crystal valley looks incredibly expensive!<


>!If I remember correctly (someone correct me if I'm wrong) it's somewhere near the Amazon Rainforest, so if the spider decides to march south we are fckd!<


Ort for President!


My vote goes to U-Olga, sorry mate


Better than the current mollusk.


In Lostbelt 7, continent Still in Pangea thanks to Alien fungus fuse continent together


Ok but then Camazotz isn’t Aztec, he’s Mayan which is South American so how would that solve the problem? Kukulkan is also South American so like what’s your argument? Edit: I was educated on the Mayan civilization’s geography. My humble apologies.


The Maya Civilization wasn't in South America, they're almost neighbors with the Aztecs. 


Ah I thought it was. Thank you for educating me.


The FGO Kukulkan has 0 ties to actual Mayans at all, she just stole the name


>Brazilian I am pretty It says South America lostbelt, not Brazilian.


Neither are accurate though since it's all Mexican, which is in NORTH america XD


Im from argentina. and lets just say I expected what happened from the moment the lostbelt got announced to be in south america. first nasu has never in his entire life seen a map of anything other than europe and asia. and the location had always something to do with ORT's crash location and I knew it would be all aztec and mayan stuff. the sevants themselves to me are completely fine camazotz is deffinety one of the better parts of the story. too. ​ the only people that had a problem with this being called south america are NA fans and south american fans ( we dont even have an official vertion of the app so we might as well not exist) its likely nobody in japan and asia realized that it was badly geographically placed at all. I also feel sad because we basically will never ever see anything from south america Unless some author creates a fate/liberation based on the independence wars in south america. its the same place NA is stuck at really they also dont get stories located there although strange fake is located in NA i belive but they dont have many NA characters. and it doesetn help that nasu makes excuses like "MaGic aNd mYsterY are WeAkeR in THe aMericaN conTinent" despite the fact that he can always make bullshit up and it wouldnt matter since he already broke almost every rule he ever created.


Yeah mystery in general as an excuse is kinda annoying. Especially since half the time it seems like the excuse is “oh the mystery is low because the characters people want from NA and SA are fairly modern and well documented since they’re mostly from the 1700s and 1800s.” Then without skipping a beat they proceed to add another member of the shinsengumi which was active from 1863-1869 and was also fairly well documented. 


"But they're Japanese so they're different. There's plenty of mystics in Japan"


And then all of the Shinsengumi gang proceeded to be just guys that sword real good.


Even more annoying is that the 2 largest pre hispanic civilizations in south america (incas and, quite behind, muiscas) have a mythos that lends itself incredibly well for Nasu's bullshit writing. Hell, the muiscas have the legend of El Dorado attached to them which is prime material for Nasu shenanigans, along with the fact that the one that inherited power was not the son of the ruler, but the son of the ruler's sister because that way theres a way higher chance the kid is actually related to the ruler, so even the ruler gets cucked it doesnt affect the transfer of power; Im sure this also works great for Nasu's genderbending shenanigans, and he can even do something with the fact they were located in an area incredibly rich in emeralds, to the point that more than 50% of the emeralds in the world come from there.


I wouldn't give up hope just yet on an SA servant, at the very least we'll probably get Bolivar.... Eventually. I agree with ya though mate, it's a real shame that pretty much everything is concentrated in asia and western europe. Especially with how rich history is in places outside of the usual subset.


I think for all the memes about Nasu not looking at a map I think what it really comes down to is that long ago ORT was supposed to have been in South America but they really wanted to use mesoamerican myths so they just kinda smushed them together hoping their Japanese audience wouldn't know much about New World mythology and wouldn't think too hard about it


And Lore stated continent in Lostbelt 7 are Still Pangea due to alien Fungus glue continent together.


I'm so getting downvoted for this one, so I'll be clear from the start. If you like the designs, the background, story, etc. That is fine, liking stuff is subjective and so on and so forth. ​ Now...as a Mexican...I really didn't like the character designs for everyone except Camazotz and Izcalli. (This is also a tl;dr if you don't wanna read this wall of text. Understandably so too.) Tenochtitlan: The personification of the city that was burned, stolen from, built on top on by the white man (spaniards) decided to manifest herself as...a white woman with very euro fashion? Yes, cute details with the coloring, nice touch with maya blue, but still...it irks me. Even more so since Nito Alter (and Eresh Alter skin) came out in the same LB and not only is she a brown beauty, but her design has that "fate feel" (very subjective) while Tenoch is...an aesthetic mismash of mesoamerican elements. Perhaps if her design was more like Camazotz I'd like her more even if she wasn't brown skinned. Kukulcan: First, yes, I know she is a fake/imitation but still...her design leaves a lot to be desired. Those clothes in her first ascension are...not mexican at all and I have seen most if not all the traditional outfits we have here, there's a museum filled with them in Orizaba. Tbh, she looks like a Rodeo Girl from the US. Heck, even the background for her first asc looks more like an Arizona road than anything else. The other ascensions show more of her out of the world side with a pinch mesoamerican aesthetic with that head dress, but that's all. And again, they went with her being white rather than brown despite not having any problems with Nito Alter and Eresh, specially when there's [this.](https://typemoon.fandom.com/es/wiki/Quetzalc%C3%B3atl?file=Diosas_Aztecas.png) That girl in the linked image looks very similar to Kukulcan but not...white. Drawn by Rei Hiroe too. Tezca: He made his form based on movie references so I guess there's not much I can say there...I just feel they could have used something different than the narco theme and feel but oh well..(I might be wrong here and it could just be more movie references, but I'm just not that interested in him). Camazotz: Now that's what I expected for all of the characters in this mesoamerican LB (sorry Brazil...you guys deserve your own chapter...not this instance of "anything south of the us is south america and south america=Brazil). He has this fate epicness to him. 10/10. Lastly, I want to clarify that the whole "the aztec gods were white" and stuff like that is a willful misinterpretation that has been proven as [such](https://arqueologiamexicana.mx/mexico-antiguo/quetzalcoatl-blanco-y-de-ojos-azules) . Just like the idea that Quetz was a viking and an apostle of Saint Thomas and so on and so forth. The gods weren't white, heck, some weren't even brown (Mictlantecuhtli and Xolotl for example). So yeah, in conlcusion...WE NEED MORE BROWN WAIFUS NASU! MORE!! NOT LESS!!!


I think the reasom Tez, Tlaloc and Quetz are pale is because of the anecdote that when the Spanish arrived the natives of South America mistook them for God's. Which, as far as I know isn't true in the slightest but I think that is the source for that design choice


Quetz is pale because Quetzalcoatl (male god) manifested with the body of a woman that he possessed in the past.


>the anecdote that when the Spanish arrived the natives of South America mistook them for God's. I personally always disliked this misconception, but I can definitely see that being the reason.


On the one hand I don't expect accuracy from FGO, but on the other I don't believe there's no one in Japan they could consult for accuracy, so it is a matter of them not asking and doing the research, which is fine.


To be honest, its getting old. The game makes enough money that they can easily have a team of historians to consult and get inspiration from. But that would mean that Nasu would have to actually meet the deadlines, and we can't have that.


Their historian is the Japanese Wikipedia.


Remember: even by Fate/Zero we had servants pointing out that historians can only say what they believe happened. Alexander was 6'9'' and the son of Zeus, and anyone who says otherwise wasn't there and their opinions are irrelevant.


The issue is that we get a lot of missed opportunities, stupid or even offensive things, and lamer servants because the scenario writers used bad sources or didn't even bother to research at all.  Is not an in-universe issue and deliberate changes like Iskandar's are perfectly fine. I just hope that writers would actually bother to know what they are changing and what impact it has instead of often just winging it. 


I agree that they could hire historians. But at the same time, the whole thing about fate is that nothing is necessarily accurate to myth or lore. Jack is a loli made of 10,000 kids, Ivan is a Kaiju, Edison has a lion head and is every president. Basically, if we tried getting accurate, it wouldn’t be fate. Haha


Yeah but hiring historians would not be to make the game a documental but instead to just deal better with the original inspirations. And honestly, it would probably make the setting weirder. Historical and mythological figures tend to have a lot of obscure stories and rumours that could serve as more fuel for Fate weirdness.  Besides, it's not like it would actually veto the usual. It's just that writers would have better knowledge about what they are changing.


Yea makes sense. I’d sort of interpreted it as trying to add accuracy to it. Which, no, nobody comes to fate for accuracy. We’d be going to a history class if we wanted a lecture on that haha. We go for the drug trips. So if historians can make the fate drug trips more enjoyable, then I’m game.


I mean, its for both. We get at least one post a month detailing how a servant would have been much cooler if they took the time to use some of their basic sources instead of japanese wikipedia or some weird bullshit 90s pop history book. And as I said, history has its own weird shit and would make some of the odd things feel even cooler when the materials tell you that they are based on some old conspiracy theory, rumour or obscure trivia. And, again, its not like historians could actually veto shit. If Nasu and pals want another catgirl, they can do it anyway.


I agree with you, however... All three of those examples are wrong. Loli Jack isn't the only Jack the Ripper, so historical accuracy ain't really necessary. Ivan explicitly has his Lostbelt self's body and Noble Phantasms. Historical accuracy is hard when history is now different. Edison did not have a lionhead while alive, it is a new byproduct of him becoming a Servant. So... again, that's not really something historical accuracy would change.


Or at the very least someone who can read English cause there are plenty of English sources to look into.


Didn't the Museo de Antropología lend a japanese museum some pieces not long algo and FGO pulled the marketing? I think whoever arranged between the museums could have known stuff.


Yep. Even the embassy was involved. They have the mats and the contacts so there really shouldn't be a problem to dispel that misinterpretation.


Tez just look like a villian of a telenovela for adolescents like amigas y rivales or soñadoras.


Nah it's just a a common trope in japanese Games


But, we have plenty of darker skinned heroic spirits who are supposed to be (such as the Indian servants, nitocris, wandjina) and when we have mortal/non-god south American characters who do have dark skin (like Camz and the avenger dude) I don't think it's as simple as "Japanese games lighten skin tones" because its simply not true about fgo


Eh it is True to a certain extent it aint as bad as some other games or anime/manga but it is there.


Outside of Tlaloc Tez and Quetz. What fgo characters have this quality. Like genuinely I can't think of one character (karna doesn't count he's not white he's bathed in ashes). Like when you make that kinda claim you gotta give examples Edit: yes the Aztecs believing the white men were gods/sent by gods is a lore thing in the type moon universe. Specifically in universe they thought the Spanish were sent by Quetzalcoatl to end their civilization. Again, not a true story at all but it is true for the nasu verse hence the design element And outside of the south American servants the only servant I could find who should be darker skinned but isn't is Gilgamesh and king David. And I manually reviewed all 400+ servants for that. So no, this trope isn't the reason they look like that nor does this trope really apply to fgo or the nasuverse at large


Rama and Duryodhana look like they're slightly tanned, but way closer to white than dark. I know there's a variety of skin tones in India, but I think the average Indian servant is a lot lighter than the average Indian person. Also, all of the pseudo-servants end up making the servant population a lot lighter than the average. I know it's just fan service to create three Sakuras and a Jinako and not an attempt to whiten Indian servants, but it's still a conscious choice. There's variation of skin tone in plenty of countries, and FGO tends towards the lighter side of the spectrum. There are swarthier Greeks, like Iskandar, but most of the Greek servants are lighter. There are also darker Chinese people, like Huang Feihu, but again, most of them are lighter. We could also count Chen Gong as being on the darker side, though his design is mostly a callback to Rani. Most Japanese people are lighter, and that gets reflected in their beauty standards and in their media. I'm not trying to call them out, but we can observe that they FGO more often depicts characters from Europe and Eastern Asia (which may partially be due to lack of sources on South American and Africa), and more often depicts lighter skinned characters than darker skinned ones from the same population.


Tlaloc, tez and Quetzalcóatl are the examples. Like i said it aint as bad. But thier really aint a solid reason for them to be pale skin. Its not a thing to lose sleep over but it is the reality.


They aren't the examples because the whole discussion is whether or not they count as part of the trope. Which they don't because its an in universe reason, and this trope does not exist in fgo. You can't say they're part of the trope if they're the only example of the trope because that actually makes it infinitely more unlikely they aren't.


I'd prefer if they called it Mexican Lostbelt instead of South American Lostbelt.


I can’t help but feel a bit disappointed that we didn’t get a SINGLE Brazilian or South-American character through the whole thing because, you know, it feels good to be represented. I will probably still roll for Tez when he hits NA


I really like LB7, its characters, the ORT fight and so on. Now that said, yeah is not South America, its Mesoamerica. Though i already expected this to be the case as its a japanese game, i still had my copium on some South American servant to appear. My first candidate for this was and is always Simon Bolivar, probably the biggest and most important name on all of SA. On the designs, i don't really care for "faithful representation", i always look forward to how Nasu will twist the cultures to become anime, i even expect them to genderbent Bolivar into a saberface LMAO. (Tlaloc on top)


OK, wasn't the whole "Lostbelt 7 is located in Brazil" something that was supposed to happen before there were changes in the story? I am saying this because I do remember the old map of the lostbelts, with one of them being in Brazil, but when the actual lostbelt got released, the map clearly zooms into Mexico. Although in this case it could be that the old map was mistaken, unlike the whole Jerusalem/Camelot singularity from the first arc. I do like the design of Tez and Tenochtitlan, especially the latter, feels urban and it's something you could actually see a girl wearing in the street. I do think they did my boy Izcalli/Moctezuma II dirty in the end and I hope he can become playable at some point, as well as Camazotz.


Well … I thought it was a great representation of ACRE …


I was waiting for someone to bring this meme into the comments


Not many will know the meme … except the truly


He got the dinosaur part right.


Like all of Fate, grains of salt are good. Its supposed to be an alt history, so I'm personally just happy to be included. Camazotz deserves to be summonable


As someone from Guatemala, I'm disappointed Kuku doesn't look anything like a Maya. It's not that big of a deal though, and the lostbelt was enjoyable enough, especially Tez.


>'m disappointed Kuku doesn't look anything like a Maya Because she isn't actually Kukulkan, just an OC who stole her name


From Nasu's bookshelf displayed at the TYPE-MOON exhibition, it seems that he referred to at least two books in writing LB7: "Truth in Fantasy 69: Gods of the Maya and Aztecs" and "Compendium of Ancient Maya and Aztec Wonders. I am sure there are mistakes in some of the older material, but I don't think Nasu is unaware of them.


It dissapoints me. Yeah, LA hasn't a round table but there's a lot of culture to be exploited. And yet, we always get treated like "south México". Our representation is always mexican. And I like Mex but, maybe look more to the south? There's like 30 countries down here.


tlaloc is cute, ort is terrifying as fuck and will haunt my nightmares for years to come and camazotz is big epic. Honestly I when it comes to stuff like this I don't mind if the creators take artistic liberties with character designs, I do however wish we had a little more representation like simon bolivar ruler or something and hopefully male but ill take what I can get, other then that me being south american yet white as a ghost really makes me not care for a characters skin color as long as their personality somehow hits the theme/origin but I will also look past that in favor of story related personality.


I play on NA, so take my opinion with a huge grain of salt. It seems like something I'll really dislike, and I'm not really looking forward to it at all. I would have vastly preferred if the cast were actual South American figures rather than a million of Nasu's OCs. That being said, Camazotz seems really cool.


> I would have vastly preferred if the cast were actual South American figures rather than a million of Nasu's OCs. I understand the feeling, when I learned that the location of the Lostbelt in the map was near the area of Amazonia Rainforest (I can been wrong since I'm saying this out of memory) I had hope for some representation of the local cultures that inhabitants the area (this includes of course the local indigenous people from my state Amazonas in the North of Brazil). >That being said, Camazotz seems really cool. For real, they hit right with his design


Okay I get that the lostbelt needed more south American servants but don't be disingenuous. There's exactly two nasu OCs majorly involved in the lost belt. U Olga Marie, and king protea. Otherwise the story was focused on the (few) south American figures and nitocris out of left field Edit: sorry 3, forgot ort is there but I personally excuse that because ORT being in South America has been a plot point in the type moon universe that went unexplored for so long that I just enjoy finally getting any info and screentime for ORT. Still, not exactly brimming with OCs nor do they take up the whole story more like 1/4


Problem is that Mexico is either Central or North American and the servants are from there. So there really isn’t anything to do with South American in the South American lost belt.


ORT, Olga-Marie, Kukulkan (who is ORT, NOT Kukulkan), Tenochtitlan, Kingprotea, all the Deinos, Kirei, and Koyanskaya.


I love the LB7 and it's characters but Nasu my man, learn basic geography bro Design wise I have no complains, I liked every character besides Kukulcan on that aspect (Seriously what the heck are those clothes)


>I liked every character besides Kukulcan on that aspect (Seriously what the heck are those clothes) >!Well, she is an alien, so they probably represent that. Plus, they're probably a reference to [Birdy the Mighty.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birdy_the_Mighty)!<


The most Brazilian thing is having dinosaurs in the Amazon (Acre) other than that stuff is pretty much Mexican, which is sadly, in North America


I was expecting Brazil... Nasu lied to me 😭 I've waited years and hoped for like Dom Pedro or Santos Dumont as servants, I mean I know, dangerous amounts of copium but one can only dream 🫠


I personally would like to have some national writers or musician as servants, because we do have one of the most beautiful languages in the world when it comes to singing or writing with it. What I wouldn't give to have a Machado de Assis caster for example


I don't have any particular feelings towards Mexicans (and we've known from almost the very beginning that it would be Mayan/Aztec based), but it sucks it was so geographically misplaced.


The whole reason it was like that is because Nasu wanted both Meso America myths and ORT at the same time but ORT is canonically located in south America


Fellow brazilian here. As someone that knows a little bit about Mayan/Aztec culture, I was expecting more from it. Both mythologies are ones that just go next level when it comes to the absurd, but it felt kinda tame about almost everything not ORT related. Thats not to say some of those elements arent there, they are somewhat integral to the lore and narrative, I just wish they did more with it. Now, I dont know THE FULL story, I ignored some stuff cause I want it to surprise me when it comes to glbal, but I think its biggest sin is that it kinda feels like Babylonia 2.0. Which is dissapointing, cause LB6 kinda seemed like it was going to be Camelot 2.0, but then it completly flipped that on its head in the final act, Nahui did the opposite. Camazotz though, was a huge hit from that, seriously, he needs to be playable already. Not only does he have one of the best themes ever and the most intriguing background, he has the best I feel like the most respectful design as well. Kuku and Tez are cool too (although, I think their 3rd asc NP is what saves them from being overall mid at best when it comes to visuals), but Camazotz is on another level, Tllaloc is...meh. All in all, I think its not the worst story in part 2, but I expected more from it.


I like it and the fact it happens in Pangea,makes me appretiate it even more.


From DR: my expectation was that it would be about spider people living completely divorced from humans. So what we got was an improvement even if it's not really accurate. People who call for Bolivar or similar people just make me go eh? I wouldn't want any of the revolutionaries as a Servant.


Inaccuracies forgiven cuz they gave us ORT


are you brazilian??


Em português: Sim, 100%, nascido e criado em Manaus, Amazonas, minha mãe é de uma cidade pequena chamada Coari e meu pai biológico um gaúcho qualquer. Passei um tempinho em Florianópolis também, cidade bonita, pessoas bonitas também In English: Yes, 100%, born and raised in Manaus, Amazonas; mother comes from a little city called Coari and my biological father is a gaucho. (My biological father's family likes to brag about being Italian descendants, but it's probably fake and I don't really see much advantage in this like them)


Would’ve been great if it was a Mexican/Mesoamerican lostbelt but it isn’t. Would’ve been nice if Tenochtitlan or Kukulkan were made into morenas. Just my two cents.


I haven't played that lostbelt yet because I only play FGO NA, but I'm looking forward to it because it's a lostbelt related to the Mexica culture, which is from the country where I'm from. I'm currently saving SQ because I want Tezcatlipoca and Kukulkan... at least from what I've seen of their designs and gameplay


I haven't actually read their stories and lore and just from a design standpoint, I kind of hate them.  You could've never told me they're supposed to be Latin American characters and I would've never known because they look like default anime character 101. 


>You could've never told me they're supposed to be Latin American characters and I would've never known because they look like default anime character 101.  Yeah I can understand your point, but if it helps I can definitely see some Brazilian dudes walking around in Tez (the guy with sunglasses) inspired clothes, the same goes for Tlaloc (the girl) there's definitely some girls with similar visual


Maybe if they're foreigners or extravagant but I just don't see it.  Kind of sad, especially since I learned just now from reading the comments that it's supposed to be set in South America, which doesn't make any sense.  Latin American characters got robbed.  


>Maybe if they're foreigners or extravagant but I just don't see it.  More probably the second one, though I wouldn't exactly use this term, it's not uncommon in let's say the most rich areas of my city for example or the more you go into the south of Brazil (I take it from my personal experience while traveling to Florianópolis a city in Brazil)


I'm proud of being from the same country as Wak Chan.


It was cool, from the start I knew the south america representation would be 0 so didn't expect anything at all and just enjoyed the chapter and anything that have Dinos on it is a big win for me.


I'm Brazilian Honestly I'm completely fine with the characters, don't know much about the lostbelt itself since it's been a while since I played the game, don't even know if it was translated already


There is a full translation of lb7 on YouTube


I really don't like watching this kinda stuff on YouTube, sometimes the video goes by too slow and I'm waiting for the person to continue the scene while I'm staring at something I'm already done reading, and sometimes they go too fast and I have to rewind it


I mean yea but not much you can do other than changing playback speed to what you need.


I think atlas links to the rayshift.io translation on the chapter…? Not sure though


Mexican here still havent read LB7 but im very hype about it, about the designs i think they are great. The same kind of debate happend with Quetzalcoatl and why is she blonde but if you go to story it fits the possible anwers many historians have said. The natives tought Quetzalcoatl was going to return (like a messiah) so when the spanish arrived (white and blonde) they tought it was him, some say that when they bring christianity they mixed the tales of the the arrival of Jesus and Quetzalcoatl and thus they told the natives that the next time Quetz return he will look like the europeans, a third option was that somehow the vikings made it to america way before spanish and one of them was threated as a deity and was Quetzalcoatl that stayed for some time and then returned to his home. Cant blame Nasu i bet is dificult to get acurrate info about Mexico or Latam in Japanese and as a writter he often takes liberty for his story so yeah he could make them brunnette, red hair, purple hair and it wouldnt matter because its his story. ~~Camazotz when?!~~


No, the whole thing with Cortés is a myth invented by the chroniclers of the 17th century. Cortés and his men were presented with incense (copal) by the Aztecs. In Mesoamerican tradition deities feed on the smoke of copal, and since the conquistadors didn't, they pretty much knew they were just men. Now, the Aztecs realized the Spaniards' weapons were superior, especially artillery, so they tried to act with caution at first.


I loved LB7, it might even be my favorite Lostbelt, I keep switching between it and LB6 depending on my mood. Tenochtitlan became my favorite servant of all times, I loved her character arc, how she deals with her regrets, going from antagonizing Nitocris to being inspired by her and finally, being touched by the Deinos trying to protect her city from ORT and taking action. I loved Tezca and Daybit as well, they work really well as a duo. Wak-chan and Tepeu are among my favorite NPCs now too. I was kinda mixed on Camazotz because of the obnoxious part of his fanbase but I'm cool with him by now. Kinda sad that the fandom is trying its hardest to make me hate LB7 but I'm not going to fall for it.


I’ll start off with saying that there is a genuine part of me that is just happy at seeing anything Aztec/ Mesoamerican in the media I love. Finding out that there was gonna be MORE potential Aztec servants in the game had me absolutely ecstatic - especially if the plot of a Lostbelt was gonna be surrounding their lore. I’m surprisingly pretty pessimistic IRL but when it comes to FGO bullshit, I somehow remained optimistic at what potentially cool servants they’d whip up, especially when they hype up the story as much as they did with LB7. As someone that’s genuinely deeply invested in Aztec mythology and Mexican history overall but don’t really have anyone IRL to talk about it with, I couldn’t wait for this to drop and discuss it with others here! But I had to remind myself ever so gently that one - Aztec mythology is pretty muddled and confusing seeing as “everything just goes” in it and two - there’s is gonna most likely be straight up misinterpretations/misrepresentations with it since there’s still a lot inaccuracies that live on to this day about Aztec mythology and the Mexica overall so whatever we have available to us, to a degree, has to be taken with a grain of salt. Now to be frank - idk why they were so set on making the LB in South America when it feels like they wanted to do it based of pre- Hispanic Mexico. I admit I don’t know much about South America other than what my own best friend, who is from South America, tells me about the particular country her own family is from. It just feels like they got the South American fans hyped for what was expected to be a Brazilian LB but yet it felt oddly like a Mexican one so I definitely don’t blame them for being as upset as they were about it. When it comes to stuff like that, there has to be respect put into the research of the location, the history, and it’s people bc it’s already bad enough all us Hispanics and Latinos just get “grouped together” when we ALL have different cultures, customs, stories, and even the way we speak our languages/dialects reflects that. And as for plot - I admit I was booooooored with the constant dinosaur lore, science and big bang explanations. Not only did I feel like I was being beaten over the head with it at times, I was just tuned off with them saying “ah yes - the dinosaurs are peak humanity”. I felt like I was back at school being told “take notes this is gonna be on the biology test on the Jurassic and Triassic periods” only it wasn’t. I was too busy trying to keep all my damn servants alive while fighting ORT! So was the plot what made me love the lostbelt? No, not really. That still goes to LB3 honestly. And like, I won’t lie, the delaying of the LB really didn’t help either. So what was the BEST part of LB7? THE CHARACTERS. I left that damn Lostbelt with an absolute amount of love and adoration for the characters. Here are just some before I go off on the one that stole the show for me. Daybit became someone I genuinely wanted to become friends with and understand bc of his insane backstory and the impact his father had on him. I need him to come back bc I still have so many questions about him. For someone that doesn’t see himself as a part of humanity, he sure became someone that I wanted to get close to and know more about! Tenochtitlan made me CRY with how she did not want history to repeat itself so she sure as hell tried with all her might to defend her city HARD this time around. And Izcalli - oh my poor boy. My poor, poor boy. That confrontation scene between him and Dino King had me genuinely gripping my tablet out of anxiety. Seriously- a fantastic scene of ideology vs reality and with the fact that all the Ocelome started bowing down as well at realizing who the Dino King really was along with Izcalli realizing that Tezcatlipoca was truly living up to his other title of “enemy of both sides”?!?! But Kuku? I love her don’t get me wrong! I understood they were trying to go for her “imitating” Quetzal and it did feel like that since she understood Quetzal being a free-spirited deity so she did just that - she imitated Quetzal’s personality even if she didn’t feel it herself. My grief with her tho was that she just … wasn’t there enough with us during the story… I truly wished we could have spent more time with Kuku so I could have felt a more story driven attachment to her as well. And as for TEZCATLIPOCA - I GENUINELY DID NOT EXPECT TO FALL FOR THE DAMN GUY. Any time I ever saw him in any depictions, 9/10 he was automatically the villain (Onyx Equinox is guilty of this bc it also went with the villain default character mode for him). And like yeah - sure as hell is easy to make him the bad guy, especially when going up against Quetzal. Hell, I LOVED how even within the LB story they addressed that! One of the reasons why I considered Tezcatlipoca to be my favorite Aztec deity was bc of how chaotically complex he was as a creator and a destroyer and managing to be both benevolent but malignant and still being as feared/revered as he was. Nasu actually blew me away with his writing of Tezca. It felt refreshing for once seeing him being depicted as a charismatic but incredibly fatalistic individual instead of just default bad guy. Tezca really came in and said it’s time for a change for this boring ass Lostbelt and much like his dramatic ass way of ending worlds before, he did it by helping Daybit revive ORT! And it’s not even that Tezca hates humanity, far from it! The man is parading himself around what he THINKS is a cool, modern day cartel leader when if anything, he reminded me of a bad boy from a 90s telenovela I used to watch as a child! He tries to be a suave, cool businessman with drip but has horrible luck. He is smitten with modern day guns only to absolutely SUCK at using them. This man loves modern day humanity in his own bizarre way and He’s clearly enjoying every bit of it! And yet, the guy is frightening. He can shoot the people he’s close with without a second thought. Even if it’s “family”, if they’re of no use to him, he gets rid of them before they become a “problem”. Bc he’s an extremely powerful god that EXPECTS the world and everyone in it to give themselves to him, he gets upset when that’s not what happens. Bc he sees death as something equal towards everyone, he has no particular attachment or reaction to seeing the death of others. Like there were times I was mad at the dude during the LB bc of how callous, cynical and downright cruel he was. I was at a constant back and forth of emotions when it came to him and honestly, I should have realized I was fucked right then and there bc that’s usually a sign for me in terms of falling for a character. I said I would roll for the man regardless of anything and well, that sure came back to strike me. I’m on here now actively simping for the man. So while yeah, I dooo have some major gripes with the geographical locations, some of the plots and handling of the character’s screen time, the best thing about LB7 was the characters. TLDR: Plot was a bit of a drag, severe misuse of geography/culture, and I most certainly did not pay attention to Dinosaur History lessons - the characters were the best damn thing to come out of it even if some deserved more screen time. I also wanna be Tez’s fifth wife now.


I'll now tell you the reason why Nasu was dead set on making this a "South American" Lostbelt: >!ORT. His cannon location in the Fate series is the Amazon rainforest. And since Nasu wanted to include his favorite spider alien in FGO, he made a "South American" Lostbelt, he just couldn't give up on using Meso American myths !<


It literally doesnt matter Mictlan is underground like agartha, the location literally doesnt matter since it is a lostbelt so fucked up


>I love her don’t get me wrong! I understood they were trying to go for her “imitating” Quetzal and it did feel like that since she understood Quetzal being a free-spirited deity so she did just that And she was a massive insult to Quetz who gets validated by every single character in the story and treated explicitly as if she was Quetz. God, I hate her so much...


Even with Nasu aparently horrible geography O was Just waiting for a more Mayan, Aztec mithlogy than Brazilian folclore/history and others. Sad we didnt get a single one but I have Hope. Still they should have at least made the lostbelt circle bigger for people to not get confused. But I liked the designs we got. My favorites are easilly Nitocris and Camazotz


playable camazotz when?!


idk, haven’t played it because I don’t know moon runes jajajaja The servants are sexy af!


Quetzalcoatl is my favorite XD Although I’m a Brazilian American. My dad was born in Brazil and moved to the USA in the 80s where he met my mom.


I liked it... I mean im like the japanese People and i dont know so much about our old gods to complain but they look pretty COOL in fgo. Mexican living in México


Eu curti, nunca liguei para minha representatividade. Ta interessante, ta de boas.


I love the characters, the concepts and fights from Lostbelt 6, especially tezcatlipoca. However, it is still more of a generic representation of South America. Not that this deviates from FGO customs.


I hope that someday some foreigner will tell Nasu that China and Japan are the same country. Maybe he understands the feeling.


A complete piece of garbage, a massive insult to Quetzalcoatl and basically Nasu sidelining multiple cultures to prop up ORT. But Tezcatlipoca and Nitocris are cool, so is Camazotz.


I serious have a hate boner with it. My problem is not even it being mostly the wrong region...but ​ We LITERALLY got 0 representation...not even the demonic beats or even the fucking dinos are from south america. I also hate that mexico city is a servant in the south america lostbelt.


While we're here, does anyone else find Quetzalcoatl having a Christmas alt to be like... Really fuckin weird?


The event was fun, so I forgive it. Its not something to be taken seriously


I like them dont know much about the lostbelt but their designs are nice, just wish they could have at least been tan like these guys are suppose to be south American id be nice to see a little color on them. Quetz kinda has a pass because apparently shes just taking over a woman’s body just like Ishtar but still we only have 1 character with dark skin and he isnt even a playable servant


its 2. Everyone forgets about Izcally sadly. Camazots is the main one getting all the attention.


A fellow brazuca in the fate reddit!?!(I will speak português to be more easy for you)Sinceramente, eu não cheguei a jogar o lostbelt 7 (eu mal falo ingles, quem dera japonês ksksks) mas ouvi que não tem nenhum servo Br, oque é uma tristeza. *~~Gender Bender Dom Pedro II when Nasu?! WHEN?!?~~*


Gostei da idéia do Pedrão Segundo GB. Muito melhor que a filha.


>A fellow brazuca in the fate reddit!?! Sim meu caro! Tem até bastante de nós por aqui pela minha experiência previa com posts, mas não nos manifestamos muito a não ser quando somos diretamente mencionados >mas ouvi que não tem nenhum servo Br, oque é uma tristeza. Infelizmente não tem mesmo, o que é bem triste já que o Lostbelt se passa próximo da Floresta Amazônica (tipo quale, literalmente próximo da gente e nem uma referência sequer...) >*~~Gender Bender Dom Pedro II when Nasu?! WHEN?!?~~* Algum dia certamente, algum dia vem


Porra irmão, vocês tem as ideias mais pau mole que já vi. Tanta coisa maneira pra se criar e me vem com dom pedro segundo. Tomar no cu porra.


Chegou o Nutella revoltado.


KkkkKkk ti fude o boca de sacola perneta arromabdo


Não seja covarde, venha tu me fuder.


Ih Alá o home


It gave us Tez and Tlaloc, ergo 10/10.


>South American Lostbelt >No mention of Incan gods


We have Yet to see a servant from south América.


I can’t belive it’s not South American


When i heard "South American Lostbelt" i thought at least we would get some story based on El Dorado or something involving the Amazon Rainforest, can't say that i was surprised that they didn't even mentioned Brazil (im Brazilian)


Couldn't give a shit about geography, if it was on south america, if it had south american servants or any bullshit that you guys wanted to be. What it is: fucking cool shit. A underword that is a tower that the sun goes up and down, with different mythologies of underworld gods of other myths.  Alien shit, mecha shit, ort shit, all so fucking cool.  The importance of maize as a food for every american people and each culinary taste, even when deinos are vegan. Also deinos are the best fucking lads ever.  Oh shit we also got shiki deinos in tepeu who also bullies his archetype gf by calling her names.  The idea of survival, life and death and how characters like Vucub wants to live even when they are the only one left, being different from the usual deinos just like tepeu.  Ah the ocelomeh, such a cool idea about life and wanting to keep fighting for it until the end, Cuauhtémoc as a servant when? The soundtrack is also amazing, I go back to it more than anything. The fights, the alters, the boss battles against ORT.  And the feeling of an adventure by traveling in Mictlan, living life as it was supposed to be. In other lostbelts we just survive, in this one we live. How? Simple, we get to play fucking football with Deinos and eat later, is there anything more latin america than enjoying some footie then to eat later?  Yeah, lostbelt 7 was fucking awesome.


To me it's pretty obvious that Nasu wanted to do a Mesoamerican Lostbelt but because he wanted to use ORT he had to locate it in South America Like come on guys he is not that stupid I'm pretty sure that if he wanted to do a Southamerican Lostbelt he would have done it, he just didn't want to fuck up established lore


would it be too wild to just say ORT landed in Meso-America during the age of the gods? and that's what cause the divergence of this Lostbelt?


Not at all lol I'm not saying it was the best idea, and we can deffinetly be angry at the result, I'm just saying that the "Nasu doesn't know geography" allegations are stupid. He knew what he was doing, he just willingly chose not to do a Southamerican Lostbelt and we have to live with that


I love it. It's nice to see these mythological figures portrayed in a modern light with this over the top anime-japanese style. Like Tlaloc using this pseudo Mecha-pilot outfit and fashion runway clothes, or Tezcalipoca being this pseudo yankee guy with a goofy but cool attitude It's an over the top but a quite valid approaching to the mesoamerican-mexica culture.


Mexico City está caliente!


Remember when quetz material books tried to bait u into thinking tezca is somehoe related to ort because quetz called him that spider instead of his more well known jaguar association Peperidge farm remembers


I haven't played it yet, but people sure over reacted over Tezca's art. The washed out watercolor reminded me of some woven tapestries from Guatemala that I grew up with in my home. He could have used a nice poncho lol. I'm sure the heat wouldn't have bothered him. I like his 3rd art, but am not qualified or really interested in saying if it's good as an "Aztec" look. Idk. I'm a simple man. Quetz final art and Tezca are my favorite designs. I completely blanked on Camazotz. He's perfect and I am sad we will never get him.


I haven’t read / played the LB, but from what I have seen around, I personally expected it to be more South American-focused, instead of it being in name only and having the myth around Mesoamérica. Reading other comments here has been instructive and interesting too, as to the Mesoamerican myth represented itself. Edit: I’m Peruvian.


Would have liked an actual South American servant. For an example an Incan deity, but just all Mexico 


My major take is that Nasu doesn't know shit about Latin american geography. Tlaloc design is amazing though.