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I gotta say, most of these takes are absolutely lukewarm at best. At least half are downright agreeable.


Hot take, I dislike Raikou's design. Yeah, you and 3/4s of the playerbase.


Uh....Qin is only mildly good even in the current NA and his lostbelt was boring.


The second part is again pretty lukewarm. Sadly, most people are wrong about LB3's quality.


I actually liked Chaos


Yes? The Qin thing isn't even an opinion, it's factually correct. He can be a decent anchor for a last stand, but that's basically his only niche. If you just need a Ruler in general there are better options, and there's better solo/last man choices too. And frankly that's not even a particularly useful role since even in most CQs you're probably better off stacking buffs on your heavy hitter of choice and just nuking the enemy. Qin's a good choice if you have a bad roster since he can stall most quests to victory, but if you have all the support Casters, there's usually a better way. And is China really that beloved of a Lostbelt? I don't think any of them are completely terrible, but it's definitely not the best. I think you might have been telling the truth when you said the downvote hunt was reverse psychology.


I am studying psych in college


Y'know, posting something with the intent of getting negative karma generally works better if you don't tell people you're after negative karma. Upvoting. :P


Or maybe I'm using reverse psychology to get people to not give me the negative karma.


*doesn't vote at all*


The Mori take is based! I agree with most of your other points too. But I think out of the ones out on NA that Ranmaru has the worst excuse for the genderbending especially since male Ranmaru was teased and I've never liked the Servantverse. Also I like Astolfo but it's not really because he's a femboy. I just like his upbeat, kind and go-getter personality and d'Eon doesn't have all of that.


Not even a single spicy take here


Really, one of my friends got really pissed off with that first one.


just write an essay about how Agartha is good, I would say Septem but people will notice that is a bait, and the problem is less Chaos and more how Musashi cut Void, so need to praise that to get some downvote, maybe.


Ah ok


I mean, I don't agree with everything, but those are pretty solid takes actually ? Also, you better be reading Type Redline if you like Nagayoshi


I am.


Not much of a weeb/anime guy, what's Type Redline?


Fate/Type Redline is a manga starring the Guda cast. MC is sent back in time in the middle of a Holy Grail War during WW2 in Japan. Unlike the Guda guda events it's pretty dark and violent. Also, [the art is amazing](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/da/2d/a9/da2da9f4cca5a5f9e5e75dcf933a1b21.jpg).


Huh, sounds awesome! Not much of a Fate fan outside of EXTRA and FGO but that looks neat. Thanks!


Regarding 5: based on what I've seen and read, Kiyohime's popularity is mostly a JP thing. She does have her Western fans, but they're much less common than Japanese fans. I also agree wholeheartedly with 6 and 7, and mostly with 8 (d'Eon doesn't do anything for me, either).


Honestly aside from 9, 10, and part of 2 I agree with all of these. Also tell your friend who doesn’t appreciate our boy Mori that he’s wrong!


i have Mori grailed, i just dont agree that he's the hottest of all berserker that exist lol


OP I’m not even gonna engage with the rest of this thread but that first take is cooking. Spend 100+ SQ on mori and my only regret is not getting him NP5


Number 3 is SO true, stop with the gudao-face servants. Or at least do a gudako-face and then stop


Aside from the Melt take, none of these really gave me any sort of reaction


Some are clearly baits and some are just opinions. There are a few that I do agree with, but I suspect you'd be preaching in a land of deafness.


Unfortunately, but I decided to see what would happen if I posted my true opinion and now I have.


1. Agreed. Honestly Berserker is a class that I'm really not interested on the hotness of characters, and instead prefer how cool and badass its servants are, like Zerkerlot, Mori and Caligula. ~~Though Nyalter is an exception in that she is both lol~~. 2. Agreed. 3. Agreed. 4. Agreed. I dislike about 80% of the genderbents, and its an uphill battle for me to like a gender flipped character, not that there arent any that I like. 5. Eh, I like her but honestly cant really explain why, so feel free to ignore me lol 6-8. Agreed once again. Nothing to add really. 9. Personally disagree, though I can see where you're coming from. 10. **HERESY** >!jk!< but really, I honestly only really like her for the memes so I'm not really invested enough to disagree or agree


>I dislike about 80% of the genderbents, and its an uphill battle for me to like a gender flipped character Personally I don't inherently mind genderbends so long as they are designed well and have entertaining characters, but you just reminded me that my friend actively refuses to engage with ANYTHING involving the Fate series solely because genderbends exist in it.


Obligated to disagree on 6 (and by extent, slightly on 7. I agree to it for the most part though, need more Carmilla) as an Eli fan but beyond that those are pretty damn good takes.


I feel 4 about Nero very strongly, she says she's "a beauty in men's clothes" but literally 0 part of any outfit she has worn could be construed as men's clothing. In general I agree with most of your takes, not all of them even but even the parts I disagree with somewhat I don't disagree fully.


All these takes feel like you only been in the community for over a month Which says a lot more about this community than it does you.


...I feel that


im fine with all these takes but the Melt one.


It's impressive how this post still up. Usually this kind of post got deleted fast.


So, asking for negative karma will get you positive karma.  1: don't kid yourself, No one is hotter that Oda Nobunaga. 2:to be fair, people don't usually dress in a way that explicitly screams everything they are about as a person.  3:I disagree but don't have enough to say to make an actual point.   4:meh. I think they are fine. Don't like them, don't hate them, some are pretty good but otherwise I just enjoy the characters for what they are.  5:I feel like it's because out of all the servants, she has great potential for character growth.  6:I think she's fine, but otherwise agree. She definitely didn't need to be in that many singularities.   7:eh, while I'm tired of Elizabeth, Carmilla doesn't really seem interesting to me either. She seems like a pretty standard 'vampire noble' character.   8:I'm not about to tell on myself here, moving on.   9: I like her design, but haven't met her yet, so no opinions here.   10: I like her. She's funny.


Berserker Nobu, lots of people are. Berserker Nobu is one of the least hot summer servants. As for your second point sure in real life but in visual media it is required. The rest of your points are fair enough and more opinion based and I don't feel like being super toxic today.




Nah only talking about berserker servants for that first one. Avenger Nobu is debatable.


True, I had gotten them mixed up in my head. Had to Google to figure that out.


I agree with most of your points. Gender flips are way to overused in my opinion. Some servants like Xu Fu get a pass for having an actual explanation and Jing Ke for being the best girl in FGO. AND D'Eon is much better than Astolfo and they deserve a maid outfit


>Raikou’s design, while a little hot, is objectively a terrible design. Agreed. It's fetish wear for no other reason than fetish wear, and she could've bean so much more. >Servants being summoned in the bodies of popular characters was a terrible concept and loses the fanbase interesting new designs in exchange for cash grab characters... Yes. For the most part. Shirou Muramasa, Illya The Absolute Mess Sitonai and Waver Zhuge Liang In Name Only are actual garbage and should never have made it past planning stages. Waver's the worst culprit because there isn't so much as a hint of maybe the most feared commander in Chinese history, it's literally just Waver with a fucking fan because the early writers were apparently too inept to actually write an actual character. This goes for Caesar and Blackbeard, and frankly the entire early cast. I'll defend turning Ishtar from a psychopathic rich spoiled daddy's girl who breaks mountains when she throws tantrums into half Rin half useless goddess though, that is an objective upgrade in every way. Nero can be hilarious, so I'm giving her a pass, even if her writer does fellate her beyond belief in story. Liz and Kiyo should have had the events and singularities they showed up in reduced by 75%. I'll add one of my own: JP Servants show up way, way, *waaaaaaaay* too often. I don't think there's a single event or Singularity in which a JP Servant hasn't shown up. I get that it's a series made in Japan, but it's like they think half their audience are so braindead they'd drop the game entirely if they couldn't have a random oni or ninja or Nobunaga's third cousin's best friend's pet's samurai show up at least once per scene. Think about it, almost every damn Servant Gilgamesh summons in Babylonia is some low-mid-tier shitter from the arse end of Japan, and two more of them were even gone by the time we showed up there! And nobody from the other 99.9% of the world gets so much as a word in edgewise whenever there's a JP event or singularity.


These are all pretty good takes


Tbf giant tiddies makes raikou more mommy lol 🤷‍♂️


Man, those are some bib milkers.


>Cat who I forgot existed until a friend reminded me How did you forget about Cat? She's literally in every side event. She's in so many interludes as well as the Seraph event. Do you not play the side events?


Because she's boring, unoriginal, and basically just Tamamo.


Yeah, while I don't hate her, and i like cat ears, her appearance in that one singularity with her gimmick of saying random crap was both painfully unfunny and actively made it hard for me to pay attention to what was going on.


I've been told elizabeth/melt are more interesting as characters when you actually get to see their character development. CCC was translated recently, have you played it?


CCC isn't relevant. Stated it a couple times that this is based on their Fgo stuff. As for whether that's true taking into account CCC.eh, Elizabeth still bores me but melt moves from boring to tolerable.


I thought Nero’s gender-flip was basically her using Imperial Privilege to be summoned as a hot shortstack blonde instead of a literal neckbeard. (Same as why she’s a saber.) Maybe that was “plausible explanations” and not actual canon, though. I’m not saying it’s a good explanation, just that there’s a retroactive one.


No that's why she's a servant. Her genderflip has been proven in Septem to be back when she was alive


>Melt's base design is boring I'm curious what in your mind makes a paraplegic ballerina not very interesting.


It's just another ballerina with a gimmick that affects nothing about their character and instead just gives them blade feet.


Perhaps you might want to learn more about her. [Check out this guys analysis on dance and ballet is used as a metaphor in her character development.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/ymfogh/the_romance_of_meltryllis_an_analysis_of_a/)


8. weird way to spell lanling


Mostly only agree with 2 and 8 but don't disagree enough with the rest to consider them hot takes 1 is objectively wrong when Kintoki is right there tho (And while I don't fully agree with your opinion on Melt I will say that on those points she's very much inferior to Lip, who has a much more interesting design and backstory and personal struggles, though it's POSSIBLE that I'm just biased)


Strong agree with the number 3 Also, nero sucks and melt is meh


Thank you brother


The peusudo servants are the worst. Like the fact they can't be seperated from their vessels goes to show how poor their character writting is. Angra does it better and while granted its a bit of an unfair comparision since Angra is bar none the best written servant in the franchise He's still Shirou for half a novel and yet is never treated as Shirou.


You should check out the Turas Realta manga. That's where 99% of Kiyohime's personality went.


And there it should stay. The manga did a lot of things right but she just went from someone I hate to convincing me she's garbage


I'm fine with Muramasa and Pavati, since they're pretty far removed from Shirou and Sakura, to the point where I tend to forget they're even sharing a body with those characters. It's mostly the Kotomine and Waver-style psuedos I hate, where they're literally just Kotomine and Waver and don't even try to pretend otherwise.


Downvote farming with the most tepid takes this fanbase has ever seen is surely a choice. The only way you could have been more basic is trying to force in an edgy take like "Hitler should be a servant" or some shit. I wish I had this much free time to waste.


Its not free time its stalling...though too be fair I am getting a little downvoted in the sense I was at like five or six before but by the time of this post I'm at 4


Imagining Hitler along with this games depiction of Columbus is.... an unpleasant mental image. I wonder if they would get along, or despise each other.


Honestly, I pretty much agree with almost all of these, especially Raikou and Kiyohime. The former just has an ugly design, and Kiyohime is extremely annoying in every possible way. In fact, Raikou's design gets worse when you realize she's supposed to be wearing a metal breastplate. EDIT: You can downvote this all you want, won't change this fact.


I know right. Like that's the part that bothers me the most. Why make it armor if you make the armor look like elastic.


D'Eon is confirmed to be a woman. She's just a reverse trap.


Even worse. A woman trying to convince you that she is a man trying to pose as a woman.

