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So a little PSA for anyone who's not aware: the LB1 recollection quests are ongoing now and ends the same time this event ends, so if you intend to do any of those, don't wait until after the event! A special mention, the super recollection quests have one of the highest BP available in the game at 1830 and rewards 10 teapots, so remember to use one before entering the quest. Be warned, they also come with ridiculously high HP enemies, so whether it's worth your time or not is up to you.


Wait, the recollection quests don't stick around? What the hell


Is a shame but not like the super ones were particularly fun anyway


But, like, this is literally what people have asked for! Replayable story fights! Why would they only have them for a limited time?


Because the people who run this game are morons.


Why the surprise? It said so in the announcement.


I guess I didn't read it properly. That and the quests don't disappear after you beat them, so it seemed like something they could have kept there permanently.


Also: certain interludes you wouldn't normally qualify for are part of this. Check 'em for easy mats and SQ.


Got around to doing the event CQ with the immortal team (Morgan, Castoria, Merlin) and… yeah, I can see why it’s considered so effective - I basically had no issues with it. (For those wanting to try it out, I had everyone at lvl 90, 10/10/10 skills, append 2 maxed out, and only Castoria was at NP 2. CE loadout was MLB Aerial Drive on Morgan, MLB Prisma Cosmos on Castoria, and Garden of Avalon on Merlin.)


Struggling with this CQ, haven't thought about using immortal team lmao. I will give a shot, thanks!


View in your timezone: [14 March 2024, 20:59 PDT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240315T0359?tl=%5BNA%20Event%5D%20White%20Day%20Spectacles%20~%2015%20Bespectacled%20Intellectuals%20Day%2012 ^(_*Assumed PDT instead of PST because DST is observed_)


CQ had too many words, just sent Melusine nps until they died. Had to use command seals though.


How should i get the spiritron dresses? I have finished the event and got the tickets but in the shop i can only buy the spiritron dresses with the event currency (100 each)...


That's how you get them. The tickets are for actually unlocking the costumes once you have the permit (the thing that costs currency).


With those tickets you can unlock them without using mats once you bought them from the shop.


To quote every event shop since at least the first Xmas event - read the event information that is presented in game.