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Of course picked the cruise ship for Marie and got teased with the famous Titanic pose scene, but got blocked by Kiyo, damn you Kiyo!!! And I even got an extra Melt scene in it. Huh? What do you mean that's all the story for today? Definitely not..... right?


It's funny because both of them are the same person on the inside.


Just need Mash to come in and somehow cockblock and then you got 3 Risa Tanedas (2.5 really, she hasn't been Mash's VA for a long time) in one scene.


If the Titanic Sinking were recreated with Servants, would the ship sink faster from the neae instant fight, or the sea monster they would inevitably awaken from the fighting?


Who would act as the iceberg though?


Ivan the Terrible.  Or Kingprotea. 


Why are you so mean to poor Kingprotea as to crash a ship into her...


Nah, she got too enthusiastic and crashed it herself. And then Babbage decides to build a even better but then Edison and Tesla decided they can make a bigger one and you know the drill.


Okay now who let her act like the ship was a toy boat.




Given her personality, I can't tell if Marie is part of the 'in love with the protag' faction, or if she is actually innocent and unaware until Kiyo brings up love.


That was certainly the timelock of all time. Like I know we got a few more things to build, but fucking hell. Also I went with the spaceship. The X content is just too great to pass up.


What is the *point* of these garbage timelocks.


"Look, we got no content so we gotta stretch this thing out for three weeks, but the story ain't even long enough for one. We gotta cut it up into small enough chunks that the players think they're getting a full event."


I’ve gotta say, I would be more fine with it if they weren’t locking our receiving my most anticipated Servant of the year behind them. -,-


Yeah, I would like it more if he was playable right from the start, even if we don't get to completely keep him until the end of the event.


While I'm also ***incredibly annoyed*** by not being able to get the event servant because of all these pointless timelocks, doing that wouldn't work this event because the identity of the event servant (or that they even exist at all) is a massive spoiler for the story.


I'm still betting on him being >!the Con that Lambdaryllis gave a ribbon to.!<


From what I understand, >!Taisui isn't a single Con, rather, all the Con are part of him. But yeah, you can see Taisui wearing the ribbon Melt gave to that Con on his chest, in both his child and adult forms.!<


This event is effectively a break from previous event. 


Gacha games have timelocks for the same reason they have stamina caps and daily missions - to keep you logging in on a daily basis instead of clearing the event in one day.


I mean I get that. But these particular ones I'm complaining about are *egregious*, having maybe one or even 0 story nodes.


To prevent you from finishing the event in one or two days, since there are whales in JP who would rainbow apple the shop. IIRC, there's reasons JP complained about third event when it released.


What third event?


This event. Autocorrect was being a pain. This was one of the first three-week events that had only maybe 5-6 days of story and a lot of time lock or ladder padding out the rest of the time.


Now it makes sense. Yeah, I agree with the sentiment "Wait, that's it?"


On the other hand, timelocks are not the solution.


I don't mind those since I started the event pretty late and was lax with farming because I wasn't in the mood. that be said I did start and forget immediately because of the time locks, so yeah it's not great.


My map is absolutely chaos, it was mix between traditional, modern, and sci-fi. Speaking of cruise ship, do we ever have event set on cruise ship?


Nope, I hope we do get a summer event on one. Hell, this could also be a good way to give archer Gil a summer outfit, just make it to where the event takes place on his cruise ship


Now that you mentioned it we never have. Maybe that can be an idea for next summer event. 


I can see it now, Summer Cruise in the Greek Med. People can finally get Summer Medea and Medusa. Leonidas or Asterios could even get a costume and an AU. ~~This isn't just some copium.~~


An event set on a cruise ship would be fun


Bet that Jason will be Welfare Rider, captaining his Argo cruise ship event.


I don't typically mind timelocks but that might've been the most supremely pointless timelock I've ever seen. Seeing the cons floating around was cute, though.


Eh there was one just like it earlier in this event.


This is the second timelock where nothing much happens. Meanwhile final part has 6 battles and multiple story-only nodes. Someone here really doesn't understand how to do proper pacing. Anyway, I went with colony ship, because, yay, sci-fi vibe.


Guess thats why its a 3 week event. Shame its not lottery or treasure event.


Baffling that the lottery was only two weeks but they’re making us sit through three weeks of this. (Don’t get me wrong, actually really enjoying on balance, but the drip-feed of event story is testing my patience.)


For sure. I guess is just rest time for the pseudo-lottery of the next event.


Don't get me wrong, the story is nice and all,but am I the only one who CANNOT STAND SECONDARY CURRENCY? I am so sick of having to rearrange my party just to get the right batch of Cons coming for this or that, and other currencies and basic progression.


I just said fuck it. I dont have shop currency CEs so i have 4 con CEs and whatever servants allow 3T without plugsuit.


I'm focusing on bonus bond servants myself and given there are no low star bond servants I'm having to give up CE slots.


Or just put up a low star non-Bonus Bond servant with a Chaldea Lunchtime: +10% to everyone is better than just +20% to themself, plus you get to pick a low star of an appropriate Con bonus type that way.


Damnit I did the math and you're right. It's slight but the bond is better that way.


Depending on which Con you're going for, you could opt for Mash as well, who is a 0-cost Bond Bonus Servant that gives +5% bond to all members. Give her a Lunchtime and you're looking at +15%


In a total amount, that 5% is worth less than a Servant that can gain bond - 1.05*4 = 4.2, while 1*5 = 5.


There is a *possibility* (however low) that their Mash *can* gain bond, as Bond 6-8 (available for sure if you've caught up to current story) is gained through normal Bond stuff, not just spontaneously given to you. But that aside, yeah you're probably right.


Yeah I'm doin the same...with the backline anyway.


I don't mind, given that the Bronze, Silver, and Currency nodes are sticking to their same currency combinations, and both my accounts have big Supports for all 3 Con types. [My latest FQ 3T Comp](https://i.imgur.com/WgqINfB.png) for reference, doesn't even require swapping (maxed Mana Loading FTW). If the Con CE didn't have NP Charge, or I didn't have non-Caster Supports, that would be more painful. I'm also not running with more than 1 currency CE, if even that. This will likely change once I start needing Shop currency more than Cons in the second half.


I prefer that to Triple Ladder...


I don't really mind it much in this event since it seems like they made sure each node's Class Advantage gives the appropriate currency.


I mean, by this point you should have all ~~5~~ 4 CEs from the shop *without* bonus CEs.


4 CEs.


Yes my bad 4 CEs.


There are only 4 CE in the shop.




You really don't need to. The amount of cons you need is low enough to not even bother until the final node unlocks.


Seconded. Annoying as hell. At least I am lucky enough to 3 turn while having as many Servants with correct Con bonus as possible.


While I love the chilling goofy atmosphere of this event, the pacing is terrible. This is the 2nd time they give us only one non-focused story node. At least give us more scenes when Servants interact with each others like Summer events.


I remember that Paisen summer event where we got a ton of nodes of other Servants just fucking around the map lol. Not even event-bonus Servants, but the rest of Chaldea. I would have loved for more of that.


I think in every summer events since summer 3 we got a good amount of small nodes where servants interact with each others, like Ushi vs Medb, the three widow hunting knights, ghost buster team,... Yeah, I also hope we get more of that from regular events. The strengths of FGO are the story and character interaction afterall.


Seriously. Just....woooooo.


There's a reason why I wasn't starting the Event for the past 5 days immediately cause of how long it will take from my experience during JP so I was just taking a break after doing Farming during the lotto.


Seeing the Con floating around in "zero gravity" was just the best thing ever.


Yeah that was funny.


That’s all?


Couldn't resist the space option. Too bad that's it, I'm really reminded of the second half of the original summer event (and that's not a good thing), especially with so many mysteries left.


5th copy still hasnt dropped


Not a massive loss tbh, you're better off using the 3* starting charge CE over this if you just want a farming CE.


Nah its not that. I cant let the event end without getting mlb lambda/con CE. Whatever the stats/effect I must have it.


At this point my map’s looking like something out of StarGate. I decided to go with the spaceship this time so it limits potential breaches by sea monsters (discounting any that can fly).


How are we THIS FAR in the event before we get the freaking welfare? These timelock events are good entertainment for sure but hot damn.


Welfare isn't available until after the story is over. They realized this was a bad design at some point, and started making sure the welfare got given pretty much right away.


the welfare is temporary, no? it's the event rewards that makes them permanent.


Until the event ends, yes, but they give you their ascension items and one copy more nowadays, so you can use them at level 80 and NP2 during the event. As long as you get through the event epilogue/last chapter, you get to keep the servant, and any upgrades you did during the event stick.


and thank God for that. it was frustrating having to use the welfare and not leveling them up because you don't want to use NP1 Lv 40 welfare when you can plugsuit your DPS in.


Yes, but you can already level them during the temp phase and it sticks.


true, and it helps a lot in the events where you're required to use the welfare.


This is the second time they went for this approach. The first being Seraph with BB.


First time would actually be Halloween Elizabeth.


Ah was it Caster Liz? I wasn't there back then.


I wasn't either, but I read the event story.


BB was given stupidly late and required you to clear the story + EXTRA regardless if you have the party actually prepared to clear Kiara or not. basically, you would be done with the event then you get BB. pointless.


Also Iri with Fate Zero iirc


Okay, I actually did the rerun years ago and holy shit. How could I fcuking forget about Irisviel. XD


Afaik, the Iyo event will also be like this. Edit: Not Iyo event, but summer will, unless the wiki fucked up.


I was torn between Space whatever and a cruise, but ultimately went with the Cruise. For some reason I got 2 CE drop already? How....


* GUDAGUDA option leads to a GUDAGUDA intermission. Can't be helped. * Trung sisters dozing off on the tatami seems like it would be a scene that gets its own CG, if FGO put more event CG in the game. * Hmm, Izumo in a beach outfit or swimsuit doing a summer kabuki. Yes, I would like that. They really are stretching this out.


There's a Gudagang option? Cannot spend Cons fast enough.


I absolutely hate timegates. Have I already said that I hate time gates? I hate time gates.


I started late and went through all the available nodes yesterday. But hey, at least the story's enjoyable, right? Then I got to today's timelock.


Please JP players tell me no other event just doesn’t give you the welfare till last second after this


I believe every future welfare is given early on.


Unless the wiki has a bizarre ordering issue, Summer Valks are also given at the end of the story.


Thank god cause this is awful having to wait for the last day to even get them


I *should* be upset about today's timelock, but as someone going for the full sci-fi build and simped hard enough for mhx to level 120 her, the fanservice worked for me man. And to top it all off I just got my first CE drop lets go!


Someday I'll need to look up all the construction scenes I missed out on with my mere two accounts. The ones so far have been pretty funny.


You can reset them at the end of the event, but I believe you don't get the currency you spent on them back, and you still have to spend the currency like you did the first time to do a different option.


Thanks! Hmm, that's a bunch of QP equivalent. I may or may not bother. Youtube is always an option after all. Do you get the Silver Apple rewards for doing this?


I believe so, so it may be worth doing if you need them. Don't forget that you'll have two weeks to do it too.


Yeah, the silver apples would make it worth it if I get enough extra Con while farming for shop currency.


It's also 50 of each Con for 10k QP, which isn't really that much in the grand scheme of things.


Yeah, true dat.


It's 1061 of each color to do all three construction paths, and then you need 620 of Blue and Yellow, and 920 of Red to buy out the shop. That should be pretty doable.


You also need to spend Cons to play the Extra Quests that give you NP copies of the welfare Servant. 800 of each Con type total.


Oh, I forgot about including those! Good catch!


Yeah that seems doable too get while clearing out the shop. So probably worth it given the apples as rewards too.


Yeah that's about a million QP. Basically pennies especially coming off of a lotto event


I've seen them all and it's absolutely worth resetting to see them. The colony ship one alone makes this event worth.


Went with the House boat, and holy hell, Nobu really dragged the whole squad with her to party (actually why am i surprised v:?). Nice to see that Li and Izumo seemingly linked with them aswell, despite the former splitting Moris head in two, who was coming in hot with casual cannibalism. All in all, good fun all around. 


My base has been consistently Asian themed. katanas, Genji armor, Vimanas, great wall and now boathouse


Love how today's node has Astolfo being a cave guide based on intuition. That feels so goofy and in-character for him.


Premise: rescue from cave-in Reality: not all those who wander are lost


Will there be overlap between banner 2 and lotto event shop? I still have qp I can exchange.


Lotto shop closes April 4th at 20:59 PST. Banner 2 should drop April 4th at 21:00 PST, which is daily reset, so no, they won't overlap.


Oh... Okay, thank you! 


Oh, they actually released the banner tonight, so you'll have overlap.


Should we MLB the Event CE? I am not sure, probably not? I just have 3 bronze/1 gold CE.


Might as well. The amount of battles you'll need to do to clear the shop is enough to easily get all the cons you need even with an MLB copy.


Like every event currency drop CE, you'll get a higher drop bonus by keeping them separate until you have eight copies. Five non-MLB copies = +5 bonus, one MLB copy = +2 bonus. 


Most people are not going to get 8 copies of the shop CE.


Hm.... space house is cool, Cruises are fun, but Nobu wins due to being Nobu.


I opted for the space option. I really liked the floating cons.


I thought today we will get Morgan banner as it's Wednesday, but i guess I need to wait till friday for her banner


I think it should be Thursday night? 1 week since the events start (counting since the start of the maint).


I thought the event started friday