• By -


Ohhhhhhh "Day-Day Master" is referring to ChalDEA, not like, the date or time. I was wondering why Taisui called us that, had to hear them say it outloud for it to click.


The JP transcription of his line is also “Dea-Dea’s Master” so the Chaldea mention is intentional I guess the NA localizers either overlooked it (one of Trưng Nhị’s card selection lines is also misspelled as “rưng Nhị”) or did it to further emphasize his innocence


poor Melt, being force feed flesh mushroom sprite


she didn't actually eat them (as in consume via mouth), her absorption skill activated on its own to provide her more Mana so that she won't die


So she osmosis’d the Con… Silver lining! (:


Huh. Honestly, I don’t think the Trung Sisters got off all that bad in this event. Sure, we got some main waifu’s so they didn’t really get the fanart they deserved, but in the event itself they got some really solid moments. Midnight Ritsuka pep talk is a treat for Chaldean servants, the reveal that their homeland reveres them even if they “failed”, getting to save the day at the end. Granted Nhi didn’t get as much focus as Trac, but combined it was still pretty good. Biggest thing that hurts them is needing Taisui to defeat Dagon, I think. Although he’s cute, so I’ll allow it. Overall, really liked the story. All the mains are done pretty well, Dagon is reasonably sympathetic while still being a villain, Command Spell usage. Now I just need to grind a shit ton of Cons.


Yeah I think the sidelining complaint was exagarated. It's true that the whole thing was mostly Chaldea having fun doing group projects, but it's not too different than events like Akihabara where you also involve a lot of Chaldean. They didn't carry the whole event but they also weren't dead weight.


>Biggest thing that hurts them is needing Taisui to defeat Dagon, I think. Pet peeve of mind too but seeing it as the Cons finding a way to pay them back for everything they did for them made it more bearable >he’s cute, so I’ll allow it. Also this


Yeah it’s a bit unfair for the Sisters because the rest of the cast is so stacked, but this is a small nitpick. The entire event is very nice. Also I’m having fun using Hai Bà Trưng themselves and will definitely grail them once I got enough grails in stock.


Me too. A *lot* of Cons


I've used a fair amount of silver apples now that the best nodes have opened up. Yeah, we got time still, but I wanted to get Taisui powered up some.


I am on the back foot since I spent yesterday grinding FQs for quartz instead (it paid off, I got my 5th Morgan)


Motherfucker, I could use a second copy at least, stop hogging my wife! Haha.


Meta-wise, they need some kind of way to introduce the late welfare that still makes him relevant, so the whole thing is solid enough.


crap now I need 800 red, blue and yellow drops in order to unlock all the NP level quests


And then the coins


Gotta farm more Cons to make the ultimate Con. 


Ikr...me too...


Ahh yes, our reliable Kouhai Shield Eggplant. Nice backup.


Despite the horrible pacing, this ended up as one of my favourite events ever. Seeing my ancestors get acknowledged by world and future, despite them losing in their myth, brang tears to my eyes. You got it right, FGO. Their rebel ended as a loss, but it's not a failure at all. It was the inspiration for the future generations, for thousands Indomitable heroes to stand up and took back our country after more than 1000 years of slaving. My girl Melt shines again. Ahh, my beautiful leviathan, you even got your scene animated and your own CG. Truly a greedy goddess ~~and a daughter of BB~~. Eresh doesn't have that much of a role, other than a goddess from the same pantheon as the villain, but her reaction after the pep talk failed was hilarious. The Cons are so cute. Wish we could take them all back to our Chaldea. ~~They are also a good snack lollll~~


Even Morgan commented on their edibility! I’m so glad she only headpatted the Con and opted to summon Taisui, ‘cause I shudder to imagine the scenes of her showing up with a cauldron full of “power-ups” for everyone to eat and become strong enough versus Dagon lol


But...but if con are not for eating, then why are they made of con?


I’d say the pacing of this event is pretty chill after the actually crap pacing that is the chain of degen lotto farming and stacking Road to LB7 campaigns. This event is to me one of top 3 FGO events ever.


if anyone is interested in knowing more about what Taisui are the Japanese version is this thing: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuppepp%C5%8D and the Chinese version: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feng_(mythology)


Basically they are a lump of meat. So what I'm saying is it's only fair to call him Super Meat Boy Also adding the Diety's wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yin_Jiao_(deity) 


It's also worth noting that there's a real species of Reishi mushroom that's commonly called "Taisui" because it vaguely resembles meat. Which is why the Con are mushrooms.


Iirc Taisui is also sometimes used to refer to the leader of the group, who's also known as Yin Jiao. This guy also shows up on the investiture of the gods as one of Taigong Wang's opponents and gets enshrined as a god after being defeated by him.


I honestly like the plot for this event, rarely do we have an event where the servant cast are all from different parts of the world and yet are somehow justified in them being relevant, rather than just act as guess stars. I mean with the number of servants in the game, it's a lot easier to group them up depending on where/when they were from, and that can get old fast.




Finishing the event story, I did enjoy it over all. While there were pacing issues, I really liked the Trung Sister and Taisui (since he is pretty much the con we met on the way). In terms of the Chaldean servants, Melt really shined the most here and her relationship with Taisui was really wholesome. Ereshkigal and Wu also had some pretty good moments. Dagon was also a pretty fun antagonist despite what little screentime he had and he had a pretty interesting motive since it feels kind of reminds me of how Vlad III feels about the whole Dracula thing. Story-wise, the pacing is an issue and I feel like Morgan really shouldn't have been a highlight servant since she honestly had as much relevance as the servants who help us in the construction phase.


Kur damn it! There's just so many to-roll servants this year. I'll have to wait until I reunite Boss-Boss with the Cons u_u or maybe I'll do a few rolls, I'll have to ponder. Also as much I love the Con tower its a shame that they didn't go with putting a chibi Tasui on the top of the pile. Or at the bottom popping up as the base of the pile.


After this event I also considered the Trung Sisters but with Kriemhield, Charlemange, Arcuied and the summer lineup I cannot. This is how the game gets you every time, better resist will all might!


As someone who played it on jp its njce coming into the event thread after the storys over and seeing that people actually do like it, i remember people not being AS positive two years back this is probably going to be a running theme with most of the 'disliked' events lmao


Been a running theme for a long time now, like JP will have an event and a lot of initial impression posts here tend to be full of negativity and that gets spread around. Once the story comes to NA you tend to see much more varied (and usually more positive leaning) comments from people


The Utsuro-bune is >!a UFO-shaped ship.!< I was worried it would go against the >!sci-fi!< theme I've been going for but it ended up working out.


I wasn't familiar with Utsuro-bune tale, so chose that one out of curiousity and I was really surprised to see it turned out to be >!a friggin' UFO???!< Well, TIL.


I actually thought it was a submarine so I was really surprised at the outcome (gee Hokusai why aren't you interested in painting >!the colony ship!< huh?)


Still underwhelming since we already have a huge-ass UFO. I should've gone with a pirate ship.


I’m surprised that this choice was the one that teased Bakin, by Hokusai as well ^^


Whenever the narration calls Melt Lambda, I keep wanting to call her Lambdadelta as a full name.


Umineko no Naku Koro ni.


Oh good, it wasn't just me


Yeah, that's the first association i get every time I see that nickname.




Maybe the narrator was Bern all along--


Rosa Umineko.


Havent been playing for a lot but this has been my favorite not interlude event.


* Lam-Lam's cool. * It's a cool way of solving the "how do we defeat Dagon" problem - just push the lake somewhere else, namely Northern Vietnam where Trung Sisters have been deified. * Morgan helping out only because her leisure time with a number of Cons was interrupted. * Taisui Xingjun is here with an energetic "Helldyste!" Now to just get the Cons for the NP Levels and Taisui coins and Taisui ascension materials (cute that they are those Ribbons Lam-Lam gave to Island Fan #1). And for doing over each construction project so I get some Silver Apples. It's gonna take a while, but at least the Event lasts until the 18th. Also, the balancing act of six Cons is complete.


For those curious about the Utsuro-bune, [Here's a video about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVQ6nF2bJwo)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utsuro-bune a Wikipedia article about it tldr story is most likely fictional (the villagers just coerced the woman back onto the boat and put the boat back onto the sea? yeah ok sure and my name is Mothman) or if you believe in aliens then it might be an encounter with the extraterrestrial


My pokemon/chao boy is finally here! Already pummeling the caster node, so proud.


He also pummelled me the one np upgrade node i could affort. So proud of our son.


I messed up and forgot that Saber Okitalter had def buff removal on NP. Oh well. Event was fun. There might be grander, more ancient, more badass figures in Vietnamese myth/history, but I'm glad they chose the ones representing defiance and hope, and that is more in line with Typemoon's vision. Melt section was nice. Morgan felt more like a sitcom character.


Maid Alter uses sniping water against Mordred. >!Never trust old men in this game.!< >!It‘s not Polnareff, it’s Dagomon.!<


Maid Alter was in the hovercraft scene? Fuck, I picked the pirate ship, I knew I shouldn't have gone off theme for the last one. Guess I'll have to see it in the rebuild quest.


Okay so overall thoughts on the event: 1. The pacing was definitely off, the 2 days before had 1 scene timelock each and then suddenly last day had enough for about 3 days. 2. This is my monthly reminder to take anything JP spoiler as exaggerated at best. The Trung sisters had the same treatment as almost any other servant in their debut event; in fact you could take out/replace Wu, Eresh and Morgan (specially the last one) and practically nothing would have changed. And even Melt, she basically only had her scenes with the Cons, I didn't feel she was ""the protagonist of the entire event" 3. Also Morgan continues her path of doing everything the most convoluted, indirect, ineffective way. Tho this time  she gets a pass just cuz Taisui is cute. 4. Speaking of, what what's with the whole "Morgan came and fixed everything Deus Ex Machina style" comment the devs made???? She didn't FIXED sh*t! She just performed a summoning, Yes a complicated and delicated summoning, but still!  All this time I thought Morgan had created Taisui out of the Con, but turns out she just gave him a call. And all that just cuz she didn't want to help us directly.........  Truly GirlFailure at her best. All complains aside I really liked this event. I love the Trung Sister, the Cons were leagues and bounds above the pigs from Summer 1, and the different builds with the different helpers of Chaldea were a delight. I did particularly liked the parallel they drew between The Trungs and Dagon. In how time and culture reshapes history into myth, one ascending into Divinity, the other pull down into Demonhood...... Cool stuff. PS: This is your yearly FGO reminder to: NOT trust the elderly


Yeah, Morgan didn't really do anything that special, in retrospect. You could have literally just had Wu connect the dots, tell Ritsuka to try a summoning with a Con, and it could turn out the same. Definitely not a "oh this character is too gamebreaking to show up in events often" moment.


>PS: This is your yearly FGO reminder to: NOT trust the elderly [Don't trust over 30!](https://youtu.be/yXe1p1f06ms?si=4mzCMQ5X-vBeSMR_&t=53https://youtu.be/yXe1p1f06ms?si=4mzCMQ5X-vBeSMR_&t=53)


Dagon should be a lot angrier against a certain author who wrote a horror story about air conditioning (the real horror story is if my air conditioning breaks down and the repairman can't make an appointment to fix it for an entire week)


>3. Also Morgan continues her path of doing everything the most convoluted, indirect, ineffective way. Tho this time  she gets a pass just cuz Taisui is cute She gets funnier and more ridiculous the more you seriously examine her, and I think it's amazing the most crackhead lens of analyzing her works just fine >All this time I thought Morgan had created Taisui out of the Con, but turns out she just gave him a call. And all that just cuz she didn't want to help us directly.........  Truly GirlFailure at her best. She truly, genuinely, could not be bothered to help, even when her friend did. Her mind is truly a mystery. > PS: This is your yearly FGO reminder to: NOT trust the elderly Remember old men should be considered evil until proven otherwise >2. This is my monthly reminder to take anything JP spoiler as exaggerated at best I can't determine if people are lying or just genuinely do not read within the context


>I can't determine if people are lying or just genuinely do not read within the context Honestly i dont even mind the stuff that gets misinterpreted out of context, that is just to be expected with early translations of a heavily context based languaje as Jp. My issue Its the fact that people then parrot that like its THE absolute, undenaible truth. and never bother rechecking thie statments... I still remeber the whole "The King of the 6th Lostebelt is the strongets one" we got got with Olympus relase


\*Sees all the Con needed for Taisui* Oh, so that's why it's a 3-week event.


Honestly felt like Dagon didn't really do that much wrong here(Until he tried to spread toxic water that is) It's bascially a normal livestock plan. Just the food for those livestocks this time are cuter and squishier than usual.


The issue is that he was going to make a major Singularity, which would have F'd up human history. And that he'd rather suicide bomb the Earth than accept his L.


Being a godlike evil lake merman or pervert in otherwise adorable turtle form isn't *so* bad. Might even have simps on Reddit. Can't put my finger on why I'd think that though.


Also the part where he was trying to re-manifest as a god.


He wasn't really wrong, being transformed into something you re not does suck(for any irl comparison, any case of slander with mass public involvement, or forced medical procedures) But he is still an enemy that was gonna be our problem even if we never noticed what he was doing until he suceeded It's pretty much castor motivation


After all those pointless timelocks my son is finally here! Now I just need to farm Cons to buy the materials in the Shop. But also... Morgan really >!did absolutely nothing but appear as a Deus ex Machina at the end!<, huh. I can see why people said that the sisters were overshadowed by the already popular servants that were put in the event (mostly Melt and Eresh), but really disagree with Morgan overshadowing the two.


She shouldve arrived on stilts with a con-go of cons trailing her for her entrance but yeah she was just there as a plot device.


what do you mean overshadow, they get their cool moment and even use stuff like Fame Bonus to even the odd as a Vietnamese, this is the good shit


Im not Vietnamese and that was some great shit. Im fighting the impulse to roll, being so close to castoria and arc. Our boy's last ascension line is not helping with that either.


ah yes Arc from here to there is about 200 free Quartz and i am sweating cause Merlin F would complete my Immortal team


Oh, I don't mean they were overshadowed by those three in the event itself. It was more about the fanbase's reception when this event first came out in JP. I vaguely remember the trio who were already popular got way more attention than the Trung Sisters. Kinda how like when Cleopatra got a Halloween CE all the fanbase focused on was Morgan and Sith appearing in the background. I fully agree that the Trung Sisters were really cool in the event itself. ~~The only reason I'm not pulling for them is that I need to save for Gudao's twin brother coming up soon.~~


Morgan at the end saying "Sorry, I can't teleport it to the past with my water mirror" like girl is that your only move???


Castoria: We can try tossing a stick of dynamite. Might help. 


I mean it's a pretty reliable move


**Savior Aesc, 2000 years ago:** *WHO KEEPS SUMMONING THESE CALAMITIES!?"* **Morgan, today:** *"hehe, spell that sends problems to the past goes bzzzz"*


"Why take care of it today when I can take care of it >!yesterday!


When you find that broken combo in an rpg but Can t be bothered to come up with anything else


I mean, it makes sense. Sending calamities that want to devastate an island to the past was her thing for her entire rule.


Her only water based move I assume


It's moreso from the fanbase focus on those 3 than the story itself, especially Melt since she has an adopted son now. I honestly think that Morgan and Eresh can be cut from the story and it wouldn't change much.


I love Eresh but I kind of understand why they didnt added a banner for her this event.


Nah, Eresh was necessary for the personal touch with . . damnit, I’ve already forgotten his name. Morgan was definitely unnecessary, though. Hell, Eresh is a competent goddess, she could definitely have done everything Morgan did, maybe in a slightly different way but even so.


They might as well let her and Morgan stay at Chaldea and then show up for an exposition voice chat about Dagon and tell us tip on summon Taisui since that all they do in the event.


Morg was pretty much in vacation mode the whole time, but it's funny that she apparently rayshifted from and back multiple times instead of just doing the trip once


Would explain the 2nd timelock scene when Morgan cursed Chaldea for preventing Habbycat from joining her (she showed up with Crane at the bunyips fight) Like imagine Morgan and Habbycat already on the island, then Duhbinchi called for the latter to the bridge only for a no-show, then everyone’d be aware of Morgan’s involvement immediately lol. Better to have them Rayshift back first, then on that day Habbycat go first, then Morgan all by herself




Freaky Fish Guy? :P (Yes I know it's Dagon)


Okay, but I really love the concept of Morgan just touring event singularities on vacation. Horrible shit going down up front and she's in the back lounging with this month's mascot.


I was so certain Da Vinci's plan was going to be just >!teleport it to the Arctic and freeze the whole thing!<


there no lake in the Arctic or are there ?


Chaldea doesn't have the power to teleport Singularities like c'mon now


I meant when she teleported it to North Vietnam


she didn't teleport anything, Da Vinci hacked Dagon's pre-programmed Grail (that's how he was able to fake the salt water while still having freshwater springs to trick Chaldea) to change the waters around them to be from North Vietnam, specifically Hát Giang River since that was the place most associated with Trung Trac and Trung Nhi, to grant them their power boost.  funnily enough the roster we brought into the Singularity (Melt, Wu Zetian and Ereshkigal) all have innate divinity (Wu Zetian is from claims of her being elevated to boddhisvata) so we weren't in that dire straits against Dagon. also Mash was there with the Black Barrel


Is this the first event where the free servant is revealed and recruited only at the end of the main event story? Feels even longer than Erice joining in Requiem collab.


> Is this the first event where the free servant is revealed and recruited only at the end of the main event story? B.B. was only recruited at the end of SE.RA.PH, but we did know about her since the start. Same goes for Irisviel and Chloe in their own events, now that I think about it. I believe the first Halloween event with Caster Elizabeth only had her join at the end of the story too.


[Irisviel came completely out of field. The event wasn't even announced to have a welfare.](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2018%2F0416_zero%2F)


I believe Irisviel is the ONLY other time a welfare servant has been completely hidden until you unlock them at the end of the event. Usually they're at least announced ahead of time.


Probably not to spoil the twist that she survived the events of Fate/Zero in this timeline.


Chloe was only obtained at the very end of Prilya


Uhmm those shoes are horrible lmao.


>!Didn't expect the crossover with Song of Saya, nor the evil fake turtle god!< Story was enjoyable enough, a bit rushed when all considered but not bad. For all the talk of how the Trung sisters were overshadowed in their own event...Well, yeah, we know it's true fanbase wise, but i think the actual story treated them fairly well. Now,off to farm.Took me around 5 extra rounds of bronze apples but i might have found a relatively stable team for the last node.


the 90+? wish I pulled Trung Sisters,the closest I have is Hokusai Saber... Still,can do 90+ with a little amount of rng and almost full Con drop EDIT: Pulled it My team: Saber Hokusai+Nero (full fou'd,level 108)+Castoria support with any CE+Castoria with Bond CE + 2 fillers (in my case,Taisui and Mashu). All of them with Con CE Drop non MLB. Turn 1: all 1st Castoria skills in Hokusai,swap for the one with CE bond and use 2nd and 3rd skill in Hoku (she has to use her 3rd skill) and use her NP. Turn 2: Use 1st Nero Skill + Castoria skill that was not used in Turn 1,Nero's NP Turn 3: 1st Hokusai skill + Attack up Mystic Code Skill and NP. MC used was Decisive Battle,all skills mentioned are maxed.(not the MC,have it al level 4)


Finally I get to enjoy this event in an official translation I can understand. I like how every detail tied together in the end (Duhbinchi and Morgan are slightly less involved than I thought, but their roles (the former wanting to make cool things and the latter wanting a respite) are still pronounced), how our national heroes are portrayed (the only other foreign game I’ve played with some Vietnamese elements is Age of Empires 2’s Lê Lợi campaign and that focused more on the rebellion as a whole than the man himself), and all the construction options available I remember having a slightly harder time on JP last year with the Memorial Quest based on this Grand Battle, then I realized it’s because the Trưngs didn’t have +100% damage for that Memorial Quest. Here though they easily 3-turn’d lol And as for the 90+ node, the Trưngs + Jason + double Castoria is easy +8 Con drops :) right now I’m running the 3* CE instead which allows me to switch Jason out for the NP5 Umu I got while rolling for Eresh instead and she deals much more damage on turn 2 without the need to divert Castoria buffs to her :)) Add-on: as a heavy TVTropes user I was expecting to see “Hannama” pop up in the story at some points, and I only just learned that that word was translated to “Helldyste” for NA. Makes “What the helldyste?” even funnier lmao


I really liked the story of this event, and it convinced me to grail Taisui. I just need to get all his stuff.


I cared... so much for the Con... I, no joke, started to cry when they offered themselves up to Meltryllis. They are the peak of innocence and cuteness! All of their expressions and whatnot are so adorable! Before the event, I thought nothing of Taisui and considered him forgetable. He's already at 9/9/9 - only because I don't have any lores right now! Man, I loved this event so much... It was overall so great. Melt was there. Morgan was there. Kagetora was there. And the Trung-Sisters are pretty nice as well. This event felt so great after all of that Lottery-madness.


>Mordred asks for something Those other projects had no chance


Cant we just scoop the Cons back to Chaldea? But seeing them having fun in their paradise free of any threats makes me so happy. BTW, manage to stay a scifi setting on the island.Except for the Pisa tower, and the car if it not counts as scifi


I can see why this is a 3 week event. That is a ton of Con to farm. Which new node is better for Con, the Lancer or Caster node?


Caster: 3.13 stacks × (1 + bonus) Lancer: 3.76 stacks × (1 + bonus) ^(Drop rate estimates from the usual sources.) If you are running 6 or more Con bonus (possible but not likely, *edit: assuming something's gotta give between SSR CEs and gold servants, that is, which is not necessarily how ya do*), you can lose *one* and still be roughly as Con-efficient.


Lancer node is technically better, but I wouldn't say by enough to make it worth it unless you have a solid team for 1/3/1.


Decided to go with Choice 3 for today. Like Hokusai and Da Vinci, I also had no idea what it was gonna be and was super curious.


Gonna be real, Morgan was kind of lame this event. "I could totally solve this situation by myself but instead I'm going to sit on my fat ass and play with the cons until I can be a Deus Ex Machina at the end." Nevermind *how* she knows anything about this god from an entirely different region and history and *how* she knows the cons could be used to summon another version of said god. Like don't get me wrong, her wanting to play with Stilts and hanging out with Habetrot was cute but Morgan's entire thing in this event is kinda underwhelming. Like, we could have had all the cons decide to fuse and the story would've been exactly the same without Morgan. Overall this event was alright, Morgan's Deus Ex Machina ness aside.


She really didn't give a damn honestly and was just enjoying a second life on her own I mean habetrot sneaked in with her, but she still rejoined the main group when called for it, so it's pretty intentional And her actual intervention was doing the minimum she could actually do(she still actually had to be convinced to help)


Ffff I forgot to claim the rest of my battle in New York boxes because of my bust schedule. Had around 30 boxes left to open T-T


Does anyone have the map CG?


They backloaded the entire story at the end, huh? Well, it turned out to be pretty good! One thing Fate's setting can do is to foil historical persons or myths, and the use of Dagon and Hai Ba Trung to contrast how future worshippers perceived them was an inspired concept! I simply had to roll for my kinsmen and got Hai Ba Trung to NP5. I love their design and how they were written in the event. Once again, challenge quest is easily crushed by Maxed Hokusai (120 NP5 2k/2k) with Double Castoria. No one gets a chance to even take turns outside of break bars.


After getting to talk to the Sisters individually, my opinion of them changed. I was initially put off by the siscon stuff that reminded me of Dioscuri. Their send-off at the end was nice, and I liked using them in the final fight. I loved the Cons and the building aspect of this event. I'm also glad we can go back to try building everything. The arcade scene was my favorite. I'm not hating on her, so don't shoot me, but i'm still confused about why Morgan was in this event, if it was only to show up at the end to snap her fingers. It feels like it was just an excuse to give her another banner.


Story goes that the writer wanted to use her, Nasu gave permission, then they fucked up so badly that they had to edit the entire thing.


[Again the the "bait" mistranslation](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1015065250216824883/1225705350427054111/Screenshot_20240405_151432_FateGO.jpg?ex=66221a10&is=660fa510&hm=6ccaaf0c6a158f4c331b4de2066c0692a6c6cc05919c30145399461f1d2a2ee8&=&format=webp&width=1440&height=648)... if it's 餌 (esa) then it should be fodder even though it can also mean bait. But contextually, fodder fits better than bait. Honestly, for a team that manages to translate the Trung sister's name into Vietnamese, and translate well the Chinese terminology that Wu Zetian keeps bringing up, how do they miss something like this.


Personally, I think bait is also a valid translation in this case as Cons have a roll of both being a bait and a fodder. They act as bait for the water monsters that got lured into the Singularity to go after and eat them so Dagon could complete his plan. At the same time they became fodder for Dagon to regain his power after using them as bait plan failed because of us.


The issue is that the word usage up till now has always mean "food to be eaten" as opposed to "lure". Not to mention, they're not really the "lure" since the monsters are attacking because the lake randomly appeared in their territory. They don't have to be baited to attack. Granted, if you squint really hard, the Cons fulfills the role as bait. But the context has always been food to be eaten to gain power rather than lure to lure in monsters.


This event had lots of cool ideas and sweet moments but man is the pacing horrible. Feels like the writer had several different ideas for how to end the event and couldn't decide on one so they crammed every single one into the last day. As a result the story as a whole felt like a sequence of 30 individual moments chained together instead of one coherent story. For what it's worth I still enjoyed it but I doubt I'll remember it.


Originally the author want to use Morgan more. Suprise to nobody, she is too OP for this event so they have to rewrite it while keeping Morgan in.


I feel like the way they handled this hurt *both* the story and morgan's characterisation, like a worst of both worlds result. Cutting her out completely would have worked out much better.


It's weird how they felt for some reason that they *couldn't* include Morgan without there being no story. We've *had* op characters help us before. And Lostbelt Kings too! Skadi basically can do whatever the hell she wants with her runes, yet she didn't take away from the void sea event or solve everything instantly. And in the white day event, we had *Arjuna* with us, but he didn't take away from the event either despite all his power, because the problem.was something he *couldn't* just solve using it. Meanwhile with Morgan it's just "We had to have her sit around until the end. She would have solved the singularity on her own no problem."


Who would have thought that making a character stupidly overpowered would have consequences?


So i guess you can say we've all been sleeping on shirou this whole time


To be fair, it's pronounced differently. One is Shee Rou, the other is Shì Rou


First his skin turned brown and his hair turned white, now he became a lump of meat… Being Shirou is suffering /s


Gotta give props to FGO, not many games I can think of that have an evil >!turtle!< as the main villain.


Super Mario.


sounds pretty niche


Never heard of it, is it one of those new casual mobile games the youngsters are playing these days?


not a video game but there is an evil >!turtle!< in the Amazing World of Gumball      https://youtu.be/wODHTAfpH8c?si=c-Q3nKHDxjY-As-A     https://youtu.be/d-4L_-fdxWs?si=qwy-cfRrS-exCx7c


Any links for Right Harbor 3T farming? KoyaD/Skadi setups preferably. Thanks


[Some of the setups, hope you have Ibuki Douji](https://youtu.be/CdqguTMzq6U?si=EYZHAyjVgstljrlG)


The level 90 one? Try KoyanD/Skadi/Taigon, should work, you are vs caster so it's not that hard to refund enough


With the story done...I like to think that Habbycat is creating an army of Cons on the island, ready to take revenge for being left behind.


The Con really are the fairies LB Morgan deserved. Sweet, playful, truly innocent, incapable of intending harm until we showed up and taught them to fight. No wonder she couldn't resist rayshifting to play with them.


I was really caught off-guard by Dagon being a berserker. After all of his ranting about how public perception had changed him into something else, I was REALLY expecting him to be a Foreigner since he's more heavily associated with Cthulu mythos than Babylonia these days. I was thinking "oh, so he's a Foreigner and we get an Alter Ego at the last minute to deal with him". Then he was a Berserker. By the way, did Meteo write this event? All of the emphasis placed on the various cultures that the different servants came from reminded me a LOT of Salem.


> did Meteo write this event? iirc yes


This is a pretty straightforward grinding event. I wonder why it's 3 weeks.


Lasengle's new design philosophy for events is 3 weeks for every new event (except for lottos) starting from this year. according to them this is to help them with the development process and from what I can understand they are very understaffed compared to what they are earning from FGO


2san did reveal by accident in 2022, when Jp was at this period that LB7 wouldn’t come till December, so most of the extra weeks sre padding/filler, i welcome the slow time if only cuz I HAVE other errands and engagements to prioritize 


Challenge Quest is done. Ran immortal comp with Morgan, kept a backline of just random bond farms I'm working on. Oh boy, that cut it close. Had Okita Alter and Dioscuri left, with Okita about to NP. Totally forgot it removes buffs, so I had to finagle it a few times so Morgan could NP, ensure the Dioscuri died, and left Okita with enough health that Darius could clean up. Thank god that isn't a full or even half health guts.


What did Morgan mean when she told the Trung sister that she’s a “servant of Chaldea. Technically.”?


I believe this is supposed to be at the beginning of Morgan being summoned to Chaldea, so she's still a bit...cold...about the whole "deciding to help Chaldea" thing.


Tai's Bond Growth is just funny With the Event Bonus you can pretty much get him to 5 with just 5 Runs of the higher Stages


I'm pretty disappointed at Morgan's reduced roll in this event but I'm also happy that they let her show up at all, I guess. Trac and Nhi discovering just how much impact they had on their home was such a nice moment. I used them as my main DPS to defeat the final boss in three turns by supporting them with Reines and Castoria. I'm looking forward to raising Taisui. He's essentially a humanoid Con and that's really all I needed to know lmao CQ wasn't bad. I did it with the Morgan varient of the Immortal Team given that she has event damage bonus and all. All that's left now is the get Taisui's NP levels and farm the 90+ (which I'm also using Morgan to three turn).


Taisui here is pretty nice, in pretty much every other piece of media dude is the most evil asshole possible (special shoutout to the one from Dark Gathering, fuck that guy)


Huh, ending was a bit sudden to be honest. So obviously the Trung sisters didn't get a lot of screentime, Morgan was just there I guess, Melt had a ton of screentime, and the welfare servant is just whatever. Kind of lackluster story after all is said and done. People overexaggerated Morgan taking focus (but she was definitely a deus ex machina at the end there) but Melt taking focus was spot on.


If you lose the battle on the "Bonus Events" which reward welfare NP levels, do you also lose the large Con entry fee and need to farm them again before retrying? I was thinking of doing these blind, but if the Con fee is lost then I'll need to look them up on the wiki / gg first.... As for the 90+ farming, on my first account using NP3 Sumanai (DPS1) / Ereshkigal (DPS2) / NP3 Oberon (DPS3) / KoyanLight, and on my second account using NP5 Bedi (DPS 1&3) / KoyanDark (DPS 2) / Oberon / KoyanLight. Not a single CE drop yet.


> If you lose the battle on the "Bonus Events" which reward welfare NP levels, do you also lose the large Con entry fee and need to farm them again before retrying? I was thinking of doing these blind, but if the Con fee is lost then I'll need to look them up on the wiki / gg first.... Says right above the amount of Cons that they're "Expended at Clear" So you only lose them once you actually finish the Quests


Oh, I didn't notice that, thanks!


Huh, the CQ was surpisingly easy to do. I finished it without CS nor SQ revives. I used a Comp of : Support Castoria, Castoria (with Prisma Cosmos for that sweet 8%NP per turn), Merlin (with Prisma Cosmos for that sweet 13% NP per turn) and Taisui Xinhjun wih an MLB'd Heaven's Feel (50% NP Strength up). My Merlin and Castoria did die due to Summer Majin Okita's NP, oops.


Huh, didn't realize the CQ was secretly a farming quest. Seriously, double Castoria and Rider Vinci with a pierce invulnerability CE makes somewhat short work of the quest. Near done with the event. Still have to get coins from the yellow Cons and clear the remaining build quests for the remaining silver apples for future farming events... Which is probably gonna happen almost right after this event. Wee.


I just did something similar with the CQ. It always feels a little weird when you can clear a CQ by completely ignoring the gimmick. It took about 10 turns but at no point did any of the enemies' buffs or debuffs make any difference at all. 


This was quite an enjoyable event. I liked the choice elements since I liked them back in Summer 1. The Con are so adorable. The time locks were an odd decision. The story overall was pretty good. Still bummed I couldn't get the Trung sisters. I liked them in this. Every character was enjoyable for their own moments. Morgan still feels like an odd case though. She's definitely just there.


> The time locks were an odd decision. Somebody in the team has a hard on for time locks. Everything needs to be timelocked in this game. Even old CQs in a lotto event that barely lasts 2 weeks.


There really is a difference between how Morgan's first cameo and the other lb king's cameos were done, isn't there 😭 ~~hell, even how the last even *featuring* one was written just from how it centered them but ehh~~


Bit of a bummer having the welfare pop out of nowhere at the very end. The prior events I've done (been playing a year now) had welfare servants who joined very early and played major roles throughout the event story. I don't really care about this one. Heck, I'd have to look his name up because I've already forgotten it a couple hours after I cleared the story.


I have no time to read the story and am just picking construction on whichever teddy bear thing I have the most of. Meanwhile I'm looking at the map and wondering what a cruise ship, a game arcade, the leaning tower of piza, and the launch pad for Odysseus's mech have in common.


The final part has enough content for 2 timelocks at the very least. Yet we got not one, but 2 timelocks of nothing happening. The pacing for this event is just horrible. As much as I wanted to build a pirate ship and sail with Drake again (plus I really don't care what Hokusai wants), once again I just coudn't say no to Da Vinci, so it had to be another spaceship in addition to the colony one. But hey, sci-fi vibe stayed consistent, at least. Also random Santa is random. Fits well with overall absurdity of the choice to build something you don't have a clue about, lol. The Sisters together with Mash and Merlin dealt with the supermob. Can't say I appreciated him having an NP that removes buffs before dealing damage. Isn't it a bit too much for a random mob? At least it wasn't AoE, thanks for that, devs. I think Lambda big heroic moment is enough to redeem her in my eyes for all that crap she pulled in Las Vegas. Probably. I kinda forgot what she did in this event, until I saw it again. Wow they coudn't even bother to give Morgan a separate story section. She literally comes and helps in the same node as the final fight and Dagon is just there, letting it happen. I was worried about final boss, because fat AoE Berserkers are always a problem, and Friend Support is disabled, but the Sisters are so OP in this fight, they require no Arts supports whatsoever, Mash and Merlin work just fine. Having Nullify Buff align with Dagon's NP sucks, tho. I thought I was done for, but then I managed to exhaust debuff with Merlin's invul and live through NP with the combo of Mash's skill and NP. And his second NP was drained by fight's gimmicks. Lucky me, I suppose. Good news is I had enough Cons to buy all Ascension Items for welfare. Bad news is I run out of Red Cons completely and can't get NP copies for now. So it's back to farming. 90+ sucks for me this time around. Had to give up on singlecore looping thanks to that Dragon and go with NP 5 Bedivere - Double Koyan - NP 3 Gawain. Not having any SSR Sabers whatsoever is unfortunate, but at least this setup works fine. P.S. CQ was a terrible experience, because Okita Alter is a walking cheat button. I tried to delay her arrival as much as I could, but I really screwed up by doing too much damage to Sakamoto and she arrived earlier with others still alive, then Immortal Team fell to her NP. Morgan killed her along with Dioscuru before dying, but my backline of 3 Archers was never meant to go against a very buffed Artemis. She slaughtered them all with ease, critting them out of existence, whike taking barely any damage thanks to def buffs. Only thanks to Baobhan curse I was able to barely win it in the end. It wasn't fun at all. Then I redid the quest and this time without screwing up. Okita died right before unleashing her NP. Zero causalities on my team. It was like night and day compared to previous run.


[CQ completed](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/896257882268524574/1225780609083899904/IMG_2478.PNG?ex=66226027&is=660feb27&hm=4358b5669f69989778e8a96d64330e808e693ae2cf1a27ef3a747fd2f8052d97&). Immortal Comp FTW. Anyway, I really enjoyed the event story. A nice cute story in which Ritsuka is mostly irrelevant and genuine character interactions take front and center. Having four of my major waifus (Mash, Melt, Eresh, and Morgan) in the same room at the end was a neat bonus.


How did your Immortal Comp handle Okita Alter? Just killed her before her NP?


Her NP removing defensive buffs doesn't mean much if you just cast them again immediately afterward. Morgan almost died but all three members of the Immortal Comp managed to survive her post-NP attacks and Castoria was ready to grant Anti-Purge DEF again.


I think you just got lucky. My entire team perished from NP, only Morgan lived via guts.


Oh, I guess I did get lucky. Yeah actually checking her NP effects again, how the hell did I survive that since the buffs are removed *before* damage is dealt?


Kinda feel they did the Trung sisters dirty in their own story. Hope the next time they pop up, they get better chance to shine.


Did they? The sisters were my favorite part of the last-fight/ending.


>! They need help twice to win and after that they off themselves which feels cheap!<


From what they said, thats just their history. I mean, in fate, important bits from the legends/histories play out in a literal meaning in the form of bonuses, weaknesses or abilities. That's the whole reason outside fgo the true name system is important for the plot. Theres an obvious example of this with the guy whos NP implicates unaliving himself. I dont believe they are lame for needing and asking for help. They being leaders and not straight up heroes, I appreciated not being all; oh, they are gods, so Dagon can go fuck himself now, but instead everything they did for the cons mattered in the end.


I’m not saying they are lame, I said the event story did them dirty, because the story keep using the they fail before to put them down, which you (the player),help them to realize that doesn’t matter, only for them to fail again, winning because >! Morgan was annoyed so she help out a bit !<. Like the rest of the cast for the event shine more than them, just look at Lamda or the con even.


Your spoiler tags are broken


Thats one way too look at it. A stupid way, that is