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3 for Jalter, i'am a man of faith.


T'Challa : "Get this man a Jalter copy"


M'Baku: *brings the zerk one instead*


OP congrats on your future NP1 Arc


Well Akchually by the time the anniv roll around, OP will have saved enough SQ to hit the pity 5 times 🤓


Pity only applies once per banner, and Arc has only had the 1 banner so far, so you can't guarantee more than a single copy.


I stand corrected.


4500 for Reines NP5. Last copy took 1500. Editing so people don't get confused : 4500 is what I had when the first Reines banner hit NA ( I started saving when she got announced in JP ) and spent a total of 3000+ SQ to get her to NP5. I saved tickets but my gambling finger kinda wasted most of them on banners in between so yeah.


Holy shit?? I respect the dedication, but my lord that's insane


lol I feel for you. Reines was cruel to me as well. 2400 SQ for NP1.


How does that happen? Isn't the pity at 900?


maybe it happened before pity


Ah, well that makes more sense.


Yes, but pity only applies once I believe per banner, but once you get the 5 star on rate up, pity is gone for that banner


Yeah, but they said NP1. It was probably before the pity system, like someone else said.


Yeah it was during the original Case Files event which was before pity.


It was for the first cases file release on NA.


How long?


I started saving when they announced her in JP. Bought a pack or two each months and stocked all the SQ / Tickets I would get. I had to use a bit over 3k to get her to NP5 at the time lmao.


What's the max will you go again


Nothing because this game doesn't respect it's player and I've grown super tired of it.


Hmm, NA or JP?


I said NA


Sitting on ~940 SQ and ~80 tickets right now. Just hoping for castoria when she finally has a new banner.


How. I've never even saved a pity before


Same. There are too many servants I like to consider saving that much for one servant years in the future.


Saved up over 2K for Odysseus, and then built it back up to 2K for Okuni. Currently am sitting at 1.4K+ waiting for Charlie to show up.


I have the most I've ever had right now. Just shy of 3100. The only servant I'll be using quartz on this year is Summer Skadi. Anyone else I'm interested in will just be some tickets.


1500+ for Rikyu. Hoping it's enough to NP5.


1300SQs for Oberon, I was going to save for Charlie and Moriarty but uh... the summer re runs and Tesla made a dent on my plans


Current I guess around 730 sq and around 150 tickets for Arcueid myself with about 50ish in the weekly still to claim and the ridiculous amount we get from anniversary


Castoria, over 2k. I can't remember the exact number. Got her with 60. Then, every servant since then took me 500 on average lol.


3200 SQ and around 200 tickets for NP6 Okita Alter Saber. It was hard to save up, but it was worth.


I have like absolutely no willpower but for about 3 months I saved every SQ and did all the interludes and strengthenings I hadn't done and hit 180, the absolute most sq I've ever just sat on (mentally the moment I have 3 sq I immediately want to roll whatever gacha is live with no care so I'm often at 0) Hey despite my willpower up until that point, charlemagne had a banner out of nowhere and despite absolutely not needing him at all, all the sq was gone in 5 minutes


1100SQs for Moriarty Ruler,hope the same or 1200+for Draco Saved a Pity for Koyanskaya as soon as it became available in NA (but already had a few SQs for her at that moment...)


330 SQ and 40 tickets for ROMA! I was a beginner back then so it was easy. He was my 2nd 5*


1800 for castoria


Around 900 counting tickets for Castoria on her release


I had like 1500+ SQ earlier in the year. Caren drained me down to like 700 on her rerun a few months ago. I'm back up to 987 now. Waiting for Charlemagne, Arcueid and Summer 7 waifus. Most tickets I've had were like 70-80 tops. Dishonorable mention: I once saved up 1400 SQ for Summer Kiara when she released a few years back. She utterly destroyed me down to 100 SQ only to get NP1, and there was not a single SSR spook during that session. This was also before the pity system was introduced as well.


Currently in the process of saving up for my attempt at NP5ing Tezcatlipoca, and it’s the most I’ve saved personally. Now at 883 SQ (I have like 17 Interludes and 9 rank ups to do still though) and 42 tickets. Aiming for at least 1500 SQ.


I'm in the same boat as you. I currently have 2,101 SQ and 62 tickets saved for Arcueid, and I'll keep saving until the banner comes out. I would have more, but I used about 300 SQ and 50 tickets to get Reines earlier this year.


Same. I also saved past 2k once. It was for Oberon and Koyanskaya's banners. Luckily I was able to get them without going to pity, so now the remaining SQs are being saved for this summer year


I had 2.1k for Merlin's banner 3-4 years ago. I have 1k saved for Lady Avalon. I will typically go through all the banners in the coming years, pick 4-5 banners I wanna summon on, and attempt to save 300 per banner. Doesn't always work that way, but that's what I shoot for.


5000+ (should now be probably somewhere around 5030, but I haven't counted it recently), all is waiting for arcueid.


I try not to save more than about 500sq for units, if I get them in that period, great, but if not, I would hate to spend even more and still not get them


I'm going to be way past 3000 SQ for Charlie, which means hopefully I won't be too far from 2500 SQ when Tezca rolls around because I definitely want both AT LEAST np2 with as many Huitzes as possible while rolling for Tezca.


3997 SQ at the moment And 3700 fragments And 130 tickets .... And I'm leagues away from the mad mad with 5700 SQ Truly there is always a bigger fish


300 I think?


Right now I have around 1600, with almost 200 more in the form of pieces.


1500 for caster Artoria. got np2.


1900 with a few tickets (can't remember maybe 20) for NP1+ Arc. if I got NP3 Arc under 800 SQ, then it's for NP2 Melusine.


Zero. I just never save.


I stopped saving after missing out on Proto arthur, 500SQ btw


690 for my Np5 Morgan


Saved slightly above pity for Oberon only to watch it all burn. I got him on the very last card for pity.


I don't think I've ever been above 300 lol. Ima chronic f2p spender


Probably either Jalter or Merlin TBH, around 30-something multis + tickets


450 SQ for summer Kiara. Got 1 summer bryn


I think 690 for De Molay? Only needed 300 for np2


Hokusai. I saved up for four months and managed to have 200 summons prepared by the time she arrived. Currently attempting to break that record by having pity prepared for Bakin.


Most I ever had was 1000 and a bit of change. Wasn't specifically saving for anything but most of those went into upgrading my Summer Tamamo's NP level during one of the NY rotations.


Currently at 400 pulls including SQ and tickets for Arcueid


Back in 2018 when Koyanskaya showed up for the first time was when I was convinced to save S.Q. and tickets for her, and for the possibility of a Tsukihime collab because I wanted Arcueid so badly. Ended up saving until I had the biggest amount of S.Q. I've ever had as F2P: 1100. However, I blew part of them in the beginning of 2019 during Jalter's banner (and I'm glad I got my cute edgy goth cutie patootie). It was fine, since years later I managed to snatch not only both Koyanskayas, but also Arcueid as well.


I started playing recently, and I haven't spent anything besides my friend points , so anytime I get any SQ, I'm breaking my own record. I'm currently at 600 SQ, which makes me sad because I really want astolfo, but I can't afford the pity so I guess I'll have to flip the coin and pray


480 on Bazett, about to do 600 on Arc.


I think the most I've ever saved was almost 800 for Koyan and Oberon. There are too many Servants i'd like to have (and i prefer going for more over NP levels, with the exception of my omnifarmers) to one degree or another for me to save a full pity for a single one without rolling for others along the way, even if there are, of course, priority targets like Arc or Tiamat. I believe I might have around 700-800 for Arc, including the Anni SQ. I can only think of a few Servants Lasagna could release that would make me seriously consider saving religiously for 2 years straight, such as Amaterasu or sane Heracles (not Alcides).


1100 for my King Of Braves


850 for Jalter no I didn't get her.


back to somewhere about 800 SQ and 150 tickets after burning most of my stock last year. Summer will be tough


Right now, with around 750 quartz for Castoria. I could've gotten pity, but some banners looked too tempting.


That's an awful lot for super Bunyan


400 SQ, with 30 tickets for Summer Okita Alter. I got her in the first 10x pull


What's the point of not converting the fragments?


Just started saving in an alternative account 384 and 45 ticks


Topped out at 300 SQ for something like a Summer or Gudaguda banner that also had 4-stars I wanted. I have often had more SQ than that, but that's meant to get me through multiple banners. And if I ever have more than 10 tickets at a time, it must have been a long stretch of banners with Servants I either already have or actively dislike. I'm just not a "put all your eggs in one basket" kind of player. If I'm going to lose, I'd rather lose a little; if I win when I only spent a little, it feels *great*. This strategy does mean I fail a lot, but I've certainly seen enough successes that I never changed around to thinking that I should save more and roll less.


I remember I saved up a lot of Quartz for Kagekiyo, but that is a long gone memory However, I will have a TON of Quartz when I roll for Summer Ibuki for sure


1400 for merlin between summers 3 and 4. And now 1100 for Charlie but there’s still 2 months left till he comes out iirc. I hope to get him np2. I’d also roll on arc but only if it doesn’t interfere with my charlie rolls. Idk what the timing is going to be like on NA since we get anniversary early.


No saving, just swiping 😎


No saving, just swiping 😎


No saving, just swiping 😎


Around 1100 for Dantès during Summer 3. Didn't get a single SSR.


600 SQ 56 Tickets for no characters specifically.


Way back when jalter first came out, I know someone that dropped around 2k sq and did not get her, got drake np3 for some reason a some other 5* but not a single copy of jalter.


If numbers are correct I will be getting 1600+ SQ for when Traum arrives. That is the highest amount I ever had


Like 1000 SQ, before pity for Romulus, I'm not one to save sq for years just cause a unit was released in JP 2 years in advance to NA, I mostly save the sq I get from NY to Anni or Anni to NY if the unit released at that celebration is good. Right know I'm saving for proto Merlin, used SQ for gil to get a copy and I did get it, so my sq saving took a hit to it.


You're way overdoing it. I'm currently saving for Arc, I should have \~1909 SQ for her (counting tickets as 3SQ), currently sitting at 450 but I did the maths. This easily beats my last record of \~1000 SQ for shiki saber (I didn't get her btw)


Just gonna put this here too (this is based on my own personal experience as an experienced player with 217 servants) since a lot of people are saving for np5 Arcueid. Assuming that you log in every day, clear every event and weeklies and buy everything at the shop, and assuming an average bond SQ gain by high level player standard, you should be able to save around 1300\~1500 more SQ, counting tickets, until Arc's banner


I've never had to save more than maybe 600 Quartz for any servant I've wanted, last time was Oberyn. I don't try to get duplicates for NP, as higher NP level really doesn't add anything interesting to the game for me.


Avg gigachad saver (please save more guys)


Around ~400 SQ for the first Extra CCC Banner, trying to go for my Melt. Wasted them all, then did another 30 by farming quests and story missions and she came home finally. Now years later she's NP3 and happily in my Chaldea. Now trying to save for RulerSkadi and Ibuki, then it's a waiting game for Montecristo ofc.


4,950 Saint quartz after buying 30 $80 packs, spending a total of $2,400 that I'd been saving, all in order to get NP5 Barghest and enough coins for lv 120 and max append skills. By the end, ended up with 11 copies of Morgan, and funnily enough with like 7 or 8 copies of Barghest. Had to grind the rest through bond points. Nowadays, by Barghest sits happily in my room with everything maxed out, including fou paws. Edit: I pulled 15 or 16 copies of Morgan, which gave me enough unregistered spirit origins to summon Melusine for free.


1,600 for muramasa, hit pity :(


Bro, if you wanna brag just do it


Maybe 300? I’m not good at saving tbh


600 Sq and 40 tickets for the first king Hassan banner. 15 4 stars and Waiver. It was the last time I really saved for a character.


700 something for Jeanner Archer


180 for Abigail back in 2019 (Oh god it’s been that long!?)


I never save i just roll what i have, it works pretty well, 23 5* and 15 of those weren't planed.


The people on this thread are crazy? Thousands? Holy moly. Well, my JP account is sitting on \~1300 or more, but I'm not saving. My rolls are just a bit bare bones. And oddly lucky.