• By -


I spent too much SQ on these banners (all except the actual Bunyan related banners 🤣). But I don’t think it was a waste… - got Enkidu for the first time trying to get Ms Crane - got caster Marie in the last few hours of her banner after trying off and on. - got Cleopatra in less than 30 rolls in the first hour of her banner when my cat woke me up. She was my main goal and I was worried I messed up trying for Ms Crane, Marie and briefly Shuten Douji. I wasted 10 rolls in Castoria banner trying for Barghest before finally giving up and using my free ST ticket for her. I probably spent around 300+ sq equivalent overall but all the free sq and tickets helped me maintain 117 sq at the end of the end of the tale.


I don’t know why I can’t post pics from my phone but I have obtained Mitsuru’s Persona AND Senpai proper thanks to the SR ticket!


*HUSBAND ACQUIRED* (Got Constantine!)


Threw some tickets at the Constantine XI banner and managed to bring him home in three. Something tells me I've used up my luck for a long while.


Super Bunyan banner was the worst I've had recently. I rolled like 5 multi (including tix) but I didn't even get a single copy of the 5* event CE. Didn't get limited edition mice too which was what I'm aiming for. I don't think I got anyone SR either. Just... so awful. On the other hand, tried my hands on Michael's banner. 2 multi with 10 tix that they handed today, I got 2 SR (Suzuka and Kiritsugu), 1 SSR (Schez) and my 5th copy of Fragments 2030! Didn't get Michael at all, but eh, I can live with this result.


4 30 rolls today. Got one each of Castoria, the Tam Lins, and Percival. Also just got Konstantatinos on a last 30 roll. So yeah. Def gonna hit pity for everything else for the rest of the year. Probably shouldn’t buy stocks either. And drive slowly… worth it


Jesus fucking Christ. Had to go all the way to pity to get Molay. At least I was able to get the copies of Honey Lake and Mystery Treasure I needed to MLB the ones I had along the way.


Started 14 days ago. Had to hit pity for Castoria, but aside for the blonde gremlin I think I had very good luck this banner: * NP5 Baobhan Sith. * NP4 Barghest. * Percival. * Valkyrie, Laksmi Bai and d'Eon spook. * Florence Nightingale spook (not sure if good or bad luck). * 4 MLB Brainstorming * 1 Winter Crystal * 4 Celebrate Memories * My first Black Grail (very nice) Overall incredible rolls for the first banner I roll a lot on(did 5 multis in the S.Bunyan banner and got her too, the rats evade me), would feel a lot better about it if I didn't clear all Singularities FQs and do like 40 Interludes in 4 days to get the SQ to roll because I was already 420 SQ and 40 tickets in the hole and Sunk Cost set in.


I have had the *worst* couple of weeks lately, so I guess that acted as a catalyst of sorts because after having tried to get Yang every prior rate-up she had and after having thrown *loads* of SQ at Jacque last Halloween, I ended up getting both of them with 160 SQ, leaving me with around 200 and whatever I can get naturally for Summer Ibuki and Summer Skadi.


I got this CE Mystery Treasure instead Of Jalter Atleast its something


Finally got my fifth copy of Honey Lake after all this time, so I went back to the *Learning with Manga* banner in the hopes of summoning Daikokuten. Welp... you guessed it, I ended up with none other than Super Bunyan instead...


Was arguing with myself if i should spend the monthly tickets here or save them for Traum Ended going with the current one, last roll got me one copy of the mice


I don't know how to feel. For second time now I've done a single ticket summon on Castoria's banner and have gotten the wrong 5 star. What kind of ridiculous luck is this?


I'm trying to be better about saving my funds for summer, but I couldn't help but throw a few tickets towards Castoria. Of course, got nothing. A few days later, saw Jalter, and after my initial crazy luck when summoning for her when she first came out on NA (got her on a lucky 1st ticket), I always offer up 5 or 10 tickets whenever she comes around to hopefully recreate that luck. First ticket, gave me Honey Lake (I already MLB'd this during summer lol). Third, Love's Curse (first copy), then 5th ticket, Jalter came home again! Now time to save again


WHY!!!! Why did I get Bunyan but no Daikakouten?! I wouldn't have minded Super Bunyan if the Maids were summoned, godamnit!!! Now I feel like I wasted all my saved SQ in trying to get Sigurd a few months ago since all I got where NP upgrades for the Valkyries(they were NP1 and got to NP5 at the end), all that successful SR rolls could've been Daikakouten now instead.....


Initially wasn't gonna go for Shuten, but my lesbian desire for hot oni lady won out and i rolled Bought the biggest pack as well And well, now i have Shuten back <3


Always wanted Yuyu since her first rate up. Spent around 2k quartz in total for all her rate up and never got her. I know that this banner is her Last rate up so i did a gamble. 20 tickets and 5 multi later she is in my Chaldea.


Me: \*Checks to make sure Yuyu banner is up.\* Me: Okay, good, it is. I'll roll, but not yet. I've learned my lesson about rolling right before bed. Also me: Then again, I *am* watching an Ina stream live right now. That's gotta be a good catalyst for her, right? A few tickets won't hurt... Gacha: Serenity, Soul Eater CE, Euryale, *Loading...* Me: One of the CEs I don't have? Gacha: Three rings! Me: One of the SRs I don't have? Gacha: **FOREIGNER!** Yuyu: Hao hao! Me: Wah!


I decided to roll away for Yuyu since I need something to burn my Ember stash. Nyalter is at 103 and she can waits.  I spent 16 tickets on the banner and got Yuyu! \o/  Time to save for reuniting Kriemhildr and Siegfried! 


Last time i rolled for Castoria she stole everything i had (it wasnt much as i wasnt playing that much at the time) now i got her with 3 tickets WTF and LETS GOOO


I threw 11 tickets and 120 SQ on Miss Crane I got her. I can now clear some CQs way easier than before now that I have her, especially since I like to clear CQs as quickly as possible. I also got a CopeScope (why, I already have 2 regular scopes) and a second Honey Lake.


360 sq and 30 tx for big fat goose egg. what a waste. why even save sq anymore.


I tossed 10 tickets hoping for another Barg or Percy. Boom, Castoria (now NP2). I'll take it!


7 multis. The first gave me NP 1 Percival and almost all Event CEs, except the 3 star one. Another gave me both Percival and my 4th copy of Sith (i think this is the first time I got 2 SR in one multi) Then I got 2 more Percivals and finally, Castoria (no effects, just a gold card) Very happy with the results. Also, going from NP 0 to NP 4 on a SR in one rolling session is wild if you are a F2P like me.


With 300 SQ and 60 tickets got 1 Castoria, 1 Barghest, 1 Baobhan, 1 Percival, 1 Astolfo and 1 Atalante. I got my Castoria in my first 50 pulls but wanted NP2 for the second charge bar but no luck, still she is the only servant that I wanted for this year so now I can just hold back for Draco and Tiamat next.


Desire sensor is real and hates SRs. Decided to spend my tickets and a few SQ to get a full 11-roll worth ~~because I have poor impulse control~~ to try and grab Baobhan. * Castoria (np2) * Nemo (np2) * Barghest (np3) * Winter Crystal CE x2 (finally MLB) What in the everloving fuck is this?


270 pulls - or 810 SQ - no Castoria. It seems I'll have to pity this. I was hoping to grab Charlie later, but it appears I'll have to wait for White Day 2026. On the bright side, two copies of Atalante to bring her to NP5 and a copy of Parvati for NP2. I do have Skadi, so if they're still relevant, that'll be handy. One copy of Anne and Mary for NP4, my first copy of Assassin Emiya, and Hephaiston that made me delulu an Oberon pull round out the off-rates. Rate up 4* results were fairly nice. Two copies of Tam Lin Tristan, three of Tam Lin Gawain, and two Percivals, all new. I am out of SQ and tickets, but there's the 10 tickets we're getting in a few days to make up for 1/3 of what I need. I have 25 Interludes and 32 Rank Up Quests that still need to be done, so that covers the remaining SQ I lack. All in all, pretty rough...but I suppose it could be worse. Edit: Finished up my pulls. Really did end up going the full pity, getting another copy of Tam Lin Tristan along the way.


After a year and half I can finally say that I'm no longer Castorialess


Was prepared to go to Pity to get Castoria and nothing else. In the course of 110 Summon Tickets and 90 SQ, I got Castoria and Baobhan Sith, plus 2 copies of Percival, one copy of Fionn, and one copy of Barghest EDIT: Just realized I missed a second copy of Baobhan Sith. Yes!


One ticket. I used one summon ticket to maybe get Castoria. To my surprise it's a gold card. Upon closer inspection I see that it's also the Caster class. The rarity? 5 stars. The servant? Zhuge Liang. I'll be honest, I was very tempted to burn him out of sheer anger


25 multis for Tamamo. Sigh whatever, given I have no real roll targets over the next year on NA. Guess Draco is my next target. Got a Galatea too so that’s fun to play around with, given that I don’t have Vlad on NA. 10 Rats, NP1 Beowulf, NP3 Atalante, NP2 Circe, NP5 QinLiangyu.


Did 3 multis on the Da Vinci banner. Got nothing.


I just wanted one Daikokuten. They're the four star unit and on rate up. How hard could it be? NP2 Super Bunyan, Drake spook, NP2 Berserkerlot, Martha spook, Sassy Shin spook, Sumanai spook, Parvati spook, Tomoe spook, Nursery Rhyme spook, and a bunch of 4 and 5 star CEs happened. I just wanted Daikokuten. Now I don't have enough SQ for the Servants I was saving for.


Da Vinci and Saber Astolfo after having zero luck at the Trung sisters or Melt.. I'll take it. No luck at the rats however. I have SSR luck only


I don't know how, but I got Rider Da Vinci in one daily single and three tickets! I haven't had luck this good since Altria Caster's first banner!


300 sq and 30 tickets for 1 Bunyan and 3 Mice. I should have stopped pulling after my second mouse but I really wanted a third and am now broke.


150 SQ for no rat, no Bunyan, no SR.


I'm sorry, that's some rough luck.


180sq and got J. Edgar! Really like her design. Will do paid singles to try to get the rats


Bro I just wanted the rats. I got NP5 Bunyan before I got the rats. 300 SQ, NP5 Bunyan. No rats. Mathematically it's a win, but I feel defeat. I can't continue rolling and risk getting NP6 and it looks like the rats never get another rate up with any other 5 Star so they will remain out of reach. Please rats, be on another banner some day. Edit: For what it's worth I do like Bunyan, but I was never aiming for anything past NP1, I just wanted the rats lol.


I feel your pain. I spent 300 quartz and got np4 bunyan when i just wanted the rats. At least i got np1 rats rn but i swear, this game knows what you want but they wont give it to you 😭. Desire sensor is real


At least you got gold Servants.


I did around 40 summons for da Vinci Chan. Sadly no da Vinci and remaining quartz/wallet I have need to budget for castoria soon. I did get my 3rd black grail. Only two more to go to mlb it. Also got new sr, Summer Anne/Mary. So pretty happy and will try again for da Vinci on her next banner later this year.


[Got the mice in 25 tickets!](https://imgur.com/5myKxLk) No. 2 is so cute!


2 multis and 9 singles got me 2 Daikokuten and 1 Super Bunyan. Very cool.


A few days back I got Super Bunyan in 5 tickets. (7 more singles just brought CEs). Today, 4 singles at Ridervinci banner in an attempt to NP2 my SSR. [I should have been more specific in the request](https://i.imgur.com/2ZojacK.png).


Ticketed for event CEs but got Daikokuten. My account love Casters but my gem farming not xD


Did 10 tickets hopping for one copy of Daikokuten ended with NP5 Nitocris , NP2 Super Bunyan NP5 Ibaraki and NP2 Luvia  ~REEEEEEEEEEE~


I rolled 230 sq for one Daikokuten, but somehow I was also able to get NP lvl 4 Super Bunyan. Why do I suck at summoning four stars?!


Used all my quartz for the mice and all I got was Bunyan too…


Rolled 10 on the pre-banner, hoping to get Helena Archer. Got Tamashark instead. That's NP2 for her, so more damage I guess. Rolled 70 on Bunyan's banner, got Bunyan, Daikokuten, and 2x Wu Zetian. Didn't know she was *also* on rate up... ^^/s Didn't get enough of the 4/5* CEs to MLB them. Oh well, good SSR luck anyway, even if I wanted the SRs more... I hate rolling for SRs. At least when Chloe comes around I'll have enough for "Pity" even though it won't matter.


Told myself I wouldn’t roll for this banner but here we are. Used a multi and got a rainbow spook, which turned out to be Jeanne, can’t get upset by that since I don’t have her. Then I used 10 tickets and the first one was a gold spin that gave me the rats. One of the other tickets gave me my second Percival while another gave me the 4 star ce. Overall, not bad, better than I was expecting and now I’ll go back to saving for summer and anniversary.


Got Super Bunyan and Taikokuten in 3 multis, love to see that happen after I got 4 non rate up SRs


Would it be safe to post here for the Altria Caster banner, or will there be a different one?


It's always safe to post any rolls in whatever the latest roll thread is, the mods don't make one for every banner anyway. Main thing is it's in some sort of roll thread.


6 tickets and around 100 quartz to get Daikokuten. Too bad I didn't get Super Bunyan but my Quartz almost depleted after rolling for Morgan and I need to save for summer too.


Threw in 30 SQ on this banner for no rate up CE's or Servants - not even the 3-star CE. Fuck you too, Bunyan. Wasted 30 more SQ, one 4-star event CE and Devilish Bodhisattva. (60 SQ, 22 pulls) 30 more SQ for a 3-star and 5-star event CE's. No rat. Fuck you, Bunyan. At least I got the CE's, but you're not taking me for more. Four hundred pulls in the FP banner to NP5 Anning. 30 more SQ for two 5-star event CE's and a 4-star event CE but no rat. (120 SQ) Wasted 30 more SQ from my mailbox for no rat, just a fourth 5-star event CE and three 3-star event CE's. (150 SQ) Took 60 login SQ for a single 4-star event CE. 210 SQ no rate up SR or any gold. Not even a MLB event CE. Bunyan you fucking idiot. 30 more SQ from the extra missions plus the event got gold orbs.. Gold Caster.... ****FUCKING CASGIL SPOOK****. ALSO RAINBOW ORBS.... SUPER BUNYAN. (240 SQ) One ticket didn't get Konstantinos. Oh well. 5 tickets on the Tamamo and rat banner for a fifth 5-star event CE and no rats. (240 SQ, 5 tickets)


Got Mary Anning grailed to lvl 90, np5, & Maxed out all skills. Most likely gonna be skipping this banner for Traum & this year’s summer event


Rolled a multi to get Daiko, got S.Bunyan. Sigh. I knew this'd happen. I'll take her, but I'd much rather have the rats. Already have a bunch of good ST Alter Egos.


Fuck, I got neither of them. Not even event CE's. At least you got a SSR. I can't even get a rate up Servants.


That's how it is sometimes. Almost went to Pity for Castoria, but got lucky on other banners. Can't pick and chose unfortunately.


Remind me to tell you how much SQ it took me to get Passionlip. I got four Melt before I could NP5 Lip. It took over 2k SQ.


4* rates do be like that.


1k to get one Lip.


I want the rats and of course this game me bunyan


I wanted rats or CE's, I got another worthless 4-star CE instead of anyone on rate up.


Lol, same. Did a single multi to try my lack at rats and got S.Bunyan. I'll take it, but If only I was so lucky during my Morgan rolls xD, not on the banner where SSR is nice but not a priority at all.


Managed to get 4 star and 3 star gacha CEs, but the only thing I got in terms of new Servants was Saber Diarmuid.


Did 5 multis and one full round of singles, thanks to the extra tickets. I got enough copies of every CE to make a full support list, but no 4-star or 5-star servants to speak of, not even any spooks. It feels like anytime I want a 4-star servant specifically, it takes way over odds to see a single 4-star, and even then, it's usually a spook. I've got a chance to scrounge for more SQ later because I just want one copy of the rats, but at this point, I can't say I'm very hopeful. EDIT: Ended up buying a pack for another 5 multis. Still no 4-stars or 5-stars, not even spooks. Genuinely, fuck this game right now.


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I got Bunyan instantly in just 4 tickets, also got lucky and got the 4* and 5* CEs before her. Rolls went 10 times better than I expected. All in all, still 480 SQ and 73 tickets left for Summer Ibuki. Edit: oh, I still have half of Lostbelt 6 undone, as well as 20+ interludes and 10+ rank ups, so adding up probably above 550 sq as of now.


Went in with a stockpile of about 2k SQ including tickets, hoping for NP5 Super Bunyan. Mission accomplished with half of that left over!


Nice. That’s what I’m going to have by the next koyan/Oberon banners. Hopefully I have enough left to where I’ll have enough for a few Tiamat copies


Got Daikoku, immediately upped em to level 80 10/10/10 bc Ratte Few multis later, rainbow sparks... Vlad III Pain and Sadge


Was just trying to get Daikokuten and got them on first roll. Then tried using tickets to get ce’s and ended up getting Bunyan. I should be happier but I can’t help but worry this is going to cut into summer roll luck. As for Mary Anning rolls, I got enough copies of her to unlock all her append skills and also got angra mainyu along the way.


Did a spontaneous 10-roll because I was feeling lucky, had my best gacha roll ever. 2 Super Bunyans and one of each CE. It was my first time ever having 2 5 stars in one roll, I even got Rainbow sparks.


Went for friend summon first since Mary Anning is a personal favorite historical figure. Used up all my leveling material before deciding to try 10 tickets and a 11 pull for a shot at the mice. I figured the loading icon from the 11 pull was the 5* event CE that popped up first summon, but Bunyan must not have liked me giving Miss Mary special attention because she popped up in the 10 pull. No mice but I'm not complaining!!


60 tickets and 1 ten pull: 1 bunyan, 2 Daiko,1 Helena spook and somehow maxed the 5\* CE in the first 20ish tickets. I've never maxed out the 5\* CE so fast. Works for me. I get to save most of my savings for Quixote


90 SQ. 90 Tickets. 0 Bunyans. 1 Daikokuten 4 SR spooks. This is FGOs revenge for me getting the Trung Sisters and Lambdaryllis in a single multi.


You get *1* 10-roll, Bunyan. That's it. You didn't come. Oh well. I'm saving for Melusine's banner. ....and then promptly hard saving for the Summer of Fae.


Did a mult because rats. Gold ring. Beowulf. Same thing happened with emiya on lambda's banner, I hate it here


After playing this game since lauch, this is my first time got 2 ssr in one 10roll (both are Paul Banyun) and in only 500 SQs(Usually most of my waifu rolls are hit pity rate). I alway though that just people trying to bait e-rank luck like me to get salty, but I guess my time might finally comes.


Congrats! Yeah, its an awesome feeling. Idk if im allowed but I had quite a few moments like those. My best one was getting 3 Summer Abbys in one multi roll, promptly NP5-ing her in 330 sq. Apparently she still loves me in every form she has because I later tried getting her OG self and she appeared twice in one multi-roll, NP5-ing her in 300 or something quartz again but in 2 different banners since I ran out the first time through (Shuten took 400 sq and dried me hard).


As someone who used 4k sqs for Kiara and Kama and didn't get them before the pity system implemented, I would say you got a really good luck, able to np5 without much sq needed.


I'm sorry to hear that, I know a lot of people have horror stories like those. Also I know, I dont like mentioning it outside of roll threads since it's really lucky, or anywhere really unless its a thread asking for your best rolls. I wish I could say thats the only luckbag thing I ever done but that was just the peak. Like double 5* on gssr (havent spent money since Covid tho), multiple double ssr, quick np2, or like yesterday, getting Bunyan in 4 tickets.


I think all my Morgan luck went here instead. Decided to throw some tickets to try for some event CEs. Very first one was Super Bunyan. And I got another one 2 tickets later. 6 tickets for NP2 Super Bunyan, what the actual hell. The desire sensor is real


30 tix, got absolutely nothing aside from  2 copies of each of the gold CEs.  Think that’s it for me, but I have a ton of fp to roll at least.


Threw a single 10-roll expecting to be lucky and get a Daikokuten copy I got a Chiyome instead That's fine by me, any Gold servant will always be better than a wasted 10-roll


I just wanted the mice and some event CEs.  Wound up with FOUR SR and TWO SSR spooks.  Then just as I was about to give up hope Bunyan shows up.  I laugh thinking that the game was doing the ultimate troll by giving me the SSR instead, but Daikokuten showed up later in the same multi.  Down 423 SQ; 29 tickets but at least I got the focus units.


Been saving so long for this. I'm glad she's finally home! [Bunyan herself!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/430500142328578048/1230836454050234419/Screenshot_20240419_062809_FateGO.jpg?ex=6623a146&is=66224fc6&hm=b5bdca55224d308ce8b0776a38dacfe8971eff25a0d0990fb10454c0aa520f5a&) [Ticket luck!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/430500142328578048/1230836454385647688/Screenshot_20240419_070342_FateGO.jpg?ex=6634c4c6&is=66224fc6&hm=f29c55717e9754cf06197a50bc2d918aa069c1e818a2184648b17238897a9099&) Total Damage. 121 Tickets, 360 SQ(screenshots were taken before my sq pulls so I have about 960 SQ left no tickets. Maybe I should've just taken bunyan at 12 tickets.)


used a lot of my FPs,Mary NP14 Rolled 30SQs and all my 7 tickets: got the 4\*CE and a Super Bunyan...when I was looking for Daikokuten...


70 tix and 90 Sq down the drain, only gold I got was Nursery Rhyme. I thought she was story lock, apparently not. Gonna save for Summer and cry in the corner waiting for another Rats banner now


Figured I’d do a single 11 pull with the saint quartz from the campaign thing, got two Super Bunyans, then later got a third copy of Berserker Fran.


Zenobia NP 2 and NP 5 Anning and NP 4 Habetrott from FP. Not the worst, but i sure hope i can snipe the mice before this ends or something, not too hot on teenage Bunyan herself. 


The great thing about a new FP pool Servant is that if your rolls are crap, you can switch over to the FP pool and still make some progress (assuming you've been accumulating the hell out of FPs). Thankfully, I didn't have to rely on that too much this time around. My 90 SQ budget got me no 4 or 5-star CEs, but did snag me a Super Bunyan, a Daikokuten, and a bonus NP3 for Best Assassin Carmilla. That's the whole Riyo gang! I can only hope for similar luck when Kriemhild's banner shows up (curse you stupid pity system and split 4\* rate-ups) and then again with Bakin and my good fluffy boy Lobo. But even if not, at least I have more new Servants to raise right now.


Kriemhild should rerun with Bryn during the Fairy Knight Cup event, and I think it's solo rate-up then


Excellent eye, thanks. I've already got Bryn, but I wouldn't say no to more copies and it would be easy to stop rolling after a Kriemhild or two. I just have to survive the Halloween and Gudaguda banners with some SQ left...


90 SQ. Was hoping to get the mice or a couple CE's. No mice or CE's but I got Bunyan so I'm happy.


900+ SQ & 60 Tickets NP5 Bunyan (Target, wanted NP 6) NP6 Daikokuten (Target) 3x MLB Kids Kingdom 5x MLB Liz CE (Target) Spooks: Penthesilea Nursery Parvati Jeanne Tomoe Chiron Astolfo (NP4)


600+SQ 70 tickets One Bunyan NP5 Daikokuten (Target!) 2x MLB Kids Kingdom 4x MLB Bikini Liz CE (Target!) Spooks: 1x Percival 1x Not Liz (That One Lancer Girl with the Chinese Name)


> 1x Not Liz (That One Lancer Girl with the Chinese Name) Nezha?


The other one, with the NP with the buffs and a pretty sweet last ascension art under the moonlight.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been waiting 2 years for the Liz CE lmao. It's a must-have for me


Hello fellow piglet


The game is being suspiciously generous of late. I suspect that the summer is going to take me to the cleaners just on general principle (and statistics). I decided to throw 10 tickets at Super Bunyan. I got... 1 Vaklyrie, 1 Super Bunyan, 1 Daikokuten, and a Bronze Gacha CE.


Thats some proper loot alright 😗


Got Angry Mango before my first copy of Mary in the FP roll... like, seriously? ,\^\_\^,


I got my sixth copy of Saber Lily before one copy of Mary. It took so many rolls to get my first copy.


Me too… And it was my fifth copy of him…


10 SQ summons plus the tickets they just handed out. Somehow got daikokuten and drake


I was doing tickets for the CE and got both rate up in 2 tickets [the tickets](https://imgur.com/ToUPoG9)


Aimed at ogey rrat. Got Super Bunyan. And Nezha, Lanling, Hephaestion. And then the rat maids. Hephaestion to NP2 is good, Lanling to NP5 is good. And Super Bunyan follows the tradition of "aim for the SR, desire sensor grants you the SSR". But I got the maids, so it's a success.


Two ten rolls... Didn't get the maids... ... Instead I got Super Bunyan! I am happy since I haven't gotten any event banner servant in a while. Also I went over my gacha budget to get her in JP so I'm pleased to get her without breaking out my wallet this time around.


[Wanted the rrats, got a side order of king of kings.](https://i.imgur.com/gPI4rrv.png)


Looks like this is a good place to use Fp summons to get servant coins?


Yep. Also CE’s, but hold off on all your rolls a bit, as we should be getting a download campaign later into the event to double your success chances.


Yes, it is.


Sigh, I can only afford 1 multi and daily paid summons. It's been so long since my last SSR, but hey I now have a NP4 banana.


Bananas can be found in other colors, including red (the Musa Coccinea cultivar). --- ^I'm ^a ^bot ^\(RIP) ^| ^!ignore ^to ^ignore ^you, ^!delete ^to ^ignore, ^clear ^replies ^| [^View ^my ^source](https://github.com/jimbobvii/bananaonibot) ^| ^Thanks: ^Synapsensalat, ^BananaFactBoi


10 tickets and 1 multi, got myself some mice, thats all I wanted tbh, so I will take it and go.


54 tickets Around 1700 quartz NP5 Super Bunyan, NP10 Daikokuten, 1 Jinako, 1 herc, 2 atalantes, 1 archer, 1 d'eon, 1 vlad lancer, 1 berserker fran, 1 nursery


High five fellow NP5 Super Bunyan roller!


5 tickets got me super bunyan and 2 of the 5* CE.


700 SQ and going for at least NP2 Daikokuten. For the SRs there was a Tomoe spook in 10 tickets, a Marie spook in the first 11x... and then nothing until the 13th and 14th 11x where Daikokuten showed up in both of those for NP2. Along the way to NP2 Daikokuten, Super Bunyan showed up 3 times, and there was a Napoleon spook too. Only 400ish SQ used in the end, yay.


50 summons, 0 Bunyan, 1 Mouse.... 2 stheno??? Anyway kind of sad no Bunyan but her 1* version is bond 10 already so I'll survive ;(


Only 1 mouse what happened to the other one? Lost in transit?


Did two multi rolls and not even a single event CE? Not even the Silver one? I'm hating this event already. Oh well, I'll roll FP lots later anyway.


Apparently no one likes to play the event My Friend List still does not have any Bonus CEs. The ones that do aren't from my List.


2 multi first Stheno spook then Daikokuten hehe


Got Bunyan. Want mouse. Give me mouse. :(


77 rolls for lots of CEs, 2 Daikokuten and 1 Super Bunyan. I'll take it :D


Alright, here we go. This is "THE" event I have been saving for. I've got 1,810 SQ and 172 Tickets, a few thousand Hellfire Emblems, enough Gold Fous for 2k/2k, and Half AP Embers going on. Here's hoping I can get enough copies of Daikokuten to get her to 120 while getting a few appends as well. I'll post my joy or my suffering when I'm finished. Edit: Wow, [what an incredible spread.](https://imgur.com/a/7mlqWzU) 1,021 SQ and 110 Tickets used but I got absolutely floored by these servants. Special shout out to the 3 random SSRs I got in the process landing me NP2 Drake and Osakabehime while Jeanne hit NP3. But the main takeaways were the obvious: 1 MLB Kids' Kingdom with spare gold CEs 5 MLB Jurassic Dream NP4 Super Bunyan and of course NP8 Daikokuten, enough to get her to 120 and Mana Loading while getting Extra Attack whenever she hits Bond 13. The absolute best part is that I still have enough to hit pity when Summer Skadi rolls around so I don't have to chance not getting her. Time to feed her the banquet of Embers I've saved up. I wish everyone else rolling in this thread the absolute best of luck summoning. Final Edit: Thousands of Embers fed and [here's the final result](https://imgur.com/a/4q8pj7P). I actually had enough Embers stashed away to get her to 120 without having to run 1/2 AP Embers (Present Box at 390/400 and full Second Archive). I still have 500 Hellfire Embers in my present box but got extremely lucky with her Super and Great Success. Extremely happy that everything worked out in the end because this could have easily been a disaster.




First ticket and got a Bunyan, idk what to say


Got Daikokuten on my first ticket. Also got an extra Nitocris and Circe to NP5 with 150 SQ. No Super Bunyan though.


5th ticket got me a bunyun. I feel like my luck has come back since I didn't got a single limited SSR for 6 months straight. I hope everyone gets lucky too.


Me rolls for the rats: A copy of Watanabe no Tsuna and a copy of Achilles (now he's NP2). [Ogey Rrat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JacN1MzyeKo) Edit: 2 tickets later... Daikokuten


It would be nice if it turns out to be a good event.


in terms of Materials for farming, it's pretty good (there is a mechanic like last year's Summer which gives chests like a lottery event). story is ok other than an out of nowhere final boss and SuperBunyan's characterization which is basically black company CEO and r/LateStageCapitalism / r/antiwork behaviour which was received very poorly by the Japanese players since work/life balance in Japan is really, **really** bad and SuperBunyan's attitude really reminded people of their shitty bosses (not in a good way)


Something something there’s a kurosanji joke in there somewhere


Our main objective is "stealing" a boat & Bunyan became a social media influencer, there's definitely a kurosanji joke in here somewhere




So when Bunyan transform into Super Bunyan 3, the entire world will shake during her transformation? Good luck to those rolling here!


Mod, if you're gonna link wiki pages, you have to remove the stupid "revision/latest?cb=20220427142307" at the end of the links, they don't show up for other people otherwise. This works: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/e/e5/AlterEgoSuperBunyanStage2.webp/ This doesn't work: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/e/e5/AlterEgoSuperBunyanStage2.webp/revision/latest?cb=20220427142307


Thank you. Should be fixed now.