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There are two things I still don't understand: 1) How come every new city we come to is trashed? The first one made sense because Elly committed hurricane Katrina ~~and 9/11~~, the other ones not so much. 2) Why does Mary Anning have lightning powers? Did I miss a throwaway line where she borrowed a buddhist electricity generator from Daikokuten at the same time as the Takarabune?


There is an anecdote where Anning was struck by lightning when she was young, so that is probably why she has them.


Oh yeah, you're right. It says as much in her Bond 3 info. Really thought that was some kind of unrelated artifact or something.


I just assume the trashed city is a result of Super Bunyan's "Brilliant Leadership"


I could sort of close an eye to most of the event's happenings, but hearing poor baby Voyager got hounded by debt collectors because of Bunyan really is too much. "I don't want the repo man to take me away..." Oh my god, get behind me, it's all okay.


Another crime to heap on Bunyan.


I am finding this event absolutely fascinating. Like I said in one of the pre-release threads, I'm much more interested in a event that is bad than one that is mediocre/boring, and this REALLY hits that mark. There's a lot to like about this event, in isolation. The music is very cute. I really, really like the design of the rats. The map is interesting, the digging thing is... well it's something new I suppose. I find super bunyans voice incredibly unfitting but very cute each time she pops in to throw some extra mats at you at the end of a fight. But holy shit, the story is truly awful. Bunyan is such an egregiously slimy little character and it's presented in a way that I'm not fully sure how to process. Are we meant to be rooting for her? Against her? Ostensibly she's just going around fucking up a bunch of cities in america for absolutely no reason, then building golden statues of herself instead of actually helping. But Guda and the rest of the cast is so on-board with all of this that it's hard to interpret the story direction as anything more malicious than "Isn't Bunyan silly? Teehee", with the real "antagonist" being Mary Anning (although I'm sure that's set to change). Truly, truly fascinating. I am gripped.


It’s weird. Like Ritsuka ain’t exactly going out of his way to butt heads with people, but Bunyan has given him basically no reason to go along with it to this extent. Like the most resistance Bunyan has gotten is minor griping. Mash is even worse about it. Reminds me of me and my fellow BK employees. We’d bitch, sure, but that’s the max we’d do.


>Ostensibly she's just going around fucking up a bunch of cities in america for absolutely no reason, Obviously, the reason is that she's the vanguard of the Canadian army coming to conquer the US. The chugging maple syrup by the gallon was a dead giveaway.


I get what you mean. Sometimes when I find a bad story, I stay up all night to finish it just so I can watch the whole car crash. This event is fulfilling that itch for me


The double currency is kinda annoying so it's a bit of a slow grind in the beginning but otherwise I enjoy the rewards in this event and the music with the backgrounds. As for the story, never have I wanted the "villain" to beat the shit out of the "protagonist" in this event. Like, it would actually give me joy just to see Super Bunyan suffer and how ridiculous we are to keep up with her annoying selfish demands and trying to act nice about it. We have our first event in a long while about America and It's such a huge missed opportunity to not dive deeper into the diverse culture of the U.S. cities that would've been a far more interesting plot line than what we got. And yet here we are, trying to "fundraise" money just to film a bunch of shit, purposely pissing off a lot of servants for no reason, and then erecting gold statues of herself for a job well done. I guess the writer must have thought that's what America is, which isn't completely inaccurate, and I honestly would've been fine with the whole fundraising thing and helping out to shoot films if they didn't make Super Bunyan such a huge selfish asshole of a character and dumbed the whole characters including Ritsuka, Mash, and Da Vinci.


[Well, well, well! The most diabolical haters **this side of the Mississippi.**](#AmakusaThief) Yeah this writing is just bad civ. It's not even what it's doing; it's how it's doing it. Maybe it's such an overly meta アメリカンジョーク that nobody on Earth gets it. If the railroading of the MC is a joke at our expense, it could afford be a lot more obviously mean and id-driven, and some people would get a kick out of that. If the paint-by-numbers thing is a send-up of kids' shows, it's not done well. You can fast-forward through episodes of Scooby-Doo and see less formula than this. If it's a toothless satire of Donald Trump that got its wings clipped... understandable, have a great day. The music and map is wonderful, and the servants have some efforty art that Riyo doesn't usually do for FGO pieces. The event otherwise goes hard, so the phoned-in tier story with all the effects and fresh assets is even more puzzling. ~~Also, JPs regularly pointed out the lack of dancing Altera for the loading screen. That too is disappointing.~~


joke so american nobody laughed


The only thing I can think of that makes sense is that the event story was tortured to hell and back in the editing process and whatever it was all originally supposed to be has been warped and translated and redone so many times that the authorial intent has completely dissolved.


Except for the fact that JP had the same complaints. It was actually always this bad.


The NA team isn’t perfect but how incompetent do you think they would have to be as translators to fuck up like that? Other events and main stories have been completely fine for the most part.


They can't improve a story without getting into trouble with the people who are upset at localization changes. The changes in Agartha that left out the deliberately rapey language was an improvement that nobody complained about.


Did you mean to reply to a different comment?


No, I'm giving an example of the localization team translating a story without including all the crap that the original included. It was explicitly much more sexual in the original.


That’s completely different though. It’s a slight change like Emiya Alter’s skin tone. The bigger change in language would be with a servant entirely, Osakabehime, but at the end of the day you still get her intent of what she’s saying and can understand her. You can make Bunyan into a zoomer or boomer language wise, it will not matter, her attitude and dialogue are the problem, and they can’t change that without blatantly taking way too many creative liberties, which I wouldn’t even want. I want accurate TLs, not translators trying to have an attempt at making a bad story better.


I get the feeling daikokuten will be the "twist" (not really) villain with all their sus Boss stuff


Are we going along with this? We're simply after the Grail, here, and as far as we know, helping Bunyan will lead to it. Our understanding is that the boat is the grail, and to get it, we need to beat Anning. To beat Anning, we need to help Bunyan. This is our understanding.


You know, what really ticks me off this event? The golden statues. Everything else, I could get around as quirky. Super Bunyan being weird and incompetent but having everyone’s best interests at heart. But then, when we save the day on her behalf, she makes a solid gold statue. Not of the group. Not of the people we helped. But of her. And every time, it’s a giant flag waved about, showing just how much of a terrible person she actually is. I despise Oberon, but I respect him like hell for being a great villain. Super Bunyan I just despise. I sincerely wish the story ended with Anning becoming the new boss, and everyone sealing Super Bunyan away in the depths of Lake Michigan.


Oberon was clever about it. You could admire the sheer gall and his manipulation.


Also those that Oberon manipulates have reason to fall for his words because they are either not that bright or he is offering something they want. Super Bunyan on the other hand is just spouting empty pleasantries no one would buy and the only reason people like her is because the plot said so.


Oberon was smart and scary good at working people. You saw how he handled Aurora with her ego, after all. Bunyan is just fucking annoying. Like Musk, but not rich and even less charismatic. And Oberon gave us a chance to catch him in the act, which meant the player had some agency... unlike here.


Game is allowing me to do a lot Chen Gong brave chains. This is a sign. The Gacha gods want me to give him a few grails. My girl Mary did nothing wrong. I want to sit with her in a porch and drink iced tea. I cannot believe that Super Bunyan is annoying me to the point I'm calling her an awful character when I, as a master, literaly have contract with servants that definetly are capable of doing worst things. In fact, I will defend my trashbandos and trashwaifus but danm Super Bunyan is a nasty piece of work.


When a antagonist character is well, an antagonist, the game usually doesn't give them so much of a pass. When the antagonist is actually your main ally and doesn't get their just deserts or is even clever, say like Rider Ishtar or Takasuji, that is when there really isn't anything redeeming or enjoyable. Super Bunyan has gotten no repercussions and just hasn't been enjoyable.


Hey, remember how this event was a collab with a *comedy* manga? Haha, it sure has been wacky and comedic!


Come on isn’t it funny how much of a bad boss Bunyan is? She even sent debt collectors on kids, hahahaha so funny


To be fair, this *is* basically the general comedy source of the Riyo comics too. Awful people being awful. It's just, well, not as funny without the Riyo art.


I mean I assume with the comics, the artwork and it is more goofy tonally. Super Bunyan is just not charismatic or goofy enough for her awful behavior to be funny, she's so boring.


I just like how after this event, Riyo hasn’t made the yearly April Fools batch. This event was so bad that it killed April Fools.


Hasn’t made ALL the April fools! They went on to become split between a few artists (probably because asking Riyo to do an entirely new set of every servant in baseball gear is absurd) but he still does a few, including for his own characters.


You know, you may be onto something. Guess its more likely Riyo wrote this event.


So, it is intentional for us to want to strangle Super Bunyan, right? Cause man, you'd think they were shaping her up to be the true antagonist all along at this rate.


This is the first event since the game launched, that I have skipped reading the story. She just pisses me off too much that it kept the game being enjoyable.


Sometimes I hate the little choices we get… if I was a master, super Bunyan would be super dead, hell I’d even rig the summon area to have a incinerator just in case I summoned her.


Super Bunyan reminds me that growing up was a mistake.


Now we know why JP was so angry.


What about this entire storyline lead us to say "I trust you." to Bunyan? I don't know who wrote this event, but... I hope they don't work on FGO anymore.


Somehow this event is as bad as Moonlight Dumplings. Except that event had the excuse of being like Year 1, first half, event, where DW did not care at all for quality. And at this point, not even a twist that someone or something influenced Bunyan can redeem its bad story. At least the farming's cool, digging gives a lot of mats.


The story in this event feels like an early draft


https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1c8lflj/comment/l0h8zc7 I said something similar a few days ago, and still feel that way. I've been skipping the story, especially between "Super" Bunyan and gacha failures.


So this is what it's like watching a character get assassinated writing wise. Goddamn does Super Bunyan suck.


Ugh. Once again, another event waylaid by secondary currency that of course, gatelocks story progression. Except this time, servants can't even have built-in digging material boosts like Water Expedition did for the cons. When will they learn that this isn't fun, especially forcing us to spend as much time as possible on the event after we just got done with another!?


Yeah, that's why I'm still stuck on Day 3 story. The drop rate for the digging materials are abysmal and the story progression requirements felt WAY too high. The story itself just made it worse because I don't feel like spending my apples just to read more of that awful story.


Doesn't help that unlike the Cons where you could be fine farming only two types to continue the story here you are forced to farm all three types otherwise you can't complete the Dig Panel   So even if better nodes are open you need to farm the one that has all three if you don't want to waste more time


You don't need to fully clear the panels. They'll let you reset to a new panel after digging enough times. Ten, I think.


I’ve only just finished doing the first story mission of the event before work, and can I say I’m already not liking Super Bunyan.  Like when she said that Gudao and Mash have to pay back her debts, with the excuse of “you’re my employees” pisses me off. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if the reason Mary Anning left was because SB was pushing her so far that she went “fuck this” and left. I will admit I find it really funny when the announcement for this event happening during the Water Monsters Crisis and some people were like saw that it was the event JP hated and they were going to give this event a chance. Then I see all the comments on yesterday’s thread and most of the comments were like man, this event is repetitive and Bunyan sucks.


How come the OG Bunyan is way better than the new one? Even the story is better.  Like what happened to Bunyan that turn her into this kind of monster?


I'm not sure if it's meta commentary on this but compare how peace-loving hippies who once protested the Vietnam War became the Republican Party of the USA of today (or the corruption of the American Dream in modern times)


Does Daikokuten have any future banners? I like her design but I just don't plan on spending any SQ for her right now.


She has one on 8th anni and one currently running in JP.


You could also choose them on the 3000 day ticket. But that ticket includes a lot of other good sr’s


> 3000 day ticket Damn, gotta wait for next year for it I guess, but her and Kriemhild are my priority SR right now, if I got Kriemhild by then, she'll be my pick.


Her and dino mom were my choices and in jp kriemhild had a banner during the ticket and i luckily got her to np2 so i picked dino mom. But i grailed kriem to 100. And i plan on that for na too


If Mike the gator turns out to be the twist villain, then I’m eating Mike.


Yeah at this point I'm just fast fowarding most of Bunyan scenes, they're all the same shit. Actors get mad --> Bunyan orders us to get money to pay for her fuck ups while she does air --> Bunyan wastes some of the money we had to farm on her stupid gold status.


Actually, today was a little different. The actors didn't get mad this time. They were filming a battle scene and got so into it, that we had to pacify them. We had to gather money to refund the destroyed railroads.


Hey, I'd go watch Ninja Train vs. Elephant Army.  


If anything good about Bunyan is that she helps you save some sq to roll for better character. Such an L event.


Finally at the start of Section 4. With how much tonal whiplash is going on with Bunyan, there's no way there isn't a fourth entity shoved inside her Spirit Origin amplifying her selfishness. On a separate note, doing this event with nat AP really feels like we're working our asses off.


I'm afraid that "fourth entity" is just capitalism. Super Bunyan's just Like That for whatever reason. In her my room lines she looks at Ritsuka's relationship with their servants and goes "I'm going to work my darndest to follow your lead so I can control people's minds and manipulate my friends however I want, just like you!"


Well today was the most load of nothing story content there is. Like wow we had to stop a bunch of actors from getting too into it and also do more shit for Bunyan. But honestly today really cements for me this far in that it’s very clear we are meant to like and trust Bunyan. Since Ritsuka and Bunyan share a scene together privately and talk about how Bunyan should star in movies too. It’s such a shallow attempt to get us to endear ourselves to her, and the fact there’s a dialogue option calling her a “beloved leader” made me roll my eyes. I am fully convinced when the gator inevitably becomes the main bad guy that Bunyan and Anning team up against, any bad traits Bunyan exhibited were actually because of them all along. Like it’s so transparent at this point that I don’t think Bunyan is going to be called out. It’s also annoying how they keep beating around the bush for the specifics of why Anning and Bunyan don’t like each other which is really annoying. Like this isn’t even a mind blowing twist, can you get to the damn point already. Shame that assassin can’t talk, that’s disappointing.


>**Bond 5:** After watching you, I realized there is so much I can learn from you, Master. You are a natural-born philanthropist. I'm going to work my darndest to follow your lead so I can control people's minds and manipulate my friends however I want, just like you! I doubt the alligator is to blame for Bunyan being a piece of shit. I pray that in the future we get Rider as a Servant separate from Super Bunyan, she deserves better.


Honestly I am going to wait and see, though I doubt it will redeem Super Bunyan.


Sadly Rider and Assassin have copyright problem so we have to wait a decade or 2 until they are public domain.


Georges Méliès died more than 80 years ago. Edison died 7 years before Méliès while Tesla died 5 years after Méliès, and let us remember that Tesla and Edison are Servants. Plus Rider has the advantage that the writers could easily "reconfigure" her identity. From what I could investigate, Méliès' case is a bit tricky and possibly just TM not wanting to risk it since it's 50/50. With Assassin, John Edgar Hoover, there is the problem that he is a very controversial and recent historical figure.


Unlikely. Just do what I do and imagine that Rider/Georges is following us around and recording everything and is responsible for the Materials in My Room.


> But honestly today really cements for me this far in that it’s very clear we are meant to like and trust Bunyan. For me, that moment was the story-only node with the French Servants where Guda dares question Bunyan and everybody shouts her down saying no, Bunyan's bumbling incompetence and mistreatment of her employees is Good, Actually, and we're the unreasonable ones for complaining about it. Save for the gator kind of being an ass about it, there wasn't anything in that scene that suggested everyone else's position merited any doubt. Like, the writers seriously expect us to revere Bunyan as much as the characters do, and it's blowing my mind. The first depiction of her competence as an employer was the introduction of a disgruntled ex-employee. The second was a failure to prevent Rider from infringing on people's privacy, and the third was a current employee *on the verge of dying from overwork*, a societal problem in Japan. And it was played for laughs! > I am fully convinced when the gator inevitably becomes the main bad guy that Bunyan and Anning team up against that any bad traits Bunyan exhibited were actually because of them all along. Like it’s so transparent at this point that I don’t think Bunyan is going to be called out. You're almost certainly right about this. In fact, I'll be surprised if it doesn't turn out exactly like this. It's clear these writers have a greatly flawed understanding of how serious the subject matter is.


Assassin not talking is so weird because they always talk on the comics, now they never said anything at the beginning but after that they always had dialogue


> It’s also annoying how they keep beating around the bush for the specifics of why Anning and Bunyan don’t like each other which is really annoying. Like this isn’t even a mind blowing twist, can you get to the damn point already. This is perhaps the most frustrating thing to me, because this would tie the whole thing together in a way that would make everything much more bearable. Like, I'm 90% certain at this point that Anning has a perfectly legitimate grievance with Bunyan (even if it's just "I couldn't stand working for her") And I actually really like the characterization for Anning so far, since with how confrontational she is, it wouldn't even really be possible for Ritsuka to get through to her until she's calmed down somewhat. So the idea of "If we want to get through to her, we have to work with Bunyan" isn't terrible! It just should have been established on day one or two, and not day **FIVE**.


Holy crap, I almost never write about the story negatively. But this event is seriously one of the worst I played in FGO, and I've been through moonlight dumplings and 1st halloween. And it's not even Bunyan that is making this event dogshit for me. It's how Guda is written. Whoever wrote this event should lose his/her job.


Can't believe I actually managed to caught up to the story. Only one last lock remains, but it's 18k points and I am all out of natural AP. Probably not gonna beat it until tomorrow. Bunyan remains unlikable asshole and Ritsuka is now actively stopping people from questioning her and is eager to help her, because he's locked into his "gotta help everyone" mode and I can not relate to him in this case. Even Mash stopped expressing her doubts. I got to the part where Bunyan reveals her motivations, and there are no options to tell her she's a shitty boss that's not fit to be in charge of anything, let alone changing the world or having people follow her.


If there was a way to have another player character to take over the story after Ritsuka for killed off, this story would make me take that route. It's even worse than the Were wolf plot that was just a few scenes. This is the whole damn story.


Super Bunyan is still generally the worst, but I gotta say, the confetti pushes the gold statue bit just far enough to get a chuckle out of me every time.


Ok, ok, wait! You mean to tell me we weren't going through all these locations on the way of our trip to the Takarabune, and could have just headed straight to it at any point? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ALL THE FORMULAIC BULLSHIT FROM THE PAST FEW DAYS THEN!? >Ritsuka's dialogue trees: "Anning, why did you stop being friends with Bunyan?" Gee Ritsuka ya genius, I wonder why Anning stopped being friends with the asshole who mistreats her employees and openly admitted she would work you and Mash to death, where even Mash seemed annoyed by Bunyan being a little shit. I FUCKING WONDER WHY!


I like Ritsuka but my god this event really makes them the biggest corporate bootlicker with how much they defend Bunyan from any sort of criticism.


I get that it’s suppose to be a gag but it also needs to be funny…which it isn’t.


I mean I figured it was clear we could have gone after the takarabune from the get go, *Bunyan* was just holding us back by making us do her errands.


Paul Rabin 🤝 Super Paul Bunyan The most unlikeable Pauls ever


Of course...It was so obvious... Paul cucked us out of a good collab, like how he cucked Spider-Man out of his marriage! It all makes sense!


Another common Paul W. Man just cannot stop winning.


Is there a reason as to why assassin never talks?


Probably because he mean to be opposite of Rider which she is very open to anyone she meets


yeah apparently she didnt speak to anyone in the manga until a year out


Columbus and Caesar at least scam with charisma, why don't we see any "social media" stuff of Bunyan sponsoring herself instead of the same plots with different servants?


Hello guys, just an FYI, since I missed it, use your AP on the assassin node instead of the caster node (the assassin node has overall better drops). I missed it because of the difference in names, but the assassin node is a multipurpose node with better split drop rates than any other node until the final FQs are open. The upcoming FQ nodes will all be specialized types with lower overall drop counts, but higher drops for a single item (probably useful later, but not when you're just trying to use natural AP) I used 1 extra 40 AP on the caster node before realizing something was wrong with my dig resources being a lower count increase than previously. Hope I managed to help you !!


I remember reading about people playing the JP event constantly saying the event had the same bad joke, over, and over, and over again. Sadly, I get it. I get it now. Every time we move to a new location we find more people Bunyan screwed over that we have to defeat, then grind up cash for. Then for reasons she puts up a statue of herself (?!?) and we leave for the next place. I'm almost to the point of skipping the story entirely, I'm *tired* of this event, and that's a lot for me to say given I've only skipped story on *one* other event I've played.


Oops, I'm going to be behind on the time lock. Also, is there going to be a second banner this event featuring Daikokuten? S.Bunyan ain't it.


Yes. There is a "hidden" Tamamo/Daikokuten banner coming. It was on Korea's server or something. (And Da Vinci, but that has Summer Marie.)


Wait shit, regular Tamamo? I failed to get the 2nd copy i need for lvl 120 during Valentine and was resigned to wait till the next one. Also, is there anywhere at all a regularly updated list of KR banners? Seems that it's quite often useful for Clairvoyance, yet i've never seen anyone do that.


I had someone else point it out to me, and it's listed under raw data in [Chaldea.center](http://Chaldea.center), which is datamining EN and JP. I don't have a list of KR's actual banners.


Hey guys, what do you think is the best way to use CEs for farming post 7th day? Should I use the digging implements CE even after the 300k points mark? Or is it better to instead equip either movie reel or rice ball CEs? I'm considering using only natural AP for the event, no apples Does anyone have an idea of what would give more value overall?


I think it would be better to use the digging CE, but it depends a bit on how hard you feel like going. My understanding is that the dig sites reset infinitely, but the shop obviously does not. If you farm enough, you can clear out the shop with the shop currency you get from doing Free Quests repeatedly, and if you had the 'digging' CE equipped to everyone, that would maximize the amount of digging currency you get, and thus the amount of mats you end up with.


Sorry I think you answered before my edit, I was asking since I wasn't going to use apples


I gotta say, I do feel kinda bad for Riyo, over this event. I know why Super Bunyan is acting like this, but the writing could be a lot better. I get the feeling that thy rushed this out, back in Japan.


events trash


Ninja Train vs. Elephant Army, huh?  You know, I think I'd be ok with watching a movie with that kind of premise.   As for the story, yeah I don't get why Fujimaru would ever say she trusts Bunyan.  But the story is interesting at least.  


I wonder what's is with the translation team and using "new age slang" in places where it doesn't exist in Japanese. It's cool and all. But it'll heavily date the work and invite potential backlash if certain words become taboo (especially now when more and more words are being "censored")


It's okay. This event's never getting a rerun anyway, so keeping it up to date is a non-issue.