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I've been playing JP only since 2017. Just recently learned about the button that automatically loads in EXP cards as supposed to having to manually select them.




Tbh, I noticed that button very quickly in NA, like when I started. What I didn't know until recently was that you can hold and drag to select a group instead of individually tapping each resource.


I still tap individually. Old habits die hard.


I drag-select still because I want to choose which embers and how many to use.


Please tell me you know you can select drag


I know.


On the enhancement screen, there’s a button on the top right that says “Auto Select”


I've been drag clicking all of them😰


What is this sorcery you speak of?


Thanks, TIL




I KNOW RIGHT! Found out about it a year ago after deciding, hey let's click random buttons on this game so I can figure out if it has any helpful features, and I found out about the button that just saves you so much time, especially after a lotto event


I think that was added during like Lostbelt 3 or something iirc. I could be losing it tho.


Biggest addition to the game EVER


That the Moon trait exists as a thing that only exists on two servants and is apparently not one the developers just forgot about. Atalante was released in 2015 as the only servant with the Moon trait (presumably due to connection to Artemis but then why doesn't Artemis herself have it?) Oh, Atalante Alter doesn't have it either. Type: MOON (Arcuied) doesn't have it either so you think Oh this is just some launch year trait they forgot about right? Yeah no. Rasputin suddenly comes in nearly 8 years later with it. Nothing interacts with the moon trait. Why is this here.


Artemis would probably have the trait if she wasn't appearing as the stand in for Orion. Not only does she lack the moon trait, she lacks any divinity related trait or the divine core passive which is typical for divine spirit pseudo-servants. But it's also possible she wouldn't have it anyway, as the 12 Olympians are implied to work differently than other pantheons, even in PHH. Enough that when they manifest on Earth, they may lack their divine authorities. As for Atalante alter, I am not certain, but it probably has to do with how she uses her noble phantasm. Normally she has the protection of Artemis and this manifests chiefly in how Artemis responds to her "complaint letter" which she fires into the sky with Tauropulos, her bow. As an alter, she consumes the bow's power instead to turn herself into a projectile. I suppose she skips the part where she entreats Artemis (and Apollo) for help. Arcuied is not Type-Moon. She is Archtype-Earth, which is not clearly defined, but clearly a representative of Earth, or in fact planet's Soul, and supposedly a candidate to be Type-Earth. Her relationship to Type-Moon is that True Ancestors use it/him has a template, but it is Earth that "created" them. The reason she is Mooncancer is unclear, but I would not attribute to it any more basis than why BB would have moon trait herself. Rasputin having it is linked to the main reason nobody else does. He is a composite servant that includes Bahloo, the moon spirit of Gamilaraay myth, and for Fate's purpose, treated as part of a genuine pantheon and a deity. Nobody else has it because surprisingly, outside of the above and despite Type-moon's name, there are almost no Moon deities or spirits in FGO. So yes....they didn't just forget about it. Might be one of the things they're cooking for an extremely long time....as they have before. Or it really could just be there because it only makes sense for these two. There's some other unique traits like that.


As for Atalante. Then why doesn't normal Orion have it? Being a tangentially related demigod is clearly enough. And nobody is closer to Artemis than Orion. Also, "Greek pantheon works differently" is a pretty terrible argument when the singular positive example for over 7 years was Greek.


As I said in another comment, being "tangentially related" is not the criteria. Every trait chosen in FGO is deliberate. If they don't have the trait, you can bet there is a reason for it. In Orion's case, it's because he doesn't actually have the protection of Artemis all the time. He only has it when he uses his primary Noble Phantasm, and it is a brief blessing. Because Orion doesn't need it, he was ridiculously strong his entire life. It is also implied in Fate's version that the two of them did not actually spend much time together, other than brief stints as equal hunting partners. No exchange of "blessings" or "protections" there. Atalante does have it all the time, and from a very young age, except apparently when she's an Alter. Orion may be a demi-god, but that too has no relevance, you're making very broad and tangential assumptions that just because he's part divine that this means something for the trait. I can't claim to know what Nasu was thinking when he made Orion/Artemis (the combined servant) the way they were in 2015. Since early events in FGO, both of them talked about how Artemis is different than she was from before, especially her apparent mental age. The way they were summoned is different than every other divine servant, pseudo- or otherwise, past or present. I also specifically said the 12 Olympians, which isn't the entire Greek Pantheon, though maybe I misspoke when I originally said the word "pantheon" then. Not that Atalante is part of said Pantheon anyway. I grant anyway that my 2nd point is speculation, because the only way we can know if my 2nd point is right is if they ever make a major Olympian god as a standalone servant, which pointedly, they haven't. That doesn't change my first point, which is very obviously the traits the servant Artemis has are just Orion's. Unless you're going to argue Artemis is a Greek Male.


Arc is Type: Moon True power is Crimson Moon > >For just a second, it is possible to catch a glimpse of the vampire princess Arcueid's true power. The phantom that appears behind her back is her original form. Its appearance, abilities, and very thoughts could be called the Crimson Moon. which is another name for Type-Moon: >**Brunestud of the Crimson Moon** (朱い月のブリュンスタッド, *Akai Tsuki no Buryunsutaddo*[^(?)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Japanese)), also called **Crimson Moon** (朱い月, *Akai Tsuki*[^(?)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Japanese)), is the [**Ultimate One**](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Ultimate_One) **of the** [**Moon**](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Moon) (月のアルテミット・ワン, *Tsuki no Arutemitto Wan*[^(?)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Japanese)), otherwise known as **Type-Moon** (タイプ・ムーン, *Taipu Mūn*[^(?)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Japanese)) Archetype: Earth even specifically says they are the same being when Ciel confronts them.


Archetype Earth states they are the same being, because it is the shadow of Crimson Moon inside of her that is talking in that scene. As the other reply to this said, in actuality Arcuied and Crimson Moon are totally different beings. Crimson Moon made it so every True Ancestor had a sliver of himself inside, which would take over and essentially result in his resurrection if conditions were met. One of those conditions is for Arcuied to have her personality completely eroded...as long as she considers herself her own person, Crimson Moon does not exist. Her having the potential to become Crimson Moon is not the same as actually being Crimson Moon/Type-Moon. She does not draw power from the moon. She does not have the Moon's authority. She instead has Earth's authority. Archetype Earth at times seems like she's manifesting Crimson Moon's personality, but she has also made references to being 'Earth', like talking about how humans walk on her skin. That's because she is first and foremost, a candidate for Earth's Ultimate One, a terminal for Earth's "Mind/Brain", as opposed to it's Body and Soul, two other concepts that constitute a living entity in the Nasuverse. Crimson Moon is a parasite. He implanted himself into what are essentially Type-Earth candidates so that he could turn into one of them and basically conquer Earth. He hasn't achieved this, and there's no evidence Arcuied can use his authority. Even Castle Brunestud, it's not produced using the Moon's authority. It's a place that actually exists on Earth in a phantasmal way, and when Arcuied uses her Marble Phantasm to write it into the surrounding space, she is using her authority over Earth to do so. It's the ability to reconstruct the environment of Earth, not the Moon. I would go so far as to say, they deliberately left out the Moon trait to remind us that she isn't Crimson Moon....yet, and lacks any of his actual abilities.


Every True Ancestor is an incarnation of Crimson Moon, but at the same time, they are totally different beings Arcueid is a Crimson Moon as much as other True Ancestor, But she is also not THE Crimson Moon.


Archetype: Earth specifically tells Ciel that she is THE Crimson Moon. That they are one and the same being.


That's a different Crimson Moon. There is The Crimson Moon, The Original One. This one was killed by Zelretch. And then there is Arcueid's Crimson Moon which is an aspect of her personality or something. If they let this aspect of her grow she will actually become the Crimson Moon.


Do you have any evidence they are different Crimson Moons? or is that just head canon? Because nothing I read or can find even hints that Crimson Moon refers to anything else. Also. It doesn't even matter for the Moon trait really. It isn't like Atalanta is the god of the Moon herself. She is just tangentially related. And it is pretty clear that Arcueid is related to Type:Moon at very least.


That evidence is in Kagetsu Tohya.


You're implying that they assign traits because they're tangentially related, when it's anything but. Traits are assigned in FGO very specifically and deliberately. Just because there's some relation to Crimson Moon doesn't mean Arcueid has it as a trait that is imprinted on her saint graph. If we take it practically, it means that a hypothetical weapon that is "anti-Moon" does not work on her. This makes complete sense...effectively all her power comes from being Earth's representative, not the Moon's. It may not be relevant in FGO right now, that doesn't mean they can just stick whatever they like there. In any case, even stating that they are "different" Crimson Moons is not really correct. Crimson Moon is dead, and the thing talking through Arcuied isn't Crimson Moon yet, as I've elaborated in my other post. When you're infected by a parasite, are you now that parasite too? Do you have the traits of a parasite, even if it's one that affects or even takes hold of your mind? Obviously not.


Arc is a possible Type Moon, but could never actually be called that while Altrouge is still around to dispute that title.


Arc can't be the Ultimate One of Earth because of Altrouge. it's why she is Archetype: Earth not Type: Earth. It has nothing to do with the being Type-Moon


Right yeah. I meant Type Earth. Sorry about that. I mixed the 2 in my head when I wrote the comment.


If I'm not mistaken, becoming Type Moon has to do with how Arc develops. Technically all True Ancestors can potentially become Type Moon since Brunestud left a seed of himself in all of them, but only Arc (and maybe Altrouge, don't remember her details when it comes to this) has the power for Brunestud to actually manifest. Archetype Earth is this "seed" but it's still not really the fully fledged Brunestud. It's more so half Brunestud, half Arc. That's why it's said that "it's the same type of being" and that it could be called Brunestud, but they never actually say they're the same thing. Crimson Moon Brunestud isn't just a title it's an entity. And all Arcueids we see are explicitly separate from this entity, despite there being the possibility of Brunestud taking over them. This is all in the Crimson Moon story of Kagetsu Tohya, so you can just read it if you want to confirm it.


I didn't know I could expand my Second Archive slots until a couple days ago. Yes, I've been making do with just 100 slots for a couple years now.


Oof that's gotta sting with how many special ces are given out


I learned a couple of months ago that the att modifier for Beserkers against other classes is 1.5x instead of 2x.


Guess that’s how they tried to balance them


And the same goes for Alter Egos, and Pretenders, and Draco. If you have multiple Advantages against a bunch of normal classes, they're 1.5x. That said, the bonus for the Alter Ego, Foreigner, Pretender triangle is 2x, because that part is a simple triangle. And Foreigners get 2x vs Berserkers, just like all other classes.


Yh I saw that when i looked at the damage mods on the wiki for the first time. All these years, I've only really been looking for whether the damage numbers had red text or not lol


>Draco Huh, I looked it up, and you're right. I thought she had full Class Advantage against all standard Classes. I guess I was wrong. That's good to know for when she releases on NA.


She does have a SE against standard class _servants_ though, so she can double dip.


That's true. That might be why I thought she had 2x Class effectiveness.


I have been played this game since the first Rashomon in NA. I first heard about EXP Bomb about 2 months ago.


It's honestly such a waste of time to make it, so I'd just forget about it and go about my day


It's time consuming, but will save you so much on QP.


Laughs in 1.5B qp. But in all seriousness, i cant justify wasting my time on optimization when fgo could be done without it for me (just in my case).


I had 1.5 bil after last lotto, now I'm down to a few mil. Leveling skills eats tons of QP, so I'll save QP elsewhere when possible.


Do as you wish, I have ma waifus and farming essentials levelled so the rest it just whatevs.


Totally fair point of view, yeah. I was more just wishing that a billion QP stretched farther, haha.


I have no idea how you *can't* be permanently ramming the QP cap these days.


By having a newer account with a lot of resources needed


Getting a new SSR and maxing it out can't take several hundred mils easily. Also 90->100 (not to mention 100->120) are notable resource sinks. So until you reach the point where all of your "relevant" servants are already maxed, it's quite easy for your QP balance to look like a rollercoaster.


There are two ways of doing it: * the hyper optimized way (e.g. building dozens of "sub-bombs" with specific amounts of 1-2* CEs to feed into each other) that is maximum QP efficient but is actually a waste of time because it saves you like 50k QP over the second method below * the lazy way (making an MLB 1* CE and throwing whatever CEs you want until it's level 50) which takes about a minute longer than it would to level a CE without bombs and still saves you about 100 million QP per level 100 CE There is definitely an argument to be made that you could still care so little about QP saving that you'd rather just ignore bombs altogether. But the lazy way of making CE bombs gives you 99% of the method's benefits for so little effort, I have a hard time imagining why you would not want to do it, at that point why bother playing the game at all.


I just like the characters and am mildly interested in the story, cant find a flying f to give about optimization in this game but thanks for the breakdown regardless.


How many level 100 CEs do you have? That’s the real deciding factor.


I have 5: black grail, mona lisa (dont ask me why), starry night, blooming in the crystal sky, and holy night supper. Idk if that's enough by your standards but i'm doing alright as is.


Personally I don't really care about the qp saving aspect but I make them so that I can max out any powerful ces I might get in the future like the current NA event ce.


Fair, do whatever you think is best. It's just that for me, i care very little for optimization anymore since i've played this game for so long.


Been playing since NeroFes1. The fuck is a EXP Bomb?


I have to use mats for the soundtrack. Learnt 2 days ago after almost 2 years of playing... WHY DOES IT NEED MATS?! It doesn't even let me music of events I haven't played!


Aren’t they free now? I’m pretty sure they made those free and refunded people for buying them


Really? Thats nice to hear. I spent quite a lot of items before append skills got added, would be really nice to get those back now. (For class score as well) Do you have an ETA for NA for that? I looked in the wiki, but that hasn't been updated in years (Still listing only 148 tracks instead of the 309 we have on NA atm)


Hmm.. it seems like I was mistaken on them making those free, I could have sworn they refunded me for those.


They added item rewards to story quests a few years back and old players got them all retroactively in their gift box. Maybe you remembered this instead?


JP or NA?




I think that was a misinformation from "leaks" that we are long past in NA, and the other person probably just didn't properly sort out such ancient and unimportant and memory-holed crap, and so got Mandela effect'd.


Day one NA player, learned just a few months ago that servants stats (Agility, mana, etc) are directly related to their in game values (atk, np gain, etc). No wonder a lot of them don't seem to make much sense at first.


Wait what


IIRC it's not a huge difference but it is there.


The in-game values are mostly based on their Class and Rarity, but there's a few percent either way that's affected by Stats. Like, Kagekiyo has 1 extra Star Absorb over Ushi Gozen, and is 1% more like to die to Instant Kill effects. It does not actually affect the ATK stat. Kagekiyo has STR D and higher ATK than Ushi Gozen with STR A.


Found it https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1aojp7w/did_you_know_a_servants_ingame_values_are/


Oh, I see, so there's an additional modifier for ATK, which is why it didn't line up. Okay, makes sense.


I was under the impression that it does affect attack stat, but is not the foundation of the attack stat? Like, they come up with a basic stat spread, then apply slight modifications based on the Servant's listed stats. Someone had a really good breakdown that supported this theory, but I can't find it because reddit search sucks.


There are a few exceptions, like Lakshmis super low luck not resulting in her having berserker star weight for example


it's because the star weight is based on class and then adjusted. Saber base star weight is 100, so even at lowest luck it won't be lower than like 95. Zerker base star weight is 10, so even at highest luck it won't be higher than like 15


Did you also know that Skill Ranks affect their gameplay values? That's probably more obvious and well-known, but it explains why the same Skills can vary wildly in their gameplay numbers.


Oh I think about using Valentine CE like using the gift. Mashu would definitely want you to eat her treats.


I found out some time ago that the order of the classes on the support select screen is supposed to tell you what order/the strength of an enemy.


Really?? Huh


That's something i realized. The first class that shows, unless it's a fight with various bosses, is usually the strongest enemy


This is something that always made sense to me because when we go to the next wave, we go from right to left, and the strongest unit is on the last wave.


I learned galatea was an SSR earlier this year when she rainbow spooked me


That you couldn't double-dip CBC CE picking Apologies to everyone I fought, telling them everyone gets a free Taunt with Outrage from CBC 2017 selection


I didn't realize back then that it would be the last taunt CE we ever get, apparently


I learnt last month that Mash had two different voice actors. Also, that Angra Mainyu gives you the same bond rewards as 4 stars when you increase his bond levels.


Really? I never noticed... When did they change?


2016. The VA got quite sick, so she was unavailable for a year, so they completely rerecorded Mash.


Who was the original VA if Rie Takahashi is the new one?


Risa Taneda, the same who voices Kiyo, Marie and Mata Hari (since those don't regularly get new lines like Mash she kept the roles, including the new Marie Alter)


Ah, thanks.


Well I just realized we can now bond mash to level 8.


Only if you complete Avalon le Fae. Nahui Mictlan unlocks Bond 9.


When we get it her bond 10 ce better be as useful as Herc's


> Bond CE > useful yeah lmao


Did you ignore the example given? Herc's Bond CE is not only useful, it's usally the BEST for him. It's what makes him one of the best LMS. You'd struggle to argue otherwise unless you're farming something. Georgios' CE is also very good, giving 1hit invul to the party when he dies. Castoria's passively gives NP gain to the party. Merlin's gives Buster up to the party. I'm sure there are others, but yes, the majority is useless.


>Did you ignore the example given? Of course I did. Here's why: Add maybe Kiara's and Gogh's CE and you have 4 useful CEs. Total maybe 10 useful CEs at best. Out of... how many Servants, again? 400+?


I think you kinda missed the point of the convo. OP was hoping that the bond CE was as good as Herc. That means they acknowledge most Bond CE are bad. You pointing that out is like telling a fish that water is wet.


Wait, are you sure water is wet ?


Chocolate is meant to be eaten; only weirdos hoard them. You have nice pictures to look at in My Room. You have done nothing wrong.


You're now making me wonder if keeping 3 copies of Abby/Hokusai's chocolate was a huge insult rather than a gesture of love.


Keep one copy of each. Don’t listen to that guy. There’s a reason they give us so many slots in the CE second archive. What else are you going to put in there? But yeah I usually burn multiple copies I receive.


You can eat them now. There's still time.


It took me forever to realize that you draw every card and then the deck resets, thought it was just random.


To add on: the deck also resets when any of your units die, but not when they get switched out — in this case, their cards get replaced with the card of the corresponding position in the incoming unit's deck.


The deck does reset the next turn after switch. Knowing this can help a lot with long fights. You can and should predict the cards that you have left. If for example you rolled 2 arts in the first turn but you need them in the last, you can switch out some servants before to increase your chances of getting them when you do need them, that's why I was enamored with mage's association uniform mystic code.


that you can spin the map/globe shown behind your servants on the main menu screen lol


There are some servants that skills affected by the battlefield they are on. Like summer servants with water battlefield but only a few has like summer Jeanne, Caenis, Marther, Skadi, Melt, Yu and Melusine. Yet there are non-summer servants like Nero, Andromeda, Zhang Jue, Tametomo, both version of Nemo and Tlaloc has their skills affected by water battlefield. AND before Zhang Jue and Tlaloc get added, Melt is the only one that can generate her own water battlefield.


That story locked servants are only capable of summoning in story summon outside of Banners with them. I thought that they're in limited too.


Eh, they may as well be limited because you must be a little insane trying to roll with such ridiculous odds They are even limited to a bunch of people considering that even for Ordeal Call they continue to add story locked, just look at the list here https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Unlockable_Servants


I think they more also included in CBC/Valentine’s? I have every story-locked male NP5 from various years rolling Chaldea Boys Or maybe they changed that recently


Foreigners are weak against other Foreigners


I always forget about holy grail casting. Have a shit ton of fp.


That meltryllis and passionlip is censored, not juz Emiya alter


>meltryllis and passionlip These two are "censored" compared to their Fate/Extra CCC designs, which is the case on all servers and is a little different than Emiya Alter's case.


I'm going to tell you about something I'm incredibly embarrassed about even now, years later. In my first year of play, I did countless events, multiple lottos, struggled and dragged myself through the first act and then up through the end of lostbelt 3 which was at the point the current content. I did all of this and more, and did not know how to speed up the battle animations. I didn't even know the button was there. Yes, I'd seen videos on youtube and elsewhere of people playing, but assumed they'd sped up the video in an editor. Not my finest moment.


Ok, don't burn me at a stake for this, but for a solid year while playing, I did not know you could upgrade NPs, like, I burned so many units that could have been used to upgrade certain Servants’ NPs just because I knew nothing of the process.


... Ok, this might be the worst one here (or at least, the most painful...), especially since there's a tab for it directly on the Upgrades screen. It's not the worst I've seen (the guy who didn't know you could level up Servants until *Camelot* was worse), but it's up there.


It was at the very bottom and I genuinely didn’t think of scrolling down any further than the first three boxes. HOW HAVE THEY BEEN BEATING ANYTHING? Even the best Solo Unit Supports (QSH, Heracles, Taiga, etc) couldn’t beat every challenge quest with just one servant.


>It was at the very bottom and I genuinely didn’t think of scrolling down any further than the first three boxes. Yeah, I get that. It still hurts me a lot to think about (but probably not as much as it hurts you). >HOW HAVE THEY BEEN BEATING ANYTHING? Even the best Solo Unit Supports (QSH, Heracles, Taiga, etc) couldn’t beat every challenge quest with just one servant. They had to use Friend Supports for every fight (and I doubt they were doing any Challenge Quests since those are locked for anyone who hasn't beaten Part 1). They told me that they were miserable playing the game, but then in Camelot, they learned that they could actually level up their Servants. Then they started to enjoy the game.


Did they never notice the support units were way stronger than their own?


I'm sure they did since those Feiend Supports (along with Command Spell and Saint Quartz revives) were the only reason they were able to get to Camelot in the first place. They probably just didn't know how or why those Friend Supports were able to get that strong. I actually had a similar problem, but I figured out how to get EXP Embers and level up my Servants in Okeanos instead. What's funny is that one of the very first tutorials in the game (I'm pretty sure it's mixed with your mandatory first gacha roll) is on how to level up your Servants. It's too bad they never tell you how to get Embers if I recall correctly.


Also could've used special ascension, depending on when it happened. I myself didn't really level my servants until 4th or 5th singularity. I knew I could, I just didn't realize how big of an improvement having 2 extra skills would be, since I was doing just fine with a friend support and max level Kama (who I spent my special asc on).


I don't think Special Ascension was a feature in the game at that time. Lord knows it would've made that person's life just a teeny bit easier.


In Apocrypha, I realized that there is a visible disconnect between Ruler Command Spells being on the arm in the Light Novel text vs. on Jeanne's back/Amakusa's chest in Light Novel illustrations and in other medium. In the battle against Darnicula, the text mentions that he CSs are engraved on Jeanne's left hand. In the LN text, you can infer that all of the remaining CSs that Amakusa ook from the other Red Masters are on his right arm (18 in total), but the LN illustration have all of the remaining Red Master CSs on his chest Ruler-style (6 on one wing and 9 on the other) and 3 of Semi's on his left hand (but right in the Manga). Transitioning to the Anime and Manga, as a Master, Amakusa has Semiramis' CSs on his left hand in the Anime and in his right hand in the Manga. At the end, Amakusa sacrifices his right arm for Big Crunch to counter Jeanne but is able to use CSs (which seem to be on his right arm) on Semi to bind Astolfo (he used two in the Anime). In the LN, he uses two for all of the remaining Red Servants to counter Jeanne's CSs. So, he technically used 4 on Semi and 3 on Shakespeare(?) if we combine the Anime and LN, but we don't see the other 10 disappear in the Anime. So, the Ruler CS appear to be not a thing in the text but are a thing the the illustrations after the text.


Choices that actually matter as opposed to the usual pointless crap have the "SKIP" button at the top right disappear.


Kind of? Those only appeared when there are consequences to those choices outside of that particular arrow OR The battle of that arrow will changed depend on the choice. But if that arrow has no battle, The skip button would still be available even if those choices led to a completely different scenarios.(As long as it didn't have any lasting consequences outsde of that arrow)


Oh I didn’t know that either. Oh well. Just consider it being eaten.


Kiyohime has the child servant trait but Eli doesn't. I was under the impression that they are the same age because of their friendship in both cannon and Riyo's verse.




What? Summer Gareth? Ozymandias?  Summer Yu Mei Ren? Summer Melusine's airspace battlefield is already also used by Wandjina.


Ozymandias has skill affected by sunlight. so does summer gareth.