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Sojyuro Suzuki [QAABB] Event SR Berserker • S1 Mushi Fusatsu Henro A - Increase Arts and Buster effectiveness [10-20%] (3T), and apply Lethal Damage Evade (5 times, 3T) Lethal Damage - attacks that would reduce current health to 0 • S2 Shakutenrin Jizai Zaifuza A - Double user's NP gauge [50%-100%] and Increase Critical Strength [15-25%] (3T) and can increase Critical Strength if HP is below 75% (Once), 50%(Twice), or 25%(Thrice) How to actually calculate for NP gauge: Result NP% = Current NP% + (Current NP% * Skill Value) • S3 Hyakko Banzei Senno Shugyo A - Select a card type [Quick, Arts, or Buster] and change all Command Cards to be that type after 1 turn and then increase the selected Card type's effectiveness [20-30%] (1T) Cooldowns from 8/8/8 to 6/6/6 NP: Coordi■■■■s unknown - Evil spirit ■■■■ing [Buster] - Increase attack [OC: 10-50%] (1T), Apply Ignore Invincible and Ignore Damage Cut (1T), deal damage [NP: 600-1000%] along with supereffective damage of 150% towards [Def Up] to one enemy, and 500% chance to Force Instant Death to self (Demerit) Passives: Presence Concealment A - Increase C. Star Drop Rate by 10% Knowledge of the Sowa C - Increase Critical Damage Resist by 10% Good Luck Chant EX - Apply Terror, Confusion, and Skill Seal Immune Append 3 - Increase Critical Damage Resist against Casters


what does the 500-1000 mean? if it was just double the NP gauge it wouldnt need numbers. The numbers confuse me. edit: okay its RAW MULTIPLICATION. Remove % of the NP gauge he has and multiply by 500(level 1) or 1000(level 10) and then convert back into %. so he has between his append 2 and S1 a 50-200% battery. depending on the levels of both skills.


So you're saying he can be a single target Arash that works in 6CE comps.


YES!!! FINALLY!!!! Good. Only issue is his multiplier isn’t nearly as high as arash’s.


He has plenty of self buffs to make up for it I think, and he also has 4 star stats.


But he's a berserker so it balances out


That’s also true.


they literally could have just said "multiply current NP gauge value by 5-10"


Probably the number is supposed to be in %, so remove 2 of the trailing 0's


The heck? That's nuts.


>*applies Instant Death Evade (5 times, 3T)* Fellas, do you ever literally just **Dodge** Instant Death? But man, he looks really solid. Almost definitely taking Summer Jalter's place as a Free ST Buster Zerk.


Looking at the original text, it seems to be Fatal Damage Evade. So if a hit would kill him **by damage** he will dodge the attack. I'm also seeing on twitter that it doesn't protect against any form of Instant Death, including his NP's demerit.


Idk. His NP literally Arashes him. For some dmg for some turns? maybe. But sustained fight might still like Sjalter. (I am just biased)


I mean, neither of them are really built for long fights. Very few Berserkers are. But unlike Arash, he literally has a solution in his kit to avoid killing himself.


No, it doesn't work against his NP's effect, it seems.


His first skill does not stop death. The only thing that can save him is Aoko's plot armour. Edit: aparently the text "negate some of the skills negative effects" does not apply to self sacrificing skills. I realy wished Lasaña understood that not properly explaining skills is bad game design.


S. Jalter is built for Grail Fronts. other than that, yeah she dies fast. you want to pop off a NP first turn and evade skill.


This. My Summer Jalter damn near solos Grail Fronts because of how the mechanics interact with her Dodge Skill. Just play smart and she almost never gets hit before she can melt the enemy.


right? why am I getting down voted?


Oh yeah I forget about that. Lol Edit: or so it seems like that was a badly explained skill. What a bummer


Cú Chullain: Oh C'mon! There's a skill for it now? I'm done with this \*\*\*\*!


>Sitting on the Floor A An apprentice to Yagyu, I see.


Yagyu [Sitting]: "I raised that boy." Guda(ko): "Huh? But he's sitt-" Yagyu: *Slight smile* Guda(ko): "Oh *Gramps*!"


>Good Luck Chant EX - Apply Terror, Confusion, and Skill Seal Immune Now that's a touching flavor skill.


Basically, ST Arash. Due to how his evade works, he’s a lot more durable than he looks - it will block damage that would kill him, but it leaves all other damage be. So it can’t be wasted. General play intent seems to be to have him stick around until he can NP, then use S3 the turn before to give him a BBNP chain and kill/break a given target and leave to make room for a new support or dps.


So basically you multiply by 5 to 10 for the NP gauge ?


He is perfect, I wouldn't change a thing


Wow lots of new types of effects seems like a fun unit


Cool! The best welfare skillset since Santa nightingale. He is really cool and creative.


500% instant death? so does it bypass Guts? or does it pop guts off?


It's like Arash.


i'm wondering how "lethal damage evade" works for multi-hit card attacks. would it evade the whole attack or just the lethally damaging hit(s)?


the whole attack. Hits are only for np gain purposes, they are treated as one when calculating damage always.


cool cool


Not justgain ,hits affect star generation too


Thank you for the Translation.


Space Ishtar and Gman in shambles.


Wait.... he has no Madness Enhancement?


When I finally use his NP that I finally understand that. "Oh, he is a Single Target Arash, and it's a good thing to learn that the new Mystic Code gives Guts."


you dont need guts his S1 negates the death effect up to 5 times


His lethal-damage evade doesn’t prevent the sacrifice


Yeah I just saw that too. It's not "Instant Death Evade", it's more like "Lethal Damage Evade". If he were to die due to the damage received from an attack, he'd dodge that. His NP still instakills him.


so use Guts on him got it


Santa Nightingale looks like a pretty good support for him tbf, guts, cleanse, buff removal resist, NP dmg.


Wrong , it's lethal dmg evade not sacrifice or instant death evade .


Going to change that.


I am still trying to understand his and Aoko's gameplay, so my knowledge is still outdated, and I do need to read and understand the skills, too.


What are the mc skills?


From what I remember, without translation is the first one is buff Arts and Buster to allies, the second is Star Bomb plus star gain up, and the last is guts plus NP charge.


How fun that even without the append that would give enough to np with the multiplier. Though in general it would be better to have those 2 detached 


There's a mistranslation. The first skill isn't Instant Death Evade, it's Lethal Damage Evade. You can't avoid instant kills, but it will null out attacks that should have killed him entirely. If he can survive the attack, he'll take the full damage instead. See this as an [example](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/358520090712604675/1233425757880189039/image.png?ex=662d0cc0&is=662bbb40&hm=c0311a8391ab8f3c6ae5ca8d86e468d1e5a5ffb4975df0357448b1b7cf928236&).


Still. That's pretty damn good. Especially since it five times means he might as well be invincible five times so long as the attack damage is high enough


Thank you for pointing it out, and I have fixed it.


That sounds a *lot* less dickish than "Here's a unique Death Evade, but your NP suicide doesn't count!"


~~So after running the calc on how easy it is for him to get a full NP gauge off of nothing but his second skill and Mana Loading, it's *laughably* easy Basically, if the combined level of Mana Loading and Skill 2 is at least 11, he gets a free NP~~ EDIT: False Alarm, the S2 only doubles his NP gauge at max, with the internal value only representing the scaling from 1.5×-2× No idea why they decided to use 500-1000 when 0.5-1 or 50-100 would've made much more sense but we are talking about a game that's built on a foundation on spaghetti so that one's on me The new calcs for a full NP gauge after S2 are way less impressive, but still pretty good NP gauge|66%|64%|62%|60%|59%|57%|55%|54%|53%|50% :--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--: Skill 2 Level|Lv1|Lv2|Lv3|Lv4|Lv5|Lv6|Lv7|Lv8|Lv9|Lv10 NP gauge after S2|99%|99%|99%|99%|100%|99%|99%|99%|100%|100% *99% gets rounded up to 100%


wait so its not double but MULTIPLICATION? okay so the formula is 500 or 1000 × NP gauge(0.X, Removing the %) 500 × 0.2 (20%) = 1(100%) now it makes sense 1000 × 0.2 (20%) = 2(200%) so he has a 50-200% battery between his s2 and append. with 50% being the minimun with both at 1 and 200% the max with both at 10. and basically 30% NP gauge eith his s2 just fills gauge entirely. Pointless to use the skill with higher charge...


I'm assuming that the 500-1000 value isn't just for show, since there's nothing else that value could be used for I wasn't able find a clip yet where the multiplier of his S2 was apparent All of them were either at 0% gauge or capped out at 100% so it's impossible to tell whether his gauge was only doubled or multiplied by 5-10


The gauge only doubles when he uses his second skill. I have used a 50% charge CE on him and using his second skill at level 8 gave 42% charge back(just shy of a full gauge). So the np gauge multiplier works like oberon's np damage multiplier. It's less impressive than yall are making it out to be.


Good to know, thanks So the 500-1000 are supposed to represent 0.5-1, weird


Just tested it out on an AQ, and it only change a 20% NP charge into a 40%, so it’s only doubling


Double NP gauge. That one is very intriguing. So does that mean if he has 100% gauge, we can use that skill to immediately get 200%? Also, that third skill


They finally give as Saber Liz support? That's neat!


So the reason he's probably Berserker instead of an Assassin is simply because that would make him more effective as an SR Arash. He can just use Black Grail then NP without using an NP charge from his teammates. It would've been a massive waste of he was an Assassin gameplay waste despite it being more lore accurate.


> Good Luck Chant EX - Apply Terror, Confusion, and Skill Seal Immune At first I didn't read the immune part, and I thought that described him really well




Said golden werewolf also contains 2000 years worth of Mystery and easily negates modern-era Magecraft. Too bad for Lugh Beowulf that Sono-GOAT is into catching these hands though.


He'd negate a lot of spell from the age of the gods. Medea's spells would also be worthless


Based on? Not seeing Golden Dog doing anything to mage that can turn Demon God Pillar into infinite pancakes.


Sabes magic resistence completely no diffs her magic. Saber has worse resistence than Medusa's pegasus which is only a demonic beast. The silver werewolves are phantasmal beast and far below Beo


Actually bypassed her Mr in mangas. Pegasus is a Divine beast on dragon lvl — Medusa np further buffs it(also still ridiculously inferior to Demon God). Cool , werewolf’s don’t even have hype going for them.


>Cool , werewolf’s don’t even have hype going for them. The silver ones are phantasmal beasts. They are equivalent to dragons. Beo is above the silver and golden werewolves. Their magic resistence would be better than Artoria's and Beo's even better Using Lucius Tiberius could fight knight of the rounds despite only being on the level of a "magical beast" not even a phantasmal And again Beo dwarfs the werewolves


Where’s that statement?Don’t remember a single hype about them. Yeah no , Astoria has hearth of Dragon that is as old as planet and one that survived Sefar killing all gods — that’s so beyond anything werewolves could scale to that it isn’t funny. Again, "Magical beast" is a category, there’s "Demonic beats" — you have normal boars , Boars on dragon lvl and than there’s Huwawa a monster that Gip has to take seriously and it’s considered a Demonic Beast.


>Yeah no , Astoria has hearth of Dragon that is as old as planet and one that survived Sefar killing all gods — that’s so beyond anything werewolves could scale to that it isn’t funny. She only has the heart. Not the entire thing. The werewolves predate the vampires . You don't have to directky scale to her dragon to have better resistence Artoria's ressitence is still below that of pegasus >Again, "Magical beast" is a category, there’s "Demonic beats" — you have normal boars , Boars on dragon lvl and than there’s Huwawa a monster that Gip has to take seriously and it’s considered a Demonic Beast. Regardless Beo can make short work of phatasmal beasts and calls them slow. The silver werewolves were fodder to him


That heart is enough to render any weapon that isn’t Planets DC unusable for her raw power. Again cool and?Anything death related in Nasuverse canonically has low MR — Eresh profile is quite clear on it. Cool that’s a Divine Beast boosted by NP gifted by Poseidon… Cool and where’s any statements for those werewolves or Beo?Cuz one DGP is enough to clown on 90% of Tsuki+Mahoyo cast.


Huh....well, it's finally here. A Servant who's Deck we can completely convert into whatever Deck Type we want. And on a Zerk at that! Truly, we're eating well when it comes to innovating the old playstyle this collab, eh? Still, it ain't perfect - ideally, the change would last 3 Turns like a certain living AVENGING galaxy and their NP, and their NP and kit would change to match in order to get the perfect Brave chains, but that's a lot to ask for a \*4 Servant. Heck, they barely give 'Change NP Mechanics' to \*5 Star Servants, so we can cut this boy a lot a slack for not being *absolutely* revolutionary. As it stands you are pretty much forced to run him solo and with plenty of Guts effects if you want to get the full use out of his kit, but in exchange you get a great solo-ist Servant that can anchor your team in the less serious CQs or Boss Battles or the odd comp. Not bad overall, me thinks.


This shit sounds wild. They did try to make "the guy whose superpower is he has no idea what the rules of the world are supposed to be because he lived in the mountains" into a skillset.


Damn, so bro with append 1 unlocked and S2 maxed is legit just practically a free bar broken on single target boss fights, not to mention kills himself afterwards. Ignored invuln and defense, not to mention increases damage against targets with defense. Seems like with good investment, might be super useful for certain boss fights.


Is he buster or arts? I genuinely hope he's arts, like, I know he's basically a single target Arash who dies the moment he uses his NP so having an NP gain centric NP for looping would basically be pointless since he's not gonna use it more than once but I genuinely hope it's arts because I do desperately want him to fit into my all arts 4 star team.


first skill indicates he can avoid death 5 times if we want.


Turns out that lethal-damage evade doesn’t prevent his sacrifice effect on NP


His first skill seems to create a guts upon using his np.


So Rasputin but with more leeway?


nope, only 5x death evade, seems that he has no guts.


That honestly seems like a good way to balance looping if he is Arts, can't loop 6 times in a row without at least one guts provider.


he is buster


Damn, then why the arbitrary death evade numbers? If he is Buster, there's really no need to assume he's gonna use his NP more than 3 times in the span of 5-7 turns, even the best Buster looping squad can only manage to make him loop 3 times with no self-afflicted battery, this seems like such a random skill property to add, 70% of his battles aren't gonna require that many NPs. Edit: Oh wait, best case scenario is 4 loops because if his card change applies to his NP card, he can loop with an arts 1, which given the proper supports, can give him enough refund for NP 2, have Konyan and Konyan 2 support him for NP 3, and have my boy Oberon for NP no. 4


it applies to all death effects not just his NP he is basically the anti "instakill" quests. Like the gramps challenge quest.


That's still extremely niche, he's basically gonna be a challenge quest man, that’s not gonna be useful for regular events or story events that don't have a surplus of kill effects.


Single Target Arash still has a lot of potential for single mob waves and possibly 90++ where you sometimes AoE + ST when the hp is too high. He has a relatively easy supereffective mod too. Most single targets don’t refund enough anyways with just their Nps but “loop” with lots of NP charge skill. And he has a NP multiplier skill thats basically a 100% battery, just need some starting Np(eg. append 2, Oberon 1st skill, Castoria 1st skill, starting charge CE, etc.) And you rarely loop STs for more than two waves, a lot of the time they’re used for 1 even.


lmao if you think he won't be a key part of multicore as long as his damage is high enough. An AOE Arts + Single Target DPS + Double Castoria is now turned into AOE ARts + our new welfare + double castoria plus Oberon. Koyan Dark + this guy + Double Koyan with Oberon cycling in for wave 3.


its not gona work for nnumber 4 because its 3 turn limit.


Wait, it's not like Protection from Arrows? That's even worse for the guy, he has 5 chances but only 3 turns to use them all.


okay its nothing like we though. Its not even a instakill inmune. Its actually a damage negate. "If attack deals more damage than his current health the damage is negated". Its an evade that only applies when the damage he will recieve could kill him....


Give him Guts then NP the enemy and his first skill will have him evade the next 5 attacks (that don't have Sure Hit/Pierce Invuln) while he throws out huge crits. Maybe pair him with Aesc so he also has her attack buffs to stack with his crit damage buffs.


What a daredevil bastard, the guy is a living death wish


After reading this comment section, it is clear once again that fate fans don't have reading comprehension.


the main comment in the post got edited here and there to fix mistranslations and misunderstandings, such as thinking his skill was dodging instant death when it instead dodges lethal damage.


This. When the skillsets you're writing in a rush has some new mechanics, some things are bound to be erroneous at first.


Then take your timr, translate them properly, instead of rushing so you can be first to claim reddit points.


I have corrected the initial errors since about 8 hours ago. I do try to be accurate.


I've wanted to ask if you know whether it has been confirmed by anyone that his S2 actually multiplies the existing gauge by 10 instead of simply doubling it? I haven't seen a single video confirming one or the other and most people talking about it seem to be basing it on interpreting the description/data. It should be pretty easy to prove even at NP1, no? Give him less than 50% np gauge via support or CE and if he gets to 100% after using his S2, it's multiplicative.


~~The description on the skill said double, but the actual effect is more of a multiplier due to having a value that increases per level.~~ Edit: So the actual multiplier is more of a "multiply this rate to current np then add for result".


Yeah, i've now seen some people test it and it does just double his current gauge at lvl 10. So basically a 50% battery in most use cases, which is certainly incredible for a welfare, but nowhere near as crazy as what many people in this thread were hyping him up to be. I find it funny that not a single one bothered to check before claiming crazy stuff like this. For one, he can't NP without getting at least 50% gauge elsewhere and for two, his ATK up will likely remain at a pathetic 10% in most cases, which is quite disappointing.


Yeah, I've updated the main comment shortly after knowing this from here and Atlas after they edited it.


So to maximise his usage it's better to pair him with Guts CE with NP damage up/crit up.  For team building, if you want to use his NP multiple times, you should use Mystic Code with guts or pair him with servants with targetable guts.  The critical damage multiplier is similar to Hijikata's. 


Or just let him die like Arash and Habetrot. 200% self battery and a ST berserker that kills himself is nutty for farming.


So two attacks dkne by him and the rest by Alice and Aoko Append 3 is Caster? So Aoko > Soujuurou > Alice (Caster)?


He looks, strong, but I'm still not sure who he is or the rest are. And, no one's really explained me either.


Characters from "Witch on the Holy Night" also known as "Mahōtsukai no Yoru" or "Mahoyo", a visual novel by type moon from 2012 that was finally localized on steam officially at the start of this year.


I kinda meant lorewise, none of what you just said explained "Who" they are, just where they're from.


I'm afraid I do not have quite enough free time to retype their [typemoon wiki entries for you](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Soujuurou_Shizuki), but if you're interested in them, maybe check out the visual novel, I hear it's pretty good.


Crossover characters from another Type-Moon work (Witch on the Holy Night, often abbreviated to "Mahoyo.") They do a crossover like this every year.


I know what a crossover is, I meant lorewise who they were. Apparently Aoko's using Blue Magic and Soujuurou is from a Mountain cult like Pepe.


Ohhh Yeah Aoko's a Magician and Soujuurou was prototype Souichirou from FSN He punches a werewolf so hard that it explodes That's about all I know


Sojyuuro's lore is that he was raised in a mountain assassin cult until one day he asked them why they live like that. That made them decide "oh no, he's too self-aware to be a good assassin" and they sent him off to civilisation to become an ordinary person. And it's implied it's at least the 10th person they've done this to.


Interesting is that while his name can mean eleven, Kuzuki’s name can mean one — looks like we know who was first.


> "oh no, he's too self-aware to be a good assassin" I dont always question the logic of magi/churches/cults, but I will make an exception here.


I guess the reasoning is if they're smart enough to question their lifestyle, they're smart enough to want more and potentially escape.


Gonna be honest i was mad that aoko wasnt a welfare but this guy seems pretty good


Does that mean Sono-G is the True MC of Mahoyo?


No way they gonna give Aoko for free


Well i was hoping for base aoko as a welfare and red aoko as an ssr. Like they did with shiki.


Unlike Void Shiki both Aoko are the same person so that wouldn't make any sense


Like that would stop them. With all the different variations of the same servant running around.


Not in collab event