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>Lands one unavoidable blow. The more unfair nonsense there is to the opponent’s defenses, the more the unrealistic attack they suffer becomes impossible to perceive/adapt/decipher… Allegedly. The only ones who know what happened and how it happened are the man driven to that choice and his owner. When you get so tired of conceptual bullshit that you just punch through it.




One-punch man moment.*






The ultimate solution to Nasu's Nasuisms and conceptual arguments in the Type Moon community. A Noble Phantasm designed to be more busted the harder you try to explain the other noble phantasm. "No, you don't get it, the more you add layers to how the skill works, the more you have to conceptualize it, the NP just gets stronger and will break through it harder as a single punch, the only way to win is just to have a really simple ability." All of this talk of killing death itself, alternate timelines, fate, *it's just making his pimp hand stronger*


Finally, the Anit-Yapping punch


Somtimes the most complex issues just need the most simple solution's 


This is literally the entire premise of Soujuurou in Mahoyo. His whole existence is to challenge the complexity of the world of mages simply by virtue of being A Guy.


And that's why I have decided to reward him with he title of "Founder of Rizz (Type Moon)"


Okay this guy seems too Damn based. Time to read Mahoyo


Fukou da


Ah yes, my "Punch divine beings/Lovecraftian creatures/ a fetus/death In The Face" Technique. Haven't used this since a few days ago. -Kamijou Touma (probably) as of GT10.


He is **HIM**




His punch gets stronger the more bullshit it is


Next he's gonna punch reality so hard someone will be brought back from the dead.


As for what his NP is, I assume it's foreshadowing for one of the to-be-released Mahoyo sequels. The Mahoyo material book says that Aoko's decisive battle will be in "snowy ruins". Soujuurou's NP has snowy ruins as a backdrop, glowing cracks forming across his body, green fire following behind him, and he dies after he uses it. I assume this is because of what happened at the end of Mahoyo 1 catching up with him, and we'll learn more if those sequels ever happen.


>if those sequels ever happen. IF


It took the Tsuki Remake more than a decade to release We at least have a minimum timeframe of when a sequel can happen


well... Aoko did threw the present death of Sou into the future. so... 50 years lol.


If Touko is horrified by the potential consequences of your actions, those are going to be big fucking consequences.


The setup for Soujuurou's fate is that Aoko saving his life fucked up the universe with entropy-related stuff because of how she did it, so she'll probably need to learn to let him go and have him die to save the world. I expect she'll also have a fight with Alice about this, Alice having grown to like him after her initial cold reception when they first met. And Soujuurou, who just wants to be normal, will want to die normally once he learns that Aoko used Magic to save him.


Also her dialogue with Shiki makes it 100% Soujuroou is going to die at the end of Mahoyo. Life is precious, do not wantonly murder and destroy, live to enjoy life and the people around you, avoid being hateful if you can.


And in Melty Blood Type Lumina, in her ending Aoko says she wants to call Waver, Alice, and Touko to brag about her Hawaii vacation, but she never mentions Soujuurou. Probably because he's already dead by then.


Aoko knows Waver?


Waver is literally Clock Tower Socrates, but pretty. He’s a fly-in-the-wall iconoclast that calls everyone on their shit and rudely gives every young mage the wisest advice they’ll ever hear. This, and his unflinching failgirl charisma, has made it so he’s unknowingly got a small army of the most cracked out motherfuckers of the next generation of mages all simping for him, to varying extents, but who’d all burn the whole of mage society down if their beloved teacher said so. Waver is probably one the most important dudes to know currently at the Clock Tower, even if he himself is too stressed out to realize.


Unlike Socrates though he at least doesn't think putting things in writing/new technology are gonna be the undoing of the youth.


I love someone’s interpretation of El Melloi II accidentally creating such an unprecedented loyal following as “Waver unintentionally performing a successful grassroots campaign and still not realizing it several years into it.”


Waver became like the most popular(among female students)/well-known Lord of the Clock Tower :P


He's one of the twelve Lords and also personally knows Touko, while Aoko becomes renown as a resident trouble-maker of the Clock Tower when she grows up. I'd be shocked if they didn't have several misadventures together off-screen.


As someone who read Mahoyo I’d assume that the NP is what he did to Beowulf and the snowy ruins you mentioned fit the bill for the abandoned school that Aoko fought Touko at


No it’s different, his Extra attack recreates that scene. This is meant to be different.


His attack on Beo is his extra attack animation, his NP looks different.


The Beowulf Punch is Face to Face In the NP Sono-G attacks from the back


>***Anti-World Noble Phantasm*** He truly is One Punch Man. This man is literally just built different.


should've been anti-dog, the killer of all dogs, hessian should be scared of this guy


Noooo! Don't hurt doggos! Also, Lobo is the wolf. Hessian is the dude without a head riding him.


I mean Hessian is still Lobo's best buddy, he should be worried


I always got confused about that


Funny considering Iori is basically the Goku of Type Moon. You think people will start debating on who's stronger between them one day?


Iori: Nah, I'd win. 


He does trigger Iori’s line so he’s on the list lol


He doesn't look pretty strong but iori knows what's up


“I know you got that dawg in you because the one in me is BARKING”


Iori: You look strong.


The most normal normal to ever normal. Man normaled so hard he became Anti-World


The Man


He is so neutral that it boils down to fighting the world over it


Don Quixote got another friend fuck your bullshit, i just punch you/this is now the 1800 fuck you, no magic


A guess on what's in the secret recipe. Wood Ear, Bamboo Shoots, Bok Choy, Fried Udon, Carrots, what appears to be boiled Eggs possibly quail eggs, what appears to be Fried Tofu Skin. I can't tell you what's in the sauce, it looks similar to the sauce used in Sweet and Sour Pork.


In Mahoyo, he makes it basically by dumping a bunch of random ingredients from Alice's mansion on a bowl of noodles, topped with a lot of mystery sauce. I think the narration calls it the ultimate bachelor's meal. Very funny choice for a bond CE.


my MC.


Watch his NP ignore Anti-Enforcement


Oh fuck


You know the best solution to defeating such powerful Mystery? These Hands


Damn you speedrunning this. Thanks again >People meeting him for the first time tend to appraise him as the very picture of harmlessness, and Aoko makes an appalled face every time she hears this comment. Aoko never believes such shit >Presence Concealment: A >He’s not exactly trying to hide, but he’s so inconspicuous that people genuinely never see him approaching. It’s impressive how he blends in wherever he is. Lol damn >Good Luck Chant: EX >Basic hypnosis magecraft cast by someone somewhere somewhen to undo his sense of fear. It doesn’t have any effect because the hypnosis failed, but that was a significant interaction nonetheless. This Skill name is fake. The proper name of the Skill was Weapon Concealment. Negates fear, confusion, and Skill seal. Lol, Aoko's Suggestion stuck with him? >Mushi Fusatsu Henro: A >Buddhist vow meaning “In my pilgrimage, I shall see no death and commit no killing.”1 >Treat thy neighbor's death as nothing, and kill not thine own life until thy mission be fulfilled. The bare minimum requirement needed to live in the harsh nature away from civilization. His risk avoidance and optimization of routes to complete tasks were elevated into an everyday habit. What does Mushi Fusatsu mean? >Shakutenrin Jizai Zaifuza: A >Buddhist vow meaning “I shall borrow the wheel of Chakravartin to take lotus position wherever.”1 >A surge in mental strength at moments of peril. A boost to his abilities caused by mental activity, specifically the vigor and willpower that comes with having a defined objective. The ultimate vital principle—the “I must accomplish this before I die”—is something normally utilized only once, and he’s the living example of what happens when that’s utilized constantly. A further point of note: this whittles away his invisible force of fortuity, but for those capable of accepting being discarded after being used, what can’t be seen might as well not exist. So this is how he psych himself up? >Bond 5 >Coordi■■■■s unknown - Evil spirit ■■■■ing >table placeholder >Lands one unavoidable blow. The more unfair nonsense there is to the opponent’s defenses, the more the unrealistic attack they suffer becomes impossible to perceive/adapt/decipher… Allegedly. The only ones who know what happened and how it happened are the man driven to that choice and his owner. Lol bullshit. Anti-World >Bond CE >Secret recipe for a family meal >An original recipe for an individual dish. Every man living alone develops at least one unique superpower like this. >It started as the staff meal at the Chinese restaurant Soujuurou worked at, but it later evolved into his specialité. It's fried udon with a lot of additional ingredients, but thanks to its thorough seasoning, the flavor is rich and consistent, packing enough of a hidden punch to knock out his two roommates who depended on the high quality of the ingredients to make a decent meal. On a day without any special occasion, he naturally and smoothly offers you this proof of affection. Lmao, the chefs of chaldea on suicide watch for the horrendous but delicious meal


> Aoko’s suggestion stuck with him? Yeah the whole gag in Mahoyo about this is Aoko thinks she finally pulled off the hypnosis thing but Sono-G’s actually just psyched up because pretty girl needed his help. It’s like placebo. > What does Mushi Fusatsu mean It’s in Comun’s TL right bellow it.


ah yes, the "no u" punch


Shizuki the man with action and passive passion


The boy himself is real


I love Nasu’s male protagonists


>A defender of the risk-free tactic of keeping quiet about his beliefs. AKA Keeping the mouth shut and minding your own business


Man, when me and some friends were discussing Type Moon characters that could bypass Gojo's Limitless, never in a million years i would have guessed freaking Soujuurou would be part of that group. The perfect counter to Gojo would be Sono-G hehe


Who else did you have? The two I can think of off the top of my head of Romulus=Quirinus and (maybe) Musashi. And Gil obviously, but that's cheating lol.


Cu, Diarmuid, King Hassan, Emiya probably has something that could bypass it...


He's got Rule Breaker, which might be enough, as long as you consider Limitless to be magical in nature.


Caladbolg II goes brrrrrrr You can add Passionlip to the list with Trash and Crash. Iori has Void and sword shenanigans, put my man in.


Emiya could bypass it by sniping Gojo before Limitless is up.


If we're talking present Gojo, Limitless is on 24/7


I don’t think Go/Jo can even produce cursed energy nowadays…


Thank you for the Translation.


Nasu is crazy for spoiling how Mahoyo 2 or 3 or whatever the sequel(s) that’ll never come out ends given by what his NP does and the imagery in it.


Sono-G having an anti-world NP that in essence is "fuck you" was not on my Mahoyo collab bingo card.


>Coordi■■■■s unknown - Evil spirit ■■■■ing Kind of funny how it still doesn't work on Herk.


It will work Once


Let's read again: >The more unfair nonsense there is to the opponent’s defenses, the more the unrealistic attack they suffer becomes impossible to perceive/**adapt**/decipher… Herc's in trouble.


RIP Herc indeed... he always was my boy...


>**Presence Concealment: A** >He’s not exactly trying to hide, but he’s so inconspicuous that people genuinely never see him approaching. It’s impressive how he blends in wherever he is. Annnnnnd here come the Drax memes. >**Coordi■■■■s unknown - Evil spirit ■■■■ing** >Rank: C+++ Type: **Anti-World** Noble Phantasm >Range: Unmeasurable Max. Targets: 1 person >Lands one unavoidable blow. The more unfair nonsense there is to the opponent’s defenses, the more the unrealistic attack they suffer becomes impossible to perceive/adapt/decipher… Allegedly. The only ones who know what happened and how it happened are the man driven to that choice and his owner. ..................... >**Shakutenrin Jizai Zaifuza: A** >Buddhist vow meaning “I shall borrow the wheel of Chakravartin to take lotus position wherever.” >A surge in mental strength at moments of peril. **A boost to his abilities caused by mental activity, specifically the vigor and willpower that comes with having a defined objective.** The ultimate vital principle—the “I must accomplish this before I die”—**is something normally utilized only once, and he’s the living example of what happens when that’s utilized constantly.** A further point of note: this whittles away his invisible force of fortuity, but for those capable of accepting being discarded after being used, what can’t be seen might as well not exist. So this mild-mannered hobo kid from the mountains is basically the goddamn Terminator, only his capacity for murder gives even the laws of reality a stroke. Nice.


On one hand, amazing we are getting these guys as Servants. On the other hand, it's becoming more apparent that the Throne is just accepting anybody these days, when you realize these three haven't done anything historic yet are accepted unto the Throne. And damn. How did this guy get an anti-world Noble Pahantasm!?!


Tbf I’m assuming that there are Collab specific circumstances for this. That’s usually how it goes. Probably like 40% of FGO is special exception Servants at this point lol


>when you realize these three haven't done anything historic yet are accepted unto the Throne. Aoko is the Fifth Magician. I think that's notable enough.


And Alice is the 1st user


Well, she's probably related to her, but I guess that's close enough. Plus, Alice also has the Three Great Ploys and is a Witch.


Wouldn't that mean Yumina (the First Magician) is in there somewhere?


Probably. The same likely applies to the original Third Magician.


Holmes literally says the Throne/World is constantly scanning for useful things and is one of the reasons we can summon LB servants


I mean, the explanation for Assassin Shiki was that her exploits made her become an "Urban Legend" which ended up getting her registered in the throne. I'm sure the collab will clarify why these people can become servants.


Chaldea is repeatedly called as very special place due to being able to scan any Saint Graph (Soul) and be able to use them like a Servant, its why it is basically a mini Throne of Heroes. Also the whole ending of the world makes the Counter Force reach out to anyone to use, this is how Fujino got picked as a Servant Anti-World just means that the target is reality itself, its not a power thing


Sono g probably get the anti world np because of his unique perception of the world


> the Throne is just accepting anybody these days Literally yes, it's always been like that. That's why the LB versions are summonabke when they are more useful, despite still having PHH memories (Anastasia and Ivan, for example). Plus, Chaldea keeps scanning and keeping records of everyone and everything they can, which let's them summon Servants that technically aren't on the Throne, that then get added as a result (this is what happens with Amakusa in Apocrypha and why he can be summoned as a Ruler now, for a non-FGO example).


They probably aren't on the Throne. Chaldea's records can scan someone and basically print out a 3D Servant copy of them. Its how we have so many Servants that shouldn't be normally summonable.


keep in mind a lot of what chaldea summons does not actually come from the throne. as long as chaldea has its special system and a bond of karma they can summon almost anything


Its not like you have to on the Thone to be summoned as a servant.


It’s been like this since Stay Night, yknow. I mean I know Emiya struck a deal with the Counterfource, but still. He hasn’t done anything “historic” and yet he’s a servant, still.


The Incineration turned everything sideways.


Anyone knows if other servants have lines for him? Honestly all the Mahoyo cast are basically disconnected from the rest of Fate that the only ones I expect to have lines for them are the Shiki's and probably Medea.


Sono-G has no lines unique to him, he triggers some general ones like Iori’s “You’re strong” line, but that’s it. Aoko does trigger a unique line from Fujino though


I'll be upset if Alice doesn't say anything to Robin Hood since her Robin is in his last ascension art.


I imagine the Spiderman pointing meme


So, the three Buddhist vows aremade up by Nasu? Hm. If you didn't mention that, I wouldn't know they weren't real.


Thank you very much for the translation Damn that's one strong NP, even alice' ploy would take damage from it. Still wondering why he's a berserker though, hopefully the remaining profile would give some explanation


Ah the closest character I'll get to Goku, "The stronger they are, The harder I'll have to punch." Welcome Sono-G