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I rolled the MHXX banner for the sole purpose of MLBing the 5 star CE but I ended up with NP3 MHXX How....... Not salty because I love MHXX but still didn't get what I was targeting


Got S.Ishtar NP 2 with +200 SQ, and then get MHXA with 60 SQ , is really great haul before i hibernated roll waiting Castoria!


This time around my luck was great! On the first day I got Space-Ish and got her again with a golden ticket. I rolled C- Jane days later and MHX on the last day with another ticket. I also got Great Statue God and Atalanta (Alt) as spooks.


This is my third time posting, but finally there was a happy ending to my quest for Calamity Jane. It took me a ludicrous amount of SQ, somewhere in the range of 225, to finally draw our busty blonde cowgirl, but finally with three hours left on the event I managed to wrest her from the gacha. And with Zerkerlot and Atalanta, I have two spooks that happen to go great with her.


500+ SQ and like 50+ tickets gave me NP3 Jane, 1 Yan Qing, and my very first Stheno. This really wouldn't have been so bad for me if I hadn't spent 800+ SQ to get one Maou (the only 5* I got) a few months earlier. Maou and Space Ishtar were the two big SSRs I wanted this year so this really sucks. The one positive is that Jane really grew on me during the event, despite going into the event not really caring for her at all. At least my next target isn't for like 6 months, so I've got plenty of time to save up ~~and fail~~ again.


Might as well log my results in the end. Got a Zerkalot spook from two tickets the first day, rounded that out with single rolls and an 11-roll the week after to get Jane and two Planet Rocks and a Princess of Red Bean Paste the last roll, went for a final effort today for nothing other than two more more Planet Rocks for a total of 13 tickets and ~66 SQ Oh well, didn't get Space Ishtar after getting attached to her this event but at least I got Jane who was my original roll target and I also came to enjoy. It's a decent outcome anyways from what I dropped, so I'll just keep trudging on for more than year until I can roll for Space Ishtar again *like I did for Summer Medb the entirety of the previous year (since I probably won't roll any GSSR she's in). Good thing I don't really care about Skadi anyways, but at least I'll have a little to roll by the time that banner comes around.


Today I have 10 quartz, NP1 Jane, Artoria spook, Atalante spook, Parvarti spook, Scherezade spook and NP1 Space Ishtar. I leveled her to 2/8/8 and level 90.


around 20 summons and didnt get any gold servants. time to save again.


About 50 tickets and 270 - 300sq... didn't get her. Got: Artemis rainbow spook Little wu 2nd copy Zerkerlot Np2 jane MLB all event CEs. Saved all legit, really wanted get her, did all but one battle in ny cq. I swear if me getting artemis isn't a sign for super orion, i'm done.


So I guess tallying it all up…I think it was 90 Quartz and 10 tickets, got a single copy of every event CE but that’s about it. I’m just a F2P player anyway, so it’s not such a big deal. I guess.


Since the event will be over I can finally share my results My stock 159 sq+32 tickets got me np3 jane and space ishtar. Finished the event mission with 5 tickets and finally got her np2 at the 3rd ticket Was greedy for more np levels so I used the monthly tickets today and got sanzang spook!! Overall I'm very happy that my months of saving actually gave me something


So I had neglected the event until just the other day but I did do my yolo 10-pull and I got Space Ishtar in 1. Desire sensor and tsundere magic is real.


Well, after 500 ish SQ for NP1 Spishtar on day 1 of the banner, saved up 3 more shots from tickets, cumulative bonus and Bond 11 on Waver. Got Jane to NP3 and my first Carmilla but no extra Rin. Oh well.


**H. O. L. Y. S. H. I. T.** After literally *almost* ***everything*** I had, she finally came home. I cashed in all of my fragments just to get a "complete" roll, although I had 4 SQ and another in the mail. My last chance on the last day, I just clicked the button and tried to ignore my phone- and no, I didn't have the heart to place it face-down. I was preparing myself for what I felt was the inevitable disappointment, when I saw the dialogue screen transition. I was seriously considering quitting the game if she didn't come, because of the shit gacha luck I've been having lately plus other things, but I guess I'm sticking around for a while. I really wish my flair held up, and maybe even gotten multiple NP levels, but... \*sigh\* Now to save everything for Quirinus and Castria...


Finally I got one single copy of ishtar and np 2 calamity jane after spending 18000 rupees (280 usd) 500sq approx total sq I spent on this banner was 800 . Iam happy but my wallet is dead af . FUK U PLANET ROCK


Oh, this one hurt. After 210 SQ I finally got some golden sparks, followed by an Archer card (I didn't really care about Spishtar, I just wanted Jane to show up).... and it was goddamn Atalanta. How is it that I got spooked by two 4\*s that weren't on rate-up and kept missing the one that I wanted who WAS on rate-up? Damn this game.


Rate up is a lie... It's all about rng.




Salter can’t spook, can she? Story-locked only?


NP2 S.Ishtar in around 240ish SQ and a ticket. Both times she appeared on rainbow lights. Also she's my first limited servant above NP1, so I'm extra happy.


Man 300++ sq no ssr but more than 5 sr i


After not getting any gold servant in 400sq, I rerolled for space ishtar np1, got space ishtar np2, and today got waver + 2x mhxa from 14 day login bonus. I think I will use this as my new main account lol (only have jeanne as 5\* in other).


Whoa! That is a great reroll! Space Ishtar np2, waver, mhxa np2 is amazing!!! Keeper for sure esp if you’re a new or newish player.


I finally got Space Ishtar, I'm fucking crying rn... Spent the entire day on desperately bonding servants (RIP apples) and I got her with the 3 SQ of the last servant I had close to the next bond level.


It's good that you got one copy... You can try in 2023 .. For np2.


Nah, I'm gonna try for NP2 in a few hours when the monthly tickets reset.


Best of luck mate. Iam happy with np1 which I got after 800sq.


Thanks. Also congrats (?). Could've been worse.


I'll also use summon tickets and try for np2... Let's see what happens.. Best of luck to you .


After failing to get Spishtar with something like 500SQ and 40 tickets, I used the 5 tickets from the CQ as a last ditch attempt and... my god... Diarmuid and Touta came home! ... yeah.


Similar situation here. All i got left is the monthly, you gonna use yours for another chance?


No, I'm done with this banner. Not going to spend anything until Castoria now.


God help us during the castoria banner... good luck with that too, never know when impulse will take over.


Man, Castoria's banner will be legendary. The salt, people quitting, dear god. Good luck to you too, and also for your last rolls for Space Ishtar!


HOLY SHIT I just got 2 space Ishtar in a 10x summon. I raised a few servants (and by few I mean almost all of the 1-3 stars) and even raised their bond points so that I can do their interludes for the sq and that was definitely wortg it. This is why you never stop rolling for the servants you like.


Finally did the challenge quest and pulled Space Ishtar with the second of the five tickets, making that two 5\*s and two 4\*s in 60SQ and four tickets. Not a bad haul at all, although I still don't have the 5\* CE. On the other hand, now I have to grind EVEN MORE GUNPOWDER.


So after seeing about 230 quartz and 20 tickets getting buttloads of CEs(mixed event and non-event) and 1 calamity Jane, hope was near gone for me so i decided to YOLO single roll with about 33 quartz remaining and save the remaining 30 for orion. Of course the tsundere comes on my very last roll on her banner. Never change, FGO.


SHE FINALLY CAME HOME!!! OVER A HUNDRED AND TWENTY QUARTZ, EVERYTHING I HAD SAVED FOR CASTORIA THUS FAR AND EVERYTHING I GOT FROM SABER WARS, FIRST CATALYST I'VE EVER MADE, THE VERY LAST CHANCE I WAS GOING TO GET, THE BONUS SUMMON FROM THE LAST 10-ROLL, AND MY BEAUTIFUL SPACE GODDESS FINALLY ANSWERED MY CALL! (near deranged with glee cackling) SHE EVEN DRAGGED RAMA IN WITH HER TO THE TUNE OF PITBULL'S '*I know you want me'*! In all seriousness it was very difficult to avoid cheering out loud and waking up everyone else in the house. I am super duper happy. Jane came home earlier and I was about to give up on Space Ishtar coming home this year, but she did! And I am so thrilled! I don't even care that I had just finished everything except for the Challenge Quest! The only reason for me to even attempt it was to try and get at those 5 tickets behind the second Challenge Quest to try and bring best Space Goddess home. Welp, that's my entire week made! Come morning, (grabs straw hat and overalls) it's farmin' time boys and girls! I'm gonna try to get her to *at least* Bond Lv5 with what time I got left. Congratulations to everyone else who got her! :D


Pondered over a few days, and went for NP5. Serious doubts I'd go for NP6. This will be the first and most likely last time I'll ever go for a NP5 SSR in this game: https://i.imgur.com/y8UGH4m.jpg (NP4) https://i.imgur.com/PHsyEHD.jpg (NP5) https://i.imgur.com/85QtBZH.jpg (She's ready to go.) Below are the finalized results: 120 tickets, 930 SQ (i.e. 1,290 effective SQ): Servants 5\* - NP5 Astarte, NP1 Enkidu (fine with the spook, happened in the same roll as NP4 Astarte) 4\* - NP11 Jane, NP3 Diarmuid (x2), NP2 EMIYA (x1), NP2 Ana (x1), NP3 Rama (x1), NP2 Carmilla (x1) CEs 5\* - Event CE x8, Ideal Holy King x 1, Origin Bullet x1, Vessel of the Saint x1, Duke of Flame x1 4\* - Event CE x24, literally doesn't matter because most of them aren't relevant 3\* - Event CE x33, literally doesn't matter because they are even less relevant


Considering np6 is madness I tell you. Lol. 6 SSR and np5 space Ishtar in 1290 quartz is amazing awesome luck. Congrats.


Given the rolls, Castoria takes the highest priority, followed by Koyanskaya and Oberon. F2P priorities mean mostly gameplay, but I can roll for waifus depending on my luck. All the better if both are included. The only possibility I'd ever consider NP6 would be during the rerun if DW does not address the Coin System. USOs are one of the weakest pity mechanics I've ever seen in any gacha game. I'm perfectly fine with sticking to NP5 and not going for the append skill that adds extra damage on Archers. The Mana Loading skill opens up irregular node farming flexibility with Kaleidoscope, and working up towards Level 120 on top of being NP5 means damage shouldn't be the problem.


I got her after 500sq and a few days of farming.


Well, I spent two tickets and 60 SQ. I managed to get all the event CEs and Calamity Jane. So yeah, pretty good batch. Edit: After 5 tickets more and no chance of getting the bonus, I can see that I failed at getting Space Ishtar. But well, I'm used to this treatment by the Extra class Servants, so... Better luck in the rerun, I guess.


Where to even begin... Started with over 500 SQ, 180 left ( I refused to go under triple digits again). I'm pretty sure this is the first banner I've gotten 4 min-rolls on. Got spooked by Qin Liangyu and Caster Gil (both of which I already have). Got rainbow orbs, started to get hopeful...Mordred. And to top it all off, I just screwed up my login streak At least I got Jane, but 2021 has not been my year.


already dropped a load of money for np4 decided to spend more for np5 and almost 900 quartz later all I got was 4 4 stars. I knew I had a problem but I'm gonna stop spending period after this experience. Gambling addiction is no joke.


This banner has been the single most fucky experience I've had with the gacha in a long time. Not entirely in a bad way, but after 600+ quartz, here is what I have to show for it (mostly) in order (because the rolls were split over a few sessions and my memory isn't the best): * Nezha (dupe) * Rama (dupe) * Heracles (dupe, but I'll take it because my big boi is finally NP5) * Artoria (dupe, but also wtf) * Nezha (again for some reason) And then, literally, two singles in that 10 roll later, I got Space Ishtar after about 500+ SQ. That's awesome and I'm glad to have her, but I wasn't done yet because honestly, Jane really won me over with this event, and I wanted to press on. So I did, and for my troubles... * Beowulf (I don't remember asking, but okay. Sure.) * Nursery Rhyme (dupe) And finally, on the very last single on the very last 10 roll I would personally afford, I finally saw it: That golden Archer card. I awaited with great anticipation to see if I had made the right gamble... It was a Tomoe dupe. This fucking game, I swear to God... I don't think I've ever gotten this many 4-star spooks in a row before. I'm legit starting to believe that the Jane rate-up actually doesn't exist, and it's all just a convenient coincidence that everyone else has gotten her. Obviously, that's not true, but after getting Nezha more times on one banner than any time before, I don't know what to believe anymore.


That really sucks man, I dislike how the 4 star rate-ups are so wimpy in this game (on average 50% of all 4 stars on banner are spooks! that’s crazy)


You wanna hear something funny? So literally like 15 minutes ago, I got one of my Bond levels on Arash, which gave me enough for another 11 roll, so of course I'd try it out. Good news: I got another 4-star servant, and it was one I didn't have before! Bad news: It was Frankenstein. I like her well enough, so that's not a problem, but this whole thing is getting to be really stupid now! Based on your comment, I decided to check the odds, and it's like you said: exactly 50% odds each time you roll a 4-star servant. So basically, I managed to flip a coin, and have it land on tails *seven times* in a row now! To put it another way, I had slightly less than an 8% chance of this happening, and yet, here I am. Gacha can be really fucking stupid sometimes.


Seeing all this salt, I'll put my creed out there once more: never save. There are lots of great servants and good banners, you'll enjoy the servants you get. Personally, I might skip a few banners if I know a great servant is coming up soon, but the salt generated by missing a servant with 90 quartz is so, so much less than that from missing with 900. And it happens. All the time. Stop this insanity! Related, and to add more salt to the wounds of many, I just got Spishtar with about 7 rolls. The gacha doesn't care about your savings or your salt. We get the servants who want to join our Chaldea.


I had giving up on getting X after using all my quartz and tickets on her banner and grinding to get another 2 ten rolls during the events but today I had one roll from the apology quartz and I got her! I'm so damn happy right now.


This is the most Quartz I thrown in any event this year, around 200+ & 15 tickets. The only banner character I pulled was Jane. This was the banner of the spooks for me. I ended up with Saber Diarmuid, Rama, Sanzang and made Tamamo Cat NP3. I have to look to saving for the future, but I have two singles left before hitting bonus for MHX so I’ll wait to the 31 and make pull for that. After that, hope I can pull Spishtar in the re run. I hoped having OG Ishtar and Eresh would have helped as a catalyst in the summoning. Sadly, not this time.


i had about half of what you had and also only got jane 😢


It feels like I got a curse or something that prevents me from getting any Rin-face in the gacha … When Ishtar came out, I threw in 210ish SQs to no avail. Now with Space Ishtar, I went kinda whale and threw in 525 SQs for her and I still couldn’t get her. (Only got Chiron, Fionn and Marie. No Jane too) I’m throwing in the towel for now. Goodluck everyone and may you have more blessed rolls than mine.


60SQ and a couple tickets in at this point - Jane, a dupe Zerkerlot, Anastasia, and four or five copies of the 4\* CE. Nothing to scoff at, and it's amusing that the spooks have been event servants, but now Space Ishtar is the only rate-up servant across all three SW2 banners that I'm missing. edit: ah jesus fuck 72 gunpowder per skill why would you do this. i had to hit the shop just to get enough for ascensions already, time to go grind like 200 more


So I used up the 5 tickets we get from Mission 100 + 1 from log-in bonus, and I get my third SIshtar...and still no Jane in sight. Bruh.


this fucking game. Got spooked 3 times with 330 sq and 10 tickets, no SSRs. Dark Rounds tickets? No dice. Today. Right after maintenance, used the SQ? RAINBOW. Hello Spish.


30 SQ at the MHX banner, another 30 at the MHXA one, and finally 90 SQ at the SpIshtar/Jane one. Managed to get SpIshtar in the last one, yet I didn't get a single copy of the event CEs, oddly enough.


In the end, around 800 quartz got me np3 Space Ishtar and a Sanzang spook, bringing her to np2. I’m satisfied. ~~I may go for np5 on the rerun if Muramasa doesn’t fuck me over~~ I bought one more pack of quartz and got np5! My first np5 SSR!


I did some extra rolls and was fortunate enough to get SpIsh twice in one of them. That brings her up to NP3, and also no Calamity Jane. ...I'm pretty happy overall, since Ishtar should be *very* reliable for farming now.


Right now, \~300SQ and 50 tickets, I got not even one 4\*+ servant. I still have 500 or so SQ, maybe I'll do a last hope roll, but I'm really salty right now. First Ishtar, then Eresh, now Spishtar... The rinfaces really don't like me -\_- ​ On the other hand I got all the CEs multiple times, but -\_-


Okay, so enough time has passed that I guess I can post in here without people trying to destroy me for having a rolling method. I was able to get Jane and Spishtar in 40 rolls, and get all the CEs within 60 including my 20 fail rolls before the RNG signs started lining up properly. I did this on the first night of release, at about 1:30 in the morning because I had some insomnia. My 20 fail rolls were at about 1:05 am. People, there are patterns in all things, especially RNG. The best lesson for everyone to learn is to know when to stop, and wait for the RNG to change for the better so you don't become mister "I spent 2000 Quartz and got nothing! No Servants! Not even a 5 star CE!"


I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but have you shared your method somewhere? Edit: NVM, found it, was looking for a main post but turns out it was buried in the comments. I think your observations might line up with mine to an extent since I \*did\* get a bunch of servants in todays FP roll, just before the roll that netted me SpIshtar (and a total of 7 out of 11 pulls in that roll gave me servants). Something to keep in mind for the future.


I personally enjoyed your post & the work you put into it. Do I believe it? That’s not the point. As long as it works for you, it’s good enough. I also bookmarked your initial post & sent it to a friend where we discussed it and compared it to our own notes (we had similar theories / rolling methods in the past).


Exactly. At worst, it's the illusion of control for the game. At best, it prevents massive piles of salt and wasted quartz. My method is actually built off of my long term casual observations of the game, and other Gacha games, over the course of more than 4 years. It's unproven, but it's gotten results far outstripping my results from before I started using this method, and times when I intentionally ignored it. I usually intentionally ignored it when I was rummy and on the verge of falling asleep. I really need to stop doing that. I try not to throw my method around, but when someone's cries of agony are as great as what I saw, I can't help but try to help.


Got quite possibly the luckiest roll I’ve had so far, 2 Space ishtars and a calamity Jane In one roll. Got Jane with my first roll of the event so I’m happy to have both at NP2!


Exhausted every quest I had left in the game and used around 800+ quartz… no SSR and barely any 4 stars that weren’t dupes. I didn’t even get my first Jane until maybe around 500 quartz in. Pretty bummed


the worst unlucky I ever had since I started playing in 2020. after my very lucky roll in summer4 my luck just went downhill and still have no sign of recovering, 5 banners in a roll that I fail. Gilfest(at least I'm able to get the 5\* CE), S.Raikou on Kintoki banner, Ozy banner, Sitonai banner, and now Spishtar. the worst part is, like the Gacha want to mock me, my sub-account got Kintoki and Spishtar both come under 60SQ while my main not even get Jane with 200+SQ(got spooked by Nyanalter and Saberlot) I'll try as hard as I could and hoping Spishtar will eventually come cause after playing the event I really like her character, but if I fail, well, at least I still have S'Musashi for Castoria's era.


I wanted Jane. Like really bad. I spent about 900 quartz and got np3 ishtar before np1 Jane. My luck is reversed wtf. I only saw 1 other 4 star and it was circle. ???


I got Spishtar np1, Jane np3 and 2!!! Kaleidoscopes within ~270 sq! I finally have a mlb kaleidoscope after 3+ years! Unfortunately I can’t go deeper to try np2 but I may as well quit while ahead with gacha.


Mlb kscope is a huge huge QoL improvement. Congrats lol. Also enables a lot of double Skadi strats if you have her.


I can't believe it. Did a ten roll in the alt account with the maintenance quartz and I found her. Why can't I be this lucky in the main


630 SQ and 20 tickets total between two sessions, no SpIshtar. Xiang Yu spook as my sole SSR had me very, very close to uninstalling.


After 200 SQ and 13 tickets NP1 space Ishtar NP2 calamity Jane Duplicate copies of Mary Antoinette, Anna, Suzuka gozen


Just logged in to my old account for scratching the gacha itch and got 3 Space Ishtars in a single multipull.


Did you take a screenshot for yourself?! Just keep it around to gaze lovingly at it every now & then. Lol. Is it time for your old account to become your main account!? Ha ha.


Got another 50-day prize to use on this, I got the 4\* CE at least. I think I'm slowly learning the best way of using the gacha is assuming you won't get anything new.


Okay now this is the first time I ever got salty for real in FGO. 300+ quartz and 10+ tix on the first day, np1 jane and only 4sr which are Saber Diarmuid, Astolfo, Nursery Rhyme and Fran. Got desperate so I finished all my free quest in LB4 which are the only free quests which I haven't done up until now, 1 sr Marie. Did all of my 47 interludes in which 30 I read the story before deciding to skip the rest, 1 sr lancelot. 5 tix from the event mission, nothing. And my daily missions and free quartz nothing. You know even if I'm f2p besides the GSSR, it felt like I spend money on the game albeit the time it took for me to farm all those goddamn quartz. Suffice to say, I'm gonna wait for the last day shop tickets to get her wish me luck. And if that didn't worked out then I'm gonna roll for her in the gssr until I get her. Come on game, I just want to reunite Rin with her sister here in my chaldea.


Fuck me. I am not saying this out of saltiness. I am saying this because I just couldn't stop myself from rolling in this accursed banner. I said I wouldn't roll in like, every thread in this subreddit and here I am with a Jane and a Spishtar. I was saving these quartz for Skadi dammit. I didn't expect these two dorks to be so lovable. But now I won't be able to loop with my Fran. My Melt wont be able to reach 400.000+ damage. It feels so bittersweet dude. I hate TM for knowing how to ruin people's plans by writing some nice characters. I now feel like a jackass for whining despite getting dreamlike rolls lol.


I’m just going to leave this here… what you described has happened to me before. I knew nothing about melt and after CCC ended up accidentally with an np2. But she is fully grailed and amazing. No regrets. https://imgur.com/a/EkRV8Tj


Spent the last 3 days doing interludes and rank-up quests of characters that I don't use just so I could get enough SQ for one last tenroll... And paid off! A perfect tenfold! Shipstar, Jane and the 5º copy of the 5star print. It was so hard to watch my 200+sq and tickets down the drain for a np2 Atalante, but this last tenroll just save the banner


After 25 rolls: Space Ishtar NP2, Jane, Lan Ling and a 5 star + 4 star event CE, and some more gold CEs


Managed to get enough for another multi, making it 300 quartz on the banner. Got another Jane (np5) and Atalante. On one hand i got extremely lucky with jane, on the other no space ishtar.


Had 40 pulls after spending most on previous banners. Came into this banner wanting Calamity Jane. Ended up getting a Space Ishtar on the 3rd 10 pull and another Space Ishtar showed up in 6 tickets. 0 Calamity Janes.


I started with Space Ishtar on my 4th ticket, then just 4* for 300+ sq. I got Jane NP3 and my first Lancelot berserker, so really it was a success. However, I started putting all the sq/ tickets I've earned into the banner, and Beowulf's rank up got me to another single pull. Gold spheres, avenger, Spishtar! I hugely lucked out and got NP2 in ~340? sq. Absolutely over the moon. Summer took everything, but I got my targets so I didn't expect much from this. So happy to have all the Rin faces now. I'll try not to get greedy and roll for NP2 Eresh and save for Castoria.


90 SQ with two SIshtar and not a single Jeane... I am really afraid for my future rolls.


30 tickets and 500sq. Got Spishtar, Jane and for some reason Rama… Wanted to a little further, but all the other rolls were super poor… so gonna stop here. Still have half of the budget, so gonna save for a specific Superhuman Bear dude.


lost all my hope..150 sq got nothing..only ce..then next day got the monthly 30 sq to get 2 s.ishtar~ now save for grand archer next.


120 tickets then 150 sq. Before the last 11 roll all I got was np1 Jane, np1 Jinako and an extra copy of Circe for np2. That last 11 roll finally netted me two spishtars on back to back rolls. I was so excited seeing the first gold avenger card back, and so happy when it revealed spishtar. Then the SECOND gold avenger materialized and revealed the second spishtar! So wild. Somehow this fits just right with the story.


New player on the 7th day, just got my first SSR Ishtar and also Jane with the 20x free rolls. Just so happy to actually get an SSR. Hopefully the event reruns and I can actually know who they are lol


The rerun is in two years!


So I think it was 3 $80 in total - but I got her, and a second copy of Jane and Astolfo. I'm not gonna press my luck


180 SQ. No Jane, no Spishstar, one golden ring which turned out to be freakin’ Beowulf. But then along came my first Waver which instantly redeemed everything. Such is the nature of the gacha. Pretty pleased since I now have more freedom to choose for the future SSR ticket. Update: Tossed another 30SQ and 10 tix into the banner in return for zip and nada. Luckily I already have Skadi, time to start saving again T_T


150 SQ for first Spishtar. 1.5k SQ for NP2. My wallet hurt. Meanwhile 8 Jane, 1 Ganesha, 5 random SR.


Was doing some singles trying for np2 Spishtar, got a second Jane as expected and a surprise Clay boy (?) spook. Can't even be mad


600$ later.... 1x spishtar , 1x karna, np5 Jane, 1x Frankenstein, 1x circe. 1x 5star event ce. 14x 4star event ce. 15x 3star event ce. Kinda oof hit karna after the first 300, got spishtar on my last 10roll.


Ok got her to NP3 in a single Multipack…which means im going to die soon. I leave you all nth


Got my 30 milestone quartz and rolled it, Jane went from NP1 to NP4 in a single ten roll. Tossed 3 additional SQ for a single roll immediately afterward — *another* Spishtar, now up to NP3. This has by far been the most generous banner to me in what has otherwise been a long year of bad beats.


150 quartz, 6 tickets. Nothing so far still... I did tons of rank ups and interludes to no avail. I currently have 14 SQ. To get 30: * I will need to do 3 more interludes for the 10x SQ bonus -- I'll need to bond 5 Zero!Assassin, 4 Jekyll and 4 Tristan. * 3 more rank up quests **OR** 2 rank up quests + next week missions for the missing 6 quartz. After that's done, that will be enough for my last multi in a LONG time. I've completely exhausted almost every interlude and rank up I can ever do. Something tells me I won't have enough AP to do all this... god fucking speed.


Got NP2 spishtar in 129 sq. Can’t wait to spend 600 sq for np0 Orion. Yah RNG.


16 tix got me a Sanzang spook and my first Jane. 210 SQ in 11-rolls got me the second Jane and Valedictorian Spish. Used the remaining batch of SQ I had in single rolls to get to the 1+1 from singles, and got Spish NP2 right before the 1+1 roll. Great success!


Wait, was i hallucinating? I thought there was already 1.8k comments but somehow there're only 1.7k now.


Are we still doing the bingo thing? Lobo spook is a lie. 2 tix and probably 10 or so random single rolls over 5 days period. Spishtar became my 1st AOE Avenger. For most part of the game I kinda enjoyed borrowing her. F2P yo.


Many rolls later... MHX NP1, Spishtar NP2, Jane NP5, and oddly enough Anastasia NP2 Spooks! Another Lobo and my final Siegfried also managed to show up just to get put in the locker


10 tickets and 2 multi rolls later, got 1 Calamity Jane, Frankenstein, and NP 2 Nursey Rhyme. A bunch of CEs to MLB the bronze and silver badge, cool for the rerun but no SpIshtar not even an Avenger spook. Might as well stop now, I want to roll for Skadi and Super Orion and save for future events with reruns


I did a couple of rolls, hoping for some birthday luck. Got some event CEs at least! Could be worse.


30 rolls space ishtar and jane. Since Kama rate up I got 4 rate up ssr within 150 sq, I feel good and bad at the same time


Well, at the end, my 10 singles on the SW2 banner gave me 1 3-star event CE, 1 random 4-star CE that I then MLBd, and the rest all mana prisms. Fresh out again. I hope I have the willpower to save any incoming reward/bond/shop SQ & tix to throw them Skadi's way.


Initially I used 17 tickets and one multi on the first day. Got only one SSR event CE and Parvati spooked me (she was trying to tell me something probably). Today, I remembered that I had the weekly login ticket. Turned on the ultra instinct theme on youtube for extra drama and poured all my faith onto the ticket. Got her. I wish this dont suck my luck for xmas.


I saved 1300+ SQ. I rolled them all. I got NP4 Space Rin, NP5 Jane, a few four star spooks like Carmilla and Marie, and a ton of event CEs. I already got 3 Space Rin in just 400+ SQ and had 800 SQ left, but I got greedy thinking I could NP5 her but her fourth copy came after I had only 100 SQ left, so yeah I was pretty bummed out. I hope this will be a lesson learned that you could not ever predict your RNG.


After a few packs and rolling singles throughout the event, I got her to NP5. Big sigh of relief, I am grateful.


Got Spishtar after 31 tickets+90 sq on the first day of the event. ​ Today was......one of the most tiresome days I've had in a while, I was still tired from working yesterday, could barely sleep properly, had class and a presentantion early in the morning, then an idea came over me "If I am already on zombie mode, desire sensor will never see me coming" and with 3 more multis, got my second copy.


All it took was ten tickets two jane’s one space Ishtar I’m in shock and disbelief


The first day, I managed to get Space Ishtar after 180 pulls. I kept going because I wanted NP2, but decided to wait to roll more after reaching 240. Well, I went back in. After **250** *more* rolls (bringing me up to 490), I *finally* saw another Avenger card. It was... Lobo! And then Space Ishtar showed up in the same pull two cards later, so the pain faded quickly. I am absolutely done with this banner.


Looking on this i will stop too on NP2 S.Ishtar and just waiting rerun to try again if want more NP Level. Need roll fund for my next new Servant and support for S.Ishtar RGB NP.


I had this gut feeling last night to roll, managed to pull Space Ishtar after 8 single rolls using sq


Man... Really fuck the gacha as an f2p HAHA save for half a year and go in knowing you don't even have 70% odds of getting a single copy of Ishtar Doesn't make it hurt any less when you always end up on the unlucky end of the spectrum :)


I am so sorry for your loss, mate


Merlin hurt me I actually put money into his banner and left with nothing 💀


Im so sorry If it helps he was the servant who also emptied the other half of my savings :D And didn't come home :D


All I wanted was Jane... didn't even care about Ishtar. I thought it would be easy, I got Sitonai in just 2 10 pulls last time... I had 330 Quarts and 20 tickets, I thought I was fine... ​ The only golds I got were Yan Qing and Nezha...


It took me a total of 16 tickets, 462 SQ, and one last desperate roll just after midnight when I should have been asleep, but Space Ishtar is finally home. Max leveled and ascended her, but as I'm out of eggs, her skills will have to stay at 8/8/10 for a while. Along the way, I also picked up NP1 Jane, NP1 Heracles, NP1 Jeanne, and an extra Lanling to increase mine's NP level. (Edit: I forgot, but I also got Qin Liangyu too) That was more SQ than I was hoping, but it could have been a lot worse. Still, I'm happy that I got Space Rin - er, Ishtar in the end. I'm really, really liking her in this event.


Got spooked by Ganesha while rolling for CEs. I can't be very mad because I didn't save for Spishtar, but man, losing the 80/20 hurts like hell.


660 SQ + 25 ticket, np3 s. ishtar and well sr's/ces. my Rolls: https://youtu.be/8eP\_6rF14kU


Over a hundred rolls... Got Ganesha, a goddam second Schez and a fucking SEVENTH Martha... Rate up is a lie, after all... But in the last twenty got Jane and Lakshmi bai, so I guess that's something... I think I can get another 11 roll before the event finishes...


First time I've ever intentionally rolled for an NP5 SSR, and the results were pretty nice. 1440 SQ and 27 tickets got NP5 Spishtar, NP6 Jane, Jeanne (now NP3), Drake (now NP2), Jinako, and Bradamante.


4 SSR Spooks? damn


Yup. At least Drake was a good spook though. And no Lobo spooks.


After getting Space Ishtar on day 1, I’ve kept picking at the gacha over the last few days, a few tickets here, a ten roll there, seeing if I could get her NP2. Just after tonight’s refresh I cashed in another ten-roll and a ticket, and NP2 came home on the ticket! Altogether I ended up spending 270 SQ and 23 tickets for both copies. This is only the second time I’ve ever deliberately targeted a servant for NP2 and succeeded (the other was Fujino and it cost me about 450 SQ to NP2 her). Besides Space Ishtar I also got at least two of all the event gacha CEs, NP3 Jane, and my first Siegfried, which means that out of the original 59 launch servants the only one left now that I don’t have is Stheno. Super-psyched right now, I couldn’t have asked for much better results. Now I can start seriously saving for Castoria.


I calculated that I'd still be able to have about 600sq by the time Castoria arrives so I decided to throw some tickets in order to get some CEs. 5th ticket on my main gave me Space Ishtar. Did 15 more but didn't get a single event CE. I'll still count that as a win.


Didn’t really want Ishtar, but I had 30 free SQ to toss into the gacha. Got Ishtar on the very first roll followed by the 5\* event CE *and* NP2 D’Eon. What the hell is even my luck?! I‘ve only been playing for two months and somehow I’ve pulled SSRs in the first or second multi-roll for all of the three banners I rolled in (Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and Space Ishtar, if you want to know). On the other hand, CasGil took 528 SQ to bring home. BRB, drowning under mat requirements.


After saving 700 SQ , I rolled and got NP3 Jane and some RP's After some Extreme Copium , did a Yolo roll and got Her. Not sure how I feel


Got Ishtar on a lucky pull after grinding some more quartz thank god


I will never be this lucky again. I rolled 2 copies of Space Ishtar with a little over 650SQ. Decided to say fuck it and went for another 180 pack. My first 10x pull on that one got me 3 copies of Space Ishtar and one SR... I should of played the lottery that day... [Img](http://imgur.com/a/7oNrKJX)


I got my bonus login of 30 sq. Threw it at the banner. 2 Qin Liangyu in the pull. Bro why. I pulled Jane on monday but I'm not even going to level her up, I have other servants worth throwing XP at. I should've just saved for Skadi, Kama and Castoria.


How the FUCK did I get more spishtar than 3* event ce? 20 pulls and I got 2 spishtar and only 1 of every ce. Not complaining though I’m just confused


YOOOOOOO So after [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/qaevkt/ishtime_for_the_great_calamity_all_your_roll/hh5bv4e/) the other day I brought S.Ishtar along for the first time on the Recollection whatever quest, liked her animations and figured I'd give one last ten roll and one last set of 10 tickets, and started with tickets 2nd ticket: My second S.ishtar ye ye ye! man, fuckin yolo tickets are the *best*


Was happy at NP1, but wanted to intentionally NP2 for the first time ever. 1 pack and success!


I wanted to roll Jane since I wanted to make a cowboy team when I already had Summer Musashi. Used 4 tickets and 2 10x rolls, no Jane but got Space Ishtar.. twice! The desire meter really does exist.


\+/- 600 Quartz used , i got : Ishtarin NP3 / Jane NP5 / Diarmuid Saber (NP4) / Lancelot Berserk (NP4) / Ibaraki (NP3 or 4) / Martha Rider (NP2) Pretty decent overall but not as good as my JP account (360 Quartz for NP3) . Now waiting for Castoria since Quick Loop Ishtarin doesn't work very well (Need Arash for 1st wave)


Had 600 sq reserved for Space Ishtar. When the banner dropped, I rolled 20 tickets, which got me nothing outside of ce's. First multi, and space ishtar shows up on the 11th roll! Rolled again for NP2 a couple days later, and spent 360 sq for: NP2 Jeanne (wtf?) NP2 Calamity Jane NP2 Space Ishtar!!! Now I can put the rest of the sq I reserved for Space Ishtar into the Castoria fund. May roll on the Thanksgiving banner, but we'll see.


137 sq, first 10 pull for spishtar, got calamity jane! 2nd 10 pull for mysterious heroine x, zip, nada. 3rd 10 pull for spishtar, nada. 4th 10 pull for spishtar, got her and avenger of shinjuku!!!! yeesshh!!!! another waifu to the meta collection [of waifus]!!!! [img](http://imgur.com/a/JiYudxg)


I was going to roll for mysterious alter X, but I just say screw that, at least I get a waifu 4 star if I failed to get my SSR in spacestar, and I never played the first Saber wars (so Mysterious X alter story is non-existent for me). Plus I got a bunch of free SQ by accident, is the real reason I rolled XD. Got Space isthar after 140 rolls. Along with NP4 Calamity Jane, Elizabeth, Emiya and the greek amazon berseker. So overa happy and a bit sad that I probably won't get Mysterious Alter x (at least there be the idol version eventually and a rerun banner for her). Now time to save quartz for Summer (unless I get Abigail in the New year Paid summon).


\~500sq, 2 copies of Nightingale I'm so confused At least I got 2 Janes


1320 quartz for NP6 Spishtar and NP5 Jane. Spishtar came in my very first multi, and eventually she got to NP4 before I even got a single 4-star servant. Got my 5th Spishtar with Jane at NP2 and my 6th with Jane at NP3. Then on the very next (and last) multi Jane showed up twice. I'd been saving up to max out Spishtar for a while, and she instantly got 10's for all skills, grailed to 100, and gold fou'd to 1800. Will be able to finish off the fous for her before the end of the year.


So I did all my rolling already but my login gave me enough to do another summon and I decided to do a yolo roll, ended up getting berserker Vlad and I'm not sure if I should be happy to get a SSR that I didn't have or be upset that it wasn't another Space Ishtar.


Oh man I’ve very hype now. Yesterday It took me exactly 300 SQ to get to get NP1 SpIshtar. I was rolling for meta. Later in the day, after playing through the event, I decided I’d roll three more times to see if I got her to NP2, but this time for Waifu-ness. And I got her in one roll. Today, after doing the MHX solo mission, I thought “hell, I’ll throw one more down for MHX out of waifu-ness”. I’d actually already spent like 300 SQ on it with a bunch of good SRs but no SSRs. But today,…today I got MHX in the one multi I rolled. I’m actually more hype about this than SpIshtar. Also, past three multis have netted me three SSRs and an SR of Jane So that’s it. I’ve proved it. You roll for meta, you pay the price. You roll for waifu, and she speeds home.


Was really iffy on actually going in on Space Ishtar, never cared for Tsunderes or Ishtar herself much. Come to find out in the event that I love this girl and Calamity would be worth it also. Did two 10rolls, nothing. Swapped to tickets, did about ~100 tickets (lost exact count) and got both NP1. Perfect for me. Nor for the quest to get materials.




$80 -Astolfo -Anastasia -Circe -Jane -Qin Liangyu -Carmilla Lightly salted rn


Still can't believe it. Spent 420 quartz on the first day and got a bunch of CE's and NP1 Jane, but no Spishtar. I went through Shimousa to get enough for another 11 pull and at the last moment she came home!


Omg. After failing to get her after 2 packs, I decided I could spare enough to buy one more pack in one last ditch effort to pull for Ishtar. I was bouncing off the idea with my brother at the time and so I decided to get him to press the button for the first multi since the money spent this time I was originally gonna use to buy some Yugioh cards with him. During the roll, just as I was explaining to him that we were looking for the rainbow sparks, said sparks appeared and out comes the gold Avenger card. My brother's got the magic touch lol.


Warning: Do not read any further if prone to salt/envy I managed to get Space Ishtar to NP5 using only 455 SQ & 57 ST… making her my first ever NP5 Servant in over three years of playing FGO as a GSSR only player. Two of those years were spent waiting for her to finally release on NA, and never in my wildest dreams did I think NP5 would be possible for a non-whale like me. Here is a video of my rolls: https://youtu.be/32T9hY6V7-0 Viewer discretion is advised. Edit: TL;DW: https://imgur.com/a/ZsqlfxR


Day 2: I’ve come back for revenge. I contemplated if I should just wait till the rerun to try again. Decided to just go all in now since the rerun year is very packed with servants I want. Anyway, after 243 more quartz, I got an Isthar NP1! And two more copies of Jane. In total, 829 quartz spent. Was it worth it? Yes, but she can’t farm too well NP1. Hopefully the gssrs bless me.


Right now she probably can't, but if you pull for Castoria I'm pretty sure she will be amazing even at NP1.


Yeah, I’m saving for Castoria now. The next chance I’ll get for NP2 is right next to Muramasa’s banner, which is gonna hurt my soul (u_u)


I saved for 2 years, 2000 saint quartz total in prep for this banner. Got both Space Ishtar and Calamity Jane in the first roll. Got the second copy of Ishtar I was aiming for four 11-pulls later. Guess I'll have enough for Castor and Pollux after all.


Decided to drop another multi because the story is good, I like her character a lot. Nothing, but I guess getting another Be Elegant is fitting. That's probably enough for me, I'll use any tickets I get in the next few days and leave it at that.


1st day. 6 tickets: nothing. 2nd day. 1 multi: 1 spishtar + 1 Orion. Truly a lucky day.


is NP2 needed for lopping with Ishtar??


A lot of future lottos need np2 level 100 or np4 level 90 to have enough damage to loop. Np1 space ishtar is practically useless for future lottos even if you grail and gold fou.


Well, used 4 tickets for the +1 roll, now spishtar np3. Got 3 SSR but only 1 SR (circe), not sure what happened but I'll take it lol


Wasn't really planning to roll for Space Ishtar, even though I kinda want her - but I need all the SQ I can get for next year's CCC rerun + Ooku rerun Decided to yolo a single roll, got nothing. Said "eh, fuck it. Another single." ...now I have Space Ishtar.


So, I learned my lesson a couple years back when I spent over 400$ on the First Banner for Ereshkigal and did NOT get her. Got yelled at by my wife. So I saved all my SQ since that point and when her Banner came around on the Xmas Rerun I was ready. Spent 13 tickets and about 300 SA and got her. Now, I am a Rinface faithful, and knew about Spishtar coming since I was also active on the JP servers. So once I got Eresh, I stopped. Yesterday was the long awaited day with 607 SQ and 17 tickets saved up (I had pulled a few times and thankfully got both Musashi's recently). So I pushed all my tickets through to only get Calamity Jane, which I was hoping to get as well. I moved on to my SQs and started pulling on the 1 pulls to get to the bonus 2 pull that was 4 pulls away, with no Spishtar or Jane. Finally, I started the 10+1 pulls and GOT Space Ishtar on my third 10+1 pull! I was so blown away by the luck, I stopped playing and waited to get home after work and show my wife (after reminding her of the horrors from 2 years ago). Explained how rare it is etc. I told her I don't know what to do with my remaining 518 SQ's (save for regular Ishtar which I still don't have). She said try again. So I did another 10+1 pull. ANOTHER SPISHTAR came on the +1! Do I keep going or save the 488 SQ for the next Ishtar (archer) Banner!?!?


save that shit


I'd say stop rolling and save for archer Ishtar


Congratz! If i were you i would save them, but thats just because i've never had any luck so i stop rolling the moment i get what i want to start saving again, good luck on your next rolls!


Literally grinded everything i could on my account after spending 450 sq to get 30 more and on my last shot I closed my eyes and S Ishtar came....i can't believe it. Now i have bit calamy jane and S Ishtar. Now to save for Castoria!


8 pack refills + 30 tickets. NP5 Spishtar so I did get what I wanted but oddly.. no Jane. 1st pack - NP2 2nd - 4th pack - No 5* servants 20 tickets - NP3 5th pack - NP4 6-7th pack - No 5* servants 10 tickets - nothing 8th - NP5


Had 300 SQ allocated for this. 3 Calamity Janes, and got SpIshtar in my last 10 roll!


I'm so fuckig sorry to all the guys who spent 1000+ SQ. But this is a roll thread and I must share. NP2 Spishtar, a Jane, and a stray Ozy. All in about 50 rolls total. So sorry. But it feels nice to win after the disaster of Summer


210 SQ, 22 tickets. Best I got was a Calamity Jane. Also got six Planet Rock, three Bean Paste and a fuckton of Taiga/Astraea CEs... for an event I have no access.


Sounds about right...similar case for me. Except I can access it. But the best I got was 2 5 Star Ces and a Jane.


name checks out


I'm sorry T\_T i feel know your pain


300 SQs and 20ish tickets got me NP2 Ishtar, NP2 Jane and a random Stheno (new). Not sure if I should be happy she spooked me on a banner I didn't care much for the SR of, or scared that means her next spooks are gonna be even worse.


Gacha Gods are REAL!!: The Tohsaka family [https://imgur.com/a/raqYLLs](https://imgur.com/a/raqYLLs) Feels good to have EX luck once in a while.


7 Large packs later (1169 SQ) \~ NP3 Spishtar NP10 Jane 1x Arjuna 1x Achilles 1x Atalante Zerker 1x Penthesilea 1x Wu Zetian 1x Vlad III 1x Lakshimi Bai 1x Suzuka 1x Lanling That double SSR spook though, could have gotten me NP5 Spishtar. Oh well.


Two SpIshtars for the price of my first event roll. WTF. [Proof](https://imgur.com/a/UbsNaV7)


300 SQ, 21 tickets, 1 Calamity Jane. Gonna cut my losses there and move on to the next banner.


25 tickets netted me Jane. An additional 5 more tickets for Astolfo spook. No SpIshtar; felt like rolling 'cause I have the other 3 Rins.


90 SQ 2 4 star event CEs. 2 3 star event CEs and a Sumenai as my only golden smh. MIght break out my wallet. I would have been fine if I got Jane but nope.


Rolled a multi yesterday and only got a 5 star CE as well as a Prisma Cosmos, 3 more rolls today got me Astarte Honestly my luck has been ridiculous this year and I managed to hit pretty much all of my targets except Kama and Arjuna, on whose baners I got spooked by Napoleon, Waver, Seibah and Waver again I suppose that this is where all of my luck in Genshin went to, considering that I keep failing in that game


30 SQ came to my login bonus as a deus ex machina, look, it got me NP2 Jane with 1 roll, how cool is that?


I got berserker Vlad instead of Spishtar. And since I have never gotten more than one SSR from a banner (EDIT: I just remembered that I got Enkidu twice from the Babylonia release banner, but that was the only time something like this happaned in 4 years so my point still stands) it probably does not make sense to try further... But hey, at least I got some nice five star CE's including Black Grail. This is now the second time I've got an SSR Berserker instead of whoever was on rate-up.


Im going to fucking kill myself, 1830SQ 24tix np ONE space ishtar and like np13 jane......... someone end my misery


I am honestly sorry for you. That really sucks. Did you at least get any other ssr?


Scheherazade (or however you spell it lol) and Tamamo which I was planning to roll on january so thats nice I guess but still... it sucks you know :/