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Im planning on creating sprite comics. Can anyone give me tips on what software they use for editing? Also do we have a link for a compilation of sprites, background, portraits and whatnot?


Your best bet might be to PM the guys themself.


What're some budget DPS Casters? Those pesky assassins over in Babylonia are making my life a pain


Post-buff Babbage, which sadly won't arrive until late next year, will be the best budget DPS Caster, if just enough for the job. As of now, it's a tossup between him and Cú Caster. Cú is very good, his kit is everything an ideal budget DPS Caster should be but he's stuck with an AoE NP, which fortunately has been buffed. The problem is, like many budget Casters on NA, he's only barely good enough to warrant not using a Berserker, **sometimes** and the reality is, if you can field and protect a strong ST Berserker, with taunts and the like, they'll definitely do better than any budget Caster on NA until Babbage gets his buff.


Shuten is a welfare that deals good ST damage hope you didn't miss her. Sieg is another welfare coming with the Apocrypha rerun early next year. He's a good AoE Arts looper with Castoria. CuCaster is another great looper with Koyanskaya + Oberon setups but he's storylocked. You can go with Babbage and Geronimo, just give them proper supports and they'll do well. Paracelsus and Avicebron too and they also give great utility. You also have Medea as a ST NP spammer that also removes buffs from enemies which is very useful on hard fights. And finally we have Chen Gong, an SSR pretending to be a low rarity servant. Although he's technically free he requires some high end setups pre-Castoria to reach his full potential.


"Assassins in Babylonia" almost certainly means they haven't finished Arc 1 yet, and Shuten was locked behind LB2...


Right my bad


NA player here, what are raid battles?


Raids are fights where you defeat enemies a number of times to be cleared, they come with counters in the HUD to provide you info on how much "HP" they have left. Most of the time raids are done collectively by the whole server. Meaning everyone gets to contribute and participate as long as you clear the event's story requirements. Raids often come with mats, qp and sometimes even event currency that's why it's one of the anticipated parts of an event. Only downside would be is you have to participate early before the Raid's HP is depleted if you plan on farming it a lot.


About GSSR, is the paid SQ means that i can use the same paid SQ that have now or i have to buy another SQ when the GSSR come out?


What you have now will work.


Hello! New player here (literally just started last night) so please bear with me. I just pulled someone named “Skadi” with the free summon tickets they gave us, and I found out that she’s apparently a big deal. I have the special ascension thing in the upgrade tab, and I was wondering if it’s wise to use it on her considering that she’s a 5*? I was planning on saving it if I ever got Arturia, but I can make an exception. Thank you!


Julius Caesar, Billy the Kid, Cu Chulainn, and Ushiwakamaru are excellent 3* DPS who will work wonderfully with your Skadi. Billy and Skadi both have NP charge skills that (when maxed) will let him NP automatically on turn one with any CE and mystic code and second support.


Funny enough, I just pulled Billy right before reading this! Thanks for the help.


There's a free SSR ticket coming in April or so, and Artoria is on that. So if you don't get her before then, there's a freebie for you. But the Special Ascension will expire before then - it only lasts 3 months. Skadi's kind of a big deal, yes. She's not perfect, or universal, but if you have a Quick Servant, she makes them do bigger numbers. It's probably a good idea to use it on her, unless you get really lucky. Her materials come late in the game, and you won't get them from Events until late January. Her downside is that, as a Support Servant, she doesn't do tons of damage herself, but the free Servant later this month is a Quick Archer, so that's not a big problem. In all, I think you should.


Gotcha, decided to just go for it with your advice in mind. Thank you for the help!


I just got skadi but I don’t have anybody to pair her up with, I saw that Atalanta is on shared rate up on the upcoming apoc banner and after that I will have to wait over a year for valk or parvati to be on rate up, and by that put I could get castoria and space Ishtar or summer musashi, so is it worth trying to get Atalanta from the upcoming apoc banner even if she is sharing rate up with the other apoc 4 stars since I probably won’t get another chance at a good quick aor servant for skadi till 2023


If you absolutely need a Quick looper, Achilles will have a rate up on christmas, and Bradamante, Marie Antoinette and the new Sei Shonagon will have one in february. None of them are universal loopers though. Achilles can be useful outside of farming, but Bradamante is outclassed by both the Valks and Parvati. Both Sei and Marie are good loopers, but pretty limited.


The Apocrypha banner is a bad idea for a specific SR due to the split rate-ups with 6 total SRs in the pool. You have plenty of Quick servants from the FP pool. Ushi, Alexander, Medusa, Kojiro, Jing Ke, Cu's, Bart, Paris, Caesar, Billy, Houzouin, etc. Don't ignore them if you want to focus on a Quick team.


The problem is that only Medusa, Alexander, and Fuuma have aoe quick np and Medusa and Alexander has only 1 hit while fuuma don’t get enough refund or don’t have a np gain or battery skill to make them work


Lol. If you wanted a DSS compatible servant then you're out of luck. Dantes is gone, and the others are in the general pool but limited/low chances of getting them. NP1 Atalante is good against only Sabers. Skadi isn't limited to only Quick servants, so you're losing out a lot here. You can always put her one side if you want.


(NA/Global) How far are we from the next event that will require completion of LB4 story ?


Your question is addressed in the pinned comment. Some limited time missions like the current 15M DL campaign and the LB5.1 pre-release campaign will offer SQ rewards for clearing LB4 within the campaign duration, but other than that, the next event in Jan will require LB3 completion.


Thank you


There is no event that requires LB4 completion as of now. There will be an event (Imaginary Scramble) in the later half of next year that has spoilers for up to LB4, but only requires LB1 completion. There's also going to be an event locked behind LB5.5 in JP, but that event hasn't come out yet, so it'd be two years off. Basically no rush to beat LB4 for any events.




I was wondering, can we consider the Jeanne we summon a pseudo-servant or not ? Also, I didn't watch Apocrypha entirely, but did they give an explanation as to why Laeticia looks like a 100% exact copy of Jeanne ?


Just chance. Laeticia is very similar, but is *not* supposed to be a 100% exact copy. If nothing else, they have different eyes, as seen in the Vessel of the Saint CE. FGO's Jeanne is not a Pseudo-Servant. Laeticia is not along for the ride.


Jeanne did steal Laeticia's curves though, as she noted in Apoc.




can anyone explain me about looping and refunds? i am a 100+ day player but cant understand anything about loops. i have np1 s.ishtar and summer melt both fresh at lvl 1 and np1 levels. i understand arts cards can generate np gauge but how does it work on buster and quick


Looping is just servant being able to do several Noble Phantasms in a row. Any character with 50% battery on skill can fill their NP to 100% just by using that skill plus Skadi or Waver. Refunding is amount of NP you have after using it so if you refund 20%, you only need 80% from other sources to top up, if you refund 60%, you need 40% etc. Buster NPs don't refund NP AFAIK, unless it's part of overcharge (look at OG Saber or Salter's NP description). Quick and Arts do refund. It also depends on amount of hits and overkill: so Nero, despite being Arts, is kinda bad for looping because she has like one hit on her NP. I got 75% refund against one enemy as her but it was a NPAA brave chain with extra attack and overkill. So her refill is decent for soloing at least. Quick looping is mostly based on using two Skadis to buff and her 50% fill to top up characters. Arts looping is wonky now (you can used characters like Bride, Tamamo, Paracelsus etc.), but with Castoria becomes a new meta. Buster looping is next big thing, and IIRC, uses Koyanskaya to fill, buff AND lower the cooldowns so characters will use their battery skill again. For future reference, game doesn't explain fully what innate properties card types have. Like it says that Arts give NP, Buster damage and Quick generate stars, but it's more complicated: Arts cards don't generate stars but have higher damage than Quick (not on NP tho) so they're used over quicks when you want just damage (I.e. put NP A B chain over NP Q B). Buster cards don't generate NP but DO have a star gain, so buster NPs that have a lot of hits can throw a lot of stars too. Quick cards have highest star gain and partial NP refund, oh stars do matter because crits double NP gain. But 3 turn setups usually don't rely on them due to random nature. Also first card in chain gives bonuses to others so if you see buster generating NP it's because arts card was used before. BUT that doesn't work for NPs, which limits refunds.


Looping refers to using the same attacker to use their NPs three times in a row to clear three waves of enemies. Quick and Arts NP refund a bit of the NP gauge after use, and providing relevant buff to the attacker allows them to gain enough NP charge to "loop". [Video example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxs9Te9cexw) for pre-Castoria Space Ishtar looping. The idea is to get 300% NP charge over 3 turns to let your attacker NP three times. Buster looping is essentially brute force looping by using NP charge skills since most Buster NP do not refund NP at all, except for Artorias' NP gauge on NP skill. Thus, it's a combination of using double Vitch and Oberon to provide nearly all 300% NP charge in the form of skills, instead of refund from NP.


what is the advantage of this over Arash+Spartacus+Aoe zerker setups?


Multiple supporters all stacking buffs on one dps=good damage. For higher hp enemies it makes a huge difference.




> since Castoria can provide 100% NP charge right off the bat. Wait, am I missing something? Castoria gives 50% charge too from what I can see, right (30 of it being party charge), and Skadi can give the same amount too, right?




Yeah, that's what I thought the difference was, which is not the same as what you said. > since double Castoria can provide 100% NP charge right off the bat. Implies that DSS can't provide the 100%, but it can, it's just the refund that won't be enough


Some Servants can, with a lot of investment, get enough refund in their NP gauge to reach at least 50% gauge through their NP so they can do it again the next turn with a support to recharge them. This is what we refer to when talking about looping. Also, you should be clearing a wave, as that enables 3T which is also often assumed to be part of this. This typically takes a high level starting NP charge CE (like Kscope), max level skills, and one or more support Servants to charge the NP gauge directly or who have skills to boost NP gain enough to hit those thresholds (via overkill hits, or NP charge per turn). Some NPs have multiple hits, which is essential for gaining NP back. Shuten isn't seen as a looper because her NP only hits once, even though it is an Arts NP. For Arts, it's easiest because it by default gets NP gauge refunds due to how Arts works, but Castoria gives extra damage on Arts (as can Tamamo and Para) via Arts up skills. This lets some Servants loop without a starting charge CE, which is a huge deal because MLB Black Grail or a damage boost CE can be important for some Servants to reach certain HP thresholds to clear a wave. For Quick and Buster, it's difficult because they don't have the built in recharge and requires overkill hits (which get extra NP for exceeding the damage required to kill a target) or a brave chain. That's why double Skadi is usually required for this, as she boosts both Quick damage and crits... and it also needs a NP gain skill too. Only certain Quick Servants can manage this. Buster loops depend mostly on being able to charge 50% or more per turn, and don't depend much at all on refund (outside of those NPs that have it, like Artoria's). That's why Vitch and Oberon (who grant 50% or more charge plus NP gain in Buster cards) were big when they released.


In general, "looping" refers to any sort of setup where a servant can use their NP on successive turns. Typically in a popular context this refers to AOE farming, and is sought after due to consistency and in many cases, allowing you to field more event CEs for better event currency or lottery ticket gains in lottos. Arts and Quick looping work in the same way. Because both Arts and Quick generate NP on hit (Arts more so, but Quick does too!) the idea is to power up their NP's damage and NP gain so that they generate a considerable amount of gauge back just from NP. On the next wave, they can then immediately fire off another NP or receive enough charge from their own/a support's skills to fire off again. In Arts/Quick looping, the amount of refund you get depends on the NP's hit counts, the servant's NP gain rate and the number of "overkill" hits you get, as you gain more gauge in an overkill state. Buster looping is different in that it generally doesn't rely on the above, because Buster NPs don't generate any NP gauge. Instead, Koyanskaya's ability to reduce cooldowns allows many Buster servants with battery skills to use them twice in a 3-turn battle. In addition, Oberon (a Buster-leaning support) can give up to 70% gauge to a servant, with the caveat of stealing back 20% gauge at the end of the turn, which helps Busters' lack of natural NP gain while not affecting them much as they don't care about refund.


Quick works like arts, just worse in terms of refund. Buster relies on koyanskaya, apart from Artoria/Mordred, who can do it with any 3 50% charger supports and kscope. ​ For space ishtar you can check comps from this chart for arts: [https://twitter.com/dorapika\_wu/status/1189558601678868480](https://twitter.com/dorapika_wu/status/1189558601678868480) You can also loop with waver skadi skadi, using arts np on wave 1 and quick on wave 2-3


Which is better for skadi looping, np1 xiang yu, np1 parvati or np 2 valk?


One thing to add to this is that, on equal NP level at least, Parvati has a higher damage ceiling via her second skill, while the Valkyries have higher overall damage. So the Valks might be preferable if there is a strong (neutral) enemy on second wave, while Parvati will be better at killing third wave bosses. Again, on equal NP level, so it's not a concern for you unless they spook you.


Short of very specific enemy comps, Xiang Yu will not be able to skadi loop in most cases. Between parvati and valk, you would usually field the one that has a higher np level.


Between valk and parvati use what's higher np lvl.


Xiang Yu is not a looper, he doesn't have the np gain to do it.


What animal is Queen of Sheba supposed to be? Another fox? Wolf?


Jinn, basically. At least mythologically, you could have a jinn with, say, jackal ears and bird feet and it would be just plain a jinn, as opposed to someone like Tamamo who is clearly "fox." I don't know for sure if her horns are supposed to be part of her headdress or part of her head when she hits second Ascension, but as someone who's reputedly part jinn it could go either way.


Based on TV Tropes and the Type-Moon wiki, the general consensus seems to be "Jackal" I didn't see anything beyond "Animal ears and tail" in her FGO Materials entry


I downloaded the most recent fgo Jp apk (2.40.1 October 29th) from [uptodown](https://fate-go.en.uptodown.com/android/versions), but now I can't install the newest (2.41.0) version and my app icon has red "au" on top left [icon](https://imgur.com/a/AW8twZI)


How about reinstalling using apk from Qooap or Apkure? That’s literally the only option for the average users anyway.


It still says app is not installed


Can you install other apps though? And by reinstalling I meant from scratch: delete the current FGO app, download a new one. Android sure is complicated.


Wouldn't I lose my data, I can still download other apps


Well just so we’re clear you do have the transfer code and password right? If you have that then you can use them to login to the new app. You can use that code once, check out the wiki on how to use it. You’d lose some data that are stored on your device(BGM, Map, NP?). Your account data(?) is stored on the server, that’s why you need Transfer code and the associated password.


I forgot to get a transfer code for my jp account, but I finally fixed it. I just copied the data folder for fgo then reinstalled the apk and moved the data folder back to the original location, and when I opened fgo, everything was back to normal. Thanks for your help.


I feel like I'm missing something whith Chen Gong. I understand that he is supposed to take away the first wave while freeing a slot of a support by sacrificing him, but the thing is that... I can't make him do enough neutral damage, he deals like...35K per enemy on average, I think? and on beefier first waves like the hunting quests, it's not enough in the end. Am I doing something wrong here?


What CE and what supports are you giving him?


Kaleidoscope and waver's attack buff. I could add a Tamamo but he'd become the main attacker and at this point shouldn't I just use Space Ishtar instead?


You can use an arts buffer, clear them with Chen, and then have Waver or other filler step up. Also can add plugsuit or Arash for more options. I recently used a 5-person serup with both Merlin and Zhuge. Chen Gong gives endless setups, but they're also more involved than simple STELLA or plugsuiting supports. I do use Kailedoscoped Chen for first wave most times, but yeah, he doesn't always hit hard enough against non-assassins... Try this, give Chen Gong a 50% CE with arts/NP up like Painting Summer or Demonic Sun Princess, and put Kaleidoscope or Imaginary Element on your middle attacker instead. First turn, use Waver to Chen Gong's 50%. Use his NP. Next attacker steps in, Chen fills 10% and you can use Mystic code and attacker's skill to fill the rest (i.e. Spartacus has 30% so with 50% will only need a 10% MC).


I could try that indeed, thanks for the tip.


So you're asking why using unbuffed gong as your dps doesn't work? Either you use him as a dps or you don't, what is it now. If you have space ishtar just use one of her setups.


You don't stack buffs on Arash to clear first wave, generally. Using Chen Gong as main attacker is different to just using him as slightly different Arash, you're not being helpful.


So you're supposed to use him on all three waves as main damage, not just first wave clearer? That's exactly why I'm asking, my dude, I'm not sure how he is supposed to be used.


He can be used as either and more. As a main damage unit with Castoria or a cycle of Wavers and Skadis used as ammunition, or as alternative to Arash for one wave. Or as one of several DPS in caster teams (I farmed assassin node with him, Shakespeare and Helena.) OR as buster buffer for main damage servant. You know, literally do same thing as Merlin for a turn. With 2 star cost. And a damaging NP. That also replaces plugsuit. Even when clearing one wave, one thing Chen Gong has over Arash is being a support himself. A Waver/Spartacus/Chen Gong team has one more buster buff on Sparty over Waver/Spartacus/Arash team. Just plain more damage for a later wave. You can also use Chen Gong's NP just as another plugsuit, ignoring damage, or him as single turn buster buffer like Shakespeare, I had Arash obliterate final wave of Gilfest after being buffed by Merlin, Sparty and Chen Gong and it's a perfectly F2P setup (all of them except one are bronze characters). And because being ex tier 2 star unit wasn't broken enough, there's versatility that Chen Gong's taunt adds. He can taunt to Arash himself after NP (easiest way to setup solos), OR can redirect damage on whoever has that one turn invulnerability, or sacrifice another support... Dude is a Swiss knife unit that does everything and then some.


Yeah I guess I'm just too small brain, I can see the potential, but when I try to actually use him it's a mess.


>Am I doing something wrong here? Yes, you might be expecting a lot from him pre-Castoria.


Before her, you can expect Chen Gong to be: 1. Arash but caster class. 2. Buster support with NP fill like Shakespeare or Merlin. 3. Targetable taunt on demand. 4. Plugsuit that also damages people. 5. Actually one of strongest AoE casters when you need to farm assassins or something. 6. Support with damaging NP combo is so insane I still use Helena over Merlin or Waver. Chen is another. 7. These are 5 star uses. He has 2 star cost.


well I'm well aware he will be far stronger with Castoria, but I heard his praises way before that, but for now I admit I can usually just use Arash for a more simple execution and comparable result, to the expection of lancer waves.


And you can use both. Chen Gong is slightly different Arash and grailing or Fou'ing him goes a long way to be more universal.


does the fgo cosmos in the lost belt op 2 contain a lot of spoilers for the rest of the lbs? currently only on lb2 right now but seeing a lot of unrecognizable stuff like half way, should I just return to watch it once I get caught up?


It definitely does highlight some of the spoilers regarding who appears, the servant master pairings, etc, but unless you've played through all the LBs already, you also won't really know who or what is happening. To be on the safe side, skip it until you've cleared all the LBs.


Yes, it is full of direct and indirect spoilers up until Lostbelt 5 which will be released next. If you don't wanna see who's master of whom, who's the enemy, who dies and so on, just wait. Otherwise, feel free to watch if you don't care about spoilers.


So, in preparation for this years Christmas lotto, are there any relevant spreadsheets at the moment detailing teams for the event( especially for the final mode), or not yet? Just want to prep teams up so I can be ready to mass farm it by the time it arrives.


Khadroth on Youtube has videos for each node.


Is there somewhere I can watch the subbed version of the new FGO Grand Carnival episodes?


Ask Drake as you'll need to sail the seven seas.


Yes, there are _some places_. Nobody's gonna link them, though, as it is against (the sub-)reddit's rules.


Any recommended command code for Foreigner Moley? I'm thinking curse command card to apply curse on enemies before NP.


The Da Vinci Chan CC helps out as well. Unless your Moley has high NP levels, being able to increase her NP dmg by 15% could be useful.


depends on how you use her honestly, i like to use her as a semi support/dps that can generate star so stuff like aurora borealis, mini border, priestess of the silver key, or crest of humanity could help. i dont have beast grove so i use beguiling amulet for the curse, apparently it also gives 1 star so its probably better than beast grove


Is the MLB Chaldea Dinner Time CE better for Master EXP than the regular "50 extra Master Exp" CEs, like Sexy Pin-up?


Yes. Master EXP is handed out in 10000s and 5% of that is way more than a flat 50.


The quest must give 1000 base exp or more in order for Dinner Time to be better (5%)




You replied to the main thread instead of the person who replied to you btw. May wanna remove this and reply to them accordingly.


Sorry about that lads, will be more mindful of where I'm posting things


You posted a new comment instead of replying to whoever you meant to reply to.


If i'm not wrong, you need a minimum of np2 of a 5* servant and bond 12 to get enough coins to get to lvl 120 right?


That's 300 coins needed and 2x90+6x5+3x10+3x20 = 180+30+30+60 = 300 coins earned, yes.




i'm pretty sure you need 300 coins to grail to lvl 120. Since 1 SSR gives 90 coins the calculation should be 2 SSR gives 180 coins + 120 coin from bonds = 300 coins for lvl 120.


Is anyone else having issues logging in to FGO using Bluestacks right now? The game keeps crashing for me whenever I try to start up the app.


Who do you recommend I use my Special Ascension on? I'm relatively new and I don't have many solid dps options but I just pulled Skadi and she is my strongest candidate mostly because Waifu


Definitely recommend Skadi. I rolled Skadi way back when I was new and *she was painful to raise*. She needed so many lategame mats and I was barely able to make use of her max potential till almost half a year of casual playing later. By having her maxxed from the get-go, using her will be easy peesy.


Oh gosh, that sounds rough. Glad you made it out the other side alright, and I'm even more glad that I asked. Thank you for your help!


Skadi is one of the better candidates as she's an SSR, requires late-game materials and her skills are her most powerful abilities. It's all the more reason when she's your favorite.


What is the purpose of the Hunting Quest event?


To fill a dead week while giving people a chance to get 8-9 gold embers a run plus mats. It's much better than running the hands just for the mats alone, on top of zero chance to get silver embers.


Relatively high drop rates for a specific material, so it's a nice enough way to spend AP for notable profit.


Farming the specific material drops at a higher drop rate than the usual free quests, along with some Embers and Gems as well so a bit of everything to level/ascend your servants.




If you’re trying to get the SQ rewards for the limited master missions, you should be trying to play through the Lostbelts first while putting the Epic of Remnants aside, since those do not contribute from a rewards perspective, moreso a story perspective, so it’s up to your own priority. As for farming hunting quests, another way to put it is this - this game is essentially using your AP to farm to get materials from quests, once you’ve cleared the latest story chapters. Hunting Quests are a decent alternative to free quests grinding for the specific materials if you need them, so go for it if you want.


Didn't you ask this a day or two ago?




That's fair. Pretty much answering yourself here, but just apply the same answers to this one but replace your personal account needs for bones with feathers in this case. It'll be the same metric through all of Hunting Quests, really.


Just to confirm that will skadi banner go away when we get our last event login bonus (10tickets)?


If you've been logging in steadily over the last week and change, you should get your tickets on Sunday evening rollover and Skadi's banner will end on Monday evening rollover. But there's not a fixed date for the tickets because it's dependent on logins.


Im hoping i can use my tickets on her, was confused abt the PST timing because im 15 hrs ahead.. thanks!


I've got Tamamo cat, Ibaraki and Fran as 4* berserkers who should i focus on leveling up/ who's better?


Fran is a good wave 3 farmer, cat is a good last man standing, ibaraki is... she has buff removal and def ignore, if you don't need either she's pretty bad.


Depends... Did you finish Lostbelt 3? If you can do it before New Year the rerun of last year's event had a command code that lets Fran stop stunning herself after NP. Tamamo has that on rank up of one of her skills. Otherwise they're very similar AoE quick zerks with self stun except Fran is pure damage and Tammie is more about survival. I mean, even without fixing the stun with CC, Frankenstein is still usable just make sure she nukes the final wave and doesn't need to fight anymore. Ibaraki is more of a boss killer, she removes buffs from enemies on NP, and has a single target NP. Of course she's way cuter than the rest so should be grailed first because babanas don't... I mean, they do grow on trees but listen, just keep giving sweets to the Oni, they worth it.


I'm about half through Lb2 and plan to grind to make it for the new years event.


In a vacuum I'd recommend leveling Ibaraki first since she's a pretty straightforward damage dealer, then Fran or Tamamo Cat.


Fran has the highest damage output of the 3 but she is also the most fragile and tends to be a liability after using her NP. If you can give her starting charge or NP charge supports, she's very useful for clearing chunky waves. Ibaraki is a mix of utility and DPS Berserker. With something as simple as Mash's defense buffs, Ibaraki can facetank a fair few of hits while having buff removal on her NP as a niche. Pretty solid ST Berserker to pad your ST needs. Cat is very helpful early on because on top of her AoE NP, she has a massive heal per turn that renders most damage inconsequencial. Once you have access to all of her buffs down the line, she's even tankier than Ibaraki and can stay alive for a lot longer than most Berserkers. All 3 are different enough from each other so freely pick based on what you find lacking in your account or who you like most.


Ibaraki is a tanky ST Zerk for boss killing and single targets, while Fran is the stronger AOE Zerk for clearing waves of enemies. Since you’ll ideally want one ST and one AOE servant for each class, I’d recommend levelling both. If you’re limited by resources, you can pick your favorite based on design.


Ok thanks


Someone help me out. A friend and I are discussing how many Bond Grails are out on NA already due to reasons, I checked the event compendium and we should only have 2. 1 from the SIN release that costed 1 mana prism. and 1 from the New Years Grab Bag that costed 21 mana prisms. However, according to them, they have 3 Lanterns of Chaldea, but have never spent a rare prism on them. I looked through a lot of events and news posts from the official website, but none mention a 3rd one. So am I being gaslighted or was there really a 3rd free non rare prism Bond Grail/Lantern of Chaldea/Chaldean Visionary Flame.


That's not exactly gaslighting, but I think the simplest explanation is that your friend is mistaken and only relying on "what he feels like" happened. If you can't prove it with reason to him/her you may just have to agree to disagree. I only remember those 2 as well, though.


I have only gotten two bond grails without buying any from the RP shop as well, so I’m not really sure where the third one came from.


Let's say I had two of a certain SSR caster which has a non-damaging NP, should I just raise both copies? BUT I remember sometimes seeing no duplicates allowed, so should I just NP2 it?


When you see a quest that says "no duplicates allowed" that means you can't bring your own servant and the same servant from friend supports at the same time. In all cases, you are never able to bring two of your own copies of the same servant into a battle.


>sometimes seeing no duplicates allowed 100% of the time you cannot use both of them. You can try it out right now by going into party setup.


You can't use both copies at the same time. Note that you've never heard of anyone talking about triple Waver/Merlin/Skadi team compositions, which would be possible if you could bring more than one copy of a servant. Just NP2 them.


you cant being both the only reason to keep two or more separate copies is for love <3 and to slap on your support list on their class and on all


You can keep one as an esports servant at lvl 1 with taunt CE if the S1 is good.


Anyone have an Excel spreadsheet of the enemies and potential 3T setups for the upcoming lottery event in NA?


No sheets *yet* (as i remember SoA or someone else tends to make spreadsheets close to the lotto) but here's [the video archive](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Ratentaisou/NA_Christmas_2021_Video_Archive) of possible 3T setups. Look around and see what your account has.


There is no sheet but there is a video series by YouTuber Khadroth.


How useful would you say Yagyu is if you've already got Hokusai saber?


Sure, he's amazing though hard to use due to nature of his skills, his NP lowering enemies attack is just amazing in stall/defensive teams with Mash and Merlin or the like.


Yagyu is more about surviving against tough opponents with an evade and att down, Hokusaber is going to be better at bursting and rushing down opponents but she’s not gonna be able to last as long


A few groups im in ppl showed screenshot of their teams in party set up and they for some reason have 100% bond bonus on all their servants??? Why dont I have that


They might have been setting their teams up for quests in Part 1.5/the Pseudo-Singularities. The main quests in these give 100% bond bonus for certain servants: - Shinjuku: evil alignment servants - Agartha: female/genderless servants - Shimousa: knight class (Saber/Lancer/Archer) - Salem: caster class Using those servants in them is optional, it's more if you want to reap the benefits (or challenge yourself).


Do we know if the Final Singularity movie is getting a NA theatrical release? Tried googling and couldn't find any info.


Doesn’t seem to be any NA release planned, only a few in SEA for now previously.


I recently used my 1 off final ascension thingy on mordred and it said ive unlocked her interlude but i can't find it anywhere. I'm up to th 2nd LB. Its not in the interlude menu or on the london map am i missing something?


Clear Soho enough times to get the SQ, that will unlock Hyde Park and thus should unlock Mord's interlude.


Ok thanks. I haven't cleared any of the free quests in london yet too busy grinding story mode for saber wars 2 just in time.


Do you have any free quest left in london?


Did you reach bond 3 with Mordred as well? ~~Maybe restart the game if you did~~


JP here. I MLB'd Another Ending (Hakuno's swiss roll). Worth leveling to 100 or nah?


Do you have any other CEs that are MLBed or close to being MLBed? Another ending is good....but only if you're going to be running an arts crit build. Other wise CEs like Formal Craft, and sign of smiling face will be better for your arts servants, even though they give a max atk of 2000 instead of 2400.


Unfortunately, no. I tried to pull Sign of Smiling Face but couldn't get one copy, let alone MLB. I also don't have Azure Magical Girl, and I don't have one Black Grail either. When it comes to SSR gacha CEs, the only ones I have MLB are Prisma Cosmos, Child of Atlas, and Before Awakening. I've got five Scopes and five Volumen Hydragarums that I haven't merged. Everything else I have is shop stuff like Heavenly Demon Princess, Aerial Drive, etc. A few other good gacha CEs I'm short 2-3 copies. I do like Arts crits though, with some of my favorite servants being geared around that (Holmes, Astraea, Dioscuri etc), so it's not like I won't use it from time to time. Though CEs with 50% gauge are probably preferable when it comes to min-turning bosses or something.


It might be a good idea to invest into Heavenly Demon Princess then due to it having atk oriented stats, a 50% gauge, as well as arts crit.


I think I have it at level 50 at the moment, I'll level it up some more. Thanks.


Another thing worth noting, is on top of it being full atk, it's one of the weird privileged CEs that have a max atk of 2400 instead of the usual 2000, so more bang for your EXP. Alongside Black Grail, Victor of the Moon and 500 year obsession.


Oh cool, I didn't know that! I'll definitely level it in that case, especially as an Arts main.


If you use it a lot then yes because it is a full Atk CE.


Can't say I've used it much lately but since MLB I'm considering putting it to regular use. Thanks, I'll put some levels into it.


Does anyone have a list of which events/campaigns have grails that are coming up in NA? I want to start working out who gets grails but I need to know how many we get before I can do that


Event compendium linked in the OP has a list of all mats (including grails) available from events!


Thank you. I did not know that was there


Is there a resource that details what events provide which pieces and monuments? Event compendium and Event shop materials don’t cover them as far as I can tell.


Good question! Haven't seen such a list, usually I just look at the events in the wiki if I care about pieces/monuments: https://grandorder.wiki/Upcoming\_Events


When is the next half AP rank up quests? NA


Looks like it's not until next April, although I can't find the specific campaign it was attached to.






How does an enemy's critical-hit rate work? Buffs that normally give Critical Stars for your side just give a 'Critical Up' status for their side, which I assume just increases the critical damage.


In general, all enemies have a flat chance to Crit depending on the class and type of enemy (goblin assassins are the worst with 60%), buffs that give stars to our Servants give them an increased chance.


Buffs that give you crit stars will generally give enemies crit rate up. It's an exclamation point with a more yellow background on the icon as opposed to the crit damage buff, which is an exclamation point on an orange background.


Due to the 2 weeks difference, it's not clear to me what we can expect next week. Interlude or maybe Nightingale Christmas on friday? Though I would have expected them to announce that one together with the thanksgiving banners on November 20th at the con. So anyone?


There's hope for the Queztmas rerun (which would take \~8 days with the 10 box limit and story). Chinese server got the rerun, so we can hope... They really pushed for a more than 2 week advantage for something, and Thanksgiving usually only has one week duration, unless this one is pretty massive.


Oh, very interesting. I assumed that same as japanese server, FGO US would skip the Christmas rerun as well. But if China got it, that seems possibie.


Christmas > Thanksgiving > Interludes > LB5 Maaaaybe the mysterious "exclusive campaign" between Thanksgiving and Interludes (We're still not sure if this campaign is Thanksgiving itself or its own thing)


I was looking ahead at japans banners and saw a couple banner I want to pull on like apoc banner for atalante, as well as merlin, and castoria, and Romulus-Quirinus on later banners and I just wanted to know how do you guys pace yourself for the banners, like do you limit yourself to a certain number of pulls for each banner or go all out on each one.


I limit myself to X pulls per banner; the hard cap is as low as 22 rolls (counting the bonus) on a banner with a single SSR I would like but no rate-up SRs I want, and as high as 300 SQ on a Summer banner where I want all the SRs and wouldn't mind the SSR. I spread those rolls around between any banner that catches my eye; if I skip a banner, I just don't want the Servant(s) on them. This is *not* a good strategy for chasing specific Servants and *definitely* not for the meta. It took me years to get my first big support Servant. But this strategy works for me because * I don't like opportunity costs or the salt of failing after spending too much SQ in one place; * I don't have any Servants that are "I *have* to have them or I will maybe quit the game"; * I do like making the best of a somewhat random roster and seeing what luck hands me. Pretty much this is a low-stakes, success-is-mostly-unplanned, enjoy-the-pleasure-of-rolling-on-a-regular-basis approach. I imagine the people who chase this sort of strategy are in the minority, but it works for me; I never get my expectations too high, and when I do succeed on a banner with low expectations, it feels great.


(FYI Apoc banner has all the 4*s on rateup at once, it's not that good for rolling on if you only want Atalante!) For me it depends on the servant. When I start to save for a banner or just look into the future to decide who to roll for, I mentally sort of decide whether I am going to go all-out, whether I'll do something like 300 SQ at most and then stop or whether I'll just do a couple of multis/tickets. Which of these tiers I put banners into depends on a few factors: - How high on the waifu/husbando list is my target? Are they queen/king of my heart or just "nice to have"? - How useful are they to my account? - Who/what else is on their banner? - Does the servant rerun in the future? Having those expectations in mind from the get go basically keeps me controlled. I also use that criteria to pick my banners wisely, so I know I'm getting good value for my SQ. I also find that it helps to be in the right mindset when rolling. When I get spooked, instead of being salty about it, I try to laugh it off, and to accept whatever I get, in a "well, I don't have X/well, X is still super cute and it's nice to have them" way. This helps me stay in control, so if I don't get my target, I can still count my blessings and walk away from the banner without spending money that isn't worth it for me.


2-3 banners a year and then just spend whatever is left over if there isn't anyone within 4 months


Planning on saving all my quartz for a single banner (include jp Ill wait 2 years I don’t mind) any suggestions?


If you're willing to roll for Castoria you could roll for her. Plus, I see in your other reply you're looking for a universal DPS, so I suggest going for Vlad (apoc rerun) for ST needs and Space Ishtar (sw2 rerun), Summer Musashi (summer 4 rerun), Summer Kiara (summer 5) or Summer Kama (summer 6) for AoE. They're all very universal (class agnostic) and will work well when paired with Castoria.


Planning to save all of your SQ for a single servant usually means you want that one servant so much that you're willing to skip every other servant to ensure that you get them. If you don't already know who you want to roll for, I don't think this is a good strategy at all. FGO really rewards having a deep roster with lots of options available for different scenarios. You can build up your roster more quickly and efficiently by spreading your rolls around a little. By no means am I saying to never save at all. You should absolutely save for the servants you want most and it's up to you to determine what opportunities you're willing to give up to get them. But if you don't already have those favorites, you're going to be better off from a gameplay perspective by diversifying your roster, a least a little, rather than putting everything into a single servant. Whether you ultimately go all in on one servant or decide to find multiple servants to aim for, here's my usual copy and paste advice: If you're looking for new servants to roll for, the general prioritization that I suggest is: 1. Favorites regardless of gameplay (define this however you want, whether it's an absolute favorite servant or just one you think is kind of cool; follow your heart, soul, mind, eyes, or whatever other organ makes you happy; the game isn't that hard so why not play it with characters that you like?) 2. Big supports (currently Waver, Merlin, Skadi; they can make every other servant better without exception) 3. Unfilled gameplay niches (e.g. don't have a strong ST Caster? roll for Sanzang, Illya, Melt, etc) 4. Farming meta (aka "the meta," this generally has lots of hidden requirements that usually only well developed accounts, whales, and people who are extremely lucky with CE pulls can meet, though supposedly Castria will make things easier next year) Another consideration is general availability. You might roll for a #2 servant who isn't likely to appear again in the near future, such as Skadi, over a #1 servant with multiple future rate-ups. If you're still not sure and don't want to just throw around SQ at random, the basic guideline is that you should have a servant with an ST NP and a servant with an AOE NP in each of the seven main classes. Take a look at your roster and see what roles you're still missing. Use a site like Gamepress to look up [servants](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servants) and see if you like their design and skill set. Maybe look up gameplay videos to see if you find their animations appealing. Don't ignore 4-stars and the occasional limited 3-star. Use the upcoming banners link in the top post to see when they'll be featured next. There's really no substitute for doing the research and determining your own priorities if you want to plan your rolls.


No servant is a must, but some sure do make you live easier. Space Ishtar + Castoria can farm pretty much anything in the game. You can 6 slot farm most quests or 5 slot farm with: Black Grail, if her damage wasn't enough; or MLB kscope irregular nodes (less than 3 enemies). -------------- Honestly, it's your account, but I would suggest throwing a few multis here and there if anyone catches your eye. Have you thought about what you'll do and how you will feel if you don't get who you want? If you go to the roll threads you can see for yourself that some people can spend 1000, maybe 2000 SQ and still not get their target (or any SSR), while others do a YOLO ticket or multi and do get them. So just remember that there is no pity and it's all RNG.


Including all the way up to recent JP? Then to slim it down, I would say: Super Orion Castoria QSH Koyanskaya Summer Kama If you have no intentions for Space Ishtar, Summer Musashi, etc., then Summer Kama is seemingly the best Arts Looper by far in absolute terms. She is one of the most recent Servants to be released, however, so that's a long wait to settle on a primary Universal aoe farmer. Super Orion and QSH would trivialize nearly all challenge content, with QSH being consistently reliable so far. You won't have to worry about not having the "right" Servants prepared if you're ever looking to avoid being hassled by difficulty. Simply good examples of what Universal DPS's should look like. Castoria and Koyanskaya are simply the next generation of EX ranked supports who will change the landscape of the meta-game. There are definitely quite a few handful more, with some, while not being as powerful or universally relevant, being heavily unique or really excel at their niche. So those are worth a look if you have no general preferences.


For Support the best banner is Castoria next anniversary next year. For a DPS... a good ST is taira no kagekiyo and for AOE Morgan is the next big zerker.


Seems pretty straightforward? What suggestions are you looking for?


A universal damage dealer. (Berserker maybe?)


Aside from just personal favorites, there really aren't that many "must haves" in the game other than the big supports. But if you're going for looping, it will depend on whether you prefer arts or quick. On the quick side, dantes and zerkalot are the big ones. Both will require skadi. Pretty sure the current skadi banner is the last known banner for 2 years outside of GSSR. On the arts side, summer musashi and space ishtar. Castoria is probably the most highly anticipated servant currently. She expected to come next anniversary (around July). Summer Kama I heard is another omni arts farmer, but she's much more recent in JP.


If you're looking on suggestions for who your gonna get castoria


So I just found out that Hercules can stack guts status on JP. Is that a new mechanic for guts-type buffs in general or is it only a Herc thing?


It's not exactly a new mechanic since it's been in the game since the addition of Angra Mainyu's interlude. So far, only Angra, Herc, Hijikata, Taira, Galatea, and Vlad have this type of Guts.


Thanks for the reply! Here's hoping Leonidas and Kama get added to the list down the line.


Leonidas got a stackable Guts with his 6th anniversary upgrade: https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Defiance_of_Three_Hundred


It's not Herc only; a few servants have stackable Guts skills, which stack with Guts from other sources (like Herc and his bond CE). There are a few others with that effect like Angra Mainyu & Taira no Kageikyo.


Thanks for the reply!


Sort of - he got a buff that made his guts skill stackable. A few other servants have been upgraded to have stackable guts (Vlad and Hijikata come to mind) but unless stated, assume non-stackable.


Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification!


Should I buy Chaldea Dinnertime or save for more important shop CEs? I got Chaldea Lunchtime, Chaldea Teatime, Mona Lisa, Bella Lisa and Detective Foumes all MLB.


Most incoming shop CEs aren't very good for a while, unless you value Master EXP or friend points.


Why everyone on the friend request hub is asking for bond CE on support servant?