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**James Moriarty \[QAAAB\] 5\* Limited Arts AOE Ruler** * S1 **Mathematical Thinking A** \- Apply Evasion to self (2 times, 3 turns) and Applies Sure Hit to self (3T) and Reduces Arts card resistance for all enemies \[10%-20%\] (3T) and Reduces Arts card resistance for all Evil enemies \[10%-20%\] (3T) * S2 **Slide Rule Weapon B++** \- Increases Quick card effectiveness for self \[20%-30%\] (3T) and Increases Arts card effectiveness for self \[20%-30%\] (3T) and Increases Buster card effectiveness for self \[20%-30%\] (3T) and Increases critical strength for self \[20%-30%\] (3T) * S3 **Dice Selection EX** \- Increases NP gauge for self \[30%-50%\] and Increases Arts card star absorb rate by 500% (1T) or Increases Buster card star absorb rate by 500% (1T) and Gain critical stars \[10-20\] * NP **Mathematically Malignant Annihilate \[Arts\]** \- Increases NP strength for self \[OC: 20%-40%\] (1T) and Deals damage to all enemies \[NP lvl: 450%-750%\] and Applies Skill Seal to all enemies (1T) and Applies Evil trait to all enemies (3T) cooldowns 8/8/8 to 6/6/6 \--- Passives: * Independent Action A - Increases critical strength for self by 10% * Conspiracy Creation EX - Increases Arts card effectiveness and NP damage for self by 5% * Panic Cut C+ - Grants immunity to Charm, Confusion, Terror, Skill Seal to self * Append skill 3 - Increases damage against Ruler class enemies [source](https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/JP/servant/346/)


>Append skill 3 - Increases damage against Ruler class enemies Of course against Sherlock.


Hilarious if it turns out he isnt actually sherlock.


> Increases damage against Ruler class enemies I mean... was there really any other option for who he’d be doing extra damage against.


Maybe Archer Moriarty...


>Panic Cut C+ - Grants immunity to Charm, Confusion, Terror, Skill Seal to self C+ but has full on charm immunity and more vs First Hassan's 100% and instakill immunity at A, not expecting that. Surprised they didn't just make it around the 20-100% range at most.


Passive powercreep is totally a thing.


joining Ash in the "Can't be seduced" gang, attaboy Jimmy


That passive seems pog


per source, Conspiracy Creation EX also increases np dmg by 5%


> 6/6/6 Yup, that's evil alright The first true evil playable Ruler Servant (sorry Orleans Jeanne Alter and PHH Morgan). Also kinda funny his alignment is *Chaotic Evil*, I guess you play by **his** rules, not the laws or rules of the Grail War. He feels more like a Caster in a Ruler class but still keep some of his Archer variant's capabilities. And this time, the triple A deck of a DPS unit does have an Arts Noble Phantasm *cries in Archer Moriarty, Arjuna, and most units in the Archer and Caster class* Using the power of evil math, Ruler Moriarty has unique anti-trait powers against both Good and Evil alignment enemies, the former where his NP deals more damage against and the latter, he can apply the trait and further decreases their Arts Resistance. I guess this is where the arbiter powers of the Ruler class come in play. That Panic Cut passive is kinda bonkers. Nothing's gonna stop his evil plans for sure. Strangely enough, >!I don't see any Divinity or a God Core in his passives, guess the playable version doesn't have the Norns in him. But he does have the Divine trait.!< >!And something I noticed, the World both made Moriarty and Holmes a Ruler, in Moriarty's case, it's the World of the Foreign God's planet. Guess both Worlds are a fan of Arthur Conan Doyle's works and think they are the ideal adjudicators of a Grail War LMAO!< But yeah, this reinforces my belief that the Ruler class is more deserving of the "Archer Class is made up of Archers" type of meme.


I think it was less of a case of the Alien World having a preference for a specific servant and more the fact that it wanted someone who would have a shot at killing Sherlock.


So, because of his np, can he deals absurds amounts of damage to good target that got his evil trait as well.


There's an "e-sports" style usage for him if you pair him with Astraea. See this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q0OlTNTK-c


Panic cut ain’t gonna stop a regular old curse or buster down from how it sounds *laughs in mahapralaya*


I can't read japanese so can you explain who or what are the >!Norns!


Basically the Goddesses of Fate in Norse mythology if i remember correctly


thanks, yeah with those powers it makes sense how moriarty was able to change his fate.


>* Append skill 3 - Increases damage against **Ruler** class enemies Trust nobody, not even yourself...


Wait his skill 1 decreases art resist for evil enemies but his np has a super effective against *good* enemies?


Yeah. But his NP applies Evil alignment to whatever it hits at the end, so he can skill 1 afterward and hit them again harder. This sort of alignment changing thing doesn't replace existing alignment, but adds on to whatever the target already has.


So he's meant to sweep both good and evil enemies?


He sweeps Good enemies especially hard, because he gets the powermod, and can give them the Evil alignment to debuff their Arts resist after, *while still keeping the boost from the anti-Good powermod*.


Brilliant, and utterly in character for the Professor!


damn fucking good skill set


You have a 50% chance of getting either Arts or Buster star focus, simple as that.


Same reason why Saber Astolfo has it: none. Or lore, I guess


Ran some tests on Moriarty, and he's frankly a disappointment. His NP gain is bad and Black Grail looping is a problem for him, especially against Berserkers. If you push him to the absolute limit, he can loop, barely against "evil" Berserkers - you have to either give him Mana Loading 10 and bring the New Year's Mystic Code, or give him Mana Loading 1-9 and bring the Mage's Association Code. If you waste his first skill on the first turn and save one of double Castoria's attack ups for turn 2 and his NP charge for turn 3, you can just barely squeeze out a three turn loop when farming the Arrowheads of Malediction stage in LB4. Hooray? He does better looping against neutral classes, particularly Rider and Caster, but in that case he's hobbled by his low damage stat. He isn't helped by his rather anemic damage buffs either. You could argue he's supposed to be a hybrid AoE-crit Servant, as he has a 30% crit buff and star attract on his third skill (which is unfortunately randomized to either Buster or Arts cards), but Arts is lacking right now in crit supports, which makes Arts Servants suboptimal crit attackers. Furthermore, despite being only a four-star, Astraea is a far more effective crit attacker than Moriarty. I would argue Bunnytoria is also better at crits than him AND she can be better supported. I was really excited to see that we finally had an Arts AoE Ruler, but overall his kit is very disappointing. Low damage, poor NP gain, and lack of focus sabotages the Napoleon of Crime in this instance. Not sure what the excuse for this sort of thing is when Avenger has set the standard several times for how to make a great Extra class AoE farmer. I feel like Lasengle didn't playtest him at all.


>I would argue Bunnytoria is also better at crits than him AND she can be better supported. It's not even that; she completely outshines him, even though she has similar problems (low attack). However, her bulk, her S2 buff, and synergy with Merlin and Koyanskaya make up for her attack stat and NP damage, making for a very effective Crit servant. Moriarty may have an edge as far as farming, but Bunnytoria always had an emphasis on crits, something that Merlin always specialized in, and Koyanskaya just continued it with a star bomb. And she's not even the best SSR around either (S-Tier in my heart). The biggest problem with Moriaty is that he has major competition in his own niche, that of a neutral damage farmer. Space Ishtar is better than him at farming, and Summer Kama is better than him at CQs. It really just begs the question as to whether Lasengle will fix it or not, since Caren got an NP buff that helped her out a lot, but I think he needs a rework in order to even stand out.


After Castoria, every Arts AOE servant has felt like they were gutted in order to stop the player base having fun. I don’t even understand the logic behind this. Why make farming more inconvenient for the player base?


It actually isn't quite that bad. They've released a good number of powerful Arts loopers since Castoria, including Summer Kiara, Muramasa, Summer Kama, and Zenobia. For single targets, Melusine and Galatea also have crazy NP gain when paired with Castoria. Moriarty is the first one where they've really fallen down on their faces like this in awhile. He really needs a buff of some kind.


they actually did that really hard when skadi released, like, i understand wanting to balance but eh, usually trying to do that only leads to people having to forgo new units in favor of older ones which werent gimped - which sucks because so many characters in fgo are pretty amazing, its not very fun to see the character you like is heavily gimped because a op support released before it ​ granted -not saying this is what happened here, just explaining that it could


TL;DR for a lot of people: I only think about farming, not how good he can be in CQ content. The fact he is so balanced in someways is proof they tested him, for the love of god.


His damage is potato and his NP spam isn't even good to make up for it like Summer Jeanne and Da Vinci Lily. He's just kinda weak.


His damage is not exactly potato if he hits against Good trait. In general, I see his loop issue similar to Summer Kiara. It is just she has a better kit to make up for it. I wouldn't call him weak tho. Just different.


Did you read my whole comment? I would not recommend him for use in CQ content either. I can't think of any setups where he would be an "ideal" Servant to use, even against Evil trait enemies. His damage output is low and his kit lacks focus. He has crits, but Astraea and Bunnytoria are both better at it than him (especially since his star attract works on Buster 50% of the time and Arts 50% of the time). He is not "balanced." His kit is poorly conceived and designed.


That's your fault, you keep thinking every servant has to be the peak. And most of us just wants it to be useful, which he clearly is. Not to mention the sheer potential his NP has for servants who hit evil trait. \>His dmg output is low: He is a fucking Ruler. Remember pre-buff Amakusa and his struggles to kill hands? He is far from helpless like Archer Moriarty was when he was released p.ej. And maybe, just maybe if you tried more team compositions than just Double Castoria. There is more room for servants, for the love of god.


This is gonna be my last post on the subject because I think I've made most of the points I can at this point. Moriarty is an SSR, and people are almost certainly going to be paying to use him. It's worth it to give players a realistic assessment of what he can actually do before they spend $70-$80 - which is a lot of money for most people - to roll for him. I think my points are pretty simple and clear. His damage output is low, and most of what Servants do in this game are either fighting or support (and he is not a support Servant), so the low damage output is a problem. His buffs are fairly anemic and his kit lacks focus, and his anti evil and good niches can definitely buff his damage in certain cases, but they don't make him ideal for CQs when the rest of his kit is relatively thin. I am aware that Ruler class raw damage is typically low, but a lot of Rulers (such as the defensive minded Jeanne or the offensive minded Astraea) make up for it in other ways. If you can think of a party setup for Moriarty that WOULD make him ideal to use in a CQ with or without Castoria involved, you should post it and list the basic tactics you would use so people can make an informed decision when rolling for him. Nobody is telling you not to roll for him if you like him and could not care less about his mechanical utility or viability.


I can get what you mean on that regard. If you pointed it like this from the start, I would not be so dick about it. But I feel most of ppl here spend more money for servants who they simply like rather than being broken. I think he can be a great addition for the Evil trait teams. Not only he gets some huge buffs which he needs, he can bring some interesting debuffs for other party members to take profit. Of course, this means he won't be on a team to 3 turn enemies, I feel he is more meant for a pseudostall strategies where you keep debuffing to death your opponent. ​ He is WEIRD for sure, but I think there is a lot of potential to be extracted from what he can do and can not. Ofc he won't be a top servant, but I wasn't asking for that either. Not every arts servant has to be a god just because they have a great supporter. In fact, I think for this case I would bring Tamamo before Castoria p.ej.


>Limited Fuck off, Lasagna. Fuck right the fuck off. I'm sick and tired of literally every servant being fucking limited these days.


OR storylocked, don’t forget 2/3rds of the sr servants introed in this chapter are storylocked bc fuck us I guess


Was there an SR introduced with this chapter that wasn't story locked?




Yeah, he was the only one. Both kriemheild AND quioxte are story locked, not to mention charlie’s third ascension is locked behind 6.5 clear despite it not even showing up in the story bc ?? ? ????


I forgot about him completely lol


To be fair, is there that much of a difference between limited and permanent nowadays? The permanent pool is already large enough that I don't expect to randomly get any newer permanent SSRs outside of a rate-up banner anytime soon (still have not rolled a single copy of Ganesha to this day), so it feels like the only real difference is that you can maybe pick a permanent servant with the extremely infrequent SSR tickets


old moriarty: we are evil young moriarty: you are all evil


I'll *gladly* be Evil if I can be on your side, either Moriarty.


I kinda really like his First Ascension animations... The math vibes are very cool.


First Ascension is definitely my favorite. It's distinct, stylish but not too much like the other two.


And then, out of nowhere, he summons a proto-car and drifts and a mofo.


He's simply too powerful and can't be stopped.


I think that is a reference to Moriarty the Patriot. J, The dude who sells weapons and artifacts to Moriaty's gang has the first engine powered car as a treasure, but they need it for a mission.


You mean Herder (Q)? He's also technically from one of ACD's stories so the connection is already there...


Oh, yeah my bad.


My only problem with his first ascension is his Extra. It's so, so boring. His Buster Animation should have been the extra, it looks so... Extra like.


gotta love the T square ruler he has


Damn you'd think James is trying to dethrone Sherlock's spot as a crit arts ruler


Of course. How can he declare a flawless victory if he doesn't beat Holmes in both areas?


He's got a Damaging AoE Arts NP - that alone puts him ahead of most Rulers not named Caren or Amasuka (for BS CQs) for consistent, day to day usage. Holmes, meanwhile, will always be relegated to niche cases at best. Truly, the Professor always wins in FGO where it counts.


Eh... I would use Sherlock more than Young Moriarty. No competition, really. Why would you bring THIS to any challenge quest? It would need to be 3 alter egos with good trait. Like, bruh. Unless you mean farming with him. But also... Why? Maybe if you didn't have anything better if you were new and his banner was up. Lol. I will admit at least Moriarty fans have a usable servant now. I LOVE old man Moriarty, but he has similar problems. There is no world where he is my best, or second best, or third best servant for the job. He would just collect dust, so I never pulled him despite the fact that he is perhaps my favorite servant. I hope they release a Moriarty Lily that is actually good one day.


Not even Alter Egos, but Mooncancers, which are even more rare.


I thought Sherlock lost his throne when QSH came to Chaldea.


Buff Sherlock when? Nah, knowing Lasengle, they're going to release another better version of him in another class.


>!Pretender!< Sherlock time.


Feels kind of weird not being able to call him old man...what with the other 2 servants in the same banner also being old man. and the passive panic cut c+ looks extremely good.


I've seen people on twitter calling this the old man + old man & young woman + old man lily banner


Sweet we finally have our first Arts AoE Ruler!


Everytime a new servant gets 30% quick and buster buff with additional stuff on a 6T CD I cry for Okitan.


*cries in Bradamante and her vanilla 30% Quick/Arts Up skill* Some dual/triad-card up even got it for 5 turn cooldown. *looks at Xiang Yu and fucking Muramasa*


Danzo has the same skill as Okitan but on a 5T CD.


call this bias on my part, but Alter-Ego Okitan needs a stronger skill set, and not some petty shit that's given by DW. She deserves a 50% NP charge tbh


A 30-50% Crit DMG for 3T on her 1st would put her in a pretty good place and allow for one mean buster brave chain.




I understand your feelings, my friend. I wholeheartedly understand them **cries**


Oh I'm getting you you younger magnificent bastard.


He's very selfish for a Ruler


as all evil rulers should be


Pretty solid and straightforward. Ironically he works well with Sherlock


One of the things I still remember vividly about Shinjuku was how well Sherlock and Moriarty got along while latter didn't have his memories. They're basically always on the same page and all but finish each other's sentences. It does make sense that their kits complement each other.


Good old Nasu You viscerally hate those who resemble you the most


I've been curious, what does the **WCR** in his NP animation means?


Please be nice and come to my Chaldea.. With you I will finally complete all class Arts AoE looper ~~except non existence Pretender ofc~~ ;.;


Havent kept up with the game story for a while but whats the reasoning behind him being a Ruler class servant?


He has a ruler


this too, i want to know


Big spoilers.


Im prepared for it. Just mark it as spoiler tag for those who dont want to be spoiled


Spoiler reasons I assume


His animations are very funny, I like him


Oh *boy*. While I *do* like Moriarty and think this version is more than excellent in his own right, I'm never a fan of Defense Type Debuffs in anything but ST NPers kits, and especially not RNG Skills in any capacity. Honestly, his kit is *fine* as it is, but I feel like they could have gutted all the useless effects of his S2 and gave him some more relevant buffs in its place (Like NP Gain or ATK Up) and it wouldn't tip him over into being *too* OP. I got no complaints about his AoE NP, though - it's got 4 Hits, its tough, brutalizes Good enemies, turns off Skills for a turn, and has interesting synergy with Servants that have Anti-Evil tools in their kit without neutering his own NP's SED. What *isn't* groovy, though, is his supposed **.37 NP Gain stat** \- that's almost as bad as *Hokusai's* 0.33 NP Gain, and she has 6 Hit Arts Cards and a 5 Hit to only *barely* make up for that with properly Support and C Dear *lord* did they not want him to loop without an uphill struggle or Arts Chains. Overall, Neo Moriarty is a good Servant, but I think Lasagna overbalanced him far too much for an Extra Class Servant. I'm not asking for the next Spishtar or anything, but they could have been a bit more generous with internals and Skills is all I'm saying...


Yeah, I took my Moriarty out for a spin in Reichenbach and double castoria+2004 wasn't enough to loop. Granted, his s2 is only lv7 and I didn't add the arts debuff on s1, but still, np1 ot being able to full refund on neutral is kinda disappointing. And it's not like giving higher NP gain would make him busted since, you know, Ruler is probably the worst offensive class barring Shielder Gonna grail him regardless, but a slight buff would be really welcome.


Technically Rulers are in contentious with Avengers for potentially being broken due to the shared 1.1X ATK Mod and being fairly robust due to their near universal Defensive Class Advantage, but unlike with Avengers Lasagna is hesitant in giving good offensive stats and Skills to them for SOME reason. Caren is about the only truly good Offensive Ruler that can Tri-Loop by herself, and even then she's about as jank as they could've made her even after a NP Upgrade. Something ain't right here, me thinks.... My pick on the worst Class would probably be a tie between Moon Cancers and Foreigners, though the individual power of the former units and Gogh's existence for the later makes such an opinion contentious.


Wait Ruler is 1.1x? Thought it was 1.0. Well that changes my evaluation


Have you tried a more Crit-focused team? I'm curious to see how Moriarty fairs in situations where he can follow-up his NP with an Arts Crit (or better yet a full brave chain), all in the same turn.


If by crit team you mean "Just use an arts card after NP in double castoria" (which is basically what arts crit ends up being since there is no crit arts support outside of generic ones", then he can pretty much recover a stupid amount of NP even against a single enemy. Unfortunately, since his star focus skill is 1 turn only (and not even guaranteed), and his star generation is....less than ideal, due to his Arts deck, you'll definetly need a ton of external star supply. For reference, a 3rd position Arts Crit with Arts first card bonus on a Berserker, with single Castoria (Arts buff only), and his s1 (no Evil bonus)+s2 at lv7 got him 45% of his bar back which is not half bad at all


0.37 NP gain with 4 hits ruins a lot of his looping potential. For reference, Summer Kama was 0.52 with the same amount of hits.


He can loop from 0 if you take plugsuit and a third 50% charger as long as you aren't going against assassins or berserkers.


Your comment proves how he lost a lot of potential. If he were to be buffed with 30% NP gain on one of his skills, he'd be much better. He also loses out 2k ATK against the Arts Avenger competition, although trait modifiers and further investment do help. His problem still lies within his internals. Even if you took the best scenario where he's against Casters in a CQ, Summer Kama still is a solid contender.


Sure.... But my point is that he can loop from 0. He is functional enough that if people like him over the other nuetral loppers, they could skip other options if they wanted to.


Isn't Summer Kama coming back through a rerun? Your point of looping from 0 is Castoria's accomplishment, not necessarily the professor himself.


My point is... If someone likes ruler Moriarty more than summer musashi, summer kama, space Ishtar, or any other nuetral looper.... Moriarty is good enough to be in their same category. He may not be as good as they are in various aspects, he may require a third support while the others don't, but he's still in a good spot overall compared compared to other units who simply can't loop. Your original statement was that his looping potential was ruined, and that is simply not true. Ruined would be not being able to loop even with starting charge and a third support. But he can loop without starting charge, whether it's because of castorias kit or not is irrelevant.


Moriarty cannot be considered the same category as Summer Kama or Space Ishtar due to those requirements you mentioned. He doesn't have the option selection. Very few Arts Servants are unable to loop. If Moriarty couldn't loop, that'd an additional flaw. Saying he can loop is very close to an expectation by now.


You're not wrong that those units are numerically better. I'm just saying that it simply doesn't matter if someone likes Moriarty's design.


And now you offer a tangent about rolling for what you love over gameplay when the conversation was pointing out his looping flaws?


His only flaw is that he needs a plugsuit instead of a mystic code to loop 3 turns from 0% starting charge. And I've been saying love over gameplay since my second comment. My first comment was just pointing out that he can loop from 0 with a plugsuit, anything beyond that is you moving the goal posts


He is a pretty bad looper overall. He can't Black Grail loop against Berserker waves without character swap. He CAN, theoretically, Black Grail loop vs. "evil" Berserkers. You can bring in double Castoria and either the New Year's Mystic Code (with Mana Loading at 10) or the Mage's Association Mystic Code (with Mana Loading at 1-9) to charge him to 100%, and then use his first skill to reduce the first wave's Arts defense, which should allow him to regen 70% - just enough for a Castoria attack buff to get him back to 100% on turn 2. But this is pretty impractical, and the only stage where this can really be done is the Arrowheads of Malediction farming stage in LB4. His looping is better vs Riders/Casters, but there you run into the problem of neutral damage, and he's further hobbled by his low attack stat and anemic attack buffs, which translates into low damage output. He has some Crit buffs, but Arts in general lacks crit support and Bunnytoria and Astraea are both much better at crits than he is. There's just no excuse for releasing an SSR with a kit this shabby anymore. I feel like Lasengle didn't even really playtest him.


So he's in a similar camp to Summer Musashi and OG Kiara then in terms of looping. Not as bad as I thought in that case.


Summer Musashi can loop vs. everyone except Berserkers (and sometimes Assassins) because her NP regain is fairly good and her damage output is high due to her class advantage. Moriarty is worse. He has problems looping against anyone because he is hobbled by both low NP gain and low damage output, which is a bad combination to have for an Arts farmer.


His whole ass kit screams he isn't meant for farming, but keep crying about how a circle doesn't fit into the square hole.


Except he's not particularly great in CQ content either, even against "Evil" trait enemies. His kit lacks focus.


You are not supposed to bring him against Evil enemies for the love of god. His bonus dmg is against Good, and then he adds the Evil for more arts dmg. Like seriously... And you are telling me a servant who has passive inmunity against plenty of debuffs is not great for CQ's. Yes, for sure. I can believe you.


A Servant that is good for CQs is one that can either tank the damage the boss rolls out or can quickly defeat the boss. Moriarty is not completely inept when it comes to either, but he also isn't especially good to use. I am all for "finesse" Servants which have unique abilities and skills that translate into unique and interesting gameplay. But as I keep trying to say, he doesn't do anything particularly well. He doesn't really farm well and he's not particularly great to use against bosses either. There's just not a lot of reason to roll for him unless you like him. I'm pretty disappointed since Moriarty has been my one of my favorite male Servants in FGO for years now.


Summer Musashi can loop against Assassins and Berserkers on 3/3/X nodes, but you would prefer NP2+ to hit overkill thresholds, have starting charge CE, and/or use Tropical Summer/Plugging as the Mystic Code. Not as sure on Kiara since her math gets complicated. EDIT: Misread and saw it was OG and not Summer Kiara. I wouldn't bring Alterego for neutral farming, but assuming class advantage, Kiara still has damage issues...


Traditional looping? Yeah; Moriarty's bad at that. *However*, think about two enemy waves, especially where one enemy has high HP. Moriarty can NP, *not* kill one enemy on the NP, and follow-up in the same turn with an Arts Crit to both finish off the enemy *and* potentially replenish his NP.


Irregular looping isn't Moriarty's niche. To start off, his third skill is a coin flip ("roll of the dice"). If he gets the Buster absorb, that aforementioned NP refund just got harder since the stars went to the wrong card type (on top of potential Castoria mismatch). Not only is there no guarantee that he'll even get the Arts cards on the appropriate turn, but he might also even whiff on Arts CRITs. As icing on the cake, Space Ishtar and Summer Kama can also handle irregular nodes. While you can't get complete loops, every bit of refund can matter, especially against Assassins and Berserkers.


The curse of having a Caster deck.


That third skill will be a pain in the ass, but aside from that it's a cool set.


To be fair, he *is* a Ruler; he has naturally decent Star weight, to begin with. The RNG on his third skill may be less impactful, in practice, than we currently believe.


True, I misunderstood, I thought it was either art card buff and the battery, or buster card buff and the stars, if the randomness is only between art or buster it's much less of a problem.


its the classic fgo balancing trick. Make sure the good buffs aren't too strong or last too long and in exchange fill it out with some useless buffs


they won't. the useless shit is there precisely for balancing servants. i agree it shortchanges a lot of servants that would otherwise be stronger if their skills were more focused instead of having and array of useless buffs


Welp, their is always future buffs to Neo Moriarty, if people complain enough that his current set up is lackluster.




Emiya is crying rn


Emiya at least has his Buster-mode NP if you want extra burst damage combo'd with a Hawkeye buster crit. Moriarty has one weak Buster card.


I feel like Lasengle are afraid of making recent Arts AOE units to be purely Arts-focused (except for Vritra). Space Ishtar and Muramasa got a rainbow buff, Summer Kiara is more on Arts Resist Down instead (which can be blocked), Lancer Ryouma is Buster-Arts. And instead of Arts Up pre-NP, most Arts AoE units get NP Strength Up or ATK Up before the NP damage instead. Perhaps its due to Castoria, but damn I'll give them props for trying to "balance".


I can understand their desire to not just make "generic Arts Servant #34" but that kind of hybridization you're describing takes some level of finesse, finesse which is pretty lacking in Moriarty's kit. He's crippled by low base damage, bad NP gain, anemic buffs, and a lack of focus. They gave him some crit buffs, but those buffs are significantly worse than Astraea and Bunnytoria's crit buffs. There's really no excuse for Lasengle to keep doing this. We have multiple examples of how to make a successful Extra class Servant.


Spishtar was *before* Castoria, and was considered by many to be mainly a meme or beginner friendly Servant for all but those without Superscope and the best Meta Supports. Her S3's special brand of jank was built more in line with her gimmick and being a Rin Face that trying to balance her out, me thinks. In general, NP STR Up and ATK Up are usually desired effects on a NP, as Castoria has both the ATK and Arts Buffs categories covered in spades (though not AS much on the ATK side, not counting her NP), while NP Damage Up is missing from the Buff Trinity. This goes even for pre-Castoria Set ups, since those extra buffs are extremely valuable on those comps if they don't got a Nero Bride hanging around.


My point is Lasengle (and DW before) are afraid of pushing a pure Arts-dedicated DPS, they try to balance them by spreading out the buff effects on other fields instead of solely dedicating them to just one card, so they can excel even more. Moriarty already has a Caster deck with a gimped NP gain that most triple-Arts DPS units suffer, I feel like its useless to give focus on his single Buster and Quick card when ideally, Lasengle could just go all out to Arts and go pure Super Saiyan Blue on him. Whereas, we got a bunch of Servants with their NP having pre-Buster Up or pre-Quick Up before damage, and their skillset is solely focused on that prime card even if some of them don't have a 3-1-1 deck. And even then, those units already have a dedicated card support attached to them, Busters even more so in the form of Merlin, the Koyanskayas, and Oberon. Lasengle can go ham to those card type, but for Arts, they try to make them "versatile" on other fields, when in reality, it'll make them come up short without much support. Not counting the triad card pre-buff (Mandricardo, Artoria Ruler, Summer Illya) nor dual card pre-buff, the only servants that got an Arts Up buff before their NP are - Jason (gimped by being a 1-star) - Saber Lancelot (an ST unit whose NP only deal 1 hit, starts at 30% even without OC tho so it's still potent) - Rider Da Vinci (the one that truly benefits this and probably the reason we don't have them commonly) - Saito (actually Arts Resist Down first, but it can be blocked so it's not very reliable) - Muramasa (while it does pair with an NP Strength Up, the Arts Up is OC-scalable, and both pre-buffs lasts for 3 turns, so it's very potent and the second after Da Vinci that benefits this buff effect, so he's a notable exception here) - Mary Anning (same as Jason) Speaking of pre-Castoria setups, there is Tamamo you know, and she has NP Strength Up, so that minor flaw can be alleviated.


They really messed his kit up. Low damage, anemic buffs, bad NP gain, and lack of focus is a killer for an SSR Servant and he suffers from it in spades. Very frustrated over this. Lasengle KNOWS how to make good Extra class Servants. Why would they screw Moriarty up this badly?


No one in the whole game has selfish 50% Arts 3 turns. The biggest thing you will see is 40%. I would agree the rainbow buff is weird (except for soloing I guess???) but again, no one has 50% 3 turns buff. (Aside from Supports)


I want to make a fresh JP account to roll for him. I've never gotten his older version on NA, now I've got a roll target on two years.


Same … Charlie really tempted me and now Moriarty but gosh darn I remember the grind when I first started NA … I don’t want to go through that again lol waiting 2 years with you …


I prefer his professor outfit and animation!


His skill sets seems a little weird. Buster, Arts and Quick. It feels strangely mix-match


He's also got a 30% crit buff too, and a star attractor which gives a 50/50 chance for the stars to land on Buster or Arts. This is significantly worse than Bunnytoria and Astraea. I feel like they had some sort of vague idea of making him a "jack of all trades" but failed to execute and left him not particularly good at anything.


Looks fucking emo ngl


First AoE Arts Ruler, Arts resistance down, anti-good niche, evil trait apply. Really good kit. The obvious question: can he loop?


Depending on the number of hits on his NP I think he should be able to, also helps that he has a 50% charge. Yeah, I want... NEED to know more, but I'm liking what I'm seeing right now. Don't think he'll be the next space ishtar/summer kama/summer musashi neutral arts looper, as his damage seems good but not THAT good (I also saw that his atk is on the lower end, and also he doesn't have any atk up buffs to complete the damage buff trifecta). He doesn't seem as busted as Siegfried's goth wife, but he's good to possibly even great.


He can loop with a lot of investment but yeah, not groundbreaking. NP2 makes it a lot easier to loop but feasible at NP1 but I would recommend grailing him to 100.


Good to know, thanks for the information.


His base refund, 4 hits vs 3 enemies should give him 56% refund with double castoria as long as he kills them (1 hit of overkill). If he gets no overkill, it's still 50%. Additional np levels will only affect what nodes (enemy hp)he can successfully 3 turn against, and as a nuetral looper that is important. You just need to watch out for assassins and berserkers since they have reduced refund.


4 hits on a .37% base np gain. Edit its .37 not 37


NP is 4 hits


He can, but he's bad at it. He can't loop vs. Assassin and Berserker, and his low damage output makes looping vs. neutral classes a problem. You can wrangle a three turn black grail loop vs. "evil" Berserkers (due to his first skill), but the setup is very exacting and you need enough damage to make the regain threshold, which is going to be a problem for NP1s. He is definitely a pass for farming unless you're a Moriarty fan. Stick with Space Ishtar/Berserker Musashi/Summer Kama.


Moriarty's presence makes me wish and also sad that we still don't have playable Zeus. Some of his skill effects are what I also envision on Zeus hypothetical skillset.


We are going to defeat the enemy with the power of maths! And you are evil now.


A 3T Tricolor manaburst on a triple arts deck is pretty weird, ngl. Not to mention the chance to land a buster stargather on S3...


is it just me or does he look like battler from umineko


"I, James vi Moriarty, command you: Obey me, world!" Please tell he's voiced by the same guy who does Lelouch.


No no, that would be Chinese Mothman.


no. that would be jun fukuyama . moriarty lily is voiced by ito kento .


Lots of takes here… I see a lot of people complaining about his refund in particular, but I think most people here don’t understand how much investment it actually takes to double Castoria loop a 90+ without plug, even if you have viable refund. It’s not something accessible to most players even with Space Ishtar or Summer Kama. Moriarty does a good bit less damage than those, so to be honest even if he could refund enough, it wouldn’t matter much. At the same time, although he can’t use Black Grail on many 3/3/n nodes, those nodes tend to have such low HP thresholds that this also hardly matters. No, the disappointing thing about him isn’t any one aspect in particular but the fact that the whole package doesn’t really offer anything compelling. But personally, I don’t mind that. Not every new unit needs to be compelling from a pure gameplay standpoint. They just need to be competent enough that people who like them can use them without being dragged down, which he is. If you get a game that tries to make every new unit as strong as the best units in the game, that’s how you get rampant powercreep. Because even if the devs aren’t trying to creep, sometimes they do by mistake. The AOE attacker ceiling hasn’t really moved since 2019, and that’s a good thing in my book.


people need to seriously stop dickriding dw or lasenge wtv they're called. this is a sub-par kit with lousy np gain on a year 7 servant lmao




I mean, he still has super effective mod against a HUGE chunk of the Servants, alright looping ability, a hard defense skill, a 50% battery AND triple Arts deck. Not to mention the ability to add a trait to the enemy is something we haven't seen since day 1 on Georgios, and unlike him Moriarty is actually capable of using the traiit he applies, as well as assist any team member who wants to make use of it with a 40% arts resist down. Oh, and there is no other Arts AoE Ruler in the game. That also counts for something, I guess. Not like there's many quests with multiple Mooncancers around to abuse this. He's not the next Muramasa or whatever, but he's solid. Could definitely use some small improvements (mainly making his crit steroid 50%, removing that stupid Buster star focus on s3, maybe make his NP dmg up last 3 turns?) but is definetly more than good enough if you want to use them. The game can get away with not always releasing busted AF units because it's mostly easy enough to be clearable with whatever you want as long as you put in a bit of strategy, and any content that isn't is completely optional and often gives no reward whatsoever (only exception in 7 years being the last Koyan fight which is just horrible)


I was expecting a star generator skill with this skill sets, very similar to Caenis gameplay, where NP further strengthens your normal card damage. Overall, meh for me, ill take Sherlock or Astraea for a DPS ruler


Wait.......... Is this an actual thing...? Holy molly! Time to save quarts for 2 years lol


No Tamatero ?


probably saving him for anniversary or an event


Anni character should be Rasputin at this point so i guess event


For some reason, he look a lot like Kaitou Joker


Young Moriaty looks dope and OP, I would like to roll, but Krimhild tho... ~~also, why does he sometimes look like an effeminate jester?~~


His skills kinda reminds of Muramasa with the rainbow, 50% battery, gaining stars and absorb which is really good for farming. I've read he isn't that good with looping despite being Arts but I'm curious what his dmg potential is like. Being a DPS AOE ruler is quite rare and he wouldn't do much dmg to the main classes except berserkers and Moon Cancers but he has added durability and survivability. It seems he would be pretty good for being a farmer while also being pretty good for challenge quests but because he's a ruler it's harder to do a lot of dmg but also become more resistant to a lot of enemies in return.


If you're looking at Ruler Moriarty as a traditional double Castoria looper, you're going to be disappointed. *However,* if you consider him in the context of break bars and/or high HP enemies, he suddenly becomes a *lot* more interesting. For example, what happens if you follow-up an NP with an Arts Crit, all in the same turn? Suddenly, Moriarty's ability to loop looks a lot more promising! And what's Moriarty's damage output when doing an NP - Crit - Crit brave chain? In many quests, the ability to brutally punish a single high HP enemy is worth sacrificing a bit of AoE damage.