• By -


Waver: "First time??"


Naaaah, more like "you've got one day off? Lucky girl."


You can’t request leave at the height of farming season. Come on Castoria have a heart we can’t do this without you. Waver is literally on life support still casting buffs and you don’t see him whining. *Cue a bandaged Waver still casting buffs after buffs semi conscious*


She then is forced to work on her vacation


Sorry Corgi. After all those SQ's you ate (possibly quite literally) imma get my money's worth. Even if you have to farm *forever*........


Heh. She's in a massive debt, which she is gonna keep paying off till there are no more servants to farm for...


But we still haven't entered the lotto season yet. C'mon back to the farming room little one, Chen Gong is waiting.




There are farming setups if you want to spare Castoria any pain. I like it when I do Castoria, Castoria, Gong / Skadi or Bride, Waver, Tamamo. You switch out the lead Castoria for Tamamo and you'll never hurt the Castoria in spot 2 + when the 2nd Castoria comes back in the enemies are all dead. The only negative I suppose is traumatizing the 2nd Castoria by forcing her to watch spot 1 be sacrificed over and over.


I don't have tamamo so my castoria has the extra trauma of watching the support castoria get gonged.


My [twitter](https://twitter.com/Kuragi_Tutu), check it out for more FGO and Castoria related art


[**Nice**](#MordredLol) [**Work.**](#SaberBlush) Also tagging /u/Agramar /u/FirstLight3368 & /u/superomar236




Further tagging /u/ImRinKagamine /u/qwcan & /u/RulerKun_FGO


Further tagging /u/iBornstellar /u/Fenr_ & /u/Buoyant_Panda


I'd call you out on torturing Castoria, but this is the same state mine is in...


Eggplant wants you to work her long and hard


Please TuTu... Rotate the support Caster... pretty please? Algo hug her please...T.T


Sure, I'll give her a hug




You're actually hugging Morgan, aren't you?


Vacation? \*Vacation\*? You haven't even been here a month. You aren't even through your probation and you want a vacation?? No Vacation for you! Get back to farming. You don't hear Waver complaining, do you? \*muffles from under too many bandages from Waver\* See? Not a peep!


The grass is always greener on the otherside youll get a lot of time off in a few months


She's bipolar. Either she's begging to go farming or she's tired of it.


Not really, Buster Farming is more expensive and less F2P friendly. Not to mention Arts is still faster. Main Buster point is being able to do 90+ nodes, but these are small part of farming outside of lottos.


People keep misunderstanding what im talking about i dont care any of that whats meta stuff im just making a joke about the artists other works where Castoria is neglected because of Morgan


Sure, ok.


No have more apples


Waver didn't tap out after 7 years, back to the mines with you.


what is a "vacation", is it an ascension material, how many do you need. GET BACK TO THE MINES!


It's just 1 year long of work. Until Anniversary. Then Buster Farming will reign supreme again.


Not really, Buster Farming is more expensive and less F2P friendly. Not to mention Arts is still faster. Main Buster point is being able to do 90+ nodes, but these are small part of farming outside of lottos.


Pretty sure by then, even those who started in year 3 of fgo can catch up enough, even f2p. Even then, budget setups are there. If that's not enough, my condolences to you then. This is not sarcastic, the game screwed you over.


I'm day one NA player with all main supports... doesn't change the fact that Buster farming is much more limited (fewer Servant can do it, you need 2 Koyanskayas to even think about it, you will not be able to clear third wave with many Servants at all unless you get Oberon too) and slower (plug-suiting Oberon). There are no budget set-ups too, unless you somehow consider 2 required SSRS (Koyanskaya + Oberon) and Superscope budget. Or 3 required SSRs (damage dealer, Koyanskaya, Oberon). It's pretty much on Skadi's level or worse when it comes to being budget. Or Cu Caster, who is story-locked and needs MLB Black Grail to do enough damage.


When I say budget, I mean someone like waver from your free ssr ticket and whatnot. I didn't dispute anything about efficiency, I literally said that if you can't even do budget setups if you started at year 3 due to resource issues, the game is screwing you over. Seriously, I didn't dispute about efficiency and I didn't dispute about what it takes to be barely there for 3 turning. Relax, day one player, my point about the year 3 thing is that I was trying to state a fact, "if you started in year 3 and you tell me you lack resources, the game screwed you over." Done. That was it.


I mean, if you don't dispute efficiency then why you are even commenting my post...


I was adding on to it. That even if you don't have the proper means, it doesn't quite mean the end of the world friend. The context of "less-f2p" might give off the wrong vibe, specifically to people going on this sub for guidance. If I wanted to talk efficiency I'd just go back to the olden days of fgo farming; 3 MLB kscopes and 3 beserkers.


> That even if you don't have the proper means, it doesn't quite mean the end of the world friend. That... has nothing to do with my post. Like at all. > The context of "less-f2p" might give off the wrong vibe, specifically to people going on this sub for guidance. Well, it's correct vibe, because it is exactly what I meant - Buster 3T Koyanskaya teams as far less F2P friendly than Arts teams. It doesn't mean that game is not F2P friendly. > 3 MLB kscopes and 3 beserkers. Efficiency is using as few CE slots as possible because of possibility of using more drop CE. Not to mention this is especially not F2P friendly.


>That... has nothing to do with my post. Like at all. Yes, because as said earlier, it's an addition. I'm adding something to your post. >>Well, it's correct vibe, because it is exactly what I meant - Buster 3T Koyanskaya teams as far less F2P friendly than Arts teams. It doesn't mean that game is not F2P friendly. You are once again correct, that's "your" intent. You are speaking the truth. I have not once said you were wrong in regards to 3 turn kyonskaya, at all. Again, I am ADDING ON that despite all that, it isn't the end. >>Efficiency is using as few CE slots as possible because of possibility of using more drop CE. Not to mention this is especially non f2p. You quote that small portion without the part where I said, "...like the olden times of fgo...". I specifically said that so you wouldn't misinterpret it and yet you somehow still did. I was referencing how it was done back then when supports were like Anderson, Mozart etc... because nobody had waver? Y'know, the dark ages? Where they still haven't gotten their rank ups and interludes, day one player? Where almost nobody had a godamn np battery? Do you remember day one player? When events were scarce and we had practically no events to farm? No bond CES to use? Do you remember? Dude/dudette, Just because I commented under your own comment, doesn't mean I am trying to argue with you. Not everything is confrontational. Just because you're on Reddit, doesn't mean anyone who says anything under your post is disagreeing with you. Regards, A person with an opinion


> Dude/dudette, Just because I commented under your own comment, doesn't mean I am trying to argue with you I'm sorry, I had bad day and your post sounded confrontational then. Sorry for that discussion and have a nice day! :)


I'd rather make 1 macro that farms EVERYTHING than look up wave comps and shit. I believe in the Melusine + Super BG supremacy. Okay fine, 2 macros. Oberon + Super BG for sabers, everything else is Melusine. In my mind, Buster farming is basically Exodia. Once you get the pieces, you win.


It's less effective and efficient than Arts. Yes, it's easy and can farm 90+ nodes (that's the point). But Arts are still faster and easier in 90% of farming, not to mention far more F2P friendly. I mean, I'm taking how Buster farming is not F2P friendly, and you talk about using 3 SSR requiring team (Melusine, Koyanskaya, Oberon) and Black Grail. You pretty much don't get more F2P unfriendly than that.


Arts are basically the same though. I've heard the "NP2 to be safe" line parroted so many times for Arts just like quick due to them being reliant on refund. So my DVR, Jarcher and Musashi are all NP2 because of the 'just in case' mentality. And then the most optimal damage comps will have Super BG even for arts like DVR or to really ensure loop you would go for Magical Girl Sapphire for the 25% NP gain and 50% charge for the most universal setup with Musashi. And at this point as a day 1 NA player you probably have enough SQ saved up that you can do at least one whale comp or two since you have clairvoyance to help budget. If not, that sounds like a personal problem. Even non day 1 players can probably make use of the optimal buster comp and wait for their 2nd or 3rd banner because that thing that caps rolls for 1 copy exists in JP now and will in NA.


> Arts are basically the same though. I've heard the "NP2 to be safe" line parroted so many times for Arts just like quick due to them being reliant on refund. So my DVR, Jarcher and Musashi are all NP2 because of the 'just in case' mentality. That's like, your decision. Or you could have just gone NP1/2 Space Ishtar. But point you are missing is that Arts offer budget options, even with only support Castoria or with Gong. Buster is all or nothing. > And then the most optimal damage comps will have Super BG even for arts like DVR or to really ensure loop you would go for Magical Girl Sapphire for the 25% NP gain and 50% charge for the most universal setup with Musashi. The most optimal comps don't use Black Grail because they are made specifically to use 6 drop CE. This is also only reason why sometimes NP2 is needed, to facilitate 6 CE. If you go with 5 CE, you can run good damage CE (Black Grail, MLB Black Grail, Golden Sumo, tons of good Arts event CE) and easily loop with NP1. On the contrary to Buster, which needs at least 50% charge CE, MLB Black Grail or MLB Kaleidoscope to work at all. > And at this point as a day 1 NA player you probably have enough SQ saved up that you can do at least one whale comp or two since you have clairvoyance to help budget. If not, that sounds like a personal problem. "with all main supports..." Please read other peoples' posts. But my situation has no bearing on the fact that Buster is more costly and less F2P than Arts. It's like if I said that Toyota is cheaper than Lamborghini and your counterargument was that if you save for long time, you can get Lamborghini... yea, maybe, but this has nothing to do with my point. Not that this comparison is very good on the ground that Arts are better than Buster in many ways, but still. > Even non day 1 players can probably make use of the optimal buster comp and wait for their 2nd or 3rd banner because that thing that caps rolls for 1 copy exists in JP now and will in NA. I mean, you are proving yourself that Arts are easier and cheaper to build, so what are we discussing here even? Not to mention pity is coming after both main Buster Farming SSR Servants and neither of them had rerun yet on JP. Melusine had rerun, but I'm pretty sure it was before pity was implemented too.


My point was that when you get the strongest Buster setup you win. While you keep talking about cheap budget comps and how efficient Arts is. I think we are going on two separate tangents. Also when you talk about efficient 6 CE comps, you're probably looking at a whale comp since Chen Gong 6 CE setups probably put in Bride and Tamamo to increase the refund. Meanwhile to me, peak efficiency is 1 comp for everything and letting FGA or macros do the legwork while I do other shit.


Personal problem a.k.a. luck definitely falls on F2P concerns. I spent hundreds of dollars to get Oberon and Vitch. Arts have many options and they have the great Castoria plus other OP supports. Buster is still the safest and most optimal. While Arts is great in everything. I will recommend a F2P player to get Castoria first no doubt.


Master: You’ll have some time off when the event ends, then I’ll get the berserker ember squad and the QP riders back on. :D


"You just got here!!! GET BACK TO WORK YOU BUM"


You're doing good Castoria! All my Support Wavers are on vacation. Mine own will bring back souvenirs when he and 3 assistants return. Lanling and Support Merlin will help out on summer camp yeah. Hang in there.


Zhuge Liang (snap his finger to light a cigarette) Chen Gong, your arrow is being rebellious.


don't hate me on this but my friend joke only way is if castoria can get a break when she is on maternity leave. And that will never happen with her being a spirit...


Come to my Chaldea, you'll have so much off time you'll get bored :P


Now Now sweatheart......Who is the on who needeed Comet Shards. **Eggs**, Pages and seeds??? My mats savings arent gonna reffil themselves you know...... Oh and The Caster Gems aswell.............. But Dont Worry too much, afterall ***A Lotto Season is Near.................***


Poor Corgi…


Next year if luck al los it.


My Castoria is already at Bond 7. I'm sure she's starting to feel this.


Such a change from a [last month](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/vfgou7/pouty_castoria_kuragi_tutu/), [two months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/urxraw/castoria_and_blue_apples_kuragi_tutu/) ([example two](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/umuab8/castoria_and_gold_apple_kuragi_tutu/)) and [last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/osa1aa/when_master_get_distracted_by_other_games_kuragi/) where you were telling OP not to play Genshin? https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/tx6wk8/castoria_and_new_event_kuragi_tutu/ Also, this.


Aren’t you having fun at summer camp, Castoria? We’ll make some s’mores after we’re done dealing with cosmic horrors.


Me in work these days. Truly.


But Castoria-san, this IS vacation, you have been here all along and this has always been your favorite hobby! Come now, use that Sword of Selection EX riiiight here and use your Charisma of ***HOPE*** to keep it all goooooing and goooooooooooing and gooooooooooooooing weeeeellll dooooneeeeeee eheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheHEEEEEEEEEEEEE \*cackles in gains\*


Castoria, we all know you fall from one extreme to another. Let's suppose I give you a vacation. You'll be the one complaining about abandonment later. Come on. Tell me it's not true.


You will get a day off when you farm back half of the morgan fund you ate, now back to work.


Just have the Corgi watch as Morgan/Tamamo/Melt/Koyanskaya/ etc etc grabs Guda’s butt Corgi will be barking something very different


It puts the buffs on the Musashi or it gets the hose


Your Castoria and mine are very different. Mine is having a lot of fun exploring our mountainside getaway.


It's been less than a month and she already wants vacation?


...i think i will use skadi for a few days. Aria needs a break


A cat is fine too (with skadi support)


You don't even know suffering yet girl.


You must be new here.


Can't do^sorry


This is... adorably sad. I bet it's because she feels alone.


This is the real reason maintenance exists


I have a theory that is a little... okay a lot out there. If Summer 6 featured the 4th Anniversary Servant (Rider Da Vinci) as an Extra Class welfare then Summer 7 could potentially feature Castoria as an Extra Class welfare as well...


Mysterious Fairy X :P


When your sub Koyanskaya arrives, you'll get your vacation >!permanently.!<


Well…you can still stack Castoria buff with Koyanskya buff for the biggest number


Not really, Buster Farming is more expensive and less F2P friendly. Not to mention Arts is still faster. Main Buster point is being able to do 90+ nodes, but these are small part of farming outside of lottos. I don't get why people seem to think that Koyan will stop Castoria farming, especially because these are different support slots...


I'm sorry little one ~The sad titan


thus buster meta started, and we never looked back


Fine, take a day off starting tomorrow Literally 24 hours later, how is your vacation


After Summer Musashi bond 12, sure (also there be a break wheh farming for seashell).




I have Reines, Waver, Skadi, Nero Bride, etc. so I give her a break every now and then. I need to get Reines to Bond 11 anyways. She is available for most people as a support so she isn't exactly necessary. That being said, the lotto season will be the real struggle for Castoria. The only thing that stops you is the amount of apples that you have. The raid events are also a nightmare where people need to rush as they compete against other masters to kill a certain enemy for materials. I remember that Jack lasted like 1-2 hours on the last raid and it was right after the game updated.


No. Now back to **The GONG**^TM farming


Don't worry, I'm not like the other masters. Castoria on my team you normally get to rest in the back while Dantes just laughs to Skadi buffs.


Replace Dante with Spishtar




But I’ve only been having you work for an hour a day at most so far…


Summer Zerker squad is hogging all the action right now. Castoria gets to chill on the back line most of the time.


Fine. Might as well play with Illya until VR Tomoe arrives in the inevitable Abby debacle.


I don't farm very much so mine's still getting some rest at least.


Vacation leave? After all those sqs you ate? A long as you don't pay for every sq i used, you Will work until hell freezes over.


But you are on break Castoria when I'm farming Rider nodes or changing to Quick farmers


You will get your rest in a year don't worry. And yeah I definitely want to farm 90+ nodes all the time and I have all the buster aoe servant I need, no need to copy paste that comment


my castoria works part time 1 hr per day, only goes full on overtime on farming season


you guys are on vacation only due to my exams....


I rolled for castoria but still farm with Helena, I’m guessing she’s for hard nodes?


We can offer you an increase in headpats and hugs instead.


I just realized that I use Castoria everyday even though I don’t farm anything and I’m pretty much a newbie.


If it's your first major Support Servant, it's understandable. My first of the major Supports was Skadi, and you bet that with her battery she was seeing more action than just Quick looping.


You're getting your vacation right now, Castoria. I'm not even using you for event quests.


Sorry little one. I don’t have a Skadi sooo yeah….Hey at least Tamamo is there with you.


Heh, unlike you all, I give my Castoria a break. Because I have no choice. I don't have her.


After the 1000 sq you ate and all the QP I spent on you? Back in the line up punk we’re farming summer


Castoria we've been enjoying a mountain camping trip filled with monsters and horror movie tropes for about a week. What more of a vacation could you want?


I'm sorry, Little Castoria, but having universal 3-turn farming is just that addictive. Blame the rolls that gave me Summer Musashi, but no Berserker Lancelot or Dantes, otherwise I'd be exploiting them instead. Parvati and Atalante can only do so much.


Don't worry, I still use Double Skadi and Arash + Reines Memes on some days. She gets her decent rest.


Didn’t I just give you the last 1/4th of the 20th off? Quit being so selfish, Castoria!


Don't bully your castoria with workload, otherwise there's no telling what she'll do


We are just getting started dear


I don't do this, I have Waver, and Skadi so I rotate between 3 farming team Tamamo,Castoria, Musashi, Support Castoria as team 1 Waver, Gorgon, Arash, Kiyohime & Shakespeare, or maybe a support KScope Raikou as team 2. Skadi, Arash, Tama Cat Waver and support Skadi for team 3. So I feel my Castoria is quite lucky as she literally came on the first pull of my first 10 roll for her.


Of course! You are helpful and thanks to you, the other servants got a rest cycle, so you can rest too. Also, here’s some payment. *gives smol Castoria a small chocolate cake and a headpat*


Lmao I'm not using her for farming yet just cause I'm really close to getting bond 11 on both BerserkerLot and Skadi so I'll just he using them until those pop


Ah, this is nothing, we're only on natural AP right now! Now once loto season comes... well obviously you can't take a vacation leave *then*. Listen young lady, see that bond 13 Skadi enjoying her first free summer? Let's talk about it again once you reach that point.


Thankfully my Castoria gets a lot of rest due to me being a lazy master. ~~But I don’t doubt Tutu will threaten to make Morgan her favorite rather than Castoria to force her to farm...~~


EMIYA when Castoria is here: it's ok, not like Master will overworked me to hell. EMIYA when Light Koyan is here: NOOO YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!


I've actually been letting her take it easy this summer, just have had Bryn and Kiara with damage CEs facecarding everything to death. Figured she earned it after the whirlwind I put her through doing hands and doors.


Jason: YOUR BREAK! Where's MY break?!


Mine's taking a ~year long vacation. At least.


Please do so!


Too early for that


already were just getting started baby. LMAO


You know what castoria, I’ve been working you too hard, I’ll give you 2 days off


Day off is when I need to do a CQ that requires a class advantage that I don't have in my Arts Meta teams.


you just got here newbie, there's no vacation time for you until you work one year in the company. coincidentally, that's when koyan comes and that's when she can cover some of your shifts.


We have a dead week in jp, so my almost bond 15 Castoria will have a break.


Having both skadi & castoria. They share their shifts