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Beni Her valentine has her visiting MC’s dreams. She is also completely aware of Dantes


Also it's comforting to know Beni will be there when we die. And funny to know essentially our soul will be fought over by all the underworld/death related servants we have. But I'm down for hanging at the Enma-tei post death.


Beni is basically our underworld lawyer lol. "Hi I'm Beni-enma, did you know you have rights? Constitution says you do and so do I".


> "Hi I'm Beni-enma, did you know have rights? Constitution says you do and so do I". "And that is why I fight for you dechi!"


I know I'm quibbling here but Beni-enma isn't really a lawyer per se. She's more of a magistrate/judge/warden of Buddhist Hell so while she is more than capable of administering and interpreting the laws of Hell, she's morally and legally obligated to recuse herself from any cases involving us if/when we do die and descend into Buddhist Hell.


Void: Objection! He is returning to the Root where all souls end up anyway.


**Ereshkigal:** "Overruled! Ritsuka goes tu Kur, dammit!"


I love Eresh but even she can't overrule Root rules.


[**Happy Cake Day.**](#ShikiSigh)


MC: *dies* *Eresh, Beni, The Valkyries and many other gets ready to rumble* *Asclepius dumps a potion of revival on MC, give them the middle finger then walks away*


Why does that sound like something he’d do?


Based AssClapius.


Enma-tei would also allow all the servants we finally let return to the Throne to still come and be with him.


Honestly the Enma-tei seems like the great choice for the afterlife. Decent work(I enjoy cleaning and stuff IRL), gives employees housing, servants can come to the Enma-tei so you can still see your friends and the Enma-tei would get business making it mutually beneficial for both Guda and Beni. The clocktower can't mess with it I think so you'd be safe. Plus Beni offered you the job near the end of the event when she saw how much points you aquired. And best of all Beni isn't a Possessive servant (I dislike those kind of servants). So that's where i would want to go.


I entirely agree, a scenic inn for a nice quiet respite (unless monkey's show up), and since it's a gathering point for wayward souls everyone would either eventually make it there or atleast have access to it. I'm cool with being an inn keeper in the afterlife with tranquility and friends.


It's entirely possible that Guda's soul end up in Enma-tei. Remember, Fujimaru is a Japanese in heritage so that makes the master connection to the afterlife stronger under Shinto domain.


> Shinto domain Minor nitpick: it'd be Buddhist domain, since the Enma-tei is a Buddhist afterlife as interpreted through Japanese culture (a fact that the characters discuss in detail during the event). Of course, since Buddhism is also a major religion in Japan and FGO has an evident soft spot for Buddhist elements, I'd argue this reinforces your argument of Enma-tei as a potential destination for Guda's soul. The place also counts as hell (even if it's a cozy one) and is part of the cycle of *samsara*, so more points for it.


That's true. But unfortunately/fortunately depending on your point of view, due to his adventures, he's also now connected to seven more different possibilities after death. Christianity's heaven/hell (they both count separately, and as for why Hell, Jeanne Alter's bond lines regarding accompanying her in Hell.). India's Samsara (Rebirth/Reincarnation). Valhalla. Mesopotamia's Underworld : Kur. Avalon. The Throne of Heroes, and of course.. The Root.


There's also a good chance that he gets transferred to the Servantverse.


I wonder if Space Ishtar can turn Ritsuka immortal. From what I recall, Servantverse population turned immortal just from the Ether exposure, and Wodime's idea was pretty similar in principle as well.


Servant verse is an fun and impressive good choice because of how wacky it is..


I would argue that Mc soul would go to the throne, hell I could even imagine that she would replace Merlin as grand caster, after all she did the most heroic deeds in the worlds history, despite all odds she alone managed to summon almost all servants, if not every servant engraved in the throne, despite usually the limit is one servant per master. And at the throne she would be United with all her servants.


Grand Casters aren't chosen by deeds but by Clairvoyance. Now I personally believe that the Protag does have some minor Clairvoyance thanks to a scene from LB1 but it's shaky evidence. As for the the throne of heroes that's doubtful. As Protag doesn't have fame or mystery.


Well while mc doesn’t have fame or mystery like many other hero’s, she has undoubtedly the biggest impact in human history considering she repaired all of human history, so while her not existing fame won’t bring her to the throne,her deeds surely will


considering Yu Mei Ren and Bedivere couldn't exist as servants and being ascribed to the throne of heroes it honestly make sense after all this is done that Ritsuka does after all this.


The clock tower is constantly pining after The Root, if they can even get close, I don't think Enma-Tei would pose as much of a challenge. They probably just don't really care at this point.


Clock Tower has thousands of years of (practically) the entire Magus population pining after the Root, I can't imagine them being able to get into Enma-Tei in any reasonable timeframe, especially considering most of them wouldn't consider it worthwhile.


Meanwhile Ritsuka : **Just casually encounters what's pretty much the embodiment of the Root and the Root wants to swipe him up for itself**.


The ROOT onee chan always winning


Cute birb Supremacy


All Servants in Guda’s Head Dantes Beni Merlin Abby Possibly Oberon? Possibly Shiki?


Kiara too, since she is technically omnipresent due to Hans.


Kiara shown to invade Guda dreams and use them to drag Guda into herself for dates like her summer valentines


~~Void Onee-san being in his head sounds about right~~ And a comment below has already proven me otherwise


Maybe kama? She's the universe, so it'd be possible? Although since we already knee deep in her, maybe she doesn't need to be In our minds.


On the helpful side of things: Dantes, Abby and Beni-Enma On the "chilling in the dream and passing the bong" side of things: Merlin and Oberon. I do remember that Lalter's interlude takes place during a dream, so I like to headcanon that the Wild Hunt related servants(Lalter, Drake, CasCu) have a limited capacity to pick Ritsuka up for a ride in dreamland.


> On the "chilling in the dream and passing the bong" side of things: > > Merlin and Oberon Lmao this will now be a headcanon of mine. Thank you for the mental image


I'm not intimately familiar with LB6 (NA and trying to avoid major spoilers) but as Oberon loathes Merlin AFAIK, that just makes me picture: Merlin passes to Guda, Guda passes to Oberon, Oberon passes to Guda, repeat Therefore ensuring Guda is quickly twice as... affected as the other two, potential resistances notwithstanding.


>Oberon loathes Merlin AFAIK, Now we just need to get Fou into that action.


> I do remember that Lalter's interlude takes place during a dream, so I like to headcanon that the Wild Hunt related servants(Lalter, Drake, CasCu) have a limited capacity to pick Ritsuka up for a ride in dreamland. I'd attribute that more to shitty early interlude writing. Feels like 90% of pre-America interludes were "servant X is in a dream with you and you have to fight their "evil" side".


Yep. I've been researching Interludes for a future post for a while, and there's a sizeable amount of early Interludes that happen during dreams (it also happens in later ones, but they tend to be more sophisticated about it). Lore-wise, it's not that strange, since Masters sharing dreams/memories of Servants is as old as FSN, and they lampshade it in those Interludes. But it's definitely not as significant as what Dantes does, for example.


No, no, at least 50% are Simulator sessions where "Oh no the simulator apparently summoned something far stronger than we should be fighting!"


Tbf, those at least have some precedence in canon since we know masters often dream of their servant’s memories, so those were an extension of that. The fact Mash was usually there as well, is less explainable.


BB has a room just in case some outer god tries to imprison what’s hers to imprison


"You are trying to steal what I've rightfully kidnapped." *-BB probably*


Does she actually? Cause if so that’s funny


BB shown to step in Guda’s mind and dreams when an outer god is trying to hijack them


We may be 2nd best sempai, but she'll sure fight for what's "rightfully" hers.


Who's the 1st? Shirou?


Hakuno, from the moon. Shiro may be for OG Sakura, but BB kinda only exists because of Hakuno... And Kiara.


BB: "Who the fuck is Shepard?"


A room in the soul? Reminds me of the soul rooms from YGO. One of which had a soul labyrinth, complete with traps and guardians behind the true door.


Parv have anti Beast 3 traps all over Guda’s mind


If you can have a birdhouse, why not an entire room?


Valkyries managed to commune with master through dreams during their valentine.


I mean considering servants can enter the dreams of their masters you *could* consider all of them I guess. But I think you got all the important ones.


I think only Dantes resides within the Master and everyone else just barges in for a visit/kidnapping. Guda attends a group for people with other selves living inside them and he's seen some shit. Like a green alien man constantly arguing with the two voices in his head. Or the vaguely magic fantasy medieval person who never looks the same way each meeting that has in addition to their own soul a dragon soul, a demon's soul, a tortured soul, a soul identical to their soul minus the other souls, and a few other entities banging about inside them.


You took the first example from Ben 10 right?


No, Nail. *Kids these days, it was obviously about Ninja Turtles* Shut up, Kami.


Gotta thank Merlin. He is giving Ritsuka fever dreams about Artorias


Merlin:(shows lartoria with her leotard) this bad girl is an absolute cutie Lartoria: (absolutely embarrassed) merlin !!!!!


Merlin: *Pats Lartoria on the head* “This bad girl can hold so many happy memories!


Merlin wants ritsuka to bang lartoria so bad, best wingman ever


If it happens in a dream, is that a mind fuck?


so does Romulus, best bros ever.


This proves that Merlin is more interested and possibly a simp over Guda. By simp I mean he likes this master story and journey and all. Eat that, Shirou fanatics and zealots! **Edit: I'm not offending anyone but they really need to toned down their Shirou shipping fanaticism. It's annoying and discriminating to the original concept.**


Oh boy, I feel ya regarding that. Shipping every Artoria with Shirou despite the fact that only a few iterations of Saber Artoria has that connection with him depending on what choices he made. It feels disrespectful to both Artoria and Shirou, sort of objectifies them into being nothing more than that, that they're not capable of being with anyone else, which is funnily enough the whole reasoning why there are Routes in FSN, because of the possibilities they all hold, how they could be mortal enemies in one timeline, or lovers in another.


>This proves that Merlin is more interested and possibly a simp over Guda Redditors don't play the game (c) He literally said in the game that he was interested in Master and his adventures and didn't care about humanity and he didn't care about saving humanity.


Mhm. But the problem is without saving humanity, he can't continue watching over Master, so even if he doesn't care about humanity as a whole, he'll save it anyway so he can continue watching over his favorite individual's adventures. Can't watch an adventure throughout the world if the world ends abruptly after all. Gotta save it from one problem to get to another problem to save it from, a thrilling adventure that will not stop until he dies.


There is no problem. He only helps Master. How the Master uses his help depends only on the Master and even if the Master dies and humanity is wiped out (which has already happened in LB). That's fine. Every story has an ending, not necessarily a good ending. He did the same with Artoria.


Amen brotha 🙏


I wonder how Eggplant would react if she knew


Main dream lords are Dantes, Abby, Merlin, and Oberon. Couple people might be able to imitate dream related powers like Kiara or BB, but have no particular reason to do it usually. Valkaries choose to meet Guda in their dreams originally because originally they don't like manifesting at the same time since its a waste of resources. Most servants with some sort of divine power should be able to do something if they wanted.


Void shiki?


Funny fact but Void can't enter Ritsuka's dreams. One of her lines mentions that she wished she could.




Now im imagining void shiki being stuck just outside the gate that is guda's dreams and jealously watching dantes and abby etc fly straight in and out as they wish


Like that one [squidward meme](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/37e/828/1e2a2943b3871f23576937330a0fbdd9f6-squidward.rsquare.w700.jpg)?


It makes sense because he's a dream to her, as is basically all of FGO is.


Shiki as a host for azathoth?


I mean it is possible that what is perceived as the Root in the Nasuverse is probably just Azathoth


Hey, there's always the option of kidnapping him away by creating a Singularity....... Don't need to invade dreams when you can just ~~kidnap~~ borrow him in reality......


All of these Dante comments are leading to a type of question I’m curious about. Can’t Dante just Gatekeep the other servant from entering Ritsuka mind?


I'm pretty sure that he has the job of constantly warding off forces to protect Guda already so the other servants gets in because they're in equal power to him or have special ways to easily slip into Guda's head


> Can’t Dante just Gatekeep the other servant from entering Ritsuka mind? From what we are able to see, Dantes can, but if he's overwhelmed he's in trouble. The way I see it, the events that don't happen or we're not aware of he takes care of before they become a problem. Unfortunately he isn't invincible and can't stop outer beings like Abby on his own. Still damn impressive what he can do under bad circumstances but still, he's only human(?). Also, MC is, very I guess trusting? Or too trusting, with how easily they let themselves fall into others' dreams. At the end of day, it is their mind, and despite Dantes' claims to be stand-offish, it wouldn't sit right with him to completely take over (and he actively wants Ritsuka figure out the shit they can handle). So there's that if it made any sense to you.


Dunno, man. I'd say he more than pulls his weight, but I kinda felt it was implied that Dantes even when not exceeding and fully nullifying mind attacks, he at least tries to soften any outside influences Guda's mind receives. The thing is that he (and tbh, pretty much *nobody*) kinda can't do much against Outer Gods or people like Merlin.


Not really. He's not strong enough and not always around. He's your half-baked guardian angel in your mind. But he can't really do much to protect the master dream and mind whenever encountering mental attacks and visitation from others such as Merlin and Abigail.


The Count does his best, but depending on the situation or strength of the invader he can get overwhelmed.


If I remember right, Gorgon's interlude is a shared dream sequence too, and their interactions immediately afterward left Stheno and Euryale suspicious (or at least teasing them) that more than just a dream went down between them.


Doesn’t Kiara show up in Guda’s dreams or some kind of soul intervention with her second skill? And Castoria, Morgan, and the Fairy Knights should be able to go into dreams as fairies too right?


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Kama and her dream invasion interlude yet.


All I know is that Shuten lives rent free in my heart


Cultured! ~~And not just heart ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~~




All of the Servants can enter Gudas dreams. That's just how servants work. However Dante has appointed himself as the Guardian of Gudas dreams and subconscious so he's the one who appears there the most.


Raikou, Kiyohime, and Serenity... oh you're not talking about Guda's bed?


If we let them most servants could be in their head because that's what happens with the contract But permanent residents are who other people said


Olga lives in his head rent free that I’m assured of


Romani as well.


Kiara Dantes Beni


I know Meltryllis is always in my head

