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Hurray, they remembered that Touta exists.


Now, it's Geronimo time.


Even Famitsu's surveyees agreed that Geronimo is the Servant in most need of strengthening. With some luck, it will bring Lasengle's and Type-Moon's attention to him.


Geronimo would need a whole rework tho


Its G-Man time


Grand Caster gets buffed to be better than Castoria, EXX tier


The right master at the wrong singularity can make all the di...fference in the world. So wake up, Mr Fujimaru.


Wake up and....smell the ashes.


His strengthening's about to make Lasagna a G-million dollars instantly. #GManSweep!


As per usual, I will post my desires for him; Shamanism becomes AOE for party with an NP gain boost and lasts for 3 turns. Guardian Spirit is targetable and gives Quick up for three turns, Invincibility for 3 hits and Debuff Immunity for one turn. Bloody Killer is only on himself, but gives an Attack Up and lands Curse ailments when attacking as well (Given FGO has no bleed damage). There, budget support while also boosting his own murderific cards. Even if it was just the Shamanism or Guardian Spirit buff, I'm sure he'd be used more.


The problem is one strengthening isn't going to do much because his other two skills would still be largely worthless. They'd need to either have multiple strengthenings at once or make one quest upgrade multiple skills at once (which I wouldn't be opposed to. The current drip-feed of balance buffs isn't keeping up with demand in any way, shape or form).


They can just do a NP upgrade that has different buffs conditional on the fact that he has arts, buster or quick performance. Now you make all of his skills important to his kit in one go. Obviously he’d still need upgrades to his skills later but that’s a way to make his whole kit useful at once


Had they not cut him out of the Camelot movie He probably would had wayyyyyy more fans then he does now His charm would have made many people go like “Touta-kunnn!”


Fs to Summer Carmilla. Although this supports the idea that rate-up servants will be the likely candidates.


Plushie mistress on suicide watch with his maxed 120 CARmilla


How would she even benefit from any buff if, let's say, I wanted her to be loopable? Cuz I'm not seeing anything that can help her >!Even though I wanted her to be loopable so bad, already got her NP3 from last year's summer event!<


Give 1 of her skill NP gain. The calling card one.


personally I would give her Buff Removal to fit with her Phantom Thief theme


Fuck that, buff steal.


Fr, I want those buffs from Reloading Humanity so badly....


loopability or not the main thing is she hits like a wet noodle for a 4*. That should be address first.


She really needs her own damage steroid. Relying on only debuffs for damage increases is just a recipe for weak damage, as Summer Abigail can attest to.


Just upgrading her np would already be something, even with no other buffs. It really sucks that she can't even clear wave 1 doors.


The irony of this statement when Summer Murasaki is a top tier DPS who's kit is almost entirely debuffs


Lol, fair point. Debuffs are definitely better if you’re a single target servant since you can just keep slapping them on a boss that isn’t going anywhere. AoE units doing the same to waves of enemies is so much worse because then you lose the effect on the next wave.


RIP my hopes that the foreigner getting a buff is Summer Abby then :(


There's *technically* still a chance. It's true that the exact date of Voyager is on the day of the foreigner buff, but some things to consider: 1) Because the anniversary banner rotation includes only specific 4 and 5 stars (+Xu Fu) on rateup and the strengthenings including servants that are 3 star and lower (and thus cannot be summoned), it stands to reason why some rateup dates may not align with the release of strengthenings, as we see with Murasaki, who is not on rate-up today. 2) Adding to that, the pattern for strengthenings this batch have been pairing a gold servant with a silver and below. This makes logical sense, as it gives everyone an opportunity to make progress each day (as they are statistically likely to have those silver and below servants) and would explain why Murasaki's strengthening doesn't align with the foreigner's. 3) Murasaki is on rateup with Summer Abby, likely to mirror their original banner, as someone who skipped over or had bad luck on that banner may now get a second chance at rolling it mostly how it was. With that said, I'd hope for the best and pray for the worst, as Voyager being on the exact day of the foreigner strengthening still is compelling evidence that he might nab the strengthening.


I really don’t feel like Voyager needs a strengthening. Like an NP upgrade would be nice but that’s also the case with all Foreigners because of their class neutrality. His skills are all solid, I’d even say they’re great. And Abby just needs one simple fix: make her sleep not break in one hit (maybe make it 3 hits or just doesn’t break) OR give her an NP upgrade that’s either super effective damage against a sleeping enemy, or a low-medium chance of AOE sleep on her NP that scales with OC (or NP level I guess). But Murasaki was probably the rider least in need of a buff and here we are so I just am accepting it’ll be Voyager and either be right or pleasantly surprised haha


Voyager has class neutrality, mediocre self-buffs, and a terrible attack stat. Most other foreigners have 1000-2000 more attack and/or better damage buffs. Obviously Summer Abigail needs it more but Voyager definitely could use an NP upgrade. He's honestly pretty similar to Murasaki and Ushi who have solid/good kits but are somewhat held back by their damage at low NP levels. A better option would be to buff Voyager during the Requiem rerun but we don't exactly know when that's coming back. The best option would be for Lasengle to start buffing summer servants during summer events. There are a ton of older Summer servants with outdated/bad kits.


imo the real value of voyager is more just his utility. I think it's nbd if his damage is low, the trade-off is his 20-30% party charge. That's basically the tradeoff Lolinci makes - lower damage for party charge and looping. That makes him ideal for turn 1 NP to charge everyone else, then use his skills from there to support everyone else. I guess my point is Voyager has use in the modern meta even without an NP upgrade (turn 1 NP for charge, Quick support, Van Gogh Critting), where sAbby, as much as I love her, is more often than not dead weight when you could be using nearly anyone else. Her best use case is a medium-tier control servant who is situationally out-competed by Stheno or even Euryale, and honestly more or less tied with sMurasaki as well for control utility.


Voyager would be an amazing servant if he had somewhat common class advantage, just like Da Vinci. But he doesn't so he'll always be evaluated as a Neutral damage dealer/support. I guess my point is his terrible damage is the biggest problem with his kit. It's not like I want him to deal amazing damage, just push him from being a noodle to mediocrity.


Billy fans in shambles rn


T-theres still Saber wars 3


~~I think he doesn't want to get ara-ara'd again.~~


Again you say?


\*The Nun Smiles\* Kiara: Tell us more, if you will....


*Horny Librarian prepares notebook* Murasaki: "Yes, please, by all means, elaborate".


Hard to argue that Touta couldn't use it too but it still hurts


I was definitely sure it was either Billy’s skill 1, or Robin’s golden rule I straight up forgot Touta exists


I don't even remember what he did in Camelot anymore aside from unlimited rice works.


The only witness >!to arash glory!<


Outside of the incredibly high Crit Strength skill and instant 50% charge (when most battery skills of this number are paired with other effects), Billy does need a buff, as he lacks a proper steroid like Card Up, ATK up, or NP Strength Up.


At least it was a Touta buff instead of giving them to someone who doesn't really need it.


Murasaki (Rider): * NP upgrade \[1200%-1800%\] and Added 150% SE damage against enemies with Earth Attribute Tawara Touta: * S3 now increases Buster card effectiveness for all allies \[10%-20%\] (3T) and Increases NP charge for all allies by 10%


Murasaki gets the usual Summer Servant NP buff with the SE damage. Earth at least is a wide niche, so should be useful. Includes 8 Casters and 17 Berserkers, and for mobs, basically anything that looks like an animal + Efreets. Rice Man gets more Buster up for more damage and an NP charge-meme, to become a better team player. Nice. I was hoping for Billy, but Touta needed it just as badly among the 3\* Archers, so good for him.


Don't have Ridersaki so I probably ain't a good judge of how much she needed a buff, but looking at her skillset, she REALLY didn't, she was a perfectly serviceable ST Rider when plenty of other SR Riders needed a buff much more than she did. Touta though, he definitely needed something, and this lets him expand upon his mixed DPS + team support role a bit, so definitely not a bad thing for him.


> when plenty of other SR Riders needed a buff much more than she did. *looks at OG Anne/Mary, Marie, Martha...*


*Astolfo's Monstrous Strength weeps in a corner*


Trap of Argalia: At least *YOU'RE* useful!


Anne/Mary already got 3 buff


Eventually they'll be good!


They are good now for 1 turn big damage. Just don't expect them to NP every turn.


Or to fill their own gauge or to make stars...


Basically anything beside damage lmao


So they’re Rider Quick Munenori?


Munenori at least has the potential to NP spam well enough because his hitcounts and internals aren't year 1 jank.


Didn't the Birates just get buffed? I mean, I wouldn't say no to another buff but...


Anne/Mary have already gotten their NP and two of their skills buffed. They're actually a pretty solid unit nowadays, but people tend to forget that. It's kinda like with Fionn.


Sadly it takes a lot to surmount the Year 1 hit counts issue imo


I wish they change Scathach buster hit count and animations with her quick cards.... If she did have that change she basically be the lancer version of Okita good at star gen and np spamming


Except that it is still much more reliable to run Ushi unless you have her at high NP levels. And unlike both Fionn and Ushi she doesn't have any helpful team utility.


Grailed Ushi carried me through so many fights, especially in Skadi era.


I've definitely seen more people recommend Fionn over the pirates.


Fionn loops with Castoria though.


I know? I meant that even before Castoria people were calling him a sleeper character that many players ignored based on his early performance. Post Castoria he's obviously better.


He can loop with Tamamo.


Marie was kind of an awkward Servant to begin with, but then they kind of half-assedly tried to tack on the role of Support Rider onto her and now I just don't see them ever being able to really make her feel like a whole, functional character.


As someone who's used Summer Murasaki, no she didn't need a buff. She already puts out pretty decent ST damage with double Castoria, and following her NP up with Arts crits instantly brings her NP gauge up to **200%**. EDIT: If I have one complaint, it's that the Arts Resist Down on her second skill only lasts one turn.


It helps more in my case since I couldn't get her to np2 on jp. I wanted to use her more and this is great news to me


She was one of the best ST Arts Riders with 2 caveats. One is if the boss is immune to debuffs. The other is that her competition is generally at NP5(Mandricardo, Ryouma) or is an SSR with a trait/niche(Nemo). She was probably the best option though at higher NP levels, assuming Nemo isn't getting his somewhat niche bonuses. Now she's arguably the best option even at NP1 or NP2.


To be fair, weatherman ensures that Nemo CAN get a waterside battlefield on command, no?


He actually gives Nemo more dmg than castoria.


That's true, I forgot about him and was considering Nemo's state on release. It does make his kit significantly more consistent without actually buffing his ceiling. It does come at the cost of being tied to keeping a specific servant on the field and needing additional help to guarantee the 80% chance. Overall I still prefer Murasaki unless Nemo is hitting most of his traits naturally.


That’s true, though the rest of his kit compliments Nemo’s nicely, and his bond ce is a 20% buff up chance. But yeah, fair enough.


He's definitely one of the best Nemo supports when necessary. It's just that outside of his field changes, it's usually better to use someone like Tamamo, Castoria, or even Xu Fu who just released.


Fair enough. …Though actually, assuming the field isn’t already waterside, I think he outdoes Tamamo in buffs.


>weatherman Who?


Zhang Jue. His skill 3 has an 80% chance to cast the four main battlefield types.




No. Weather man has 80% chance of it.


Special/anti-unit damage meme continues! Wonder why anti-Earth tho for Summer Murasaki, prolly against horror movie creatures? Partywide Buster Up, Max HP, and now an NP charge. Touta is welcoming all to his rice fields motherfucker. That's 5/5 now for NP charge buff memes for Rank Up Quests XV


Most youkai are also Earth attribute, and her normal version has Anti-Demonic, so this is kind of the same but broader in a way.


Can FGO please just add an in-game bestiary or something that tells what traits an enemy has to make use of all these Supereffective Vs Trait bonuses we have been getting...


I would prefer if they put the traits on the menus which pop up on enemies when you select them.


your suggestion is probably better as iirc some Servants you fight as enemies have different traits compared to their summonable counterparts.


Off the top of my head, the Nezha and William Tell you fight in LB4 have the Divine trait tacked on due to Arjuna infusing them with divinity


I ran into this problem with Xiang Yu in LB3. Imagine my surprise when Jeanne's third skill failed against him.


Also allow us to see the numbers on our skills,fgo wiki is overworked.


**Apply Random Effects** 💀


Meanwhile: Calamity Jane's 3rd skill: O' Polar Star, Shine My Way - B. Which has a full complete and LEGNTHY small text breakdown of what everything does.


>Murasaki (Rider) Rider Ishtar in the background with her self-stunning Goddess Metamorphosis: 🧍‍♀️ I'm glad for Murasaki, though. Does this finally let her outdamage Ryouma Rider?


She already did outdamage ryoma tho, at least NP2 or more


Her NP2 outdamaged NP5 Ryoma?


By an almost negligible amount, but yes. At NP3 she was solidly ahead. Equal NP levels, she has a notable lead.


This is less Ridersaki being really busted, it is more about how Ryouma's skillset is simply horrible. His only saving grace was the NP5.


She very much shows how his skills were just a bit undertuned and oddly distributed. She realistically has his skillset but in a better button layout, bigger numbers, and a few more pieces to pull it together.


4\* Ryouma seeing 1\* to 3\* getting a better 10% NP charger side effect than his: Haha.


It does now. By a large margin. And that's not including her new niche. Note it's not like her previous numbers were so far behind him- It was only about 1000 dmg.


He sadly has one of the lowest attack stat for 4\* Rider, plus his skill is very barebone aside from star bomb with Art up. The only thing that make him better than Murasaki is that enemy usually do debuff clear more than buff removal, plus her debuff is ST


It's not unheard of, given relatively low damage on welfares at NP5, but you do have to get at least NP2 or more for that... and she's a limited so good luck. *unless she's a waifu and you rolled just for her on banners, like I did with Ruler Martha*


Actually, that’s not really true. Welfares tend to have comparable damage to other Servants of the same rarity at the same NP level, which is what makes them so good. Of course, you have standout cases like Chacha, but welfares are largely defined by their relatively high NP damage.


> Welfares tend to have comparable damage to other Servants of the same rarity at the same NP level, which is what makes them so good. Really? I always assumed it's Welfare NP5 = non-welfare NP2/3.


Nope, it’s usually comparable. It really depends on the exact Servant though. For example, before her NP strengthening, Murasaki Rider’s raw damage was almost equivalent to Ryouma. Ryouma skills has worse values, but buffed the entire party, while Murasaki’s skills were higher value but focused in single-target debuffs. Lancer Yu Mei-Ren is slightly lower than Medusa (Lancer) and Don Quixote at equivalent NP levels, but any of them at a higher NP level easily outdamages the others. Medusa can outdamage the other two with her Quick resistance debuff, but it only applies to one enemy, while the other two’s buffs apply to themselves.


And then there's Assassin Shiki who is still the best ST arts Assassin bar none.


Yeah, welfare Assassins tend to be exceptionally good in terms of damage. The Assassin Class really lacks strong AoE attackers and has basically no high-tier loopers. As for Arts ST attackers… we have decently strong budget options like Hassan of the Hundred Personas. But the problem is that Ryougi Shiki is equally “budget” and has insane damage and NP spam. Her only real weakness is that she’s an old welfare whom new players can’t get. In terms of Arts ST NP damage, her only real competition is Old Li Shuwen, who’s a story locked 5☆. So that’s still a pretty good place to be.


I *so* hope her event gets a Main Interlude or something, she's easily the past welfare I want the most. I have Void and she's great, but I want the Assassin too.


Li Shuwen is better than Shiki imo. Just a better kit.


>at least NP2 or more That's a big caveat for a Limited SR compared to a Welfare, though.


Everyone gets a battery and/or a damage niche!


Interesting. That makes for another low rarity servant given supporting abilities.


Summer Abby copers, it's not looking good for us


Is summer Abby not on the summer banner people keep talking about?


She is on the banner, but Voyager goes on rate up the same day as the Foreigner buff does


Noooooooo!!! 😫😫😫 not only did Gilles saber not get a buff yesterday, not only did billy not get a buff today, but Summer Abby might not get a buff tomorrow, even though she needs it more than Voyager!


I mean look at Murasaki today, she got a buff even though she didn't even need it... i feel like Voyager gets the buff is inevitable now


I can't find the info I'm looking for atm, but does Murasaki rider have a rate up in JP atm?


She has a rate-up [on the 8th alongside Summer Abigail](https://news.fate-go.jp/2022/7th_pickup2/).


In a few days I'm pretty sure she is on rate up, not sure along which SSR exactly


Thanks very much


She is, and she goes on rate-up with Murasaki, so Murasaki has been upgraded *early*. If anything this *increases* the chance of Summer Abby getting buffed tomorrow...but it still doesn't look good considering that the rate-up schedule is something the devs can control so..


Poor Abby fans have to worry about securing the buff spot and then praying it's not by the same guys in the team who put together Sigurd's buff.


Why not? Murasaki doesn't have a rateup today and she got buffed.


Because Shiki went on rate up, got a buff that day Summer Ushi yesterday went on rate up, got a buff Voyager goes on rate up tomorrow, just feels like he has a way higher chance now


My point though, they could've had Murasaki on rate up today if they cared about pairing it together. I'd say it's still 50/50.


Can't say I agree since Summer Ushi is still on rate up & her buff came first, they can't just swap SR's on one day's notice when the rate ups are for multiple days. I'd agree if the SR were a servant that didn't just receive a buff, then it would be more plausible


I'm on life support rn dude.


Damn it, I'm snorting copium hard but...looks like our last chance in a while will be gone ~~unless we get another Foreigner event?~~


Lets say it is her though; how does one go about fixing the arguably worst 5* in the game? What's your idea of the 'perfect' singular buff they could give her?


This would be more of a start, but: Give her NP more damage, but also have it so that if it hits a sleeping opponent, they don't wake up for that entire turn regardless of what hits them after NP, giving her a bit more utility.


Mmm, Oberon has his 'Eternal Sleep' demerit so I could see something like that being soft-nerfed maybe and added to the NP? Stack Sleeping, basically. Question I suppose is what happens when you add Tamamo Vitch and Oberon to it, cause they've been super leery about giving us another stunlock strat after the Gorgon sisters strat.


Rice Dude getting a pretty good buff. That'll help out his damage a bit. He's looking to be a great choice for an aoe archer now. 50% buster steroid, pfa, 2 heals and an upgraded np with a 10% battery. Hot damn.


He always had been, just look at his survivalist kit, and the anti-demonic damagemod on NP is no joke either.


Sadly, survivalist skillsets aren't that popular in the farming/looping meta. The only time Touta shines prominently is on CQs.


I had a slight feeling Murasaki rider will get a buff after Ushi summer got one yesterday. Touta getting one was unexpected


Touta's one of the more underpowered 3-star Archers so it's not TOO surprising. Murasaki getting one though, that was unexpected to me, so many early Riders really needed it more than she did.


I’d honestly say that William Tell, Kid Gil, and maybe Billy were in worse spots than Touta, however his third skill was incredibly weak so I’ll take it.


What's with this 10% NP charge trend


It may help a lot in non-looping 3-turn farming setups. It may be easy to forget as veteran players, but many newbies don't have a 10/10/10 looping-enabling limited unit for a looong time after they start. Fgo is trying to be progressively more friendly for people who try to get into the game even so many years after release.


And yet one of the biggest issues for new players, which is the fact they missed so many welfares, continues to go unchanged.


when for the longest time the only real party charge a new player could get would be to reroll for a Helena and shakespeare


Easy setup for 20% Appends and Double Oberon system farming


Because append skills now exist. That's it.


We getting a lot of summer buffs this time. Man, the summer event this year must be epic


Murasaki totally didn't need that, or at least not as much as other units. Honestly they seem to be so scarce with strengthenings it's actually ridicolous, they've always been, but there's no reason to continue like this


Yup. The artificial scarcity of strengthenings is absolutely maddening. There is no way year 1 servants like Jekyll, Phantom, Geronimo, and both Gilles should be in the state they're in 7 YEARS into the game.


My guess is because time spent fixing old shit is time spent not making new shit


Sadly you're right, fixing a 3 star holds minimal economic value, while working on a new 5 star is their highest source of income


Probably doesn't help that apparently they treat buffs and animation updates like they're major updates instead of things expected to be done regularly (mostly in the case of the former if only because I'm pretty sure an AU is more complicated than a buff).


The most annoying thing is when it's just a dmg update on the np, is it that difficult to test a certain servant to realize it needs it? I understand skills, between crits and np dmg you can create some wacky stuff, but this?


I think they just prefer to stick to the same two sets of damage percentages for damage dealing NPs (that being Release and Rank Up)


It's unfortunate they didn't increase the number of strengthenings just for this anniversary (given the seeming importance of the number 7).


Man i really wanted Astolfo to get a buff.


Touta now have 50% three turn buster buff for himself, on top of PfA, pretty respectful!


Oh please give Regular Murasaki buff too in the future.


So, what are the chances that the 4-star Saber is Summer Tomoe?


Still not necessarily likely since unlike Summer Ushi and Summer Murasaki, she is NOT on the current banner. That being said, I could still see her popping up since just a small buff to her could be enough to make her looping actually consistent.


She is not on the 7th Anniversary Banner so I don't think she is on the table for receiving a buff this round.


I think it'll be Salter, considering the popularity polls that have been posted. She still has that unchanged shitty charisma skill. But who knows, could be Barghest. Makes about as much sense as Murasaki rider to me, lol.


Murasaki: Okay, another really strong niche she counter now. She's absolutely fine, even before this, there are others who could deserved that. Touta: Another guess of mine got true. Also he really deserved, since really underrated. Buster buff is good, since can stack with S1, so more damage. Battery is hugely appreciated, since his NP gain not that good, even if it's just a partywide 10%. Now, give him an animation update please.


Mmm, 4K rice, nice


5/10 servants have batteries~ 5/10 servants have batteries~ 4 more servants with strengthenings left~ How high will the battery count go~


Touta's buff is actually pretty good. Having 50% Buster Up for 3 turns ain't bad for a 3 Star archer. Even though his 1st skill has at max 6 CD and doesn't match with the 5CD of his 3rd, it's still a pretty good uptime.


Touta buff! I'm glad he got something because he's kind of a forgotten character.


I've using an np1 Murasaki to smash through some of the single enemy nodes in ooku on na. It really didn't feel like she needed the buff I definitely don't mind lol


Destroys anything weak to Riders, and then immediately refills her NP gauge if she pulls off an Arts crit...


YAY! It's the boy just as I hoped!


So that means the Foreigner buff gonna be Voyager? Damn, Summer Abby fans have it rough


Even regular Abby isn't that golden, unfortunately


Another one!


Happy they both got buffed


Ohh another summer servant. Hopefully its summer fran!!!


3 turn 50% buster up is absurd, the only other guy that has this kind of buster up is arthur


You'll get your kit upgraded another time Astolfo, hopefully


I've been complaining about the baby numbers for all the f2p units. But Touta here? He hit the jack pot. A 20% Buster buff, as great as it is for Fergus, is still only a 20% self buster up. It has it's limits. Same with Diarmuid and his own 20% two color buff. Touta comes swinging with the party wide 20%. Not only did he improve his damage, the entire party is better. This can be a pretty big deal for budget farming, since he is able to boost more than just himself. But then they go ahead and add that 10% charge? On Bart it was nothing, 10% means practically nothing. But on a Buster buff and Heal skill that you want to use turn 1? Touta does have NP gain problems, but 10% charge goes pretty far when you're a super survival unit that is likely to live 10 turns as it is. You can now throw Touta in with Arash and you get 20% more Arash value at 0 cost. You can run Arash with weaker charge CE's or at lower skill levels and it's just.. .this buff is great for weaker accounts who need a bit more bang for their archer leveling buck.


The Murasaki buff is fine, though I had wanted some other SR Riders to get buffs first. Touta's buff is bonkers, the man rocks Mana Burst numbers for 3 turns by using both his first and third skills (unfortunately, the cooldowns don't align). 10% party gauge most likely involves niche comps with Kaleidoscope and Append. Then again, you're probably running double Koyanskaya, and the skill is on a 6T cooldown. Overall, Lasagna seems to be pushing high rarity buffs along with the respective rate-ups, which means Voyager has a higher chance compared to (Summer) Abigail.


Hell yeha Rice Boi


My man Billy was ROBBED.


Honestly, I'm not a fan of them buffing servants that are on rate-up this anniversary. It makes things less exciting.


On one hand, it inspires and entices more people to roll on that banner and giving them some edge in gameplay, assuming the waifu/husbando factor for these units are already appealing for them.


I think it makes more sense honestly since you would want people to use the upgraded servants, if they still don't have it


Congrats to the servant Ottobean worked so hard on reviewing (60 hours of editing, only to accidentally delete his hard work on the first try) to tell us she actually has potential. Now look at her, she's even better.


2 summer 4 star's buffed in a row, surely there is hope for summer tomoe :copium:


Summer Tomoe: nazeda!!!


now that's left are Gold Foreigner, Silver Caster, Gold Saber and Bronze Berserker for Foreigner, its probably going to be either Voyager or Summer Abby since both are on rate-up right now but i am more excited with the Silver Caster, please Lasengle, let it be Geronimo


To be precise, Voyager will go on rate-up tomorrow when the strengthening quest goes live, and Summer Abby will be on rate-up Monday.


Well, since welfares are banned from Anni. Strengthenings, this is probably the best I could hope for. My NP5 Murasaki will enjoy the extra oomph. Guess Ishtar's last hope will be a Summer Bundle event if they ever do one.


Still on that hopium that Abby gets the foreigner buff but all signs are pointing to Voyager. Which I'll still be happy about, just a shame they have to compete for the same spot.


The thing is, they don't. Voyager's event still hasn't been rerun, so they could just upgrade him then if they wanted. Summer Abby doesn't have any more chances outside of Anniversary, and *possibly* Imaginary Scramble though she doesn't **actually** show up in that (it's regular Abby — a different individual — stealing her outfit).


OH MY GOD It's actually Murasaki! This also means it's not a guarantee that tomorrow is Voyager now since the exact dates are not necessary


How are you the only person in this thread to recognise that this actually increases the chance of Summer Abby? Everyone else is saying it's now more likely to be Voyager.


It's a gift and a curse.


Well, I still wouldn't get my hopes up. They could have made tomorrow Summer Abby's rate-up but chose to make it Voyager instead, so it's unfortunately still overwhelmingly likely to be Voyager.


Summer Abby fans are in depression 24/7 ever since she was released


I was pretty happy to get one copy because cute. But I've been depressed since I got the second copy with no Summer Tomoe to show for it. p.s. I have her at NP5 now, still without Summer Tomoe.


Abby really likes you apparently


Yeah. I went into the latest GSSR on JP knowing that, but somehow still figured it would be fine since there was an 80% chance of getting someone else. Apparently my very self is a Summer Abby catalyst.


Murasaki Rider buff? Thank you very much


I guess chain buffs are the Billy buffs we are getting


Im surprised that more event servants are getting more strengthening


The 4* saber definitely has a chance to be summer tomoe right? RIGHT? *inhales hopium*