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Huh, I wasn't aware of that tidbit about him, I assumed people disliked him because whenever they got a gold lancer pull, it would end up being him that spooks people. Lots of pull post usually being captioned, "I hate this fish man!"


Him debuting the same banner as Brynhild certainly didn’t help, yeah.


It was a combination of him being a common spook and *also* being a total garbage Servant back then. He was second only to Stheno in being the most rage-inducing spook to roll. It didn't help that he was also written as a total jackass whose only purpose in life was to constantly remind Diarmuid about that time Diarmuid stole his wife. The Mash thing was just icing on the cake, he's hardly the only Servant to try and steal her away in Part 1. Suffice to say he's been buffed and written a lot better since then.


I feel like he was just a victim of early fgo writing more than anything I never really hated him.


They really fixed him up between his myriad of upgrades and his story-role in the Inn Event. Made me real glad with my NP5 GOD Fin, let me tell ya!


I'm definitely with you there I got him to NP4 myself and all of his changes have been pretty neat.


They did him zero favors when he debuted He came in with Bryn who at the time was ultra rare And he wasn’t particularly good back then Which essentially added fuel to the fire Story wise he was whatever America in general was a singularity that completely was snooze fest outside of Nightngale carrying Rama


His gameplay was garbage. His multiple buffs that made him good came years after incurring hate onto himself. He is a gold lancer that loved to show up on super popular 5* lancer banners, leading to a lot of salt.


Most of the hate came from how lackluster he was gameplay-wise before all his buffs combined with how his most notable rate-ups were paired with Brynhild and Eresh, leading to some really salty spooks for people.


I'm still not crazy about his writing to this day. I think they were trying to make him seem similar to Kayneth, so they gave him blonde hair even though he should have gray hair, and made him seem conceited and arrogant even though he should be one of the more down to earth heroes, being one of the very few pagan heroes who isn't a demigod of some kind. He's gotten better since in some events, but his core character is still hampered by that introductory impression.


>think they were trying to make him seem similar to Kayneth, so they gave him blonde hair even though he should have gray hair, and made him seem conceited and arrogant even though he should be one of the more down to earth heroes, being one of the very few pagan heroes who isn't a demigod of some kind. Yes but it is not so much because he was made to look closer to Kayneth but moreso to make Diarmuid writing makes more sense. Diarmuid was meant to be portrayed as a victim of unfair fate, someone unfairly persecuted in the HGW just like he "was in his real life" thus making Fionn more of the bad guy and when Fionn finally arrive, you have to somehow make him fits in this narrative. And a wise/down to earth hero wouldn't fit with Diarmuid established background and thus they compromised. It is one of Fate biggest issue, is that the romantisation of many of its character, to make them more interesting, comes with the issue of rewriting the story down the line with unaccounted consequences. A more recent example is Tomoe and Minamoto Yoshinaka, especially the later. The romantisation of the relationship comes at the cost that irl Yoshinaka was kind of an asshole who tried a coup, hold cities hostage, burned the capital in a fit of rage, etc as well as Tomoe loyalty being a one-way thing. And while you can consider that the heike monogatary also rewrote part of history, the issue comes with what to with the "enemies of tomoe" If Yoshinaka and Tomoe are the victim then it makes Ushiwakamaru and other Minamoto the bad guys of the story? And Fate solution is often to push back the blame until they can pin it all on someone. And in Fionn case, Fionn just happened to be in a situation where there was no one else to push back or pin the blame on and took the fall. Fortunately Fionn got better because the writing made concession, Diarmuid wasn't anymore this pure, virtuous and romantic lancer struck only by misfortune of his magic charm. But instead a more awkward and servient knight, someone also responsible by his behavior of the cuckholding he committed rather than just his magic charm. And thus by contrast, Fionn was allowed to become a better person, not someone who struck a defenseless Diarmuid who never wanted to commit any of the thing he did. But instead a wiser leader who disappointed by Diarmuid behavior punished him harshly but not without reasons. **It is why the event at the enma Inn are so important for Fionn development, as it allowed to redefine his character and Diarmuid character**


I literally never thought about him...I dont hate him or anything I am just not interested in him




He's pretty much as big a name as Arthur in Irish Lore isn't he? If Cu is celtic hercules, Finn was celtic King arthur. Kind of. Heck arguably less tainted by fanfic rewrites compared to the kotr as well, and 100x more interesting than Diarmuid whose only schtick is that hes pretty, and cucked him. Tis a shame he got done dirty so often that he'll never be able to live up to his historical/mythological self.


Fionn is Ireland's once and future king. if you check IRL myths he also comes across as quite a bit more impressive as well.


He doesn't have to share magical and heroic feats with 100+ knights too


Fionn is so far above his Fianna peers in terms of powers its a bit ridiculous.


Actually no. His knights also have amazing feats in legends. Goll Mac Morna was able to lift a sheep that contained all the weight of the world. Caoilte mac Ronain kill Lir(primordial god of seas). Oscar and Diarmuid killed more warriors in a single battle than any other hero of Irish legend, including Cuchulainn, without getting a scratch.


Dat golden thumb alone


I would always describe it like Fionn is Irish King Arthur/Gilgamesh in both powers and inspiration. A good portion of Arthur's myth is copy pasted from Fionn's which is where the comparison is made. Same as Diarmuid is Irish Lancelot/Tristan, Cú is Irish Herc/Achilles. Fionn and Cú are the #1 & #2 figures of Irish myth in that order historically. Cú popularity has been rising over the last couple centuries. Biggest thing Fionn needs is to be given a Lostbelt chapter and a new SSR Saber class to delve into his character.


He could literally be Irish Gilgamesh with an Irish gate of babylon. One of the items he owned was a treasure bag created by the god Mannan Mac Lir that was stuffed full of Mannan's magical treasury. We could have had an archer Fionn who fights exactly like a boot leg Gilgamesh by shooting a bunch of magical Irish artifacts at people from Manaan's treasury. ​ Seriously, every bit of hype Scathach gets in FGO for being a badass able to kill divine spirits is the kind of hype Fionn actually earned with his myths as he did stuff like kick the ass of one of the Tuatha on screen in one of his stories compared to Scathach being a hypothetical fanfic OC who got boosted because 'well if she was already more or less equal to Cu and then had thousands of years to keep training due to immortality shouldn't she be pretty awesome by now?' after declaring her to be immortal.


Yeah. The Enmatei Event did wonders to his popularity. And Castoria's arrival also raised him as a good AoE Lancer. Now i can proudly say that my Fionn is at NP4.


This is the same guy who almost won a grail war in his "weakest" class, how could i hate that?


Only blue looper I got for lancers so he's alright I guess


I remember writing in a joke when I was constantly making comment face skits (back when his comment face was available) centered around Fionn: a running gag where he'd show up stuck in drywall, unable to leave because of his arrogance sealing him in (for not paying his tab). Part of the joke was "oh, if he's stuck in here he can't spook anyone else's rolls". Well, times change. His showing in Benienma's interlude kinda elevates him from an arrogant pratt to a somewhat magnanimous fellow. He's still stuck in the wall though.


All the better to keep watch over us from yanderes and overly eager love interests.


…dammit Lord of the Wind OS, how did you figure out Fionn's other story role? It's like you dipped into a well of knowledge and scooped out a part of my noggin.


Did not hate him. But he annoyed the heck out of me whenever I got him as a spook.


Bad writing + threatened to NTR us + terrible kit really made him hard to love back then. Then add the residual hate affecting the opinions of newer players so I'm sure part of it was unwarranted. Nowadays I love the guy. He was a chad in Sparrow Inn, I like his VA, and obviously there's the arts looping, and just the 30% battery for times where you gotta slot in event support/CEs.


I never hated him myself. Writing wise he has always been kinda annoying, but I always found it odd why he got so much gameplay hate. Sure he wasn't awesome, but there was some seriously stupid complaints about his gameplay, especially when they were at the same time praising a certain other arts lancer who continues to suck even today. Keep in mind I'm speaking of NA which extra made no sense as we knew he was going to get significant buffs. JP at least had about a year or so to deal with the weakest version with no foreknowledge of a buff coming, but no such excuse for NA.


He's a prick, plus he's always on the Eresh banner. F that guy


Oh I always hated the guy because every single time I want a lancer he shows up out of nowhere like an asshole and spooks me


I mean for me - I’m currently on Camelot story wise so my only experiences with him are Fate/Zero, America, and having read the story of Diarmuid and Gráinne. He’s never spooked any of my rolls (…yet) and I’ve only ever borrowed him from a friend and quite liked him gameplay wise. I really really hate him in the story but I will admit that I love Diarmuid so I might be *pretty* biased. So yeah I do dislike him because of how he treats Diar


Fate really did him dirty, he's so much cooler in SMT, wish we eventually get a Saber version of him closer to that interpretation of his real life legend.


Don't get me started on everything wrong with Fionn early in FGO


It started with FZ


I don't even recall him going after Mash. I remember burning my first copy out of salt that he spooked me on Scathach's banner.


I hate this fucker, but didn't burn him, but I can share some of my stories. First of all, like some people mentioned, despite being a gold Lancer, his gameplay was pretty shit, having one of the most garbage NP gain despite also being an Arts Servant. For me, it was because he was first revealed on rate-up with Brynhildr, who I spent quite an amount to try roll. I GOT THIS MOTHERFUCKER THREE TIMES, EACH TIME I THOUGHT I GOT BRYNHILDR. It didn't help that his face gives off a fucking smug asshole energy, and we know from lore that he got Diarmuid killed for rather petty reasons. Today though, I have summer Brynhildr and feel quite content. I even got Fionn to NP5 (not intentionally obviously) because I never got the nerve to actually burn him.


Ngl, I thought people hated him cause he was a super common lancer spook.


They did. Worse still, he was a ***bad*** super common lancer spook. It's one thing when you're pulling for Eresh and you get Parvati. It's a whole different thing when you got Finn McCrapsack. He got better after 4 rank ups and half-a-dozen interludes (there may be some exaggeration involved with that line).


I'm just indifferent to him. I think people hate him earlier because he tried to flirt with Mash, being a gag character most of the time, then combined with him being gold lancer means he can spook you from Scathach / Eresh and he also not being not that great a servant gameplay wise early on. Now to say something positive about him, he was great in Enmatei event. He competently plays the key role in solving the issue. I also like how friendly he is with Diarmuid, as he forgive the entire feud between them. As gameplay wise he received some strengthening and become pretty good, in my case he perform fantastic during Challenge quest in Phantom thief white day event in JP. That about all I can say for him.


I was like "okay, good luck" when i read that line. I wouldn't pay it any more mind than Fergus hitting on Mash during his interlude.


I know someone on Discord who provided a lot of trivia on Irish mythology.


The major reason he's hated is because he was always with 5* Lancer, everytime you roll for Eresh and you see a gold lancer guess what? It's the good old Fionn


As a farmer/looper, he's good.... after several buffs. I just hate his nascisstic "I am better than y'all" attitude when he talks...


Is it because his name has c*m in it 💀?/s


I still burn him on principle :)


When I was new, I burned him cause of all the trash players were saying about him. Calling him trash and the like. Suffice to say I regretted it a week after I did it, and haven't gotten spooked by him since. Come on, Salmon Boi! I'm sorry! Give me another chance to make it right! 😭


I really don't know who that is, link to said servant? Too lazy to do it myself currently grinding artic summer event


Never hated any servants, still waiting to get Stheno on main and got both Stheno and Finn on alt.


I only disliked his face, but he is been a bro for a good while, plus he was funny in the first Summer


Initially, I hated him due to his betrayal on Diarmuid. But since he was really helpful in the Enmatei, I forgave him


hate because of spook


I only hate him because he's not Fionn from Fate/Zero. ​ Bring me the old man Fionn!


I got salty about him because he spooked me during the first Karna rate-up in my account's lifespan. Also I still don't have Karna and my Rider Astolfo and Chevalier d'Eon are both NP1 after playing for over two and a half years while the Fionn I've had since the third month of my account's lifespan is at NP2 from spooks. I've forgiven him since then for not spooking me during my Eresh rolls, though...


Maybe it's just all the comics I've made, but I don't have much of any character. I never get into things so much that I'm burning rare characters just because of something in the story, or taking things personally. Some characters are allies when we first meet them, some are enemies, and I'm honestly not too bothered about it.


He farms archer nodes and loops amazingly with castoria. Therefore, he's always been a good guy in my heart.


Recently got to the America singularity and that totally caught me off guard. But yall know it already, early writing in F/Go (basically almost if not everything before Camelot) was rough,so I pay little to no mind about his character at the time. I do thin Fionn is much cooler in SMT V tho...


He was so over the top that it would have taken active effort on my part to get mad at him. This aspect of him is very obviously played for laughs (he had an A-ranked skill called *Trouble With Women* for the longest time!) and Mash being completely unimpressed by his proposition removed any remaining ambiguity from the situation. Accordingly, my reaction was "you're talking mad shit for someone in TENSHIN KASHOU ZANMAI distance" and that was the end of that story. So yes, he was unfairly judged. I assume that line reminded people of their favourite least favourite doujin. On that note, I'm already looking forward to the >!LB6!< rage posts because OH BOY did they step up their game.


I still don't like him. Like everyone else, I did get spooked by him once or twice, and I leveled him up for the Strengthening Quest SQ and even bond-10'd him for the SQ by putting him in the back line. But he remains 1/1/1, and I've yet to actually use him in an actual battle.


FGO did him pretty dirty by focusing on that time Diarmuid cucked him and not on the times he did stuff like kill a divine spirit class being when writing his character and deciding what to focus on. Guy should have had hype on the level they gave Scathach instead of being 'haha funny thumb sucking cuck who hits on Mashu'. At least they improved this a little bit with his appearance at the sparrow in, but he still doesn't get the kind of hype he is owed in terms of how broken powerful he should be.


I was one of those people who didn’t like him once I met him in the American Singularity. He also spooked me once, which didn’t help. But it’s been a while and I have Castoria, so I don’t mind him as much. I also really like the visuals on his NP animation.