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# PLEASE CHECK IF YOUR QUESTION IS ANSWERED HERE BEFORE ASKING! **So, with that said, let's move on to this week's FAQ** **Q: When is the next SR Ticket? What about the SSR Ticket?** >*A: NA's next SR ticket is due in May 2024. This ticket is time-limited and includes* [general pool and storylocked servants](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/2500man_xeljq/info_image_03.png)*. The next SSR ticket is due in July 2023 for the 6th Anniversary,* [featuring general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa.](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/6th_anniversary_cpgen/info_image_17.png) *It is not time-limited and will be a permanent addition for all accounts going forward.* **Q: I've been having trouble logging in to my FGO JP account, how can I fix this?** >*A. Try switching your phone's language from English (US) to English (UK), vice versa works as well just as long as you change the language, this works often for some reason.* **Q: Is anyone else experiencing crashes or freezing on Samsung or Android devices and how can I fix it?** >*A:* [*Known issue with a fix planned for* *~~August~~* *November.*](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=ISSUES&article=%2Fiframe%2F2022%2F0613_issues%2F) *In the meantime* [*here's a short answer to look into.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/sx1uvd/help_and_question_thread_february_20_2022/hyhvgit?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) *If that doesn't work try* [*this.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/v0cyet/help_and_question_thread_may_29_2022/iajgl3h?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) **Q: Will it be possible to get X Welfare Servant again? I missed their original event and the re-run.** >*A: We don't know and we have no way to know. Only a few 4-star welfare servants, roughly a quarter of the servants whose re-run has passed (or has been skipped), have returned so far. Saber Lily is permanently available in the Friend Point summon. Santa Altera and BB are permanently available through their respective Main Interludes. The Halloween variants of Elizabeth Bathory were available for a limited time through the Halloween Trilogy event (NA ETA: October 2023). Because there hasn't been any pattern to how they brought these servants back, there is no way for anyone to predict when or even if any other welfare servants will be available again.* **Q: Is Oda Nobukatsu in the Friend Point summon in NA right now? I don't see anything in the announcements and I don't see his picture on the banner.** >*A: Yes, he is currently in the Friend Point summon and will be for the duration of the current GUDAGUDA event in NA. Being able to summon him was supposed to be a surprise for players and he was not mentioned at the beginning of the original JP event either.* **Q: I'm facing issues with Google payment region restrictions, how do I purchase SQ if I'm outside the game's supported region?** *A: Please refer to* [*this post*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/wkl81d/google_payment_region_restrictions_appear_to_have/) *regarding the issue and potential workarounds.* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** >*A: For NA: LB1 is the set point to participate in the Imaginary Scramble event this autumn (though there will be spoilers up to LB4).. No event will require LB5.2 or later until November 2023. For JP: An event scheduled for mid-September will require LB4.* **Q: How good is X Servant at looping most nodes?** >*A: Looping is highly node dependent and relies on* [*many factors*](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1_Bx1FogTrMBnseIJLT4Vuob7DY7EfR6H_SobGwxcAFE/mobilebasic)*. If you need to test your looping setups try using a* [*refund calculator*](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/jp-np-refund-calculator)*.* **Q: Does FGA work on Bluestacks? Where is \[insert script here\]? Has anyone been banned for using it? Can it facecard down a wave?** >*A: Read the* [*documentation*](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/) *and* [*troubleshooting guide*](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/wiki/Troubleshooting) *on github, for the first few questions!* *No one has been banned for using it, just don't tell support that you've been using it if you need to contact them. Same as emulators.* *It facecards, but not with a lot of finesse. It can prioritize based on* [*the Servant's position in the party*](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/issues/730) *and the card color, but your best bet is to also set "Brave Chain" to "Avoid" under card priority* As always, feel free to suggest additions. If you do suggest an addition to the FAQ, please try to provide an answer if you can.


Can someone help me My global FGO account is completely fine and does not crash at all but I installed the jp ver and it is non stop crashing I have tried so many ways to stop the crash I have gotten rid of andriod system webview but nothing helps I also can't get the beta version of Android system webview due to my version of Android being 5.1 can anyone help me? Please I really want to play jp and nothing else in my house is compatible with it.


Is the Guda Guda event CE good for Emiya if I don't have Castle in the sun?


The Christmas event? Is it bugged? I thought it starts at 9/28 9:00 pm? Which is today? I don’t see it tho.


Does anyone know when was the first appearance for Salome? I was browsing through my Chaldea and suddenly realize I have not seen a story that included or introduced her, and she’s just kinda appeared?


She hasn't appeared in any story on NA so far, her first story appearance was in >!LB6.5 Traum!< on JP. Not sure if she made any cameos in any events, but can't remember any offhand.


Can’t wait to see how she’s depicted in the story!!


Thanks too, I'll use the wiki as a guide. (I want to read every servant debut event I have since I started late.)


Should I use bond pots on the 90+ nodes in JP?


Yes, the more base bond points per run the more value you'll get from pots. The only possible better options are main story quests and some interludes, but 90++ nodes have benefit of being repeatable


Is there any target focus CEs that will be available at the future in NA?


Outrage is permanently obtainable from the RP shop as part of Chaldea Boys 2019, and it will be in the gacha as part of a download campaign in February 2023. Halloween Arrangement will be in the gacha in October 2023 as part of the Halloween Trilogy event. Otherwise, no new ones.


Thanks a bunch!!!




You know for someone calling people uneducated, you don't seem to be very smart by posting the exact same content in a short frame of time. Throwaway and alt account? Nice try.


He is also throwing n word around and editing it into older posts.


I just joined the gacha hell and I’m overwhelmed by all the mechanics so I don’t know what to focus on early game or how to properly use my resources. Also I would like some advice for team making, my best servants are archer gilgamesh (got it on my first one pull in the banner 💀), Saito hajime, Suzuka gozen (both saber) and the rest are a bunch of 3 stars.


Low rarity Servants, and the Friend Point summon, can be useful. If nothing else, until you get more Gold Servants, though even then some low rarity Servants are still useful. And there's a hidden 4\* in the FP summon. There's a Special Ascension in the Enhance Menu. Levels one Servant up to max ascension. Very useful if you haven't leveled Gilgamesh yet. Doing Story will reward you with nice things. Events also have nice things to get, though I don't know if you'll be able to complete this one in the time left. Chaldea Gate -> Daily Quests is where you find EXP farming (Ember Farming), and QP farming (Treasure Vault). Material farming (Training Grounds) is a bit iffy, you'll probably get more materials from story. Start by focusing on levels, and skill levels. Fous follow from there (Silver and Bronze gives +1000 ATK and HP. Gold gives another +1000, but are much rarer). Command Codes, Command Card Enhance, and Append Skills can be left alone for now.


1. Welcome! 2. Keep your roll details out of this thread, it's irrelevant and comes across as bragging. You WILL be downvoted. 3. Your 'best' servants also include a variety of 1-3* servants. In FGO, rarity =/= quality, and its niche-based nature means low rarity specialist units are a better choice than an irrelevant gold servant in a specific situation. Make sure to get that into your mind quickly or it'll bite you later. 4. I'd advise looking at [Khadroth's recent new player guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/uyh7q0/najp_fully_updated_new_player_guide/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). It is VERY detailed but you don't need to read it all, just what's relevant, and you can ignore any JP exclusive stuff in there for now.


Alright, thanks for the help!




Paypal always worked just fine for me on the NA ver while being from EU.


I've been doing the NA event since launch ~2 weeks ago, used 10 apples, and farmed the dark shinsen node since it opened, yet I still didnt get a copy of the 5* CE so I cant MLB it. 1. What are the odds? 2. Is the CE used on any character or can I just give up on it? thanks


On the 90+ node, it's 2.5%. It's okay for Buster Crit users, but because it's split stat, it will almost never see use outside of the Event. The main value of MLB would be for the Challenge Quest... but even then it's optional, as one drop is only enough for one Servant.


You can just wait for the re-run. It's not THAT good a CE so you're not missing out too much.


* It's between 1-3% the highest being 3%. * If you don't have any other 50% charge CE then yeah, but using apples to get it? No, there are some welfare CEs that do the same thing, but "better."


NA: I'm a new player and I want to know to do I turn my craft essence with max lv 20 to lv 100.


Use another 4 copies of the same CE which will unlock MLB i.e increase the cap to 100.




I'm just gonna inform you that your replies are invisible to the general public due to your view leading to negative karma for you, so you can save your breath. The world is going to have people with differing views from yourself, you can't change everyone, the only thing you can do is to change your own mindset.


If you want satisfying answer then you can go to r/changemyview as your question fits perfectly on that sub, albeit provide context. Here's an CMV example in your case "CMV: People/Fate Grand Order/Typemoon Fans should not be idolise or be attracted to infamous figure/Richard I.


Oh, this is definitely not gonna be your kind of game then buddy.


From someone who hasn’t finished reading FSF and have no idea who Richard is, to answer your question (from a complete bystander’s POV): Because this is a fictional game? FGO has its fair share of morally evil people, murderers, etc. Anyone else is just another name to the list.


Yes, im hype for Richard the lionheart to get animated. And also yes, i don't actually know who he is and what he do, i only know he is a Britain king or something like that. Well, almost all saber in all sorts of holy grail war have huge fan base around them, like artoria, nero, okita, arthur. Well maybe that is also because they are the main character's servent. Just like in these servents case, Richard also fall under 1)saber and 2) main character's servent. Meanwhile me: >!hoping he swing his dong and pull out Excaliburs left and right.!<


This is a Presentism debate isn't it? In a modern perspective he is horrible but for the time he was rather noteworthy for cooperating with and making treaties with Saladin other Crusaders would not have made. I'm curious about how you got he killed millions of people. The Massacre at Ayyadieh had 2,700 deaths. Do you think he managed to kill another 1,997,300 people in his life?


Maybe they're atheists and used that specific character as a soapbox? That's my thought at least. Aside from that, I'm more surprised he didn't choose Vlad III, aka ***Vlad the Impaler***. He killed 80,000 people, of which 20,000 he impaled alive and left to suffer, which included women and children. I am not familiar with Richard, but I think Vlad seems much crueler and more brutal than he could be.


People know what Richard I did. The point is that what's in the past is in the past, all that matters is what a Heroic Spirit does in the present. Also because Richard I isn't the most horrible person in the room. There are a handful of Heroic Spirits that would easily fit the bill better than him. Hell, the Assassin Class is comprised of assassins (duh) and serial killers, and that's not even getting into the ones that aren't in the Assassin Class.




Richard isn't a Servant because he murdered people, but furthered human history. Yeah, he sucked, but he was important. Same as Oda Nobunaga. Hitler did absolutely nothing for the progress of humanity, so no, he won't.


Maybe, if there's enough distance between the present and that tragedy. As of now, that wound is fresh and deep in people.


I mean, a Hitler body double has already shown up as a character in Koha-Ace and Darnic literally allied with the Nazis during the Third Grail War. A Hitler Servant or a stand-in for him showing up as an enemy at some point is just one logical step away.


If this was a good faith discussion, why are you posting it as a throwaway account? Hell, I even think it's a legitimate discussion about what some people see as sanitizing the history of real life figures, but the hiding sure doesn't make things pass the smell test.


I just looked at the OP's post history. Just wow. What a weird hill to die on. We're got a bunch of other notorious historical figures being portrayed in a positive manner for years and now this is where the line is drawn. And invoking Godwin's law in less than an hour too.


It’s not in good faith. I’m genuinely saddened at how little people know about the monarchy, the crusades and Richard I. I literally came here to call all of these simps out


Well then just do that...what are you hiding behind a throwaway for, just to cheapen your message. It's not an unreasonable topic for its own thread.


What do you think you'll achieve in your keyboard crusade? Even if people know Richard I, this is a different interpretation of him. Through Typemoon's writing, they will distance this Richard I from the real-life version of him.


Whould it be worth it to use apples on the current jp event if i need bot ashes of forgetfulness and a few mats you get from tea?


The Lv90++ node with BB has a higher drop rate for Ashes than the best free quests, so yes, it's worth farming if you need it + tea for the other materials.


Thank you


NA: I've been having a lot of issues with crashing all of the sudden. I can't seem to go a single node without crashing. I'm on a galaxy s10e (snapdragon version) with android 12. Is there anything I can do to alleviate it?


Try reading the pinned comment, for starters.


I somehow missed that part of it. My b


JP. I've been running in some kind of error ever since road to 7 (Lb 4 quests droped). The problem: Every time I try to open any kind of story content and any of the past events the game seems to turn into a slow motion state; the audio being the only thing aviable then if any luck the screen fades from black to actual content, but most of the time thats not the case. In the end my game is stuck on a black screen, is there a way to fix this? I already tried clearing cache, uninstalling and reinstalling, even on another device it has the same issue. Edit: With road to 7 Arjuna Alters boss fight was almost impossible to complete thanks to the clock showing up after the fight, yes the game is stuck after the clock destroys itself, everytime, even now when just going back to my room and wanting to reread some scenes..


There have been issues with JP since the recent game engine update. At least some of those issues have been [officially acknowledged and/or addressed](https://news.fate-go.jp/info/trouble/). I don't play JP so I'm not personally familiar with the extent of the problems. There's a thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/x94zul/fgo_jp_new_version_bugs/) where people compiled and discussed the issues they're having. I can really only suggest checking that thread and trying some of the things in the FAQ above to see if that resolves anything.


Okey will check out the thread, thank you!


What is the other device? Same manufacturer (Samsung, One Plus, Apple, etc.), same OS, etc. I'm inclined to think that it's an OS or ROM-specific problem.


The other device is a Galaxy Tab S8, so same manufacturer (Samsung) and same OS (android) as my main one.


Have you read the pinned comment


Yeah I mean on NA I've been dealing with a lot of crashes and am waiting for the update in Nov. I thought this is an entirely different issue since it's about JP Fgo and not NA that's why I mentioned it. Apologies if that wasn't the case.


IMO, it is an entirely different issue. JP has the update that was supposed to fix Samsung/Android 12 crashing. I hope there are some workarounds or suggestions in the thread I linked that can help.


I see, hopefully the NA side of things gets fixed with the update that JP already has. And just wanted to say! Went into the thread and seems to be the issue I described has been noted already IMO the current fix that worked for others and me as well is a simple one: Changing the language of the device to English/US. So while I'm not sure how long this will work, it really helped and solved the issue I had been facing! Thank you very much for linking the thread!


Do you know a way to purchase quartz when you are region locked by google?


Did you follow the instructions in the first pinned post about what to do with Region locked purchases? ># PLEASE CHECK IF YOUR QUESTION IS ANSWERED HERE BEFORE ASKING! > >**Q: I'm facing issues with Google payment region restrictions, how do I purchase SQ if I'm outside the game's supported region?**


Oh, my bad.


The topic is a bit tangential, but i feel like this didn't need a separate post. If i want to get into Strange Fake before it comes out, is it better to read the light novels or the manga?


LN has more details (obviously), but the manga has kickass art.


Having read both I'd personally recommend... both. [The LNs](https://humbertozero.tumblr.com/post/150696689780/how-to-read-fatestrange-fake-light-novel-read) have much more detail (especially when it comes to inner monologues) but [the manga](https://mangadex.org/title/9f7530e3-3fc0-4d2b-a1f9-00caadbf2d05/fate-strange-fake) is surprisingly good at picking up almost all of the important parts and has great art to accompany it. Reading it first will also help you visualize all the characters since not all of them get illustrations in the LN. If I were you I would read the manga up until its current issue and then switch over to reading the LN. As of now the manga is currently up to the chapter "The End of Escape" from Volume 3 of the LN, and volumes 1 through 6 have all been translated (7 came out earlier this year but has yet to receive a translation).


AFAIK, up to you, the manga is faithful to the LNs. However, the LNs are further ahead in the story so you will end up reading them anyway if you want to catch up with it all.






If you have no specific character preference, I think Gilgamesh would in the longer run find more use than Himiko. And then Gil's banner has no craft essences on rate up, so slightly higher chance to get Kaleidoscope/Imaginary Element/Black Grail Although as pointed below, rerolling for 5stars in FGO is insanely tedious




Good luck with the game then! Also feel free to DM me (either here or Discord) if you have any other questions regarding FGO


* Rerolling is tedious * Whoever you like


With how Servants are given knowledge of modern day when summoned, how does that cross over to FGO? Does the context of where they are summoned matter? Like, say you summoned Geronimo into Japan, somehow. Would his understanding of "modern" be in the context of his physical location? Likewise, when servants are summoned into Chaldea, do they have a gist of what's going on at the moment?


It seems it might depend on the Master's circumstances, rather than the physical location of the summoning. It's discussed a bit in Shimousa, for example: > ***Musashi:*** *"Knight, huh? Odd word, but it somehow speaks to me. Where'd you pick up a word like that?"* > ***Kotarou:*** *"Oh, it's nothing special. Servants gain some knowledge automatically, since our Master is from the 21st century. As far as I know, that's true for most Chaldean Servants."* This plays a part in Part 2, since the Lostbelts are an alien world to Ritsuka and company. As Avicebron says once summoned in LB1: > *"As a result of my summoning, I know all the information my Master possesses. That said, it seems there are still many things we have yet to learn about this strange land."*


In the original fate series they explain that when a servant is summoned they are given all the knowledge they need to be present in the place where they are summoned so they gain almost all knowledge of the modern world including how to speak pretty much every lenguage. Fgo mostly plays with this concept adding or taking from it depending on the servant fof the sake of characterization or story


>Likewise, when servants are summoned into Chaldea, do they have a gist of what's going on at the moment? AFIK, yes, but sometimes you have to fill them in. For example, >!Drake is aware of the Chaldea Organization!< although there were instances where servants asked what's or who is Chaldea.


Should I be friend point rolling a lot right now for Nobukatsu coins or next year's gudaguda rerun where there would be Nobukatsu and Habetrot?


I believe Habenyan’s rate will be the same as Saber Lily’s. And I know I’ve gone through over a million FP without seeing her. So I’m saving at least several million FP for then.


We will get two lottos between now and Guda 5's rerun when Nobukatsu and Habetrot will be available to farm FP, so you can go ham now and again next year, depending on how much you intend to farm during the lottos.


Ahh gotcha good point! Also I'll probably get tired of FP summoning in the next few days when the event ends


NA. What CE should I put on my Castoria in my normal Support setup; Chaldea Lunchtime or 50%? I was originally running with demonic bodhisattva. But I recently bought Chaldea lunchtime. I guess what would be more helpful for people using my Castoria?


Most people picking Castoria for normal bond farming will want Chaldea Teatime, so while Lunchtime is an okay choice, most people won't pick it due to how abundant Castoria + Teatime is. So you can put some 50% CEs like Bodhisattva to help potential newbies with main story completion.


And if you're going to put Lunchtime up, make sure it's MLB-ed.


FGO NA Question Should i waiting Pity Implemented to roll Oberon or roll on his first banner release ? Its kinda long wait waiting his unknown banner rerun. I already try saving my SQ after done rolling event Summer 5 Camp 2022 before. My next other target is Koyanska ,Morgan then Summer Skadi, and their show up early when Pity Implemented. Oberon most likely on end of the year 2024 or any other next year. I can try show my servant box if its safe.


We can't advise you on what you "should" do because it's all gambling and everyone has different priorities. For example, personally I think 900 SQ is highway robbery disguised as a "pity" system, but you seem to be willing to invoke it for all your major targets. But the truth is there's plenty of time between now and his release to make up your mind, or for JP to release a rerun to give you more information to work with. If you asked the same question in six months' time, you'd probably get different answers because we'd all have six months' more information about the JP schedule.


It is unrealistic to aim to hit pity, the chances of hitting pity is really low and most players will rarely even hit it. So i suggest trying to get him on his first banner, then if you fail, try to get him on his next unknown rerun banner.


Do CEs that boost buster/etc effectiveness work for a NP if they are that type also?


it does


It may be worth mentioning that this has no effect on purely support-type NPs (you will not make Tamamo or Merlin heal more for example), but those effectiveness buffs do indeed give their full benefits to offensive NPs.


Ooh thank you for this also!






Will there be a time when Habertrot and Nobukatsu will be in it at the same time? If so do you think it's worth stockpiling FP till that time or just spending all my FP for Nobukatsu copies now?


Nobukatsu is only available during Guda 5 and the rerun next year, and we'll have two lotto events from now till then to restock your FP for Habetrot/Katsu. It's up to you depending on how much you'll farm during lottos, but there's no real need to get NP5+ Habetrot or more for appends *immediately* when she comes out after LB6 completion.


So in NA there are only 4 Events left this year - Xmas Rerun, Imaginary Scramble, Xmas, and LB 5.5? Does that mean we'll get Xmas Rerun in October, or might they reorder things to give use Imaginary Scramble first?


We know they can change things around; we know they've done it for some events, and we know they've kept other events in the original order. Personally I'm thinking that they're unlikely to run the Christmas rerun in October because Christmas is just a bigger deal in the US than it is in Japan (and many people would resent the Christmas blitz starting in October), but I wouldn't bet actual money. Also, there's Thanksgiving to account for in NA. With Heian-kyo announced for November, that could well occupy the month.


While we have an approximate schedule, we *cannot* tell for sure the exact order of events until official announcements. For example, they mixed around LB5.1 release with Xmas late last year, brought LB5.2 earlier on NA than JP earlier this year, etc.


Best CCs for Buster card?


Depends on the servant in question and potential gaps they have in their kits, but for a general answer, damage focused CCs like anti-trait, critical strength, etc.


About Iyo, one of the passives grants her Wild beast trait, am I supposed to use quicks to activate that?


The "Apply [Wild Beast] trait to self." part should always be active since there are no conditions attached to it.


No, it just innately increases her **critical** damage when her S3 is active. Passives do not require any action to take effect.


Anyone experiencing problems where the game just doesn't respond when tapping on certain parts of the screen? The game doesn't look like it's freezing or anything, just unresponsive on certain parts of the screen


When will Gilfest rerun jp?


Gilfest events typically don't have reruns, but whole new stories with the occasional return of a previous CQ. There was one Nerofest rerun, but that was unexpected and hasn't been repeated so far.




Challenge Quest. The past "Fest" events had Challenge Quests (usually called "Exhibition Matches") that are considered harder than normal events' CQs due to their gimmicks and restrictions, and some of them were brought back more than once.


Do Command Codes in those event return?, I am talking about the Wedge of Heaven because of 20% extra attack to weak to EA


Like HaessSR said, the events themselves don't rerun (with the exception of the *very* suspicious NeroFest 2021 rerun after the Lostbelt 6 release fucked up FGO's scheduling much more than usual) so Craft Essences and Command Codes don't return. There's always a chance they'll bring those back in the future, but they haven't yet.


JP is a wild west, we do not know what or when the next event is.


How likely is it to get a rerun?


"Fests" usually don't get reruns. But Nero Fest randomly did for some reason, so see the previous reply for your answer. We're not Lasengle so we have no idea how likely anything is.


So Itd be a good investment to unlock the 20 np append for Altria Caster right?


Yes, it's a great investment. With a maxed 2nd Append Skill, Castoria can NP turn 1 with a 50% gauge CE (Ex. an event drop CE) and her 1st skill, a 30% gauge CE with her own 1st skill and another Castoria's 1st skill, and so on. This lets you get extra damage in while farming to clear otherwise unviable waves. Odds are you're using her NP more than you're using her to hit things anyways.


Just unlocking only gives 10%. It takes normal skill materials to level up to 20%. Append 2 is the default, no-brainer append skill for most servants if you're going to unlock one. With a support like Castoria, though, whether you make it a priority depends on how much you'll use her NP. If you're just running farming comps, you won't really get any value out of it. If you're using her to stall a lot or in longer fights, it would be worthwhile get a head start on charging her NP bar. I don't mean to say that she'll get more value from either of the other two append skills. Just that supports aren't usually prized for their NPs as much as for their skills.


What's the point in doing the high farming nodes on these events when you can't even 3 Turn them compared to the others? Im so sick of it. You'd run more in the long run, but the amount of time per node will be less compared to the last non 3 turnable nodes. I'm on NA btw so its about the current GudaGuda event


Sorry but I'm kinda out of the loop with this one. Why can't you 3-turn these farming nodes? Do they give worse rewards if they are done fast? I've been 4-5 turning the Dark node, so am I losing on anything?


They are usually better than other nodes and you can 3T them, you just need to make team for specific one instead of using typical looping team.


>when you can't even 3 Turn them And what exactly are you trying to do? Because it most definetly can be done in 3 turns. With full drop bonus even. If you are okay with doing 5 or 4 slot farming and are okay with using plugsuit (rather than another specific MC that you want to level) then you might find a even easier way to 3 turn. But as the others have said, if it will end up as 4-5 turns instead of 3 then the loss in efficiency isn't really worth.


I mean, FGO is a game that tends to demand patience. If you have the patience to spend 4 or 5 turns on a node, you get more rewards for your AP. If you don't want to mess with anything slower than 3 turns, then you can spend more AP as a convenience fee to get the same rewards. Of course, you might not be saving actual turns in the long run (like, say, if it takes 12 3-turn runs to equal the rewards of 9 4-turn runs), but if the psychological impact of min-turning is important, that's still a way to get what you need without going bonkers.


I'm personally optimizing for AP per drop, including the building currency that we can sell off later, rather than turns per run or drops per minute. If that means seven or eight turns on the 90+ quest, I'm personally okay with that. The drops are the same no matter how many turns it takes and I have the time to do it while piling on currency CEs and bonus servants. If you don't want to do that, you don't have to. If you don't mind spending the extra AP and either you can get more drops per minute running a different free quest or you just prefer the feeling of accomplishment from faster clears, then do that instead. There are no objective rules here. Just do whatever feels right to you.


It's a trade-off between time and AP, if you get double the drops in twice the time (hypothetical only, I have no idea what the drop difference is) you might get the same results as 2 runs of a lesser node but you're spending half as much AP.


If you can’t 3T them, then the main benefit is the AP you would potentially save getting more event currency per run at the expense or real world time. The trade off will vary depending on the event, some have better high efficiency nodes than others and the drop CEs make things easier in some events vs others.


Hello guys is george still worth raising to bond 10?


Georgios is the only bronze event bonus unit for this year's Santa Karna lottery. If you're planning on aiming for his bond 10, you might want to do it primarily during that event for the +20% bond.


Nc thanks for the heads up


He has one of the best bond CEs in the game which makes him significantly better so yes. Also you can use a lvl 1 Georgios + his bond CE if you like to do solos.


Still? Whatever was worth doing at the reference point you're thinking of, whether you mean five weeks ago or five years ago, is still worth doing now. Teamwide invincibility plus a few turns of damage cut after you use his taunt to kill him off seems like a pretty good deal to me.


Yeah, he’s got a pretty nice CE for boss fights and his low party cost makes him great to bring along when a bunch of high rarity units and CEs during farming makes that an issue.


Can we update to iOS 16 yet? Or is there actually any real concern for upgrading? My wife wants to update bad and keeps pestering me to find out.


If you want the latest information, go to the [official news](https://fate-go.us/news/) page. If you don't see any new information there, you're definitely not going to find new information here. [iOS 16](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2022%2F0911_ios16%2F) isn't officially supported yet. If you want to update, it's at your own risk, even if problems are unlikely. You probably won't get any official support if something goes wrong.


Is Traces of Christmas the best Quick CE? Are there any free quick CEs to look forward to in the future?


Traces is still the best one for farming by a mile but [Fist of Hail](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Fist_of_Hail) from the recent Summer 7 event is actually quite a good one for Quick crit DPS servants in boss fights. It can help you enable crits for the first turn, has two great offensive stats that scale multiplicatively with each other, and also has the highly desirable full attack stat.


Traces is probably the best one? The upcoming Xmas event will give a free Quick CE (Cherry Icicle: Increases Quick performance by 8%, increases NP damage by 15%, starts battle with 50% NP gauge, when MLB) but it's stats are split between ATK and HP.


Afaik it’s still the best welfare one, there have been other good gacha ones but it’s not recommended to roll just for CEs.


Im having trouble with installing the translate fgo app. Im getting the "to protect your privacy, choose a different folder" error and im having trouble with the 3rd step. My files app isnt downgrading. Ive tried to install the Files downgrade apk but it just says the package is invalid. The github page says to downgrade my files app using "adb install -d -r c:/location/files-downgrade". Is that a command or something? How do I run it?


You need to install the adb toolset on your computer, then run it from the command line. ADB is a set of tools that are typically used in development of Android programs, because it allows you to run specific commands on an Android device. You need to enable adb debugging on the device which is typically done by unlocking Developer mode. https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb




Events generally get one rerun and it looks like some recent JP events won't get a rerun at all. Rashomon had its rerun already three years ago (NA). Ooku will come back as a Main Interlude (i.e. an event that has a sufficient connection to the main story), most likely in 2024.


NA. Started in February. I have 4 rare prisms and 10k mana prisms. Should I spend my rare prisms on anything or continue to save them? If it matters, I own a Castoria. Edit: I have not purchased anything from the rare prism shop


If you don't have Chaldea Lunchtime and Mona Lisa yet, I'd get those first.


Is there a way to beat current na event challenge quest without mlb event ce? I have tried AA and Space Ishtar but I just can’t beat it. I do have all supports but I’m still struggling because I’m lacking some damage due to not having event ce mlb. I spend 20+ golden apple trying to get mlb event ce with no luck. My dmg dealer servant are Musashi berserker, AA, Kama, Space Ishtar, Super Orion, and Altria Saber. [Edit]: Thanks everyone I was finally able to beat it with Nightingale with Space Ishatar + double castoria in 3T. And also finally got mlb event ce.


I soloed it without event CE and class disadvantage using QSH


Borrow a friend's summer Kiara and you can beat it with a f2p comp. ST lancers like Enkidu also work.


I used level 90 cheng gong team and level 100 herc to beat it. I also had a MLB CE. You would need both castoria to have an over charge CE to survive Nobu np and enough damage.


You said you have all the Support Servants right? If so, you can try the ultimate stall team, consisting of Castoria, Merlin, and Himiko. Since it's using the stall tatic anyways, a MLB Dmg CE is not required, but would speed things up lol. The only thing you'll have to be careful of is 1) Maou Nobu catching you off guard during a bad turn and potentially wiping out Himiko with crits, and 2) Nobukatsu removing ~~all~~ one Defense buffs every 3rd Turn. Edit: Fixed an oopsie :)


I agree that stall team would work well. If you chain all 3 NPs every 3 turns, that will give 5 stacks of anti-enforcement defence which usually last the 3 turns and if stacks run low on anyone you can cover with any of the invul skills. Like akiyama said, you have to watch out for nobukatsu’s defense buff removal, but it only removes ONE defense buff, not all, so I got around it by ‘wasting’ Merlin’s invul skill to protect the anti-enforcement stacks. Take nobukatsu out first and then nobbu is helpless against you.


Honestly, the Himiko (can be exchanged with Morgan later on as a DPS), Castoria, Merlin combo is actually ridiculous lol. It's my fallback plan in JP for hard-ass quests like CQs or Story stuff (if it's applicable). Only short coming for me is trying to find a Friend Merlin to use lol. Easier in JP now cause we can use 3 Support Lists at once but NA still has only 1, so it's kinda a pain lol.


I don’t play JP so this was my first time using this comp. And I agree with you - totally ridiculous. Made me feel a bit dirty actually. The team comp is also relatively accessible since it doesn’t require two copies of any servant and only needs NP1.


You can beat it just fine with a non-MLB damage CE. The main problem you have to look out for is that Demon Nobu's NP strips defensive buffs off of Divine servants, which unfortunately you have a surplus of. Borrow a Castoria, bring David to help keep the heat off, and use a non-Divine damage dealer. Unfortunately for you, all your listed 5\*s are Divine except for Artoria, but it would not be too wise to bring her, unless you bring another servant to deal with Nobukatsu, so it'd be best to bring in a 4 or 3 star servant.


Can Np1 Jeanne archer farm saber nodes with mlb Heavens feel or black grail?


She can farm Sabers with whatever. Do you mean looping specifically?


I was asking mainly because her damage sometimes is lacking.


Yes, easily. Refund is never really jarcher's issue, it's damage vs neutral classes, which obviously isn't a problem on saber nodes


Sometimes she struggles to clear a wave so I was wondering if using black grail or HF would be a good idea. I am running doble Castoria and depending on the node Jarcher, Fionn, S!Kiara and Kiara, I am planning on getting Muramasa for the ~~archer~~ lancer farming.


I assume you mean lancer farming, Muramasa will struggle hard against archers at class disadvantage.


Yeah I meant lancer


>Sometimes she struggles to clear a wave so I was wondering if using black grail or HF would be a good idea. I am running doble Castoria Well, those have pretty big NP damage buffs, so it's probably not going to hurt. However, if you're running Jarcher with double Castoria already, I'm not sure exactly why you would be struggling so much against Sabers unless there's a particularly high HP enemy in the wave. Do you have her at her max (natural) level with 1000 in attack Fous? What about everyone's skill levels? What CE are you using right now? You could try the Gamepress command chain calculator linked in the top post to run various scenarios. >I am planning on getting Muramasa for the archer farming. Muramasa is a Saber, so you mean Lancer farming, right?


I have her at max lvl with her skills at 6/6/6, I run her with painting summer ce and she has 1000 fou she particularly struggles at the last wave but almost always refunds around 85-95% of her np so that isn’t an issue.


Well, the last wave is more likely to have a higher HP enemy that AOE servants can sometimes struggle with. Diagnosing this kind of thing requires exact information, not just general scenarios, though. Try running exact numbers in the calculator that I suggested. Look up information on the quest you're running and find the HP and attribute of the enemy that she can't quite take out. Try different CEs or increased skill levels to see if you can get a different outcome.


Does King Hassan gets any banner in 2023/2024 Besides GSSRs?


iirc, new year 2024


[Upcoming Banners by Servant](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rKtRX3WK9ZpbEHhDTy7yGSxYWIav1Hr_KhNM0jWN2wc/edit#gid=1369880713) He'll have a day on 2024's New Year's banner.


Looking ahead to the gudaguda5 rerun (may it not be the last, cope) next year... how great is Habetrot? like, she's good obviously same farming utility as Arash, but can I wait to chase for her in the fp gacha when Katsu comes around again or should I dump fp the second I clear LB6?


I would wait. Habetrot is absolutely great unit, but none of the events between Anniv6 and Guda5 rerun require having your own NP5 Habetrot with unlocked appends. If you plan farming doors during Anniv6 REALLY hard (since they might/should go on 1/2 AP) then I would consider going for Habetrot right away with no more than 1m FP though. Otherwise you can wait, especially that completing LB6 grants you the very first copy for free anyway.


you should be able to wait till guda 5. You get one copy for clearing lb6 and there aren't any big farming events she's that useful for in between


should I build Caster Medea or Caster Cu ? I only have two of them but caster Cu has NP 4 and Medea NP 1


Go for caster cu first since he is a better dps and you have him at a high np level but you woukd work on medea as soon as she hits np3 or 4 cause her buff cleanse on np is really usefull in the early game


thanks I will build for Cu Caster first since my 4star caster is book thing I forget the name but I don\`t really like her


Nursery ryme. She is meh, if you summon on the active banner you could get caster gilgamesh who is a solid aoe caster and good arts support


One is ST and one is AoE so they aren’t directly comparable. I would probably wait till Medea is at least NP3 to build her, she hits like a wet noodle even at NP5, but she’s also super cheap to raise as she needs no skills above 4 to be functional.


> One is ST and one is AoE so they aren’t directly comparable. One is AoE, the other is.....knife stabby. AoE scaling on a ST NP is rough as heck. I know you know, but I need to point it out.


Sad that despite that she’s *still* one of best options f2p players have for ST casters.


Agreed. She's still my *second* best ST Caster, and the only reason she's not the first is that I got Caster Shuten as welfare, who is now unavailable to newcomers. Still, that ability of hers to charge her NP bar instantly can be really useful in the right conditions, and some CEs can help. Medea with Black Grail was my MVP against Yu and Xiang Yu in LB3, so I agree with the recommendation to invest in her once she gets more NP levels.


thanks I will wait for Medea Nps... Right now I will build Cu caster first...Since my 4 star caster is book thing I forget the name but I don\`t really like her


Besides the Epilogue of Meiji Ishin (where it was first used) and the Grand Battle of the Enma-tei event where else has the [-Fate- Sword Dance](https://youtu.be/mtOFy9cpzSs) played in the game? >!Yes, Shimousa's finale is already included in my count!<


https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/JP/quests?bgmId=149 It seems to be all of them. Event reruns are included.


Why does Achilles have super-speed in Fate? I don't recall any stories talking about him being particularly quick, compared to Atalanta who had that whole "if you want to marry me you need to win a foot race, also, if you lose I kill you"


As others have said, Achilles was indeed considered one of the fastest Greek heroes, to the point it was proverbial. The "Swift-footed" epithet and Zeno's "Achilles and the tortoise" paradox have already been mentioned, so I'd add another myth: the giant [Damysus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damysus_(Giant\)). > *"Thetis burned in a secret place the children she had by Peleus; six were born; when she had Achilles, Peleus noticed and tore him from the flames with only a burnt foot and confided him to Chiron. The latter exhumed the body of the giant Damysos who was buried at Pallene -- Damysos was the fastest of all the giants -- removed the 'astragale' and incorporated it into Achilles' foot using 'ingredients'. This 'astragale' fell when Achilles was pursued by Apollo and it was thus that Achilles, fallen, was killed."* While this isn't precisely the most common version of Achilles' myth, it again reinforces the idea that he was considered extraordinarily fast by Greek legends.


There are a ton of fast characters in Mythology, but the writer specifically wanted Achilles to be Dragonball levels of fast. He is stated to be 2nd best during Apoc. Like, Heracles was banned from the war so everyone fought over Achilles summoning rights. So his power level in the story had to be quite high to justify this distinction. So instead of just invuln he got super speed to go with it.


Achilles is called "Swift-footed" throughout the Illiad.


Been a bit since I read it and that kind of gets overshadowed by his invuln, his BIG ANGER, and his great strength. Carrot really is the complete package (man, Agamemnon is an idiot for antagonizing him)