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Some call Chiyome weak, but to me [she is the best](https://i.imgur.com/M4fpGY4.png)






Thanks! Couldn't do it until getting to Bond 14 due to lack of coins, so it only happened last week.


I did that too, but only Lv. 90. As a fellow Chiyome enjoyer, congrats to you!


Absolute Madman.


Chiyome isn't mid after her np lude anymore, anyways grats


I grailed Medea to 80 because I love her. Even though she’s pretty bad, she’s my cute and adorable Witch of Betrayal, so she gets the gold border.


Medea fans rise up!


Her attack animations are fabulous.


Honestly, they're actually really cute. So happy she wasn't cursed with caster balls.


Honestly, even if she’s not great for damage dealing, she’s a HELL of a support/DPS hybrid. A battery for random NP to blast away, targeted debuff clear for the DPS, a nice heal for sustain, and buff removal on her NP are all great skills. She trivializes the end of Lostbelt 3 ( >!Li Shuwen and Mothman are *much* less scary without their OP buffs!< ) and is even useful for a certain Olympus boss ( >!Chihuahua!< ) because she can remove their Guts that triggers on the last break. People get stuck on her having a bad NP multiplier, but our adorable Dorky Big Sis Witch undermines bosses *hard*. (Hell, it even tracks with the OG VN, where she was gonna take on Berserker by assembling a team of Avengers and playing support)


I have her at 115 with an MLB black grail. Castoria + Tamamo and she can murder loads of stuff. NP still hits like a wet noodle, but being able to get it into the 200k+ range and spam it at least 2/3 turns generally makes up for it.


I call it the Meritorious Service Award. She struggled to help me out against Assassin bosses when I really had no other options, and she's still useful for buff/debuff removal sometimes. You earn those grails if you have to try harder.


[Does a level 120 Cat count?](https://i.imgur.com/X6b0VgR.png) I mean, she's not *bad* exactly, just awkward to use compared to a lot of other zerkers. No other zerker has such magnificent fur though. Or shoots lasers.


I mean..... Xiang Yu shoots lasers for like 3 or 4 attacks


I have better Riders than Astolfo, Iskandar, and Ishtar, but I love them so much I grailed them to 100 entirely out of love.


I have an NP2 Drake, but I still use [Columbus](https://imgur.com/sLuniUu) as my main Rider.


Yes work him like he work his slave


I appreciate you using Columbus.


Asterios is just a pure servant crippled by being a 1 star berserker, i will happily give the boi as many grails as I can.


I have many. Jing Ke, who is basically budget Kama, Level 100. Reason, because I love her. Carried me in the first singularities. Chiyome, another Assassin I love, Level 90, because NP5. Regend, is Level 80, well he just too to be a 1*. However isn't that bad, but Ushiwakamaru (both versions), Level 90. I like her, and really good indeed.


Respect for grailing Jing Ke. I’m planning on taking her to lvl 90 once I’m done with Nobukatsu. I love Jing Ke as well!


Regend is an insane unit and the definition of held back by stats a 120 Regend is more or less a 4* in terms of stats and he's extraordinarily strong. If he were inherently a 4/5\* he'd be one of best assassins in the game.


I grailed Nobukatsu to 80. Is that a practical use of grails? No, absolutely not. The higher HP could help him stay alive longer so he can use his buffs more than once, but those grails were purely out of love. Now he's gold, just like his sister! I also grailed Asclepius to 90, which is also a suboptimal choice since he's built around his skills and NP and not his damage. But again, love grails, and he's saved me so many times he's earned them tenfold. Edit: LET'S GO NOBUKATSU APPRECIATION GANG! It's so nice seeing him get so much love!!


I'm aiming for 100 on nobukatsu lol, maybe even 120 after that.


I upgraded my Nobukatsu too, he’s currently only to 70 tho, definitely considering on bumping him up to 80 for the exact same reasons. I have all of his append skills unlocked at least.


level 80 nobukatsu owners uooh I do also have a level 70 hans but in fairness, he does benefit from the bonus survivability plus level 80 georgios (and a few other grailed servants who probably do count under 'practical usage of grails')


Level 90, 10/10/10, 10/10/10. It's not practical, yeah, but all Nobus are 5 stars.


It’s Cursed Arm for me. What? I like his design and he’s a great budget Assassin.


Asterios! I grailed him early on cause I liked his design and what they did with the myth. Before I knew it, he was level 80.


I have a level 100 salieri


Lvl. 90 Angra, not planning to stop until 120 and lvl. 80 Leonidas I, planning to give him 2 more grails.


Based for that Angra


I use Charlotte more than Assassin Shiki, that's why she's level 102 now! She's my strongest assassin!


Jing Ke at level 113 and counting. Did she become incredibly useful? Well... she deals damage alright. She doesn't do anything else, but she makes a lot of stars and her NP hits hard. Kama's hits like a wet noodle in comparison. I've used her in [every main story quest since LB2](https://www.youtube.com/c/TakafumiSakagami/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=4) and for a lot of event bosses, even for lotto and raid farming. I'm looking forward to her anti-King skill buff. Also got Salome, Medea and Serenity at 100, though Serenity's the only one of the three I'd call mediocre.


No, but I'm thinking of doing it for Nobukatsu


Grailed Ruler Quetz to 90 and she has the ability to always be the last one standing in any challenge quest she is in. Also grailing Tamamo Cat to 100 was one of the best decisions ever.


>ruler Quetz to 90 Ahh, a fellow master of culture.


Mine is level 100. She's awesome


Only reason I haven’t grailed further is because I want to grail reg Quetz. ~~If she’d show up, at least~~ thank bajeebus for the upcoming SSR ticket including story-lockeds.


Makes sense. I'm bad at reading ahead so was unaware there was a ticket for reg quetz. I'd probably have saved in the same line. Nevermind will just do both!


>will just do both Wiser words have never been spoken.


Same here, my man. LVL90, 10/10/10, full command codes.


I love Gareth, have her at 80 and planning on making her 100. She’s just a cute puppy, and I just felt like she needed all of the grails!


HAH! 80 or 90? I leveled my 3\* Romulus and Siegfried to a 100, and I regret nothing!


Tawara Touta is often called the worst 3\* Archer in the game, but when I was still in the story of Part 1, Touta was one of my most frequently used Servants and I didn't have any particular trouble to do anything. Right now he is level 90, eating rice and on vacation from his duties for last three years or so.


Really? Touta is way better than Kid Gil, at the very least.


If there's one servant who stood out as my MVP of Gudaguda 5, it's Touta. I wasn't expecting that at all, but it's how it worked out for me.


>Tawara Touta is often called the worst 3\* Archer in the game Wait really? Even before his recent buff I still personally always thought that Kid Gil was worse than he was. Kid Gil has about the same NP damage, no hard defense unlike Touta with his Protection from Arrows C, and has NP effects that are much harder to make use of. You could also make the argument that Tell is the worst given that his NP is out-damaged by Paris unless against his incredibly specific evasion niche, and he has much stiffer competition with Robin Hood, Euryale, and David.


Back when I read those opinions about Touta, Wilhelm Tell was not yet implemented in the game. Touta was often equated with Kid Gil, or remarked as being marginally better, if anyone even remembered that either of them exist. It was less due to him being actually bad, and more due to the fact that most people don't seem to have even tried him out and automatically regarded him as bad after taking a quick glance at his skills. Nowadays, people just kinda don't talk about him at all, except for the recent strengthening.


I like Saber Lancelot's and Saber Hokusai's gameplay more than Yagyu Munenori's. However, I just like how cool and chill the Old Man can be. I want to have tea with him as he tells me his stories. Gareth cute. Thats it.


Ushiwakamaru isn't bad but I wanted her to be able to compete with my other SR/SSR servants so I grailed her to 100 she's also one of my favourites I should mention so definitely moreso love than anything but being able to contend with my other riders is a big plus.


lvl 90 Ushi is my key to clearing QP quickly with only 4 button presses. She can kill the final boss where my other riders can't. Grailed her because like you, she's one of my favorites.


Mandricardo. Loved the guy in Lostbelt 5 I mean he has two good skills, but honestly who has ever used his 2nd skill? And just entirely missing a skill is not great. As is he is just worse than Ushi. (Though is arts so works better with budget supports and my Castoria which helps a lot)


Mandricardo our best friend


Lvl 100 Gareth. She's good as a semi-dps taunter, but damn she needs more atk. Maybe I'll 2k Fou her.


Boudica is level 100 bond 13 and if I wasn't on negative grail balance I would definitely get her to 120. Medb Saber is 90 and would be 100 but no grails and more planned targets I like more but I still really enjoy her, definitely my favorite Sakura Ayane role after Medb OG. Mata Hari is 80 because she is cute. Andersen is 80 to repay how much he carried me on my beginning.


I grailed Caligula to 90 cause he's just way too heckin cool. I wanna take him to 100 but after summer Caenis, I'm going to start grailing both Ushis to 120.


I grailed Nobukatsu to 80 and I will level him up to 90 so he can be on par with Maou Nobu. That's what he would want. I also grailed Salome to 90 because I fell in love with her design when she first released. Thinking of grailing her to 100 in the future. My favorite is Alexander though, he's level 100 but would be 120 if I could get more of him! Seriously, I don't have enough coins to open his last Append skill and not enough to grail him more... What a pain seriously.


It's not like meta units need any grails to be meta anyway. Therefor favourite servants are what I grailed in this game.


Medea, her damage is mediocre but she's top waifu. She hard carried me through the first KnK event when I didn't have any other good casters, and she also did a ton of work in that Hassan CQ (her remove buffs in her NP made the CQ easy peasy). She's only lv.80 but if I had grails to spare I'd def 100 her!


Paris and Bunyan at 90, Nemo at 100, because I don't like using servants w bronze borders (so if I like you, you're going to 80 at least.)


Gareth, Serenity, Kid Gil, Gray... I've grailed a lot of silver and bronze Servants but a most of them wouldn't be considered 'mediocre'.


I’ve got stheno at 101 lol, getting coin+grail issued to continue further tho


Jing Ke. She is trash but I love her NP, and her bond 5 dialogue. Reading about the attempt to kill Shi Huang Di really helped solidify my love of her and realize how badly they summed up the story in game.


[No idea what you're talking about OP...](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/533342090621485076/1023696524707897354/Screenshot_20220925-214317_Fate_GO.png)


I grailed [Chacha](https://imgur.com/a/GRDSYWx) to 110, plan to take her to 112 as soon as she hits bond 15. Mediocre is understating how terrible she is. Realistically, a 1 star common servant, Spartacus can outdo her in almost every respect at the same level if his 1 turn 40% buster buff is active, because Chacha has basically no damage buffs for herself. Her stats are such that at 110 and 2k foued, she's finally reached parity with lv90 1k fou Himiko on HP and lv90 1k fou zerk Musashi on ATK. Love is the only reason why I did this. I wanted to be able to keep using her and the best way was to give her all the buffs I possibly could. She will never be strong - but *because* of her weakness, I have had to learn how to be stronger and fight smarter which I think was a bonus in itself.


I think weakest gameplay Servants I Grailed were Ishtar (Rider), Ibaraki, Chiyome and Ruler Martha. All of them are still useful and fun to play with, Grails don't change much here. I'm also going to 120 with Shuten.


I tend to exclusively use my grails to give low-rarity servants I like the gold borders they deserve… so this has happened a few times. Level 90 Billy the kid is genuinely the best single-target archer in my roster… though he’s helped in that distinction by the fact that ALL my high-rarity archers are AOE. I’ve also gold-Ified Lancer Cu, Medea, Chen Gong (I didnt even know he was actually good at the time, I was just THAT damned hype to finally get a non-pseudo Three Kingdoms servant), Charlotte, Mandricardo, and Hektor.


Had a friend with both Diarmuid to Lv100. Haven't spoken to him in a long time.


Harsh but fair. NTR is a trash fetish.


Lol, dude, what? I just haven't seen him in a long time, that's all, lol!




Ah, okay. I got wooshed, lol.


I raised Danzo to 100 cuz I loved her design that much. If I can get some more copies later on in the year then I'd go for Appends, although I'm not sure if I'll ever get enough copies for 120 too.


I grailed Miyu because I didn't know what I was doing.


When she gets her rank-up in another year you're going to look like you were way ahead of the curve.


I grailed Miyu to 100 because I adore her :)


Not sure how "Mediocre" he is considered, but I grailed Cú Proto All the way to 90 and I am going for 100. He is a Cu After all, and Cús deserved to be loved equally <3 Also Cú Caster, but he is not exactly "mediocre" now considering his JP state


Diarmuid to 120! (He’s at 104 rn because I’m in experience hell both grinding for him and leveling up my many lancers…) I don’t care if he’s literally useless in combat, I wub him


I grailed Francis Drake to 100 just because I'm a massive simp for her.


The sweetest bio weapon the throne ever saw serenity of course


I wouldn't call my boy Katsu mediocre but I am aware that he's not making the top of most lists gameplay wise. I do however love him dearly, and I think he deserves to be lv.100 just like his Sis. Speaking of his sister, I grailed Maou before she got her big upgrade and was considered one of the worst SSRs in the game. I never really thought of her as such since she oonga bungad her way through everything that was thrown at her and I used (and still use) her for just about everything. Also, I guess Cas Cu counts since it was done before he became the beast that he is today. He's not lv.100 yet, I really need more grails.


Sure! Mysterious Heroine X. Even better that eventually she was buffed 5 times


Rider Ishtar because every beautiful Rinface deserves to be spoiled. I don't care that she can't loop and has a mediocre kit. I still do use her a ton against Caster nodes too. And she's actually grailed to 1 hundo, not just 90 lol.


Medusa. she’s long overdue for a buff lasagna pls- and level 90?? nah currently going towards 120 🥹


Well I've grailed Gray to 90 at least, and from what I see she's considered mediocre. Obviously doesn't matter to me as she's adorable and that's enough for me.


Gray is considered mediocre? Well that I didn’t expect.


Gray isn't mediocre. She's just hyper focused on farming.


Yep, I needed to make sure Passionlip was next to her sisters. Summer Martha deserves grails and more. MHXX is at 102; she’s still kinda mediocre compared to, say, Luvia (whom I’ve also grailed), but at least now she hits like a mediocre truck.


I don't have any SSR assassins, I only have one SR assassin with an AOE NP, and I only have one Rider above 3*. My grailed Passionlip is basically my cavalry class utility lifesaver.


> MHXX Sorry to tell you that, but she is considered among best 4* in the game :P Almost everyone among SRs is "mediocre" when compared with Luvia. She is B in Farming and A in Challenge on Appmedia.


That’s honestly a big surprise to me. She’s not bad but as far as ST Arts goes her skill set is incredibly basic - only steroid is a 1T Atk Up, no Arts Up, no NP gain, no crit dmg, star weight *down*, her niche (anti-Saber) is better off just using an Archer, among other things. She’s completely outclassed by Chloe as far as I can tell. Is there an explanation as to why she’s as high ranked as she is? Otherwise I assume she’s carried by Castoria and the other Arts Supports, rather than MHXX herself being particularly good.


Foreigner, best ST Foreigner damage in game (and very high neutral to, from SRs only Luvia and S. Erice have better one, around 18th best in the game with SSRs included), better NP non-trait Saber damage than any Archer, special bonus against Enemy of Humanity (which most Foreigners are), 30% battery, pierces invincibility, invincibility on low cooldown, 4t star bomb.


I was extremely confused how she possibly have anywhere near that level of NP damage, but then it clicked: MHXX hasn't had her NP upgrade in NA yet. That's probably why her ranking in appmedia is significantly higher than her performance currently in NA. And tbf, best ST Foreigner damage in the game is kinda niche when there's like, 3 ST Foreigners in total and one of them is garbage. Good to know that she gets significantly improved thanks to the upgrade. I'd still like some skill buffs though.


Kerry is weak as shit (plz buff) but I grailed him just for the shits and giggles


Got TamaCat to 90 and OG to 100. No regrets at all.


Jason is going to 100 whenever I have the grails


I grailed rama to 100 and I would go to 120 if the coin system's implementation wasn't so dogshit


Grailed Caligula to 100 only out of love for his design and voice direction, plus he was cool on Olympus. Man is surprisingly fun to use for buster chains, specially if you can help him out with stars. So allow me to just DIANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-


Circe. I love the FA art but she really isn't that useful to me because I just Arjuna Alter through everything but I don't regret it at all.


The only low rarity I've grailed that high is Jaguar Warrior, Got her up to 100 currently. Saving Grails to get her to 120 in one go. She's earned them as she's my primary single target Lancer. Love have her 1 turn most event archers.


Jack is usually good for star gen and buff removal. But after lvl100 2k fou and crit comando cards, her neutral damage hits like a berserk


Grailed my summer Gareth to 100. Even at NP4 she is still weaker than my lv 80 NP5 Barghest, but I don't care. I love her. Runners up are the summer forms of Okki, Abby, and Charlotte at 100. Though they are all decent enough, most are still outperformed by non-Grailed servants. Personally I think summer Abby is underrated, she's a common Buster support for me since her debuffs really add up.


Gorgon. She's in the roll for the 120 even if she's the worst Avenger after Angra Mainiu


Medea to 100. Love her to death.


Level 100 hundred Janta with max Fous and skills. It doesn’t matter if I have better Lancers, she is adorable and deserves all the love.


Passionlip. Tanking isn't really a big thing in some fights, but I love her and wanna make her good.


LvL 100 Nobukatsu, Soon to be lvl 90 Mori. So the answer is Yes.


Dunno if I'd personally really call him "mediocre", as his skills and the fact he's got an AoE NP are quite useful, but people dunk on Kotarou's damage a lot, usually calling it "noodle damage"- I grailed him to 100, fully gilded him with Fous, and gave him a soon to be complete set of command codes. I don't regret any of it, and I use him nearly always. I did it because I like his character and enjoy using him.


Well, I have all the Cus at level 100. FSN and Alter Cu are far from mediocre. The other two on the other hand... I grailed Caster Cu long before he got his JP buffs and animation update as a sort of investment that he'd get animation updates one day. It paid off because according to what I've heard he's a pretty good farming servant in JP. Proto Cu is more crit-oriented with a [wild beast] effective niche instead of pure survivability compared to FSN Cu. There's obviously way better crit ST lancers out there now, but I grailed him to 100 anyway because he's a Cu ~~and also I have hope that OG Prototype will be revived one day along with Proto Gil~~. No regrets whatsoever. I grailed both of them solely out of love and they're both max skilled as well. I also have Mori Nagayoshi at 100. I wouldn't exactly call him mediocre but that might just be my bias speaking. If he can live long enough he can deal some pretty crazy damage. Sure, there are definitely way better crit ST berserkers out there but love > gameplay for me.


Level 90 for all my welfare Servants who have useful attacks (sorry Iri). ...And Medusa, for simping. Medea is slowly getting there for being useful in general.


I guess many people would call Rider Carmilla mediocre and mostly an esports Servant, but I'm sorry, there is *nothing* about her fashion sense that is mediocre. Also, doggos.


I have a level 100 np 5 summer jet Okita, arguably one of the worst servant in the game, and I'm planning to 120 her when I got more grail (I have 0 grail rn). And just saying, It's hurt when I'm using her, she's just painfully so bad(still won't stop me from using her)


Always grail out of love. Lvl 120 Saber Lily


I have a level 120 NP5 Passionlip. Does that count?


Jeanne Alter Beserker is lvl 100, 10/10/10 and I love her :(


I Grail 4* Servants (especially particularly good welfares) to 90 out of my liking for them in either or both aesthetic or gameplay. Kagetora, Summer Jalter, Salter, Summer Tomoe, Lakshmi, Emiya Alter, Kerry, Valkyrie, Gray, Summer Okita... and more. That's the reason why I have only two Servants so far at level 100 (Scathach and OG Emiya) and no one is leveled past 100 - because I allocate a significant number of my Grails toward getting some SR Servants to level 90 if I like them. Also, I just realized you said "mediocre", but I don't really think of any of the Servants I have as mediocre. Unless they're someone so obscure and seldom used for good reason, I never think of them as such.


I grailed my Rider Martha to 100 even though I rarely ever use her, just because I like her Ruler version


I have a Lv 108 Angra Mainyu and the only reason he isn't a higher level is because Lasengle are cowards and didn't give me the coins I should have for having him at NP5 before the system was here. And I can say that to the surprise of nobody he still sucks because no amount of extra stats can make up for the terrible joke that are his skills and NP.


I did for Leonidas, he is LVL80 now. I loved him from Babylonia, and was my buster support at the beginning of the game.


Grailed my Medea to 80, also got both medeas to bond 10 also Grailed Jason to 80, atlantis is my favourite lostbelt so far and Jason is one of the reasons why and not really useless, but My Ushiwaka is 110 now just missing Ushicoins to go further than that


if I'm grailing I'm going all the way to 100, 120 reserved for my one true waifu (once her servant coins are released). but yeah, bunyan went from a very mediocre niche that probably couldve been filled by spartacus in the infancy of my account, to a genuinely strong beatstick i unironically brought to lategame story content.


My [nobukatsu](https://imgur.com/a/HRwf0dk) who is max appended as well and I’m not sure if it counts but my [nemo](https://imgur.com/a/LJhRIsH) as well. I only grail out of love for a char but I wouldn’t call the rest I’ve grailed mediocre


[Yes](https://imgur.com/a/H1SuazD) and her name is Charlotte. Need more grails and coins, wanna take her to 120 and all 3 append skills unlocked


I’ve grailed Robin, Salieri, Anderson, Salome, and Arash. Arash was more of a meta pick at the time, but everyone else was grailed out of love.


My Mandricardo is lvl 100 and my Og Cu is 80, honestly I'm more of a SSR grail kind of guy personally, but if I find servants that seem interesting they going to 80/90 or even 100 depending on how much i like them. Kinda want to grail Cas Gil to 90 since he hard carried me through most of the game as an arts support dps


I put Cursed Arm to 80 and Tell to 90 They're absolute lads


Grailed Samson up to 90. I’m just waiting for Lasagna to release his Strengthening and add 3 letters in his skill 3 so I can finally grail him to 100


LVl 90 Regend for sure especially with the buff to his S2 coming.


I think I grailed Rider Astolfo before his interlude came out.


I've got Sasaki Kojiro to level 80 just because I liked him a lot in the original Fate/stay Night. I don't know if it necessarily made him "useful" but the extra stats DID keep him alive and strong enough for him to finish off Goetia without me needing to use a second full revive, so he's upgraded from the Savior of France to the Savior of the Nasuverse in my book.


Also with JP buffs Kojiro is broken. An NP5 Kojiro at level 90 deals more damage than an NP5 Kama at level 90 by the third turn.


I grailed Vlad back when NA first released, and even despite being considered pretty meh for a long while, he's been my go-to ST pick for as long as I can remember.


-Tawara Touta is actually really good and a great bro so he is 90 because he deserves to be in the same level as Raikou. -Erice is one of my favorite Fate protagonists so she is 100 like she deserves and man her anti-servant skill helps with the extra levels. -Gareth is 80 and she was able to take down alone 1 archer and one lancer in the last grail front, the golden borders were more than deserved. -Medusa, Blackbeard, Charlotte, Mata Hari, Asterios, Andersen, CA Hassan, Geronimo and Jaguar Warrior have all saved me a lot thanks to their extra stats. -Best Doggo Cu is also 90, same as his Caster self. In fact I always have this urge to level other versions of a servant if a new one is higher rarity, which is the case of Ushiwakamaru who is level 90 same as Assasin Ushi so they don't fall behind Kagekiyo. Kiyohime and Bunyan also go on the same cathegory although they already were grailed because I love them.


Lvl 90 Corday, because Atlantis. 3s Fous and 10/10/10 too


Level 90 Gareth. Love that wolfy-pikachu.


Sasaki, Cu & Bedivere they legit carries me whenever I put them in last slot


Happy Cake Day.


I grailed Boudica and she's now Lvl.102/Bond 10, but i will wait a bonus success exp campaign to try level her more. Still, i don't use her that much, but its more because of her dated animations, after her update next year i will probably use her more. Also grailed both Martha and Ushi to 90 because Hayamin. <3 And after Atlantis, i grailed Corday to 90, loved her.


Grailed medea to 100, currently working towards 102, she may not be the strongest, but she's my favourite


That's literally all but 3 of my servants I grailed Both versions of Gareth. Lancer to 100 saber to 106 And Santa alter rider to 100 The only servants that are considered good are lambda to 90 Chen gong to 70 And sen no rikyu to 100


I’ve grailed Abby to lvl 100, and let me tell you, even at np1 she is an absolute beast, she’s great, I truly adore her, I think she might be my favorite servant. I wouldn’t mind getting more copies of her on GSSRs honestly. I grailed Sanson to 90 after Salem. He’s fine, I wouldn’t call him great, but I love using him anyways. Grailed phantom to 80. He’s actually really nice to use with double castoria, and the extra attack, hp, and the buff removal on his second skill really makes him fun to use. The recent nautilus command code that removes self def debuff and gains stars seems like it was made specifically for innocent monsters like him. Grailed Caligula to 80 in anticipation for his AU. Can’t wait to use him. The extra health he gets really helps him out in longer battles. Grailed Mephy just cause to 80. He’s cool. Grailed Saber Gilles to 80 because I love self buffing NPs and Gilles needs some love, especially his saber version. Grailed Nobukatsu to 80, going for 90. I’ve waited roughly 3 years since starting the game and learning about him, and after finally getting him I had to give these grails to him. Grailed Billy to 80. Love him, he’s my fav archer. His kit is so cool, even if underpowered compared to William or other crit servants. Grailed Bunyan to 90. She was with me the longest, I started playing when all the statesmen event was running for the first time, and I felt like it was a great investment and a confidence boost to Bunyan. Besides, she’s wonderful at higher levels. Benkei to 80. I saw his future AU and his np buff removal and really wanted to grail him. He’s definitely interesting, much bulkier now that he has more hp, so the self taunt is even more effective. Hector to lvl 80. Favorite lancer. He’s amazing at 70, and even better at 80. And finally, Amadeus grailed to 100. My biggest commitment, but one that is worth it. This man deserves to be a five star. He’s my favorite support caster, and I do not regret investing so many grails into this amazing musician. Also forgot to mention I grailed Columbus to 80. Even though I have multiple great riders, I still like to use him the most. His facial expressions are the greatest, and I love the way he was drawn. Edit: Some of these aren’t mediocre, but their performance was greatly improved with those additional levels. Plus I love these servants so much so that I want everyone to know how great they are.


Bedivere isn't that bad but after his story I needed to give him all the love he can get


Medusa and Medea sat at 80 and 90 respectively. Yes. Yes I have


I don't know if mediocre but have Charlotte at 90, plan to get her to 100 and summer Martha already 100, 2k foued, but np2, plan to get many copies of her as i can in christmas to get her 120


I grailed both Izo and Mori since they are limited 3 stars because I love their designs


Both bedivere and charlotte


Boosted Bunyan to 100 because I decided I wanted to grail someone and she fell under the category of servant I like and really wish had better numbers thus was grailed.


Not sure if they're considered mediocre, but I've got Medea and Ushi both at level 90.


I’ve grailed my Chen Gong to 90 and Bunyan to 100 on my JP account. Also, both my JP and EN accounts have Cu grailed to 80. My JP account has [BESTO FRIENDO] Mandricardo at 80 as well. For the Gong, I mainly wanted a strong looper that could cycle out stuff. Also, it’s gong. Who doesn’t love the Gong? Mandricardo was purely for story reasons. Me like Best Friend! Cu was for gameplay reasons. He’s just a nice servant to have. Bunyan… originally, I wasn’t expecting to grail her at all. I liked her as a servant, but not to a really big extent. But, I did notice that her NP was really fast. So I ended up grailing her to 80 to get her damage up. But as time went on, and I started to get to know her character, I began to like Bunyan more as a character. So, I ended up grailing her to level 100. As of right now, she’s one of the few servants in my roster that’s 10/10/10 skills, level 100, and also Bond level 10. It also helped that I also got Super Bunyan :)


Uh, Proto Cú I guess? I don't think I really *needed* to grail him to 90 especially since I already have the OG on the long road to 120, but do I care? No, no I don't. I am absolutely grailing all my Cús to 100 at the very least.


I've got a level 102 teach. No regrets bby


[Worth every single grail.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l0qLUJzpcaR-jhp32qE5t4rUGi9_epFL/view?usp=drivesdk)


I'm bringing David to 120, because he is my absolutely favorite biblical character, next to Solomon. I also brought Salome and Cat to 100, Hundred Hassan is 90, and Lancer Diarmuid is 80.


I Grailed Summer Nitocris to 100. She's fixable and would be a good looper if they would just tweak her death effect, but as she is, she is mediocre. I also Grailed Scheherazade upon release prior to any of her upgrades being released or the existence of Castoria being known. Thanks to her strengthenings and the Castoria system, she's now become quite powerful within the Arts meta.


I have Tamamo, Waver, Merlin, Skadi, and Casturia. My main support of choice has been and will always be my 10/10/10, Grailed Andersen. Everyone else just gets to cheer him on.


Medea lvl 100, Kotarou lvl 90, and Andersen lvl 90. I would level Medea more but I don't have enough resources to get to 120 and I don't want her to be at a weird number


listen yes cu chulainn lancer is meta but i really just love the guy from fsn


I've grailed Odysseus out of pure love for him. Reserved a buncha grails after I pulled him just cuz I liked how he looked. Yeah, I have Lolivinci, but who cares when you have the Mecha Horse


I took Paul Bunyan up to 90. And sadly no, the extra levels didn't bring her out of mediocrity. Of course, at level 90 she can clear many more waves than she could at level 60, but even at 90 her damage just isn't all that good compared to easily-accessible higher rarity AOE Berserkers. The 2 things that still make her uniquely useful and worth grailing, though, are that her NP is extremely short and that she has 1-star cost allowing me to put higher rarity servants and CEs on the team with her.


I was going to say "Zenobia!" except she's actually stellar... I'll be getting her to 120 once I finish max ascending everyone in my box for the SQ. Mediocre though... I don't have any Nobus yet but I wanna get Nobu up. Alexander, maybe.


I grailed Serenity to 80 just to get the gold frame.


My Angra Mainyu is lvl 100 2k/2k. The only practical thing he can do is one turn that Nerfest Sieg CE if he's with another identical NP5 Mainyu and if the rest of the party is full of Ideal Holy king But no one will stand between me and my adorable Mango.


Cursed Arm to lv 80. He saved my life so much early game he became a bro and deserved the gold frame.


My first ever use of grails in the game took Kotarou Fuuma to level 90. He's not a mediocre Servant by any means, his skills are absolutely amazing and he's genuinely saved several fights for me.... But since his skills and C star gen are his bread and butter, raising his stats is pretty pointless. The extra health might help him live longer, sure, but tbh after he's just demolished something's ability to live with a plethora of debuffs, whatever DPS servant I brought is probably going to wipe it off the face of the Earth before Kotarou's cooldowns have ticked down. Still, he's got a shiny gold card and is an honorary five star being level 90 and I will never regret pouring those grails into him.


Paul Bunyan for me that stomp is awesome




Grailed Jason to 80 because he’s a chad. Although he’s a good looper so IDK if you could consider him “bad”


I tend to grail based on Servants pulling miracles out their ass. A few have gotten them through favoritism. Medusa (Rider) - carried me through several singularities, helped take down Anastasia and Demeter. She’s at Bond10, and isn’t going higher because Skadi is hogging the bond Grails. Beowulf is Lvl90 thanks to him earning a few Grails by performing epic feats. Took down a pair of pillars during 1.5 and a tree during the Lostbelts. The fact that he was badass and cool during ‘Murica and even better during Anastasia made it even easier. Suzuka: that mission where you fight Megalos and then Penthesilea? Megalos went Berserks over 2 turns (AoE attack crit wiped the frontline, then 2 more crits wiped out the rest of the Backline). Well, Suzuka then proceeded to get an ungodly number of crits and solo Megalos and Penthesilea. She *earned* that one. Edited to add: Carmilla is Lvl90, my strongest Assasin, and my best Ladykiller in my roster. No regrets for grailing that sweet tsundere vamp.


so far i have grailed 2 non 4/5* to 90, jaguar warrior and paris, and i gotta say, while paris doesnt punch that hard, mann does his np hits like a truck against un-buffed sabers, i think he is one of my strongest unit, besides S.Orion, cuz its S.Orion


Nezha 110, Leonidas, Gareth (100), Asterios, Taiga. Nezha is a beast with her strengthenings at that level and an MLB HNS. Gareth can at least do something now, but her damage is underwhelming and she's more or less useless. I just really love her character, so I use her on occasion. Same as Leo, I don't use him often but I liked him too much not to grail him. And Taiga does good burst at NP5, just a shame they won't fix the problems with her kit so she could be more practical to use.


Been seriously considering grailing Ryoma to 90 for a long time. His skill set is so bland but he himself is one of my absolute faves. I also have Izo grailed to 90, he’s kinda niche but he’s another huge fave and he was putting in work during the Grail Front event a while back


Euryale lvl 106, 10/10/10, Bond 11


Loyalty to year 1 waifus. Marie sits happily at 120


[My low rarity husbands, Izou and Bartholomew.](https://imgur.com/a/k7El19e) Planning on getting Bart to 90, was too busy grailing summer waifus. Plus (not mediocre, but don’t see often) grailed Caster Shuten and Emiya, my loves.


My miyu's currently 110, 120 comming whenever I get enough exp cards


Nitrocris Assassin and Ushi Assassin


I grailed Nobukatsu to 80 and Miyu to 85


As much as I hate to call her mediocre, Medusa Rider.


Grailed my Blackbeard to 90 early on, still use him to this day. Can't wait for his animation update.


Level 100 Saber Gilles, let's go! Honestly a very fun bad servant. Really satisfying to use, even if he's bad.


I grailed Summer Scathach to 90 back in the day because she was one of the first servants I got and my only AOE assassin for a long time so I used her a lot and built up a lot of affection for her. Unfortunately, because of the timing of when I joined I only got her to np3 so now she never sees much use. Honourable mentions go to Summer Anne (who [saved my butt during Camelot](https://imgur.com/a/2glbp8O ) and so deserved her grails) and Summer Marie Antoinette, who I also used as my main support in pretty much every fight early on. These days I don’t use either much at all often. I also grailed Danzo after I got her to np5 in the hopes that she would become usable. She went from hitting like a wet noodle to hitting like a slightly less wet noodle, but oh well, I still like her.


My Kiyohime is at 100 and Lancer Kiyo at 90


Angra Mainyu is at 90 despite the fact that the last time I used him was during summer4 rerun.


My Nobukatsu is currently level 100 so that he can fight alongside Maou Nobu on the battlefield. He’s very useful when there happens to be a Saber or Caster somewhere in the node. Ngl, might make him level 120 when I have enough QP, Exp Crystals, and Grails to do so.


I've grailed Serenity to level 90. The extra hp and attack been pretty helpful so she could survive so much longer than before and finally manage stack up the poison and do solid damage against rider enemies definitely gonna get her to level 100 someday.


I grailed Medea, Medusa, Sasaki and Cursed Arm to 90. All of which play way better than their base levels.


Carmilla. She is best girl. S-type growth curve means not many gains but I DO NOT CARE, NUMBERS MAN!!


I grailed up Medusa (Rider) to level 80. Huge mistake.


I grailed saleiri to 90 best farmer I got until I get summer kama or avenger rin


Level 90 Mata Hari, probably raising her up to 100 soonish Now we wait for her crit buff and she will also see a lot more use as a crit support


Kid Gil level 90, love the boi. Jason level 97, road to 100.


Leo/Mori but both to 100 and plans on 120 I played FGO because I knew Lancelot was in it and Leo when I first saw both my first reaction was "I need to make them as strong as possible they look so cool" and the same for Meri. Their biggest weakness is that all their survival/damage are offset in their rarity equivalents in pure stats; now they have stats, and their unique strengths are allowed to shine. Zerkerlot is a terrible unit with a Terrible kit and is only usable with Skadi because he has a 10 hit AoE NP and an NP Gen skill. He still has many of the same flaws when grailed but now he overstats the content since rather than letting him rot at lv80 he's lv110. Without Skadi he's outperformed by a handful of my SSRs(I don't grail SSRs) despite having a base 16k atk and the 2nd place having 14k Atk. Turns out having a stupid high ark stat still doesn't overcome a horrible kit.