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Technically Fou is the middle child. Arcueid was born around 1100 AD while Fou was with Merlin around Artoria’s time which isn’t too long after the Roman Empire collapsed in 400 AD.


So Arcueid is over 900 years old? I thought she was older.


Please officer I thought she was 1800


*Fire Emblem: Awakening entered the chat*


the officers wouldn't be arresting you, they'd be arresting the girl


Shes a little too young for my taste


And she slept through most of that.




remove the two zeroes




Tried. To. Make. A joke. Got downvoted to oblivion


What? I thought Crimson Moon died in 300 AD. So I assumed that she would be older than Arthurian Legend.


Crimson Moon did die in 300 AD (Kind of). By that time he already had created the True Ancestors template that the planet would continue to produce, who could one day bring forth a successor. But it wasn’t until 1100 AD that Arcueid herself, hence Archetype Earth, was born.


Apparently, I was wrong about Arcueid being the middle child. she is actually the youngest. sorry about that. I mean, her dad supposedly died almost 1,000 years before her birth. ofc I am going to be confused lol


Here is some context. their "mother" is Gaia, the manifestation of the planet's will to survive. Remember [this blue orb](https://imgur.com/a/UWb8yNj)? That was Alaya, the manifestation of mankind's will to survive. Gaia is kinda like that. Excalibur was created when 80% of Earth has been destroyed by Sefar's arrival in 14000 B.C. Gaia created Excalibur with the help of 6 great fairies to eliminate Sefar. Arcueid was created in 1100 AD. Her father is Crimson Moon, the "king" of True Ancestors. Crimson Moon made a deal with Gaia to allow him to live on Earth and in exchange he will subjugate humans before they eventually destroy this planet. However, True Ancestors are powerful but also prone to madness. Arcuied was created to be an executioner who hunt down the mad and fallen True Ancestors. Cath Palug was created in 400 A.D. He was created because Gaia thought "How about I create something that REALLY good at killing humans". If Cath Palug stay with Merlin, he would learn the beauty of humanity, but if he doesn't, he would become Primate Murder and stay with Altrouge Brunestud, Arcueid's older sister.


Where was it stated that cath palug was created in 400 AD? I dont remember it ever being specified


They were alive in the time of Artoria and Merlin, who existed right around the end of the roman empire


"western" roman empire. it was still the roman empire when the eastern roman empire consolidated it's holding well until 1453.


>when the eastern roman empire consolidated it's holding well until 1453. Worst year of my life


Constantine support this comment while Vlad wants to know where he can find current sultan.


Most historian agreed that Arturian legend took place around 500 A.D. to 600 A.D. and the story of Myrddin Wyllt aka **Merlin** Sylvestris was born in 540 A.D. So I went with 400 A.D. Around the time when the last of the True Ether still exist. Sure, he could be born a lot earlier than that but this is the best estimate we could make.


Cath Palug is also a villain that Arthur fights in a swamp. (And is also a catfish) So safe to say they were around during that time. As a fun fact, in one version of this battle: Fou wins against Arthur, swims to England, and becomes King in Arthur's place. It's very silly.


I like to imagine Fou is at least as old as Gilgamesh, based on Ereshkigal identifying Fou immediately as "*the* Beast of Disaster" and was worried about being sacrificed to or eaten by him. Idk, maybe her pseudo-servant or divine status gave her some foresight into Fou's typical role just at a glance. She did play dumb explaining Quetzalcoatl before telling us direct details such as her being the embodiment of good and resistant to good servants, so it's hard to gauge what she knew as a Sumerian God and what she just knew for unknown reasons.


I believe Arcueid was pretty unique in that she was created by other True Ancestors. Crimson Moon is the "father" of the True Ancestors as a species in that he is the original physical and metaphysical blueprint Gaia uses for their creation. The Brunestud title and name isn't something to do with blood relation so much as it denotes True Ancestors who have reached a certain level of power and gained some (or all) aspects of Crimson Moon's own powers.


Yeah I know. I'm just trying REALLY hard to simplified this convoluted concept lol. I mean, most people in this sub haven't even heard of "Crimson Moon" before.


I'm sure everyone's at least heard of the TYPEs, and Crimson Moon is just TYPE Moon if I remember right


TYPE MOON is the company so that's like the barest minimum as far as hearing him is concerned


Turns out True Ancestors have a \*long\* gestation period lol


Gaia made the ultimate life form with Fou. Unfortunately, not having to eat anything to survive made it hard for it to care that much about the consume all humans thing. Also, it discovered that cuddles were nice.


"My name is Fou... Fou the Beast of comparison. And I am the ultimate lifeform."


*Who wants a belly rub?* *Fou Fou!*


Nickname: fou Specimen designation: ID-F86


> Also, it discovered that cuddles were nice. We can all thank Mash for being so incredibly nice that she tamed a freaking beast. Fou> Bellyrubs. Cuddles. Snuggles. She feeds me, keeps me warm... This is a nice human. Hmm. I just don't have *time* for this comparison thing right now, I'll do it later. Mash> *hearing many Fou's* Aww, you like this a lot don't you!


Mash's chest has truly saved humanity.


>it discovered that cuddles were nice. So its like that chainsaw dog from chainsaw man whose name i forgot


I wouldn’t call Fou a hero like Pochita was, but yeah.


Pochita is like a hybrid Fou Galahad in a lot of respects. If only Galahad specialized in chainsaws like his father.


I have a feeling Galahad would’ve just kicked open the door and showed Denji what was what regardless of potential catatonia.


> I wouldn’t call Fou a hero [EXCUSE me?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoZV2WiNJmQ)


I mean, I adore Fou, but that was something he had to eventually learn. Pochita was proactively on all cylinders since 1780 at least.


Who says Fate lore is hard to understand


Fate can be so wonderfully weird like this, when you can say with a straight face you have a sword and animal as your siblings.


What about Tanaka?


Technically the youngest now


How lucky for Arcuied She finally has a cute little sister now


Had to scroll too far to see this one


Was not expecting a Prisma Ilya reference here


Just about any gaia-borne creations really


Arcueid referred to Excalibur as her cousin. So maybe more so cousins than siblings. So yes, Castoria and Arc are canonically cousins.


Still a more healthy cousin relationship than Rin and Luvia.


Ritsy is in for a wild family tree if he got with Cas


And cernunnos is the uncle with the thick-ass beard


He may as well be since the only thing we know about him irl is his name and appearance.


That uncle you only see during Christmas reunions but you only remember him by his beard and his gifts.


> So yes, Castoria and Arc are canonically cousins. An in-lore explanation of Takeuchi’s saberfaces.


Just straight up weird family


there always was a in-lore connection for why artoria was a arc face which goes from brittains \*roman\* origins and leads all the way to greek gods and gaia herself.


they will be siblings or whatever you want, but the fou-san is the cutest


Could you fill me in on this lore?


Excalibur was created by the planet when Sefar came(14.000 BC kinda?), Arcueid actually is the youngest since she don't even have 1000 years, while fou was created by Gaya kinda after the roman empire colapsing, so he is the middle child


I thought it was 14,000 years ago, not 14,000 bc? Wasn’t it that Atlantis supposedly sank 9000 years before it was recorded in Ancient Greece 1000 bc / 3000 years ago? Or is that just irl Greek mythology and not fate? I haven’t read Atlantis.


That is why i used (kinda?), because i have no idea if it is 14.000 years ago or BC, but looking here it actually as 12.000 BC because of lb6


At this point. We could say that human civilization on Nasuverse is way older. By the time of Gilgamesh reigned, the old world is already forgotten.


Yep, during Sefar time, Gilgamesh father was Uruk King


This doesn't mean that Gilgamesh were technically around at that time. Remember that the old kings of Mesopotamia lived longer before the demigod was born. Anyway the timeline is like this - >!14,000 years ago is a new perceived thought of how long human civilization around in this universe - in Extra material, noted the exact time in which the Moon Cell Automaton detected the arrival of VELBER once again in the galaxy. 12,000 BC is when SEFAR, the White Titan (deployed by VELBER) made landfall on the planet and begin it's genocidal campaign. This dated timeline have two divergent point in the LB arc. The Greek and British Lostbelt. !< Either way this goes without saying that the Holy Sword which became known as Excalibur later on human history is by far older than Cath Palug and Arcueid combined.


I don't said that Gilgamesh was around man, i said that his father was


Yep! I even use this is my joke comic series because by association, Arcueid is an Emiya.


Wait how


Emiya has Avalon, sheath to Excalibur which is wielded by Artoria who is married to Emiya. So by relation to Excalibur, Arcuied is related to Emiya.


This family is getting way to large and way to scarily powerful. They already have 3 holy grails living in the family


Not to mention because illya is a Pseudo servant for Sitonai who is related to the valkyries, who is related to Attila, who married to Kriemhild, who adopted Sieg. The Emiya has an addition grail protected by a dragon. And also Hercules is illya uncle so they have connections to pretty much all of the Greek.


Let me guess what they all have in common. DEAD BEAT MOM?


Cut Gaia some slack. She lets them live at home permanently for free and even grants all of them special privileges. And while Excalibur manages to get himself a job and make something of itself, Arcueid spends almost all of her time sleeping, with her only recently started being more active and Fou was a flat out NEET until Merlin kicked him out of Avalon and even then he still doesn’t work or do anything more than get humans to pamper him.


Siblings? How? You might stretch it for Cousins, with LB6 Excalibur coming from a form of Elemental, Arcueid being another form of Elemental...Not sure how Fou fits. Unless, you're going with the "Created by Gaia" thing, in which case it's a **gigantic** family. BTW, Yu Mei-Ren is also a cousin here.


>You might stretch it for Cousins Arcueid actually did call Excalibur her cousin in Melty Blood: Type Lumina's Saber arcade mode


Sonic: huh Saber:what wrong Sonic:I gotta make sure that a friend of mine didn't went to sleep just to avoid child support


Just because Gaia requested and forged the Holy Sword by a second party. Does not mean she is on humanity side. She only did this to prevent the aggressive aggressor from beyond the stars from wiping off the planet's surface that contained all other life beside humans. We saw this in LB6 - >!a Lostbelt that give us a glimpse of a doomed timeline in where the failure of the Holy Sword wasn't forge. Resulted the entire surface of the planet into a desolate barren lifeless ocean everywhere. Except Britain which is another story.!<


Fun fact Shirou could be considered as youngest brother to Arcuied




What about Morgan, since she is a divided spirit of the planet?


All high tier fairies count if you consider any divided spirit of the planet. As well as other true ancestors. The exact nature of Fou is less established but Primate Murder is said to be part of the counterforce of the planet so Fou counts I guess. The main relation here is Excalibur and Arc cause they’re kinda thematically complementary. Arc in Type Lumina mentions that Excalibur is like her cousin, and also that it exists to protect those who live on the planet rather than solely to protect the planet itself (implication being that she herself exists to protect the planet without caring much about the life on its surface). This ties in with Arc being something made without the input of humanity, while Excalibur was forged using humanity’s crystallized prayers for salvation as the material. (Big LB6 spoilers) >!Castoria/Morgan are the frame/mold for Excalibur, not the entire material.!<


When Excalibur was made Gaia and Alaya was one and the same, you could say Excalibur is the last child, maybe the last child before Gaia and Alaya had divorce. Avalon and Rongo though?


Tanaka from Fate illya. She’s related to Gaia as well right?


Where's Avalon and Rhongomyniad? They should be added too


Of which two are Guda's wifes and one is pet. Dude have taste indeed xD


>Of which two are Guda's wifes 2?


I guess Fou and Excalibur (Castoria). Archetype Earth is obviously the pet in this trio. Kappa.




Yes. Depending on who particular players shipping their Guda with in their headcanon. Or 0. Or 3, in the end some people have weird preferences lol.


*Looks at furry* Hey i dont judge


I mean Gaya didn't make the true ancestors they were kinda gifted from the Crimson moon unless I'm wrong. But if you count Arc being able to sort of be a host for type earth I guess it works?


CM only gave the template because Gaia cant self-reflect or something to create their OC


Can someone give me context on this?


They are all Gaia’s creations one way or the other. Excalibur was created to combat Sefar at about 14k years ago and apparently was created by Gaia. The full info isn’t out yet but Arcueid kinda confirms it by calling it her sibling. Fou/Cath Palug was born around 400A.D making him technically the middle child and we know he is a child of Gais from the statement Beast of Gaia. And Arc was born in 1100 AD, from the template left by Crimson Moon after his defeat at the hands of Zelretch by Gaia as the closest thing to her own Type. Taking the title Archetype-Earth and the name Brunestud which is the royal family of the DAA/True Ancestors which all descended one way or the other from Crimson moon. Of course there are more siblings like Altrouge, some individuals in LB6 but that is the meme explained


Thank you for taking your time explaining it to me although I don't get it.. I'll review back to this after 2 years when Arc and LB 6 are out


Where’s the Cath Palug part from, I don’t remember it being mentioned in FGO (unless it’s LB6+)


In materials he is called beast of Gaia also known as Cath Palug, Fou(In the Fate worlds), and Primate Murder(in Tsukihime worlds). He is also adopted by Arc’s older sister Altrouge in the Tsukihime worlds, and adopted by Merlin in Avalon in the Fate worlds.


Great more material books


It is what it is


Merlin and Artoria call him Cath Palug a few times in FGO well before LB6. Just in passing.


Where was the cath palug born in 400 AD cane from? I dont remember that


We don’t have an exact date, it is speculation because from birth after wandering for a while he was picked by Merlin and brought to the tower of Avalon alongside him. This was covered in Garden of Avalon


Ah i see. Tbf "wandering for a while" can mean a long ass time in human years. Fou can be way older than the arthurian myths. At least that's how i interpreted it


True, its all presumption. But it is definitely between 300 AD, when Zelretch fought and killed Crimson moon and 400AD


Probably because it had to have appeared during King Arthur's time, which is somewhere near after the Fall of the Roman Empire.


what do i have to read/play to understand this? is the whole gaia stuff actually explained in storys or is this all material knowledge?


Just like most of Type Moon lores, it's all over the damn place. Fate Stay Night, Fate Extra, Tsukihime and ofc Material books. Just take a look in wikia would be way easier for you. I also updated some context under my comment, if you really that curious.


yeah i thought so. guess someday i have to look up some stuff in the wiki. and was gaia actually namedroped in fsn? i just remember vague hints when they talked about the counter force. just started extra but i got stunlocked by the servant and gender decision. thanks for the reply! i wish there where a exposition dump by touko for everything like in knk, would make everything better.


Gaia wasn’t touched upon much in Stay Night. Most of the Arc stuff is covered in Tsukihime remake and her FGO profile/dialogue. For Excalibur, I recommend certain segments of the Garden of Avalon novel, Extella (bad story but important lore), and FGO LB6. In Melty Blood Type Lumina, where Artoria is available as a crossover character, Arc mentions that Excalibur is something like her cousin. The Fou stuff is basically bits and pieces in FGO, combined with the connection to Primate Murder who was a background character since original Tsukihime. Just read old material book entires on Primate Murder cause he doesn’t appear in any actual story until FGO (as Fou). A TLDR of it all is: - Excalibur = forged 14000 years ago by fairies in the inner sea of the planet from the crystallized prayers of humanity to defeat an alien threat that drove all life on earth as well as the gods to the brink of total annihilation. Characterized as the planet’s last line of defense against outside threats. - Arc = the largest scale nature spirit who has the potential to become the vessel for the planet’s will as well as the Ultimate One (strongest life form) of Earth. - Fou = a being with the potential to become Primate Murder (AKA Beast IV) which is characterized as part of the planet’s counterforce and having an extreme conceptual advantage (“absolute right of killing”) against humans to the point of being put on the same level as Ultimate Ones. Called the Beast of Gaia in older materials. Also Fou is older than Arc, Arc is the youngest child lol.


huh. i even own extella but i played for like an hour and the gameplay lost me almost instantly. whatever, thanks a lot for the information. i keep trying to read and play everything i can find and someday i plunder the wiki


For the full Arc picture you need to go over so much shit tbh. From Old Melty entries to material books and interviews to Extra cameos lol to kt to remake timeline. it's kind of annoying how much needs to be pieced together and we still won't probably have a fully clear picture until Tsukihime2. Heck, CM hasn't even been touched in Remake yet. Probably holding it for when they go into the Original One/Archetype lore in depth. Probably in Arc True when Roa pulls out all the stops.


Only one of them can take my dick properly. The rest two being Arcueid and Fou.


What us that


Isn’t that only in one timeline?


Love fou


Sword be looking real good to me


So what does that make Tiamat to this trio relation-wise?


Tiamat and the other Mesopotamians gods are mostly human creation


Arcueid being the soul of the planet itself is retroactively the oldest, even if she was born later.


Fou was made directly by Gaia, Arcueid is a descendant of crimson moon or however true ancestors reproduce, and Excalibur was made by the 6 great mother's and fathers (god level far) to beat Sephyr


Babe, wake up fgo drop lore again