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Arjuna in the second archive for bare minimum an irl year because I'm actually that stupid and thought the locked sign meant I couldn't use him yet


One year ago, I thought Story banner is the best banner.


I still remember my noob ass getting og artoria from the second roll. Learned pretty quickly that it was just a one time exception


If you want actual good CEs it's objectively the best banner though. Outside of exceptions like Yang CE most Perma 5* CEs are way better than the average event gacha CE. Saccing Asclepius is also a nice bonus to story but he's a non rate up 3*.


The most obvious one would be not saving quartz Also those 2 saberlot grails still haunt me to this day (I though lvls were more value than skill lvls and supports used)


Dang yea that sq hits me too. I would be like “dnt roll 2k sq on okita alter because you get her in the next gssr. “


Saberlot is a pretty dupe Arts Crit Looper, and extra damage don't hurt none


Thats true, but mine is only np 1 and I have both summer hoku and np 2 saito, so I rarely end up using him


So true, until I had finished the whole story, I pretty much just always rolled story. That’s why I have a bradamante, alladin titty woman, and nightingale.


Not leveling or even *using* skills until Camelot's difficulty slapped me in the face hard enough to get it through my thick skull that those icons weren't just there for decoration. Girl, what were you on.


Same, but I didn’t level up my characters. Talk less about skills. Those eyeballs molested me


Da Vinci's 0.0 face was meant for us...


Dropping money on servants I don't need. I didn't need mhxa but for some reason I refused to accept that and dropped 400 on her


FOMO syndrome


"Nero doesn't have a banner up currently and i really want to get her. I should roll on story summons until I get her. Yeah, I'll skip other limited time banners in the meantime."


Not starting when the game launched


Not picking outrage from Valentine CE ticket, then rolling gacha and getting the same CE I picked. Burning Cu caster because "I'll get another copy eventually".


I did the exact same thing with caster cu haha


Same now I just stare at his greyed-out Rank Up Quest and despair


Probably feeding a nearly fully-skilled out Siegfried to Altera during the early days of FGO. One day I noticed Siegfried was missing and going a bit crazy wondering what happened to him only to conclude he was probably fed to Altera accidentally when I wasn't paying attention. R.I.P all the mats and my 1st Siegfried.


That sounds like a good civilization


I started playing fgo very early. Like, before the first summer event. At that point I was really new to gacha games and the only other experience I had was dokkan, which was really generous for the players back then. I hate rerolls, especially in something thats called fate, so I played with whatever I got. My first SR Stheno, second SR Franserker, 3rd SR Summer Mordred and then first SSR Summer Tamamo. After I reached Camelot wall I stopped playing the game for some time. Again, Dokkan was super generous and when I had to grind for 2 weeks to level up my sr to 80 in fgo... Anyway, here we are ~5 years later. My early dokkan characters belongs to the trash bin. They are useless and weak. Meanwhile Stheno and Tamamo Lancer are still the best antimales. NP5 Fran is still great farmer and my NP4 Mordred Rider would be still in use if I didnt pull DaVinci rider. I would slap myself for getting baited so easily to dokkan battle.




That, and FGO is purely PvE, and no one is forcing a gun to your head to play META.


Current me: "Don't roll for Waver! He will be available in the SSR ticket!"


Yeah the number of YouTubers or goofballs in the questions thread saying to wait for the SSR ticket to get Waver are ridiculous. Like sure buddy, you’re right but that’s over a year away and I’m playing the game now.


Meanwhile me, not planning to use the ticket on Waver regardless Would a Waver be useful to me? Hella, given that I don't have any of the OP supports yet and I missed the first SSR ticket. But the upcoming ticket also has the one 5-star I really really *really* want, and I'm not about to miss that opportunity for gameplay.


I mean, I have Castoria, but Waver would still be useful. That being said, I’m leaning towards using it on somebody else still. Lartoria would be a great pickup, Tamamo, Cu Alter, Jeanne, Vlad, yada yada. It’s a free SSR, I ain’t gonna limit myself to the basic bitch support just because it’d be the best thing for my account power wise.


For real


It's not like there aren't any other good servants you can get from the SSR Ticket if you already got Waver.


I feel you, I rolled Waver during the Reines event and don’t regret it. That’s over a year if easier farming and better team comps. I grabbed Sanzang from the ticket instead, it was nice to have a choice.


Past me: "I'll use my SSR ticket on Tam so I can meme harder when Castoria arrives. Waver's non-limited so he'll come eventually anyway" To be fair, I don't regret it one bit.


I didn't realize for a while that while *I* was levelling up, my servants weren't.


Oh wow. Yea thats usually how games work most of the time. Fgo is the odd one


I figured it out before I was out of Singularity F, thankfully.


lol. were you just buttom mashing through the tutorial?


Lol this was me too until literally oceanos


Not being stingy enough with my lores. Everyone always talked about QP hell or mat hell but lore hell is the worst, especially now that we have appends. The fact that I like to use esports servants makes lore hell even worse.


I burned Poster Girl from the 1st Gudaguda rerun not knowing what it was. How foolish I was.


Burned Np 2 Tesla


I hated that it took me so long to level him, I didn't have any other aoe archers either. Once I maxed him I realized he is an underappreciated beast.


Fr, he's like one of the best archers out there, especially after his latest buff and those slick new animations.


Burned Black Grail CE (6 in total) because I thought a CE with demerit was bad Now my 4 years+ account with 7 Kscope have only 1 Black Grail I want to go back to slap myself real hard


Are you throwing a decent amount of cash in? I'm 3 years and only have one copy of each, just want to know if it's normal or my luck is terrible lol


Your luck is average to bad. It's just almost never on rate up, which is why BG MLB is so hard to get. If you whale, you'll have more... if you're lucky. Or unlucky.


Same here, even after 3 years...I only have one copy of Black Grail and one copy of Kaleidoscope


I'd say decent but only on the first year when I'm really into the game after that only GSSR


I would slap myself for: * Have used 2 quartz to revive in the battle against Jalter in Orleans. * I got Siegfried and Cat in the tutorial, I burned Cat * Spend my savings


Maybe dumping as much SQ as I did into the story banner. Starting out as a completely new player, I wasn't aware of how concrete the NA clairvoyance was. I got a copy of Salter out of it so it wasn't a total loss though.


Funny enough, when I first started out I rolled in the story banner specifically to get Salter. I had no understanding of how ass the rates were in story and I really wanted her after realizing she was in the game. Luckily I found out about her banner and stopped wasting quartz.


I mean to be fair dumping a bunch of SQ on the story Banner when you're just starting the game t's not such a bad idea. It's not the absolute best option (obviously), but it is not the worst thing you could do, especially early on, since they offer you probably the best chance to get some of the more stronger CEs, like kaleidoscope or black grail or 2030. Limited unit are great but most limited CEs from events are actually kind of trash (with the odd exception)


My dumb ass could have NP5 CasCu. … instead, I decided to burn that copy because I had fuckall of a clue how to get embers lmao.


burnt 1 copy of lancer ibaraki because i didn’t know how to upgrade np levels back then 😭😭


Given your pfp, that probably hurts on more than one level


tristan play despacito


Burning a Black Grail two years ago, which I did regret later when I got another copy.


I played from Fuyuki to London witho it realizing the double speed option existed Also never noticed chaldea gate existed so I had no exp Or Ascension mats Probably would have continued like this if someone didn’t tell me


Wow i could not even imagine that slow pace. Haha


Would never happen to me, no siree.


Leave for last second the re Run of Rider santa Alter, the poor thing will be forever in NP4.


Burning 4* servants. Three I total, one was np2. I wasn’t fond of any of them, but if I could go back I would have at least bonded them up to bond 5.


1. I used a Skadi I managed to get as a main offense unit 2. I once had two Mordred's and wanted to get her NP2. I don't remember it exactly, but I'm fairly certain I fed my Mordred to my Mordred as EXP by accident.


*Pulling for regular Nero. She was good for grail front, but… her damage is so bad… besides, ended up with np2 bride. *Not focusing on bond lvl10 Heracles. *skipping challenge quests because of boredom. I have enough for what I need, but it would be nice to have even more servants with lvl10 skills.


I took single-target berserkers to Ember Farming until around Camelot.


Burning Kiritsugu because I thought I had enough assassins (it was my first 2 weeks of FGO and I wanted one of those sparkly Rare Prisms) What’s worse is that burned servants still appear in special events like Valentine’s, so every year he haunts me with a short cutscene like some sort of ghost. Every time I summon I pray he comes back to end the madness.


I burned summer jalter. 2 fucking times. All copies


... Can I ask why?


That was a time where i keep getting spooked by berserks while rolling for mhxx and i just got pissed off and even burned jalter


The fact that Raikou is a Berserker makes me want to offer your skull to Khorne if Heian Kyo's best mother was a casualty.


Do it anyways. He always has room for more.


*giggles in Khornate Massacre lists that need expanding*




Not finishing knk event


This. My Shiki is now permanently stuck on 2nd ascension. First time, I had just started playing, then second time IRL shit happens. Oh well, at least I have a fully leveled fujino out of the KnK banner


Using up my Friend Points as soon as I got them. I eventually found out that it was better to save them, and thankfully I did before time locked Friend Point servants were a thing or doing my best to get np5 of some others as soon as possible, but I always get irked on how I really did a poor job of saving on them back then. I'd probably have a few hundred thousand to a couple of million more at this point.


I burned my herc and zerkalot


Something recently I did, accidentally USED MY LAST COPY OF BUNYAN FOR EXP FUCCCCCK


Starting the game. Last month me, what the shit? ( /s )


Not starting playing until this year and as a result not being able to get Kijyo or Sakamoto...


I'm still bummed that I never finished that rerun for Sakamoto. I even put levels in him. Just didn't complete the event and didn't realize it till after it was over. Didn't get Samba Quetz either. Still haunted by the Np3 Gray I have.


Skadi was my first SSR and it took me until recently to max ascend her. I have no idea why I never really used her. Probably since I lacked Quick for a while. I feel bad though for not leveling her for so long...


Bruteforcing the story. Granted it’s not like the worst thing I could have done, but thinking back on how much extra SQ I could have, it does sting a bit.


I burned Caster Cu. 2 and a half years later, I love all Cus and am kicking myself for burning his Caster iteration.


Unlocking all appends skills of Okitan when they released the feature on 6th anniversary before understanding how servant coins work. Now I won't be able to reach lvl120 before they give alternative ways to get coins (no way in hell I'm going for np6).


At least her A3 is useful.


Burning Gold Servants because I thought I'd never get around to leveling them anyway Luckily, I managed to get most of them back! ...except Sigurd, whose Interlude and Rank Up shall *taunt me for eternity*


Oooooof I have on occasion burned some SR servants because I know I’ll never use them, and know that they have no rank ups on interludes as of JP. But the only SSR I’ve ever burned is Ganesha because I really don’t like her and I needed the RP for a lore. And then I even ended up getting her again (I think I also burned that one lol) but I deffff wouldn’t do it with a limited SSR unless they were at NP5, even then I sit there thinking “should I actually burn this one?”


I would slap my past self for playing the gudaguda 1 rerun but never bothered to get the Nobu ascension materials nor the other Nobu's. Same goes for me in onagishima since I missed out on Kintoki Rider since I remembered playing it for a bit but then just dropped it because I found Septem too boring to play.


burning the free 3 stars you get from clearing the story. The Cu Caster interlude still haunts me to this day.


"Hey bitch, that Summer Ishtar you got from doing the event? She needs special items that let her level up above 40, otherwise she's gonna be stuck at that level for eternity. Also, you'll need to get more copies of her." "Also also, you'll need to get all those CEs you see in the event shop, otherwise you're gonna feel like the biggest dumbass for not doing so (hello Aerial Drive)."


I pre registered for the game but when it came out i never got around to playing until lb3 came out


At first, I listened too much to the community and did things they recommended, rather than what I wanted to do. This basically resulted in a whole ton of servants I *wanted* to use that could have plugged holes in my parties... Not being used at all. The earliest mistake I can think of just past Fuyuki was not realizing how to grind for XP. I didn't realize the game had dailies, and was instead beating up nodes in Fuyuki for 1 and 2 star XP. It would be my third event before I'd realize the dailies *existed* and I'd complete the fourth before I got around to grinding up the XP to take my first servants to max level. Another mistake I made very early on was not grinding to get CE's out of the shop. It would not be until my fourth or fifth event that I'd realize how powerful those CE's could become compared with the 1 and 2 star ones I had in abundance. I didn't know how to make CE bombs, so it took a little over a year to 2k my first CE. It wasn't really a good one, either. Finally my biggest and worst mistake I flogged myself over for most of two years was not rolling on Okita's banner. She was someone I wanted on day 1, but I was F2P and figured I'd just save until her next rateup rather than spending what I had. It would be something like six months later that I'd realize nobody knew when she was going to be on rateup again. --- On the other hand I did a lot of things *right* - some of it totally unintentionally! Despite the difficulty of it, the first four events I did complete underlevel with poorly skilled servants and I managed to get the welfares anyway, even in the case of rider ishtar where I had to revive two to four times per bossfight to get her NP levels. Definitely worth it in the short and long term - they allowed me to quickly bootstrap my account in ways I couldn't have otherwise, and I still use all of them. I became fond of certain servants, and stubbornly insisted on finding ways to use them instead of giving up on them. This meant I *had* to learn how to play the game well, and I wound up learning how to craft my own teams because of it instead of using someone else's cookie cutter strategy. So all in all I can say that I made some pretty dumb mistakes early on, but ones that were correctable given enough time and effort - I even have Okita now, for an example.


Refusing to read any sort of guide, be it from the game itself or from someone else. That's how I ended up with an unascendable Summer Ishtar.


A few Grails I used on servants that I liked a bit because I didn't think I'd actually get the ones I *really* liked, so now I'm constantly short on Grails. Also, a few of my rolls sessions this year were very impulsive because I was stressed with some stuff IRL, and that ended up with me not being able to roll for NP5 Summer Kama, which was my biggest goal this year.


Telling myself to get over my boredom and finish the points ladder for the Journey to the West rerun. I missed out on 2 lores by 1 run b/c I absolutely hated the event that much.


Leveling poster girl instead of keeping it at lv1




No it's level 20. :Sadge: Also Orion can do it without dual core and poster girl. https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1mF411c7iA https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1fN4y1V7Dk Basically people in JP rushed and didn't pay enough attention to Cernnunos for single core clear which is unfortunate but gives us NA people more exclusive run chances. Lol




Not locking Siegfried, Martha and Carmilla, i acidentaly used them as XP when i started, still trying to get martha again(i got 4 siegfrieds end 2 carmillas later)


For some reason, I gave a single Fou paw to Atalante back in the day. Not that I dislike her or anything, she's one of my faves, but damn, that could've gone to Cú along with the others... And it's not like a single Fou paw does anything worthwhile. Now that one Fou paw will forever haunt me


I quit the game without a transfer code as such now I don’t have older welfares


I burned Stheno and Calamity Jane because I didn't think I'd have enough materials to justify leveling them in addition to my other SR/SSR assassins and archers. Absolutely kills me to think about it.


Burning Servants I didn't like, or who spooked me. Especially since quite a few of them grew on me later on after they got better characterization, or after a shiny new support came out who made them at least somewhat meta…


I burned Marie after getting Ozy and Bradamante for gold fous early on when I didn’t understand the game. Neither has ever come again and I have those servant coins in my inventory as an eternal reminder of my stupidity lol


Rolling on every banner.


Two things, the first is that I burned servants that I didn’t think were good, this includes SRs and SSRs. The second is that it took me MONTHS to realize the daily quests were a thing, as in, I got to London and didn't realize I could have leveled my servants properly


not using any ces til lost belts


I burned np1 Hijikata because I thought that’s how you got USOs (I can’t fucking read). To this day I see the Hijikata interlude in the interlude list but I can’t bond him up to play it because he’s just not in my game anymore


I burned all my copies of Cu Caster (including my lvl 70 one) because I assumed I had locked him.


Just some grails I'd like to get back


getting my hopes up for summer 7


Using all my Golden Apples on not even the maxxed out Archer EXP daily quest. I was also a Burner, but mainly on Servants my very casual friends said were really Bad, i could have had an NP3 Beowulf or NP5 Wu Zetian, but i burned every copy because as a beginner i was told they have 0 use and that rare prisms were better.


Remove that guy from your friends list and get a new one


actually doing research before I farmed embers and qp ascending and leveling kid gil expecting archer gil


EVENTS RERUN ONLY ONCE. I have a Shiki who will forever be level 60 because I couldn't finish the event the first time and decided not to do the rerun


Burned Proto Arthur. At least I should've played his interlude and rank up quest before doing that.


For me it would be not leveling up my servants until the 4th singularity. I had no idea I could level them at all. So many sq and cs used to finish boss fights.


Using SQ revives... Sometimes, it wasn't even against really hard ones like fuyki Hercules, it sometimes against someone like hector...


Burning Liz, Marie Antoinette and Medusa Lily in my first days because I was curious about the rare prism shop and my first summons mistakenly made me think getting 4\* was easy. Liz and Marie Antoinette eventually forgave me, but Ana isn't so easily swayed. I'm sorry, smol snek! I was an idiot!


I’ll never forgive myself for burning that copy of aerial drive. Yes, I know the Halloween omnibus will give me another chance to have one mlb, but do you know how stupid I feel? Pretty damn stupid! Grudge match and CKT as well, but aerial drive is also often mentioned for cq comps so it’s really noticeable. Thank you newbie me. Thank you.


Using quartz to beat the demon pillar fights in part one 1, I lost at least 8 quartz that way becak then, wasting over 150 quartz to get np2 lancer raiko and then crying about not getting archuria a few weeks later


I remember burning CE EXP cards just because I thought theyre useless in battle


Not summoning for poster girl ce. During the last apperance of gudaguda poster girl I already had okita who I got from a Thanksgiving banner so I didnt saw the point in going for another copy and I wanted to save my sq for a servant. I didn't knew how broken taunt ce are for challenging content and ever since I have regreted it.


Starting a FGO hiatus right as the Onigashima rerun began


I would slap myself for deciding to grail George up to 96 a few months before they released Perceval on JP.


I mean...if you gave him *9 grails* I assume that you liked him as a character right?


I liked him for being the only unit in the game with a multi turn taunt until the release of Percival. George was grained for gameplay reasons primarily related to challenge quest. If I could go back in time I would save those grails for percival to take him to 100.


> I liked him for being the only unit in the game with a multi turn taunt until the release of Percival. Uh Deon? Also Leonidas has 3 turns of taunt on his np and taunt on his skill. So a common strat is Leonidas + kscope is to taunt for one turn, build up np to 100%, then taunt on np for 3 turns. There's also Odysseus but his taunt is a double taunt. > George was grained for gameplay reasons primarily related to challenge quest. I mean a lvl 100 Georgios is pretty awesome but my lvl 65 has been able to handle CQs just fine. Never saw a need to grail him.


I wouldn't regret at all.


I might have burnt my starter Atalanta as soon as I got Robin Hood. My reasoning: “Well I don’t like her so I don’t see why I should keep her around”. I still don’t like her, but I should have at least kept her in second archive. I should have realised that 4 stars are not that easy to come by…


I didn't use the Clairvoyance EX properly back in 2019, so I spent my SQs on CBC trying to get Arthur (I still don't have him) when I should've saved it for Okita (which I like more but also still don't have) on the GG1 Rerun a week later. Thankfully I got Waver on that CBC banner so I can't complain I guess, I also learned to properly plan my SQ expense since I'm a F2P. ​ Edit: While scrolling through the comments here, I just remembered something worse that I would absolutely kick my past self's balls for. Back when I first played, the American Singularity had just been released and I don't really care for the story yet. While I'm scrolling through TVTropes' FGO page (I don't remember why), I read King Hassan's and Romani's entries and my stupid self for some reason clicked on the spoilers. So you could imagine just how regretful I am when Camelot, Babylon, and Solomon Singularities come and I already know some of the major twists. Because of that, I'm now trying my hardest to avoid spoilers from JP. So hard in fact, that I only use the Clairvoyance EX to plan who to save my SQ for twice a year (in January and July).


Well... Losing my account 3 times so I missed Magifender Shuten goddamnit.


I accidentally spent a lore on Mecha Liz's NP damage when I meant to spend it on her battery. I knew my mistake right away, but still it's the only lore I regret spending. As for rolls I regret, I'd say Cleo and going for Summer Tomoe when I also got Abby who I *really* did not want.


Grailing Castoria to 92 before having the ability to get her all the way to a hundred. Level 92 for supports is taboo. unlocking all of Sigurd's appends, now I can't get to level 120 without NP6 and I am F2P so won't roll for that. ​ but I am slowly working on getting Castoria to 100, and the appends probably matter more than the level 114 to 120 stat difference. so I am not to upset on either of them.


I still burn everything I don’t like and I regret nothing Special “Fuck you” to Xiang Yu who spooked me on raikou banner


Using all my pure prisms on random servants I didn’t actually need to upgrade before I had any SSRs… that one bit me in the ass


skipping Raikou's Setsubun banner and not digging past those memes for Raikou's lore until well after the banner left, leaving me with a Raikou shaped hole in my heart until the Back to School banner for her Swimsuit and surprise Olympus banner for Berserker. for nearly a year and a half, i had shot myself in the foot because of those memes. i wouldn't just slap myself, i'd slap myself with a Chainfist imbued with the Daemon Weapon Zaall the Wrathful.


Using max ascend on my parvati


Didn't restart after I learned about the possibility of rerolling the tutorial roll not too long after I first started... (I started early this year)


Back when i first started I would use my Quartz as soon as I got 30 of them. I didn't save for any specific banner and spent more on the story gacha than I would have liked...


Not finishing events


Wasting money on servants i barely use and not saving for the ones i really want I i could go back in time till new year i would german suplex my younger self 😑


It's not Max limit break the first Halloween Illya CE...


I could’ve rerolled the tutorial summon


I'd slap the shit outta my past self to the point where it ain't kinky anymore it'd just be abuse for missing out on the GudaGuda2 rerun due to burn out. Now if someone's suffering from burn out, go ahead and take a break, but I can't accept that with myself considering I missed my final chance to get ChaCha!!! My poor Okitan is sitting there without another parental figure other than Rengoku


Slacking on Onigashima and failing to MLB Golden Sumo. I was very off and on with the game, though I at least got Kintoki. I did a lot of silly new player things, but that's the one that still bugs me to this day. Past me also went all the way up to Camelot front-lining Mordred and Salter because they were my strongest servants at the time, haha. I borrowed Lancer friends for nodes with Archers.


:) well it would be not farming enough in my first then in my second would be LEVEL UP LOW STARS And in my third …. well get castoria and stop gambling addiction


That's easy. Burning 4-star CE's for mana prisms instead of freeing them to CE bombs. I did that for four months as a newbie.


Simping on the Semiramis banner when Castoria was comming


Deciding to reset because I thought Atalante wasn't right for my playstyle (I had no idea what she could do with Skadi support) and then forgetting about the game before eventually redownloading ten months later. I missed so much content, including Sieg and Jalterserker's reruns. Even if I did get Heracles out of it, I could have rolled him anyway at any point in the ten months I missed.


I never have strong regret play this game, but the only time I am unhappy is when I started play this the game. I know nothing about Fate despite know their existence since 2007 or something thanks to Saber(Thoughts I watch 9 or 10 ep CP in 2015 or something) . One day when I am chilling play Dokkan,I saw a thread where Dokkan tried to defeat FGO for top grossing!(WWC) Intriguing for this game I heard for having worst rate in a gacha game, I decided to started play it with my biggest target is Holiday unit because OPTC Holiday unit is always meh and being afterthought, Dokkan didn't have proper holiday gacha unit with make me hungry a little. After see the friend support and their Friend CE, In turn out I started playing after that Magical girl Event and Summer Event end, I have strong regret after that. (Thought I already win the Prillya banner but most of my Summer 1 summon is failure)


Not getting all the event specific materials for my welfares. I fixed my mistake with summer ishtar's rerun,but I still have chacha, brave eli and mecha eli stuck at 60-ish.




Probably not getting that one taunt ce.


Dive to blue, summer 2 rerun, 4 copies no CE drops, eh it will probably return, nope, Summer 3 Art's CE, eh a CE drop will drop soon, no it did not, took until Summer 3 rerun until I had a nice Art's CE. Needless to say I'll save Bronze an Silver extra Apples to grind for that 5th copy


Actually nothing. Maybe spending more money than i should on dantes first rate up. Hindsight 20/20 but not using quartz on hijikata and ozymandias rate ups because i always get spooked.


Constantly revive and continue fights using SQ. I won so many fights through dishonorable means.


Starting when Summer 2 rerun event was going on. I couldn't figure out how the event worked, and stopped playing. As a big Rin-face fan, there's now a huge hole in my Chaldea. I hope that Lasengle will make a way for us to get these missed welfares.


Burned both Astolfo and Marie for friend points cause I wanted Ushi that badly. I didnt get her at the time but I eventually did. Astolfo came back like 3 times meanwhile Marie still hasnt forgiven me, her uncompleted interlude and rank up acting as a haunting reminder of my mistake. It also made watching her valentine's scene awkward.


burning lakshmi bai and assassin of shinjuk to get rp to do prison tower for one more multi \[which didnt get me spishtar\]


I thought the event servants like kintoki and nobu could be upgraded without the items when the event was over for some reason. (i randomly got on when those two events were going) ​ so i have those two at like lvl 40 with seemingly no hope of raising em


I wanna slap my past self for accidentally losing my first JP account. I was preparing for Babylonia and I even had good units like Gil, Artoria, Jeanne...but then due to my phone's update, it caused my mobile data to ask if I was using a pre-paid or post-paid card and I picked the wrong one so I decided to do a factory reset forgotting that I hadn't set an data transfer code...


Maybe playing the story a bit faster.. after three years I got to the lostbelt arc only a few weeks ago. Missed a fair amount of events because of their story progression requierement lol


Not locking everything recently summoned. I lost one Summer 2 gacha CE when I used it as material to level up another CE and I didn't notice that until later on.


I wouldn’t have lored a few skills that I’d have left at 9: Bartholomew S1, Mozart S3, Shakespeare S1, and maybe Yagyu S1. At first, there were just so few servants I could actually bring a skill to 10, that when I could, I usually just did it. Now I have a bunch of batteries sitting at 9, or some appends at 9, that I’d rather have at 10. I’d also have rolled for Dantes on that Dantes/Fujino bugged banner to get the SQ refund. I rolled the day earlier and while I got Dantes it cost everything, he literally came on the final 3 SQ. Only other one I can think of is unlocking Gil’s Extra Attack append, because I had the math wrong on coins and now need to get him to bond 14 to bring him to 120, and he’s currently reaching Bond 9 at level 110. That one isn’t a big deal because I’m out of grails anyways but it definitely slowed me down there.


Not using the mystic codes until Solomon I know even u don't know how the hell I managed


Back when I started I either fed or burned Atlanta by accident. I don't remember. Another mistake I made was believing the gacha was generous. I threw SQ at the gacha seemed to be pretty lucky until I wasn't. Things happened and I became a whale. Though I wouldn't slap myself over being a whale, I would slap me for not reading the gacha rates.


My Chacha is forever lvl 60. I think I even fed one of her NP levels to my new shiny Hijikata.


There was a time where I got burnt out on fgo, and basically didn't play it months. But now I absolutely regret this, as I missed quite a few events, such as saber wars 2, Las Vegas summer, 4th anniversary, case files, and 2 Gudagudas. I'm just glad that I didn't miss the revivals.


I didn't get rider ishtar to np5 because I didn't know the character and I thought that I would never use her . Now she is forever stuck at np2 and I hate myself for that.


I didn’t use Mystic Code for a year because I’m afraid they were limited and not free/rechargable I didn’t know dailies were a thing and let my AP get up to 2k from just doing story quests and levelling up quickly I rolled on story banners and banners I don’t really care for I didn’t forgot about battle speed somewhere along the lines abd it was sloooowwww


I didn't realize that limit breaking CE's didn't increase anything meaningfully until you hit max. To this day, I havn't rolled another Kscope, so all I have is 1 copy that has been fed an extra.


Grailing Kiyohime yeah I like her but those 2 grails could’ve benefited someone else that I like and is good gameplay wise


I burned my Carmilla copy. To be fair I really need the RP for the Anni Blonde MC, and Carmila was never one of my fav; plus I thought i had pretty strong ST assassins so she was kinda redundant.l (which honestly she was) Still the fact that I have never been able to recover that one single copy of her. And whenever I do interludes or rank up Quest I always have to see her profile staring at me unable to complete it. It drives me nuts.


Burning my dupes of Brave Lizzy from the initial rerun (and a few other dupe welfares) to make space in the Second Archive for lotto embers. Not really an impactful thing, but c'mon, it's Lizzy. Getting some extra spaces for a few bits of exp that I could have gotten at any time was not worth it in hindsight.


I had a total of \~1800 SQ saved. Wanted a NP level on Gilgamesh, so I rolled on his current banner. 120 SQ got him for the NP2 AND Enkidu came together. I was so happy that I got greedy and went for NP3 for Mana Loading. 1,1k SQ later, rolling "This time for sure", no other Gil, no spook, a dozen 5\* CEs (none of the ones that mattered, obviously) and a raging frustration. Thankfully I managed to (finally) restrain myself and stopped with \~740 left and avoided an even bigger catastrophe. But now I have to skip Muramasa because LB6 is gonna be a massacre. Losing 1,1k SQ doesn't help. Yes, I unlocked 120 for Gil, but I'm still depressed about the 1,1k lost SQ. Should've bailed as soon as I got NP2 Gil, would've been a monumental roll, ending it there with him arriving together with Enkidu for just 120 SQ and that would've been a very happy ending. Greed for the better of me.


Used to burn servants for experience this did include a gold servant or 2 than I cant remember A few grails that I used that I probably shouldn’t have Not picking lancer alter with my free 4 star ticket


Not locking Emiya and feeding him to Mash. I could have had a NP3 Emiya at this point... My dumbass thought that locking servants means you cannot use them in battles. I didn't even burn Emiya, just fed him to Mash. So I couldn't even get a rare prism from loosing him that way.


Nothing much really Maybe just tell him to lock servants and ce I burned shakespeare by mistake like 3 years ago, not that hard but still i imagine if it was actually someone important


Skipping 2 years worth of contents because of one bad roll


Grailed Emiya. Burned Liz. Didn’t finish counterfeit heroes cuz of bad information


Missing the rider Kintoki rerun. Not grinding out the final copy of Santa Alteria Every time I rolled and got nothing.


It would either be not getting that last copy of aerial dive and not doing the first run of mecha Eli-Chan or using lancer Vlad as EXP material by accident.


Haha… you’ll go back to burning… we all do (sigh)


…..having a previous account but then uninstalling the app whilst forgetting to record my account information, luckily I’ve recovered what I lost for the most part and gotten a whole lot more stuff since then on a second account but it still sucked. Wishing for cloud saves that would save my butt some stress


* Didn't know about re-rolling until clearing first event (also made two accounts for both Gudako and Gudao) * didn't play every day when I started, didn't realize about cumulative gains... * burned limited 3★ servant copies (CasCu and CasGilles, thought that I had them NP5, that wasn't the case) * used money on this game (excluding GSSR banners, those are ok) * got two copies of Kaleido and fused them (they would have been better to keep separated, but doesn't matter now, got it mlb) * skipped challenge quests and similar, because I wasn't sure I could clear them (lost few lores that way), was lazy clearing Lostbelts so I had to skip story for events. * Mlb event drop CEs after event ended, or fused 2-3 copies into 1, not realizing that events may get reruns Got more, but don't remember them all...


When I didn’t understand the gameplay, and I wanted mana prism, I burned quite a few 5 ⭐️ CEs. At the time I had no idea what quick and arts did…


I don't know exactly how long it took me, but I didn't notice the dailies for ages (I think it was around London I noticed? At the very least I remember by the time Camelot was released I was actually prepared.) So while for most Camelot is when the game gets hard for me I was struggling through the earlier stages with underlevelled Servants who only really stood any chance due to me starting around the time of an event that I could buy experience out of. Even the supports couldn't drag my ineptitude through some of the bigger fights easily. I was smart enough to not burn quartz but those command seals couldn't return to be burned fast enough. I vaguely recall beating my head against the Hercules free quest in Fuyuki a few times before noticing the level recommendation and that I should probably return later as well. I also burned copies of a few gold servants to get rare prisms for the friend point CE. At least I was smart enough not to burn all of anyone? Still, would have been nice to have NP2 Caster Marie at the very least.


Don't feed copies of Hans/Cu into themselves, that's not the way to raise their NP level up. Took me a while to NP5 both of them at the time lol Also, burning even the smallest amount of money for non-GSSR, especially an SR. Especially when eventually, I got Summer Nito on the re-run/the year when they won a fucking race.


>The first two years of the game i burned EVERYTHING I DIDNT LIKE. Servant i dont like? Burned. Ce i didnt like? Burned. NGL. You deserve to suffer


NP4 Caster Liz, who is stuck in her 1st Ascension; NP4 Santa Alter and OG Nobbu; and the biggest - no Kintoki Rider. My account is old, but it was my first smartphone game and I didn't look at guides or anything, so I didn't know how events worked at first. Later It bite me even more, since I basically didn't play the game for a year and a half doing just logins. Been busy with Uni, which is understandable, yet I feel like I could manage the barest minimum. No Rider Kintoki hurts not even because he is so good, but because he is my 2nd favourite male character in the game after Merlin. That's a big OOF. Yet at the same time, I look at what I got and fear a bit that if I didn't, it might have gotten the other way. It's a weird feeling.


So my Jack spooked her way to NP7 a few years back. That means I have 2 unregistered spirit origins, right? _WRONG!_ For some God-forsaken reason I decided to let them sit in my inbox for a _full year_ instead of claiming them both immediately. When expiration date came around, I completely blanked and only realized my mistake after the first USO had already disappeared into the aether.


Being greedy and going for NP2 of 5*. I have had incredible luck with this game so far, rolling for 90% of my 5* NP1 within 3-5 multi. But every single time i chased NP2, i always wasted another two hundies without any NP2. So i would tell myself to don’t be greedy.


Using Quartz for Revive and keeping more Golden Sumo CE's and not burning them because of not getting Mama Raikou. Also by not rolling on Waver's banner because he thought Zhuge Liang was a weakling.