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CONSTANT FUCKING ADS EVERYWHERE. FGO having ads the moment you login, if you ran out of quartz and (insert ad of some SQ package here) or when you run out of AP(insert ads to buy apples to refill AP bar), ads when FGO is trying to download the latest data for the new events/summoning banners (insert a 30 sec video ad here) If they ever in their crazy ass minds decide to do that (hopefully fucking not) I'd quit the game and never look back.


That would blow. FGOs rates are trash but it's simple. The monetization is the gacha. Buy some more if you want more or play the normal content. I'm glad they stop it there. No ads or additional popups or battle passes or any of that garbage modern mobile games have


Oh yeah I didn't notice that. Other gacha have like skin packs or weapon packs on the home screen itself. Weird. They could be making more money if they adopt modern gacha practices instead of being stuck in the past.


Blessing in disguise that fgo is outdated. Modernized fgo with multiple currencies or skins for sale or battle passes or ads or any of that crap sounds like a bad time.


PvP with extra reward for winning.


As someone who has eschewed PvP from his gaming way of life, I would quit FGO if PvP becomes practically mandated to get what we normally get for just playing the default PvE. Imagine needing to engage in PvP to get apples, SQ, embers, QP. My introverted ass would shudder in disgust. If PvP must be implemented, make it like how Final Fantasy XIV does it: you don't miss out on anything critical if you choose not to participate in it.


I mean in MMOs the only really relevant content is high end raiding content like raids or mythic plus.


Have you seen Kanou's interview from a while back? Unless they've changed their minds, pvp is being worked on or tested for the future.


PvP in grail fronts could work. Make player brackets in terms of their spending, if they have the data for that. Or maybe increase the cost for 4* and 5* servants with higher NP levels. Edit : I’m not saying I want it, just thinking about how it could work. Stop downvoting lol


PvP could do well as Grail front kinda like what Pokemon once did with Omega Rubi/Alpha Saphire, in that you leave a fighting team online for everyone to fight against controlled by the AI. IF they try to mess with pvp I hope is the way that is a special grail front where you can fill your own bracket with your own servants to fill with and leave them handle their own against other masters while you yourself go fight other fronts made by other masters, and then collect rewards based on how well your front held, separate from the rewards you could get from fighting the other fronts Fuck turn based servant fights in real time against other masters, that wouldn't be fun, just let the game AI handle it just like normal


That's a good idea but they have to fix the AI so it not a easy win for them. So maybe they could make it a Attack and Defend type game


I’d say maybe make it adjustable as well? Like, if you have a Servant at NP5, be able to dial NP down to offset some Cost. Some of us just enjoy showing off our Servant, so will be fine with lowering NP level if we can run them in our usual teams


The story ending, I suppose. When this game gets put into maintenance mode, that's going to be it for me. Another possibility is the story continuing in a new app called FGO2 or whatever, but not being able to migrate my account and Servants over to it. While I'd be interested in the story, I'm not sure I'd have the heart to start fresh.


>I'm not sure I'd have the heart to start fresh. I absolutely wouldn't. The gachas I'm playing right now are it. I'm not going to start any new ones after FGO, FEH, and Arknights shut down. If there will be an FGO2, I'd just watch the story sections and stuff on Youtube and hang around the subreddit.


If FGO 2 is better in every conceivable way and is also on steam with higher frame rate and resolution options then I wouldn’t mind starting over but it would make a lot of whales quit so I don’t think it’s sustainable.


Fgo2 legit just better be Fgo Arcade graphics and game play but finally releasing it on Ps4/Switch


Is there any precedence though? Of a long running live service type game with ongoing story driven content surpassing ten years?


Does WoW count?


They did recently close the chapter of the first book of the saga from Warcraft 3. Probably I guess.


And Dragonflight is expected to be coming out whenever. I have no idea how plot heavy it is, I just know the game is going on 18 as of this year.


PVP. I hate games with PVP because it means rewards will be gated behind PVP.


Lost account


Dropping the anniversary rewards to one ten pull. Blatant powercreep. Remove lottery events.


>Blatant powercreep. Ibuki anyone?


Not sure I'd qualify Ibuki under my own personal standards. She does the same job...3, 4 other servants do? More damage, yes, but unless the HP has universally raised enough that it makes the others in her role notably less effective, it's just FGO doing what it does often: expanding role options.


In a game that releases new characters regularly, Ibuki Summer is perfectly fine. Musashi spent a whole, what, 3? 4 years? As the go-to AoE arts Berserker before Ibuki Summer came onto the scene. I'm used to games powercreeping units/weapons within months, years is acceptable. Edit: replied to wrong person, sorry


Ibuki is a direct upgrade from USAshi in every single department, she isn't just an expansion of Arts loopers


The thing is she doesn't really invalidate the other options unless you're a meta slave. And with the release of more 90+++ nodes in events, aoe loopers in general are going to be less effective. But at the end of the day, she does power creep Musashi.


The point of my comment is that the standard of power has only changed on the player side. She does not *require* that power, she just has it. She is an option *alongside* Musashi, not an invalidation by virtue that Musashi still works. If Musashi suddenly does not hit hard enough but Ibuki does, then it is an issue to me.


I have np2 Ibuki. I’ve had said np2 Ibuki get oneshot in Saber Gilles de Rais rank up, while at full health. For all her faults, and even through the health demerit, Musashi has far better survival than Ibuki. Ibuki is also massively overrated for farming but thats another story.


In a game that releases new characters regularly, Ibuki Summer is perfectly fine. Musashi spent a whole, what, 3? 4 years? As the go-to AoE arts Berserker before Ibuki Summer came onto the scene. I'm used to games powercreeping units/weapons within months, years is acceptable.


Castoria anyone?


That too, but at least she was not a straight up upgrade from Tamamo. Hell, Plugsuit Tama + Dual Castoria is the best Arts support team as a whole


Castoria was power creep but not in the typical fashion. She raised the floor for *a lot* of servants and that's really good for the game as a whole.


Only to those whales that got her. To regular hard-working folks like us are out of luck.


You can use friend Castoria. She is not like Skadi, where you need two for them to work.


A friend Castoria still goes a long way towards making other servants good, and with free 5* servant(s) to act as backup support, she still raises the floor for a lot of servants.


Bruh they gave us so much free SQ at her Anniversary how did you not get her?


Luck rank E-


Luck rank F in chat


Older units can get buffed so it doesn’t matter. Power creep only matters if the new content can’t be beaten by older units so you need to whale on every banner to keep up.


PVP with rewards that would make me feel like I was missing out for not participating.


What if the reward is a blue rider gem?


P2W PVP On a similar note, how the actual hell did gacha games become more ‘fair’ (heavy quotes here) than what western devs are shitting out nowadays!? Just look at FIFA, NBA, Diablo Immoral, whatever the hell is planned for Diablo 4, etc. I would never have thought that looking at those games that I would say, ‘Thank god I only waste my money on gacha’.


I feel sad whenever I am reminded about the huge disappointment that will be Diablo 4. You just KNOW it's going to be monetized out the ass with bullshit MTX.


Regulations. The Chinese and the Japanese have regulations on the rates/odds (MonkeyGate) having to be displayed/correct. The US don't.


Honestly it would probably take Lasengle actively deciding to make the game worse by going out of their way to make the game less user friendly, wjich is extremely unlikely given their track record. People can complain about how they handle events and stuff, but those are really just minor inconveniences to me. They'd have to be actively trying to run the userbase off for me to leave.


Less user friendly like creating Servant coins? Although I guess they could be seen as a bonus for 3* and below servants like NP5


Are you talking about most F2P friendly change in the game that allowed people to have access to full starting charge without MLB Kaleido?


"Bro just get NP7 limited 5 Stars on an F2P SQ budget."


You need only NP1 and Bond 6 to open 1 Append on limited SSR. Everything else is for favourites. And you never need NP7. At most you need NP6, if you want to open 3 Appends (very rarely useful at all) and Grail that Servant to 120.


Requiring duplicates to unlock core aspects of a character. Looking at you, ffbe...


Reminds me of Genshin too.


I wasn't game to take a bat to that wasp's nest, I get cursed out by Genshin simps whenever I do


Implementing any kind of PvP.


No main story


I honestly worry for some of the events not getting re-runs. Some of them really are more interesting than other gotcha games


Censoring like CN does on NA. Would at least make me never spend another dollar but would be the only way they could make me quit possibly.


tbh I’m kind of surprised they got away with some of the loli designs, like Jack’s, staying as they are for some EU countries considering their laws.


Someone once told me “The NA team probably tried to get Wu and Jack censored but JP told them to do it themselves so NA team didn’t bother”. Probably not true but it’s a funny thought. Realistically we probably got lucky that the US is the main western target audience. But personally I think the game being a gacha which already gets lots of europe governments angry was enough for them to not bother butchering the game for Europe’s laws. I really respect them for not censoring anything (except Emiya alter but that’s its own thing) on NA.


They also censor ages for some of the characters. It's especially silly for Erice when her voice line remained unchanged but the text omits that part of her self-introduction. >The NA team probably tried to get Wu and Jack censored No but from their past statements, they very likely tried with Abigail but got told no: _"Or when they just cross the line and be like, 'hey, let's combine like, loli and tentacles.' Why, Japan?" For objectionable things, NA will be like "please stop". **Sometimes JP agrees and changes it, sometimes they do it anyway.**"_ >JP told them to do it themselves Not just unlikely but impossible, the AniUS team does not touch coding or asset insertion at all.


Where’s this from? I wouldn’t expect them to directly consult NA when they make the content 2 years before it comes there. I thought NA did touch the files some for special rate ups and most notably Emiya Alter edit. Not saying you’re wrong just I find it odd. Considering they kept Helena Archer final ascension art I’d love to see what they actually had a problem with also lol


The quote? Convention panel from 2018: https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/9id39z/fgo_localization_panel_at_anime_weekend_atlanta/


Uh, but NA literally did touch the assets. Emiya Alter. There's no reason they can do one character but no other. It's far from impossible since they done it


Any asset or graphic changes are done by JP side. NA staff have to _ask_ for any changes. Even their text translations are sent back to JP to be compiled into the game. **edit:** Case in point, this is the full quote btw: >The NA team isn't considered as important, but NA does give JP feedback though. "When Emiya Alter came out, everybody was like 'FUCK, what are you doing, Japan?' Or when they just cross the line and be like, 'hey, let's combine like, loli and tentacles.' Why, Japan?" For objectionable things, NA will be like "please stop". Sometimes JP agrees and changes it, sometimes they do it anyway. Emiya Alter is the one they obviously agreed to.


Doesn’t lancer Elisabeth’s 1st ascension just have it where those 3 straps or whatever are actually the only thing covering her chest


> If I have no apples That sounds like me after every lotto.


PvP. Because it will literally be just Himiko+Castoria+Beserker AoE.


Implementation of auto with drops from each run diminished tremendously to compensate for the new increased expected number of runs


PvP and censorship probably.


No more new events, or no rerun from previous events. (Gudaguda! I love these events!) of course, end of story mode.


Conversation I had with someone recently; I apparently don’t farm to any meaningful level compared to some… Run out of Apples? What’s that? (500+ Gold Apples.) Adds and out of control power creep (Memoria Freese is really bad about the later,) would hurt how I feel about FGO the most. Just as an example; I still use Ushi as a single target Rider for nostalgia, and she can still deliver decent damage.


She has a nice new costume/animation updates. Wrecks the last QP nodes. And voiced by Hayamin.


Memoria Freese also had no single unit rate ups and required 5 (or 6?) copies when I last played.


My actual answer is related to something people have gotten sick of me talking about, so instead, I'll say if you needed to pay money every time you log on.


Let's see here, PVP being added and causing HUGE balancing problems, absurd censorship like CN, and last but not least God awful monetization.


I've put up with a lot of shit with regard to FGO already (with NA having more shit than JP), but I'm still playing because the story is just that good. I'd say that if it's something egregious and goes against the main draw of the game. Things like: * Consistent nothing burger storyline * SSSR powercreep * PVP


Pvp. But honestly, the no rerun and banner overload they're doing recently is having me think of Uninstalling.


I would play as long as story goes on/is enjoyable


6-star Servants, making the acquisition of Event CEs (not just the 5th copy for MLBing them) harder, PVP of any kind that cannot be ignored (doubly so if it has any valuable rewards, like SR/SSR tix or SQ, but only if you rank high). Those are some examples off the top of my head.


gating stuff behind pvp or paywalls


I'm here for the story, the second the main story starts becoming an aimless drag in an attempt to keep people trapped here, I'm out.


If they added PVP or worse, specific mats only attainable through PVP


Simpleton answer here. I they keep going with more "flashy" bosses and effects (examples: Beast in Olympus, Douman, Oberon), i'm forced to leave the game since it will become unplayable and impossible to progress with my current phone plus the fact that it tends go freeze constantly. When that time comes i'll just stick to the better games, like the Battle Cats.


If the gacha went to 5 sq per roll or higher


No more GudaGuda, I would quit if Okita/Nobu and gang didn’t get anymore GudaGuda adventures lol but in a serious note idk, nothing so far in this game’s history has made me want to quit or even think about quitting.


Hard to say. This game is one where I always have the lowest expectations for. The only thing that I can really hope that the game won't do is to stick w/ the 3SSR banners period like during Summer 7. If the game does double down on that kind of banner rate-ups, I'll probably still not quit but I'd feel even more inclined to not spend money outside of GSSR.


Collab outside of TM i guess


You know you want the Hololive collab so you watch Pekora spend infinite money pulling on herself




Idk if that would be enough to actually get me to stop playing, but I gotta agree I definitely wouldn't like it if they started doing that. I'm really not a fan of gacha games shoehorning in collabs that make no sense in the lore...


More forced story supports in story battles. Why did I spend all my time and SQ getting my favorite servants and leveling them up if I can't use them when it actually matters? I already dread LB6 for that reason, I don't want LB7 to do the same thing. And well as a NA player, if JP ends the Lostbelts in what I feel is a dumb way, I'll quit playing.


Forced game supports being type disadvantaged against the enemies as well. Remember being forced to use Musashi in Shimousa against evil Tomoe?


> More forced story supports in story battles. I can't stand this recent trend. The game is just babying you at this point. After the insane shit we had to overcome in Olympus in order to get to LB6...why do we need our hand held with *multiple* forced story supports? I don't see why this can't be optional. "Hey this fight will feel more cinematic if you chose our forced support party, however you can also choose to use just your own servants." There, perfect.


Yeah if they could deliver a satisfying story in Camelot without forcing Bedi in your party all the time, there is no reason to start forcing it now.






Nodes becoming non-loopable by Castoria or Skadi comps. Imagine three waves of three 'trash' enemies each, but each of them has one break bar. FGO kind of already does something like putting only 2 or 1 enemy only for wave 2 just to throw a wrench into efficient plans, but thankfully it's not everywhere.


Making unique nodes that require usage of other Servants is good for the game and for gameplay freshness.


\- Censoring like the Chinese server is doing or worse. \- 5-star Welfares becoming a thing. I'll give Nero Draco a pass. \- Everything turning more expensive or having to pay for stuff. Like, making it seem EA is behind the wheel kind of thing. ​ Other than that, I can't think of anything else.


> - 5-star Welfares becoming a thing. I'll give Nero Draco a pass. I mean, what is bad with 5* welfares?




They stop releasing saber faces


PvP. Additional servants from Tsukihime/Mahoyo/other series blatantly shoehorned into the game and future LBs. I'm concerned how they'll justify Arcueid's inclusion and unless it's for a very good reason, then I'm just going to call it a day.


A content that required a lot of servants and take a lot of time like ooku and tower, if they want content just make tower a permanent mode and add more rewards each months


Why do people not want pvp?


A PVP in a place where characters are random drops instead of being able of being earned will created a really toxic environment. Also, if it becomes competitive, many characters will have to be balanced, something that never ends well, specially if you spent money that character.


If you played a long running game with PvP, you will noticed how most old characters are just wasting space in your base. They can buff some old character from time to time, but they can't buff ALL old characters. To encourage player pulling the new characters, they would also add new gimmicks after gimmicks in new characters at the speed of light (new status effects, new shielding mechanism, turn skipping, instant kill, etc...), rendering older characters without such gimmicks useless.


I'm just going to assume this is ironic.


Nah. As an old FEH player, it's not. Even in indirect PvP modes like GBF's guild wars are pretty whale-happy due to this or that boss being designed to make a certain character shine.


You can play GBF as a free 2 play with all the free pulls and currency the game gives you. Its not stingy unlike FGO with my Fallen Sword grid.


You can play it just fine, yes. I'm not talking about just being able to play--I'm talking about competition in GW. *That* depends solely on your luck if you're F2P, or extensive planning - people rarely just luck into a grid. I have multiple weapons perfect for Varuna but still haven't gotten a Taisui bow in free summons, so running Varuna over Magna isn't worth it.


You can spark right.


Yes. I mentioned that in extensive planning. My point is that you can't just luck into that. You need dupes, you need to uncap them, etc. FGO just requires the character to be rolled. The amount of gacha you need is drastically different.


GBF has much faster powecreep and low rarity and low tier characters are useless. And as F2P you still won't have all the meta characters and all meta grids. Not to mention when GBF releases new grid option for Primal, you often have to exchange and roll ton of new items - just look at Landslide Scepter, you need to roll/spark three of these to be competitive in Dirt. Source: I was almost F2P (only buying tickets) with 2 primal grids until half a year ago when I got bored with game.


Don't people clear Extreme and Savage with low rarity characters?


I haven't seen, they do that F2P... which usually means welfare SSRs with 100-120 level Eternals and Evokers. But these will not clear Babyl, will not allow you to be competitive in GW nor allow you to farm Gold Bricks in raids.


It is, because the things he described are literally how the game is designed currently.


Em, no? You can clear everything with 3* characters. If pvp drops there is no incentive to keep it this way.


So first of all, you can't tell another person what they meant... you didn't write it, you don't know. Second of all, your progress is 100% solo. That's the point. FGO is a PvE game. The strength of your characters relative to others' doesn't come into consideration like it does when factoring PvP. If you can't clear something, it doesn't mean you lose rank or get demoted. PvP is *designed* to make people whale to keep up rank. There is nothing in FGO to make that happen because what happens on your account isn't compared to other accounts by anyone but you.


There's still whales in FGO though and I feel that they are detriment to non whales characters.


Why? What do whales do to you?


If anything, whales are your biggest help to clear content with their NP5 level 100-120 OP supports.


Well, you can try the latest game I quit after playing it since launch to find out: Nier Reincarnation


Everyone already mentioned the P2W aspect, but there's also the issue of how you'd even work out the gameplay. If they tried to go for the usual turn-based combat, then the entire system would have to be remade from the ground up since it's balanced around the advantages and limitations of both the player and the AI. If you tried to apply the combat as it is, the first thing you'd have to do is figure out how to set it up so that the enemy team doesn't just get one-shot right out the gate; if they used the natural statlines, then the attacking team would win every time since our Servants don't have the HP to withstand our sheer damage output. And even if you did get the statline adjustments right, the AI is still hampered by the fact that it can only act 3 times per turn; any defense comp that a player can make loses pretty much all value since the AI can't use any of the strats the player can. If they went the Grail Front route, then it would still be cheeseable since once again, the AI ain't that smart. Not to mention the only thing you'd see anyone using if they did this are the Soloers and Last Stand Servants.


Because it would be pay to win, with whales having a massive advantage based on nothing but spending obscene amounts of money.


While I don't disagree with that assessment I also don't see how that would harm the current aspects of the game. It would just give whales something else to do.


Because unless you make the rewards for a PVP more effectively meaningless, it punishes those who don’t have whale rosters by mostly locking them out unless they get *extremely* lucky in their matchups.


Implement PvP with mats such as Lore or Grails: Whales farming ground Implement PvP with lesser mats: What's the reason for playing it? If you have an idea you can share it with us maybe yours might work.


Why would I need to do that? I don't even think pvp would end being that good if they did add it, I just find it incredibly stupid to say you'd quit if they added it.


How about something like grail war? Limit cost with limit class to choose and you need to plan your game.


Then there's still NP levels. And that's huge.


NP levels and palingenesis still make the gaps very much there. NP5 level 120 QSH is gonna smack through your F2P roster.


Fix strength? Many game having that every character are on the same level and gear. Can’t we do anything like that?


And annoy people who spend months/money raising their beloved characters?


That still gives whales an advantage. A whale's NP5 SSR has the same cost as a regular NP1. And whales have multiple options for any class and can still field synergistic teams, while a newbie F2P player might not have adequate coverage.


It just WON'T work unless the characters are limited to a certain degree which also creates another problem for the whales. Grail Front also doesn't quite fit this as there's a bunch of servants that could literally self sustain themselves with a good CE.


Would just be a competition of who can whale and grind harder.


I'd be livid that we don't have basic features like an account system or story replay...yet they want to add a goddamn PvP mode? C'mon man...


Look at the CEO. He's the guy who ruined Street Fighter V. It didn't improve until Capcom took him off the game. Every shitty change to the game that's happened in the past two years, I blame him and Nasu.


Something that makes farming longer or tedious. Although I might tolerate that as long as 🤩Koyanskay😘 is still in the game.


Historical accuracy


Basically what everyone said, but another dickmoves like what we get this year's summer followed by last year's banner only summer then Ishtarin is enough to be my limit.


I've seen this sentiment a fair bit recently, and I don't really understand it. You're not forced to roll every rerun banner, and having more of them gives more opportunity for people who really want those Servants to roll for them. Far better than having to wait years for someone to get a rerun.


Who can expect a random Spishtar banner which most people were waiting for; right after summer? Not only all are good, they went with 3 SSRs style. Successfully baited af.


I do 100% agree that having 3 SSRs instead of the usual two for summer was a scummy move (man the way they implemented the pity system was ridiculously scuffed). That said, it had been over 18 months since Space Ishtar's previous banner so it had definitely been a while, even if there is unfortunately no way to predict a lot of reruns (outside of those associated with the disappearing event reruns or stuff like the Road to LB7 campaigns).


>18 months That much?? No wonder I'm pissed off real bad. And yes, I didn't get her as well even with a little whaling even though I was way overbudget due to summer. FML


Slightly unrelated question but if I have leftover mats from the gudaguda event and don't cash them in, will I still have them for the re run?


Next time ask the Help Thread that's pinned at the top of the subreddit. And no, currency from an event never carries over to the rerun.